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"S31|Second Chances|ECST|East Coast Spoiler Th|Ep2"
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Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-30-15, 07:57 PM (EST)
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"S31|Second Chances|ECST|East Coast Spoiler Th|Ep2"
Place all pertinent information regarding this weeks episode of Survivor HERE until after the show has aired on the West Coast! Have PHUN, and NO SIGGIES please!

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Previously on Survivor.... Flowerpower1 09-30-15 1
 Post Intro.... Flowerpower1 09-30-15 2
 Post cry at Bayon.... Flowerpower1 09-30-15 3
 Pre Challenge... Flowerpower1 09-30-15 4
 Post IC, pre TC Drama.... Flowerpower1 09-30-15 5
 TC Flowerpower1 09-30-15 6
 HEY WHERE IS EVERYBODY Flowerpower1 09-30-15 7
   RE: HEY WHERE IS EVERYBODY Sheldor 09-30-15 8
   RE: HEY WHERE IS EVERYBODY tribephyl 09-30-15 9
       CAKE IS MY FAV!!!! Flowerpower1 09-30-15 10
   RE: HEY WHERE IS EVERYBODY CTgirl 09-30-15 11
       RE: HEY WHERE IS EVERYBODY AyaK 10-01-15 12
           RE: HEY WHERE IS EVERYBODY Flowerpower1 10-01-15 13
           RE: HEY WHERE IS EVERYBODY Corvis7 10-01-15 14

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Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-30-15, 08:15 PM (EST)
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1. "Previously on Survivor...."
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-15 AT 09:43 PM (EST)

You will get a 2nd shot, after being picked 20 get a second chance...welcome, See Tasha: I'm here to win a million $ and when it's all done, I'll pray for forgiveness. At Takeo, Abi battling herself...but the real battle...

the real battle was betw old school and new school, new school all about strategy , see Shirin, old school is about relationships and survivor and it was the veteran Varner who found himself stuck in the middle. At Bayon, the strong men bonded but Stephen didn't fit in and they became suspicious that he was looking for an idol. At the challenge Kelly got the HII, but Joe won the challenge, at TC, in the end Abi got 4 votes, but it was Vytas that was sent home leaving Terry, Wiggle and Woo on the bottom...19 left who's next?

see temples....Ta Keo Day 4 morning, Wiggle: TC was devastating, sucks to be on the bottom, not how I wanted to start the game, didn't expect Varner to alliance needs to get their act together, Shirin and Spencer set the pace, we need to start scheming or we are done here.

Kelley conf: want some time to see my idol, goes and finds it, this 2nd chance season is crazy, so good to have some security. beautiful thing, playing 2nd chance I want to be aggressive and I want to do everything that I didn't do the first time, I want to be a player, go big or go home, YES!

Varner to Spencer and Shirin and Kelley, Varner wants to decide who's next right now, want to decide now...

Spencer has conf: After Vytas went home there was a sense of new school got the best of old school...Terry, Wigglesworth, Woo missed the boat

Varner hopes that his vote shows them some loyalty(talking to Spencer, Shirin, Kelley)....Spencer assures Varner that there are 9 people on this tribe and with Abi they have 5... and we can vote out one of the three of them, we shouldn't worry

Varner in conf: Spencer and Shirin are quite comfortable but I am not sure that they should be as comfortable as they are. My whole plan with voting out Vytas was to teach the old schoolers to play the game finally, I want to get one of Spencer or Shirin out of the mix, they are playing way too hard

See Varner walking with Terry: I don't think that Abi is the one to go, she's easy, this game is moving like lightning, Terry, and all of these threats have got to go, they can't be like names in passing, that's old school, this is a new day, I don't want us to look like we don't know what we are doing. Varner conf: that vote was a wake up call, this is not 2001, to Terry: I want to get out spencer or Shirin, if I am going to the end with a group, I am not going with them I am going with y'all

Terry: I left TC feeling like crap but Varner is playing the game...Surv has changed, my second chance includes Terry Dietz having to play a social game or I will have to leave the game....Turns to Varner who says to him, I"M LOOKING FOR A SPY SHACK!!!


