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"The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
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VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-13-10, 10:06 AM (EST)
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"The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
LAST EDITED ON 09-14-10 AT 01:55 PM (EST)

Another season for analysis.....

Young vs. Old is a concept that should have us have an idea of how these tribes may fare. Statistically speaking, the “old” tribe may be in some semblance of trouble merely based upon the fact that they are, in fact, older. We have seen in the past that the being “older” has its problems as many times, the older you are, the quicker you leave. Since the tribes are grouped by age, this may happen within the older tribe (i.e. the older you are, the quicker you leave.). It will be interesting to see how this plays out since they are all considered “older.” Consequently, we have often seen a “token” elder be utilized as a valuable vote (or goat) and be “carried” by a stronger alliance/group (Jan, Butch, Kim, etc.) so we cannot rule any of the older group being long term players as once a merger happens, there could be members of the younger tribe (who have formed an alliance) taking it upon themselves to secure an older member to help their game.

The younger tribe may have their own sets of problem and could be their own worst enemy. We will recall how Jake felt his strong, young team would demolish the tribe that Jan selected but ego and tempers caused a less cohesive tribe and they did not perform as one would expect from this group. It may be fair to say that while physically the younger tribe could have the advantage, they may lack that certain quality that only experience and age provides. The younger tribe may need to check themselves quite often or they may be in for a rude awakening at times.

We already know that males vs. females always plays a role in alliances and perceptions. Women tend to have to walk a careful line that is quite hypocritical since some strong women are viewed as bossy and overbearing. It will be interesting to see if the older males display a more old fashion viewpoint with respect to their female tribe members as opposed to the younger males’ viewpoint of their female tribe members.

Geography of the players, race, religion, political views and the like can always play a defining role on friendships and alliances and connecting those factors on each tribe and cross tribe is always helpful to potentially identify those who may pair up.

I also attempt to identify players based on their game play; clinical players, emotional players, under the radar players and head of household players usually can be honed in on within a couple of episodes. Head of household players can do very well but only if they are not in a battle with others attempting to play head of household. Leaders are well regarded IF it is clear the tribe needs it to be defined. Clinical players do not get caught up in emotional battles nor do they get involved in others' and solely have the game in mind. The emotional players tend to have trouble as they cannot remove their personal feelings from the game which can interfere with the game itself. An emotional player can do well but often times, ego, anger, loyalty issues and the like end up their downfall. Under the radar players can do very well and as stated before, UTR does NOT necessarily mean a quiet and unassuming player that somehow sneaks their way into the end. Under the radar in this sense can describe ANY player that the other players do no consider to be a contender for end game and overlook them as the threat they can be.

I am merely providing the names and ages and location. I expect at this point that speculation (or information) along with personal impressions have already been formed and I am looking forward to those who want to express their opinions on the contestants

The Espada Tribe

Dan Lembo – age 63 – New York

Holly Hoffman – age 44 – South Dakota

Jane Bright – age 56 – North Carolina

Jill Behm – age 43 – Pennsylvania

Jimmy Johnson – age 67 – Florida (Of note, Jimmy Johnson obviously would have a bigger issue than anyone else due to he is and the stigma attached to it)

James (Jimmy) Tarantino – age 48 – Massachusetts

Marty Piombo – age 48 – California

Yve Rojas – age 41 – Missouri

Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff – age 48 – Montana

Tyrone Davis – age 42 – California

LaFlor Tribe

Jud Birza - age 21 - Califronia

Alina Wilson – age 23 – California

Chase Rice – age 24 – North Carolina

Brenda Lowe – age 27 – Florida

Ben Henry – age 24 – California

Kelly Bruno – age 26 – North Carolina

Matthew Lenahan – age 30 – New York

Kelly Shin – age 20 – Arizona

Shannon Elkins – age 30 – Louisiana

NaOnka Mixon – age 27 – California

Enjoy the season!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Krautboy 09-13-10 1
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... VerucaSalt 09-14-10 7
 RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Outfrontgirl 09-13-10 2
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Outfrontgirl 09-13-10 3
       RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... dabo 09-14-10 5
           RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Outfrontgirl 09-14-10 6
   Probst's picks Outfrontgirl 09-15-10 13
       RE: Probst's picks dabo 09-15-10 14
 RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Outfrontgirl 09-14-10 4
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... VerucaSalt 09-14-10 8
       RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Outfrontgirl 09-14-10 9
           RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Brownroach 09-15-10 15
 RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... michel 09-14-10 10
 RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Outfrontgirl 09-14-10 11
 Personals dabo 09-15-10 12
 Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-18-10 16
   RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: dabo 09-18-10 17
       RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-18-10 19
           RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: dabo 09-20-10 29
               RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-20-10 30
               RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: VerucaSalt 09-20-10 33
                   RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-20-10 34
                       RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-21-10 41
                           RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: dabo 09-21-10 44
                               RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-21-10 47
   RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: Toban 09-18-10 18
       RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-18-10 20
           RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: Belle Book 09-18-10 21
               The Players, The Game, The Editing ... VerucaSalt 09-18-10 22
                   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... michel 09-19-10 23
                       RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Belle Book 09-19-10 24
                           RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... SquidProQuo 09-19-10 25
                               RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... VerucaSalt 09-20-10 36
                                   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Outfrontgirl 09-21-10 43
                       RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... AaronLittleton 09-19-10 26
                           RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... dabo 09-20-10 27
                               RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... SquidProQuo 09-20-10 28
                                   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... michel 09-20-10 31
                                       RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... AaronLittleton 09-20-10 38
                                           RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... SquidProQuo 09-21-10 46
                                   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Outfrontgirl 09-21-10 42
                           RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... VerucaSalt 09-20-10 37
                               RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... AaronLittleton 09-20-10 39
                   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit... Outfrontgirl 09-27-10 66
       RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: VerucaSalt 09-20-10 35
           RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: Toban 09-20-10 40
           RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: Brownroach 09-21-10 45
               RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: Toban 09-21-10 48
   RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts: VerucaSalt 09-20-10 32
       Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: VerucaSalt 09-25-10 49
           RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-25-10 50
               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: SquidProQuo 09-25-10 52
                   RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-26-10 53
                       RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Belle Book 09-26-10 54
                       RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-27-10 56
                           RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: LFJ 09-27-10 58
                               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: dabo 09-27-10 59
                                   RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: LFJ 09-27-10 61
                           RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Brownroach 09-27-10 60
                               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-27-10 64
                           RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-27-10 62
                               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-28-10 67
                                   RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-28-10 70
               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-27-10 55
                   RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-27-10 63
               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: suzzee 09-28-10 69
                   RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-28-10 71
               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Corvis 09-29-10 72
                   RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-30-10 73
                       RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-30-10 74
                           RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-30-10 80
                               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-30-10 82
                       RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Corvis 09-30-10 76
                           RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Brownroach 09-30-10 78
                       RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Brownroach 09-30-10 77
                           RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-30-10 81
                               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: michel 09-30-10 83
                                   RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: LFJ 10-01-10 84
           RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: SquidProQuo 09-25-10 51
               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: dabo 09-27-10 57
               RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 09-27-10 65
           RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts: suzzee 09-28-10 68
 Week 3 dabo 09-30-10 75
   RE: Week 3 Brownroach 09-30-10 79
       Editing Thoughts - Week 3 VerucaSalt 10-03-10 87
           Linking Edits? dabo 10-04-10 88
               RE: Linking Edits? suzzee 10-05-10 89
                   RE: Linking Edits? suzzee 10-08-10 91
           RE: Editing Thoughts - Week 3 Outfrontgirl 10-12-10 99
   RE: Week 3 michel 10-02-10 85
       RE: Week 3 Belle Book 10-03-10 86
       RE: Week 3 suzzee 10-08-10 90
 Week 4 - Editing Thoughts: michel 10-09-10 92
   More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pelican... michel 10-10-10 93
       RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pel... suzzee 10-11-10 95
       RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pel... kingfish 10-11-10 96
       RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pel... Outfrontgirl 10-12-10 98
           RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pel... kingfish 10-13-10 102
               RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pel... Krautboy 10-13-10 104
   RE: Week 4 - Editing Thoughts: Toban 10-13-10 103
       RE: Week 5 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 10-14-10 105
 Episodes 1-4 Corvis 10-11-10 94
   RE: Episodes 1-4 michel 10-11-10 97
   RE: Episodes 1-4 dabo 10-12-10 100
   RE: Episodes 1-4 VerucaSalt 10-13-10 101
 Episode #5: Edioting Thoughts: michel 10-16-10 106
   RE: Episode #5: Edioting Thoughts: suzzee 10-20-10 107
 Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts: michel 10-23-10 108
   RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts: AaronLittleton 10-24-10 109
       RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 10-24-10 110
           RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts: AaronLittleton 10-24-10 111
       RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts: michel 10-24-10 112
           RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 10-25-10 113
       Response VerucaSalt 10-25-10 114
           The Case for Holly michel 10-25-10 115
               RE: The Case for Holly Outfrontgirl 10-26-10 116
                   RE: The Case for Holly Slider 10-27-10 117
                       RE: The Case for Holly AaronLittleton 10-29-10 118
                           RE: The Case for Holly dabo 10-29-10 119
                               RE: The Case for Holly suzzee 10-29-10 120
 Episode 8 - Editing Thoughts: michel 10-30-10 121
   Note: it was Ep 7 Outfrontgirl 10-31-10 122
   RE: Episode 8 - Editing Thoughts: LFJ 11-01-10 123
       Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts: dabo 11-01-10 124
           RE: Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts: michel 11-01-10 125
               RE: Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts: dabo 11-02-10 128
                   RE: Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts: Outfrontgirl 11-02-10 129
                   RE: Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts: michel 11-02-10 130
       RE: Episode 8 - Editing Thoughts: michel 11-01-10 126
           RE: Episode 8 - Editing Thoughts: LFJ 11-01-10 127
 Episode 8 (for real!): Editing Thou... michel 11-06-10 131
   RE: Episode 8 (for real!): Editing ... dabo 11-07-10 132
   RE: Episode 8 (for real!): Editing ... AaronLittleton 11-09-10 133
       RE: Episode 8 (for real!): Editing ... michel 11-09-10 134
           RE: Episode 8 (for real!): Editing ... AaronLittleton 11-09-10 135
               Fabio flystorms 11-11-10 136
                   RE: Fabio dabo 11-11-10 137
                       RE: Fabio LFJ 11-11-10 138
                           RE: Fabio CTgirl 11-11-10 139
                               RE: Fabio Belle Book 11-11-10 140
   Revisiting Veruca's comments on Jud Outfrontgirl 11-12-10 141
       RE: Revisiting Veruca's comments on... kiki_k 11-12-10 142
 Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts: michel 11-13-10 143
   RE: Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts: kiki_k 11-14-10 144
       RE: Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts: dabo 11-15-10 146
           RE: Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts: kiki_k 11-15-10 147
           No Misunderstanding. michel 11-15-10 148
               Yes, there is dabo 11-15-10 151
               Oh no you didn't! kiki_k 11-15-10 152
                   RE: Oh no you didn't! Outfrontgirl 11-15-10 153
                       RE: Oh no you didn't! kiki_k 11-15-10 154
                       RE: Oh no you didn't! Corvis 11-15-10 155
                           RE: Oh no you didn't! Outfrontgirl 11-15-10 157
                               RE: Oh no you didn't! Corvis 11-15-10 158
                                   RE: Oh no you didn't! Outfrontgirl 11-15-10 159
                           Thanks AaronLittleton 11-15-10 160
                               Bullying? kiki_k 11-15-10 162
                                   RE: Bullying? AaronLittleton 11-15-10 168
                               RE: Thanks Corvis 11-16-10 170
                                   RE: Thanks Outfrontgirl 11-16-10 171
                       I'll Do It Again! michel 11-15-10 161
                           Seriously? kiki_k 11-15-10 163
                               Seriously? You have it Wrong michel 11-15-10 167
                           RE: I'll Do It Again! Outfrontgirl 11-15-10 164
                               RE: I'll Do It Again! michel 11-15-10 166
                           RE: I'll Do It Again! AaronLittleton 11-15-10 165
   RE: Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts: AaronLittleton 11-15-10 145
       RE: Editing VerucaSalt 11-15-10 149
           RE: Editing dabo 11-15-10 150
           RE: Editing Outfrontgirl 11-15-10 156
               RE: Editing michel 11-15-10 169
               RE: Editing VerucaSalt 11-22-10 176
 Episode #10 - Editing Thoughts: michel 11-20-10 172
   RE: Episode #10 - Editing Thoughts:... dabo 11-20-10 173
       RE: Episode #10 - Editing Thoughts:... michel 11-21-10 174
           RE: Episode #10 - Editing Thoughts:... dabo 11-22-10 175
 The Recap michel 11-27-10 177
   RE: The Recap Outfrontgirl 11-28-10 178
   RE: The Recap suzzee 12-01-10 179
 double quit episode b1whois 12-03-10 180
   RE: double quit episode dabo 12-03-10 181
       RE: double quit episode michel 12-04-10 182
           RE: double quit episode suzzee 12-09-10 184
   RE: double quit episode PepeLePew13 12-05-10 183
 Episode #12 - Editing Thoughts: michel 12-11-10 185
   This makes me think -- NO SPOILERS kiki_k 12-12-10 186
       RE: This makes me think -- NO SPOIL... michel 12-12-10 187
           RE: This makes me think -- NO SPOIL... kiki_k 12-12-10 188
 Editing Thoughts on the Penultimate... michel 12-18-10 189
   RE: Season ending VerucaSalt 12-18-10 190
   RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penulti... AaronLittleton 12-18-10 191
   RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penulti... dabo 12-19-10 192
       RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penulti... michel 12-19-10 193
           RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penulti... Slider 12-19-10 194
               RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penulti... michel 12-19-10 195

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Messages in this topic

Krautboy 2750 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-13-10, 01:37 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
Hi VS! Looking forward to reading your unspoiled analysis as the season unfolds and the Characters are developed...

Thanks for doing it!



VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-14-10, 01:57 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"

Hi right back at you KB, it's always great to see your name here

I am hoping to be active this season dependent on how time seems to be consistently fleeting. I, of course, hope to see your thoughts on how the game and players develop as well.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-13-10, 09:06 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
Veruca, another sage analysis!

Jeff Probst has put his cast assessments on video, the ones that I believe are recorded circa day two of the filming. dabo has transcribed them, so I'll post them. Jeff also made on-location comments in short bits that were included in Dalton Ross's pre-game interviews. He has made some other picks and critiques if you are interested.
Jill is one of my favorites going in. As a doctor she's really observant, and she just has a sense about her that "I'll figure it out."

Jud is a favorite for me, he cracks me up. You'll ask Jud "So hey tell me about your up-bringing" and he'll say, "Well, when I was little.. huh huh, I was just thinking about how much I like apples." Jud reminds me of Jeff from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Jud could "dude" his way all the way to the end.

I think when people see that Kelly (B) has an artificial limb it will confuse a lot of people emotionally. There's going to be an instant sympathetic (reaction). Then there's also the wow look how well she runs. Then there's, "Oh, my God, she could win."

Tyrone is a guy that if looks could kill I'd be dead. But then he opens his mouth and you realize he's a really gentle guy. Captain in the fire department, teaches spinning class. And he works with kids so he's got to have a lot of patience. That's a guy that might surprise folks.

Wendy's definitely an odd-ball, but Wendy will tell you she's an odd-ball. She's going to have to overcome an early slightly annoying factor (likes to talk a lot). But that's just because she's different, not everybody is slick and got a cool haircut and comes from Los Angeles. And I hope she makes people eat their words.

Shannon is the kind of guy I love to see on the show because he has all the physical attributes, he's a big guy and he's muscular, but I don't know if he's paying enough attention to what's going on between the ears. I'm not saying he's not up for it, I just think he may put too much importance on doing really well at the challenges. Fine, you'll be gone at the merge.

Benry, he's a dark horse. That kid could slither his way to the end. If people figure out he's a snake he could be gone early, but he's very charming. And he's not easily charmed; he doesn't care if you're hot and you like him and you're female, he's seen it. All I care about is getting to the end and I'll cut your throat just like anybody else.

Holly is an interesting one for me, I think she's going to be on the bubble early. I think she's going to have to get in with somebody quickly, and it's going to have to be the right people.

I'm excited to see Jimmy Johnson because I'm a Jimmy Johnson fan. The great thing about Jimmy Johnson is how much he wants to be on Survivor. He doesn't need it for all the reasons most other people do, and that's going to be his strategy. He's going to tell you he's here for the adventure, take him to the end because he can't win. And I think he's right, I don't think he can. Unless he pulls out one of those great Knute Rockne speeches at the end. That's what the young people might not see coming, Jimmy Johnson is a great pursuader.

Daniel, I think, is going to have one of the biggest struggle. And it's based simply on perception. He looks different than everybody else, he slicks his hair back, he's got the funky chains, he's got a scar. He looks like a guy who's been in it. He looks like he grew up in Brooklyn and has been in a few fights, which he has. So he's going to have to overcome first impressions.

Sash's biggest obstacle is going to be the boulder that he wears on his shoulder. I don't know what's behind it, I only know that every time I talked with Sash he would say, "I'm from Harlam and you're not, you don't get it." I don't know what I don't get, I don't know what he's trying to tell me, but I know it's important. And I also know when you're on Survivor nobody cares. I hope Sash takes my advice which was leave the political rhetoric at home, win the game and then you'll have a platform to talk. But if he comes comes out telling everybody listen to my story, you're gone.

At first glance I like Brenda, she seems very likeable. Definitely athletic, owns her own company, is out on the water a lot. There are a lot of attributes for a young person that she has that are hard to find. And that's somebody that if I were on the young tribe I would definitely keep around.

NaOnka, bright bright personality, big smile, and an instant target. I just don't know how she's going to fit in. NaOnka's best strategy is going to be to get in with an alliance and shut up. That is a great strategy, it's worked for a lot of people, it could work for her.

I like Marty, I think he's going to say a lot of fun interesting things, probably some outrageous things. I think he might make some dumb moves. But he will make moves. Marty's a player, he will play this game, and I like him already for that.

Chase is an odd's on favorite for me, I think he's got all the qualities that can get you to the end, and in a way that makes me still vote for you and give you the money. And I also think that the connection he has to his dad, who just passed away a couple of years ago, will play a part out here. I think Chase is going to draw on the inspiration he gets from his dad, and I really think he could be a force.

Yve has a lot going for her in life: beautiful, mother. I don't know how much she has going for her in this game. I think we're going to know Yve's fate within the first episode. If she isn't busting it on both sides she's going to be an early target.

Kelly S., great spark, fun personality. The only thing working against Kelly is her age. She is very observant for someone her age. Is she observant enough to get deep in the game? I don't think so.

Alina reminds me of Amber in Australia, a little more naive than she realizes, and a little more charming than she probably knows. And she already thinks she's charming. The thing working against her is believing people she shouldn't believe.

Jimmy T won a contest (online) in which we agreed to take the most popular video and put that person on the show. Thank God it was Jimmy T because he's likeable, he's charismatic. And he's got his long hair and his big husky build, and he likes to tell you, "I'm Jimmy T, I'm known everywhere as Jimmy T!" We'll see how Jimmy T does.

(Jane not mentioned, or more likely he commented on Jane and whoever compiled the video made an accidental omission.)


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-13-10, 10:27 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
Jeff is involved in casting and has seen 20 seasons already, so I think it's fair to see that he views contestants as types and puts them into certain categories that he thinks are valuable or detrimental to getting far in the game. Some of those ...

1) does this person have the fortitude for the endurance and discomfort aspect of the game?
2) can this person play the social game well?
3) Is this person likable and charming, which is natural and isn't exactly the same as playing the social game in a calculated way.
4) is this person a "threat" due to physical ability or empathy potential, thus a target?
5) Is this person a candidate for early boot as a misfit with the group?
6) Is this person capable of playing the villain?
7) Is the person focused on the whole game, playing all aspects?
8) will the person's sexual attractiveness be a factor in his or her game?
9) Do they have value to the tribe in the group portion of the game?
10) Is this person observant? ( suppose that goes along with clinical.)

La Flor
Alina -- Not a misfit or a villain, nothing to say she lacks fortitude, not singled out as a challenge threat. Sexual charisma a factor, social game a factor, all around game less than full marks because he ranks her as naive, i.e. not sufficiently observant to discern who can and can't be relied upon.

Brenda -- Points for fortitude in the outdoors, likability, not a misfit. Interesting that Jeff refrains from saying she's hot (maybe he got enough flack for that by now). Says she has value to the youngsters for her mature qualities for her age.

Kelly B - threat factor is rated high, is all he focuses on here.

Kelly S - has the likability but not the all around game due to her being so young. In the past, Jeff has said that it's hard for a very young person to win this game.

Na Onka -- big misfit vibe, needs to talk less and get a game plan fast.

Benry -- clinical observant player with potential for villainy, also could charm opposite sex but in no danger of being seduced.

Chase -- an all-around package, favorite, sympathetic.

Jud (Fabio) -- super likable and not threatening even though physically fit.

Matt (Sash) -- caught up in emotion and politics (of race and gender?) Nothing about his ability to play. A rare moment when Jeff focuses mostly on the player's interactions with Jeff.

Shannon -- threat once the tribe is done with him, not an all around player, not observing enough.


Dan -- misfit with tribe vibe

Jimmy J - big fan bias, is probably padding JJ's chances for personal worship and PR purposes. Emphasizes his social game potential and that he has a strategy going in.

Jimmy T - supposedly likable (I don't see it Jeff). Casting did not make the final decision, was America's vote.

Marty -- definitely a player, could play too hard, dumb move potential

Tyrone -- could be scary or gentle, so first impressions are up for grabs. Says he could surprise folks, but if folks would be surprised to see him do well, that is not really a great assessment of his chances.

Holly -- similar take as with Na Onka, that she will be an early target and needs a fast alliance.

Jane -- omitted

Jill -- a favorite, gets the "observant" nod.

Wendy Jo -- big misfit problem and one who talks too much in an annoying way.

Yve -- focuses on her life qualities, doesn't see her game.

In sum,

early boot risk high folks are:
La Flor -- Na Onka, Sash
Espada -- Holly, Yve, Wendy Jo, Dan
Of these 6, 3 are advised to shut up a bit and they could do fine -- Na Onka, Sash, and Wendy Jo. 2 are advised to get in a good alliance right away -- Na Onka and Holly. Yve is advised to prove her game and value immediately. Dan there is really nothing against him if he doesn't fall victim to "let's vote out the one who's different."

Players who may not have what it takes to stay the course or will be threat targets:
La Flor - Alina, Kelly S, Shannon (not observant enough). Shannon, Kelly B (threats to win challenges, threat for disabled, lost father, wins challenges jury votes).

Players whom he doesn't mention any ispecific dea of when they might go:
La Flor - Brenda
Espada - Jill, Jimmy T, Marty, Tyrone.

Players whom he speculates about their potential to get to the end:
La Flor - Benry, Chase, Jud
Espada - Jimmy J

Players whom he discusses having the ability to both go to the end and win:
Chase and Jimmy Johnson

Favorites: Chase, Jud, and Jill (Chase is odds-on favorite).
Villain role candidate (charmer AND snake): Benry

Summary: If Jeff could pick the winner, Chase Rice would get the check. However, Jeff said he'd love to give Jaison the check in Samoa, so Jeff doesn't always get what he wants.

Note: Jeff picked Mick for being a cold, calculating, womanizing backstabber in Samoa, and Mick's game wasn't remotely like that. He played an ethical non-game. Sometimes I think Jeff is just jealous of certain guys, namely doctors. However, Benry is a club promoter who is proud that he convinces women to take their tops off for money, so it would seem he has plenty of manipulator potential.

Another note: Jeff didn't really assess Sash's other qualities. Sash sells high end real estate in NYC and was/is a very successful stock broker, so if he does decide to mum up about how you don't get it if you're not from Harlem, clearly the guy is a salesman, and he's some kind of running champion, so I'm not writing him off just because he mouthed off to Jeff before the game.

Likewise, Dan Lembo says that he owes his success to his ability to schmooze people, so maybe he will play a decent social game in spite of looking like the Sopranos cast member.

Jimmy J and Jimmy T -- I think Jeff has to rate Jimmy J as a player due to his celebrity status and because he is gushing, so I discount this enthusiasm. In a lesser fashion, I don't trust his praise of Jimmy T, because Jeff may not want to diss America's vote. Instead he says, "We'll see how Jimmy T does." To my eyes, Jimmy T is the misfit, and it doesn't help that he didn't apply as a fan, but because someone he knows who is a fan encouraged him to enter a video. So he is a colorful character, that does not add up to good Survivor player.

Final note: Jud is compared to a character played by Sean Penn. And who doesn't love Jeff Spiccoli? I always did.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-10, 00:52 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
I'll have to watch the "Meet the.." videos again, but some of Jeff's assessments don't quite jibe with my impressions of what I saw in those. Dan in particular, Jeff's assessment seems really that he sees Dan in a GoodFella's stereotype light. But looking at the breakdown of the other players in Espada, it is a much more diverse group than La Flor, why should Dan in particular stand out? His personal video just makes him seem extremely conceited but in a cut-throat big business take charge sense, and Espada does have a lot of chiefs.

I had to laugh when Jeff said Jimmy T is charismatic, I just don't see it. Nothing against the guy, I'm sure he has that old-fashioned work ethic and can weather the elements, but I've yet to find anything that indicates he has any game. Jeff just seemed at a loss for much to say about the guy so he dredged up the Rupert model.

Shame the editor left out whatever Jeff had to say about Jane, she seems to have a bit of a chip on her shoulder going in, she is going into it determined to prove she belongs there, they need her, something of that sort.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-10, 03:00 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
I so agree, dabo -- about Dan and Jimmy T especially. I just rewatched all the bio videos. Matt is also very articulate. He is used to winning, so fairly arrogant, but charming too. Jeff makes him sound like Sean Rector reincarnate, but he's not like that at all in his video.

Jane -- she is a competitor, and I think she has a realistic fear that she'll be the first boot as the oldest woman. I think that's why the insecurity. She DOES have to prove herself!


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-15-10, 07:03 AM (EST)
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13. "Probst's picks"
Gee, wonder if terms of internet contest require Jeff to plug Jimmy T ...


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-15-10, 10:54 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Probst's picks"
I don't believe he would have to be required to, really. At this stage Probst is heavily into promoting the show, and he's got to know that editors and directors are always looking for angles for their pieces. Jimmy J is an obvious hook, as is Kelly B. Jimmy T, to his credit for whatever it is worth, won an online popularity contest (basically) to get on the show, so they play it up. It may only mean he got the votes of every fisherman and hunter in the country, but hey they watch TV too.

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-10, 00:43 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
Veruca, before the edit timer expires ... Jud is missing from your La Flor list. Note that Jud will apparently be called Fabio in the game, and Matt will be called Sash.

VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-14-10, 02:12 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"

It is without saying that I hope, no, expect you to help me in fleshing out this season's long term players and how the show edits them to progress the story it is trying to tell.

Your analysis is really going to help me with these contestants as I have barely scratched the surface on them. With a ready made "theme" of young vs. old, I will be very curious if that is the bane of this season's ending and the message the show wants to send although I am a bit cynical on how the "elders" may ultimately fare solely based on statistics. The ride may be entertaining though

I read Jeff's comments very quickly and frankly am shocked that he feels Jimmy Johnson has legs if I read correctly. My immediate reaction on seeing his name as a contestant would be that after the initial "star struck" reaction (regardless if a celebrity is even hated, typically any John/Jane Doe will be slightly giddy over meeting a celebrity) there wouldn't be anyone who would want Jimmy Johnson to further himself in the game.

dabo, it is always a pleasure to see you here and I am noting your comments on Jimmy T (as yours OFG) When I first look at contestants, I look at them as people are visual and with the group that has been assembled on his tribe, I do question if his looks will work against him. He appears to me someone who should be in a third tribe as younger people may think he is trying to be "young" and older people may think he needs a haircut


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-10, 05:31 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
Thank you Veruca ... you are too kind. I'm not so much help, but I do hope that by starting early on this topic that I can keep up.

I don't think that Probst could possible think Jimmy J has legs in the game. I think that with his admitted mancrush on Jimmy, he is going along with the idea and trying to think of a scenario where Jimmy could do well. JJ has tried to do this three times now, I think, and Probst isn't going to dump on his dream from the get-go.

Basically I discount everything Probst has to say about Jimmy as obligatory fan gushing.

Jimmy T is unappealing to me because his video shows no awareness of the other players. I think he has all the marks of one of those oblivious players who can't read what others are thinking. Sharing a boat with other fishermen is not the same as camping out with people from diverse backgrounds.

Zoe the fisherwoman from Maine had no social skills and Jimmy T looks worse.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-15-10, 11:34 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
LAST EDITED ON 09-15-10 AT 11:49 AM (EST)

Worse than Zoe? Oh please no.

ETA: agree on Jeff's comments about JJ, he's merely proposing circumstances that, were they to occur, might help JJ do well.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-10, 08:46 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
Hello Veruca. Thank you for getting this started again.

I've only looked at the contestants' videos to stay away from the hype as much as possible so I'll wait to see how these players are edited before commenting.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-14-10, 10:48 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Survivor Nicaragua"
LAST EDITED ON 09-15-10 AT 00:37 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-14-10 AT 10:59 PM (EST)

A sneak peek of the first two minutes is online now, if anyone wants to get their thoughts out early based on first confessionals. It's just up to the part where Jeff does his 39 days, one Survivor spiel.
First Two Minutes

LOOSE Paraphrase of confessionals:

Jud: Narrates that It's REAL -- there are dangerous wild animals and not behind fences like the zoo either.

Jimmy Johnson: won Super Bowls blah blah blah now win Survivor

First Impressions spiel by Jeff:

Jimmy T: I don't like the mob boss (shot of Dan) because maybe he's goona try to boss me, I'm not a character who likes getting my buttons pushed.

Alina: Old gray hair dude already pi$$es me off -- looks like he wants to play leader (shot of Marty) good, let him, we'll vote his a$$ off first.

Brenda: I'm so single and I'm so gonna flirt.

First Impression
Jud is edited as a journey character who provides comic relief. Journey characters are sometimes dismissed by us, but they can go far (Matty in Gabon) and occasionally win: Aras. Jud was already my favorite from the bios. Putting him first is not such a good sign, as very rarely if ever does the winner get the very first confessional. Still, I have a feeling about Jud as he is not threatening and he did say he can swim better than Ozzy and Ozzy is his favorite Survivor.

Jimmy J is being milked for all he's worth in case he has a heart attack (seriously).

JimmyT is starting the game looking for conflict, bad sign, and Dan does stand out as Jeff predicted. (Or maybe Jeff heard the first day confessionals before he taped his cast assessment.) On a broader level, this intro's and possilbly foreshadows a theme of alpha male conflict that involves two older males.

Alina's confessional shows that she's not a pushover cute girl and already has her head in the game, thinking of TC. A theme of confident youth is set up ready to challenge the older generation's assumption that age and experience qualify them to lead and give advice. At this time Alina believes that she and Marty are on the same tribe.

Brenda's confessional introduces the theme of possible showmance action. Whether this is actual foreshadowing or CBS trying to rope in the "shipper" demographic remains to be seen. The "Parvati strategy" of flirting to get ahead is not new, so it doesn't endear me to Brenda, but then I'm female, straight, and much older.

All in all, not the best first confessionals they've ever done.

Note there's no gimmick entrance this time. Not stranded in boats, no race for supplies, no grueling hike with supplies, no helicopters -- just contestants walking without packs along a trail ... it's pretty but I think production phoned that one in.

ETA forgot the pans at the end while Jeff does his spiel about in the end one will remain . ,,
Wendy Jo, Yve, Tyrone, Na Onka, Chase, Kelly S -- as they hike along the trail.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-15-10, 01:50 AM (EST)
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12. "Personals"
LAST EDITED ON 09-15-10 AT 10:31 AM (EST)

For whatever it may be worth here are transcriptions from their individual segments, noting that these things are heavily edited by CBS/SEG for promotional purposes.

* Alina

I want to prove that I'm a bad-a##, I always have. And people don't expect this kind of thing out of me. I finally want to put it to rest that I'm not just the girl next door that everyone expects I'm just going to end up being a model or an actress or something useless. I'm going to prove something different and be different. Definitely not just the pretty girl next door, you're not going to get that crap out of me. I'm tough and I can be ruthless when I need to be, and I think out here I am definitely going to need to be. I think my biggest advantage is my look in this game, people are going to trust me right away. And I think in general in life people usually do trust me. And they kind of divulge information that perhaps later in the game I may use against them. I think that's really going to work for me. Right off the bat people are just going to start telling me things about themselves, and I'm just going to act innocent, act like I'm not going to use it, but I will. I think in general I'm a very nice person, but my ugly side my bad side will definitely come out, when I feel I need to and when I feel my back is up against the wall. Hopefully my back won't get up against the wall in this game, but if it is then I'm going to come out and I'm going to play hard and I'm going to fight, and you're going to see a side of me that's very interesting. My fellow castaways, I hope that you do fall for my trap. I hope that you trust me, I hope that you tell me everything about yourselves. And I hope that you don't hate me when I turn around and use it against you. In the morning I'm going to get up, I'm going to look for fun and excitement, but in the back of my mind I'm always going to think of a million dollars.

* Ben "Benry"

I have a feeling I'm probably one of the younger ones of the group. I think it's time for one of the young guns to win, and step in and do some work, so that's what I'm here to do. I do a little bit of everything. I was a cameraman for Girls Gone Wild, I did the production stuff at Warner Bros., I promote nightclubs, I open bars, I book my celebrity friends on appearances all over the country. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get there, and if it is using my boyish looks and my flirtatious skills and my flirtation techniques then I'm definitely going to bring that into play and use that. I have a short fuse, I really do, it gets me into trouble sometimes. I snap quick, sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me. I'm an emotional person whether it be lashing out on someone or crying over spilled milk, I'm an emotional person. That's one thing that I'm ultimately going to test myself to do this trip. But if you push me the wrong way you're not going to see the brightest side of this smiling face, that's for sure.

* Brenda

Owning a paddleboard company will help me on Survivor because I have experience working with all types of people. And not just that but being able to handle a lot of different personalities and a lot of different things, and I have to make sure that everyone is comfortable. I guess working hard, so I don't really rely on too many other things besides myself. And I know that everything I have is because of me. I have a great support system in my family but I work hard and I know that anything I want in life it depends on me. I guess that's where the confidence comes from. There's definitely a good Brenda and a bad Brenda, and that's what I call it. So when things don't work out and you're kind of like not helping me, I might get extremely upset about that. I think that's why it comes out in relationships, the bad Brenda. But just taking everything second by second, not even day to day, just taking things every second and just trying for me to handle all that stress that's going to be there, it's going to be a very personal thing. I have to practice my patience, practice my presence, practice all these things that won't take me out of the zone where I want to be. Being a Dolphins cheerleader was awesome, it was two years of my life which I think really changed my life. The people, my friends that have been into it, it does change your life. You learn how to be pretty, you learn how to be a "lady," you travel, you become from one day to the next all of a sudden you're like a little semi-celebrity. And it's cool, everybody is so impressed.

* Chase

Usually, my job entails the cars in Nascar, they do their whathowevermany 200 laps every race, and every so often they've got to come in for a pit stop, get four new tires, get fuel. I'm one of the guys that does that. I've had a hell of a last two years, you know. I lost my dad two years ago. I lost football, I had an ankle injury and pretty much couldn't play because of that. So, I've had a lot of things taken from me, and I've kept my head up, I've kept going forward. Now I've got two great jobs that I love. And I figure I'm 24 years old, I'm single, why the heck not come out here and do this. Losing my dad was hell, I mean that's the only way to explain it. I grew up, I had two older brother, my mom, my dad, life was perfect for me growing up, I mean you couldn't ask for a better life than I had. And then all of a sudden I get a call from my mom one day, she says out of the blue just, "Chase, come home, your dad died." He had a heart attack. And my life will never ever be the same. To me, I like all of them, there's a great group of people here from what I see just on first impressions. You get out there it might be a completely different story. They got older men and they got the younger guys, they got older women and they got the younger girls, and they all look trustworthy. But then you get out in this game and you can't trust any of them. I don't see any of them, really, that look like pushovers. I see.. a lot of the people honestly they look.. I feel like any of them could make it far in this game. Because that's the thing about this game, you've seen people in the past, you've seen an older guy winning, you've seen a younger woman win it, anyone can win this game.

* Dan

We have two public companies on the New York Stock Exchange which we manage and run, and I do my daily business. I manage all of the properties throughout the country, in maybe about 30 states. And that's what I do every day. And if you ever go to the Palm Too Restaurant in Manhattan you'll see a big picture on the wall of me like this (poses), a big thing on the wall of me. I spend a lot of time in New York City. As you can tell I'm not the kind of guy that sits in the background, I'm pretty much up front, I'm pretty much in your face. My nickname is Mr. Connected, and I can help many people out throughout New York City, and throughout probably the country, but in Miami and New York City. I have numerous people that come to me during the year for many different reasons and I'm always there for them, I help out plenty of people. You know, as I said, I was raised in Brooklyn at the time when the toughest were the toughest, I was raised with all the bad boys, all the tough boys. Getting out of there was a lot harder than winning this game. It's a challenge, it's a challenge. Listen, who gets a chance to do this? I don't know anybody who has been asked to do the show. From what I hear thousands and thousands of people try to get on this show, and here I was selected to be on this show. So how could I ever say no to a chance like that? You can't.

* Holly

Well, last year about this time I decided that I wanted a personal challenge. My husband and I, I've stayed home with all of my kids, raised my family, started a swim team, volunteered 16 years of my life coaching this swim team, so basically I decided I wanted to do something for me. I'm pretty tough. I help my husband on our ranch in north central South Dakota, so I would consider myself pretty tough. I do have a little bit of a mean streak in me. So my plan is to come into the game, be friendly, play the game right away, don't get me wrong, make some alliances right away, feel who I can trust. I have a sense of reading people and I'm just going to go with my gut feeling on every decision that I make. I've never been away from my husband for more than four days, I talk to my kids every day, just the experience alone, just being here, going through this whole process, it's wonderful. That's what I look forward to most. My parents were divorced, my mom was a very very hard worker, I was a high school athlete along with my brothers, worked three jobs I had to because my mom was a single mom raising three children. Maybe sleeping in the hut, that's probably going to be the hardest thing for me is sleeping at night with everybody in a hut. Yeah.

* Jane

I grew up in Gafney, South Carolina, and we lived on a little-bitty kind of a farm a little bit outside of town, and the only kids we really had to play with were a bunch of boys. So we swung on vines and played in the woods and catched crawdads.. Well, number one, I'm not afraid to do things, and I'm not afraid of if we get, you know, a snake or anything like that. I mean I live on a farm, I have to deal with those things every day. I killed a fox that was chasing my daughter one day, and all I could think of is that thing bites her she's gonna have rabies. I hope I'm not the oldest in the bunch, I don't think I am, and I definitely am not a granny. I mean I don't have a grandchild yet, my daughter just turned 18. And I think there's a bunch of young girls there, I could outdo them on any of the fitness courses, any of 'em. You just better look out for this, if you think I'm old and a hag you're wrong, honey. (Laughs.) I hope I'm gonna kick some butt, I know I'm gonna kick some butt. I'm telling you, my kids my friends, they all say, "Dang, that's you, honey, you need to get on that show." They know me. I'm just gonna tell you, I don't think there's anybody.. I think they're gonna, within the first challenge, in the first day, they're gonna go, "Wow, I'm going to need to keep her around." She's a person that does everything, not afraid to do nothing, not afraid to get dirty. I mean my hands, my fingers, always have dirt, I don't exactly have manicured fingernails. (Laughs.) I'm not your typical woman I'll tell you that much, not at all.

* Jill

I think the best way to describe myself would be I'm a mom, I'm athletic, I'm a physician. So I'm kind of outgoing, bold maybe. I'm an emergency room doctor and that entails a lot of stress, high energy stuff, which I gravitate towards. I might not look maybe like your average ER doctor but that's just me, I like alternative music and I've always just kind of done my own thing. There are a lot of really strong physical players which I was kind of disheartened to see because I thought that I would kind of have that advantage going in, because I compete all the time in like all kinds of adventure racing and cycling, and I beat guys, good guys, so I was kind of going to come in and play that card. So there's a lot of, obviously, there's an ex NFL football coach here, there's a girl running around with a prosthetic leg that she's trying to hide, so.. I don't know. It's an interesting group of people, I'm not sure who the power players are going to be and if I'm going to align with them or if I'm going to get rid of them. I think I'm all around it. I mean I think there are people who are bigger physically and stronger, I think there are people that may be smarter, and I think there are people maybe more determined, but I don't think anybody is all of them at once except for me. I've been training for this for all my life really. I've been out making fires, shooting muskets, throwing spears, spearing fish, I've really been preparing for this.

* Jimmy J

When I was coaching I had the expertise, I had the credibility, I had the rings. Players had to do whatever I said. If they were asleep at a meeting I could cut them, take their salary. I was in charge. The guys in charge here get voted out pretty early. So it's going to be important for me to fight my instincts, and if somebody's laying out on the beach and not getting water or building the shelter I just got to pull back and bite my tongue. I've got to be a follower and somewhat under the radar if I'm going to survive here. I think the initial reaction by the other contestants will be saying, "Okay he's a celebrity, he's got plenty of money, he doesn't need the money, get him out of here." And so what I've got to do, I've got to convince them that I am the safest person there, I'm the safest alliance they could have. Because if they take me to the final three no way in the world any jury is going to award me a million bucks. And so I can't win it, but I can help them win it. Well, all the people that hated Jimmy Johnson when I was winning Super Bowls, all the Philadelphia Eagles and the Washington Redskins, they'll say get him out of there; the bum, I knew he couldn't do it.

