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"S26 Editing viewed from the SPOILER side"
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Arnold_Lorax2 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-14-13, 11:35 AM (EST)
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"S26 Editing viewed from the SPOILER side"
We have a thread for the editing of the show based on what people see and perceive, this thread is for those of us who are spoilers or have read spoilers and want to discuss the way the season is being edited based on knowing future events and potential outcomes.

Agman siggified me


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Episode 1 thoughts Arnold_Lorax2 02-14-13 1
   RE: Episode 1 thoughts tribephyl 02-14-13 2
       RE: Episode 1 thoughts Arnold_Lorax2 02-14-13 3
 RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPO... Arnold_Lorax2 02-22-13 4
   RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPO... tribephyl 02-22-13 5
       RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPO... Arnold_Lorax2 02-22-13 6
           RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPO... tribephyl 02-22-13 7
               RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPO... Arnold_Lorax2 02-23-13 8
 Episode 3 Arnold_Lorax2 02-28-13 9
   RE: Episode 3 tribephyl 03-01-13 10
       RE: Episode 3 Arnold_Lorax2 03-01-13 11
           RE: Episode 3 Bebo 03-01-13 12
               RE: Episode 3 Arnold_Lorax2 03-01-13 13

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Arnold_Lorax2 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-14-13, 11:50 AM (EST)
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1. "Episode 1 thoughts"
The spoiled final 3 of Cochran, Dawn, and Sherri made for interesting watching of episode 1 last night. I thought that Cochran got the best edit of all 3, he was shown as well liked and accepted by his tribe, he was shown as trustworthy (despite his previous season where he betrayed his tribe), and he seems like he has changed just enough to take that edge off, and give him a good shot at the million dollars.

Dawn was edited as a go along player a person to align with to get numbers and take to the end with them. But an interesting comment from Cochran when he was wondering "has Dawn changed? She was certainly willing to throw Fran under the bus and vote against her, so maybe she is going to play a bit more cutthroat. Maybe we are seeing a new Dawn" and then he laughed at his own joke.

Sherri was almost completely invisble and only had one confessional and it wasn't a very strong one at that. She made a few comments and joined an alliance with the women and Michael but overall I got no real impression from her at all.

Phillip will be running the show on the favorites side at least until his demise. But he is clearly playing a different game, he is stronger, and he is a leader. His alliance mates like him. Look for Malcom to give him fits down the road. Look for huge confrontations with the whack job that is Brandon.

Erik showed signs of understanding when he said that he wants to make his own decisions and not be forced into them. This will play out later in a showdown with Phillip.

Look for Cochran to relish the role that Phillip gave him of being the intelligent attache. Phillips leadership will get cut down but the alliance will have served its purpose in helping Cochran gain his ultimate goal.

Eddie had some good face time and I am interested in learning more about him. Reynold came off as too transparent to me and I don't like him yet. The girls of the fans tribe all blend in together and I can't tell one from the other.

Brandon is a kid who is going to be dangerous to himself and others until he gets removed, that much is clear already. He looks to me like he is cold turkey off his meds and will literally go nuts. Why does CBS keep thinking this is good television?

We know that Dawn has a breakdown right after the season is over and it looks like she will start to get the mentally unstable edit starting with some crying next week. She is going to be one scary lady this season and right on the edge of her own sanity.

Should be fun!

Agman siggified me


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-14-13, 05:47 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Episode 1 thoughts"
The spoiled final 3 of Cochran, Dawn, and Sherri made for interesting watching of episode 1 last night.

It's clear now how and why Cochran is one of the finalists. His perception within the Favs tribe is non-threatening and this will help him get through all sorts of situations. Not even the Fans are scared of him. Dawn was also seen favorably. (But the fans do not appreciate Phillip or Brandon showing up.)
Cochran's notations about Dawn changing tactics could very well speak as to why she receives a negative response while in F3. She's playing a different game and most won't understand how she could change THAT much.
But at the moment it doesn't look as if either of them are 'directing' the boot. Which is probably yet another reason why they receive such a negative response near the end.

As far as the other FAVs it's abundantly clear that Brenda is a non-factor, Erik's story is wrapped up in Phillip's story, Brandon is playing the EXACT same game as before and will self-combust at some time in the future, and strangely Andrea is playing a similar game to last time yet at a muchly excelled pace. This will not (and has not) gone unnoticed.
Big moves are definitely part of a winning strategy, but when you play the big moves early, it's nothing more than a target creator.
Interestingly, Corrine seems vastly different than her first go around. Normally she would have rolled her eyes completely into her brain cavity with all the things Phillip was saying to her. But she was the FIRST person that Phillip went to for "the numbers". Speaking of Phillip's numbers. It's also clear that those numbers last for only 1 TC. The clear thought is that the 6 whom voted together at TC1 will stick together and Brandon, Erik and Brenda should be the next three boots.
However, we know that's not true.
But how it goes from 6 against 3 to booting Corrine next is gonna be a seriously convoluted storyline OR one that is brought about through a tribal switch. Although we do have the tease of the alliances on the Favs tribe blow up early.

On the Fans; The Highschool Clicque is partially doomed. As evidenced through countless previous edits, alliances revealed never make it to the end intact.
Knowing that Eddie and Reynold make it to merge and beyond speaks volumes about how the rest of the tribe feels about both Allie and Hope.
And speaking to those potential boots we have Laura spearheading the Clicque revolt and Sherri merely agreeing.
Yet with Michael and Matt (anyone else notice how noncommittal he was with Michael?) acting as the swingvotes, it's possible that they do indeed swing back and forth from HighSchool clicque (Hope and Allie) to Shamar and Laura before suffering from a future twist.
My thought is that the HighSchool clicque is the first to lose a player. Then Michael and Matt switch to get rid of Shamar, then back to the clicque to nab the other girl, then back again to dump Laura. Then a switch of some sort happens and Julia and Matt bite the dust, leaving Reynold, Eddie, Michael and Sherri to be the only merge-bound fans. Slip in a couple of med-evacs and it's easy to see how the 4 of them make it to F12.
Lucky for them the timing will be right to take advantage of the cracks in the Favs alliances.