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-30-15, 08:28 PM (EST)
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2. "Post Intro...."
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-15 AT 07:44 AM (EST)

Bayon, day 4, see Stephen....see Joe, no one like sleeping on the bamboo, so I am making hammocks. Last season I was the biggest threat, but this season I want to provide a service, I want to be someone they need and like to have around...
Jeremy and Stephen....stephen says Joe always wants to make things for us, what can I make next Stephen has conf: Survivor MacGuyver, he's the golden boy, he's perfect at the beginning but slit his neck right when we get to the merge

see baby monkey then Spencer, he asks Abi how he feels.
Abi conf: at TC I got 4 votes, I would have exploded last time, but I want to be chill....Abi asks Pee Gee what is going on....Spencer in conf: Abi is a drama queen the fact that I have to trust her is a night mare and the worst thing I have ever had to do in S. She will always be this body weight that you have to lug around. Abi is here to start fights cancer for the tribe and deathly for an ALL>

Varner, Abi is our own little Brazilian soap opera, I see her as someone that everybody hates, she's the perfect tool to help me win a million. Terry says that she can chase him but she can't run that fast, Varner: who needs food when you have Abi

BAyon day 5: Andrew talks about his firm in Chicago, when he met his wife, his wife was a top model and law student in South Africa and she won a beauty contest and won trip around the world. she was friends with my roommate. He brought her to our house, you could take a knife and cut the chemistry, he's crying, she went to california and came back, she's my world....see Tasha get tears, and Kimmi, she came back and we were married 3 months later, even Kass cries.

Kass in conf: last season my tribe were horrible but these people are much better, and great people and so if they make me a better person and a better player, I will take it, you have to have feelings in this game, a fault in my prior game, too many had compartmentalized the game, go play poker and one would win, not everyone behaves in this manner, we are real people, I am going to be a real person in this

See Jeremy walk off away from the group, see Stephen notice....Jeremy in conf: trying to have fun and be all business, and savage bringing up that, My wife is pregnant and I want to be there and see it grow, but, I am not telling anybody, I have so much riding on me already, I am a physical threat and now this, no one will take me to the end if they know, Val knows, she's the reason that I am doing all this, he's crying...

See them back at camp...Stephen asks, you don't think Jeremy is going to look for the idol?....Savage notes here's the thing about Stephen as opposed to Jeremy has a wonderful wife and children and maybe he needed a private moment, he's playing the game 24 - 7, all he cares about is that idol, it's all about the game no emotion

See Savage and Jeremy talking about his story...I had a little cry, gotta get it out, he tells him that stephen asked if you were looking for an idol. Fish is lacking in everything that I value, loyalty, courage, morals, dignity, so whether I like him or not, so if it's up to me, his time out here will be limited...


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-30-15, 08:34 PM (EST)
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3. "Post cry at Bayon...."
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-15 AT 09:56 PM (EST)

Ta Keo night 5....Shirin and P G taling about Abi, bitching about her...sitting there in shelter....blah blah, she says I just heard everything you just said, why didn't you tell me....Shirin in conf: they erupted in a fight...they wake Spencer up...Shirin: abi is talking about her votes against her for the millionth time...PG says that maybe we just got off on the wrong foot...PG is rational, she was embarrassed about being caught about talking about her....Abi goes down to the beach to sit alone, Abi thinks they are laughing at her now, Shirin...she wanted to work with her because she felt like nobody had her back in her season...Terry notices that Abi is annoying and a train wreck and that her own people were laughing at her... and Terry goes to comfort her...she's a human being out there.....Terry says that something really clicked between us...

he says maybe it's me and the old school thing, but I will have your back

She says that sitting here all alone and who comes to rescue me, Terry....Terry in conf: Varner lit a fire under me, my social game was lacking, but now it's starting to come together...

Next morning Varner and Abi talk and Varner says isn't Terry a great guy and she agrees, and Varner says that he loves her and her little moments, he's loving it, see Varner and Abi shaking on it, We have numbers and those people that turned their back on you...Terry saw the crack and he jumped right on it, my old alliance will regret not coming to me when I needed them the most...


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-30-15, 08:43 PM (EST)
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4. "Pre Challenge..."
Come on in guys...

see the challenge site, the three A frames and the crate haul area....Cierra carrying the idol....No vitas, see their faces, WOW...Stephen: OMG!