* Jimmy T

I wasn't really a Survivor fan until my sister talked me into putting in a video. Submit a one minute video and tell them why you make a good contestant on Survivor, and here I am six months later in Nicaragua, and I am believe it or not America's choice. I'm actually pretty intelligent, even though I got this big bons (?) I'm actually pretty fit, so I'm coming in under the radar, I'm a perfect candidate to win the whole thing. I'm descended on my father's side from Sicilian fisherman and on my mother's side from Nova Scotia fisherman, so that's a hard-working people, right off the bat you've got a history of people bred from a young age the work isn't done until the trip is over and the lines are tied to the dock. So you're here to work, you're not here to play, so that's the general work ethic of Gloucester fishermen, and that's why I'm so proud. There's some young strong bucks that are probably as tough as me, and there's a couple of easy ones that I think should be easy pickin's. But again, I'm not under-estimating anybody, I'll respect every one of them, and hopefully I'll get respect back from them. So it all remains to be seen.

* Jud (Fabio?)

I try to stay physically active. I don't own a car anymore so I'm riding my bicycle around a lot, which in LA can be dangerous, you know, but it's cool. I surf a lot. My friends and I are very much down with going to the beach and kind of acknowledging, you know, you go up to Malibu and it's some beautiful landscape. Relation to the group? I think it's pretty obvious, dude, I think people look at me and think, well, he's the goofy 21-year-old surfer guy who is just here to hang out. Which is cool, I don't mind that at all, dude. Let them think that as long as possible. There's a little more going on than just, "Hey, guys, have you seen any waves, huh huh huh." These guys are 40, 45, they're going to be looking at me (and) saying, "The kid, he doesn't know what he's doing." And I'm cool with that, I'll say, "You're right, I don't know. Take me to the end, just take me with you, be my father figure, whatever." I think I'm gonna do all right, man. I'm 21 years old, I got a lot ahead of me. First of all having a million dollars at my age I could do a lot of things with it. It's going to be a big transformational process, dude. It's going to be physically challenging, mentally challenging, I feel like I'm going to pop out of the other end, whether I win or not, saying I know who I am now. And having that at the age of 21, it's huge, man.

* Kelly B

I think the biggest thing, obviously, I grew up as an amputee, I lost my leg when I was six months old and, you know, kind of had to face life as, you know, being a different kid growing up. And, honestly, I think it made me a stronger person, so at the end of the day I think it was a good thing. Certainly went through some difficult years in middle school, you know, had some nicknames that probably weren't very nice, but in the end it made me a stronger person. Once I got to high school, got out of that kind of environment, honestly I had a lot of support. I started getting involved in competitive sports and I kind of proved that I was the same as everyone else. I think once I was able to do that people appreciated. You know, for me it's not only my identity but more than that but kind of I've always wanted to prove to people that, yeah, I'm disabled, I mean yeah I have one leg, but that's okay and I'm just as good as everyone else. I think it's a very mixed group that's here, I think it's going to have a lot of personalities. I think there are a lot of nice people that are here, I've definitely seen it, you know, who are going to put on a good show. And then I think there are some.. there's definitely going to be some Russells in the group. Yeah. So, my dad was killed in January when he was down in Haiti, the earthquake happened and his hotel collapsed. He was volunteering. So for me a big part of this is for my dad. I work hard and I play hard and I enjoy my life, and that's all you can do.

* Kelly S

I don't think that age matters in a game like this. I am young and I think I could use that to my advantage, I don't think that's a disadvantage at all. Because this isn't a game about age, regardless of if you're 90 or if you're 20 you can be just as physically competitive as anybody else. And this is a mental game. If I can hang in there mentally then I can win. If they view me as a Barbie type girl that's fine, let them, because I'm out there to show them that I might be this blonde little girl and I can prove that wrong. I can go out there and be just as tough as the guys here, so I don't think.. They are judging me just like I'm judging them, but in reality when it gets down to it, when I can have a conversation and let them know who I am, that in itself they will be able to tell there's more to me than just the looks. You know, people just p### me off when they're like complaining and complaining and griping, it's like just deal with it, what are you doing. So I think I might get a little cranky, but I'm not that bitchy girl, that drama girl, so that's probably not going to be me on the show. If I have to use my looks to my advantage I definitely would. In high school I was the biggest flirt. And I'm not saying I'm going to be on the show and flirting with everybody, but if when it comes down to a million dollars whatever needs to be done we'll get it done, no matter.. well, I won't say no matter how, but it'll get done. (Laughs.)

* Marty

I'll clearly fall into the old guy bucket. Whether I like it or not there's gray hair there. I think I'm in shape, I think that will distinguish me from some of the more elderly folks that are part of this cast. When I'm not in a professional setting, with my family, almost everything I do involves pushing yourself in extreme situations. Whether it's climbing 14,000 feet and sitting in a nice snow cave with no food or water, or whether it's pushing yourself on 100 mile bike rides in desperate desert conditions. So that's what's really compelling to me about this game. Things are going to get a little rough around the edges, and I'm hoping to really.. my mantra is to remain calm. But if that were the one thing to get me in some hot water, yeah, being opinionated. Hey, clearly, in this game I'm not going to be the guy riding on coat-tails, that's for sure. I'm going to have a target on my back from day one. Listen, I didn't get to manage $400 million worth of business at Yahoo by just being a nice guy, or not just by being a nice guy anyway. There's a lot of maneuvering involved, a lot of political machinations, and having to double-track and backtrack and position yourself in ways that may not always have left the surface of the water as smooth as you would like it to. But ultimately if you succeed, if you take the necessary risks, you can achieve what you want to.

* NaOnka

I started at track at probably like third grade, I did my very first marathon in third grade, and I knew I wasn't a marathon runner because I walked most of it, 90% of it. Then my Auntie introduced me to long jump in track and field and I became a star. I'm very alive and I'm very down to earth, what you see is exactly what you get. I'm just NaOnka and you'll never meet another one. I'm bright, I'm vibrant, I'm a chameleon. I can adapt to anything. So if I need to be jolly I'll be jolly, if I need to be good I'll be good, if I need to be valley I'll be valley. I'm the lethal weapon, I'm the secret weapon that they don't even know about, my tribe isn't even going to know. It's going to be a secret. Like I said, I'm in running, I can high jump 5'10", I can long jump over 20 feet. I'm a stallion, I'm an Amazon woman, like I was made for this. I'm not nervous at all. I am really excited, I have no anxiety, I'm just ready to do it. Like if we're going to do it right now, let's go, let's do it. I'm a firecracker. And I'm also a rainbow. I can be thunder and I can be lightning. I can be that star in the sky that's just twinkling. Or I could just be a beast.

* "Sash" Matthew

I'm a luxury real estate broker in Harlem, I currently represent the largest, most expensive penthouses up there. And I'm about to get ready to take over all of Manhattan Island and maybe a little bit of Brooklyn as well. So I'm the go-to guy up there and one of the very best in all of Manhattan. (Laughs.) The secret sauce is having a quick wit, charm, and just knowing what you're doing. I haven't had a chance even to speak to them and I already have all the women wrapped around my finger. I'm definitely a charming guy and I know without a doubt that's going to be one of the biggest tools I have to my advantage. You know, there's a lot of people, or a lot of contestants I should say, that may be able to bench press 20 or 30 more pounds than I can, but to be able to use that skill and that charm that I have will undoubtedly lead me to the end and the title of Sole Survivor, which is why I'm here. A million dollars is secondary to the title, so that's why I wanted to come on the show. You know, I have always dominated anything and everything I've ever competed in or done, in just a few years I've become the absolute best at what I do in Manhattan. I was one of the fastest distance runner in the entire nation. I've always overcome the odds. And, you know, this is just one more notch to add to my belt.

* Shannon

I've been self-employed since I was 19. I never really worked for anybody, I'm not good at taking commands, I'm better at giving them you know. And I have an 11-year-old son, I coach kids, I've been coaching him since he was 6; I coach soccer, basketball, baseball, the whole nine yards. So I'm good motivating children. Even the little ones that suck, I can still get them to be good you know. So that's why I'm hoping I can bring those skills out there, to motivate those kids to do better so that we don't have to be voting everybody off every week. Nobody likes a bossy person, you know. Everybody, you think about anybody who has a job, you hate your boss, most of you people hate your boss unless you work for yourself. So.. so I'm okay with taking orders, it's not a problem. I mean I've been married for eleven years you don't think I can take orders, hey come on. I think I'll hurt some people's feelings because I'm kind of straight forward, I kind of tell you how it is. Somebody asks if I'm voting for them I'm not going to lie, I'll go, "Yeah, everybody's voting for you." If you're asking me why your getting voted for then obviously you know you suck, you're going home, so I'm sorry. People have a hard time dealing with I'm kind of, you know, you ask me a question I'll let you know how it is. I don't sugar-coat anything. I don't know, my dad left when I was 5, I was kind of raised by my mom and my grandma; so I mean I knew the, so whenever I got my girlfriend pregnant when I was 19 I kind of knew the, you know, hey look, I know it sucks with the family with the dad not being there, so I tried to do the right thing and, you know, be a part of his life. Which in essence was great because it made me work harder and strive for more because I had to. You couldn't support a family without making a decent living.

* Tyrone

Yeah, I ran into some challenges, I've been shot at and have had my share of altercations. Been approached, you know, to sell drugs. You know, didn't.. I know several people in the element, we'll put it like that. And I got tired of seeing some of my buddies buried, you know; I had some childhood friends that were buried and didn't quite make it out, if you will. I'm old enough and experienced enough to know the perils of society, but I'm also young enough and hip enough to relate to the kids, you know. And I made it a point to wear a tie and shined shoes to school every day, because I think image and symbolism is very important. I'm pretty dynamic in my personality and in my interests. Because as a firefighter we have to do community relations, public safety, emergency abatement, medical services; we're also plumbers, electricians, you name it, counselors. It's a pretty gratifying job, I enjoy and I'm thankful for the opportunity to get up every day and go help my fellow men. You know, my community. It is a personal challenge for me because that's the guy that I am. I look for new things, I break the mold you know. And I'm just a thrill-seeker, I love snowboard, mountain biking, outdoor stuff. And this is the adventure. My message to my fellow castaways, (bleep) look out coz I'm about to get it done.

* Wendy

I'm not nasty, and they won't find.. They might find me annoying because I like to talk a lot. However, I have leadership skills and I'm a nurse, too, so I have that kind of skill. Knowing.. I'm very observing, too. I also am good at strategy and thinking, against the other team and stuff like that. I talk too much. (Laughs.) Probably that, I would say. A lot of people ask me if I'm blonde in real life. But I don't dye my hair at all, you can see a few bits of gray. I think I'm generally a nice person but I can be tough and I can be mean, just watch out if you get on my bad side. I'm not going to tell you I'm going to be vindictive, and I not going to go say payback, but if someone gives me a problem I can take care of it. In a nice way, but I'll take care of it. Well, I first saw Private Benjamin on TV and said I want to go there, say been there and done that, that is really what motivated me to be in the army. I was already a nurse as a civilian and I saw that movie and said I wanted to do that. My father was so mad at me because he said they could have paid for your college, why didn't you go a long time ago. I know that I'm tough and I'll give it everything, I don't give up ever. No. So, yeah, I think the army training will help in a lot of ways, and same just my motivation will help, too.

* Yve

The best way to describe me is pretty resilient. Determined, definitely. I think a lot of determination has to do with the fact that I'm a mother of two little girls. I'm a little quirky, I'm unsuspecting, and I'm a whole lot stronger than you'd guess. Of all the experiences that I've had, the random events, you add them up and it's me, my life says I'm a survivor. I mean from being in ROTC to traveling to a tiny town on the coast of Venezuela, um.. being a mother and having that determination and that quality that you'll do anything for your girls, anything at all for them, gives me that drive and that fearlessness. I am not intimidated by elements, I am not intimidated by people, I am not intimidated by much. And I don't hesitate. So this is a perfect environment for me to make my first million, and I haven't yet. So, an odd way to go about it, but I'm here. There's a lot of layers to me. My nickname growing up from my sisters, I'm Evil Yve. And probably by looking at me most people don't think that there's that aggressive side to me. So I just hope that women and girls out there are like, "Damn, there's a woman at 41 who just went for it and look where she's at."


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09-18-10, 03:36 PM (EST)
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16. "Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
As I watched, it seemed the Theme of Episode #1 was:

Making Connections

As Jeff gave us an introduction to a land of mysteries, dangers, rain forests and volcanoes, we saw a first group led by a young blond guy (Jud) walking through the jungle.
The first confessionals were anonymous…except for one who didn’t need an introduction. These interviews served more to set the season than to introduce characters.

Blond Guy: “There are monkeys hanging from things…There’s no fences like the zoo.”

“I’m Jimmy Johnson. I’m 66 years old. I won 2 collegiate national championship and 2 Superbowls. What can top it off better than to win Survivor?

Jeff revealed that the groups thought they had been divided into 2 tribes and that first impressions were already forming.

Older Guy (Jimmy T): There’s this older gentleman (Dan) who looks like he’s a mafia boss and that he wants to boss people around and I’m not the kind of character that likes his buttons pushed.”

Young woman (Alina): There’s an old grey haired guy (Marty) that’s just pissing me off already. He seems like he wants to step into the leadership position. I hope he does because he’ll get kicked off right away.”

After Jeff mentioned that they have to adapt, we saw a young Asian girl (Brenda) saying: “I’m single. Single, single, single! Flirting is something that I will use if I have to.”
<As she said this the camera focused on a handsome young dark haired guy (Shannon)>

Opening Credits.

The groups met Jeff. Yve was the first one to talk: “You can tell a lot about people, not just the way they are walking but the way they are watching other people.”

Kelly B: (First named interview) “I was born with a birth defect that forced the amputation of my right leg when I was 6 months old. Initially, I’m keeping everything a secret because I don’t want people <Brenda watching> to make assumptions about my physical abilities and that’s what people do.”

Pointed out by Jeff, Marty introduced himself and said to the group: “People are thinking ‘This is my team <Jane shown then Brenda> these are the people that I’m going to be with. People are already checking each other out.”

We immediately had Marty’s interview: “As I’m looking around, I see Jimmy Johnson, a former NFL coach. I want nothing to do with Jimmy Johnson in this game. Frankly, I don’t know why he’s even here. I’d rather have him on the other tribe.”

Jeff told them about the Medallion of Power and they were soon running to find it. Brenda found it hidden in a tree. She was congratulated by Marty and Jimmy, two players who would soon be disappointed that there was a twist.

Alina: “I noticed that there’s a girl with a limp (Kelly)…I think that she may have a hip problem but I don’t know.”

Jeff went to Marty again who was happy that his tribe had won the MoP! When Jeff said 40 or older, the camera went to Yve who looked upset to have to reveal her age. Shannon turned to Jimmy Johnson and said he wanted to be with a football coach.

After Jimmy gave us the episode’s title: “I’m Young at Heart”, he had another interview: “I was looking forward to some of these young ones carrying me! I don’t want the old ones with me.”

Chase: “When the twist came, my first reaction was like: Damn! The antiques have the best coach you could ask for. They’ve got a Superbowl winning coach. He’s a great leader, that’s what he’s done his whole life.”

Jeff turned to Brenda for a decision about the MoP. La Flor had to decide between MoP or flint and fishing gear.

Naonka: “The medallion threw everything for a loop. I wanted to keep it for the fact that it is POWER.”

Jimmy was heard saying he wished they kept the MoP because fire would be everything.
Yve added: “Decide, children.”

Jud spoke up, saying they needed fire and the fishing gear while Jeff demanded an answer.
(It would have to wait for commercials)

Speaking for La Flor, Alina chose the reward. Brenda handed the MoP to Marty of Espada who wondered what it would mean.
Yve said: “It’s gold. Don’t winners carry gold?”

The two bolded sentences by Yve really intrigued me. I wonder if the young ones will have problems deciding and if she just told us that Marty is the winner?

Shannon: “I figured the old people needed the MoP more than we do. I don’t want to underestimate the old people but I don’t think they can handle us in challenges. There’s no reason why we should lose to them.”

Let’s keep track of the players that were introduced early: Yve, Kelly B, Marty, Brenda, Alina, Chase, Naonka and Shannon received recognition immediately. That is a good start for them. In a lower register, Jimmy T and Jud also revealed their first thoughts but remained nameless, absent from the credits. Jimmy J was larger than everyone else but that was to be expected and has no relevance to his longevity. The other players already have a question mark regarding their chances of collecting the money.

Day 1
: “In all the adventures I’ve had in the past, I was in charge…Out here, I don’t have the control. Maybe somebody will be infatuated with me…Well, I’ll play on that, I’ll play the superstar status.” <Jill showed she had recognized him> “Some others may resent that. <Jimmy T shown on screen.> They could be Eagles fans, Redskins fans.” <Marty assured Dan that it was indeed JJ> “I have to work on each particular contestant and try to win them over because, if I don’t, I’ll be a target and they’ll vote me out early.”

In the woods, Holly and Wendy made the first connection.

Holly: “Coaching the swim team, you have to deal with a lot of different personalities and still have to hold your composure at the same time. I’m a very good judge of people. The first time I saw Wendy, I trusted her and I do read people very well.”

Wendy: “Holly said she wanted an alliance with me and I thought that was awesome but I wasn’t expecting it so soon…My strategy in the game is to take baby steps, not be the first person voted off…”
Marty, as probably most of the viewers, found her weird.

A determined Jane walked back into camp carrying coconut husk and asking for glasses. She told Jimmy she would get fire and, assisted by Holly, Jill and Yve, she did!

Jane: “They think I’m some middle-age housewife that fiddles around the house all day long, they are in for a big surprise cause that is definitely not me. I’m 56 years old and I’m the type of person that stays busy all the time. I just don’t think that there is anything I can’t do. Winning a million dollars is really important to me because it would help pay off my farm. I lost my husband in 09, it means I wouldn’t have to work as hard as I do. In spirit, I know he’s with me and that’s what keeps me going.”

Isn’t that an awesome interview? This huge introduction puts Jane right there in contention with the others who had their names shown early.

Seeing the flames, Marty was impressed. He said: “They gave up the medallion and what did they get?”

Marty: “Jane started the fire literally within half an hour. The fact that we could make fire that quickly reassured us all. We’re going to take this thing. We got just as much going for us as the young group does.”

La Flor
Day 1

Arriving in camp, Benry introduced himself and gave high-fives to everyone.

Sash: “This game…Old guys versus young guys…we know we are going to be able to dominate. We’re excited…Great beach, great waves and beautiful girls. It doesn’t get much better than that right?”

Jud: “As soon as it was 30 and under, it was like these are my people. It will be a lot of fun.”
Except it wasn’t! Jud stepped on something that dug in his foot and, just after removing it, a crab’s claw stuck in his finger!

Shannon: “The guy with the long blond hair; he’s a dumb blonde. I’ve never called a guy a dumb blonde before but he’s a dumb blonde. The one who looks like Fabio; he’s just retarded.”

Jud/Fabio: “The name Fabio, man! I didn’t even realize I was being called that at first. Fabio…is kind of a cheese ball. Whatever, I don’t care what they’re going to call me. I’m going to win a million dollars so I guess my nickname is Fabio.”

Being two strong alpha males, Shannon and Chase connected and made an alliance during their walk in the woods.
Shannon: “I don’t know about you but I don’t want another girl winning.”

Shannon: “It’s important that we don’t let these girls take over. We already get owned in marriage, soon we’ll have a woman president. The guys need to stack up and win this thing.”

Kelly B: “Being an amputee, I notice every time people are looking down at the ground…I get paranoid with people just staring at my leg… I’m going to have to show it to everyone. That is my goal, to come out with it and be able to prove immediately that I am as physically capable as everyone else.”
She gathered everyone in camp and showed her prosthetic.
They gave her high-five while Fabio asked “How do you tell it to move?”

Shannon (who is quickly becoming the tribe’s narrator): “Me, I’m just a wuss. I could almost cry for her. I felt so bad and, if I was final 3 or 2 with her, I’d say just give her the money, cut her the check because no money in the world can replace what she’s probably gone through in her life. But really, she’s going to be too much of a threat down the road with sympathy votes. So, I figured if we lose a challenge to the old guys she’ll definitely have to be one of the first ones to go.”

Naonka: “Kelly B, she has one leg and I don’t want people to get mad at me because I’m talking about her leg but this is a game for the title of Sole Survivor plus a million dollars. I’m not going to treat her like and outcast but, if you feel you can outrun me, let’s race.”

Night 1

Marty was happy about the fire and everyone joined him in applauding their accomplishment, everyone except Jimmy that is. He was busy throwing up.
Jimmy J: “I overdid it I think. When we were getting all the wood, getting all the bamboo… everybody was so excited to get here and start working on stuff, I did more than I needed to do.”

Jimmy T: “Coach needs to be careful. He’s getting his ass kicked out here. I don’t know if he’s going for an academy award or if he’s genuinely ill but this is not for the weak and he’s not a young man.”

Day 2
: “I watched every second of Survivor. I never imagined, anywhere close, that it was this difficult. It’s the first time I’ve ever experienced anything like this and it’s an eye opener, I promise you.”

La Flor

Brenda and Chase were talking about Jimmy Johnson. Brenda knew who he was because, as she said: “I use to cheer for the Dolphins.”
(Burnett made sure he wouldn’t have another Gary Hawkins!)
After saying they like each other, Chase admitted: “You get in an alliance and you get in a challenge and you end up hating that person…You can do guys against girls but that’s crazy…”
Chase: “Brenda, she’s a cute girl. I’m attracted to her. For some reason, I feel I can really trust her. I don’t want to have this thing where I have two different alliances. I don’t like that I not trying to come out here and lie to everybody but my dumb ass has put my neck on the line early and I wasn’t planning on doing that. I made that alliance with Shannon and now, I got to figure out who I really can trust.”
<Shannon, whose neck was also put on the line, was shown on screen working on the shelter with Kelly B>
Brenda was smiling sweetly but her confessional would have told Chase who to trust!

Brenda: “I’m used to having guys do what I say. The funny thing is Chase came up to me and told me the guys have a little alliance going on and, of course I’m going to use that information to get me to the end. I know Chase trusts me. He’s a really nice guy but he’s clueless.”

Listen again to Chase’s interview where he mentions Shannon and then Brenda’s interview when she said “the guys have a little alliance” and note that those words were spliced together. When were those words actually spoken and in which context? That’s uncertain but the editors thought it was important to set up this triangle. And let’s not forget that the camera led us to believe that Brenda would flirt with Shannon by showing him as she said she was single. That’s enough manipulation to tell me to keep an eye on how Chase’s alliances work out. He set up Shannon as an underdog and Brenda as a manipulator.

Alina and Kelly B went to the well but found a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol instead.
They had an interview in tandem:
Alina: “We just found a clue to an immunity idol, this early in the game. Yay! But we can’t figure it out.”
Kelly B: “We’re thinking we are going to hold on to it and maybe come back to it.”

After hiding the clue in a tree, Alina had a solo interview: “Kelly B and I, pfffft! It’s hard right now because we found a hidden immunity idol clue together which I wish we hadn’t found together. Now, I’m kind of forced to be in an alliance with her but I don’t want her to stick around a long time because I don’t want to go to the end with her because, sorry to say but sympathy votes for sure and I’m not trying to go against that.”

Espada got tree mail. Jimmy Johnson took the opportunity to gather the tribe and tell them: “I’m here for the adventure, no jury is going to give me a million dollars, I know that but I can help one of you get the million. Nothing would make me happier than to see one of you guys win.

At the challenge we learned that the other Kelly would be known as Purple Kelly.
Huddled around Jimmy, Espada decided they didn’t need to use the MoP for this challenge but La Flor won immunity.
Jimmy had another confessional at the end of the challenge.

Last Segment
Jimmy T
: “I don’t know, I can’t even think clearly right now. I’m drunk from the trauma of the challenge. I’m 48 years old but this place has already knocked me down and it’s only day 3. I got to learn to deal with that and I got to figure out how to play the game.”

Marty asked Jimmy T what he was doing.
Jimmy T said he was voting Jimmy tonight. He added: “I know that sometimes stars blind people.”

Jimmy J went for a walk with Holly, telling her they needed to keep the tribe strong and that the two weakest were himself and Wendy.

Holly: “Coach explained that we need to keep our team stronger and I agree with him. That’s something I should have thought of before I rushed into an alliance with Wendy. I’m really caught in a dilemma because I shook her hand. I really don’t know. I’ll see what happens.”

Wendy: “I am nervous and concerned. I think I’m on the outs because I don’t think I developed bonds with a lot of people. You shouldn’t trust anyone on Survivor and Holly won’t even talk to me and we shook on an alliance on the first day.”

We then saw 4 people talking about the vote: Holly, Marty, Jill and Yve. Holly and Jill did most of the talking. Jill said Wendy or Jimmy J were good choices.

Marty: “This is the first time we had to feel each other out for something as important as who is going to go home. You throw it out there, you try to coax it out of people; you get some tentativeness, some nervousness about anyone saying a name. It could be a real toss between Wendy and Jimmy Johnson. We don’t know how either will perform in a physical challenge. We’re making some guesses and Wendy Jo probably doesn’t add a lot on the physicality side of the challenges. But if you’re Jimmy Johnson, you’re telling me the jury isn’t going to give you the million dollars, I’m not buying it.”

Tribal Council

Jeff first asked Jane about the first impressions she creates
Jane: “They might call me a southern hillbilly.”
Jill interjected: “I call her Survivor McGyver because, within an hour of hitting that beach, Jane had that fire going. She can do anything here.”
Jane: “I knew I could because I saw an article that you wrote and it said you didn’t know why anyone would come and play Survivor if they didn’t know how to make a fire…I’ve been practicing for two months!”
Jeff was surprised anyone listened to what he had to say!

Jimmy T: “Where I come from, I’m a leader. When I talk, people listen. When you get to Survivor, there are people who are stronger, people who have more integrity and when you have one of the greatest leaders in the NFL of all times, it’s very frustrating. I’m just another player here.”
Jimmy J: “Let me make it clear, I’m not the boss <the camera immediately went to Marty, noting his reaction but also suggesting Marty IS the boss>. I’ll be a target at every single tribal council. I’m not a threat to anyone here for the simple reason no jury is ever going to reward me a million bucks. I’m not here for the money; I’m here for the adventure. I’ll only be here for as long as I can help this team be successful.”
Tyrone gave the first of what could become famous sideways glances!
Jimmy T: “He’s going to try to win this thing. I think he can win this game. If he leads so well and deserves to win the game; the jury will let him win that game.”

Asked by Jeff about natural born leaders, Marty answered: “I think coming into it you got to be careful about being over the top leader…There are different ways to lead and it’s making sure that you don’t lead in a way that gets you into trouble.”

Asked who thought they could be voted out, Jane (?), Wendy, Dan, Yve, Jimmy J and Holly raised their hand.
Asked why she felt in trouble, Holly said: “I made an alliance right into the game <Marty’s reaction showed his disapproval> and Coach came to me after the challenge and said he felt there are two weak links. Well, I don’t necessarily agree on who we decide.”
Wendy told Jeff that she didn’t connect well with people. When Wendy told everyone she was 48, Tyrone jokingly said: “You look so young.”
Wendy showed why she is called the shatter-box even interrupting Jeff before the vote. Facial expressions by Dan, Tyrone and Jimmy T showed she only managed to put another nail in her coffin.
Tyrone voted, saying: “Initially, the decision was tough but after hearing your excuses, it became easy. You got to go.”

It was interesting to see that the walk of shame forced the booted player walking alone in a cemetery.

The Story

From the moment Jeff introduced the Medallion of Power, a theme of “making decisions” surfaced. Faced with the choice between the MoP and an important reward, we saw the young tribe hesitate. We heard Jimmy Johnson saying he wished they’d keep the MoP which indicated that it would have been the wrong choice. We even had Yve saying: “Decide, children.” During the challenge, Jeff was heard saying wisdom versus enthusiasm. Both times, the young ones came through.

Then, when it was time for the older tribe to decide, we heard their narrator saying: “you get some tentativeness, some nervousness about anyone saying a name”.

If the “making decisions” theme continues to favor the younger tribe, I would keep an eye on their main players as our possible victor.

For the theme of “making connections” it led to some players being insiders, others outsiders, some were a bit of both while the rest were nowhere to be seen. This theme will be best treated as we analyze the Characters

The Invisibles:

Benry: We only heard his name as he introduced himself to the others. It’s not much but it’s something as the camera could have focused on anyone so we’ll have to wait and see where he stands.

Purple Kelly: Luckily there was another Kelly in La Flor or else we would never have needed to hear from her!

Matt: His only confessional had a touch of arrogance (we know we are going to dominate) and then it turned into words of a Tourist to Nicaragua admiring the beaches. That’s not encouraging.

Dan: It was strange that this Mafioso-type was left without a connection! This “wise-guy” felt threatened enough to raise his hand during tribal council yet we didn’t hear any reasons why or share any of his thoughts except for his reaction after realizing it was really Jimmy J. That is usually the sign of someone that will be voted out early.

Tyrone: It seemed that Tyrone was comfortably inside the Espada alliance but we never saw him making that connection. All we had were his joyous reaction after receiving a pep-talk from Jimmy J and his “I’m not buying it” expressions at TC. Tyrone could be a golden character but he may be under-utilized in telling this story which wouldn’t bode well for his chances. Let’s wait and see.

The Dumb Player
: He was used as comic relief in the La Flor tribe, this season’s Boo! Everyone made fun of “Fabio”. He did have a confessional about winning the money but that felt like a way for the viewers to laugh even more at his stupidity. Dumb players have never had the chance of ridding themselves of that etiquette.

The Insiders included: Marty, Jill and Yve in Espada, Chase, Brenda and Alina in La Flor.
Outsiders were Jimmy J, Jimmy T and Naonka

Holly, Jane, Shannon and Kelly B had both Insider and Outsider moments that I found particularly interesting. These four, as well as three Insiders, Chase, Brenda and Marty, are my top contenders for the win after episode #1.

The Outsiders: These people have targets on their backs, either from their opponents or from their edits:

Jimmy J
: He is not Espada’s narrator, he is narrating his own story. That story will be told even if it has no bearing on the winner’s story so I don’t want to waste too much time on him. I’ll note that his pep-talk was a nice thing to do and it could help but, since he is weak, he should try to divide the tribe, not unite it! Love tribes vote out the weak, divided tribes vote out strong rivals. JJ better hope that some conflicts erupt in Espada.

Jimmy T: He must have some relevance down the road because I found him to be a very unsavory character for all the time he had on screen. Not yet a villain because everyone shared his opinion of JJ. He’s just a weird person who blames JJ for being weak one day and then says “this place has already knocked me down”. I believe he will become that villain who we enjoy seeing fall so that means he has merge potential.

Naonka: We saw she has a big personality but her interviews didn’t paint a nice picture. She said she wanted the MoP over flint and fishing gear which, like JJ said, would have been stupid and she put herself in the role of Villain for not only targeting Kelly B but challenging her.

The Insiders:

Jill: Even if she was part of the foursome talking about the vote, her screen-time mostly served to show Espada’s tentativeness. Her TC intervention served to underline Jane’s story, not her own. Jill could be well served by Espada’s alliance but I didn’t get the impression she will play a major role this season.

Yve: The same could be said of Yve except that she did get an introduction by Jeff. As noted above, Yve had two very interesting comments, one that introduced the decision-making theme and the other that pointed to Marty as potential winner since he carried gold. Were these just good sound-bites or does it mean Yve will be relevant to the story? We’ll keep an eye on her.

Alina: We quickly found out who Alina doesn’t like. She put targets on two contenders, Marty and Kelly B. In retrospect, it was strange to hear that she wanted Marty voted out early because she had nothing to do with him after the twist. That could very well mean these two last long enough to meet again. She first attracted our attention to Kelly’s handicap and then she wound up in an undesired “alliance” with a fan favorite, a sweetheart or a hero in the making. It doesn’t kill her chances of winning yet but this edit puts many questions on her path. Can she atone for those negative comments?

Chase: He is Alina’s opposite as we quickly to found out who Chase likes: JJ, Brenda and Shannon. The good social players are rewarded much more often than those who are quick to hate others. This good guy will have a tough road to victory because we were told he was clueless. Can he learn the game? Can he make conflicting alliances work for him? A pretty big character was build out of nothing right from the start so it must mean something.

Brenda: She burst onto our screen by proclaiming she was single and will flirt. She found the MoP and got high-five by two of the other stars of the episode, connecting her to Marty and JJ. She then not only got into an alliance with a strong guy, Chase, but got him to surrender valuable information on the men’s alliance. She even said that she will “use that information to get (her) to the end.” Also, it was interesting to note during the challenge Jeff saying that the men could only watch as the women decide the outcome. Will the men be sitting, watching from the jury box? Or did Brenda hand Marty the “gold medal”?

Marty: He was the true narrator of Espada and he was their undeclared leader. Proof came in his interview about the tribe’s tentativeness and his facial expressions whenever leadership was mentioned at TC. The cameras told us he was the leader who was “making sure that (he doesn’t) lead in a way that gets (him) into trouble.” He doesn’t have to worry about Alina who seemed to be the only one to see his true colors. That means he should have an open field to the merge. I don’t think JJ has the defense to tackle him! How he deals with the younger members, especially Alina, will determine his outcome.

Holly: She had an interesting episode. Her alliance with Wendy could have been ignored but it served as a link to show that she was worried of being booted. She told us she was a good judge of people but she made a mistake right off the bat. Good or bad? The fact that it could be both underlines the beauty of editing. For Holly to remain high on my list of potential winners, she would have to remove doubts concerning her decision-making process.

Jane Reading her interview once more should be enough to see why I give her a shot: “They think I’m some middle-age housewife that fiddles around the house all day long, they are in for a big surprise cause that is definitely not me. I’m 56 years old and I’m the type of person that stays busy all the time. I just don’t think that there is anything I can’t do. Winning a million dollars is really important to me because it would help pay off my farm. I lost my husband in 09, it means I wouldn’t have to work as hard as I do. In spirit, I know he’s with me and that’s what keeps me going”
If she doesn’t win the game, she certainly will have won respect. That however, could be her story.

Shannon: La Flor’s narrator does have to atone for being portrayed to target Kelly but already his words about her were much more balanced than the others. He admires Kelly and would give her the money so we know he was acting rationally, not in a vindictive way. He showed arrogance towards his tribe’s chances against Espada. He could also be seen as a misogynist who doesn’t want women to have a chance of winning. I’m far from convinced of his chances of winning but he was put in an underdog position by Chase’s alliance with Brenda. The key to the season could be in how that triangle evolves.

Kelly: An, if we are looking for an underdog to win this whole thing then no story would be grandeur than Kelly’s. With three players immediately putting targets on her back, including the only declared “ally” we were shown, Kelly will have a tough battle on her hand. Her story would already be a good one if she simply makes the merge, better yet if she outlasts Naonka, Alina and Shannon. Can she actually get one of them to stay with her to the end?

Thanks Tribe!


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-18-10, 05:09 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
As I saw it, NaOnka did not react negatively to Kelly B. having an artificial leg, not in the sense of feeling threatened by it and targeting Kelly B. for elimination. NaOnka, funky way of talking that could get her in trouble, but she accepted Kelly B. as a challenge not a threat, declared she wouldn't treat her as an outcast (I assume she meant treat Kelly B. as any different than anyone else). Na is ready to face things head on.

michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-18-10, 07:35 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 09-18-10 AT 07:42 PM (EST)

Thanks for your input Dabo, I'll keep in it mind.

To explain my point of view a bit further, I think that the editors wanted us to like Kelly. Therefore, anyone one who said they want her out (there can only be one winner) had a negative taint. I know people can run fast with a prosthetic but we were told Kelly had problems walking. Showing Naonka challenging her to a race wasn't the nicest way to portray her. Alina and Shannon had already put a target on Kelly, Naonka's words sounded like "unnecessary roughness, late hit out of bounds." (keeping the football imagery).


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-20-10, 10:21 AM (EST)
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29. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
I take your point about the editing. It just seems a bit unfair to tarnish NaOnka with the Shannon and Alina "Target Kelly B." talk since (1) she wasn't there to hear it and (2) that's not what she said.

One of the things I've been wondering (impossible to tell from the editing) is if anyone recognized Kelly Bruno for who she is, particularly after she revealed her artificial leg. She holds two world records as a runner (amputee division), she is a top athlete. NaOnka and Sash both have running backgrounds, plus (relative to Squid's post 28 this thread) Chase (also an athletic background, football, which he "lost" due to an ankle injury) and Jane are both from NC same as Kelly B.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-20-10, 12:00 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
Maybe the use of the world Villain was unfair, maybe I was influenced by the preview for next week but the fact remains that Na'Onka was isolated and her only role was to say she wanted to keep the MoP and to be one of Kelly's opponents. That's not positive for her.

The fact that Kelly is a track star doesn't matter to the editing. What we were told is that she's afraid of being seen as weak (which is different than saying she wants to show she is fast and strong) and that she has problems walking. To me, challenging her to a race was unfair, reminding me of JT racing a limping James.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-20-10, 02:11 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
dabo, I agree with you that there wasn't any definitive negative slant to Naonka's words; my take on that confessional was potentially used simply for foreshadowing in that she and Kelly B. may square off at some point in some fashion.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-20-10, 02:22 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
and if they do, the viewers will be pulling for Kelly B. won't they? If they do, that means they will want to see Na'Onka fail. Therefore she was put in the role of "our sweetheart's" antagonist. That's the negativity; not her words but her role.

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-21-10, 07:53 AM (EST)
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41. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
A note on Na Onka -- in an intro video she explains that she's a horrible runner, can't race worth anything. Her forte is the other kind of track and field, I think it's jumping. She made a point out of how she tanked in racing, so I'm really not sure why she's bringing it up.

dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-21-10, 11:17 AM (EST)
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44. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
Na's forté in track and field is jumping (long jump, triple jump, high jump), but she does run. It's long distance running such as marathon she's horrible at. I thought that was curious as Survivor has been likened to a marathon event. Kelly B. does does participate in ironman competitions.

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-21-10, 05:47 PM (EST)
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47. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
dabo, thanks for setting it completely straight, much appreciated. The Kona Ironman marathon occurs on the island where I live, in fact it's less than three weeks from now. It's a truly grueling event. The sun alone is so fierce, and it's shining on a terrain of black lava and asphalt. It amazes me that people choose to do it, and Kelly B must be beyond tough.

Toban 110 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-18-10, 06:24 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
After reading your thoughts on Shannon, I can see how he may have been given a slightly better edit than I perceived. I admit that my opinion of him has been coloured by his use of the "F" word in a pre-game interview...something to do with how his wife would rather see him cuddling up to the guys at night rather than the women but that his kids would call him the "F" word. Who would use that word in a press interview? Someone with very poor judgment, at the very least.

Having said that, I would love to see a showdown between him and the women, spearheaded by Brenda and I definitely see how the first episode editing has set up that battle. And you can guess whose side I'll be on.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-18-10, 07:41 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
Nice to see you here, Toban!
It'll be interesting to see if Shannon displays any poor judgment on the show. As is, making an all-male alliance isn't always the best idea.

Any thoughts on the rest of this cast?


Belle Book 3613 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

09-18-10, 08:51 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
Making an all-male alliance isn't always the best idea, indeed! Although this is a fictional example, Desmond from Estee's Survivor fanfic comes to mind. He formed an all-male alliance on his tribe and wanted to get rid of all the women. Of course, that doesn't quite work out for him! Nor did it work out for Roger in the Amazon.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-18-10, 09:19 PM (EST)
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22. "The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
Of note: I will be reading your commentary but wanted to post my own prior to reading anyone else's as I like to write what I view without being influenced. I then read in order to learn something that I may not have realized before so some of my commentary may have been stated by others. Thank you in advance for participating in this thread as it means a lot to me to post my thoughts and have them read and learn from others' observations...

The first episode aka our first chapter. Jeff begins discussing the story of the island.

Jud (conf): “Everywhere you look there are monkeys… it is real, no fences like the zoo”

Jimmy J. (conf): …66 years old, won two Superbowls, what could top it off better than winning Survivor.

Jeff: First impressions already forming….

Jimmy T (conf): “Older gentleman look like mafia boss, looks like he wants to boss people around; not the kind of character that likes his buttons pushed.”

(Referencing Dan who was practically invisible this episode - this confessional struck me as odd since Dan was basically neither seen nor heard. Therefore, there may be an upcoming story involving some discord surrounding Dan (the preview for next week seems to point in that direction). However, since both are on the same tribe and neither received an edit that I thought fared well for them, this seems more of a short term/pre-merger issue that may come to pass)

Alina(conf): There’s this old gray haired guy (Marty) that’s just pissing me off already; he seems like the kind of guy who will step into the leadership position and I hope he does cuz he will just get kicked off right away”

Alina is wearing the items she is wearing when they are first introduced so this appears to be a “first impression” confessional and it is interesting that Marty may have done something at the onset of the game to “annoy” someone like that. Perhaps he was directing traffic with respect to finding the medallion but like Jimmy T.’s confessional, I do question why this was shown when they didn’t even end up on the same tribe (which would elude to a short term issue) – this particular confession may be important for a future storyline and Alina and Marty could therefore have longevity to their characters since I happen to think both of these characters have some “legs” to them.