So at some point, Erik and Brenda need to be sided with Dawn and Cochran. Again my thought is that this is brought about because of a switch. Then once the merge sets in, D/C/B/E will be ready and willing to boot Brandon, Phillip, Malcolm and Andrea. Specially since KNOWING that there will be a MAXIMUM of 4 fan-jurors regardless of when they get booted so even if 1 of them makes it to the end, they'll only wield 3 votes. Not enough to change the tide in the fan's favor.
I really do think that Cochran stands the best chance at winning right now. Dawn will play a great game but will be viewed as the bad-guy at FTC. Sherri may get votes and may be the only thing standing in between Cochran and a win. But because of her early edit, I doubt people will be swayed into honoring her gameplay.


Arnold_Lorax2 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-14-13, 07:01 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Episode 1 thoughts"
Very good points Tribe. My source had revealed some of the mechanics and reasons as to certain things happening that I am not at liberty to reveal yet. I will say that there will be some immunity idles in play that will affect alliances and so will the switch.

Agman siggified me


Arnold_Lorax2 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-22-13, 05:08 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPOILER side"
Episode 2 and the emergence of the strategic Sherri sets in. She was edited nicely and is in clear charge of the ship over there on the fans side. Dawn and the weeping is all same old crap for her but the interesting comment from Brandon "that's why you won't win" is that an ironic or profetic comment?

I saw on Survivor Whispers Premiere that Missyae says that the votes were closer than they originally thought which casts doubt on who won. I'm not sure that I believe that but we will see.

Agman siggified me


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-22-13, 05:33 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPOILER side"
Yeah, wow. Sherri REALLY stepped up in ep 2. It's abundantly clear how she makes it now.
I imagine there will be various opportunities to put doubt back into the edit before the end, but it seems pretty obvious that she is destined for F3. (and most likely the win)

The Brandon comment was directed to both Cochran and Dawn, neither of them will win. And with the "close vote" now I'm wondering if it's possible that Sherri wins solely with the Fan-Juror votes while Dawn and Cochran split the Favs votes.
With 8 votes I'm guessing it's 3/2/2 (possibly 4/3/1)


Arnold_Lorax2 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-22-13, 05:55 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPOILER side"
Brandon was addressing both Cochran and Dawn with his comment but the camera was focused on Dawn when he said it and it stayed on her for affect is what I interpreted anyway.

Agman siggified me


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-22-13, 09:07 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPOILER side"
So are you under the impression that Cochran wins?

Arnold_Lorax2 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-23-13, 00:40 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: S26 Editing viewed from the SPOILER side"
My source would neither confirm or deny. But, based on what I have seen and what I know, yes, I think that Cochran wins.

Agman siggified me


Arnold_Lorax2 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

02-28-13, 09:41 PM (EST)
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9. "Episode 3"
Sherri's edit continued to rise as she was shown as the brains behind the alliance and also the only communicater in the bunch of fans as they all go wild yelling at each other. The other girls are under the radar.

Dawn and Cochran remained status quo, a few good comic relief quotes from Cochran.

Agman siggified me


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-01-13, 00:40 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Episode 3"
One thing I noticed is how the editing is showing Cochran as the cool cucumber who happens to be present during most strategy talks as well as being the go to guy for the most members of the tribe.
He is sitting pretty.
Dawn definitely slipped into the background this episode.
And Sherri was positively highlighted as the mastermind to keeping Shamar in the game.
The interesting part is with Michael, Reynold, Eddie and Sherri making it to merge. I'm starting to think that when the tribes do swap... Sherri will NOT end up on the same tribe as Eddie and Reynold.
And when the swap happens, neither tribe will stick together.

Total side note: OMG! I've been here over a decade and just now noticed this?
I just noticed a very small 'window resize button' in the message area.
Do you know how convenient this would be when posting tables? Wow. Learn something new every day.


Arnold_Lorax2 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-01-13, 11:35 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Episode 3"
I think that Phillip ends up on the Orange tribe at the swap and gets to know Sherri. From what my source says it is Phillip that brings Sherri over to the favorites alliance and that Malcom is not part of that group after the merge. This is most likely because they target Corrine his partner before the merge.

Brenda and Erik get tight and Dawn and Cochran have the flexibility to shift as the post merge dynamics shift so they can stick with whom they want and I think the edit is showing us that strategy over and over.

Both idles make it to the merge and there will be some interesting shifts because of it. I think the edit is setting that up nicely too in that Reynold says "it's going to be a poker game". Should be fun!

Agman siggified me


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-01-13, 05:56 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Episode 3"
Both idles make it to the merge and there will be some interesting shifts because of it.

We know Reynold has a HII. Since he's right now in the minority alliance, he doesn't get put into a position of using the idol. That would either mean that Gota goes on an IC streak or that Reynold would be able to work his way back into a stronger alliance.

We know from the merge list that there isn't a fan go-to challenge run. So since Reynold and Eddie make the merge, it looks like Eddie's comment at the shelter about keeping stronger people around hits home.


Arnold_Lorax2 177 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-01-13, 06:13 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Episode 3"
The swap won't hurt them either in staying strong

Agman siggified me



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