Race over A frames with ropes, use ropes to carry heavy crate over tracks, puzzle, win immunity, loser TC where some one voted out, see Shirin then survivor tools hammers etc, tarp...see savage then spencer, sit out Cierra. One more thing, I forgot to grab the idol...immunity back up for grabs...

see the we go, immunity and reward...get up over first wall...BAyon flying over it....Takeo don't skid down the wood, will leave a mark....this one will take more work.....get to next one...Varner takes a big fall....this will be the toughest wall yet....use ropes if you need them...injuries and hard falls, huge fall by savage...four do the crate and other 5 on the mat....even right now....pulling now, hear Jeff yelling "dig", spencer woo dietz and varner are stuck, baton is back...takeo has a lot of time to make up, Kass and Kimmie on the puzzle for baton. Kelly Went and PG doing puzzle...spencer goes in for Kelly went...shirin is bossing them around, yelling at them, Joe comes in for Kimmie, Jeremy in for someone, Kass, Panic setting in, abi says that she is going to faint...spencer is making progress, varner claps...Joe is moving pieces too, very quickly, are either of them right this time...race to finish...Takeo thinks that they have it, it is not right, Bayon is right, immunity and reward, see Spencer and Shirin swearing....Andrew yells BAYON!!!

BAyon congrats, gives idol to Cierra...enjoy night off get reward...see spencer take, all i have is a date with me tonight, someone will be second voting off, Varner says spencer and shirin had their fate in their hands doing the puzzle and they lost of them is going home tonight, how poetic!


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-30-15, 08:58 PM (EST)
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5. "Post IC, pre TC Drama...."
Takeo day 6, they return...good effort you guys, spencer says sorry I didn't finish it, Terry : everyone did their best.

Spencer conf: second challenge in and we are already getting our asses kicked. I am very happy to have control of the game with shirin, I relate to her more than anyone else out here. My old S experience of being on the bottom and suffering and not having anyone I can play with and trust is gone...

See the girls in the ocean...vArner says get rid of the threats as soon as I can, Spencer is a huge strategic threat he's the smartest young man I have ever met in my life, shirin is all of that plus she's emotional she knows how to talk to you like she's your best friend, she's a sales person, they are 2 heads on one snake so it doesn't matter which one we cut off.

Varner asks PG and Kelley, would you vote Shirin or Spencer. PG tells him I am going with the numbers. the larger majority
PG in conf: I would have preferred to vote out Abi but I am voting with the larger majority to vote out Shirin or Spencer
Varner talking to Kelley...abi is devastated about last night and Terry Dietz sat up all night with her like he was her father now she is completely loyal to him...Varner says that it's shirin or Spencer...Kelley says that she is on board, but she tells Varner that she is in with them

Kelley is bummed that Shirin and Spencer were her first alliance but I don't like my new all, but I have to go with them, they are in deep crap...

Shirin goes off with Abi, wants to make sure that Abi is still in, wants to make sure she is good...Shirin says she is sorry she didn't stand up for her, Abi says I wish you had, who came to check on me, Terry, he spent 2 hours with me...Abi in conf: I tried to be with Shirin, but if you $#%@ with me, you're dead

Shirin asks her are we still in this together, and she tells her no. Shirin says that Spencer and I were in the majority riding high, but somehow someway we are out...Shirin goes to tell Spencer, varner and abi are voting with old school
Spencer in conf: says he's swinging like a pendulum between frustration and exasperation, now nothing is as high a priority as keeping myself safe, just want to make it 3 more days

Shirin goes to Woo, you will be picked off as soon as you don't win immunity,
Woo in conf: they had the audacity to think I would turn my back on my all and go with them...

Shirin, I may go home the only option I have is to vote for spencer

Woo tells her it bothers me that not one time did you come to me before and now you want my vote, absolutely not.
Spencer: my situation is getting bleaker and bleaker is being brought back hard to his old experience, everything is going well and it collapses hard in front of me, he's crying, every single person except Shirin and I are against us, she is my only solid person, now there is no move I can make except for screwing over the only person I wanted to play with, CRIES! Cut to tc....


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-30-15, 09:06 PM (EST)
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6. "TC "
Varner: what is the vibe of the tribe right now, we are all exhausted, today sucked a lot out of us, Spencer: playing again but reminded that his isa an ##### kicker...yes
Shirin: interesting that you remember it being awesome, till you are out here, she says that she had a rough time the first time, now she is having a hard time again. she thinks she is on the bottom and hopes that she can fight her way back to the top
Kelley tells them of the disagreement, PG and Shirn were talking about me, I am very gracious to Terry when I was feeling very lonely when I felt I was going to vote me out , Jeff says that that is almost verbatim what you said and Mike rescued you...

Dietz shakes his head, I was on the bottom, Abi and I were on the beach and we connected and now it advanced and he doesn't think he's on the bottom anymore.