Brenda conf: I’m single…. and flirting is something I am going to use if I have to… (Shannon then shown)

Jeff gives his million dollar phrase showing Wendy (irony?) then Yve then Naonka then Tyrone then Chase then Kelly.


The tribes are on their mats however find out that this is not their true tribes

Jeff asks Yve about her impressions

Yve “You can tell a lot about a person not just by the way they are walking but how they are watching other people”

Kelly B. (conf): “I was born with birth defect….. I think initially I am keeping everything a secret, I don’t want people making assumptions…”

Marty “You can tell people are okay this is my team… so people already checking each other out”

Marty (conf): “I see Jimmy Johnson, I don’t want anything to do with Jimmy Johnson in this game… I’d rather have him on the other tribe frankly”

Jeff advises the contestants about the medallion and its advantage and how it is claimed for their tribe. The contestants run off to search for it and Brenda finds it. Jimmy J. tells her she did a great job.

Alina (conf): “I noticed there was a girl with a limp…. couldn’t tell what was up with it; I don’t know what’s going on with that” (Different confessional period than earlier one as she was on the beach in her bikini with her buff)

Jeff asks Marty his opinion on Brenda finding the medallion

Marty “I think it’s killer, important to win anything thrown at us… bodes really well for us.”

Jeff then throws the twist at them that the tribes are separated by age which elicits shocked faces and some cheers.

Chase comments on being separated from Jimmy J.

Jimmy J. “I’m young at heart!”

Jimmy J. (conf) “I was looking forward to some of the young people carrying me; I don’t want any of the old people with me!”

Chase (conf) “When the switch came, my first thought was oh damn, they have a Superbowl winning coach on their team, he is a great leader; that’s what he’s done his whole life”

Brenda is told by Jeff that a decision has to be made about the medallion and a discussion commences.

Naonka (conf): “…threw everything for a loop. I really want to keep it; I like the fact that it’s power, power!”

Jimmy mentions to group that he hopes they keep it “fire and fish; fire is going to be so important…” and Yve states: “decide children”

Jud is heard saying they got to fish and do they want fire and fish

Alina states they will take the fishing gear and the medallion goes to the older group

Jimmy J. states they have power whatever it means

Yve “And it’s gold, don’t winners carry gold?” (Now wouldn’t that be a lovely little nugget to file away?)

Shannon (conf): “I figured the old people need the medallion more than we do, I don’t want to underestimate the old people…. There’s no reason why we should lose to them” (Perhaps a statement that will result in some foreshadowing)


Introductions are made and Jimmy Johnson is very gregarious.

Jimmy J (conf): “All the adventures I had I was in charge… out here I don’t have the control, maybe somebody will be infatuated with me… well I’ll play on that, I’ll play the superstar status” (Jill is seen doing exactly that) “Some of these other players may resent that (shot of Jimmy T. shown) maybe they are Philadelphia Eagle fans or Washington Redskin fans” (conversation with Dan and Marty shown) “So I got to work on each particular contestant and win them over or I’ll be a target and they will vote me out early”

Dan “Do you think that’s him?” (Marty says it is) “It can’t be that Jimmy Johnson was the coach of the Miami Dolphins and Dallas Cowboys”

Wendy and Holly are shown and Holly immediately puts the moves on Wendy to form an alliance and that she is with her all the way.

Holly (conf) “….I’m a very good judge of people, first time I saw Wendy I trusted her and most of the time I read people very well” (Ironic statement considering how the episode ended)

Holly gives her word

Wendy (conf) “Holly said she wanted to be in alliance with me….I wasn’t expecting that so soon. My brother calls me sheltered and that is kind of like naïve….my strategy is take baby steps and not be first person voted off; my husband thinks I will be first person voted off….”

Marty and Wendy talk and in that brief conversation, Marty states that she is weird.

Jane (conf) “If they think I’m some middle aged housewife that toodles around the house, they are in for big surprise… I’m the type person who stays busy all the time; don’t think there isn’t anything I can do. Winning the million is really important to me cuz it will help pay off my farm and the fact I lost my husband in ’09 means I won’t have to work that hard but his spirit is still with me and that’s what keeps me going.” (A very solid confessional encompassing the themes with good content)

Jane attempts fire and is successful.

Marty (conf) “Jane started the fire literally within an half hour. The fact we made fire that quickly reassured us all, you know what, we are going to take this thing; we got just as much going for us as the young group does.”

La Flor

Benry gives high fives all around

Sash (conf) “This game that’s old guys vs. young guys, we know we’ll be able to dominate. We are excited, great beach…. Beautiful girls, doesn’t get much better that that…” (Merely a narration, does not hold much substance for him as a person)

Interesting to note his use of “guys” only in his vs. narration but that may solely be a bit of picky analysis on my part. There is definitely an undertone reflecting in the editing that the younger tribe feels they can dominate purely due to age alone

Jud (conf) “As soon as we were 30 and under I was like these are my people, this is going to be fun!” (A fluff confessional however we see later that his eye is on the prize as well)

Jud proceeds to hurt himself

Shannon (conf) “The guy with the long blonde hair, he is a dumb blonde. I never called a guy a dumb blonde before but he’s a dumb blond” and “Blonde haired kid, the one that looks like Fabio; he’s just retarded”

(Immediately I thought of Russell and thought how ironic would it be that Shannon is referring to dumb blondes; in this case a man and one of Russell’s dumb blondes won the game)

A point of interest seems to be a theme of underestimation in connection with first impressions as the older tribe (or some of them as reflected upon by Jane) may be underestimated and Shannon is perhaps underestimating Jud all based on first impressions

More of Jud’s antics are shown…..

Jud (conf) “The name Fabio man, I didn’t even realize I was being called that at first. (Shannon and Benry I believe are shown whereupon Shannon calls Jud an idiot) Fabio like rides a white horse and is kind of a cheeseball, I don’t care what they call me, I’m going to win the million dollars…”

(This confessional pushed Jud in great territory as it told us he is perhaps being underestimated and despite his goofy persona, he is playing this game to win the million dollars. Jud seems fully prepared to allow the others to have misconceptions about him and that can bode very well for his end game as he is underestimated – hitting the theme squarely)

Shannon and Chase are then shown

Shannon “I feel that me and you will be the strongest; without me and you they will be screwed” (This is quite a prophetic/ironic statemtn)

Chase “You and I are definitely going to be the strongest as far as strength wise; we may not be the best swimmers…”

Shannon “I definitely won’t be the best swimmer curious to see if that becomes an issue in a challenge for Shannon but strength wise, any kind of athletic ability…”

Chase “Most definitely will put a target on our back”

Shannon “No you’re right, cuz they see the alpha males being a target but that’s what good about me and you…. Boston Rob and Russell could have ran it last year; I don’t know about you but I don’t want another girl to win”

Chase “I agree with that”

Shannon “Exactly”

Shannon (conf) “It’s important that we don’t let these girls take over; I mean we already get owned in marriage, pretty soon we’ll have a woman President; a guy needs to sack up and win this one”

This conversation may be fraught with foreshadowing but hindsight is 20/20 and again it will be interesting to look back on these statements and how they related to the end game. Shannon is clearly not meant to be edited as a well liked character and he has been highlighted this episode by the number of his confessionals all of which pertain to his perhaps underestimating certain people or groups. Normally a character who is at the forefront of an edit at the onset can be viewed suspiciously as a short term character as the editors which to shape this person immediately so the audience can see them prior to their leaving and often times give us the reason for their departure. Shannon is distinctly being shown as someone who may get knocked down a few pegs, perhaps by the women (or some woman) or maybe Jud in some fashion. More than likely, he will be shown as someone feeling secure who gets a rude awakening; it just is a question of when

Kelly B is then shown working on shelter with a camera shot of her leg

Kelly B (conf): “Everytime I noticed people looking down at the ground I thought they were looking at my leg, foot and I was paranoid people were staring…. I guess I will have to show it to everyone and prove immediately that I am as physically capable as everyone else”

Note the distinct change in musicality – sympathetic type tones as she narrates this confession. Kelly will obviously be edited in a unique fashion due to her backstory and no doubt will be highlighted as a journey character. As I have talked about in the past, journey characters can do extremely well but their edit is not about the win but rather their journey. She will be a tough edit to deduce since she would be shown in great fashion regardless of her placement.

Kelly notes the first impression and shows the group her leg as everyone is supportive and Jud throws in a nonsensical comment

Shannon (conf) “Being such a wuss right now, I could almost cry for her, like if I went to the final three with her or two, I’d be like just give her the money, cut her the check cause no money could replace what she’s gone through… but really she’s going to be too big of a threat down the road (strange cut in the confessional) with sympathy votes no doubt so I just figure we lose a challenge to the old folks she’s definitely gotta be one of the first ones to go”

(Again, Shannon provides confessional and while his words are practical, they do provide a lot of meat to potential storylines for this group and the show.)

Naonka (conf) “… Kelly B., she has one leg; I don’t want people getting mad at me for talking about her leg but it is a game (at this point she is shown and there seemed to be a variation in her voice so two confessionals may have been spliced together) for the title of Sole Survivor plus a million dollars so I’m not going to treat you as the outcast, if you think you can outrun, girl let’s race”

Another matter of fact confessional but potentially filled with foreshadowing. It is my “impression” that we have a storyline brewing and perhaps it is solely one of “how far can Kelly B. get with this target on her back” Shannon notes she needs to be one of the first to go so there may be a short term story designed when this tribe goes to their first Tribal Council and Kelly B. is the “decoy” boot storyline – Shannon or Naonka may end up being the casualty solely due to their confessionals being shown with respect to Kelly since I will assume everyone had something to say about her leg yet these two contestants were chosen for the audience to see


The group congratulates themselves over the fire as Jimmy Johnson is worse for the wear.

Jimmy J (conf): “I overdid I think…. I think I did more than I needed to do”

Jimmy T. (conf) “Coach needs to be careful; he is getting his ##### kicked out here; I don’t know if he is going for the Academy award or is genuinely ill but this is not for the weak and he’s not a young man”

I was of the mindset from before the show started that Jimmy J. would be a short term player if only because of who he is. Jimmy (like Shannon) has been highlighted greatly by the editors which can be indicative that he is a short term player and they want to “milk” him for all they can. His storyline was told to us that he is not there for the money but rather, the adventure so we have no long range plans given to us for longevity purposes. The editors are giving him a nice but simple edit of a famous but older man who wanted to be on the show for the thrill of it – all his editing cards have been laid on the table so I do not expect him to bear any long term fruit

Jimmy J. expands on how hard the conditions are on him to Marty which helps solidify that he is not long for the game

Jimmy J. (conf) “I never imagined it was anywhere close to being this difficult…” (soft music accompanies this and a nice segue ensues as La Flor is now shown with Chase and Brenda mentioning the Coach)


Brenda and Chase acknowledge they like each other

Chase “You can make an alliance right now but then you… end up hating the person” (Brenda says she won’t hate him and he indicates he is talking in general although he may be referring to Shannon)
(confessional of Chase)
Chase “First thought… …guys want to get some girls out or something; that’s crazy; what if a guy is weak and you don’t want him around” (Again veiled references to his alliance with Shannon)
(More confessional of Chase)
Brenda “Sometimes you just know”

Chase (conf): “Brenda, she’s a cute girl…. I for some reason really trust her” and “I don’t want this thing where I have two different alliances, I don’t like that; not trying to come on here lying to everybody, my dumbass come out here and put my neck on the line early and I was not planning on doing that but I made that alliance with Shannon and now I gotta figure out who I really can trust” (Ironically Brenda is shown giggling at that point perhaps symbolically showing that Chase should watch out more for Brenda as opposed to Shannon)

Brenda (conf): “I’m used to having guys do what I say; Chase came up to me and told me the guys have a little alliance going on and of course I am going to use that information to get me to the end. I know Chase trusts me, he is a really nice guy but he’s clueless”

Brenda’s confessional had a very obvious splice around the point where she said Chase told her about the alliance. We have a potential situation coming up where Brenda is relaying to us she knows about the boys and we may see something occur in this tribe utilizing this information. There would be no reason for this information to be given to us unless there is some payoff. Shannon and Chase were shown making an alliance, Chase advised Brenda, Brenda’s confessional was manipulated to show that she is aware of this and will use it yet they did not go to Tribal Council. In some fashion this storyline should play out; either by Brenda breaking up this boys’ alliance and/or Brenda hoodwinking Chase in some fashion as Chase mistakenly trusted her although this has promise to be longer term as she references this to help her get to the end. We saw how Jill and Wendy were immediately shown making an alliance which paid off that episode since Wendy left so it is possible this is being shown to set up circumstance that will occur at an upcoming Tribal Council much like the next alliance that we are shown

Kelly B. and Alina are shown going to treemail and recovering a clue to the hidden idol. During this time, an “alliance” is forged and they decide to keep this to themselves.

Alina (conf): “Kelly B. and I? It’s kinda hard right now cuz we found the idol clue together and so now I’m kinda forced to be in an alliance with her and I don’t want her to stick around for a long time because I don’t want to go the end with her because sympathy vote for sure and I’m not trying to go up against that”

Another commentary made about Kelly B. and how dangerous it would be to go to the end with her. There is no question that this storyline will come into play since three people have commented on her threat status to the “sympathy vote.” The only question is whether this is a short term story or long term story and with characters such as Kelly B. the editors will showcase her regardless of her longevity due to her amputated leg. Characters like this are a conundrum because I would not expect any less from the editors throwing in soft music and giving her a nicely done confessional along with discussion about her. I tend to have reservations about Kelly B. since we did not hear anything from her about the clue they found and I would have higher hopes for her if we heard her discussing it since hidden idols are fodder for future storylines


reads their treemail as well and again Jimmy J. is given more glorious attention.

Jimmy J. (conf): “This is a very stressful time on these people, very stressful time on me. We are the underdogs, the older folks, and they need motivation… and I think I can motivate this team…”

Jimmy J. reinforces to the group he is there for the adventure as no way anyone on a jury would give him a million dollars but he wants to help someone win a million bucks and the winner can come from this group.

His group reacted extremely positive and Jimmy J. can be proud of the tender loving care his edit is receiving considering it is probably a short stay.

The Challenge

La Flor arrives with their tribal dance which is met with some derision from the older tribe.

Jimmy J. “I don’t really concentrate on what they do, we know what we have to do”

Jud is asked by Jeff what he thinks about the older tribe to which Shannon interrupts to state his name is Fabio

Purple Kelly found her visibility and laughed at commentary and considering that she was the only female on her tribe not given any form of air time tells me that she is not an important part of this season. She easily could have been given a confessional about Kelly B just to elicit some visibility but was ignored so I am not holding out much hope for her.

Tyrone is asked about his opinion on seeing Kelly B. and going easy on her to which he responds: “This is a competition, we’re all operating by the same rules and we’re going to win”

The Medallion of Power rears its ugly head and Jimmy and Jimmy are heard advising on how they group should use the power and to keep it to make a statement.

The younger tribe wins and Brenda says in response to Jeff’s query about using the medallion: “You are here to win so why take chances…. when you are playing right now”

Jimmy J. (conf): “I remember my second super bowl…. We were able to keep going, losing the first challenge is not the end of the world, just make a smart decision, get rid of the weakest player, still have the medallion, still have a strong team”


Jimmy T. “I can’t even think clearly…. …this place has already knocked me down…. gotta learn to deal with that, I gotta figure out to play the game”

That confessional does not seem to bode well for his chances and it is readily apparent that his personality appears to be a bit grating. Considering his comments we may see a choice being made between the two Jimmy’s

Jimmy T. “He’s telling everybody I really care about you… I’m voting Jimmy tonight”

Marty attempts to ask a question and Jimmy T. gets a bit intolerant despite Marty being calm. Jimmy needs to leave and calm down.

This was a strange conversation as Jimmy needed to go calm down almost immediately into the discussion so more than likely it lasted longer and got very heated. Since Jimmy J. did not get voted off, this may be character development being done for Jimmy T. and possibly more shaping for Jimmy Johnson’s departure

Holly “Nobody wants to be the first one to go home”
Jimmy J. “Whoever it is, we all got to decide, pick out the weakest player and that makes team stronger”
Holly “So who do you think is the weakest player”
Jimmy J. “…either myself or Wendy; personally I think it’s Wendy. I mean how is this team going to get any stronger. Forget about personalities, forget about alliances”
Holly “You really mean that?!”
Jimmy J. “I really do”
(Holly’s confessional)
Jimmy J. “You ask yourself will the team get stronger without Wendy?”
(More of Holly)

Holly (conf) “Coach explained that we need to keep our team stronger and I agree with him and that’s something I should have thought about before I rushed into the alliance with Wendy” and “I’m really caught in a dilemma; I shook her hand and gave her my word so I really don’t know, I’m going to see what happens”

Although we had the opportunity to get to know Holly, it was all situational. The “situation” is now over so I question how long term she could be. Interestingly, after this confessional I noticed (perhaps mistakenly) that we saw three alliances forming this episode and all of which were followed by expressions of reservation that it was done. Chase did this with Shannon, Alina with Kelly B .and now Holly about Wendy. The first casualty occurred this episode and I do wonder if this may be a pattern that will be addressed with each of these alliances that were quickly formed. I would not be surprised if we end up seeing ramifications occur with the other two alliances and probably sooner rather than later; reason being is that when we see alliances form and they appear solid and without any qualms (until later on) the progression of it is threaded through the season but this is the first time in a rather long time (if any time) that I witnessed three alliances created the first show and each of them were questioned immediately. Two of Alina, Chase, Shannon and Kelly B. may end up as a short term player if there is a pattern. Since we heard Alina and Chase express their concern (as we did with Holly) Shannon and Kelly B. may be on the short end of the stick. On a different note, Jimmy J. advises he is one of the weaker players and this may be ironic in that his own words of wisdom will cause an early exit for him as noted by the following conversation which was shown on screen with regards to his stating he was a weak player.

Wendy is then shown confessing that she is concerned because she didn’t develop a bond with a lot of people. She notes that one shouldn’t trust in this game and now Holly won’t speak with her…..

Holly, Yve, Jill and Marty are then shown (perhaps a group that will work together?) and Holly tells the group what Jimmy J. said with emphasis on:

Holly “He said there were two weak players”
Jill “Did he include himself in that?”
Holly “Yeah”
Jill “Okay” (Holly then tells them Wendy was the other)
Jill “So who do you think keeps this tribe strong?” (said onscreen)
Holly “I don’t know, I don’t know at this point what to think”
Jill “I don’t think either one of them is a bad choice; why don’t we go around in a circle and see who would you rather – does that sound fair?” (Marty says yes yet hesitation from everyone)
Jill “I’m of the opinion that we need to keep the tribe strong”

Marty (conf): “This is the first time we really had to feel each other out over something as important as who is going to go home, you try to throw it out there and coax it out of people, getting tentativeness and nervousness (more hesitation of conversation) It could be a real toss up between Wendy Jo and Jimmy J. We don’t know how either one of them could really perform in a physical challenge; we’re making some hunches, guesses and Wendy Jo probably doesn’t add a lot on the physicality side and I think that just because your Jimmy J. you are telling me the jury is not going to give you a million dollars, I’m not buying it so it will be interesting; we’ll just have to see how this thing plays out” (Marty has come across as a pretty solid narrator for the tribe and seemed to always be central in visibility even if the focus was not entirely on him; I think this bodes well for him along with other criteria discussed)

Tribal Council

Our first TC which starts off with the snake we have come to know and love.

Jeff starts off wanting to discuss “first impressions” (My eyebrow has raised on this as perhaps integral with identifying some crucial players in the game since it has been discussed by and about certain contestants
Jane “They might call me southern hillbilly”
Jill “I call her Survivor McGyver cuz an hour after hitting the beach, she had that fire going; she can do anything here”

(Jane in my opinion had a very strong showing – making fire will always get you recognition but her confessional tied in nicely about assumptions made based on her persona and perhaps not to underestimate her. Her backstory was touched upon just enough for the audience to connect with her but the edit was not SOLEY about her backstory as Jill reflects on Jane as an individual and what she is capable of – Jane is one of the “older” ones that I have high hopes for in a season that unfortunately may be dominated by younger players solely due to their athleticism and it would not surprise me if Jane is a long term player and could possible be underestimated by the younger tribe and sneak her way towards end game)

Jeff “So Jane, did you know you could do it?”
Jane “Oh hell I knew I could do it cause I saw an article that you wrote and it said why would anyone come and play Survivor that didn’t know how to make a fire” (Jeff smiles and asks someone actually listened to what he said) “I took it to heart too cause I practiced for two months”

Jeff “Jimmy T. how big were those first few moments in making first impressions”
Jimmy T “It’s unbelievable; where I come from I’m a leader; when I talk people listen (Jane) and when you get to Survivor there’s people that are stronger, people with more integrity and when you have one of the greatest leaders in the NFL…. it’s very frustrating, I’m just another player here”

(Nice continuation from his earlier “rant” about Jimmy J. and these could be a bone of contention that plays into a storyline for an upcoming TC where a decision is made about these two as boots)

Jeff asks Jimmy J. about those comments and whether it concerns him
Jimmy J. “Let me make it clear, I’m not the boss (interesting that the camera pans to Marty as opposed to Jimmy T. who made commentary so I wonder whether Marty is being “hidden” a bit and may, in fact, be leading this tribe from behind the scenes which we haven’t been privy to yet. Marty is another older member that I have a good “editing” feeling about; he provided very sound narration for his tribe, was involved in many conversations and interestingly, Alina commented on him and they didn’t even end up on the same tribe which may be foreshadowing that they could end up together (i.e. merger) Marty was shown just enough that I noticed him but not so much that it felt that the editors were getting their 15 minutes of him as a short term player) but I’m going to be a target every single Tribal Council but I’m not a threat to anybody here cause no jury is going to award me a million bucks and I know that; I’m not here for the money (Tyrone shown with musical change) I’m here for the adventure but I’ll only be here as long as I can help this team be successful”

Jeff asks Jimmy T. if he “buys that”
Jimmy T. “No way (Marty shown again nodding) and he’s going to try and win this thing and I think he can win this game because if he leads so well and deserves to win the game, the jury is going to let him win the game”

Jeff asks Marty about this point and born leaders
Marty “I think in the beginning you have to be careful about being the over the top leader because that puts a target on your back right away so there’s different ways to lead; making sure you don’t lead in the way that will get you into trouble” (Marty may be doing this successfully and we may have been privy to the strategy he is taking)

Jeff asks who thinks they are in trouble and I believe the women all raised their hands and seconds after Marty raises his

Holly “I made an alliance right into the game (again Marty’s reactionary shown) and Coach came up to me after the challenge
and he feels there are two weak links; well I don’t know if I necessarily agree with who he decides so I don’t know”
Wendy “I don’t feel that I connected well with people here…. some people talked and I feel like I didn’t get a lot of that…. there’s nobody here that knows my age.

Interruption over this causes a bit of discord with Tyrone stating he won’t ask a woman his age. Jeff questions her further about the age question and Wendy responds rather longwinded which is reflected in reactionaries and music. Jeff calls for the vote and Wendy asks to speak again as the music changes again. They are not convinced with her droning conversation and the visuals confirm this and Jeff helps to confirm that Wendy was sticking her foot in her mouth

Wendy is voted off with Tyrone voicing the vote validating why she would be leaving with one stray vote on Yve.

Jeff “Well tonight’s vote was clearly designed to improve the chemistry of this tribe….”

There were quite a bit of thematic suggestions that we may see play out this season. Older vs. younger is the most obvious and what is going to be telling on who wins will be how each tribe is specifically edited. If we are to see the older tribe getting a very underdog and uplifting edit, it is possible that the editors are doing so as an older member defies the odds and beats out people that are stronger and younger. A few “underdog” moments here and there won’t be enough and this episode only gave us a tiny bit of this. If a member of the younger tribe wins, we probably will see a few individuals too big for their britches (as Shannon demonstrated) but the tribe as a whole won’t be edited in that way. If they were, it would be fairly obvious that the editors do not want us to like the younger tribe as a whole and hope for an elder person to win. Another thematic approach appeared to be “impressions” tying in with “misconceptions” and it appeared that the editors are honing in on this moreso than some other seasons (even though impressions are part of this game and will always have some bearing on the progression) and this may be an extremely important reference point. At the outset, Alina believes Marty will push to be leader and hopes he does because she wants him gone as she did particularly like him. Marty shows us later that he is aware of what can happen if you are an over the top leader which negates Alina’s impression of what he will do. Jimmy T. ascertains that Dan may be someone you don’t want to cross; ironically he was barely on our screen. Next week however, we see that someone plans on taking Dan on and we will then find out if Jimmy T’s. impression is correct or not. On the younger tribe we saw Kelly B. address the issue in reference to her leg. She wants to break the misconception that she can’t be as strong and assume she can’t pull her weight and others’ impression of Kelly B. is that she is a huge threat and they cannot risk her staying or she would win. With that said (and a longwinded way to say it) let me say there were a couple of contestants that I feel had a very good showing for end game based on the first episode (although we know that one episode a winner does not necessarily make.) However, there is a sense with these particular people that we are receiving through the edit what may come to pass and how these characters may be involved. Some appear ripe for longevity either due to their relationship to the themes or relationships to each other. Unfortunately, there are only two out of the ten in the older group that I sense as long term and that would be Jane and Marty. Jane had (in my opinion) an incredible first episode where she encompassed the themes and had enough visibility and content to put her on the map. I would not be surprised at all if Jane can circumvent the overall threat of the younger plays and make it long term. Marty would be the other candidate from this tribe that I have my eye on as he also had enough visibility and content to remember him without being “beaten over the head” which can be an indicator of a big arc for short term purposes. He was also discussed by a player not on his tribe which bodes well for him in terms of a future storyline and he received many visuals throughout the episode. As far as the other contestants on this tribe, some may fare well enough but none of them reflected any real “meat” despite that they may advance to longer term. Jimmy J. clearly is short term and the editors are smart enough to give him plenty of air time. There was too much talk of his threatening status as well as his own discussion that this game is taking a toll on him. He was heard twice saying he was here for the adventure and that does not a winner make. Marty and Jane had edits that conceivably be end game. The younger tribe seems to hold more players that gave me pause which may indicate we will have a majority of younger players post merge. This certainly does not surprise me due to the fact that “on paper” they may win more immunity challenges. We had some invisibility from the likes of Ben and “purple” Kelly and while they may progress (think Darrah) I don’t hold out hope of a win by them as they were not even a gratuitous confessional. However, there were a few individuals that did get my attention; most notably Brenda, Chase, Jud and Alina. While Shannon received substantive air time, it felt manipulated in that the editors were attempting to showcase him for possibly immediate purposes. He involved himself in a situation that Chase remarked hesitation over (thereby giving Chase the edge in substance) and was shown to discount Jud (who I felt was the biggest recipient of “theme” content from the editors on the younger tribe) and gave his opinion of Kelly B. and the reason she should go early (I believe all the contestants gave their opinion but perhaps Shannon and Naonka were shown for purposes we have not been seen yet – I am not including Alina because her situation was different in that she and Kelly B. found the clue together) Shannon, like Jimmy T. felt pushed upon me with a somewhat negative cast and in Shannon’s case, I feel that he may be the victim of a woman in light of the commentary he made. Ironically Jud (despite the goofiness shown in his edit) felt the most promising in his edit for a number of reasons. He encompassed the theme of older vs. younger where we see him reflecting briefly on the makeup of his tribe and while he states that this is going to be fun and perhaps bumping him down on the end game player scale, he turns that around with his latter confessional that he will win the million. He also captured the theme of impressions and misconceptions as Shannon practically disregards him and Jud advises us in his confessional that he is aware of the Fabio name and doesn’t care as he is going to win. What is interesting about Jud is that his “persona” appears to lack substance because of his personality and ways that were shown but there were hints of a player there that the players and the audience may underestimate. Jud even had a first confessional and that certainly helps his case as well. Chase received a good showing with insight in his confessionals although he may involve himself in a messy issue with respect to Shannon and Brenda. The fact that Brenda let us know that Chase naively told her information makes me question if Chase doesn’t end up being betrayed in some fashion by being trusting. With that said, Chase was given good face time and content and there is no reason to think he is short term. Brenda was shown to us as the “femme fatale” player and appeared to already have snagged a victim. The fact we know that Brenda is aware of the “boys” alliance should prove interesting and the women may be a controlling factor over the men at some point. Aside from Kelly B., she was the most notable female but I have been known to question the “flirt” strategy however, in her case, she seemed more subtle than the normal variety and this could bode well for her. Kelly B. is a tough edit in light of her condition. We know that this situation will be highlighted and one can’t be sure if it is due to the condition itself or longevity. We were hit over the head that she is a threat and nobody wants to take her to the end and it felt like overkill which makes me question how long she is there. Alina did not get a huge amount of air time but enough to be put on the map. I feel she might be there at least until after a merger due to her comments about Marty. She also questioned the situation over the clue and Kelly B. which is another potential storyline. Matt and Naonka received a bit of face time but Matt’s comments were entirely situational and Naonka solely involved Kelly B and the medallion - no real fleshing from either confessional so perhaps there will be a connection between Naonka and Kelly B. since she will be ready to “race” against Kelly B. and perhaps there will be a stand off between those two at a Tribal Council. Ben and Kelly were barely visible and as stated I have a hard time resolving that they would be the victor in this season. My first nag went to Jud with Jane and Marty bringing up the rear. Alina, Brenda and Chase also had great potential. A nicely rounded first episode for most of the characters


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-19-10, 11:36 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
Very interesting analysis, Veruca.

I see that we have many common points but we differ in our evaluations of Shannon and Jud.

For Shannon, you say he could be short term but I'm confident he will make the merge. He is La Flor's narrator and the Shannon-Chase-Brenda triangle looked like a long term arc, something that could wait until the very end to reach a resolution.

As for Jud, we have had many under-estimated winners. 3 of the last 4 were under-estimated but Bob, Natalie and Sandra were never shown to be dumb. Russell called Natalie dumb but, when he did, we saw Natalie building the shelter. We heard Shannon calling Jud a dumb blonde and, when he did, Fabio asked Kelly how she tells her prosthetic to move!!!

Jud winning would be the funniest thing to ever happen on Survivor and I'd love to see it. Jud's confessional could be good for him but I found it made him look delusional. It could also simply be an editor's wink at Russell's dumb blondes. Still, I'll keep an open mind and re-evaluate him as the season progresses.


Belle Book 3613 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

09-19-10, 11:58 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
I'm going with Veruca Salt on the Shannon issue -- I have some reason to believe he's a short-term character. However, I'm not sure on Jud. I think he'll make the merge and possibly he'll make the endgame but I'm not sure he'll win.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

09-19-10, 12:26 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
LAST EDITED ON 09-19-10 AT 12:29 PM (EST)

"Jane had (in my opinion) an incredible first episode where she encompassed the themes and had enough visibility and content to put her on the map....Marty would be the other candidate from this tribe that I have my eye on."

Veruca, this was my takeaway too! Love Jane and I think Marty is smart (although not as likeable) and could go far.

Re Jud/Fabio: Michel, I agree, would love to see someone carefree like him win! I felt he had a very good edit for a first episode, was very self-aware, and had a million dollar/winner quote (in addition to Jane).

Shannon's edit reminds me of Ben the hothead who made sexist/racial remarks in S19. He isn't quite as bad, but still arrogant and seems like a loose cannon. Also, I didn't feel he had the strong, clear-cut narrator role like Marty did for the older tribe. I felt like there were parts where Brenda and others sort of served as narrator for the younger tribe. Will be interesting to see if 1 single narrator emerges for the younger tribe in Ep. 2.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-20-10, 02:32 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"

Squid, always nice to see you

I am glad to see that Jane struck a chord in you as well; she is a very endearing character which is frankly my only concern for her at end game.

I agree that Jud seemed self aware despite the "goofy" persona they showed of him and from what I recall only Shannon remarked about Jud regardless that his antics were showcased throughout the tribe - I felt the editors did a rather soft touch on Jud as we could have seen others comment on him, eye rolling over his display of clumsiness and the like.

Very astute comparison to Ben (I mentioned in another post naming Robb and Jean-Robert) and I feel that they tweaked Shannon to get that persona for the show with no real substance behind it.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-21-10, 08:15 AM (EST)
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43. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
I felt Shannon was dead in the water for a couple reasons:

1) he was way too outspoken about the girls, too eager for an alliance, too blunt to Matt about Fabio. It's not good to start mocking other players on Day One. That scene where Matt left Shannon to go follow Fabio, and Shannon said Fabio needs help ... I felt that Matt was not really buying into Shannon's assessment and was wanting to get away from him.

2) Shannon interrupted Jeff when he was asking other people questions. It wasn't his turn to speak. You don't stop Jeff in his tracks like that. No social awareness at all.


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-19-10, 11:41 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
Hi everyone! Long-time lurker here. Always enjoy all of your insights

I didn't get the most positive view of Shannon, mostly because the scenes played out like he would be proven wrong, especially with desire in having an alliance with the other alpha male, Chase.

Based on Shannon stating that he didn't want the girls to win again, and then later Chase's confessional about thinking he needs a woman in the alliance, it looks as if there will be a guy/girl alliance and Shannon will suffer from it. I realy get the vibe from him that he will make it to the merge and be voted out then (perhaps by his girl alliance members, but not the "clueless" Chase)

Something that I picked up on that WAS NOT shown. I would bet that Kelly B. and Chase would have connected. Not only are they being set up as a 'good girl' and a 'good guy', but they are close in age, both from North Carolina, and both recently lost their dads. If they don't align together I will be shocked. I think this will play into the scene with Chase & Brenda, and how a mixed alliance will form.

Also, Brenda looks to be the strongest so far to go the furthest from this tribe. The only one to show some duplicity, other than Jud (if somewhat jokingly)


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-20-10, 01:49 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
Welcome aboard!

SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

09-20-10, 09:18 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
Welcome, Aaron! Great point about the possible Kelly B./Chase connection. They certainly would be my sentimental favorites.

As I recall from the bios, there is 1 more player from North Carolina. Will have to go back and look it up, but I remember thinking at the time that I wonder if the 3 of them would bond.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-20-10, 12:12 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
Welcome aboard Aaron and good point to keep an eye on. Earl's obvious alliance with Dreamz and Cassandra was never shown even if it was formed on day 1. That way Earl was portrayed being alone with only Yau Man by his side. Here, Kelly is alone fighting everyone. I'll keep an eye on any scene involving those two, even if it's only sitting next to each other in the shelter or walking side by side.

Squid, the third is Jane who lost her husband. Grieving Tar Heels for the win?!


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-20-10, 04:35 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
Thanks for the welcome, everyone!

Wow, Jane is from NC too, and another sentimental favorite. Hope she makes it to the merge


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

09-21-10, 12:36 PM (EST)
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46. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
I agree -- go Tar Heels!

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-21-10, 08:08 AM (EST)
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42. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
At first I thought Kelly B and Chase might have that NC connection, but ...

Chase is from North Carolina; he has the accent. Kelly isn't, far as I can tell. I'm not sure where she grew up, possibly West Coast from her accent. She's only going to med school in North Carolina (same as Candice?). Jane is from South Carolina and is a true country girl. If she and Chase spend time together later, there could be some trust there.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-20-10, 02:35 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
Aaron, it is very nice to see you in here and I am glad you are no longer lurking

You made a very succinct statement about Shannon and I tend to agree with it; I do believe he is being set up for a fall and with Brenda's words and Shannon's insights about a woman winning tends to bode negatively for him.

Brenda does seem to be a character the editors intend to invest some time with - I am looking forward to see how she uses the information she received from Chase and also whether Chase realizes that the person he felt he could trust is not so trustworthy - this portion of Chase was of a concern to me


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-20-10, 04:46 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
LAST EDITED ON 09-20-10 AT 05:32 PM (EST)

Nice to meet you Veruca! Yes, I've been lurking since Season 6 - Yikes! And this thread in particular has made the show much more enjoyable for me. Not only do we get to see the interesting dynamics between the castaways, but we get to see how it translates to characters telling a story. Double goodness

Yes, with Shannon I got the feeling that there would be irony in his narration, whereas with Brenda I felt what she said was edited with more conviction, and therefore her words will pan out. Will be interesting to see if this follows through.

Alina, on the other hand, I'm still on the fence and need to see more of. Her comment about not wanting an early alliance with Kelly can play out a few ways. I can see her possibly wanting an alliance with her somewhere down the line, or having one with her & regretting it (having forgotton she made this assessment so early on)


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 11:40 PM (EST)
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66. "RE: The Players, The Game, The Editing - Episode One"
Veruca, your analysis continues to astound me. You are the goddess of insight, and if you were able to read more topics on this board you would know that I'm not one to easily pull out the superlatives.

You pegged Shannon's edit to a T. Carry on, please, I will attempt to study. Re Jud, he really caught my eye with his cast interview, the way he said he would play the surfer dude socially and let the rest underestimate him. For me, Jud is like the Scarlet Pimpernel, a story I have long been fond of. He plays the buffoon so well that it's almost impossible to see an intelligent human being with a strategy -- but then the confessional reveal it.

I expected to be wowed the most by Chase because of what Jeff said about him, but so far I am surprised that I'm not taken with him.

As for Brenda, I don't care for her, but that is my personal dislike of women who define themselves with their flirtation skills. She seems to be getting a good edit as someone who is focused on playing, so I do like her chances of survival.

Marty is my favorite Espada, because he's so smart and articulate. That's not really an editing comment. He is being edited as very self-aware of every move. Like it showed him backing off when Jimmy T was acting ridiculous. I thought that was a good sign for him. You make a great point that Marty's actions were not in line with Alina's expectations in her opening confessional.

Unfortunately for Marty, perhaps, he is someone that everyone will perceive as smart and strong, like a Tom Westman in the making. I think he would need a very good group of allies a a strong winning position in the tribal portion to make it far. I feel he will be a strong character for whatever is his duration in the game.

Alina also made a strong impression on me, in that her first confessional showed she was playing the game and identifying players who could be easily booted. OTOH, her confessional symbolized the overconfidence of youth, which assumes that older authority figures are easy to knock out and have nothing to offer. This is not such a good sign with the theme of this season, as she will likely be surprised to find that she assumed wrong at some point.

These were the only characters that made me go hmmm in the first episode. I had hoped for more from Benry after his cast video, as he seemed to have a lot of potential, but they really ignored him, so I'm not hopeful for him.

The only thing I would ask for in your analysis is more white space in the summary portion. My poor eyes love paragraph breaks.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-20-10, 02:23 PM (EST)
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35. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 09-20-10 AT 02:24 PM (EST)

(Toban - nice to see you visit my little corner of the "world" This is not in response to your commentary per se as I realize you are responding to another poster's post)

I did not see the press interviews on Shannon however my opinion of Shannon was an attempt to showcase a lot of bravado on his part and underestimating some of his tribe members. High visibility at the onset of a show is a conundrum; one may believe they are establishing an integral character for the duration or they are highlighting the character and pushing him/her to set up an short term issue.

I personally do not feel that Shannon is a character of any real longevity as I feel his words and actions/words around him appear to reflect someone who is not truly aware. Chase expressed concern about the alliance he made with him and know Brenda is fully aware of the male alliance Brenda established in her character that she has a way of perhaps getting what she wants. Jud, while showing a goofy persona, let the audience know that he is here to win the million while Shannon is shown discounting him as a dumb blonde. Shannon's words about Kelly B. were very practical but I don't feel that those words had to do with Shannon but rather, Kelly B. and they chose a good soundbite for it. He strikes me as someone being set up to take a fall at some point reminiscent (although I never try to compare past players to current ones, I feel that it prevents me from analyzing the characters on their own merit on their own season) of a Robb or Jean-Robert.


Toban 110 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-20-10, 11:46 PM (EST)
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40. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
Thanks, Veruca! This thread is the only one in spoilers I'm going to look at this year and it, along with the "Lvoe List", is my fave.

Before I read your post, I was going to add that Shannon is giving me a "Jean-Rober" vibe and an edit a little like Ben from Samoa. I'm glad we agree (on the J-R part anyway).

Brenda is reminding me of the H vs. V or Fans vs. Faves versions of Parvati, which, to me at least, is an excellent thing.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-21-10, 12:18 PM (EST)
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45. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
Shannon’s edit seemed disjointed to me. I felt like they wanted us to definitely notice him, but they didn’t create a coherent “vibe” for him. His remarks about Jud pegged him as a jerk but his remarks about Kelly B gave him a more sympathetic cast. His alliance conversation with Chase was sort of neutral.

I don't think he got anything resembling a winner's edit though. With the other alliance conversation Chase had with Brenda, I felt like they were forcefeeding us a lot of information almost unnecessarily early, considering that La Flor didn’t go to TC.


Toban 110 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-21-10, 09:42 PM (EST)
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48. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"
I saw the alliance talk with Chase as far more negative than what he said about Jud. A number of people chimed in about Jud's idiocy/goofiness so Shannon's views were reinforced and corroborated by others. The remarks about "someday we'll have a woman president" etc were what really rubbed me the wrong way about him. It was primarily that pre-alliance discussion with Chase that seemed like the biggest negative, to me anyway.

VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-20-10, 02:08 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: Episode #1 - Editing Thoughts:"

Thank you for your contributions Michel; it was a good read


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-25-10, 07:57 AM (EST)
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49. " Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Well that was certainly an interesting and entertaining episode. We got to see more characters fleshed out a bit to question their role this season and despite some characterizations that the editing is trying to portray, there is a sense that the editors could make more of it should they choose but they aren’t which then tells me perhaps they are being shaped for a long term reason. Are certain characters integral to the progression of the story and the themes? Are some merely distractions that will play their role and have us bide our time until the *real* characters take shape? I am very pleasantly surprised that the editors seem to be attempting an equalization amongst most the contestants – therefore, those that appear severely neglected will not fare well for victory.


Jud was revisited in his commentary about this being “real” (perhaps something that goes along with his edit which does correlate to Jeff’s words to him at TC – i.e. buckle up Jud because your optimism that things can be sanguine isn’t going to happen on this show)

Jimmy J. was revisited with his commentary about hoping to have some of the young people carry him (Since I am of the opinion that Jimmy J. is going to be utilized by the editors despite whatever longevity he produces I would be hard pressed to give any valid opinion on the merits of his edit. Regardless of standing, Jimmy J. would receive a stellar edit and like Kelly B. either they have to be stopped early or they will land at the end.)

Jeff mentions that Jimmy J. has been very influential over his tribe mates with Tyrone expressing his pleasure over getting a pep talk from him.

Shannon is shown as “alpha” male and creating a strong male alliance with Chase
(A potential nugget is Shannon stating that without himself or Chase the tribe is “screwed so it will be interesting to see how this plays out due to the events that occurred”)

Chase is said to be taken with Brenda citing she is a ‘cute’ girl and created an alliance with her because for whatever reason he trusts her. (Declaration of trust are always fodder for a good storyline and considering the outcome of this episode, there are hints of furthering this issue and their relationship.)

Brenda “….he’s cluelessl” (If Chase is shown further down the road “wising up” it could bode well in his favor but for now, the emphasis on his blind trust in someone taking him for a ride seems worrisome. The fact that Chase’s edit has been given a bit more depth than Brenda’s seems promising but we can’t rule out the possibility that he could end up regretting his decision)

Alina and Kelly B. were shown finding the clue whereupon Jeff adds it was a stroke a luck for Kelly B. as she is a target (Of note is that we did NOT hear Alina express that she was bothered about finding the clue with Kelly B; we only heard Shannon’s narrative about her threat status – perhaps Alina and Kelly B. do forge a greater bond since only the clue to the HII was narrated upon and this could provide an upcoming chapter)

A bit of slow motion action showcased the medallion circling Marty’s neck. Whether Yve’s words last week regarding a winner wearing gold has any bearing, Marty still appears to be in very good standing editing wise and seems connected to some promising stories.

Brenda reiterating that the older tribe should not have kept the medallion “because you are here to win (Marty shown) why take chances?” (Brenda and Marty had very strong showings in both episodes, I would be hard pressed to believe that their characters won’t be significant to this season although Brenda’s overall edit is a tad bit hollow.)

Jimmy J. is noted to peg Wendy as the weakest link which concerned Holly because of her alliance with Wendy and at TC “Holly turned her back on her ally and sided with Coach Jimmy and the rest of her tribe” (This seems to have been included for transition purposes since Holly had a bit of a melt down commencing with her “betrayal” of Wendy - Holly was thrown an editing softball in the narration of events or even this small narration by Jeff as we did not hear stronger words like betrayal or stab in the back which may be indicative of some length to her stay coupled with the remainder of the episode)

Tribal Council Aftemath

Soft music accompanied Holly’s words regarding the Tribal Council

Holly (conf) “I kind feel like I’m on the outs and I know my tribe senses I am; I just felt bad making the alliance with Wendy and then of course I went in with everybody else to vote her out!” (This confessional did not have to be shown necessarily and does seem to give Holly a bit of a softer touch as she is expressing remorse over betraying Wendy)

(Holly then shown stating this was basically a team decision and it clearly affected her)

Holly (conf) “I know it’s part of the game to lie and that’s part of the strategy so I think my next step is to rethink everything (very obvious splicing occurs now) cause I would like to show these people that I can kick their ##### on Survivor”

Plenty of meat coming from Holly this episode if not a bit all over the map. I do think that the editing was not as harsh on her as it could have been which may bode well for her longer term. She was shown remorseful but then unstable and then getting her act together – how long she can keep it together may be the question.


Marty (conf) “Plan for today is to get to a better place in regards to sleep; people up all night, haven’t slept really at all….”

(Again, Marty helps the narration for his tribe, however, he also provides personal narration about his strategy and plans so I do not attribute the typical “pre-merge” narrator status to Marty. He seems to have carefully inserted himself with most of his tribe and we later see that he is, indeed, following through on allowing someone else to be the overt leader while he works the scenes in the background)

Jill (conf) “Morning meeting went pretty good…. Coach gave us our assignments (shot of Jill smiling up at him)

Jimmy T. is shown discussing the idea to fish as Tyrone interrupts him to “stay on task” as diplomatically as possible

Jimmy T. (conf) “Jimmy’s the man now – everybody’s buying him hook, line and sinker. (camera goes to Tyrone) So now he’s gonna have TD doing this and Marty doing that. I’m sitting in the corner, no one says hey Jimmy T. what do you think and it’s starting to wear on me”

(Further progression from the first episode whereupon we witnessed Jimmy T. and his issues with Jimmy J. which may be indicative of a short term plot device with one Jimmy pitted against the other Jimmy)

On the flip side, Jimmy J. instructs Marty about the shelter as Marty complies but then gives us this insight….

Marty (conf) “Jimmy J. is jumping in and trying to give direction to the whole tribe and I just sat back and said okay…put the pressure on him… I’m not going to be putting my face out there anymore… I think I can use that to my advantage in the event we have to vote somebody else off” (shot of Jimmy J.)

What a contrast between Jimmy T and Marty’s confessionals and again we see seeds being planted as a plot device. Marty is playing very clinically and the editing is showing this – with consistent visuals, narration that encompasses events and personal insight and what appears to be sound relationships he is building, Marty looks very good on editing paper. We can’t also forget Alina’s words from the first episode regarding Marty and this may be a set up to a future plot device which may reflect long term status for both Marty and Alina


Purple Kelly is heard{!) stating that she has never gone this long without showering or brushing to which Jud responds on screen “I have” which results in laughter.

Sash and Naonka are then shown at the beach which is the commencement of the story that played out this episode and showcased the creation of another alliance forming…

Sash “I know all five of the guys are strong, you’re strong”
Naonka “Why everybody say I’m strong?”
(They joke)
Naonka “But no guys have came and talked to me, approached me…”
(Naonka’s confessional)
Sash “You know I’m half black… so I’d love to bring as many minorities to the end as much as possible”
Naonka “I won’t shake your hand but I’ll wink at ya”
Sash “When the time is right we can try and bring in Brenda; I think she is the smartest person here and could be a good asset”
{Sash’s confessional)
Sash “I think it’s important to try and make friends with as many people as possible because it’s a numbers game”
(this conversation obviously was continued later as the setting and clothing changed and perhaps some of this conversation was part/parcel with issues that Naonka was involved with that we witnessed during the episode)
Naonka “How do you feel about Kelly B.?”
Sash “Kelly B. is a big threat because if she can make it to the end, it’s a huge accomplishment”
Naonka “I already told myself is there’s a challenge where we are going to have to race (close up on Kelly’s leg) and that leg falls off, she’s out of here” (noted on screen)
Sash laughs and Naonka states: “For real”
(Second Naonka confessional)

Naonka (conf) “I like Sash a whole lot; he’s really down to earth, he has that million dollar smile and seems like we have a good vibe, a lot of chemistry” and “Kelly B… she’s a charity case, she has the heart, she has the mind but she doesn’t have 100 percent of the body and that’s going to hurt us”

Sash (conf) “Being minorities, we have a bond that no one else share; if we can work together on this, we can dominate this game. Now it’s just up to the Asian sensation if she is willing to align with us or not so we’ll have to see”

Naonka didn’t receive any editing favors with her discussion about Kelly B. but her statements make good television and it appears that this is setting up some situation that could involve Naonka and Kelly B. considering this is the second episode and both episodes showed Naonka discussing Kelly B. Additionally, Naonka received a bit of egg on her face since Kelly B. was shown to perform extremely well in the challenge negating what Naonka stated. Sash is getting fleshed out a bit more from his first episode where he was shown only to state that everything was beautiful, including the women (perhaps designed to reflect his budding alliance with females?) but he got a beauty of a confessional assigned to him reflecting upon “his million dollar smile” and in a show like Survivor, one can NEVER discount sound bites such as this especially since we do see him spearheading an alliance and coming off very nicely in the tirade that Shannon created at Tribal Council. At this time we can’t be sure how important Sash may be since alliances created can fall by the wayside easily but if we continue to see a slow process building Sash’s character it could bode well for him. I find it highly ironic that Sash could be connected to Shannon’s statements first episode about not wanting a girl to win this and his desire for an “alpha” male to take this. The complete irony to his statements would be Sash being victorious as he is not female but not the alpha male Shannon identified. I would have liked a bit more depth to his confessional and I question if his confessional is more about him or whether Brenda commits fully to this alliance since we know she also is utilizing Chase.


Holly confesses to us the situation with respect to Jill and the snails

(of note this is the same confessional spot as earlier)

A spat ensues with Jill and Holly and Jimmy T. is present asking if “she is having a meltdown”

Jimmy T. (conf) “Holly, I think is a very nice person but she’s off the deep end; she needs to do well in this game and she’s not….”

Jill furthers this with “….her mental state is not good and in Survivor you don’t want to come across as mentally unstable”

Jill narrates the incident as Jane asked if they were edible to which Jill replied they were with Jane adding she thought they were (thereby negating Holly’s little tirade)

Jimmy J. (conf) “Holly snapped at Jill and it was really a bizarre type thing; I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that she can turn it around before it’s too late”

Dan is shown stating that Holly is crazy whereby Holly is shown noting that she was aware what was said adding that “and Dan was making fun of me and that gets under my skin so the best way for me to handle the situation with Dan is try to release my anger”

Holly is then shown sabotaging Dan’s shoes “I’m not going to sit back anymore and rub things in my face…. I’ve been too nice but the game has just begun”

Obviously the shoe incident is made for Survivor and the editors would never give up this gem especially since it surrounded a big storyline for this episode and required showing regardless. Again, this was dealt with a rather soft hand as Holly was shown later acknowledging she was losing it and being up front and honest with Dan; she also was shown considering, BUT NOT quitting and in Survivor giving up is paramount to disaster so it is possible this was more of a message to send to all quitters and thus, received a lot of television attention.

Dan searches for shoes that no one in their right mind should bring to Survivor (and the mention of the cost of the shoes may have taken the sting out of the incident as I for one, expressed disbelief that someone would bring expensive shoes like that to this environment)

Dan (conf) “So I woke up this morning and looked in my bag and my shoes are missing” (Yve is shocked, Jill is shocked moreso at the cost and Jimmy T. surmises that someone sabotaged him and wants to play games to which Jimmy J. replies it is too early to play games)

Again, more soft music accompanies Holly’s descent into temporary madness: “Right now I am struggling emotionally and turning me into someone I am not. (A nice confessional that makes Holly a bit more sympathetic to the viewer) I’m realizing this might not be for me. It’s best I come clean”

Dan looks rather frightened when Holly puts her hands on his knees and confesses to what she did and apologizes.

Dan (conf) “She stole my shoes (stated three times) ….if she were a guy I’d knock her right out” to which he repeats this to Holly.

Jill attempts to play mediator and Tryone adds some comic relief citing “Holly keeps getting stranger and stranger, every time she speaks it becomes more evident she is crazy so I’m going to keep one eye on her and one eye on my shoes”

Holly states she wants to leave this game with honesty and integrity and Jimmy T. responds favorably. However Dan does not “She’s not going to get any forgiveness from me” (Perhaps setting up some future discord between the two)

La Flor

The stealing parlays to the younger tribe as Naonka advises that her socks are now missing and with the visuals expressed by her tribe readily apparent to us, she is not to be showcased in any other light but a handful.

Shannon (conf) “Naonka, she lost one of her socks and now she thinks someone took her socks, playing tricks with her which is crap”

Naonka (conf) “If there’s somebody that is either after me or irritate me, if they want to play dirty I can play dirty too; I found another pair of socks and I took them”

Shown on screen is Shannon citing that the socks she took were Fabio’s with the words “Shows what she really is” shown on screen

Jud “I can’t find my spare pair of socks”
Shannon “Nay’s wearing them, dummy”
Jud “Is she?” (Alina and Benry there as well) “That makes me mad”

Alina (conf) “La Flor’s definitely getting into high school drama; Nay she swears somebody tried to sabotage her socks, which is crazy and now she stole Fabio’s socks; she’s just a loose cannon”

A snit ensues between Jud and Naonka which ends with Jud throwing his hands over his face.
(Jud’s confessional shown)
More of the tirade continues where Jud is fed up and Naonka is holding her ground
(Naonka’s confessional)

Jud (conf) “I was going to ask her, hey do you think you accidently took my socks but before I get to say anything she went crazy”

Naonka (conf) “I don’t know what it is but Jud, I don’t like anything about him”

(Jud shown tending to the fire and not handling the smoke well)

Naonka (conf) “I don’t want people to think I am a B.I.T.C.H but the boy is stupid (scene) everybody thinks his jokes is funny, they’re laughing, heh heh heh, I’m laughing cause I’m about to vote you off”

(Jud then shown putting the snorkel mask on to deal with the fire. “Goofy” music accompanies the scene as Jud pulls back to not get burned as his tribe mates laugh as he asks if his dreadlock is okay)

Jud (to Chase) “Dude I can’t wait for her to go home man”

Another contrast in tribes and also subtle in reflecting where the editing sympathy lies. Holly was shown sabotaging the shoes yet came off rather well regardless of committing this act. On the flip side, Naonka was potentially the victim of someone stealing her socks but her edit did not evoke any sympathy whatsoever. Her words expressing that she doesn’t want people thinking she is a ##### most likely had many audience members saying, “Well you kind of are!” The reactionary shots did not help her case whatsoever. Jud received ample camera time this episode and I will assume (perhaps not a good thing) that the situation between Naonka and Jud was televised for a reason – perhaps setting up some future issue with the two of them (not to mention the exchange at TC). Clearly, we were not meant to sympathize with Naonka in this situation and regardless of the fumbling and bungling he is shown to do – I do feel the editing could make Jud look worse and turn him into a caricature of himself. Jud is obviously a free spirit and his actions provide entertaining television regardless of end game or not. His first episode confessional does help his case for longevity and I think that the editors could dial it up a notch on his “dumb blondeness” should that be the bane of his edit. Time will tell.


We revisit Holly’s story as she takes Jimmy J. aside to talk about how she is feeling.

Holly “I’m having a hard time”
Jimmy J. “I know and everybody’s concerned”

Ocean waves accompany Holly’s confession that she doesn’t know if she can do this as Jimmy J. gives her very subtle but effective encouragement thus solidifying the positive aura that the edit wishes to convey about him. Holly again is given a soft touch and we hear her cite that this could either carry her through or hurt her and she will wait and see.

Holly’s edit fares very well for thus far; she obviously would receive a good amount of attention in light of the events but I found this situation being “milked” a bit more than it needed to be and I plan on revisiting it later after learning her outcome. There were other characters that could have been featured as we barely saw or heard Tyrone, Yve or Jane and Dan was shown as he was connected to the incident. Jimmy J. is a solid narrator and will be shown regardless and only Jill, Jimmy T. and Marty were given some time that did not revolve around this particular issue and were shown involved or commenting on events that are potential plot devices (the idol, Jimmy T’s issue with Jimmy J. and so forth)

The Challenge

Once again, La Flor comes marching in with their created tribal chant/walk and at this point, I’m not entirely sure the audience is meant to enjoy it. Benry given the reaction visual upon hearing Wendy was voted out. He nods. Alina gives back the idol as a reactionary shot is made by Yve. Interesting visual of Jeff commenting that “losers go to TC” which shows a sidelong shot of Naonka and Jimmy J. which seemed a bit strange and Jeff’s words of voting someone out has the camera pan to Holly then Marty.

The Medallion rests on Jane’s neck and the tribe decides to use the Medallion therefore the Medallion moves over to the younger tribe and Naonka sits out this challenge as does Dan.

Of note that Holly struggles to find the ball and Jeff cites Kelly B’s leg not holding her back at all (helps to contradict Naonka’s statement) along with Benry’s frustration over missing his target which by the way he did not receive any negative backlash from and this is always helpful as backlash for challenge performances is a helpful tool in determining a character’s existence on the season.

Jill (conf): “Once we saw advantage and it was dual challenge it was a no brainer….”
Sash (conf) “We thought being young guys we could dominate the game from start to finish (perhaps nothing but it is interesting that the camera immediately panned to the tribe walking away with the focus on the back’s of the women) so today was a huge shock and disappointment and unfortunately we have to send someone home tonight and I’m not really sure how that’s going to play out”

Sash given some more air time again which bodes nicely and he touched upon one of the themes again citing the thought process that the young would dominate the old. I note again the reference to “guys” only which was done in the first episode as well which is normally just a lazy speak but with discussion about “boys’ alliances and Shannon not wanting a girl to win, it does make one pause.

Holly (conf) “To win the challenge today, I won’t lie, the first thing I thought of was, what if I would have left; it proves that if you don’t quit the pay off will be huge” (Again, this could solely be a bit of Survivor’s “homage” to someone who reconsidered quitting and reaped the rewards from not doing so but the editors still extended Holly’s short story as evidenced by Jimmy J.’s confessional)

Jimmy J. (conf) “Holly, she seems to be doing extremely well; everybody’s got their fingers crossed she’ll get back on the page but my past experience…. It’s easier to have a second setback, and so I think it will be a continual process for her” (perhaps the overkill to Holly’s breakdown is indicative that it will rear its head again?)

The clue for the hidden idol is found to which Jimmy T. advises us about as they brainstorm ideas about the clues. Jill confesses more about the clues and how she realized what they meant.

Jill (a bit surprisingly) lets Marty and Dan know what she figured out and directed Marty to “go get it”

Jill (conf) “Marty’s a smart guy with good ideas, I thought it would pay off in the long run to gain Marty’s trust by sharing that with him” (Some insight by another on Marty and also reflective of relationships that have formed that we have not clearly seen yet)

Marty takes off as the camera shows Dan lagging behind

Marty (conf) “I was really shocked that Jill gave me the key clue and Danny was with me… so he’s involved now but I like him and I think he could be pivotal; he could be dangerous later but he I think he could be pivotal if we find that idol. I think the tribe needs a jolt, I think the tribe needs a dramatic shift to get people whipped up and in line” and “I certainly would not have the idol if Jill had not given the clue…. The challenge now is how do we make it work”

Jill comes over to assist and she and Marty locate it

Marty: “The idol. Jill I got it, I got the idol baby! I got the first, WE got the idol (a nice save - which Jill repeats) Jill this is so money!”

Dan shown not exactly looking like he would be pivotal despite Marty saying otherwise but he may be tantamount to this storyline and it would appear that we have a budding situation that Dan, Marty and Jill are privy to. Jill potentially is being set up to regret putting her trust in Marty as it certainly did not go unnoticed that he kept using the word “I” until he caught himself and changed it to “we” but nonetheless Marty and Jill have been shown to be viable characters on the older tribe (moreso Marty last episode but Jill has certainly gained face time and is now involved in a good storyline) and Marty again seems to be very central this season in my opinion

La Flor

The three ladies (Kelly, Kelly and Alina) are shown heading to the water to clean up as Kelly B. states that it won’t be fun tonight.

Jud is then shown stating he doesn’t like this and to blame the medallion/that one ball as I believe Sash is heard saying the girls were awesome/savage as Chase is shown/heard stating that he was worried about Kelly B. but she dominated (visual cut to Naonka which again reflects poorly on her)

Alina “You could finally show that you are just as athletic…”

Naonka (conf) “Today I sat out the challenge to see if Kelly B. was going to use her leg as an excuse because it was a physical challenge; I was very proud of her, the fact she didn’t do that. I mean, she’s just awesome, I mean I don’t like her but she’s just awesome”

While credit is given to Naonka for acknowledging Kelly B. and her accomplishment a sticking point is that Naonka tells us she doesn’t like Kelly B. and there is nothing to support this dislike so it appears unfounded. Naonka’s dislike of Jud also appears to be one of just an innate dislike and the problem with this is that both Kelly B. and Jud have been shaped as likeable characters therefore the editing does not truly favor Naonka’s opinion as there has been nothing to reinforce her dislike of either of them.

Kelly B. “Who we voting”
Alina “We’re either going Brenda or Nay; the thing is nobody likes Nay right now”
Kelly B. “She looked like an idiot this morning”
Alina “But see that’s why it would be easier to get rid of the leader”
Kelly B. “Exactly”
Alina “So I think we better go with Brenda”

Alina (conf) “I think Brenda definitely has a thing for Chase so we’re kind of worried about them because he’s such a good guy and he’s gonna tell her things (splice heard) and they might try to work that angle so we have to break that up”

Shannon “Who do you want to get rid of?”
Jud “I think it’s obvious who I want to get rid of, I want to write down Naonka man”
Shannon “Chase?” (he nods)
(Sash is also there)
Shannon “Who are you writing down? Everybody’s saying they are writing down Nay”
Kelly B. “Why?” (Benry shown laying down under shelter as part of conversation) “Seems like you are being a little emotional doesn’t it?”
Jud “Who do you think would be a better choice?”
Kelly B. “I think Brenda’s gonna be more of a threat. We were just talking about that out there” (shown on screen with Chase shown)

Shannon (conf) “Chase is constantly going off with Brenda all the time. I mean I don’t know if he is getting blinded by a woman but Kelly B. and Alina, they were getting kind of nervous and I’m getting kind of worried about Brenda too” (detection of splicing in this confessional)

Shannon “I can feel that you don’t want to cut Brenda because ya’ll are becoming friends but their struggling right now being at three and they have four with Sash; they need ya’ll two” (directed to Chase and Benry) “Why do you think Brenda’s clinging to you; she’s trying to play your ##### and we’re too strong of a tribe to go screw this up and lose to these old asses”
Benry “We got to take Brenda out first”
Shannon “I hate to put you in that position by voting Brenda cause that’s your girl but”
(Chase’s confessional)
Shannon “I want to secure us to the final thing, that’s all I want to do”
(Shannon’s confessional)
Chase (conf) “I’m definitely in a mess right now; ever since the beginning of this game I prayed to God could give me someone I could trust (pan of Brenda – visual a bit sexy possibly negating that Chase is lulled more by her looks than trust) and I feel that Brenda was that person right from the start but at the same time I made an alliance with Shannon. He wants Brenda to go home first so I’m caught in the middle of two different alliances and (obvious splice) I really don’t know what I’m going to do”

Shannon (conf) “Chase, he feels bad about sending Brenda home…but Chase is my number on guy and if my alliance is doing what they say they are doing, Brenda’s the first one to go”

Naonka “Shannon would be the ringleader right now, he’s talking to everybody”
Brenda “Is he talking to you?”

They both agree that Shannon is not talking to them

Naonka “What I’m trying to do is get people to get Shannon out”
Brenda “Me too. He’s so cocky”
Naonka “And the second person I want is, what’s his name? Jude, Judd. Gone!” (Brenda likes her list)
(Naonka’s confessional)
Naonka “Sash, he hasn’t talked to you what he talked to me about…he wants to bring all of us minorities to the end” (sharp musical noise)

Brenda laughs and she likes the plan because “I like Sash” (said onscreen)
(Brenda’s confessional shown)

Brenda “Chase talks to me and I feel like he’s real. I do feel like he’s nervous though” (Kelly B. and Chase now walking together)
Naonka “I thought he was stronger than that”
Brenda “He’s not and it’s a shame because we can rule this!”
Naonka “But do I have your word?” (Shannon shown)

Brenda says definitely and they agree they are taking Shannon out

Naonka (conf) “Yesterday I went off on Fabio and it’s just because he rubbed me the wrong way, I can’t stand him, he can’t stand me so I want Fabio out of here but he doesn’t have to go out tonight because he’s not a threat to anyone. But Shannon, he’s making himself a threat right now…. just know that you built your own stepping stone to the grave”

Brenda (conf) “You want to know what’s funny? I have people on my side without doing anything. I get a good vibe from Nay, Sash was saying how he wants to be in an alliance. I feel like I can get Kelly Purple. I’m really tight with Chase. (Strange visual of Chase which has Kelly B. standing in the far background; the others she mentioned were shown as close individual shots but for whatever editing reason, Kelly B. was included in this frame showing Chase) and that makes five”

In the scheme of thematic connections, it is interesting that Naonka stated in her confessional the persona of Jud that was picked up from the first episode, i.e. Jud is not considered a threat which is the type of UTR player that I look for – I classify UTR differently than the Butch’s or Kim’s. My type of UTR is someone that could be athletic or can be social or can be loud but is completely off the radar due to something about them that is not considered any threat to win this game; in this case, the edit is showcasing Jud as a non threat because he is “dumb.” Jud is athletic, young and gregarious which is (on paper) threatening but Shannon dismissed him and now Naonka has also dismissed him. With respect to the conversations shown, it is clearly obvious this is all prelude to the TC yet we already know quite a bit of information – we have an alliance in the making of the minorities and this could prove to be significant. We know that Benry was involved in a “strong male alliance” yet he has never been shown his point of view which has me question how integral he really is – there has been no insight from him whatsoever. We do see that Kelly B. and Alina have forged a stronger bond while Brenda seemingly has been getting closer with purple Kelly yet nothing significant has come from this other Kelly. Naonka received ample screen time but like Shannon, I feel this is more about prelude to a fall as opposed to building a character who lasts the duration. Brenda has been given a characterization of a woman who is managing to work some magic and her and Chase’s relationship still appears to be built on a foundation of betrayal rather than loyalty. At this time, I’m not entirely sure what to make of Chase. His character is getting a nice fleshing out as we are seeing his insight and conflict but is his progression to be one who gets betrayed or wises up? Regardless, he is getting quite a bit of attention for now – but whether it is for short term story purposes needs to be determined. The bane of his edit thus far has been around being caught between two alliances and whether Brenda takes him for a ride but a bigger story involving Survivor is adaptability and it will be interesting to see if this becomes part of his edit.

Chase “They have Shannon, Alina, Fabio Ben and KB and they said they want you gone first”
(Chase’s confessionl)
Chase “I did not want to play this game this way; I thought I’d be able to come in, not talk much”
Brenda “Well it’s obvious that Shannon is the one calling all the shots so why wouldn’t you want to just take him out first” (musical change) “Why do you need him? Tell me a reason why you need him”
Chase “I don’t need him at all” (Brenda asks again then why would he keep him because he is the one calling the shots – as Brenda continues, Alina is shown overhearing the discussion)
Chase “Well we could; numbers, you, me, um” (Brenda states purple and includes Sash and Nay)
(Brenda’s confessional)

Chase (conf) “I’m so confused right now, ever since the beginning of this game, I’ve been trying to figure out who I can trust and who I can play the game with. I liked Shannon right away and he wanted to be aligned with me but there’s just a feeling that I have that is not right about him”

Brenda (conf) “I really didn’t expect someone to come up to me and say Shannon wants you out first and I don’t understand really why but Chase, I think he wants to keep me here because he just trusts me but it’s looking like it will be a tie; five for me and five for Shannon so who knows what’s going to happen”

Again, more emphasis to the audience that Chase is a bit in over his head and somewhat naïve as to how he thought this game would be played. While I do think the editors are giving him some care (especially in light of the somewhat hypocrisy he later displays since we hear him discuss truth and honesty but he was dishonest with Shannon) I find it quite amusing that he seems to be receiving an edit that is almost feminine in nature. How many times have we seen the female in Survivor wanting to do the right thing, conflicted by it, being influenced by others and somewhat naïve in the process. I don’t recall every seeing a male contestant shaped quite in this way. I do think there is investment in Chase but it is not clear if this is the bulk of his storyline. Brenda appears ripe for the future and is being touted as the big threat and while I do feel there is quite a bit down the pike with her, the soundbites used by the editors from her seem a bit hollow. Interestingly enough, she let us know in the first episode she was going to use the information from Chase to get to the end yet this information she received seems to have reach its conclusion.

Alina (conf) “When I heard their conversation I’m like we are screwed. Brenda convinced Chase to vote for Shannon (this was an obvious splice and probably a confessional that occurred after the TC) so Brenda has him by the cojones and I don’t know what we are going to do”

Shades of the Parvati/spider come to mind as a spider in its web is shown.

Alina “Guys, Chase is with them”
Jud “Are you sure about that?”
Alina “Yeah! Brenda stirred it up” (Kelly B. piping in as well) “She’s so much more of a threat; she has her little charm on him”
Jud “This sucks man, nothing is as it seems” (My downfall commencing with the “wink” is looking at commentary and over analyzing – but I do love the connection this comment makes with the theme of underestimation and it seems that there is a lot of subtle doses of “nothing is as it seems” by way of the game or the characters.)

Jud (conf) “We’re still not sure about Chase man as weird as it sounds and we’re wondering if Chase is going to lie to Brenda and vote her out or tell the four of us one thing and then flip” (Shannon, Jud, Kelly B. and Alina)

Alina “Chase is with them, if you go first we’re done, all of us” (These types of statements (much like boot order conversations are often quite useful in that what is said is not necessarily so)

Kelly B. “Look how much drama she stirred up in a day” (Jud states “I know”)

Shannon (conf) “You know it went from being six strong to like now, I don’t know what’s what. I don’t know who’s in my alliance, who to trust. If Chase is a man of his word then Brenda will go home tonight; if not I got a big target on my back” (Much innuendo surrounding Chase with respect to issues of trust and honesty again)

Shannon “Oh well, somebody gonna be eating peanut butter sandwich’s tonight”
Chase “Somebody will be”

Tribal Council

Jeff asks Shannon about how much more difficult this has been than imagined
Shannon “It’s been brutal… I’ll wing it out. We’ve had people say we’re all together then I’m coming to find out there’s no loyalty. He better hope his girlfriend stays with him… because he’ll be going home next” (Jeff is shocked and Chase acknowledges this is about him)

Jeff asks Chase who is his girlfriend to which Shannon “everybody knows it’s Brenda”
Chase “She’s not my girlfriend. From day one I trusted Brenda and Ben, those were the two people I trust the most”

Shannon “Can I say why it’s like this because I thought Chase had my back and I thought we were there and we’re not and it pisses me off. All you had to do was be honest and say you were with her and it would have been all good”
Chase “I’m coming out with the truth; I’ve been in between two alliances the whole time and before we came out here I was very unsure who I wanted to vote for…. That’s as honest as I can get”
Shannon “You started off with all your integrity, honesty and loyalty. Where has it been? You’ve been lying and going both ways! I just want to let everybody know how upset I am because I gave my word and I’d stick with Chase (Alina nods) all the way to the end”
(Jud raises his hand)
Jeff asks Jud what’s going on there
Jud “I’m just trying to tell Shannon to not make enemies, you know he just gets aggressive so quick and I’m trying to tell him that’s not smart man”
Shannon “Fabio, homeboy’s trying to vote me out man; I’m not making an enemy, he knows that if it doesn’t go down like that tonight, he’s next”

Jeff notes to Brenda she is in the center of everything with Shannon losing his mind
Brenda “I think that it just shows certain weaknesses have been exposed; it’s hard to trust him” (Shannon asks what he did and Chase replies no one trusts him)

Shannon “Fabio you don’t trust me?” (Shannon then moves to Benry, Alina and Kelly B. All seem uncomfortable but Kelly B. does state she trusts him out loud) “I’m not lying to anybody!”

Jeff then asks Shannon to understand that this may not be the wisest move to throw all of this out here before a vote (shot pans to Jud who essentially stated such to Shannon)
Shannon “I’m the type of person when I am upset and someone’s betrayed me like that I speak my mind and that’s what I’m doing”

Sash pipes in that Shannon is digging his own grave and in an extremely random and quite shocking move, Shannon asks Sash if he is gay. Jud is seen up in arms and purple Kelly rolls her eyes as Sash shakes his head and laughs with shots of Alina and Brenda and Naonka looking uncomfortable. The situation becomes more uncomfortable as Shannon continues with his commentary

Jud “Be quiet, dude! We’re on the same team for the next two, three weeks”

Jeff “Fabio, get your head out of the trees, this is a tribe completely divided and if experience means anything it’s going to be tough sailing for you guys”

Jeff asks Alina if it is foolish to trust someone six days in a million dollar game
Alina “It’s very foolish; I thought I trusted Chase too and it’s funny that everybody’s saying that Shannon is the one no one can trust but Shannon hasn’t said a lie to me but Chase has” (Shot of Chase looking uncomfortable)

Jeff asks Benry if he is surprised that there is such a big issue this fast
Benry “It happened so fast that all of sudden there is two alliances and you’re either on this side or this side so I don’t really know who to trust anymore either” (Shannon looks quizzical at this)

Jeff asks Brenda why is she a target
Brenda “I’m guessing because Shannon wants to take out a strong girl (reactionary shot of Alina) but I find it hard to believe he would choose someone like me because I’m really not sitting here plotting all day long”
Shannon “A bunch of people thought she was a threat, not just me (cymbal then pans to Brenda) and even today it was Nay as soon as we got back but it was changed because we felt Brenda would be a bigger threat to the girls in our alliance”

Jeff asks Naonka if this is news to her
Naonka “I thought maybe if they were going to vote me off it was because I didn’t do the challenge today (Purple Kelly nods) and I was hoping we were gonna win so we didn’t have to be here because (Sash nods) we were strong; I mean we were a unit.
Jeff begs to differ with her and that if she thinks that she needs to get out of the tree that Fabio’s up in

Naonka “Oh I don’t want to be up in that tree” (Jud shot to Jeff stating she doesn’t like Fabio)
Naonka “Nope” (Jeff asks what happened) “Every time I say something to him, he has something smart to say like I’m dumb and I’m not afraid to say how I feel about Fabio” (Purple Kelly laughs) “Fabio, I don’t like you” (musical change – clang)
Jud “That attitude has been present the whole time and I’ve tried to keep it cool but it’s been obviously hard to do that!”
Naonka “He don’t try hard enough” (Jud throws his arms up in the air)

Jeff asks Naonka if she is a little complicated
Naonka “Me? No. Am I? (Alina and Shannon shots with a change in the music)
Jud “Can we vote?”
Naonka “Can we?” (cymbal) (Alina laughing)

Jeff holds the phone and asks Kelly B. what the criteria for voting is to be.
Kelly B. “I’m kinda wondering what’s going to unify our tribe the most. I think we need unity as a tribe so we can go back and win the other challenges and that’s how people will vote tonight” (various threaded shots from Benry, Bendra, Shannon, Chase)

Jud is shown voting asking “I guess this is still our game plan? I don’t know” (This was a curious voting comment to put in and either it was shown solely to make the audience question the outcome as a whole for surprise value or establishing a certain edit for Jud. If one views Jud as the goofball with no game then it helps to reinforce it)
Brenda is shown voting Shannon establishing that it was between the two of them.
Shannon is merely shown writing Brenda’s name down.
Sash is shown to vote Shannon and commenting about messing with the biggest bachelor in NY (no doubt used for good sound bite purposes)
Benry is last vote and potentially the “swing vote” (due to his answer at TC) while he did get a good amount of visuals through TC and asked an important question, we didn’t see any insight from him at the height of the conflict before TC.

Jeff advises that their biggest enemy is themselves and while some conflict left with the vote, there is more conflict to be had.

Younger vs. old, male vs. female, underestimation and harsh reality of the game (along with the standard of trust) all seem to be shaping up and out nicely. Developing tribe/individual stories from the younger tribe that still need resolution are Brenda and Chase’s relationship, Naonka’s issues with Jud and Kelly B., the formation of a minority alliance, the foundation of Kelly B. as a threat, the hidden idol (involving Alina and Kelly B.) Benry and Purple Kelly are not central to any of these issues other than we know that Benry and Chase were part/parcel to a boy’s alliance with Shannon and that Brenda has a relationship of sorts with Kelly B. (however she would not be part of this minority alliance that Sash is trying to develop) Brenda *appears* to have dismantled the male alliance as of this episode. Alina continues as a fairly solid narrator and one can’t forget her commentary about Marty so I would expect there to be a meeting between these two characters. Chase is involved in quite some drama and his storyline of conflict has resolved to a degree but his character still invokes more questions regarding Brenda and his confusion on how he wanted to play this game. Kelly B. is deemed threatening and she is involved with Alina and the clues but with any large backstory, the editors will attempt to feature that person and other than her threatening status, Kelly B. has been on the peripherals of the edit as a whole. We did not even get her insight regarding the hidden idol clues; this was given to Alina so I am hesitant on her long term player status as her story seems to stem from others view of her threatening status. I would like to see more shaping to her edit other than her leg being the feature; it would be easier to determine her player status then. Jud’s persona is still being highlighted as carefree and goofy and we hear the term dumb and commentary that he is not a threat. Jud makes good television; he is someone who will be featured because he is a defined personality but I never discount anyone who is given extra time when not necessary and one can’t forget that he has been dismissed as dumb but we were told he does not care what others’ think because he is here for a million dollars. Sash had a nice second episode and ties to the themes as well with a budding storyline that could get him quite far with a subtle but effective description of his million dollar smile that one shouldn’t dismiss and his victory would be great irony to Shannon’s words. Brenda has much more storyline to go as she is involved with Chase and the question of betrayal as well as the potential of a minority alliance. I do think she could be a bit more well rounded but there is nothing to suggest that she is a short term player. Naonka, like Shannon, seems to be heading for a fall, it’s only a question of when. Her screen time is not kind to her. Purple Kelly and Benry have been severely neglected. It would be shocking if either of these two were end game players. Obviously we cannot forget those like Darrah or Brett but neither did win the game so I have no real faith in either of them being victorious especially in light of the fact that the editing is attempting to provide some modicum of screen time for most of the characters. At this juncture, Jud, Brenda, Chase, Sash and Alina are the five individuals that could have significant showings based on manipulation, storylines and ties to the themes. On the older tribe, the majority of this episode was dedicated to Holly and her breakdown and I am hesitant to completely assign long term status to Holly (despite the overkill) because of the subject matter she was involved. It has never been a secret that quitting on Survivor is a big “no no” and I still have suspicions that this may have been Survivor’s way of (forgive my repeating) paying homage to someone who pulled through and realized what they could have lost if they left. Jimmy J. is getting a stellar edit and he, like Kelly B. is the “big threat” but like Kelly B., Jimmy J. would be highlighted regardless so one can be deceived by that type of edit. I don’t feel there has been much invested in Jimmy T. except for his wish to get rid of Jimmy J. so that might be a short term storyline and Dan, Yve and Tyrone do not seem to invoke much storyline (except Dan being a tool to be used by Marty). Jill has been a good tribe narrator but that is what all she appears to be for me right now. Even the idol storyline seems more about how Marty plans on utilizing it as opposed to Jill. Jane had a wonderful first episode but insignificant in the second so the question for Jane is whether she will receive a slow build or just fade away but I still think Jane is in a nice position. Marty seems extremely relevant to what happens on his tribe and has potential for cross over in light of Alina’s first episode comments. We have heard his strategy and he is involved with the hidden idol and appears to be a significant character. At this time (and it is still much too early to assume anything, the younger tribe seems to hold more situations and conflict and overall ties to the themes. Wendy was a relatively easy choice so there would not be as much conflict shown in the tribe so it will be interesting to see if the older tribe is fleshed out more the next time they have to boot someone; that will be a better test to see who is relevant to the progression of the season


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-25-10, 08:45 PM (EST)
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50. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Veruca, I will be interested in reading your thoughts after but it is my turn to want to post without influences.

The recap showed Jud’s interview about Survivor being real.
Jeff said they were divided into two tribes; the young versus the old.
The older tribe immediately fell under the sway of…Coach Jimmy Johnson.
We heard part of the speech that ended with Tyrone saying: “I just got a pep talk from JJ!”

On the younger tribe, Shannon decided that he was the alpha male and he formed a strong man-alliance with Chase…but Chase was also drawn to Brenda…so he got into a second alliance with her.
Brenda said: “he’s a really nice guy but he’s clueless.”

Alina and Kelly B found a clue to a hidden immunity idol.
Finding the clue was a stroke of luck for Kelly B because her artificial leg made her a target.
Shannon’s interview was stripped down to “She’s going to be too much of a threat down the road because she’ll definitely beat us with sympathy votes so she definitely has to be one of the first ones to go.”

Jeff told us that the older tribe had the MoP “which would have given them an advantage in the competition.”
Marty said they would keep it.
“Unfortunately, by keeping the medallion, the older tribe made a big mistake.”
Jeff asked Brenda if she would have used the medallion and she repeated what I think may be the winning quote: “Definitely, because you are here to win so why take chances.”

Back at camp, JJ decided that Wendy was the weak link.
Jimmy’s choice concerned Holly because she was in an alliance with Wendy…but at tribal council, Holly turned her back on her ally and sided with Coach Jimmy and the rest of the tribe to vote out Wendy.

Jeff didn’t want us to remember that Jimmy J had been in trouble, choosing to present him as the tribe’s accepted leader. That’s how we are meant to see Jimmy for the time being.
In La Flor, Shannon was suddenly the only person who had something negative to say about Kelly B. and even the sympathetic part of his interview was removed. That was a big hint to what would be coming in the end.
Also, why was it lucky for Kelly to find a clue? The idol is valuable, the clue is useless on its own. Unless it is to foreshadow that Kelly will soon find the idol!