Spencer says that he's also concerned, a lot of reasons because talking too much about strategy and not enough time to get to know all these people
Varner confirms they are on the bottom
Sp tells them all if he is here tomorrow, this will change tomorrow, I will connect with people form relationships to connect with all of you
Amazing that Shirin and Spencer almost in the exact same places they were in their last games....Shirin says that change is hard this is the second chance to chip away at it, I made some mistakes so that's on me...time to vote

Wiglesworth is first voter, shirin and spencer look at each other
see snake
Shirin votes Spencer
Spencer votes Shirin, he knows she is writing his name down to, he doesn't have a bad thing to say about her!

Vote tally:

no one plays the idol

see spencer, then Woo, then varner


See Spencer breathe a huge sigh of relief
Shirin tells him to give them hell

see spencer

Spencer says that he meant every word he said, thank you guys

Jiffy: This season offers you every chance to change your ways but if you don't history is destined to repeat itself


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-30-15, 09:12 PM (EST)
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Looks around to see no one else here, *thinking I am in a wrong thread?*

Next time on Survivor:

In a season where adapting is everything
Spencer: Being someone who will not change is the death of you
Jiffy to the whole group: Everyone better be ready to change, drop your buffs we are switching tribes, from 2 tribes to 3 tribes! See Monica, Joe, and Fishback

Shirin: I feel olike I did't get to seize my chance, I struggled to change, I was in a totally fine position until I blew up my game, I had an awesome opening act and then killed my self


Wigglesworth: shirin
Terry: spencer
Abi: Spencer
Kelley: Spencer
Varner: Shirin
Woo: Shareen
Spencer: Shirin
Shirin: Spencer
PG: Shirin


Sheldor 4670 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

09-30-15, 09:20 PM (EST)
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I'm here lurking/reading. Thanks FlowerPower!

Great SOTS and everyone really nailed most of the teasers.

  • Stephen: “Survivor MacGyver” (about Joe)
  • Ta Keo: One Tribe is completely puzzled at a classic immunity challenge.
  • Shirin: Also, one castaway attempts a heartfelt apology in an effort to stave off elimination before an intense tribal council

  • Abi and (Peih-Gee, Shirin, Spencer): Next week you really start to see the emotion come to the surface
  • Savage: There’s a truly romantic story of love
  • TERRY!!!: there’s a moment of empathy and comfort from someone you wouldn’t expect
  • Spencer: there’s another exciting challenge that results in more tears at the thought of Tribal Council


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-15, 09:21 PM (EST)
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I'm here, I'm here...

I brought Cake.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-30-15, 09:36 PM (EST)
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10. "CAKE IS MY FAV!!!!"
TRIBE AND SHELDOR!!! YAYYYYY! Hey, we deserve that cake, WE NAILED IT!!! <3

CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-15, 10:49 PM (EST)
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I was out earlier and just finished watching the episode. Thanks for the recap!

Boy so far the game really changes on a dime. Love it!


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-01-15, 02:20 AM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 10-01-15 AT 02:21 AM (EST)

Spencer thought the game turned on a dime. That shows he wasn't really paying attention; he thought he was up against sheep.

Anyone who saw Australian Outback knows that Varner has never been a sheep. And he also had Skupin's second-chance experience to learn from. Heck, if Skupin doesn't fall into the fire, Varner probably wins Survivor 2, because he was the clear leader of Kucha, which is why both Debb and Kimmi voted for him when they were eliminated.

One thing that we can't forget is how physically demanding the first seasons of Survivor were. Remember Kelly having to lead a protest in Season 1 because the cast was starving? Or the Ogakor camp getting flooded in Survivor 2? Or two contestants contracting malaria in Season 5? In the early seasons, just surviving was a real issue. The "social game" came along when the livin' got easy (or, at least, easier). Varner succeeded in getting his fellow "old-timers" to realize that.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-01-15, 08:02 AM (EST)
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Hiya Ayak! Talk about old timers! Nice to see you here!

I'm with you, Varner is a player and I love to see him spin his wheels. Seems like he is playing hard and enjoying every moment of it! He's off to a brilliant start, so I hope he can keep it up!

I do recall the old days when surviving was a big part of it. I agree that the Survivors now have no idea how seriously hard it got. But, it's always fun to watch them sweat and end up eating humble pie! How many of them cried last night:

Andrew Savage

Probst was right, emotions were at the surface last night. Loved that Spencer was served. Will it be enough to humble him back down to earth?


Corvis7 100 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-01-15, 09:01 AM (EST)
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Hi AyaK!

Nice to see you. Hope all is well.



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