The Theme of the episode was

Some Make friends, Some make Enemies.

We all know that a good social game is the best way to get to the end. This episode showed us many examples of good and bad social games.

Night 3
A sea turtle walked with difficulty on the beach. (Does it represent the whole Espada tribe or just the member that was about to crack? If the turtle returns to Espada in a scene that doesn’t feature Holly, it will be a terrible sign for them. If we see the turtle swimming gracefully then it could be a good sign.

Holly: “I feel like I’m on the outs and the tribes sense I am. I just felt bad about making the alliance with Wendy then I went with everybody else to vote her out. I know it’s part of the game to lie and that is strategy so my next step needs to be to rethink everything. I want to show these people that I can kick their ass on Survivor.”

Day 4

Marty commented that he hadn’t slept. Jimmy decided the shelter needed an upgrade.

Marty: “The plan today is to get to a better place in regards to sleep. The shelter is still not totally there. We have to get that down better because I haven’t slept at all in the last three days.”

Jimmy took charge.

Jill: “The morning meeting went pretty good. It seems to be the routine we’ve fallen into: We all sit down and decide what is going on for the day. Coach gave us our assignments for the day.”
Jimmy T said Jane wanted to go fishing and that three should do that but Tyrone wanted to do it JJ’s way.

Jimmy T: “Jimmy’s the man now and they are buying it hook, line and sinker. Now, he’s going to have T doing this and Marty doing that. No one is asking me; “Hey Jimmy T, what do you think?” and it’s starting to wear on me.”

Marty: “Jimmy J is jumping in and trying to give directions to the whole tribe and I just sat back and said, Let’s do it... Frankly, it puts the pressure on him…I think I can use that to my advantage in the event we have to vote someone else off.”
Note the drastic cut in sound before Marty’s last sentence. I doubt Marty was even talking about JJ at that point.

La Flor
Day 4

Purple Kelly was talking to Jud about missing showers and brushing her teeth near the shelter while Na’Onka and Sash were on the beach, talking about the tribe.

Na’Onka: “I like Sash a whole lot. He’s really down to earth and he has that million dollar smile and we seem like we have good vibe, good chemistry.”

Sash was saying he was half-black and would like to bring as many minorities to the end as possible. He added: “In time we could try to bring Brenda. I think she is the smartest person here, I think she could be a good asset.”

Sash: “Being minorities, we have a bond that no one else could share. If we can work together on this, we could dominate this game. It’s up to the Asian Sensation (Brenda) to see if she is willing to align with us or not.”

The conversation continued with Sash telling Na’Onka that they would have to make as many friends as possible.
Na’Onka asked Sash what he felt about Kelly B.
Sash agreed she was a huge threat.
Na’Onka added: “When that leg falls off, she is out of here.”
Sash laughed at that.
Na’Onka: “Kelly B, she’s a charity case. She has the heart, she has the mind but she doesn’t have 100% of the body and that is going to hurt us.”
Now tell me this doesn’t reflect negatively on Na’Onka!

: “Today I saw Jill eating snails and I didn’t know if we could eat them or not… I realized we really couldn’t eat them.”
Holly took the snails and threw them out, telling Jimmy and Jill: “If you honestly think that you can eat these things, you guys are stupid.”

Jimmy T: “Holly is a very nice person but she’s off the deep end. She needs to do well in this game and she’s not, so she’s hitting the panic button.”

Jill: “I don’t know what to think of Holly…On Survivor, you don’t want to come across as mentally unstable.”

They told everyone about Holly’s action and Tyrone reacted: “Throwing away food, that’s not good, that’s crazy.”

Jimmy J: “Holly snapped at Jill and it was really a bizarre type thing. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that she can turn it around before it’s too late.”

Holly overheard Dan calling her crazy.

Holly: “I don’t think they realize I was watching them and Dan was making fun of me. That gets under my skin. So, I think the best way for me to handle the situation with Dan is for me to find a way to release my anger…Let’s just fill his shoes and then put them somewhere…I’m not going to sit back anymore and let them rub things in my face. I’ve been too nice up to this point but the game has just begun.”
She dumped Dan’s shoes in the ocean.

The next scene started with Dan looking for his shoes.
Dan: “I woke up this morning, looked in my bag and my alligator shoes are missing.”
He told the tribe his shoes were worth $1600. (That makes him as crazy as Holly!)

Holly: “Right now, I’m struggling emotionally. This game is turning me into somebody I’m not and it’s draining on me. I’m realizing this might not be for me…I think it’s best if I come clean.”
She told Dan and everyone else what she had done and hoped to turn a new leaf.
Dan: “She stole my shoes. I was born in Brooklyn, New-York. If she was I guy, I’d knock her right out.”

Tyrone: “Holly is getting stranger and stranger. Every time she speaks, it becomes more evident that she’s crazy. I’m going to keep one eye on her and one eye on my shoes.”

Dan: “I can’t trust her. I don’t know how they can. She isn’t going to get any forgiveness from me.”

La Flor
Day 5

This time, Purple Kelly was telling everyone in the shelter that she was being eaten alive.
Na’Onka couldn’t find her sock.

Alina was shown shrugging her shoulders.

Shannon: “Na’Onka lost one of her socks and now she thinks someone took her sock and is playing tricks with her which is crap.”

Na’Onka: “If there is somebody that is after me, somebody trying to irritate me…If they want to play dirty, I can play dirty too. I found another pair of socks that was just sitting there and I took ‘em.”

Fabio was told that Nay took his socks.

Alina: “La Flor is definitely getting into some high school drama kind of stuff. Nay swears that someone tried to sabotage her socks. Now, she stole Fabio’s socks. She’s just a loose canon.”
(I blame Russell’s influence for these stupid games!)

Fabio wanted to confront Nay but she wasn’t having any of it: “Why are you raising your voice at me. I can get loud too.”
(Second phrase that Nay has taken from Sandra after noting her socks grew legs and walked off.)

Fabio (yes, it’s his screen name now!): “I was going to ask her: Hey! Do you think you accidentally took my socks? Before I could say anything, she went crazy.”

Na’Onka: “I don’t know what it is but Jud…I don’t like anything about him. I don’t want people to think I am a b.i.t.c.h. but the boy is stupid. Everybody thinks his jokes is funny, they are laughing. I’m laughing because I’m thinking I’m about to vote you off.”

Jud was shown trying to blow on the fire, getting smoke in his eyes and needing the scuba mask to finish the job, burning his hair instead.

The scene ended with Fabio telling Chase he couldn’t wait for Nay to go home.

Holly asked JJ to walk with her and used the opportunity to tell him she was having a hard time.

Jimmy: “It concerns me that Holly is having second thoughts about the game. She’d like to go home but I don’t think it’s the right thing to do just yet. This is no different than a football player that wants to quit the team. We all go through some adverse times, our minds get weak. Vince Lombardi says: Fatigue makes cowards of us all.
(Two for two in title quotes by this Coach!)

Jimmy told Holly they needed her.

Holly: “I know if I quit this game, I’ll be letting my tribe down. So, I’m going to keep my head up, help my team and the emotional meltdown that I had might either carry me through or it’s going to hurt me. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

The Challenge

LaFlor’s determined march into the challenge area was underlined by military music.

Jeff’s smile at seeing them made me think we are supposed to see this as a fun tribe.
In contrast, the camera focused on Tyrone when Espada came in.

He was all business. In fact, you can’t get more serious than that look. The contrasting images had to be intentional.

Benry gave a nod of approval after hearing Wendy had been voted out.
Jeff told them they would be playing for reward and that they would have a choice between a tarp with rope and fishing gear.
(This goes back to the making-decisions theme so it will be interesting to note what choice is made.)

Jeff told Espada that the MoP would give them one ball already in the barrel and allowing “one weak person to sit out this challenge”.

Espada, with the focus on Jill apparently making the decision, used the MoP and sat out Dan.

Jimmy J, Jane and Jolly raced for Espada
Brenda, both Kellys and Alina went through the mud for LaFlor.
With Jeff noting that her artificial leg wasn’t bothering her at all, Kelly B reached the mat with the 4th ball before Holly could find hers. Jimmy looked distraught as Holly kept looking in the hay stack.
With Benry sinking the first ball in the barrel before Jill could throw the first one to Marty, “the older tribe lost their advantage, we are now even.”
But Tyrone stepped in and, through the magic of editing, was made to look like he couldn’t miss! Did he really make all the shots? Don’t know but it made Tyrone look good.

Jill: “We used the medallion of power to get an advantage which we desperately needed (Dan in on screen,

hinting that his weakness will hurt his team down the road when they can’t use the MoP) Once we saw the advantage that it gave us and being that it was a dual challenge, it was a no-brainer. We won: It couldn’t have gone better for us.”

With Jimmy pointing and Jane yelling out, Espada chose the fishing gear.

Looking back at their opening scene where, led by Jimmy, they planned on working to improve the shelter INSTEAD of going fishing, it seems the editor’s intent was to show that Espada made the wrong choice. Will they regret having a poor shelter in the near future? Or was it to show that Jimmy’s grip on the tribe wasn’t as solid as it had been now that Jill and Jane decided to speak up? Either way, the tribe’s decision and the editor’s choice for their first scene don’t work together. Is it a coincidence or a sign of trouble ahead? We’ll see.

Jimmy T rubbed it in with a cry of “Espada”, the camera focused once more on Benry shaking his head.
Twice now, this otherwise invisible man has been shown reacting to the other side. Will his story start when he joins some of the old people?

Sash: “We thought, being the young guys, we could make the game from start to finish so today was a huge shock, a huge disappointment. Unfortunately, we’ll have to send someone home tonight and I’m really not sure how that’s going to play out.”

: “My first thought after we won was: What if I had left? If you don’t quit, the pay-off will be huge.”

Tyrone and Jane did a little dance.

Jimmy J: “Holly, she seems to be doing extremely well, now. Everybody’s got their fingers crossed that she will get back on page but my past experience with individuals that have had set-backs like that; it’s easier to have the second set-back. I think it will be a continual process with her.”

So, will Holly quit? Jimmy J’s words make it sound like it and Jimmy has had the smart leader treatment up to now. If she does quit and I expect her to do so, then Survivor has come a long way since the days of Osten. Nowadays, when a person wants to quit, their situation gets explained through the wisdom of Vince Lombardi no less: The problem is fatigue not lack of character.

In their box, Espada found clue #2 to the idol.
Jimmy t: “When we opened up our fishing gear, there was a clue there for a hidden immunity idol. It was a very difficult puzzle but I’m a fisherman so I immediately figured out the middle one.”

Jill: “Initially, we figured out the clue meant dig 15 yards west of a man in a tree. Everybody started frantically digging around random trees which is exhausting you know.

(Yve and Holly shown)
“I looked at it and looked at it. Tree man, tree man and it just hit me: Tree mail.”
She told Marty who rushed to the spot along with Dan.
Jill’s confessional went on: “Marty is a smart guy with good ideas so I thought it would payoff in the long run to gain Marty’s trust by sharing that with him.”

Marty: “I was really shocked that Jill gave me the key clue. Danny was with me when Jill came up so he’s involved now but I like him and I think he could be pivotal. He could be dangerous later but he could be pivotal if we find that idol. I think the tribe needs a jolt. I think we need a dramatic shift to get people whipped up and in line.”
Isn’t the tribe in line under coach according to Jeff’s recap? What did Marty mean here? Or is this coming from a future time when Espada encounters more problems and Jimmy isn’t so golden anymore?

Jill joined the search and Marty put his hand on it: “I got the idol” he said, quickly correcting it to: “We got the idol.”

Marty: “I certainly would not have found the idol if Jill hadn’t given me the clue about tree mail. No doubt about it. The challenge now is; how do we make it work.”

La Flor
Day 6
after hearing everyone saying Kelly B dominated the challenge: “Today, I sat out of the challenge to see if Kelly B was going to use her leg as an excuse. It was a physical challenge. I was very proud of her, the fact that she didn’t do that. She’s just awesome. I don’t like her but she’s just awesome.”

Alina and Kelly were considering voting out Brenda or Nay.
Kelly said: “The thing is that nobody likes Nay right now. She looked like an idiot this morning.”
Alina thought: “I think that’s why we could get rid of her later, so I think we better go with Brenda.”

Alina: “I think Brenda definitely has a thing for Chase because they hang out a lot. We’re kind of worried about them because he is such a good guy so he’s going to tell her things and she’s going to work that angle so we have to break that up.”

In the shelter, Fabio was quick to say he wanted to write down Nay. Chase agreed and Shannon told Kelly, who had just walked into the guys’ huddle, that everybody was saying Nay.
Kelly asked “Why? Aren’t you being a little emotional? I think Brenda’s gonna be more of a threat.

This last sentence was captioned on screen and showed Brenda in a very Survivor worthy moment. That is a big boost to Brenda’s edit.

Shannon: “Chase is constantly going off with Brenda. I don’t know if he is getting blinded by a woman. Kelly B and Alina are getting nervous and I’m getting worried about Brenda too.”

Shannon and Benry cornered Chase, telling him it had to be Brenda.

Chase: “I’m in a mess right now. Ever since the beginning of the game, I prayed that God can give me someone that I could trust and I feel that Brenda was that person right from the start. I made an alliance with Shannon and now, he wants Brenda sent home first. I’m caught in the middle of 2 different alliances and I have really no idea what I’m going to do.”

Brenda was now shown in a very “femme fatale” image. Poor Chase. He won’t stand a chance!

Shannon: “Chase; he kinda feels bad about sending Brenda home. But Chase is my number one guy and, if my alliance is doing what they say they are doing, Brenda is the first one to go.”

Brenda told Nay that Shannon talking to everyone except them.
Nay wanted to get Shannon out first and Jud next.
Brenda liked her list.

Na’Onka: “Yesterday, I went off on Fabio but that’s just because he rubbed me the wrong way. I can’t stand him, he can’t stand me so I want Fabio out of here but he doesn’t have to go tonight because he isn’t a threat to anyone. Shannon; he is making himself a threat right now. He is talking to everybody and if you want to do that well, just know you have built your own stepping stone to the grave at tribal council.”

Nay told Brenda that Sash’s plan was to bring minorities to the end. Brenda laughed and said she liked Sash.

Brenda: “You want to know what’s funny? I have people on my side without doing anything. I have a good vibe from Nay. Sash says he wants to be in an alliance. I feel like I can get Kelly Purple and I’m really tight with Chase. That makes five.”
That makes five if she counts herself but she was talking about people being on her side. Did she already have a fifth then?

Nay, speaking of Chase: “I really thought he was stronger than that.”
Brenda: “But he’s not and it’s a shame because we could rule this.”

Chase told Brenda about the five votes lining against her.

Chase: “I’m so confused right now. From the beginning of this game, I’ve been trying to figure out who I can trust and who I can play the game with. I liked Shannon right away and he wanted to be aligned with me but the feeling that I have that is not right about him.”

Brenda told Chase that Shannon was calling all the shots, asking why he needed him.

Brenda: “I really wasn’t expecting someone would come up to me and say Shannon wants you out First! I don’t really understand why but Chase, he wants to keep me here but it’s looking like it will be a tie: Five for me and five for Shannon.”
This could have been from earlier time than her previous confessional because she already knew Shannon was gunning for her. The editors played with the sequences to make her look more in danger than she was.

Alina: “When I heard their conversation, I was like; we’re screwed. Brenda convinced Chase to vote for Shannon. Brenda has him by the cojones. I don’t know what we are going to do.”

Alina and Kelly told Fabio and Shannon about the turn of events.

Fabio: “We’re still not sure about Chase… We’re wondering if Chase is going to lie to Brenda and vote her out or tell the 4 of us one thing and then flip.”

(4 of us? Didn’t they have 5 without Chase? More proof that someone else had already flipped and it had to be Benry. Listen very carefully when Alina tells Shannon: “If you go first, we’re done ( cut ) of us.” She said a number but it was clearly and amateurishly cut out. I do believe she said 4 meaning they knew Benry had already decided his vote. Could he be under Purple Kelly’s spell?!)

Shannon: “We went from us being 6 strong to I don’t know who is in my alliance. I don’t know who to trust. If Chase is a man of his word then Brenda will go home tonight. If not, I have a big target on my back.”

Whoopass TC

Shannon told Jeff: “We’ve had people say we’re all together but I come to find out there is no loyalty. He better hope his girlfriend stays with him tonight because, if not, he’ll be going home next.”
Jeff: “Wow”
Chase: “He’s talking about me.”
J: “Who is your girlfriend?”
Chase: “I guess Brenda.”
S: “Everybody knows it’s Brenda.”
Chase: “From Day 1, I trusted Brenda and I trusted Ben…”
(Knew it!! Ben had already flipped and that’s the conversation Alina heard.)

Shannon: “Can I say why it’s like this? I thought Chase had my back, I thought we were there but we’re not so it kinda pisses me off. All you had to do was say you are with her and be honest and we would have been good.”
Chase: “I’ve been between two alliances the whole time and before I came here I was unsure about who I wanted to vote for.”
Shannon: “You started off with all your integrity, your honesty and your loyalty and where has it been? You’ve been lying and going both ways.”
Jeff had never seen an opening question open that much whoopass as this.
Jud intervened: “I’m trying to tell Shannon not to make enemies, not be that aggressive. That is not smart man!”
Shannon replied: “Fabio, homeboy is trying to vote me out, I’m not making an enemy. He knows that if doesn’t go down like that tonight, he goes next.”
Jeff noted that Brenda was centered in the middle of the whole thing with Shannon losing his mind behind her.
(The last part obviously said in overdubbing and as if Brenda’s position hadn’t been set by production!)
Brenda: “I think it shows that a certain weakness has been exposed. It’s hard to trust him.”
Only KB dared say she trusted Shannon.
Sash intervened to say: “You’re digging your own grave.”
Shannon stupidly asked: “Are you gay?”
The awkward silence was followed by comments unnecessary to report.
Fabio tried to tell Shannon to be quiet because they were going to be a tribe for the next 3 weeks.
Jeff told Fabio: “This is a tribe completely divided and, if experience means anything, this is going to be tough sailing for you guys.”
Asked if it was foolish to trust anyone, Alina said: “It is very foolish. I thought I trusted Chase too. It’s funny that everybody is saying that Shannon is the one that nobody can trust but he hasn’t said a lie to me but Chase has.”
Benry said he didn’t know who to trust either.
Brenda said she was a target because she felt Shannon wanted to take out a strong girl.
Shannon explained he wasn’t the only one to see her as a threat, that the first target was Nay but they felt Brenda would be a bigger threat to the girls in his alliance.
Nay said she felt she could be targeted for sitting out the challenge. “We were strong. We were a unit.”
Jeff said she was as delusional as Fabio.
Na’Onka said she didn’t like Fabio: “Every time I say something to him he has something smart to say like I’m dumb.”
Fabio: “That attitude has been present the whole time. I try to keep it cool but it’s hard to do that.”
Nay: “He don’t try hard enough.”
Fabio: “Urghh”
Soon he’d ask Jeff to vote. Nay seconded that proposition.
Kelly B said she would vote to try to unify the tribe. “What we need is unity so we can get back as a tribe and win the challenges.”

Fabio voted Brenda, saying he guessed that was still their game plan.
Sash said Shannon shouldn’t have messed with him.

Shannon was voted out 7-3, Kelly B obviously changing her vote at the last minute.

Jeff sent them back to camp saying the tribe was its own biggest threat.

The Story

In Espada, we have a tribe that first wants to fix the shelter instead of going fishing but they choose the fishing gear as reward instead of the tarp. The better choice is irrelevant; the editing told us they went against their original plan. A good shelter is important, especially when players can’t sleep and “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” It’s either a sign that the tribe will run into trouble (and that is backed up by narrator’s Marty comment that they need a drastic shift) or it means that Jimmy’s losing his grip, his plan for the shelter being disregarded.

In LaFlor, Kelly, Fabio and Alina certainly look to be on the outs but they all have interesting edits, not usually seen in short-term players. With Jeff saying that Kelly was lucky to find a clue to the idol, one can presume that this idol could affect their fate.

The Characters

From last week’s Invisible Ones, Benry and Purple Kelly remained in obscurity. I will simply note that Benry had changed his mind before TC but we never saw how close he was to Chase to keep the suspense. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Purple Kelly and Benry form a second couple.

Dan: He had three scenes. The one about Holly was meaningless for his edit except to tell us he was dumb enough to bring $1600 alligator shoes on Survivor. Being designated as the weakest player, the one to sit out the challenge wasn’t good for his future. Being called pivotal by Marty was better but Dan didn’t get to tell us about it. If he is pivotal, it will be by helping Marty’s story, not his own.

Yve: She probably is still inside the alliance but, after a weak start, she is now the one shown when Jill says it is better to think about the clue than to frantically search by random trees. (Do you know how many trees there are in the jungle?!) Her role is looking more like that of a stand-in who happened to have a couple of speaking lines in episode #1.

Tyrone: He is presented being all-business, a determined, strong competitor. He has been given a few brief moments to shine but one has to recognize the lack of substance to his character. He hasn’t told us a thing about himself and neither has anyone else.

Holly: She suddenly put herself in an outsider position. It is strange that she received such a generous treatment after acting so stupidly. Listen to the beautiful music when she contemplates coming clean. I think Holly will quit but she is receiving a kind edit. But if she doesn’t quit, will the payoff be huge? I doubt that will be her story.

Jimmy T: The one that always complains about the other Jimmy got to have his fishing gear as reward. He’s still an outsider but it seems that things are starting to go his way. He and Jane appear to be on the same wavelength.

Jane: It was much more subtle than Jimmy T but Jane was also put in opposition to Coach Jimmy. According to Jimmy T, Jane wanted to go fishing and Jane was the one that said they’d take the fishing gear. How much of a role will she play if the tribe “goes through a drastic shift”?

Jimmy J: The editors want us to buy hook, line and sinker his status as the accepted leader of Espada but that is a smoke screen. We know Marty is the real leader and we know he’s looking to make a drastic shift. It isn’t surprising that Jimmy is receiving a Hero type treatment for the time being.

Na’Onka: She made friends and enemies. There is definitely something funny about this feisty woman but her drama queen side isn’t usually the best edit on Survivor. I feel that her story could cause trouble to everyone in her alliance; that they’ll need to distance themselves from her. Could she be an early casualty? LaFlor could once more be a strong unit after voting her out but how does that happen?

Chase: He is presented as weak by Brenda no less. We heard that he lost his integrity and loyalty because he is under Brenda’s spell. Watching this on TV could be painful for Chase. I feel he will be burned by his trust in Brenda.

Jill: She is shown as the smart player which is rather rare for a doctor on Survivor! She made a solid connection with Marty who is still shown as the leader behind the scene of Espada. Additionally, Jill started to play a bigger role as narrator, commenting on Holly, the challenge decision and the idol discovery.

Matt: He introduced the theme of making friends so that was good for his story but we heard him laughing at Kelly B after Nay’s comment and his fight with Shannon wasn’t much better for him than for the eliminated player. Now that is story has begun, there is plenty of time to give him the substance that his rather dry scenes lacked and to distance him from Nay. He does have a million dollar smile after all!

The Likable Underdogs: None of these can be ignored for final victory especially considering all three had opening confessionals. That is very interesting now that we know they are tightly joined by circumstances. They have a long road ahead but what a story it would be.

Alina: She is shown as a smart girl that understands the threat that Brenda represents and she was aware of the switch in votes. She stood by Shannon so she could be next but her edit seems too substantial for that. If she outlasts LaFlor’s next TC, it will be interesting to see how this underdog’s story evolves.

Fabio: He’s still presented as a goofy guy but he did receive a better edit in this episode, especially in his portrayal at Tribal Council. He was calmer than most and told us he knows the importance of making friends, not enemies. We also heard Nay say he wasn’t a threat at all which ties in to his game plan of wanting to be under-estimated. But can he win as the goofy guy, especially now that the editors are using his nickname as his screen name? Somehow, it doesn’t look serious but maybe Nicaragua is supposed to be funny all the way to the end.

Kelly: Now that she has proven that her artificial leg doesn’t bother her, that she is awesome, her story could be over. Did switching her vote earn her some time from the ruling alliance at Alina’s expense? Her only way to last seems for LaFlor to go on a winning streak, unless she find that Hidden Immunity Idol and use it on Nay! That would be a way for nay to be an early casualty despite her strong position in the tribe. I do believe Kelly outlasts Nay.

The top Contenders:

Brenda: She was called the smartest person there by Sash, a huge threat by Alina, Kelly B and Shannon. She says she doesn’t even have to do anything and people come to her. That tells us her social game is very good. Compare her to Tyrone: Like him, she is determined, she is there to win as she said. The difference is that we hear her strategize, we know a bit about her and others have talked a lot about the Asian Sensation.
Of course, her triangle with Chase and Shannon made her story important to tell in the first two episodes. She could easily fade to the background now that she is no longer in immediate danger. We could have our winner if her story continues to evolve even after winning her first battle.

Marty: The smart leader that hides behind Jimmy J continued his role as narrator in Espada. We also heard that he was a smart guy and we know about his plan to make a drastic shift in Espada. What is lacking is a personal touch. Two episodes and we don’t know much about him.

As for Shannon, by going to the voting thread after the episode aired I noticed that all those who had a one-sided, negative “opinion” of him all knew that he would be the player voted out.
OFG, Squid and Belle, I’m sorry but I won’t be reading your posts.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

09-25-10, 10:11 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
52. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 10-03-10 AT 11:04 PM (EST)

Michel, I don't care if you read my posts or not, but just fyi, you're obviously getting me confused with someone else because I didn't vote this week (or last).

As for Shannon, I don't think anyone needs to be "spoiled" to have a negative opinion of him. 99.9% of America has a negative opinion of him -- his words and actions clearly speak for themselves.

ETA: I deleted part of my original post because I felt it was too harsh. As I mentioned to Michel when I apologized to him via PM, I originally came out of lurking after many years because a) I loved the Editing thread and b) I liked the congenial tone of this board. So I'm truly sorry that I stirred up the pot, but hopefully we can get back to editing analysis .


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-10, 02:22 AM (EST)
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53. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-10 AT 11:02 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-26-10 AT 02:59 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-26-10 AT 02:57 AM (EST)

Oh please!

Look who's name is in Krautboy's missyae thread, spoiling S21.

You're the one that compared Shannon to Ben right?

In Samoa, Ben first told us: “I wasn’t really surprised that I wasn’t written down as a leader. I don’t see anybody else who’s a country boy. I’ve shot and killed about everything that you’re allowed to in Missouri and probably a few things that you’re not. I’ve done all this stuff before and I think a lot of these people are candy asses.

Then he argued with Marisa, after Russell had discarded the canteens. He even called her a b*tch, telling Russell he wanted her gone ASAP.

Finally, when she was voted out, Ben pretended to be holding a gun and firing in her direction, a sadistic smile on his face.

Shannon was absolutely nowhere near that in episode 1:
He said he was afraid the women would take over and win but how many strong guy has worried about a female alliance?
He said Kelly B had to go but compared to Nay and Alina, his confessional also showed sympathy for her.
He said Jud was a dumb blonde but Jud was a dumb blonde according to what we saw.

The only way to see Shannon as bad as Ben (a guy I called the worst bully in Suvivor history) was by having knowledge of his episode 2 TC explosion. I bet Missaye couldn't hold that info to herself.

ETA: I had simply stated I didn't want to be spoiled, not using any derogatory terms on anyone like you did with the holier than thou comment.

If you want an argument, you've come to the right place. Argumentative? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Edited again to add this gem from your own winner's quote thread

"Re Shannon: He is obviously narrow-minded and from all the clues, it sounds like he's going to be a loose cannon. I can see him getting along with that other bartender guy who Russell befriended a couple seasons ago. (The one who got thrown out of a challenge.)"

Posted on the 17th, that means well before this week's episode. That bartender guy was Ben so this shows clearly that your comparison to Ben comes from Missyae's clues.

Still feel like arguing?

Removed picture to reformat the page.


Belle Book 3613 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

09-26-10, 11:49 AM (EST)
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54. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
I have to agree with you that Shannon's not quite as bad as Ben was. Even if I had knowledge of what was going to come from Shannon, he had some reason to go after Chase. He just should've gone after Benry as well, since he must've known that Benry also flipped before his last Tribal Council. And that comment about Matt (or Sash) was out of line! Still, I've heard worse from Ben.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 01:41 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
56. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
I have something to say to this. You posted a screen cap of the post subject headings and posters in the major spoiler thread of the season. Unlike some of the people here who don't read source spoilers, I know what that topic looks like. I know that there are at least NINE major game spoilers in those headings, most repeated multiple times.

To find a part of the topic (237 posts long) that you could screen cap here, that wouldn't have spoilers, and that would show the three names you wanted, you had to scroll that topic. I just tried it. There is a MAJOR spoiler right under the part that you cut off.

Now you are going to come back here and claim that your thoughts are pure and you haven't seen any spoilers? Frankly, I don't believe it. Anyone who wants to stay unspoiled has no business even clicking on that topic, as spoiler post headings will jump out at you. Even if you try not to read them ... except you had to read some in order to find the right names in combination with clean headings.

More importantly, you didn't find a section that was clean enough. There's a spoiler in the 8th post down. It really upsets me that you're so eager to win the debate that you just brought a spoiler about a player's longevity into this topic.

You should delete that. You know that Veruca has departed for the season before after being inadvertently spoiled about something, and I don't want it to happen again.

Hopefully Veruca did not notice it!


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

09-27-10, 10:01 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
58. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Hey Guys!

I guess I have been missing all of the *ahem* F.U.N.???

Having only had time to watch the 2nd episode on my computer one night, and having just this morning, a few minutes to read the boards, I was SHOCKED to see Michel's post(s) being contested in such a provocative manner.

I am probably taking things out of context, as I cannot cull through all of the material that is posted here, B.U.T. - I think I caught an apology on another thread this morning, for just this kind of attitude.

Please. I beg you. There is so little time for entertainment and pleasure. Play nice. I admire Michel's astute analysis. He constantly amazes me with his observations. While I, with my own little pea brain, may not always agree with him, he is good. And yes, he does enjoy a lively discussion/argument (ask Aruba), but don't y'all think this is just a teeny bit over the top?

And, FWIW, IMHO, a show of false modesty is highly visible in some of these posts, and disappointing, to say the least.

*ducks and prepares for return fire*


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 10:42 AM (EST)
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59. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 09-27-10 AT 11:10 AM (EST)

I hate seeing controversy coming up on this thread in particular. To be fair, this thread is supposed to be spoiler-free, meaning please don't bring spoilers here. Please. VS's editing threads have become a fixture in the Survivor Universe, they are linked to and referenced on other boards, and it has become customary to note that these threads are supposed to be spoiler-free. So, everyone, spoilers and non-spoilers alike, let's please keep it that way. And let's keep it fun.

ETA: This isn't directed at you personally, LFJ, but at the controversy in general that is derailing this thread.


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

09-27-10, 12:00 PM (EST)
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61. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Thank you.

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 11:13 AM (EST)
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60. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
There's a spoiler in the 8th post down.

The 8th post looks like random speculation that could conceivably be totally off-base, to me. There isn't any longevity spoiler there.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 07:39 PM (EST)
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64. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 09-27-10 AT 11:56 PM (EST)

>There's a spoiler in the 8th
>post down.

>The 8th post looks like random
>speculation that could conceivably be
>totally off-base, to me.
> There isn't any longevity
>spoiler there.

Except that the author is Krautboy. Assuming that anything Krautboy posts is likely to be random totally off-base speculation would be an error, don't you think? The question mark is about how the player votes; that is the speculative part. Of course it's a spoiler, because it shows that someone is still there to cast the vote. Any smart person who can read syntax would figure that out. Hopefully Veruca did not look at it.

That screen cap wasn't pulled from a random speculation topic; it was pulled from the SOURCE SPOILER topic, and any heading in it should be treated as quite probably a bona fide spoiler.

I think it's unreasonable for michel to blame me for saying that a screen cap from THE spoiler topic of the season contains a spoiler. michel posted it here; if he hadn't imported the "pernicious" thing, it wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't have felt the need to object to it.

In any case, as an unspoiled poster, michel should know he is not in a position to evaluate what is and is not a spoiler in that screen cap, so why not err on the side of caution? It seems that all he had on his mind was "busting" Squid.

ed. for egregious typos and to shorten post.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 06:18 PM (EST)
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62. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
I didn't want a controversy either and I didn't start it. I just mentioned I didn't want to read posts by known spoilers.
Shannon's boot was fun to watch but, just by their insistence that he had no longevity, I knew he was dead the minute the vote shifted away from Nay. I WAS SPOILED in THIS Thread by the 3 posters I mentioned.

Now, regarding clicking in the spoiler thread, maybe I should have my eyes checked because, when I read the names on the right, I couln't read what was written on the left. Is my peripheral vision that bad?!!!! I found out I didn't even need the piece of paper I had placed to mask the screen.

About the screen cap!!! Funny story: I was just going to tell Sqid I had seen his name in KB's thread but a friend, who doesn't give a damn about Survivor (the heretic) told me: "Instead of simply telling him, why don't you show him he is busted." I didn't know about "print screen"; I thought it was to send a word document to a printer I don't have!! He did the job for me. Unfortunately, when I told him I didn't want it if there was something more than the thread's title on the left, he thought I meant only for Squid's post so I did see the spoiler underneath. I had him try again. Since that spoiler is very short term and I'm comfortable with what I wrote on that character beforehand, I feel it was very much worth it.

As for the 8th post, thanks BR, that's what I thought. It has a question mark so it is speculation much like when someone asked: "Could Melinda be Chillone's woman with blonde hilights?" Remember that one!! Unfortunately, by attracting my attention to it, OFG makes me wonder if there is more to it. That's how pernicious a sourced spoiler can be: It touches everything.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-10, 00:08 AM (EST)
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67. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
This is the last bit I feel needs to be said. I appreciate the desire for harmony in this topic, but I do feel that it is unfair for one poster to start the brouhaha and then say his hands were clean.

michel wrote:
>>> I didn't want a controversy either and I didn't start it. I just mentioned I didn't want to read posts by known spoilers.

There were all of nine people posting in this topic, and you announced that you would from hereon out ignore three of them -- that is 1/3 of the contributors you are shunning, and more than 1/3 by volume. You certainly did start it. If you wanted to avoid controversy, you could have been quiet and simply not read the posts, but you had to announce it.

Further, you have no way of knowing who is spoiled and who isn't by looking at a list of posts. Plenty of people are reading the spoiler topic, just not posting in it. Out of 9 people with posts in this topic, at least six of them are reading spoilers to my knowledge, so you almost have to not read any analysis other than Veruca's to read only 'untainted' thoughts. (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Veruca was the first one to say that Shannon had most likely a short term edit, and everyone but you agreed with that, including Aaron (no knowledge of Aaron reading spoilers). You are the ONLY one in this topic who thought Shannon had a potential winner's edit, and when it turns out you were wrong, you come back singling people out for ruining the episode for you.

This topic is in the spoiler forum, and there is no right to have an attitude towards posters merely because they read spoilers. The rule of this topic from its inception has been to respect Veruca's desire to remain unspoiled, by not POSTING spoilers. There has never been a guideline that spoiled people's posts get to be scrutinized, criticized, or blamed for ruining your experience.

Squid's post #52 made some excellent points, but you came back with this:
>>> "If you want an argument, you've come to the right place. Argumentative? You ain't seen nothing yet."

You said you saw her in the vote topic, but she didn't post there. Instead of admitting this error after she pointed it out, you came back blazing six guns.

This provocative attitude is what caused me to post -- that and the screen cap.

Look guys, I don't want to have an altercation in this topic either, but michel started something that was only going to poison the topic for the rest of the season, and I felt strongly that it needed to be addressed head on. Sorry to the onlookers.

I be quiet about it now. michel may have the last word if he so wishes.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-10, 07:54 PM (EST)
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70. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
I feel some precisions need to be done:

"You said you saw her in the vote topic, but she didn't post there"

What I said is that the voting thread made it obvious the spoilers knew Shannon was going. 20 some votes and all but 2 for Shannon while the preview's misdirection candidates, Holly, Dan or Nay were ignored. Whether or not Squid made a vote wasn't the question. Spoilers knew and those that blasted Shannon spoiled me. That's what seems to be forgotten. If we are to keep this topic spoiler free, you can't base analysis on what you know. Speculation isn't knowing.

Then to have Squid fake purity was a bit too much. Look at her comment: "who you *think* is spoiled". That obviously implied she wasn't spoiled.

"you have no way of knowing who is spoiled and who isn't by looking at a list of posts."

Wrong. This is a very small community and the habits of those who post often are well known. Squid has been everywhere in spoiler forums for the last few years, this year included obviously.

"There were all of nine people posting in this topic, and you announced that you would from hereon out ignore three of them"

You must be counting me and VS in there because there aren't that many. Anyway, I only addressed those I knew. Toban and Aaron are new and I give them the benefit of the doubt. I KNOW Dabo and Brownroach are spoiled but look at their posts: Dabo doesn't even talk about Shannon, just that Nay wasn't as negative I felt she was in epi #1. As for BR, his post was very objective. He told us what he saw of Shannon, not what he had been told.

"You are the ONLY one in this topic who thought Shannon had a potential winner's edit"

You think this is a jab? Missed because I put Shannon in a group of 10, T.E.N., interesting edits, never said he'd be the winner. I'll be clear when I announce who I think is the winner.

BTW, I saw your original post a few above this one before you edited it. I just wanted to say I found it extremely funny that you thought I wouldn't be able to be objective knowing 1 very short term spoiler while you claimed to be able to do so knowing, by your own count, 9 MAJOR spoilers.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 01:27 AM (EST)
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55. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
This is uncalled for. I know how to separate what I've learned from sources out of what I can see plainly. I would have been impressed if you could have said, hey, guess what, I mistook a boot set-up for a long term character set-up. It happens to us. Instead you are discrediting other people who didn't see it your way.

This is what Veruca wrote about Shannon. You KNOW she doesn't read any spoilers.

Shannon (conf) “It’s important that we don’t let these girls take over; I mean we already get owned in marriage, pretty soon we’ll have a woman President; a guy needs to sack up and win this one”

"This conversation may be fraught with foreshadowing but hindsight is 20/20 and again it will be interesting to look back on these statements and how they related to the end game. Shannon is clearly not meant to be edited as a well liked character and he has been highlighted this episode by the number of his confessionals all of which pertain to his perhaps underestimating certain people or groups.

Normally a character who is at the forefront of an edit at the onset can be viewed suspiciously as a short term character as the editors which to shape this person immediately so the audience can see them prior to their leaving and often times give us the reason for their departure.

Shannon is distinctly being shown as someone who may get knocked down a few pegs, perhaps by the women (or some woman) or maybe Jud in some fashion. More than likely, he will be shown as someone feeling secure who gets a rude awakening; it just is a question of when."

Veruca absolutely nailed it. Why not be gracious and give her props instead of lashing out with "I won't read posts by you, you, and you." I don't care if you read my posts or not, but I really don't like the implication that I was pretending to see something I wouldn't have seen. btw, I didn't see Shannon as the narrator for La Flor. I'm not sure they had one.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 06:36 PM (EST)
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63. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
I get 2 for 1 from OFG!

First, you cannot unknow what you know. IMPOSSIBLE. For example, you wrote:

"I felt Shannon was dead in the water for a couple reasons:... 2) Shannon interrupted Jeff when he was asking other people questions"

Really? Jason interrupted Jeff after the host had called for a vote during the TC of episode 4 in Micronesia. It didn't prevent Jason to last until episode 10 or 11. Better yet, Jonathan continually interrupted Jeff in his two seasons. It didn't prevent him from becoming one of Jeff's AND the editors' favorite contestants.
I felt missyae saying Shannon was dead should have had at least been mentionned as point number 3!

Now, if you think I was "upset" at missing Shannon's early dismissall you forget I had Corinne as Gabon's winner until the merge and I don't mind saying how wrong I was. It was being spoiled that made me say I wasn't going to read your replies to my analysis so you shouldn't be expecting it. Squid's entry brought this on.

Veruca mentioned it was a question of time for Shannon to leave. She even compared him to Jean Robert. When did JR leave again? Second? Certainly not. He made the jury, was a long term player. I also mentioned Shannon would suffer from the triangle with Chase and Brenda, I just had more faith in Chase's ability to juggle.

Watch episode 1 again and Shannon was as close to a narrator as we usually see that early. 3 confessionals, all about what was going on in the tribe.


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-10, 03:11 PM (EST)
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69. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Good read michel and thanks for the photos. I like to rewatch the episodes after reading you and VS's posts

Alina: “La Flor is definitely getting into some high school drama kind of stuff. Nay swears that someone tried to sabotage her socks. Now, she stole Fabio’s socks. She’s just a loose canon.”
(I blame Russell’s influence for these stupid games!)

Russell, causing trouble and he's not even there. I don't know, Na Onka's volatile emotional swings are making her a target, I don't like her much and I can hit the mute button, imagine living with that craziness. Unless she tones it down I'd vote her out or think about using her as a tool for some shenanigans of my own.

On your thoughts regarding Marty's confessionals:

Note the drastic cut in sound before Marty’s last sentence. I doubt Marty was even talking about JJ at that point.

Marty: “I was really shocked that Jill gave me the key clue. Danny was with me when Jill came up so he’s involved now but I like him and I think he could be pivotal. He could be dangerous later but he could be pivotal if we find that idol.

(insert the patched phrase from Marty's earlier tribe meeting speech which was made to look like he meant for Jimmy J to be voted off)

…I think I can use that to my advantage in the event we have to vote someone else off.” and continuing with Marty's speech

I think the tribe needs a jolt. I think we need a dramatic shift to get people whipped up and in line.”

The phrase that may have been pulled from the HI confessional could lead to a blindside involving Danny and Jill as a voting block of 3 if Marty were in danger of getting booted. Or not, anyway I really don't catch those editing cut & pastes, dogs barking at the worst time and all that.

Anyway nice read and thanks for the hard core analysis.

Charter member of the Sarcasm Society


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-10, 07:58 PM (EST)
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71. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Thank you Suzzee, Isn't it more fun when we don't know?

That re-arrangement of Marty's words is very interesting. It means he's smart enough to feel danger in advance. I think, he is a very wise player.


Corvis 3130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-29-10, 10:05 AM (EST)
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72. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
No offense intended to OFG, Squig or Belle (or anyone else who reads spoilers but posts here), but the only person I've been reading in this thread is Veruca because her whole online persona is about not reading spoilers. I don't think it makes sense to write in this thread if you've read spoilers because there's no way you can be objective. But that's just my opinion and I certainly respect the different opinions on that subject. Live and let live and all that.

(As I was scrolling, I caught a whiff of the drama and read it carefully to avoid even the slightest hint of spoilers. I clearly still have a nose for drama despite my best efforts to leave the online drama days behind!)


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 00:05 AM (EST)
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73. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Not sure you will read this, Corvis, (nothing remotely spoilerish), but I won't be posting in this topic after this.

The thing michel very much missed in his reaction, is that Veruca was the one who read Shannon as a short term character being built up for an imminent fall at the hands of a woman. My comments were IN SUPPORT of what she had said, citing a couple of other moments in Episode 1 that had struck me.

The Shannon goes in Ep 2 spoiler was not out when Episode 1 aired. How he did in the game had been left a big mystery, on purpose. No one had been speculating he would go early. Point being, it was very possible for people who were following all the spoilers to still be struck by how Shannon was blowing it just out of the gate -- while watching Episode 1.

There is no boot list this season ... unspoiled folks seem to be assuming that spoilers know everything, but not true. And we certainly don't know how CBS will choose to edit people, so we ought to have a place where we can discuss editing.

Perhaps a Hindsight topic would be a good place for spoilers to discuss the editing. All I want to do is observe how it is being done. I'm not trying to predict the game through editing.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 08:07 AM (EST)
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74. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-10 AT 08:09 AM (EST)

"The Shannon goes in Ep 2 spoiler was not out when Episode 1 aired"

But the discussion didn't happen right after the show aired, did it? Your own response about Shannon to me, the one that Shannon was DEAD no less, was on the 21st. Your vote for Shannon's exit in Dabo's thread was the FIRST one there on the 20th.

Veruca's notes didn't have any time frames except not end game for Shannon.

I'd really wish we'd get back to the show. You spoiled me last season, I don't want it to happen again. That's all I meant by not reading your posts. I believe it is your right to say what you want but it is my right not to read.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 06:17 PM (EST)
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80. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-10 AT 06:41 PM (EST)

>>> it is my right not to read.

Of course. It's you need to announce your choice that was unnecessary and is what started the tension, so why not own it? This isn't the kind of topic where people come back at you and ask if you didn't read their posts, so you could have carried on the way Corvis did, but you chose to stir the pot. This topic was completely peaceful until you did that.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 10:29 PM (EST)
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82. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Except, again, you forget that you spoiled me by posting what you did.

Corvis 3130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-30-10, 10:03 AM (EST)
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76. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
No bootlist? That's cool! Glad to hear it. Are the people in the know just releasing the boot the day of the show or earlier or what?

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 11:28 AM (EST)
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78. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
missyae confirmed the Shannon boot a day or two after Ep 1 aired. He'd released Wendy Jo as the first boot well before Ep 1.

I'm pretty sure he knows the whole order but I don't know how he's going to proceed with divulging it. General timeframes were already given for a few people (e.g. "makes the merge", "doesn't last very long"). A couple of specific placements were able to be gleaned from what he's said. Other information about certain things that will happen during the game was reported, without saying precisely when. A lot is up in the air. Another spoiler has already reported a Final Three.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 11:10 AM (EST)
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77. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-10 AT 11:14 AM (EST)

The Shannon goes in Ep 2 spoiler was not out when Episode 1 aired. How he did in the game had been left a big mystery, on purpose. No one had been speculating he would go early.

Come on, OFG, you know that's not accurate. Missyae described Shannon's explosive boot TC in detail weeks before the premiere. He didn't say when it would happen but dropped enough hints for Krautboy to speculate that it was probably in Ep 2, before Ep 1 aired. Either way, the Ep 2 preview made it obvious. Anyone following missyae basically knew the Ep 2 boot as soon as Ep 1 was over, before there was time to post in the editing thread.

But I do think it's possible to analyze the editing objectively even if you know spoilers. The editing often doesn't betray specifically what will happen. I felt that was the case with Shannon -- without the spoiler I would never have picked him as the second boot from the Ep 1 editing. There was just enough negativity to peg him as a non-winner but I wouldn't have guessed he'd leave that soon. He wasn't in trouble with his tribe in Ep 1. As a strong male he'd be an atypical first choice. He was trying to strategize by making an early alliance. Naonka's bitchiness, Jud's ditziness, and Kelly B.'s false leg were showcased as bigger issues.

And sometimes the Ep 2 boot is someone who was invisible in Ep1, especially when the opposite tribe goes to TC, so either Benry or Kelly S might have gotten their first and last face time in Ep. 2. There were plenty of candidates to choose from. I felt they wanted Shannon's sudden boot to be something of a surprise to the viewers.

A hindsight thread might be a good idea, though. I've enjoyed those in the past.

*Edited to remove sig-pic as the thread is getting long.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 06:40 PM (EST)
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81. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
You guys all seem to have misread my "dead in the water" comment. That was not meant to be a boot prediction. I was responding to other assessments about his having legs in the game or not.

I also used somewhat the wrong phrase for what I meant. What I was trying to say was I didn't feel he had the long term character potential set up for him in Ep 1 that michel was seeing for him. He didn't seem to me at all like someone who was going to be around long. Nor did I see him as the narrator of Ep 1 as michel did. In fact, I did rewatch it after michel told me to, and I didn't see it.

Under Corvis' original confessional dynamics theory, confessionals about forming alliances and getting rid of opponents and so forth are not a good sign. Confessionals about the place they are in, such as Jud's opening confessional, are positive narration. Shannon was playing too hard on Day One.

I totally agree about the Ep 2 preview. However, I hadn't seen that when I watched Ep 1, so it didn't influence impressions formed during the episode. For weeks I had thought for sure Shannon was the pre-merge boot. missyae had been letting that wrong assumption go unquestioned. I'd made lots of speculation based on that idea, so even if the tide was turning (and I don't remember what day what happened), I was still surprised when the Shannon in Ep 1 was nothing like what I had expected, and I did notice his edit in the way I commented.

There seems to be a gender split about Shannon. The guys don't think his Ep 1 edit was as awful as the women do. All the women picked up on the same stuff.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 10:36 PM (EST)
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83. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Thanks BR.

OFG, as for:
"What I was trying to say was I didn't feel he had the long term character potential set up for him in Ep 1 that michel was seeing for him. He didn't seem to me at all like someone who was going to be around long."

Why not let me be wrong then? What did it bring you to tell me that I was wrong? I would have realized soon enough. I don't mind being wrong. I mind being spoiled. As soon as Alina said "Brenda not Nay", I knew Shannon was dead as you had told me. Was it that much fun to be right? Bravo then, you were right.


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-01-10, 09:36 AM (EST)
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84. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"

"You guys all seem to have misread my "dead in the water" comment."

This was the most telling post of the "little contest" you had going on.

EVERYONE was wrong, IOW - not just you.

"Bravo" to you. Once again, you have handled the "situation" with INSIGHT, and like a gentleman.

*Sigh* Conflict resolution is a good thing. Now we can all go back to enjoying the editing thread.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

09-25-10, 09:54 PM (EST)
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51. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Hi Veruca, great analysis as usual! You see so much that others miss.

Definitely agree about Marty, Holly and Brenda. And the "million dollar smile" quote about Sash struck me too. His edit certainly had an uptick.

I'm worried about Jane (my personal fave!). After a great 1st episode she didn't even make the recap for starting fire (which I took to be a bad sign) and she was pretty much nonexistent. Hope she bounces back Week 3.

Benry has me perplexed. He seems so smart and articulate and "in the thick of things" in terms of alliances in the Insider Clips, but yet he gets almost no visibility on the show. So I tend to agree with you that he must not be a major player, but I'm still kinda hoping they are keeping him hidden for a reason (like a Tina).

Chase was a big let-down this episode. I want to root for him but he's just too wimpy. Hopefully he'll see the light and redeem himself...but I keep getting a Parv-like vibe from Brenda, so my hopes are not up!


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 09:23 AM (EST)
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57. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 09-27-10 AT 09:24 AM (EST)

This isn't directed at you, Squid, just tacking on at the end here.

I didn't see Chase as wimpy but rather as conflicted. He was put in a position where, no matter what he chose to do, he was betraying someone. He knew (from what he said in ep. 1) that it was (in part) his own fault for him being in that position, he'd blown his own intended game plan in the first few days. So, he had three choices:

1. Follow Shannon
2. Follow Brenda
3. Determine his own course.

Obviously, he didn't follow Shannon. But whether he chose option 2 or option 3 is undetermined. He may not have seen 3 as an option, or it may really have been the only option he saw regardless of how it may have appeared.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-10, 09:28 PM (EST)
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65. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Squid wrote:
>>> I'm worried about Jane (my personal fave!). After a great 1st episode she didn't even make the recap for starting fire (which I took to be a bad sign) and she was pretty much nonexistent. Hope she bounces back Week 3.

The way I see editing of this show is that it's much more simple and pragmatic than some people find it. Just my personal take.

In each episode, there is a short term story to be told, and when the cast is still large, the players who really figure in that story will get the air time. The other players will get air time if they say something that's good TV, like Tyrone's funny comment about watching his shoes.

Getting exposure in the first episode usually means you are either a major character, an end player, or you're about to get the boot. However, there are often one or two of the end game players who are not developed right away. This is particularly true if they are rather passive players who can coast along and don't have to work to stay in the game.

For example, Bob Crowley and Susie Smith did not get a lot of attention until they got swapped in the late shuffle. At the point where Bob said, I guess I need to start playing hard, he became a major character. Susie became important when she became a swing vote. The other member of the F3, Sugar, was a big character the whole season, even though she got zero votes at the end.

Sometimes the editors don't want us to see that a player is a contender from the get-go. They want to let the person surprise us, like Danni Boatwright.

Also, winners can get negative edits at the beginning. Look at Aras. The idea that a winner must be shown in a certain light doesn't hold up, in my opinion.

I share your feelings about Benry being so low key to date. I think they are focusing on large personalities right now. Sadly, Na Onka is an attention grabber. Fabio provides comic relief. Chase and Brenda have a showmance, Kelly B has the leg. Alina and Kelly found the clue. Benry was not a boot target, nor was his vote key. I hope we will see more of him.

My observation is that with most "hidden" characters, the editors have identified a particular portion of the season where that person will get face time. They have the story charted out in full, and they know that every dog has its day.

Survivor is not a novel. It's a game, and one where people's centrality ebbs and flows. To some extent, the editors cull out an overarching theme, but they only have what a season gives them or it feels contrived. In Gabon, they worked to hard to fabricate an Eden-related theme that didn't entirely fit, IMHO.

We know what the theme of this season was conceptualized at. The vigor of youth vs. the benefit of experience. Unfortunately for this simple theme, the experienced ones are playing the same alpha male jockeying game as one would expect from the young bucks. Both tribes are a mess, and it feels to me as if everyone, including Jeff, is a little knocked off center by just how bizarrely people are acting.


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-10, 02:09 PM (EST)
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68. "RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:"
Hiya VS, always appreciate your insight and after reading your edit thread for several seasons I've learned what to watch and how to see the editing from both you and michel waves, I'll get to your thoughts later michel

he has that million dollar smile Oh yes I heard this and my first thought was nooooo don't tell me so soon. (trying my best to stay unspoiled) It leads me to think Sash will last but his million dollar smile may be for Mr. Congeniality rather then winner. A fan favorite contestant perhaps depending on his longevity and edit from here on out.

As for the remainder of your astute analysis bravo

Charter member of the Sarcasm Society


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 09:57 AM (EST)
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75. "Week 3"
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-10 AT 09:58 AM (EST)

La Flor

Now we're getting the NaOnka Show! at La Flor. Her head is in the game but she's getting more outrageous as she has confidence in her position with a strong alliance. Her takes on those outside the alliance are entirely personal, for some reason she is fixated on her own anger. Keeping the clue from Kelly B. was smart, how she did it was something else. Interesting that she gravitated to Brenda with the clue, Brenda seems to have the strong gravitational force in La Flor.

Alina, Kelly B., and Jud all took the loss of Shannon in stride. Alina realizes she is in a weak position and trying to figure out what to do, Jud is hoping his strategy is working on some subtle subliminal level. All others fade in the background except at challenge where Benry gets to shine.


Marty is playing smart but gauging other players by how they fall in line with his game, seemingly blind to the possibility of their having their own games running. Jill has positioned herself as his wingman. Dan emerges as having a target on his back because the physical conditions are beating him down, Holly realizes she has a big target on her back as well. Tyrone and Jane are the no nonsense players, except Tyrone feels he's more important in challenges than perhaps he is. Jimmy T. is emotional and more frustrated than anyone else. Yve emerges as the nice girl next door type. As a tribal unit they have more group solidarity than La Flor, playing and working together more harmoneously.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-10, 12:21 PM (EST)
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79. "RE: Week 3"
Marty is playing smart but gauging other players by how they fall in line with his game, seemingly blind to the possibility of their having their own games running.

Yes. He succeeeded in getting rid of Jimmy J, but will he be successful in replacing JJ as leader, as he hopes? We saw both Jill and Tyrone behave rather indifferently toward Marty when he first suggested ousting Jimmy J. They all went along in the end, probably for expedience, but I saw nothing to indicate that the rest of Espada will be delighted to bow down before Marty now. (Except for maybe Jimmy T, who thinks Marty is wonderful for sharing the HII.)

At LaFlor, when Naonka went off on Kelly B, we did not get any reciprocating feisty confessionals from Kelly B to the effect that she wants Naonka gone and is going to try to accomplish that. Alina and Judd from the minority voters got better confessionals. Kelly B seems to be getting a "perennial target" edit.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-03-10, 07:08 PM (EST)
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87. "Editing Thoughts - Week 3"
I agree with what I just read above as I felt the same question going through my mind with respect to Marty. I will be reading more later so I can respond to other insight that has been provided.

I do hope that the snippets I read will not prevent anyone from posting; it is unfortunate that there had to be disagreements.

Jimmy Johnson was a nice addition to the show and I would hazard a guess that the editors would have edited his persona the same exact way even if he would have reached end game. The question once would have been how would one edit him should he be at end game – now, we may have to ask the question how will Espada fare now that he is gone. There was an emphasis on his leadership skills and Jeff’s final question posed at TC may give us that answer. I do find it very interesting and perhaps a bit telling that there was quite a lot of meat given to La Flor despite the fact that they did not go to TC which then could have us wonder whether those players (along with perhaps one or two of Espada) are involved in the long term story as I found myself remembering much more of La Flor despite the fact that Espada was the tribe facing consequences.


Epic battle of young and old (more emphasis on the main theme) Jimmy Johnson emerged as the leader but Marty resented his star power. (Marty states he wants nothing to do with him in this game)

Balance of power shifted in Marty’s favor when and he Jill found the idol (Marty shown stating “This is so money” to Jill) then states that the challenge now is how to make it work

Shannon called the shots and aligned himself with Alina and Kelly B. who had a clue to the idol (of note that Jud, Benry and Chase were not mentioned as part of Shannon’s alliance despite the fact that Jud, at least, remained “true” to that alliance during the voting)

At the challenge, older tribe had Medallion. Playing it turned out to be a smart move and back at younger camp, Brenda is on hot seat. She conspired with Naonka to “dismantle” Shannon’s majority. At TC, Shannon went on a tirade that alienated almost all of his remaining allies (only Benry and Kelly B. shown) leaving Alina and Kelly B. in serious trouble.

Of note again, Jud, Benry and Chase were left out of the narration as part of Shannon’s majority and while we know that Benry and Chase jumped from that alliance, Jud was still not named and was not named as being in trouble – only Alina and Kelly B. were named. Jimmy was herald again as the leader and this recap was obviously a nice prelude to the upcoming events since Marty was shown as the catalyst to get Jimmy Johnson out. This was a very telling showing for Marty as what was viewed as a savvy, clinical player seemed to be shaped as more arrogant and even a bit jealous this time around. Does pride come before the fall? Marty still has an incredible edit surrounding him (and probably one of the best on his tribe which bodes well for him) but there was a palpable change in his dynamic and I question whether the ousting of Jimmy Johnson spearheaded by Marty will be reflected as a big mistake and THAT would not bode well for Marty end game. However, we certainly have seen arrogance in end game players so it would not so much be the shaping of his persona but rather whether this big move on a player that was clearly edited to be favorable is his fall from grace – that would be the difference and I’m sure we will see whether Marty taking the helm as leader is edited as successful or a complete failure. Ironically, the words that came from Alina the first episode about Marty are now appearing to take shape; as a fan of editing, I appreciate the connection that was made between that confessional and the progression of Marty’s character and a better understanding of why that confessional may have been shown

Tribal Council Aftermath

Considering the events that occurred this explosive TC, I am somewhat concerned and disappointed that we barely heard anything from two main components of that outcome, i.e. Chase and Brenda. Both of these characters have been nicely developed (with some issues but en masse, they were being shaped by editing without question) and it was a bit perplexing to not hear anything from them.

The group discusses the outcome and Benry is heard stating that regardless of who thinks what, the tribe got rid of the right person and on screen “And we need to go beat these old people” (more thematic connection) I believe Purple Kelly is heard saying we need to work at a team” while Alina is shown to say that “….it would be really cool if we finally unite.”

Naonka (conf) “Coming back to camp after TC was so fake…. Everybody acting like they are cool with each other…. No we are not, we’ve been divided, Alina, Kelly B. and Jud were in pure shock…. They had a plan and it didn’t work… just know that it will come back and bite you in the butt”

More venom from Naonka who, again, is NOT being shown in any way positive for her. The target of her wrath, namely Jud, Kelly B. and to a lesser degree, Alina have not been given comparative negative edits so we are not meant to side with Naonka in any form. This episode was full of Naonka and, like Shannon, appears to be waiting to get her comeuppance – her only saving grace is her insulation with the alliance that was formed but the focus on Naonka shows only someone who is essentially one dimensionally mean.


Marty starts us off narrating tribal events which has been consistent with his edit. Essentially this season was building upon the tribe dynamic that Jimmy Johnson is a force to be reckoned with and even has a bit of Dr. Doolittle in his arsenal and some of his tribe members are quite impressed with him.

Yve (conf) “I’m a little star struck…. he is hysterical, his soul is inspiring” (It was nice to see Yve make an appearance however it was the words that showcased her in this particular confessional not Yve herself)

Marty (conf) “…why did we get stuck with a celebrity on our team; everyone got glitter in their eyes (Yve shown) If Jimmy Johnson got up and walked across this lagoon right now they’d probably believe it”

(Here lies the nag in Marty’s characterization…. this confessional is NOT clinical, it is surrounded by emotional thinking; his ego is getting the better of him and it came off this way throughout the episode. Regardless that Jimmy Johnson agreed that he was one of the weakest members of his tribe, the edit showed that Dan should have left and therefore, Marty’s quest was not necessarily the most logical one based on his rationale. However, it also showed that Marty has quite a bit of influence on his tribe and being deemed “puppetmaster” can certainly bode well for him. We obviously know that Marty is utilizing Dan but there were other potential candidates so the feeling that seemed to be relayed to the audience was that this was personally motivated based on ego.)

Marty (conf) “He’s a threat, especially in a post merge situation, I think you take Jimmy Johnson into a merge? That would be a disaster”

(Are his words true? Possibly. However, the footage surrounding his decision seems not quite so matter of fact. Jimmy Johnson was obviously a well respected and admired contestant (by most) and it appeared through the editing that Marty wanted Jimmy gone so he can be in charge)

Marty “I still maintain that Coach is a real threat”
Jill “The thing is, this is so far in the future you just need to calm down. What we can’t do, is get everyone stirred up because everyone is about a strong tribe so I think we show the idol…”
(Jill confessional)
Jill “I think you should real quick go and show it to everybody and go from there”

Jill (conf) “Marty’s got the idol and I thought it would pay off dividends in the long run to gain everyone’s trust by sharing it now rather than later”

It will be interesting to see if Jill’s hope bears fruit – first by allowing Marty to get the idol and whether her advice to show her tribe the idol does pay off. Marty has given us every indication that this idol is his so it will be worth watching to see if Jill’s insight helps or hurts her game. My one concern for Jill is that her development seems entirely tied to Marty and Marty appears to have more meat surrounding his longevity so I question if Jill is only integral to this season for Marty’s purposes, not her own

La Flor

(Perhaps someone who has paid better attention can enlighten me as it may solely be a mistake on my part but I have noticed that the volcano visual seems to connect to this tribe which could prove to be some valid imagery – however, I could be mistaken on that correlation)

Once again we see Jud tending to the fire with his comedic way using the snorkel mask and while he does achieve fire, he coughs from the smoke. Benry asks if he is okay and Jud continues with some “spaced out” discussion which invokes laughter from his tribe.

Jud (conf) “My strategy bro is to be out in the open and kinda make people laugh and be all crazy but it goes deeper than just ha ha, let’s keep him around because he is funny (he then has to stop talking because he needs to kick a hermit crab off his foot) It’s like I want to be kept around for more than just cause I’m funny, I want to be kept around for my mentality, my spirit, whatever you want to call it”

This confessional *appears* to have been taken from an earlier time, I believe that his beard growth was less than the present episode but it is hard to be sure since he is so light. Regardless, I found this to be a *somewhat* important confessional but it is also mixed with a bit of contradiction and this is why I find Jud’s edit a bit perplexing and because of that, his edit does raise my brow. Again we are to hear from Naonka that Jud is stupid, we heard this from Shannon as well. These are the two characters that are extremely vocal and one is gone and the other is receiving an edit that cannot be good for her chances. Now, quite often, his televised moments would appear to support this. But, despite the comedic and “airheaded” persona that Jud receives (and it is enhanced by musicality and visuals) on two occasions Jud gave us insight that reflects his head is in the game. Despite Jeff even stating that Jud needs to get his head out of the trees in the hopes that everyone could get along, Jud was a voice of social logic despite that it may not be possible. There is no question Jud is being manipulated and I cannot forget that impressions and underestimation are themes being touched upon. Currently, his pressing storyline is the issue Naonka has with him but it is interesting that he was removed from the Shannon situation when he was, in fact, still aligned with Shannon at the Tribal Council. Kelly B. was lumped with Alina to be in a vulnerable spot yet Kelly didn’t vote for Brenda, Jud did. Jud’s character progression has done nothing to dissuade me thus far that he is long term and it would not surprise me if he is shown consistently and constantly underestimated. The contradiction would be that the editors are seemingly in love with the idea of reinforcing his goofiness; one might question if that is to just simply highlight an entertaining character despite duration or make a concerted effort to have the audience really like Jud – with the *taint* that Russell has provided audiences for the last two seasons (despite not winning) this could be a premeditated decision to bring back a breath of fresh air should Jud reach end game

Naonka (conf) “Jud, he’s so stupid, I can’t stand him… I know the first time I laid eyes on him, that I wasn’t going to like him, such an airhead… “ (More dislike coming from Naonka over Jud and again, the editing does not reflect that her opinion is validated as the tribe seems to like him and his characterization is not attempting to have the audience agree with Naonka)

Benry then lets Jud know he has face mask face and Jud laughs.


A bit of “Marty” music begins this sequence as the tribe sits to eat and Marty makes his announcement. He receives applause and tells them this will come into play at merge and play it when they think they need it. Jimmy T. gives Marty accolades for telling them.

Jimmy T. (conf) “When Marty announced he found the idol and wanted to share it with the tribe, I thought what a guy, I’m thinking he’s a nice guy, I wouldn’t do that…”

Jill expresses that if they are five on five, this will give them an advantage. (One may wonder if this is a bit of foreshadowing for events to come)

Jill (conf) “Marty’s stock went way up after that announcement. Jimmy T. was like what a great guy… I think he came out looking like a superstar so it’s good for me in the long run”

(Again more ties to Marty from Jill. I think I would be more inclined to believe Jill as a long term player in her own standing if we heard from her in another vein as opposed to her safety being solely at the hands of Marty since we know Marty would have no issue in dispensing whomever he wants. The editing surrounding Marty does feel like a movie where he is the hitman)

Tyrone (conf) “When Marty told everyone he found the idol, maybe he wanted some integrity points, some team points because people would perceive he is a team player… but I think he is shady and doing his own thing”

Jimmy T. waxes on how Marty did the right thing and it can only help the team.

Marty (conf) “It was not going to be a secret for long that I had the idol; the only way to play it was to make it appear that it was something for the tribe to use… but everyone knows the idol can only belong to one person and that person is me”

A nice little scene giving us clear indication of intent from Marty, hope from Jill, suspicion from Tyrone and naivety from Jimmy T. We heard nothing from Yve, Holly, Jimmy J., Jane and Dan and it may be solely because they are not going to be affected by this announcement. Jill is tied to Marty through the idol and consequently how Marty uses it may affect her. Jimmy J. was booted so it had no impact on him and this may be the case for Holly, Yve, Jane and Dan as well (in that his use of the idol or Marty’s “authority” does not impact them.) Tyrone may have been shown if his suspicious prove correctly and he and Marty square off because he is threatened by Tyrone. Jimmy T. may have been shown because of his naïve thinking that Marty is a great guy doing right by their tribe and finds himself sorely mistaken

Jane is shown a bit later doing laundry service and I was glad to see a bit of Jane this episode since I felt her first episode showing did bode well for her although it has been shelved for more pressing matters I suppose. One cannot make a *big* edit out of someone who just does not lend themselves to that type of edit so my impression of Jane has not changed and we may continue to only see a low key edit from Jane but that cannot discount her as a long term player and I still feel she is a viable contestant from that tribe.

Dan (conf) “I slept maybe two hours… not as easy as I thought it would be. I’m starting to get concerned that this tribe might think I’m weak link but I don’t consider myself a weak link”

Dan “Listen, this is the thing I signed up for so I’m gonna go with the flow” (shown to be said with Holly listening”

Dan (conf) “I mean I do have a bad knee but that doesn’t make me weak, I’m as strong as, I’m not as strong as Tryone obviously, I’m not gonna say that, you gotta be crazy but I’m strong as anyone of the women (Jill only shown) even though they, some of them are built like mooses” (This confessional also showed visual of Dan’s knee)

Yve then asks Dan to move a bucket for her and Dan replies he is moving a little slow today and Yve replies it is alright.

Yve (conf) “Danny is really struggling and I know he is doing a really good job of hiding it but he just, for whatever reason physically, he doesn’t have it so if in our next challenge he’s a rock star clearly he’s putting on a show but I don’t think so”

A little tribe insight on the state of Dan and how those around him are observing him lacking the physical strength for this game. It was also nice to see Yve with a confessional although the narration had nothing to do with her. Clearly, Dan is weak, visuals prove that and his confessional definitely puts forth some bravado and the audience is not meant to believe him. The scene is obviously a prerequisite for the coming events as Dan’s strength was called into question and was considered as the boot so this is all short story content

La Flor

An extremely spliced up scene on the beach that would indicate there is some importance on what was discussed for a future story within La Flor. The beach shows Benry, Brenda, Chase sitting down with Purple Kelly and Naonka approaching The ladies ask if this is a pow wow and suddenly Sash’s face in a close up is shown.

Brenda asks Chase (only two on camera) who would stir something up and he replies Alina unless the HII comes into play. There does not appear to be anyone around them.

At that moment, the scene appears completely shifts and we see Sash, Purple Kelly and I believe Chase sitting on the beach without the others that had been shown before

Sash “The thing is with Alina and Kelly B.we have an option right now so (at that moment on Sash and Purple Kelly are visible) it’s not clear cut which one we would vote for until tribal”

Alina (conf) “TC drew a line in the sand and I ended up on the wrong side of the line; they’re gonna need Fabio and Ben in the challenges so Kelly B. and I are not in the best position”

Purple Kelly “I trust us five (only Sash and Purple Kelly are shown) and that is it” (At that moment Alina shown on the beach and in the distance five individuals which appear to be Brenda, Naonka, Purple Kelly and two males) If I had anything to say about next TC, I would definitely, well either her or KB but she is the bigger threat just because she was right along with Shannon in the drama thing” (the scene then shows only Sash, Purple Kelly, Naonka and Chase)

Naonka (conf) “In my alliance right now it is Chase, Brenda, Sash, myself and Purple Kelly, that is our strong five (five shown on beach) and we got to get Alina out of here. If we get Alina out of here, we’ll send a shock wave to Kelly B. That’s what you get bitches!”

I’m not entirely sure why that scene was so choppy and spliced – what was probably the most perplexing was Benry shown at the beach with them initially but not even part of any discussion and was immediately taken out of the scene. Benry was inserted but then disappeared so obviously he was not there for some other conversation. Naonka even named her core alliance with no mention of Benry but Benry was put into the scene originally. Despite Jud being a vote with Shannon, he was removed from the “target” list (by the collective group) and Naonka didn’t mention him in her confessional so I do wonder if the venom that Naonka spews about Jud was taken from an earlier timeline and inserted presently because of some future happening. Alina is being shown as the main target and we hear the insight from her as well. This strikes me as a plan that probably will not happen, i.e. Alina is the intended target but it won’t come to fruition. It also appears that Kelly B. is not very relevant as she has not really provided any insight on the situation; Alina has been the spokesperson and it seems that her persona may only be about her leg and the threat she provides as opposed to any substantive long term game. She has been fairly removed from any storyline other than the HII but again, we don’t really hear any deep insight from her on it – it is solely about the hear and now

The Challenge

Of note:

La Flor did not dance and cheer to the challenge
Espada represented by Yve is surprised over Shannon’s departure.
La Flor decides to keep the Medallion as Benry feels confident.
Jimmy J. “coaching” the team (we hear Marty suggest to rotate and Sash discussing someone going if they are on a hot streak)
Jeff (sounding manipulated) claiming “Dan you need to do something!” (more filler for the issue for TC)
Tyrone extremely successful as Chase replaces Benry only for Benry to be put back in and being very successful
Jimmy T. heard stating he wants in since Tyrone peters out.
Jeff heard stating that Tyrone needs to move which then parlays to Jimmy T. wanting in again to which Tyrone needs him to be quiet
Jimmy T. telling Jimmy J. that he’s being wasted and Jimmy J. still not swapping Tyrone out
Jeff really creating “coach” imagery by stating Jimmy J. putting in Jimmy T.
Benry “dominating” the challenge

Kelly B. (conf) “After we won the challenge I went right for the fruit basket and immediately saw the clue…. I saw Nay look at it and thought shoot that’s not good”

Naonka (conf) “Kelly B. I can see the little wheels turning; she’s probably like dang of all people why did it have to be Naonka to see it so I have to come up with a game plan. As soon as we get back to our home I’m going for it. Damn the fruit, I’m going straight for the paper”

What I find notable is that often we get a confessional from someone from the losing tribe noting the loss and the conflict of having to vote someone off. Easily Tyrone, Jimmy T. and even Jimmy J. could have received a confessional since Tyrone was throwing, Jimmy T. wanted in and Jimmy J. essentially coached them but we didn’t get anything from Espada and that does concern me that more conflict and storyline is coming from La Flor than those at Espada. Again, Kelly B. is only giving relevance with here and now content and except for her insight about her leg and that she wants to prove herself, the editing is not really supporting a character that is integral to the long game. Naonka’s purpose seems to be one of “character highlighting” because of the television moments she is providing but her edit is very one dimensional and despite her “alliance” the bane of her edit seems more about her intense dislike for certain people. At some point it will come to a head and where will that leave her?

La Flor

The battle for the clue begins and it was certainly a doozy as the La Flor tribe is stymied over the two women creating a fruit salad for the clue. I will state that the scene itself was fair – Kelly B. was the first one to tell us that she did not want her handicap to reflect weak on her so fair is fair in the battle for the clue. What made the scene then reflect poorly on Naonka would be the words that the editors consciously chose to narrate the action – easily some of Naonka’s confessional could have been omitted but it did reflect some poor taste and words coming from Jud and another male stating it was not necessary did not support Naonka. The fight itself for the clue was what it was but Naonka’s callous remarks were a bit off color

(Naonka’s confessional shown)

Naonka “Sorry bout smushing the bananas”

The group still talks
Jud “There was a note?”
Benry “Come on Fabio!”
Jud “That’s why she just..”
Benry “She knocked her down and”
Kelly B. “She knocked me down…”
Jud “And you smush all the bananas?” (on screen)
Female – Kelly B.? “That sucks so bad”
(Focus on Jud at that point unhappy)
(Kelly B. confessional shown)
Jud? “I can’t believe that man”
Male voice “Completely uncalled for”
Jud “I’m just getting sick of it”
(More of Naonka’s confessional)

Scene then shifts to her reading the clue

Naonka (conf) “I wasn’t going to let Kelly B. out of my sight at all so I’m watching her… and she looks at me and I’m looking at her like yeah I see you, I know exactly what you’re doing, think I’m about to take my eyes off of it!” and “Cause I did what I had to do (Alina to Brenda who is smiling) That paper is a million dollars, that’s the lifeline in this game, getting the clue, that’s the lifeline” and “I saw them talking, that ##### Naonka got the clue! And I know Kelly B. is making it seem like she just pushed me out of the way! I didn’t even know what was going on! Go ahead be a fool; if it happens again, it happens again, I’m going to pull you again and I’m gonna push you so hard that damn leg will fly off!” and “You could say I got hood, I sure did! I got hood, I didn’t get ghetto, ghetto would have been girl you know I had to whoop that, I had to get that, girl you tripping girl. No! I just whoop. It’s the game (Alina and Kelly B.) she has one leg,, don’t think I’m going to be nice to you because you have one leg, I’m not going to be nice to you, my name is Naonka, not fool!”

Kelly B. (conf) “Naonka and I were carrying the fruit basket in and the next thing I know she just pummeled me, pushed me out of the way, went after the clue then kinda wandered off. I was pissed because Alina and I really need the immunity idol”

Elapsed time is shown as Brenda and Naonka walk together. Naonka takes Brenda into her confidence with respect to the clue. Brenda expresses that it was fortunate that Alina and Kelly B. didn’t get the clue. Naonka expresses that Alina is hanging on for dear life. (Another reference to Alina being the most vulnerable in that tribe which tells me that she probably won’t be the next victim)

Brenda (conf) “Nay showed it to me and I think I’m the only person she showed. She definitely in my eyes has the power right now and I’m keeping as tight with her as possible”

Brenda still fares well with her edit. We heard nothing from Naonka about her reasons for taking Brenda into her confidence and it was her clue. Brenda was given the insight confessional over the clue and her ideas about the situation. The editors are really not giving Naonka any help in shaping her and giving us her reasons for why she feels the way she does about anything


Jill gives more event narration by advising us about the mood of the tribe after losing the challenge.

Jimmy T. needs to air his grievances and wants Jimmy J. to evaluate him because “he’s got skills”

Jimmy T. (conf) “The guys that are leaders here are squelching me because I’m an obvious leader and they know it… (possible splicing) if these people knew what they were doing, I would be the leader of the tribe and I would lead them well, Jimmy Johnson may be catching up with Danny in the useless department…”

Jimmy T. continues that he has value as Marty steps in to talk as Tyrone defends himself which is followed by Jimmy J. explaining himself. Jimmy T. calls Tyrone out a bit and Tyrone is a bit offended.

Tyrone (conf) “Some people think I was mad at the rotation; I was cool with that, but do we want to win or everybody to touch the ball?”

Tyrone states it isn’t little league and Jimmy J. rebuts that when Tyrone started missing they put JT in and that was a good move. Tyrone insists it isn’t about him, he just wants to win..

Marty (conf) “It was a heated discussion, kinda enjoyable…. I hate to say it but I’m looking for Tribal Council, we’re finally gonna get this tribe to play the game; this is real and it starts now”


Marty “Are you still thinking same kind of thing, a strong tribe…?
Jimmy J. “I think if you can keep strong players around you just to win a challenge or two and win an individual immunity a time or two after the merge. I don’t know what Danny’s attitude is…”
Marty “He is trying in his own little ways, but his knees, back…”
Jimmy J. “Yeah, well ya’ll gotta have a strong team”

Marty (conf) “I’m worried about Jimmy Johnson… that whole hey I’m not gonna win, I just don’t buy that, I need to remove him so that people who’ll lose their daddy will either shake and crumble or come to me”

Marty “Coach has got to go”
Jill “Whatever, I don’t care” (Marty doesn’t like this)
Jill “Whatever you guys decide is fine”
Marty “You’re pivotal to this thing; I need you on board!”
Jill “In my mind, Danny, Coach and Holly are all the same person and it doesn’t matter to me what order. So you say Coach, I’m with Coach”
Marty “I disagree because I think he is way more strategic… and he needs to go first”
Jill “You tell me what to do”
(Jill confessional)
Jill “You’re the puppet master” (Interesting terminology that was shown to us)
Marty “Alright, that’s it. No more to talk about, then”

Jill (conf) “The way I see it Danny, Coach and Holly are all equally weak players, Marty for some reason sees Jimmy as a threat, thinks Jimmy will weasel his way into the merge. To be honest, I would prefer Dan. I don’t really follow his logic…. but whatever…”

Marty (the puppetmaster)”Can you imagine what your friends in Manhattan would say when you’ve blindsided Jimmy Johnson, okay? That’s all you’ve gotta think about”

Dan (conf) “Marty and I are very solid. I think the next one to go is gonna be Jimmy. I mean, you see him, I’m in much better shape (much, much, much) so when the smoke clears tonight we’re gonna know whether I go home or Jimmy goes home”

Marty “Are we sticking to the plan you know the same…”
Female “Stay strong?”
Jimmy T. “Yeah, you got any suggestions?”
Marty “Do you? For me it’s kinda obvious. Are we both talking the same thing?”
Jimmy T. “I feel bad because I like him but Coach it is for me. He was never a big Jimmy T. fan anyway”

Marty (conf) “There’s some people who are definitely smart, actually not that many (Jimmy T.) but I’ve got the strategy. Jimmy J.’s got to go first and it will shake the tribe to its core. I got Danny squared away and Jimmy T. and Jill she totally defers to me. People like Jane and Holly look at Jimmy J. like he were the pope so that is people being stupid”

Revealing dynamics on Espada are happening. Considering that Jill felt comfortable discussing Dan as a boot with Marty may be indicative that Marty and Dan’s relationship is not known to the extent it is with Jill. Marty has Dan and Jill under his thumb and he believes that Jimmy T. is completely impressionable. Jane and Holly (we see) are developing a relationship and Marty does not mention Yve whatsoever which could be telling. He does talk about Tyrone but later on when they have their conversation in later scenes and considering that everyone did vote for Jimmy J. we have to assume everyone spoke at some point.

Holly “I know my name is on the chopping block. Nobody’s brought up my name? (Jane says no) So you’re saying if my name comes up you’re gonna tell me? (Jane says yes) So who are you writing down?
Jane “I have a feeling it might be Danny”
(Jane confessional)
Holly “I got your back if you got mine” (Jane agrees)

Jane “I really would like to see the weakest player go home. I don’t know if Danny is having that great of a time He’s got an injured leg (scar) his spirits are getting a little low with the lack of food. Coach is kinda my fishing buddy so I really don’t want him to go at this point. I really don’t want Dan to go either but we will see what happens. I really don’t like going to TC, I hate it!”

Again, it’s nice to see Jane and while the confessional was basically generic, I’m glad that editors are not ignoring her as they could easily do. Holly did not get a confessional despite that we heard from her she feels vulnerable which I question. Jane is a very low key individual and seemingly not in any danger so despite her quiet showing, I am not too worried about a short term stay for Jane. She had a solid confessional in her first episode and one can’t discount that despite how lower level she is on screen. Like other long term players, Jane just does not provide “television moments” and if she isn’t in any danger, there won’t be any material to extract for the show. Holly, on the other hand is a bit of a mystery this episode considering the last episode and her vulnerability as a boot candidate and I question her longevity because of this

Jimmy J. “Girls, after tonight, I may not see ya’ll for awhile”
Yve “No, no, no, I hope not Coach….”
Jimmy J. “We’ll see what happens”
Holly “You never know what happens at TC”
Jimmy J. “I know. I said all along all I want is one of you to win a million bucks”
Yve “I know. You’re like my favorite person here. I don’t want to see you go” (visual on Holly)
(Jimmy J confessionl)
Jimmy J. “I’m going to go back up there”
(Holly shown throughout scene just watching)
(More of Jimmy)

Jimmy J. (conf) “I’m in trouble every single week we go to Tribal Council, I know that” and “I want to keep playing the game; it’s the toughest thing I’ve ever gone through….”

Marty “Dude can I count on you?”
Tyrone “For what?
Marty “For everything”
Tyrone “Oh for sure, I mean, I don’t, I mean, what is everything?”
Marty “Then write Coach’s name down tonight”
Tyrone “Well uh, I don’t know about that one cause I got somebody else (Dan shown) I don’t know about that one. Alright”
(Tyrone’s confessional)
Tyrone “You bring up some valid points for sure but it’s not that simple ‘cause I got some other people” (Dan again)
Marty “Alright”
(Marty’s confessional)

Tyrone (conf) “Marty’s paranoid but I think Marty is very much about Marty. I haven’t made up my mind yet but Jimmy Johnson’s life has been about motivating and leading man and I’m worried about Danny’s physical ability to help the team….”

Marty (conf) “There’s some people that are shying away from making the tough calls, Tyrone’s answer was nowhere near what I needed it to be, it shows me he’s just not thinking through this game at all. I think that’s a huge mistake” (Potential foreshadowing?)

Marty (conf) “I want Jimmy Johnson gone and those who want to play with me and want to play along, jump on board, do not mess around with me. I’m playing this game for real, and I’m playing a smart game here, I just hope it all goes the way I’m planning cause this is what needs to happen and it needs to happen now”

Wow! What a dynamic confessional from Marty and this should send huge signals to the audience. Marty, without question, is important to the editors and he is being unfolded with a bang, not a whimper. Marty is most definitely arrogant and we are seeing it increasingly but at this juncture, he has the tribe firmly in his pocket (or most of them) and we cannot forget Alina’s words about him. Marty has his own storyline going and others currently involved with him appear to be tied to his story. Marty is in great shape thus far for a long term story although I would hazard a guess that Marty would be edited in this matter despite how he fares.

Tribal Council

Jeff asks Marty what happened at the challenge (Jimmy T. on screen)
Marty “We had a little bit of a lead… lost some ground and couldn’t pull it together”

Jeff asks Jimmy T. about challenge frustration (Tyrone on screen)
Jimmy T. “As is my way, I always want a little more play time so I told the Coach right off the bat, these people have been with me for a week, they’ve seen my skill set so I don’t know why I’m not getting a little more court time if you will” (Jeff follows up with asking him whether he literally asked to be put in by the coach)
Jimmy T. “During the game I was like you are wasting me Coach, you are wasting me (laughter) and I think he knew, that’s why he put me in, he knows I got game”

Jeff talks to Jill about relying on Jimmy J. for challenges
Jill “Everybody here is a leader in their own field…. Sometimes that doesn’t all gel so (Jimmy T.) I guess he’s the most accomplished leader (Holly nods) of all us…”

Jeff asks Jimmy J. if his biggest accomplishment is forming the strategy of the challenge
Jimmy J. “I don’t really think I’m forming the strategy of the challenge, I think I’m listening to them (slight catch of Jimmy T. reaction) and letting them make the contribution. The other contribution I make is I help with the fishing and in the challenges they know I’m gonna give it my all”

Jeff asks Holly for Jimmy J.’s leadership skills
Holly “I think there’s been many times he steps forward (another Jimmy T. reactionary) and we are around the campfire, there’s times where he’ll say okay we need to have a team meeting; he tries to boost the moral (more Jimmy T.) as much as he can”

Jeff calls on Jimmy T’s reaction
Jimmy T. “I wanted to hear what the answer would be” (Jeff asks how he is getting along with Jimmy J.) “I don’t think me and Jimmy really had the chance to sit down and really talk, he never really approached me and I never really approached him” (Jimmy J. smiles)
Jeff follows up on this as he is shocked that Jimmy T. wouldn’t go to Jimmy J.
Jimmy T. “ Course I’m a big football fan. Maybe I’m a threat to his leadership role… maybe he didn’t want to be bothered with that” (various reactions not supportive of this and a big one from Tyrone)

Tyrone “Kinda baffling to me, thinks he’s a threat to his leadership role, I just found that interesting”
Jimmy J. isn’t threatened and thought he had a great relationship with Jimmy T…

Jeff asks Jill about her concern on losing the challenges
Jill “It weighs a lot, we are going up against really young, strong looking players and I think that’s what our motivation in needing the strongest tribe possible to go up against them.”

Jeff asks Dan about his strength.
Dan “I think I’m average, I’m not the top of the ladder but I’m not the bottom of the ladder”
Jill “Well sometimes around camp Dan seems a little stiff, maybe having problems getting up (slight nod from Holly) so being an older competitor it’s like are you gonna be able to bring it during a challenge”

Jeff asks Jane if she has noticed things about Dan
Jane “He’s got a big scar on one of his knees so he’s obviously had some sort of knee surgery so that might bother him getting up and down”

Jeff asks Dan if he is aware people are watching him
Dan “Yes but I’m there, I’ll come up to whatever I have to and if I don’t meet what they want me to do then I’ll be voted out but I’m there” (Holly with studied look)

Jeff asks Jimmy T. what went down after challenge
Jimmy T. “I think overall the tribe is planning on keeping its strongest players and remaining strong…. and I’m on board with that cause that that certainly won’t hurt me” (Jeff “confirms” that he isn’t one of the weaker players) “Absolutely not” (Jeff asks who are – sidelong shot from Tyrone) “I don’t want to call people out but I’ll tell you what, we got three, four weak players here, I’m just keeping it real man”

Jeff asks if they think they are a weak player
Holly “No, I don’t think I am”
Jane “I don’t think so” (I believe I detected Jimmy T. agreeing with her)
Marty “No, I don’t think so”
Yve “I don’t believe so”
Jill “No, not at all”
Tyrone “Negative”
Dan “I don’t think I am” (shot of Holly)
Jimmy J. “I’m the oldest player and one of the weakest too” (musical change – shot to Jimmy T., Marty who smiles then Holly looking pensive)

Jeff asks Tyrone if that was a free pass to vote out Jimmy J.
Tyrone “Definitely other dynamics but you asked Jimmy J. a direct question and he gave an answer based on self perception”

Jeff asks Marty about his vote and goal tonight
Marty “I think in part I’m anxious to get the game a little more accelerated, a little more engaged (Yve) people will have to start thinking about all facets of this game (Holly) and not just weakest, strongest…. There’s a lot going on here”

Jeff chides Marty for outing something that maybe shouldn’t have been
Marty “Well I think it just feels as if we’re doing a lot of waiting (wading?) around and now feel that the pace is picking up and going to TC is a big driver of that”

The vote is tallied and Jimmy J. is taken out of the game. We heard from Jimmy T. about his feelings which was interesting and maybe telling of how the editors are trying to shape Jimmy T. for the audience. Marty made it clear during the episode how he felt so it was a bit of a surprise that they did not show Marty’s vote but used Jimmy T. instead. Jeff questions them about voting out a proven leader and who will step in to fill those shoes. The question now for this tribe (as earlier stated) may be how will the tribe fare without Jimmy J. If editing is any indication (as he was fairly herald by the majority) the editors may revel in this tribe failing should that happen. Since Marty and Jimmy T. were the biggest voices about Jimmy J. their editing will be intriguing to watch as well. As of this episode, Jane and Marty still appear nicely constructed for who they are and their involvement in certain situations. Jill bothers me much like Kelly B. in that she feels like an extension to Marty’s story (as does Dan) Holly is a bit perplexing which could bode well for her but I do question the lack of involvement her character has unless it is directly related to her short term issues. Yve and Tyrone don’t appear in any immediate danger but I could see Tyrone and Marty coming to a stand off and with Marty being shaped as he is, Tyrone may be on the short end of that stick. Jimmy T. is being shaped as a ridiculous persona and the editing is consciously making the audience feel he is a fool which appears to be short term for him. While Yve appears in no immediate danger, I am bit disappointed at the lack of visibility she is receiving which has me concerned for any long term status for her. The younger tribe has some candidates for longer term and Jud seems to be the most manipulated and utilized across the board. Of everyone, he appears to me the best long term character on his tribe and I feel the editors are shaping him deliberately for use in the short term and for longevity. Brenda is most definitely another character that the editors are clearly investing in and had ties to many potential stories and relationships. I would not completely discount Sash, Alina and to a lesser degree Chase. Naonka is being pushed too hard on us so I question how long her stay is and Purple Kelly is of no consequence to any story – I would equate that observation for Benry as well but strength vs. weakness is part/parcel to this season and Benry should not be in any immediate danger but as of now there is no shaping of his character to merit confidence that the outcome of this season is to be shaped with him in mind (if one likes to work backwards)


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-04-10, 03:04 PM (EST)
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88. "Linking Edits?"
Thanks again, Veruca, a lot to digest as always, and much appreciated. One thing jumped out at me (don't ask me to explain the mysteries of synaptic lateral leaps, I cannot) while reading through this:

Are the Dan and Kelly B. edits being linked by the editors. It does seem they counterpose one another. Both arrived in the game with basically the same handicap: Kelly B. literally has one leg, Dan has a bad kneee on which it is clearly shown (and told) he had surgery at some time in his life. Both think of themselves as strong. Both alligned themselves (virtually by accident) with "logical" players, Kelly B. with Alina and Dan with Marty. But their games are playing out differently, reflecting somewhat the different tribes on which they've found themselves (and through luck or misfortune).

Kelly B. wants no one's sympathy, she gets it anyway from everyone except NaOnka. She gets a target because people are afraid to go to Final with her, no one questions that she can play the game. Dan gets defeated by the elements, has difficulty in camp, gets no sympathy but wears a target for being considered weak. La Flor likes to play, NaOnka is the only one who displays anger and hatred at Kelly B. Espada likes to work, Dan can't hold his own, the tribe has resentment over this but he has value to Marty as a vote.

Anyway, it's just a curious thing that popped out at me, I'm wondering if their fates in the game could be linked somehow. Kelly B. wound up in the wrong alliance but can maybe play in La Flor and come back from that, Dan is basically being carried by Marty and Jill because they want his vote.


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-05-10, 09:32 AM (EST)
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89. "RE: Linking Edits?"
(Perhaps someone who has paid better attention can enlighten me as it may solely be a mistake on my part but I have noticed that the volcano visual seems to connect to this tribe which could prove to be some valid imagery – however, I could be mistaken on that correlation)

Not that I could ever be accused of paying better attention but in the premier Jeff used the "ancient forests competing and youngest active volcanoes in the world" association for his intro going with the younger vs older theme. I don't know if it refers to the temperament of the tribes or just a clever turn of phrase.

A Tribe masterpiece


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-08-10, 10:35 AM (EST)
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91. "RE: Linking Edits?"
Great analysis VS. This season is giving me fits.

agman makes me hot


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-12-10, 03:02 AM (EST)
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99. "RE: Editing Thoughts - Week 3"
You are once again full of wonderful observations. I hardly notice the splices and chops!

A note on the vulnerability of the rebel La Flors after Shannon's exit. It was not made very clear on the show, but CBS released confessional clips from Jud and Alina and Na Onka. Basically, Alina, Kelly B, Benry, and Jud are not forgiven for voting against the other five. Jud and Benry are to be kept around for challenge strength and they know they are on thin ice. Alina is #1 on the hit list because she reported a conversation. Kelly B is supposed to be next.

Jud is trying to work hard, be valuable, and be nice to everybody, but says it's not much fun having to be nicey nice to Na Onka.

This is not an editing comment on my part so much as filling in the more direct statements of alliances and strategy presented in the confessional clips that are too long for the show.

We know from the preview there will be a swap, which almost guarantees that the La Flors will not proceed with their exact plan for time being, as their plan was only in terms of thinning their own ranks as losses allowed, and obviously with a swap they must consider the new balance of power.

Still, unless the players who alienated themselves in Ep 2 really manage to turn it around, I feel that the Ep 2 schism may be pivotal to the game, as a line was drawn in the sand. Benry's position is the most mysterious, as he appeared to be friends with Chase before the Shannon vote. It seems he is not trusted now, and changing his vote did not do him any good, nor did it help Kelly B or Jud to deceive anyone by not voting against Brenda.

Not sure if it's the editing or the reality or me, but I find all the Espada stuff pretty boring -- even though I'm older. The energy on the younger tribe is more interesting. Marty is being shown as the puppet-master of Espada, and is getting his way for now, so it's a bit of a yawn compared to the Ep 2 drama of a near tie vote.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-02-10, 06:48 PM (EST)
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85. "RE: Week 3"
LAST EDITED ON 10-03-10 AT 11:46 AM (EST)

Thank you for getting this started Dabo. Here are my editing thoughts:

The recap told us that in “an epic battle between the young and the old, former NFL Coach Jimmy Johnson had emerged as the leader of the old tribe…
…But Marty resented Coach Jimmy’s star-power…
…Later, the balance of power shifted in Marty’s favor when he and Jill found a hidden immunity idol…
At the younger tribe, Shannon called the shots…
…He also aligned himself with Alina and Kelly B who had a clue to a hidden immunity idol…
At the immunity challenge, the older tribe had the MoP to give them an advantage in the competition…
…Playing the medallion turned out to be a smart move because it helped the older tribe win…
…back at the younger tribe’s camp, Brenda was on the hot seat…
…so she conspired with Na’Onka to destroy Shannon’s majority…
At tribal council, Shannon went on a tirade that alienated almost all of his remaining allies…”
<Benry and Kelly B shown as was Shannon’s stupid question to Sash>
“Shannon was voted out…
…Leaving Alina and Kelly B in serious trouble.”

From Jeff’s analysis, there are three omissions:
- Tyrone’s excellent shots during the challenge. The win was said to have resulted from playing the MoP not because of Tyrone’s abilities.
- We didn’t hear about Jud’s place in Shannon’s alliance. In ignoring him, a chance to portray him as an underdog was missed. On the other hand, he doesn’t get stained for hanging on to Shannon. Which was more important? It’s hard to tell at this point.
- Dan’s role in Marty’s search for the idol wasn’t shown but we already knew Dan wasn’t a significant player.
Also note that Jeff said Marty resented Jimmy J which isn’t the nicest way to present a rivalry. That puts a question mark on Marty’s story.
Brenda, on her part, was said to have destroyed the majority that was targeting her which is a much more proactive way of presenting things.

To me, the theme for this episode was:

Taking Charge is a Huge Mistake

Night 6
: “Coming back to camp after Tribal Council was so fake…Everybody acting like we are all cool with each other: “Oh! We’re one big unit! We’re one happy family!” No we’re not because we have been divided. So, Alina, Kelly B and Juuud were in pure shock because their ringleader, Shannon is gone. They had a plan but it didn’t work, it back-fired…Sooner or later it’s going to bite you in the butt.”

It didn’t take time for us to be reminded of Jud’s precarious position but still why didn’t Jeff mention him?

Day 7
: “We heard Holler Monkeys from the other side of the lagoon so we went to see if we could find a source of food.”

Yve: I’m all star-struck with Jimmy Johnson. He is hysterical. At his soul, he is inspiring.”

With JJ hollering at the monkeys, Jimmy T asked what they were saying.
JJ answered: “Get you’re ass out of here.”
Even the monkeys wanted him gone!

Marty: “I’ve been a little pissed off since day 1. Why did we get stuck with a celebrity? They all have glitter in their eyes.” <Jimmy J shown fishing and encouraging the women> Marty went on: “He’s a threat, especially in a post-merge situation. You take JJ into a merge? That would be disaster.”

Marty told Jill about his worries.
She responded that it was so far into the future that he needs to calm down.
Jill: “Marty’s got the immunity idol and I thought it would pay off dividends in the long run to gain everyone’s trust by sharing it now rather than later.”

La Flor
Day 7

Jud once again made everyone laugh with his fire-making “skills”.

Fabio: “My whole strategy is to be out in the open and make people laugh and be all crazy…but it goes deeper than “Ha-Ha-Ha, let’s keep him around because he’s funny.” …Hermit crab on my foot…I want to be kept around for more than just cause I’m funny. I wanna be kept around for my mentality, my spirit.”

Na’Onka: “Fabio, he’s so stupid. I can’t stand him. I knew the first time I laid eyes on him; I wasn’t going to like him… You knock on (his head) and you hear hollowness.”

The scene ended with a close-up of Fabio, the goggles’ imprint still red on his face!

Day 7

Marty made an announcement: “I found the immunity idol. I think this will come really handy when we are in a merge situation…”
Note that the music was fairly somber during this scene. It gave me the impression this will turn out to be an important moment down the road but not necessarily in Marty’s favor.

Jimmy T: “When Marty announced he had the immunity idol and wanted to share it with the tribe and use it against the young tribe, I was like: What a guy! I’m thinking he’s a nice guy, I wouldn’t do that, I would have kept it for myself. Think about us carrying that kind of power in a merge situation, we become invincible.”

Jill: “Marty’s stock went way up after that announcement. Jimmy T was like “what a great guy, he did the right thing” He came out looking like a super-star so that’s good for me in the long run.”

Tyrone: “When Marty told everyone he found the idol, maybe he won some integrity points, some team points because people will perceive it as he’s a team player, he’s on board with what we are planning to do. But I think Marty is shady. I think he is doing his own thing.”

Marty: “It wasn’t going to be a secret for long that I had the idol so the only way to play it was to make it appear as something for the tribe to use, to move us all forward to make us strong but everyone knows the idol can only belong to one person and that person is me.”

Placing Tyrone’s interview before Marty’s reinforced the shadiness of the idol holder. It could have been done to put doubt in Marty’s success which could actually be a good omen but I think it was to underline Marty’s negativity, his villainess

Maybe wishing they had chosen the tarp, we saw Espada coping with a very damp shelter. Nevertheless, Jimmy T was in good humor, telling Marty that Jane would have everything dried in 15 minutes, no charge and with a smile.

Dan wasn’t in such high spirits: “I slept maybe 2 hours. I’m hungry. I’m starting to get concerned that this tribe may see me as the weak link but I don’t consider myself a weak link. I do have a bad knee but that doesn’t mean I’m not strong. I’m not as strong as Tyrone obviously… but I’m as strong as anyone of the women, even though some of them are built like mooses.”

Yve: “Danny is really struggling. I know he’s doing a good job trying to hide it but, for whatever reasons physically, he doesn’t have it.”

In two succinct confessionals, Yve, a somewhat agreeable character, was used to reflect what the audience should think of Marty’s upcoming choice at tribal council. She loves Jimmy. She told us Dan was weak. That is the editors telling us Marty made the wrong choice.

La Flor
The Pow-wow

The alliance of 5 players assembled on the beach while Alina swam alone in the ocean.

If you watch the right side of the screen as Purple Kelly and Na’Onka arrive on the left, you clearly see Ben’s face even if the camera later showed Sash. There must have been more than one pow-wow but this one included Ben. Strange that he wasn’t shown as part of LaFlor’s alliance. Tina wasn’t shown as being part of the Ogawhore5 alliance with Jerri but we know she was in it from the very first hour spent in the Outback! LaFlor is an alliance of 6 but we are not supposed to see it that way!

Brenda was given the first words, underlining her position in the group. “Who do you think is the only person that can shake something up” she asked.
Chase answered: “Alina unless a hidden immunity idol comes in play.”
Sash said it could be either Alina or Kelly B and they’d decide just before TC.

Alina: “Tribal council drew a line in the sand and I ended up on the wrong side of the aline. They are going to need Fabio and Ben for the challenges so Kelly B and I are not in the best position.”
<At that time was saw Kelly B putting her artificial leg back on.>

Kelly S said: “I trust us 5 and that is it”.
When was this said? It could have been either before Ben joined the group or after someone gets voted out of that group later on but there it is again, an attempt to make us believe Ben isn’t in the talks. That is huge manipulation in favor of Ben.

Na’Onka: “In my alliance right now, it is Brenda, Chase, Sash myself and Kelly Purple. That is our strong 5 and we have to get Alina out of here. If we can get Alina, we’ll send shock waves to Kelly B. That’s what you get b*tches.”

<Despite Nay’s count, note again Ben’s yellow swim trunks as we see them sitting from behind. Sash wore red trunks!>

The challenge

Once more the camera focused on Tyrone’s determined look as Espada entered the ring.

Yve showed her surprise at the news of Shannon’s elimination.

Jeff said “one person at a time, you will toss sand bags” so what happened? Are they ignoring Jeff’s rules?

Ben surprised Jeff by declining to use the MoP. We even heard him adding: “We feel pretty confident we can take them without using it.”

In an obvious last homage to Jimmy J, we heard him leading Espada’s huddle, the Coach on the field giving his instructions. In comparison, LaFlor’s huddle sounded more disorganized. Espada ended it with a cheer and their strategy gave them a momentary lead so the question becomes: Could this have been done to show us once more that Marty made the wrong choice? Sure looked that way.

From Jeff’s comments we heard: “Dan you need to do something” which also goes to the tribe’s future decision.
Tyrone after a fast start slumped, making Jimmy T ask for playing time to the Coach. It took a while for Coach to replace his starting QB but he finally did.
After a slow start, Ben went back in and took over the challenge, giving LaFlor the win.

Note that Ben did get some accolades for the win, one of the girls saying: “You get a massage from all of us” as he collapsed to the ground and, more importantly, Jeff said: “Ben, you dominated this challenge.”

Kelly B.: “After we won the challenge, I went straight for the fruit basket and I could see a hidden immunity idol clue…I saw Nay looking at it too and I was like: Shoot. That’s not good.”

Na’Onka: “Kelly B. she’s scared. I can see the little wheels turning. I could tell she was thinking “Out of all people, Dang! Why did it have to be Na’Onka to see it?” So, I have to come up with a game plan: As soon as we get back to our home, I’m going for it. Damn the fruit, I’m going for the paper.”

Nice example of how the producers hold the contestants on a tight leash. Reality TV all you want but they were under strict orders not to do anything before getting back to the beach where the cameras would be set up to catch the fight.

Na’Onka vs Kelly B.
Round 1

Accompanied by martial music, LaFlor returned to camp, the camera teasing us with the clue as the 2 contestants prepared for battle.

As soon as they crossed the shelter’s unseen boundaries, the basket was dropped and both women plunged in. It was over in a second, Na’Onka putting a body check on Kelly B that would have made any hockey player proud.

Na’Onka: “Leaving the challenge, I wasn’t about to let Kelly B out of my sight at all. So, I’m watching her, I’m watching her. She’s looking at me and I’m looking at her like do you think I’m going to take my eyes off of it? I did what I had to do. That paper was like a million dollars, that’s the lifeline.”

Kelly B.: “Na’Onka and I were carrying the fruit basket and the next thing I know she just pummeled me. She pushed me out of the way, went for the clue and then just wandered off. I was p*ssed because Alina and I really need the immunity idol.”

Fabio and Ben expressed distaste at Nay’s actions.

Na’Onka: “I saw them talking: “that b*tch Na’Onka, she got the clue” and I know Kelly B is making it seem like: “She pushed me out of the way. I didn’t know what was going on.” Go ahead! Act like a fool because if it happens again, I’m going to push you again. Hopefully, I’ll push you so hard that damn leg will fly off. If you say I got “hood” I sure did, I got hood. I didn’t get ghetto because ghetto would have been: “You know I had to get that girl. You trippin’ girl.” No, I just whooped! It’s the game. She has one leg. Don’t think that I’m going to be nice to you because you have one leg. You gotta be kidding. My name is Na’Onka, not fool.”

Walking in the jungle Nay showed the clue to Brenda.

Brenda: “Nay, she showed it to me and I think I’m the only person she showed. She definitely, in my eyes, has the power right now and I’m keeping as tight with her as possible. Thank God it’s not in Alina and KB’s hands.”

(Well half of it is!)

Espada (note the focus on the flag and the word OUTLAST being the one that stood out)

Jill assuming once more her role as narrator: “The challenge today was pretty much a disaster. We ended up losing both reward and immunity. Now, not only do we have to go to tribal council, they walked off with a whole mess of bananas and spices and it was pretty tough to take”

Jimmy T said his talents were being wasted.
Jimmy T: “The guys that are the leaders here are squelching me because I’m an obvious leader and they know it but it’s not the way to do it. If these people knew what they were doing, I would be the leader of this tribe and I would lead them well but right now, Jimmy Johnson is catching up to Danny in the useless department.”

Tyrone: “Some people seemed to think I was mad for being pulled out but I was happy with the rotation. I was more about do we want to win or do you want everybody to touch the ball. You can’t have everyone touching the ball if you want to win.”

Marty: “There was a heated discussion and it was kind of enjoyable to watch a little bit of tension for a change in this tribe. I hate to say it but I’m looking forward to Tribal Council. We are finally going to get this tribe to play this game. This is real and it starts now.”

Marty: “I’m worried about Jimmy Johnson. I think he’s full of it. He’s playing like “I’m not going to win” and I just don’t buy that. I need to remove him so that people will lose their daddy and they will either shake and crumble or they will have to come to me.”

Marty tested his plan with Jill who replied she didn’t care: “In my mind Danny, Coach and Holly are all the same person. It doesn’t matter to me what order.”

Jill: “The way I see it, Danny, Holly and Coach are equally weak players. Marty sees Jimmy as a threat. He thinks Jimmy will weasel or worm his way into a merge. I don’t really follow his logic or his reasoning. Personally, I would prefer Dan because I think he is physically the weakest but he is no, no, no, Coach needs to go. So, I was like whatever.”

Inserted right after the little smile that appeared as she said “whatever”, Jill words of “You’re the puppet master” captioned on screen had a huge ironic feel to them. After Yve, we’ve had a second person telling us they didn’t want to vote JJ. And Jill is being given a role as the real puppet master, the one with the longer strings! Not good for Marty.

Marty told Dan about Jimmy’s blindside.

Dan: “Marty and I are very solid. The next one to go is going to be Jimmy. You see him. I’m in much better shape... When the smoke clears tonight, we’ll know whether I go home or jimmy goes home.”

Marty then went to Jimmy T who agreed on Coach, saying: “He was never a big Jimmy T fan anyway.”

Marty: “There are people that are definitely smart, actually not that many, but I’ve got the strategy. Jimmy J has got to go first and it will shake the tribe to its core. I got Danny squared away and I got Jimmy T and I got Jill who totally defers to me but you have Jane and Holly who look at Jimmy Johnson as if he were the pope so is people being stupid.”

Jane and Holly were talking to each other, promising to watch each other’s back and targeting Danny, contradicting somewhat Marty’s stupid tag on them.

Jane: “I would like to see the weakest player go home. I don’t know if Danny is having that great of a time. He’s got an injured leg and his spirits are getting a little low with the lack of food. Coach is like my fishing buddy so I don’t want him to go. I really don’t want to see Danny go either but we will see what happens. I do not like to go to Tribal Council. Hate it.”

Note the image of Dan resting in the shelter compared to Jimmy fishing and we are told once more what would be the right choice for Espada. And, between Marty who was happy to go to TC and Jane who hates it, which one is portrayed as the stupid one?

Jimmy knew what was coming as he told Yve and Holly he might not see them again for a while. Yve told him “no, you are my favorite person here.”

Jimmy J: “I know I’m in trouble every time we go to tribal council. I want to continue playing the game. It’s the toughest thing I ever gone through…”

Marty then asked Tyrone if he could count on him.
Tyrone first agreed but when he heard Marty asking him to write Coach’s name down, Tyrone didn’t know about that, he had someone else (Dan) on mind.

Tyrone: “Marty is paranoid. Marty is very much about Marty. I haven’t made up my mind yet but Jimmy Johnson’s life has been about motivating and leading men. I’m worried about Dan’s physical abilities to help the team. The dude’s got ailments.”

Marty: “There are people who are shying away from making the tough calls. Tyrone’s answer was nowhere near where I needed it to be. That shows me he’s not thinking this game through at all. I think that is a huge mistake. I’d like Jimmy Johnson gone and those that want to be with me, play with me, jump on board. Do not mess around with me. I’m playing this game for real, and I am playing a smart game here. I hope everything goes as planned because this is what needs to happen and it needs to happen now.”

Tribal council

Marty explained how the challenge played out.
Jimmy T said he wanted more play time, that he told Coach he was being wasted.
Jill said: “Every body here is a leader in their own field…Sometimes that doesn’t all gel. I guess he’s the most accomplished leader among us so we have to look to him.”
Jimmy said he was listening to them and letting them make the contributions.
<Jimmy T and Marty didn’t seem to agree>
Holly said Jimmy calls team meetings, adding: “He tries to boost the moral as much as he possibly can.”
Jimmy T said he hadn’t had a chance to sit down and talk.
Jeff found that astonishing after 8 days alone with nothing else to do!
Jimmy T said he was probably a threat to Jimmy’s leadership role because he is also a leader.
Tyrone said that was baffling to think JJ would feel threatened in his leadership role.
Jimmy J said he felt he had a great relationship with Jimmy T.
Jill said she was worried because: “We are going up against strong players and we need the strongest tribe possible to go up against them.
Dan said he was average when it came to strength.
Jill said Dan was stiff around camp and was worried about his challenge performance.
Jane agreed that Dan had tough times.
Dan said he’d do what he needed to do.
Jimmy T said he wanted to keep the tribe strong, that they had 3 or 4 weak players.
No one but JJ agreed they were weak.
Marty said that the vote will “get the game accelerated, get more engaged. People will have to think of all the facets of this game, not just weak or strong in challenges.”
Quite justly, Jeff commented: “If I didn’t think people were thinking about that, the last thing I would do is remind them.”

During the vote, the camera lingered once more on Dan’s knee and it’s big scar.
When Jimmy left he turned around and told them to “win a million bucks”.

The camera went for a close-up of a nodding Holly as if he was saying it directly to her, for her

After the vote, Jeff scolded Espada for voting a proven leader, asking who will step up and fill those shoes. It can’t be good for Marty!

The Story

After Shannon’s departure, we now saw the other tribe’s designated leader being voted out. Even if Shannon’s leadership was presented as the polar opposite of what a true leader like JJ does, we saw that taking charge led to their downfall. Now, Na’Onka and Marty are taking charge and I don’t think it is a smarter idea for either of them. I found it fascinating that we saw that each “leader” had one ally closer than the others and that those second in command appeared smarter than those making the big plans. The two power players will come to their downfall at the hands of their “lieutenant”. Which one will be more successful? Or is the winner still hidden?

The Characters

The Extras:
Purple Kelly
: She is part of the majority alliance but she still hasn’t had an interview shown on screen. She doesn’t have any story other than a place in an alliance.

Sash : He was featured when he formed the alliance so he has more substance than Purple Kelly. He is central in the group of 6 because he formed the alliance of minorities with Brenda and Nay. He also has that million dollar smile. It’s something for his future chances but his story needs to pick up soon.

Chase: Now that he has made his choice, the story moved away from Chase. His long term story only relies on Brenda and how his trust in her will resolve. Will he prove to be a clueless player or will he learn to play this game and turn it around in his favor? There was nothing in this episode to give us hope that he can surprise us.

Dan : He’s only been featured as a boot option. Even is role as Marty’s ally was ignored in the recap. It seems evident that Dan won’t make the merge.

A Dumb Player or a Villain?

Jimmy T : His portrayal wasn’t very flattering, especially when Jeff told us it was impossible for people not to have a talk after 8 days. Although he was right in saying he has skills, he made it sound like he was jealous of Tyrone. Was he being presented as the locker room distraction that can’t accept to be a second stringer? His attacks on Jimmy Johnson also made him sound jealous and his determination to vote out jimmy made him a villain. He isn’t presented as someone who can succeed in this social game.

The Nice Guys, (the audience’s conscience?)

Jane: After a promising first episode, she had faded in the back-ground but at least she served to express what we were supposed to think about the vote. It should have been Dan not her fishing buddy. Her scene with Holly gave her another story: The audience will wonder how far this duo can go.

Yve: Mostly an Extra, Yve was used to tell a small chapter in Jimmy’s story. She assured us he was a good guy, her favorite player, someone who would have been more useful than Dan. She’d need to find a story of her own to remain in the spotlight.

Tyrone : He could have had more of an impact on this episode’s story if we had been reminded of his role in winning the previous challenge. As is, Monday morning quarterbacks can question Jimmy J’s decision not to pull him out sooner. Still, I believe we were meant to side with Tyrone in his debate with Jimmy T: He was their star player so he deserved the chance to win it again. We were also supposed to agree with him on the voting decision. Tyrone is presented as a wise man, knowing that Marty is all about Marty.

The Likable Underdogs

Alina: We still see her as a smart player, analyzing her precarious position while the alliance discusses her fate. She is called the most dangerous outsider, the one that can stir things up. She is the first target unless a hidden immunity idol comes into play as Chase mentioned. It would make sense to present her as a smart player if she was to find the idol with 1 less clue than Nay and use it against the power player.

Kelly B.: Now she even gets pushed around by Nay. This likable player has a tough road ahead of her. Called a fool and said to have been scared, I’d bet most of the audience would like to see Kelly whoop some of the hood out of Na’Onka.

Fabio: With Nay reminding us that Jud was part of Shannon’s alliance, I’m not sure what to make of his absence from the recap. It seems we are supposed to like Fabio, enjoy his spirit but could that red-faced funny guy actually be the winner? It would make for a very funny story. Did Survivor change slots to be part of Comedy Wednesday?

The Manipulated Edits:

Holly: When Jimmy said win a million and the camera showed her, I immediately was reminded what she said about the rewards someone could receive if they didn’t quit. Sometimes, camera shots can be meaningless but this one seemed to have substance especially since it was Jimmy’s last words in the game. Also, her little conversation with Jane didn’t need to be shown because Holly’s name wasn’t on the block. Why show it if Holly was to simply quit as we first thought. Next week’s bad weather should tell us if she quits or if she stays. If she stays, her manipulated edit becomes front and center in my mind.

Ben: He is part of the majority alliance but last week we had words cut out to make us think he wasn’t while this week, he was hidden from the pow-wow the tribe had to discuss their future votes. Ben hasn’t received much air-time but his challenge win was enough to make him important to this episode. What is his real position in the alliance? He didn’t like Na’Onka’s actions with the clue so maybe he could shake things up within the alliance. We have to remember that Chase said he trusted Brenda AND Ben during their tribal council. Is there another triangle forming?

The Power Players
: She is in power as Brenda told us, she has a piece of paper that could be worth a million dollar and she wants KB and Juuud out of there. Will this feisty woman be able to storm her way to the end. Maybe the editors are going for that new type of Villain that many fans appreciated in Russell but I doubt it. Even if she keeps her position of power, I believe she can only be the finale’s goat.

Marty : His edit reminded me of John in Marquesas. He’s in charge, he makes all the decisions but are they the right ones? Yve, Jane, Jill, Tyrone and even Jeff in his final words to the tribe told us he didn’t. I think we have to believe them. From a clinical player, Marty became paranoid, obsessed by Jimmy ho had the typical edit of a "Victim" a likable character that didn't stand a chance against his tormentor. Marty quickly lost some ground in the "race" for the Sole Survivor’s edit.

The Smart Players

Jill: Her little smile after saying Marty wanted to have his way at TC was a sure indication that this smart woman is the one pulling the strings. She gave Marty the idol and we know how often players have been burned by that idol so that could turn into a smart move for her. Trust is more important than idols. She also convinced Marty to show everyone he had the idol which reduces his options. That also could turn out to be smart on her part. Her whole story could revolve on how she manipulates the puppet master. If we hear her plans for dismissing Marty at some point, we could have our winner.

Brenda: For a while it seemed that Brenda’s story was going to be dropped much like Chase’s but Na’Onka showing her the idol gave the editors another chance to show us she was a smart player, someone who will let have Nay have the power and stay close to her. She was shown as the one that opened the discussion during the pow-wow, putting her symbolically in the role of chairperson. Her whole story could revolve on how she will continue to manipulate Chase and use Nay but she will have to distance herself from the Human Hurricane.

ETA the pictures that tell the story.


Belle Book 3613 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-03-10, 12:32 PM (EST)
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86. "RE: Week 3"
I'd certainly love to see Kelly B. give Na'Onka a really hard time! Na'Onka deserves it, the way she's been behaving!


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-08-10, 10:33 AM (EST)
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90. "RE: Week 3"
Dang, sometimes I wonder if I see the same show . Nice job of analysis michel.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-09-10, 06:15 PM (EST)
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92. "Week 4 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-10 AT 06:47 PM (EST)

The recap told us that Jimmy Johnson had emerged as a leader but Marty was envious of the Coach’s star-power…
On the Younger tribe, Brenda… was at the top of the food chain…
<Brenda’s confessional about people coming to her was replayed>
Kelly B and Alina were at the bottom of the food chain but they had a clue to a hidden immunity idol…
At the challenge, the younger tribe took a big risk by not using the MoP…
…And the risk paid off because, while Jimmy T distracted the older tribe, the younger tribe cruised to victory…
After the challenge, with total disregard for Kelly B’s artificial leg, Na’Onka tackled her in order to get a new clue to the HII…
…She shared the clue with Brenda…

At TC, Jimmy T was gunning for Jimmy J…
The Coach and Dan were thought to be the weakest players but only Jimmy would admit to it…
…So, between Marty’s alpha-male coup and Jimmy’s honesty, the Coach was sent home.
Jeff’s comment of having to fill huge shoes was replayed, the camera directing that question to Jimmy T and Marty.

The recap really wasn’t kind to Jimmy T, probably in case he still had some fans out there! Did Tyrone miss all those shots because of Jimmy’s comments? That’s what the editors wanted us to believe!
Marty’s actions continued to get negative comments. Jeff could have said that Marty had to act before Jimmy J’s influence and charisma became too dangerous but Marty was defined as being envious. Marty is truly being set-up.
In the younger tribe, Brenda continued to get strong positive comments from Jeff while Ben didn’t see his MVP performance at the challenge mentioned.
As if it was necessary, Jeff reminded the viewers that Na’Onka was evil and that KB and Alina were underdogs. Note that Brenda was closely associated to Nay, both mentioning her as an ally and sharing the clue. That is worrisome for Brenda’s future.

Night 8

Under thunder and lightning, the tribe looked miserable.

Jimmy: “The leadership that Jimmy Johnson supplied was nothing. He gave a couple of cheerleader speech that any chucklehead could do…He wasn’t going to be in my alliance so I’m not going to miss him too much.

Jimmy proceeded to annoy the whole tribe with his songs and his hugs.

Marty: “Jimmy T is putting on the Jimmy T show…. He’s trying to do the best he can…but that’s who he is. He’s a loudmouth. This game tries your patience in so many ways and that guy is so obnoxious. All you need to do with Jimmy is just give him a bit of rope and he’ll hang himself from the nearest branch.”

The episode’s outcome was summed up in these two confessionals and I find it interesting that the editors went out of their way to show that Marty wasn’t going to simply let Jimmy hang himself; he’d be putting together a lynching party.

Day 9

Holly observed the desolation left after the storm.
Jane commented: “Some place in Nicaragua must have had 8 or 10 inches of rain and all that water… has found its way back to the ocean.”

Dan: “The entire beach is covered with debris. In fact our beach front here is gone…The ocean is all filled with mud. It’s really a mess.”

As Dan continued complaining, Jane was shown laughing.

A woman said this place was jinxed.

Jill: “Food is a huge issue; it’s terrible. Our bay that we were supposed to do the fishing in is completely washed out…We have no food and no means of getting it. We are down to 2 cups of rice a day and our ration is going to put us down more than that so yeah, we’re pretty sick about it.”

Jimmy T showed Holly how a pelican catches fish and he tried to do the same thing with the net. He wasn’t successful to say the least!

Jane: “I do believe everyone of us is going to miss Jimmy Johnson. I’m going to miss him because he was as good a fisherman as anybody. Every team I’ve ever been on had a captain and a co-captain and they made the decisions based on the ability of the tribe. I’m hoping somebody is going to step up and say I want that role.”

Jimmy would do just that over and over again but the others wouldn’t listen.

Day 9
: “I didn’t even know that it rained last night until I woke up and tried to climb out of the shelter and it was a little wet. I slept that well. Brenda has the immunity idol clue right now and she’s been trying to decipher it. We’re going to try to look for it today but these clues are really hard to figure out.”

While Alina was watching...

...Brenda told Na’Onka what she had learned. Following Brenda’s directions, Na’Onka was able to dig the key out of the ground. In their excitement, Nay told Brenda: “This is the key to our life in the game.”

But Na’Onka in private, said: “The immunity idol is mine, it’s mine, it’s mine. It doesn’t belong to anyone else. Brenda helped me find it but, ultimately, I figured it out and it’s mine. The immunity idol is in my sock and it’s not going anywhere. I came out here from South Central LA and it’s finally hit me: There’s a million dollars on the line. I’m not going to let anyone stand in my way. I’m not going to let a one-legged person stand in my way. As you can see; one shove and she’s out of there.”

As they walked on the beach, Brenda told Nay not to tell anybody about the idol.

Strange that Brenda didn’t get to say anything about the idol and what she thought about it being in Nay’s sock. It could be that the only thing we needed to see was Brenda’s cleverness and we didn’t hear more from her because that idol will have no impact on her game.

Kelly B and Alina were reflecting on the loneliness of the game, Alina saying the hardest thing was to pretend to like Nay.

Alina: “Kelly B and I have built a good relationship. I really like her she is such a nice person. The way Nay treats her, it makes me so furious. She tackled the girl with one leg. Like, how sick is that?”

The two traced Nay and Brenda’s footsteps in order to find the idol. Nay followed them.

Na’Onka: “I’ve been watching Alina and Kelly B running around like wild banshee looking for the immunity idol… The idol has already been found…so what do I have to lose? Nothing. I’m going to try to scare them because they are weak. If I get in their head and they’re scared, they won’t know what to do.”

Nay confronted them, even telling Kelly she didn’t like her.

Alina: “Nay is psycho. Kelly B never did anything to Nay, never, except go for the same clue.”

Kelly: “Nay’s a bully. I can’t think of anything else to call someone who knocks you over. I don’t know if she’s worried about me finding something out there. She wanted a reaction out of me and I wasn’t going to give it to her but at the same time, it’s really hard to contain yourself.”

Na’Onka: “I don’t need a charity case on the jury because she will, for sure, not vote for me to get the million dollars. So, messing with Kelly B mentally might even force her to quit the game. And screw your leg. Keep it away from the fire.”

That was an interesting quote to insert in the episode that precedes a break-down by Nay as seen in the upcoming previews. Does Na’Onka quit instead of Kelly B? That would be the ultimate, laugh in your face, revenge.

Night 10

The tribe was having another difficult night. Jill, Marty and Tyrone were trying to keep morale up which led to Marty’s suggestion that Tyrone should be the leader, their voice during the challenge. All agreed except Tarantino.

Jimmy: “Marty’s definitely not a big Jimmy T fan. It must stem from insecurities because I’m an easy going guy. He wants to be in ultimate control and nobody says anything. Every time I try to give some input, he tries to mildly, humbly shoot it down.”

Should we put weight to this coming from Jimmy? It certainly doesn’t paint a nice picture of Marty’s leadership abilities which, continuing from our previous episode’s theme of “Taking Charge is a Huge Mistake”, puts him in danger. What we do see clearly is that Tyrone isn’t the only one seeing Marty as being in charge. The whole group probably does. That is even worse for Marty.

Tree Mail told Espada that the next challenge would be done blindfolded. They chose Tyrone as their caller and, after Jill suggested and Jimmy repeated the suggestion, the tribe practiced.

Tyrone: “We ought to get the W and the other tribe isn’t a factor to me. I’m confident that, if we give 110% of our best effort which is discipline and listening, I think we’ll do better because we are more disciplined and we’re older.”

Marty: “I nominated Tyrone last night as the leader for the challenge and, by the way, I knew it would rile Jimmy T. He’s like a three year old. JT is delusional. He suffers from both paranoia and delusions of grandeur.”

The Challenge

We had a general view of LaFlor reacting with surprise at Jimmy Johnson’s elimination.

After a short huddle, Ben told Jeff that LaFlor would be using the MoP.
Dan sat out for the older tribe while the two Kellys sat out for LaFlor.
Brenda was the chosen caller. That meant she’d have to go up against the determined Tyrone.
(BTW, her use of calling out groups 1, 2 and 3 was much smarter than calling out names. Why hasn’t it been done like that before?!)
Jeff’s comment told us what we needed to know:
- “Brenda is very calm as she calls out the younger tribe.”
- “Marty takes a fall”


- “Jimmy T and Holly have been wandering around for a long time with no items.”

That last one got one of the funniest lines of the evening when Tyrone muttered: “Damn that boy don’t listen.”
(Brenda enjoyed it as much as I did!)

With Sash and Chase bringing back the chest, Jeff said: “The older tribe in complete disarray.”

Day 11

The ants were all over a large beetle, the image telling us that a big character was about to get the axe.

Dan said the challenge was tough, that the MoP was the difference.
Tyrone used that to lift the tribe’s spirit, saying the young tribe needed the advantage to beat them.
Jimmy once more demanded playing time.

Tyrone: “Jimmy T, he’s digging his own hole. Every time we have a challenge, he’s very negative afterwards.”


The tribe rejoiced over their reward, Ben held up the tarp saying: “The thing we wanted the most”.
Fabio added: “Purple Kelly can sleep now.”
It was nice to have some news on those people but then Chase had to open the fishing box and we were back to game talk:
Chase: “As soon as I opened the fishing box, I saw a rolled up piece of paper and I knew it was a clue. As soon as I saw that, I shut it. Everyone went over and looked at the tarp…I grabbed the note, folded it up and put it in my pocket. Brenda is a very close ally of mine. I probably trust her more than anyone out here”
<Just then, a spider devoured a small insect caught in its web...

Poor Chase!>

Chase took Brenda out for a walk in the jungle, telling her he had the clue in his pocket, adding that he trusted her and “If we get this idol, we’re gold.”
(I know it isn’t part of editing analysis but it cracked me up to see Chase walking through the jungle with a fishing net!)

Brenda: “Chase found the third clue. He figured out where it should be if it was there. I felt so bad because he is my buddy.”

She told Chase: “I have to tell you something.”
Chase, like many guys in love, didn’t realize that, when a girl says I have to tell you something, it’s going to be bad news! So he went on about it being 8 yards that way or 8 yards west…
Brenda had to tell again that he had to listen to her. She revealed the secret that Nay had the idol.

Chase: “You cannot trust anyone in this game but sometimes you have to. Na’Onka and I don’t have a great trust but we do have Brenda between us so, as long as Nay isn’t coming after me then that’s fine.”

Chase wanted to know if he should tell Nay what he knew which worried Brenda: “If I betray her, we are all screwed up”

Brenda: “If word gets out that I told Chase, Nay won’t trust me anymore because I betrayed her trust which is big because she is the one with the idol.”

Finally, Brenda received some distancing from Nay: We are told that she is with Nay mostly because Nay has the idol and Brenda can become one of Nay’s targets. Is it enough distancing though?

Day 11
: “We’re digging around for sea urchins. We’re really hurting for food and this it about it. You get this tiny little blob of salty protein but it’s really good and they add a bit of flavor. We are down to sea urchins.”
Marty was shown eating one while others looked on.
Jimmy T realized that Marty wasn’t “contributing to the company part.”

Marty: “I just had 2 or 3 tiny ones.”
JT: “2 or 3 over here, 2 or 3 over there…What about the rest of the team? Come on man, be a team player.”

Marty: “He tried to call me out as non-team player because I ate a couple of sea urchins and I didn’t contribute sea urchins to his net. He just doesn’t get this game. You do that and that’s the perfect way to insure your destiny in this game. JT trying to tell me I’m not a team player and calling me out in front of the whole tribe? That is the equivalent of putting a gun to your mouth, pulling the trigger and blowing your brains out as far as I’m concerned.”

Jane told Holly: “I’m writing Dan’s name down… I’m going to hate losing Danny because I love his one liners...That’s what Coach put down and I think Coach was sending a message to us, to vote the next weakest link out.”

Jill was also telling Marty they needed to vote out Dan because he sat out again.
Marty wanted to keep him because he was their swing vote. He asked her if she was voting Jimmy T and she answered “whatever you say” again.

Marty: “The main thing is that Danny does not go home. I tried to drill that into Jill and I think she gets it. Do I wish Danny was stronger and better? Yeah, it would be great but, after tonight, people will understand that it doesn’t matter what they want to say whether Danny is weak and why I am protecting him. It’ll be numbers and numbers speak for themselves. The numbers will dictate the outcome of the next three tribals and I know I can count on him.”

Put this confessional in light of the upcoming preview and you realize that Marty sounds a lot like Silas here. Tribe unity is meaningless, his numbers are all that matter? It doesn’t work that way.

Marty: “Jimmy T drives us all crazy. He drives everybody crazy...If I don’t have to listen to him at anymore tribal councils, it will be a blessing.”

What about listening to him in Loser lodge? Oh! The irony if Marty was to join Jimmy T soon!

Jill and Tyrone talked and the big guy wanted to eliminate Dan because “he has a hard time walking.”

Jill: “I’d like Dan to go because I’ve always been for a strong team but he’s intrinsic to my alliance so I’m not sure I can do that. I love Dan but he sits every game so, you know, what are you going to do?”

Jill told Marty she didn’t think she could swing Tyrone and make him vote JT.
Marty talked to Tyrone. He called Jimmy T a cancer, a train wreck.
Jimmy was still demanding one shot at a challenge to Holly and Yve.

Yve: “You know, sometimes silence is more powerful than speaking and it’s a social game too. JT appears, verbally, to be secure but he’s insecure. When someone of that stature and that accomplishment doesn’t trust he is enough, I can’t trust that he’s going to be enough down the road. I’m a mother and I don’t coddle my kids that much.”

This time, by showing that Yve’s opinion was different to Jane, Holly and Tyrone’s, the editors were telling us that the decision wasn’t as clear cut as the last one. Jimmy T isn’t Jimmy J after all so he doesn’t get the same tribute.

Before leaving for TC, Jimmy T had the last interview: “You never know in this game. I’m scared that it might be me…”

Tribal Council
Asked about the challenge, Tyrone said: “We went with our plan and it worked out well but I think the MoP…”
He couldn’t continue because neither Jimmy T nor Jeff believed him.
Still, Marty agreed that the MoP was the difference.
Jeff made it clear that it wasn’t close. He also pointed out that Dan sat out, yet again.
<Holly reacted to that>
Dan: “…Put me on a level ground and I’ll go up against anybody. Why would I want to do something I know I’m not good at and possibly hurt the tribe?”
Jill said Danny’s condition factored in the vote, adding: “I’m tired of losing.”
Jimmy T said they had to mix it up. “Everybody knows I wanted one opportunity to lead our tribe in an immunity challenge.”
Asked if he was open to giving Jimmy T a shot, Marty answered: “Not necessarily, no. As a tribe, we felt that Tyrone should be the guy calling the shots. I don’t think it’s always necessarily some incredible leadership quality. We had Jimmy Johnson; it doesn’t get any better than that as far as leadership. You got a stressful situation here. There is zero tolerance for paranoia, delusions of grandeur and popping off. Everyone right now is trying to be as patient as possible but it’s been stretched to the limit.”
Jimmy said: “Jeff, I’m offering, they don’t want to accept. It’s fine but what type of success this tribe is having right now?”
Holly interjected: “All he is asking for is a chance. Let him try. How do you know that the 6th person on the bench doesn’t have the ability of the 1st person if you don’t give him a chance? That’s the way I look at it.”
Tyrone said Jimmy T would have value to the tribe if he changed. He added: “He has value now as it is even though he isn’t a follower. He would have more value if he was able to be a follower.”
Jimmy T said he was man enough to take that role and take good advice.
Tyrone appreciated that but Jeff realized it was hard for Jimmy to say that.
The fisherman got emotional, asking for a minute to regroup.
Tyrone extended an olive branch.
Jimmy said he was a man of honor and would be a good worker bee.

The tribe’s vote showed that Marty’s alliance didn’t give him a second chance.
What I found the most telling was to see Jane’s reaction when Jeff said Jimmy was eliminated...

...The editors had to blur her mouth because she obviously let out an expletive. She had voted against Dan along with Holly and wasn’t pleased by the results.
Marty was pleased; the camera showed his smug smile as Jimmy walked through the graveyard.

The Story

In Espada, we have the Marty show. Everyone is revolving around him but there are strong indications that he will not succeed. No one was really in agreement with his decision; some even showed their disapproval with their votes.

I also noted that the images of misery, of suffering through the bad weather, were all from Espada. In comparison, LaFlor was “only a little wet.” Often, the people complaining about the conditions aren’t to be seen as worthy Survivors.

In LaFlor, the volcano is still spewing some smoke but their winning streak means that the seismic activity has diminished. It’s notable that Purple Kelly and Ben still haven’t received a single interview while Sash hasn’t made much of an impact. If we compare with Galu where the reason for hiding Kelly and Brett was because we weren’t supposed to like Laura’s alliance, then we have to wonder what the editors want us to think of LaFlor’s alliance and its members.

LaFlor doesn’t have the leadership problems seen in Espada. This is a tribe shown to work well together as we saw when Chase and Ben alternated without any grumblings or distractions in the previous challenge and how they naturally followed Brenda’s directions during the latter one. This is a tribe made up of individual stories. The primary story has been the individual reactions to Kelly B’s handicap and the secondary story has been Brenda’s experience. Note that the two stories only intersected when Nay told Brenda how she felt about Kelly.

The Characters

The Tourists:

Purple Kelly: All we learned was that Kelly will finally be able to sleep. I was hoping she would wake up! It’s becoming obvious that her lack of airtime is tied with the way she will be voted out. We are being told not to attach ourselves to this character.

Sash: We don’t even get to see his “million dollar smile” so he too will probably be a casualty of the game.

Ben: The only interesting part of his edit is that he’s the one telling Jeff what the tribe will do before challenges. He appears to be the reason why LaFlor is a well-oiled machine but he gets no credit for it.

Dan: Showing him on the bench while his tribe went into complete disarray told us that Dan is really only enjoying the sights, not really participating in the game. Even if he was called an intrinsic part of the alliance, the viewers know better and realize he is only intrinsic in demonstrating the errors in Marty’s decisions.

Jud: He is losing his story so one has to wonder if he was really only used as comic relief earlier on. The switch should let us see if his plan to appear unthreatening works. He still has time to have a breakthrough episode so we will keep an eye on him.

Yve: We only hear what she thinks of the other participant so her own role in the game isn’t important. After being on Jimmy J’s side last week, we didn’t hear anything from her about that this week and she was the only one shown to agree with Marty’s decision. That is either to show us she is able to adapt or that her story has no continuity. For now, I think it’s the latter.

The Good Guys

Kelly B: I think that the audience wanted to see a reaction from Kelly B as much as Na’Onka wanted to provoke one but we didn’t get it. Alina has been more vocal than the one that is the focus of Nay’s wrath. There is a serious lack of substance in Kelly’s story.

Tyrone: He was the one to tell us that the older tribe felt confident about the challenge. He was the one that wasn’t supposed to switch to Marty’s side. He was also the one that offered an olive branch to Jimmy T but, in the end, he still voted Jimmy T out. The episode showed that Tyrone can be manipulated and can be arrogant himself. Not a good presentation for someone who had a nice story going up to now.

Holly: So, Holly did survive the first big storm of the season but it really wasn’t part of the story. I was expecting something from her saying how happy she was to have proven she could do it but it wasn’t brought up at all. She’s not even used as a boot possibility when you know they have the ability to throw in someone’s comment that Holly’s an option. It’s starting to look like the reward Holly will receive for persevering will be to come out of this with more confidence in herself, not with the title of Sole Survivor. Still, we can’t forget that Jimmy J’s last words, “win the million” were addressed to her.

Jill: She continued to tell us about the events of Espada but we didn’t get the same hints that she could be the one manipulating Marty instead of the other way around. In fact, we heard two troubling things for her future chances: She told Marty she didn’t know if she could do this for 28 more days and she meekly gave in the Marty’s decision even if she had Tyrone’s backing. Her presentation this week didn’t do anything to advance her story, instead it put her back to her episode #1 edit where she couldn’t make a decision.

Chase: Finding the idol clue was the only reason to show him so that’s what makes me think he is part of Brenda’s story not the other way around. We still see him as the nice guy that probably puts too much trust in Brenda even if he is aware of the dangers of trusting anyone. Now, he hopes Nay won’t come after him?? I do believe the spider imagery will apply to Chase: Like that insect he will be eaten alive.

Jane: She still gets a very favorable, albeit light, edit. We see that this woman can survive out there, laughing even when the whole tribe is miserable. That could be part of the winner’s story. She’s also the conscience of the audience, reminding us how Jimmy J was valuable, how their tribe needs someone to step up and we saw what she thought of Marty’s decisions. If Jane isn’t the winner, I suggest she’ll be the last Espada standing.

The Main Characters include 2 Villains and 2 audience Friendly Players:

Na’Onka: She has the idol and she decided to play mind-games with Kelly, hoping to scare her into quitting. That’s what we get in this post-Russell era. But, as noted above, does Na’Onka quit herself? The laughs from the viewers would be loud, the story complete, if Jeff were to ask the boat to come and get her. Even if she doesn’t quit, such a big antagonist will have trouble finding a niche in a new tribe.

Marty: I am struck by the parallels between Marty and Jimmy T. Both wanted Jimmy J voted out, both wanted to be the leader of their tribe and both were said to suffer from insecurities; Jimmy from Yve, Marty from Jimmy T himself. Now, Jimmy was loud while Marty has been acting quietly but I wonder if what we heard for one could apply to the other also. Marty’s own confessional about JT (“Jimmy T is delusional. He suffers from both paranoia and delusions of grandeur”) could certainly be repeated word for word about Marty himself. The image of Marty eating when the others were just standing there wasn’t flattering at all for him. If Jimmy T didn’t realize that calling Marty out wasn’t good in this game, Marty should have realized that eating while others were “really hurting for food” wasn’t good for his game either.
I am expecting Marty to “take a fall” just like Jeff said during the challenge!

Alina: I am really fascinated by Alina’s story. In what really should be a Na’Onka versus Kelly B story, Alina is getting all the best interviews. She’s become Kelly’s defender, the one telling us that Na’Onka is psycho. Add the fact that we were told Alina was the dangerous one and we have many of the ingredients for a winner’s story. The only thing missing is Alina’s long term plans. All we hear from her is the here and now but maybe her long term plans will come out after we have a resolution in the Nay/Kelly war. For sure, I am expecting Alina to wind up on Marty’s tribe after the switch. Now, will she return to her initial intentions and want to vote him out or will she change her opinion of Marty just like she has done with Kelly B.? If Marty’s leadership had been shown to be more enlightened, I’d say there was a possibility for the two coming to an understanding but Marty is exactly like Alina told us he was so I believe she will be part of his downfall.

Brenda: Not only do we see people coming to her for important plays in the game but she has their trusts. As Jeff noted during the challenge, Brenda kept her calm which is how a clinical player operates. She is part of an alliance that contains quite a few neglected players (Kelly, Sash and even Ben) and she is still closely connected to Na’Onka so one can’t be too confident about her future until those situations are resolved. A first step was taken when we heard that Nay wanted to keep the idol for herself and not share it with Brenda and later when Brenda told Chase she was worried about Na’Onka’s reaction about her secret being out. From a game perspective, that put them in a bit of a conflict, something her story really needs.

ETA some revealing pictures.

Thanks Tribe!


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-10, 07:05 PM (EST)
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93. "More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pelican?"
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-10 AT 07:12 PM (EST)

Looking again at the episode, something stood out: The Pelican and how it was closely associated with Holly.

The first image after the storm:

The beach is destroyed but the pelican is still there, just like Holly who is observing it:

Later, Jimmy tells Holly to watch the pelican and that they need to be like the pelican:

They have to observe and wait for the right time to strike in order to get what they want. Holly observes as the pelican catches a fish:

However, Jimmy T didn't follow his own advice: He failed to catch a fish because he was too impatient to throw the net on his own.

Later we see that, compared to Espada's lone pelican, LaFlor is a tribe a pelicans:

But a new one arrives on their beach:

Will Holly thrive once she gets on a tribe with some of the younger people?

For now, Holly is still patiently waiting for the right time, observing others as they strategize. First with Jane who wants to vote out Dan:

and later when Jimmy T says he just wants one chance:

So, for now Holly's story is to recover from the initial storm, her personal breakdown, get back to business, obseve what others are doing and wait patiently for the proper time to strike, probably when she meets with some other pelicans on LaFlor. Will the title of Sole Survivor be her catch? Jimmy Johnson told her to do it! I was worried that Holly's story of surviving the storm hadn't been told but, seeing that a pelican could have been used to tell it, then I am doubly interested in Holly's future.


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-11-10, 09:40 AM (EST)
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95. "RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pelican?"
Very interesting michel and well done. I liked your pelican-Holly comparison and I do think she's an observer. Hopefully she's got her mental state in check.

I'm not remembering many conversations with Jill-Jane-Holly and you'd thing there would be some kind of relationship unless I've missed it. who me?

dunno, just random thoughts here


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-11-10, 09:42 AM (EST)
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96. "RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pelican?"
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-10 AT 03:51 PM (EST)

I think that when they showed Jimmy T (who claimed to be a Gloucester fisherman whose pet peeve is a low tolerance for incompetence) being inept at handling a throw net, that was a pretty succinct (if snide) editorial statement.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-12-10, 00:19 AM (EST)
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98. "RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pelican?"
It's an interesting idea, and symbolism intrigues me. There is a difficulty with using a bird as symbol that was actually present in footage (as opposed to a beauty shot). The bird has to represent something definite, and at the same time, something has to relate meaningfully to a contestant's path and fate in the game.

The idea of waiting for the right opportunity to strike or make a move is applicable to anyone playing the game of Survivor as a good strategy.

However, I don't think Jimmy T was talking about emulating the pelican's patience. What he was saying was instead of bait fishing like the tribe had been doing, they need to emulate the pelican as a fisher. It uses its giant bill and pouch as a physical obstacle that is positioned in the current such that the fish come to it and are taken. That is the equivalent to net fishing instead of hook baiting. Jimmy T was right; he simply couldn't implement well, and he didn't get any help.

I thought that scene was mostly about Jimmy T. The scene was also about the struggle of Espada to find subsistence. Hollys figure wandering the beach was quite striking and served to help narrate the tribe's dilemma.

Of course it is generally good to get face time in these camp life scenes, when one isn't strictly needed to be shown. That is, it's good if you're not the next boot, good that they're developing your character.

Could Holly's story in the game ultimately be compared to a pelican? I don't know what her strategy will be, but quite possibly, as the symbol can be interpreted widely.

The pelican has a great deal of symbolism associated with it. It was considered a symbol for the Passion of Christ, of self-sacrifice, of feeding its young with its own blood. Because of the way its beak rests on its breast, in Medieval times it was represented as piercing its breast. The food scraps it stored for its young would dribble out on its white feathers, and the myth grew up that the bird pierced its own breast to draw blood for its young to nurse on.

Shakespeare famously turned this idea on its head in King Lear, and many an essay has been written on those "pelican daughters." I doubt that Jimmy T knows much about the symbolism, unless he's Catholic.

Holly could behave like a Pelican by sacrificing herself for a young La Flor whom she adopted. But the problem persists, that this requires the real game to take on the pattern called for by a symbol that is really present.

If this were a novel or short story, the pelican appearing WOULD have significance in juxtaposition to a character, or else it would be poor writing. But this is Reality TV, so the editors have to work with what they have. In this case, Jimmy T helped them out by pointing out something in nature that the survivors could emulate. This told the story of the episode nicely.

To ask the pelican to tell the story of the young La Flors and Holly is a lot to ask of it, but who knows, maybe it will work out that way.


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-13-10, 11:08 AM (EST)
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102. "RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pelican?"
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-10 AT 11:27 AM (EST)

I agree, the pelican symbology is intriguing. And they certainly put it front and center. Ultimately though, I can't see it as much more than interesting filler, which to be honest, I think most of the bird/animal/insect footage is anyway, even though it is great food for thought.


"A funny old bird is a Pelican.
It's beak can hold more than it's Belly-can.
Food for a week
It can hold in it’s beak,
But I don't know how the Hell-he-can."

(Don’t remember the author, maybe Anon.)

A metaphor for Holly, somehow? She can talk a better game than she can stomach? (That would be more of a NaOnka or a Jimmy T metaphor, really).


Krautboy 2750 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

10-13-10, 06:57 PM (EST)
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104. "RE: More Thoughts: Is Holly the Pelican?"
Often misattributed to Ogden Nash... but actually authored by Dixon Lanier Merritt.



Toban 110 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-13-10, 05:45 PM (EST)
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103. "RE: Week 4 - Editing Thoughts:"
...just a brief comment since the show is on in a few hours. I wouldn't write off Ben or Sash just because they have had few (or in the case of Ben, no) confessionals. The editing of these first few episodes may have more to do with the fact that on LaFlor, we have one extremely large personality in Nay and one extremely sympathetic character in Kelly B. The editors need to show the stories of these two as they are likely the most interesting to the viewing audience. More conventional characters may be left to flesh out later.

If I recall correctly, Nathalie, in particular, was almost ignored for the first few episodes of Samoa and that, I suspect, was because we had, at the beginning in Samoa both Russell and Ben who were both really obnoxious and overbearing characters who took up a lot of screen time.

And Ben has had a lot of positive face time. I give him a far better shot of being an important player than say, Purple Kelly or Dan.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-14-10, 04:53 AM (EST)
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105. "RE: Week 5 - Editing Thoughts:"
and just like that, Benry became the narrator for NuEspada! Hello, Benry, and hello very tough player Alina.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to like Brenda. She seemed to represent the La Flor non-welcoming committee, but I didn't care for her "chill" comment. She comes off as conceited to me, but maybe if I were a guy I wouldn't care.

I thought Jud got the most interesting reactions to the swap. He certainly has the clueless act down. Although he didn't say it in so many words, he was clearly happy that Nay-nay went away, and I feel we were happy for him.

Which brings me to noticing that I didn't hear anything from Kelly B about Nay going away, about losing Alina, about the idol ... she just vanished. Meanwhile her ally Alina was very much heard from as to how she'll adapt to the new game. I don't think that can be good.

We didn't hear from Sash, Jill, Kelly B, or Kelly Purple about their new dynamic, did we?
Or Yve, Dan, Chase.

It's odd how invisible Sash is. I almost forget he's on the show. I'm sure he has more substance to him than Kelly Purple, but both are being ignored.


Corvis 3130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-11-10, 01:46 AM (EST)
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94. "Episodes 1-4"
I am putting this here rather than starting a confessional analysis thread because a) I did more than just look at confessionals anyway and 2) this is no spoiler zone so it's safe.

I realize some of this is a repeat of what others may have said as I'm four eps behind in some of my comments. And I didn't read everything that's been written in this thread anyway nor do I remember who said what, so if you wrote the same thing up above, all kudos to you and I'm just a lowly repeater.

There were some things that really jumped out on a rewatching of all four episodes and one individual who really struck me as you'll see below. But first, the traditional "Confessional Analysis." "D" confessionals are ones about tribal dynamics; "T" confessionals are ones about storytelling. People with lots of Ts are usually safer than people with lots of Ds, but this isn't an exact science of course. If you want past history of this sort of thing, you can go here.

Younger Tribe

Naonka - 1T/1D, 1T/5D, 3T/4D, 2T/2D = 7T/12D
Alina - 2T/2D, 3D, 1D, 2D = 2T/8D
KellyB - 3T, 0, 2T, 1D = 5T/1D
Fabio - 3T, 2D, 1T, 0 = 4T/2D
Chase - 1T/1D, 2D, 0, 2T = 3T/3D
Brenda - 1T/1D, 1D, 1D, 1T/1D =2T/4D
Sash - 1T, 1T/1D, 0, 0 = 2T/1D
KellyP - 0, 0, 0, 0 - 0
Benry - 0, 0, 0, 0 - 0

Shannon - 1T/3D, 1T/3D = 2T/6D

Older Tribe

Marty - 2T/1D, 2T/2D, 4T/3D, 5D = 8T/11D
Jill - 0, 3T/1D, 3T/1D, 2T, 1D = 8T/3D
Holly - 2D, 4T/2D, 0, 0 = 4T/4D
Tyrone - 0, 1D, 1T/2D, 1T/1D = 2T/4D
Jane - 1T, 0, 1D, 2T = 3T/1D
Yve - 0, 0, 1T/1D, 1T = 2T/1D
Dan - 0, 1T/1D, 2D, 1T = 2T/3D

JimmyT - 2T/1D, 1T/2D, 1T/1D, 2D = 4T/6D
JimmyJ - 6T/1D, 3T, 1D = 9T/2D
Wendy - 2D = 2D

So some general observations...

While Naonka and Alina are the obvious ones to be in danger not only from what we know of tribal dynamics, but also from a lot of D confessionals, I'm more interested in Brenda's confessional count. The woman who most people watching the show would think is in a great position has more Ds than Ts. We know a switch is coming next week - I wonder if she gets screwed by it? Of course, Naonka leaving next would be no surprise at all either.

I cannot think of another season where two of the Survivors did not get a confessional for the first four episodes. There have been individuals who went even longer without a confessionals, but two people? On the same tribe? What the heck is up with Benry and Kelly Purple? I did find one editing thing about Kelly Purple that I thought was interesting. In the first episode, they showed shots of a number of Survivors while Jeff was talking about One Survivor - Wendy, Yve, Naonka, Tyrone, Chase, Kelly Purple. The only difference between Kelly and the rest of them? She is looking directly at the camera and is partially obscured by a branch. Is she the under the radar winner? Who knows, but I thought it was interesting.

I like Fabio to last a while, but I don't know about Chase or Sash. Sash narrated a very little bit in the first two eps and worked on creating a minority alliance with Naonka and Brenda. It'll be interesting to see if he ends up on Tyrone's tribe and tries to pull him into it. Kelly B will be featured a lot no matter when she goes out, so it's hard to say what's up with her.

Over at the old folks camp, we have Marty, Marty, Marty. He has the most Ds, but he also has the most Ts. I think he'll be in danger, but he's too much of a storyteller to be gone yet. He may be using that immunity necklace sooner than he wanted though. Dan has more Ds than Ts so I could see him going soon. Tyrone may also be in danger with his more Ds than Ts. His storyline seems to be about winning team challenges. He talks about not going easy on Kelly B in episode 1. In later episodes, he's all about playing hard and winning challenges. I don't think he has long term potential. Jill, on the other hand, does appear to have long term potential based on confessionals. But she had a shocking comment in episode 4 - "I don't think I have 28 days in me." It was a throwaway comment when discussing with Marty whether to vote Jimmy T or Dan, but why include it if it doesn't come into play later? I can't imagine Jill quitting the game as she seems very tough and smart, but she also strikes me as extremely logical and she could just decide she doesn't need the money that badly. It would still be a total shock if she were to actually give up. But why put it in there if it's nothing?

Okay, so moving on from traditional confessional analysis (although I supposed I already veered off course up there a little bit anyway), I found a few people saying things that really show where their story may be heading.

For instance, in episode 1, Jane has a wonderful confessional about how she's not a middle aged housewife and how she can do anything. Then she ups the stakes by talking about her deceased husband and how his spirit is with her and how that's what keeps her going. We haven't heard anything about that since episode 1, but you don't throw that out there if it's not going to come into play at some point. Jane has long term potential.

Also, in episode 1, Marty says "Be sure you don't lead in a way that gets you into trouble." He's referring to Jimmy Johnson and foreshadowing JimmyT, but he could also be referring to himself. We know from the first few moments of the episode that Alina believes his kind of leadership is going to get him kicked off right away. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Alina and Marty on the same tribe after the switch. One of them will probably lose that fight. My money is on Alina, but it could be Marty and that would certainly fulfill his storyline.

In episode 2, Holly has a key confessional that really sets up her storyline. She talks about how her meltdown with either hurt her or carry her through. Now, I thought it would kill her chances last episode, but I was wrong. Since it's not hurting her, shouldn't we assume it will carry her through? I am beginning to think Holly may be around for a while.

Fabio gives us his key confessional in episode 3. He says his strategy is to be out in the open, but deeper than "Ha ha, keep him around because he's funny." He wants to be kept around for his vitality and spirit. So far, so good, Fabio.

Chase sums up his game in a short statement: "You can't trust anyone, but you have to." He's going to get betrayed by someone he trusts. Probably Brenda.

Yve is an intriguing character so far. She has had some really interesting statements and confessionals. At the first meet up with Probst, she says "You can tell a lot by the way people are watching others." That's a really meta thing to say. She's not analyzing people by their own actions, she's judging them by how they're judging others. Later she has a comment which reinforces her position as a wise elder. When the younger tribe are forever discussing whether to take the medallion of stupid-ness, she says "Decide, children." Finally when the "children" decide to give away the medallion of deus ex machina, she says as she takes it from Marty, "It's gold. Don't winners carry gold?" And then in episode 4, just like Fabio, Jane, and Holly, Yve has a confessional which tells us a lot about her. "Sometimes silence is more powerful than speaking. It's a social game." She then goes on to analyze JimmyT's insecurity which is right on the money. Silence is her game, followed up by strong analysis of the other players. I really think Yve could win this whole thing.

People I could see going soon:

Brenda, Naonka, Alina, Tyrone, Dan and I guess Marty (but I don't really think so).

People I could see winning the whole thing:

Yve, Jane, Marty, KellyP, Fabio, maybe Holly, maybe Sash, if we see more of him in the next episode or so. If I had to pick one it'd be YVE.

I don't know that I'll do this after every episode, but maybe I'll check in after four more episodes.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-11-10, 01:11 PM (EST)
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97. "RE: Episodes 1-4"
Interesting as always Corvis. I used to read your blog and I like your analysis. However, survivor editing changes from season the season depending on the theme. For example, Todd practically only had Ds. Marty and Brenda, even if she is less visible and could regret giving the idol to Nay, follow that pattern. And how would you classify Russell's confessionals which were a mix of both dynamics and of telling his own grand story?

Stephen Fishbach, who also shows interest in the editing of the show on his blog, wrote that the editors told him they've gone for more short term story arcs since Gabon. So, how can we apply traditional editing analysis?

That being said, pointing out Yve's potential is interesting. I feel she has told us about others so that we know very little about her, too little I think but what do I know?
She did tell us she was a mother so maybe she can help the children decide? I'll keep an eye on her when she gets to mingle with them.

I still don't see the story of the season well enough to pinpoint a winner but, if you read my posts above, you'd probably figure I am looking more seriously at Brenda, Alina, Jill and Jane. I still could see Chase and Jud emerging while Marty is burning out too fast. However, if I was to put my money on an editing longshot, it would be on Holly and her Pelican. Of course, she could simply be on a journey to prove herself, more Yau Man than Earl. We'll see.

BTW, it would be quite hilarious to associate a winner that almost quit with a pelican when we remember how the most notorious quitter, Osten, feared Pelican Pete!!


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-12-10, 10:41 AM (EST)
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100. "RE: Episodes 1-4"
Great to have you back on this, Corvis! Like the idea of Yve doing well with a quiet game though that sort of thing has to drive the producers/editors bonkers trying to drive the season's stories. Ben, as has been noted, has been doing well in the challenges, so it is possible he is laying low, not tooting his own horn right now, to avoid being a pre-merge target. If he can make an impressive run in individual challenges he may be able to let the schemers wear each other out while playing a more subtle game.

VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-13-10, 08:59 AM (EST)
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101. "RE: Episodes 1-4"
Corvis, I am so thrilled that you put your own analytical spin in here and while I confess to being unsophisticated in this area, I find it fascinating how you break this portion of the show down and truly am impressed by the content.

I hope I don't have to wait that many episodes before seeing your thought process on this Your assessment ties in nicely to my thought process on the editing. I believe that some are integral to the "meat" of the season, i.e. their stories and surrounding events are quite possibly integral to what eventually happens at season end (Marty and Brenda to name two examples) while others have a nice slow pacing but questionable manipulation has me believe they possibly could reach end game (Jud, Jane)

I would have liked to have reviewed this episode but circumstances prevented this so it was very enjoyable for me to read others.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-16-10, 03:56 PM (EST)
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106. "Episode #5: Edioting Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 10-16-10 AT 04:04 PM (EST)

ETA: Sometimes I love typos: Time will tell if these are Editing Thoughts or Idiotic Thoughts!!

During the recap, Jeff told us a slightly different story than the one we had seen:
The Older tribe had lost 2 of 3 challenges and struggled at camp…
<Jill seen, telling us of that food was in short supply>
…but none of this fazed Marty who was practically giddy about being the tribe’s undisputed Svengali.
<Marty: Those who want to be with me, jump on board but do not mess around with me because I am playing this game for real”>
At the Younger tribe, Brenda was the mastermind…
…and her ally Na’Onka was the camp bully.
Na’Onka’s main target was Kelly B, the tribe mate with an artificial leg.
She knocked her down and yelled at her.
<Alina’s interview, calling Nay psycho was replayed>

When the older tribe lost yet another challenge, Jimmy T nominated himself to be leader. He wanted to get rid of Dan. Holly and Jane agreed.
We then see an new interview by Jane: “I think that the person who might be in danger would be Danny.”
But Jimmy’s politicking challenged Marty’s ego.
<Marty once more shown eating alone>
At Tribal Council, Marty lobbied hard against Jimmy T and it worked.
Now, Holly and Jane are in deep trouble.

The recap told us that Marty should be considered evil. Saying that Jimmy nominated himself as leader, a complete distortion of events, could have been a way to soften Marty’s image but he was called a Svengali, we heard that his ego was challenged and we saw him once again eating alone after Jill had told us of the dire food situation. We don’t get the same spin we used to have with Russell: As powerful as he is, Marty isn’t to be considered a great player.

Brenda didn’t fare much better, being closely associated with psycho Nay.

The ones that came out of this recap looking even better than before were Holly and Jane. Their vote for Dan had been seen as personal choices on their part but now it was part of Jimmy’s politicking, putting them directly in Marty’s sights, thus setting them up as underdogs.

I would have titled this episode:

Something Completely Whacked Out!

Night 11

Holly: “I had no idea that Jimmy T was going tonight at Tribal Council. I was shocked. Most of the people I talked to, said they would vote for the weakest link. Let’s face it: Physically, Jimmy T could do handstands over Danny and they say they want to keep the tribe strong? It does upset me. I’m on the outs and I know something’s got to change.”

Now, not only is this bad for Marty’s edit because we have someone presenting a solid case against his decision but we also see that Marty didn’t even bother keeping players in the loop and that is dumb.
Although it doesn’t say much of Holly’s observational skills, it does reinforce her as a player, someone who wants to make things change in her favor.

Day 12

Marty: “Tribal council last night was a slam dunk… So, you can’t get cocky in this game but, I’m in control finally. I’m in control of this tribe. If you can see two tribals ahead in this game, that’s pretty good and, if you can see them with the level of certainty that I have; even better.”

He told Danny they were safe for the next few councils since Holly and Jane would be voted out. They agreed Holly and Jane signed their death certificates by voting against Dan.
Marty’s words were then shown on screen for emphasis: “That shows you how few people came into this game and know how to play this game, that are not thinking strategically. It’ll be Holly next.”

Marty: “Holly and Jane, they will have to go. It would take something extraordinary, off the charts, completely whacked out to disturb my plans.”

Just then, Marty sat down with his back facing us, the perfect target for a knife!

It made me think that Marty will be blindsided before the next two or three Tribal Councils. Wouldn’t it be perfect if the two characters Marty called out would make it in the finals?!


Na’Onka: “I’m so proud to be on my young tribe. We the bomb! My solid five right now are myself, Purple Kelly, Brenda, Chase and Sash. We are controlling this entire game right now. Kelly B and Alina are about to get voted out. I have it all planned in my head. I already see the win. We have the tarp, I have the hidden immunity idol and I got my hair done, got my shoes cleaned, I got my swag! If I look good, I feel good and I’m gonna do good.”

This interview shows that much of Na’Onka’s bravado comes from her insecurities.

The Challenge…and the Twist!

Na’Onka was the one shown reacting to the news of Jimmy T’s elimination while Brenda was heard laughing at Marty who looked “rough”.

When Jeff said “drop your buffs, the first words heard came from Purple Kelly: “I’m gonna cry right now.” Then Yve was heard saying: “Damn”.

Of all the shocked faces, Jeff turned first to Marty who said: “I was definitely not counting on this. Not now: too early.”
Jeff noted Jud’s shock:

“Man! We were on such a roll and we just wanted to keep on winning. It’s back up in the air.”

Holly and Brenda picked the captain’s rocks.
Brenda, excited to be a captain, decided she wanted Jane, Jill and Marty to come to LaFlor.
Holly picked Alina, Benry, Chase and Na’Onka.

Giving back the expired MoP, Yve still looked shocked as she exchanged glances with Marty, now standing on the opposite mat.

Na’Onka said it would be hard being away from her “family” while Marty was happy to be on the winning side and in the plush camp. Yve still looked over at him, the camera suggesting she felt abandoned.

Jeff noted twice that Jill and Jud were playing well together, something to keep in mind if we ever see them talking strategy.
Jeff said: “You can’t ask for better than this: New tribes and it’s going all the way.”
After Marty had a “nice save” he dropped the ball for LaFlor so Espada won the chicken.

Tyrone: “Today, we got new people in the tribe. If I had my way, I would have loved to stay with the old tribe because we had a good little machine going but, another dynamic is that we have pretty girls running around and there may be some flirtation going on.”

Tyrone started telling everyone about Espada’s “system”.
The youngsters weren’t impressed.
Alina: “Tyrone is definitely the leader of this tribe. He started telling us we have to do this and we have to do that. It is very “Older Tribe.”

Na’Onka: “In LaFlor, we didn’t have any rules and now Tyrone is trying to tell everybody what to do. Don’t think you are a gangster ‘cause you’re not.”

Holly said Benry and Chase reminded her of her son while Alina was like her youngest daughter.

Holly: “This switch has been phenomenal for me. I relate to the kids well. Coming back, the kids were very receptive to me and I hope I can keep them and tell them that I am honest to them. I think I have a better chance to go further at this point with the kids than I do with Dan, Yve and TD. So, strategically, if the kids come to me with an idea; 100%, I’m on board.”

Smartly, Alina said she felt she didn’t lose anything by switching.
Holly said she was with Jane and nobody else.
Alina said: “You lost Jane but you gained us.”

Na’Onka: “There’s only 4 of us here with 4 Espada but Holly wants to team up with us so we will have the numbers with 5. I’m going to go wherever the numbers go. It’s pretty ironic that Alina and myself got pulled over to Espada. Alina and I, our relationship has changed a whole bunch. This is our home now and we have to make do with what we have.”

Going for a walk, Holly, Na’Onka and Alina shared a connection.

Day 12

Jud: “The old switcheroo! I was pretty stoked how it worked out actually. I was dreading the switch because I felt comfortable in the original LaFlor tribe but the way it worked out was pretty right on! We picked up Marty, Jill and Jane who are all super cool and, numbers wise, the LaFlor tribe are 5 and 3; it looks good!”

After saying he was thankful for being picked, Marty started talking about chores; Jill added scheduling and saying their days start at 5:30AM.
The young ones reacted like the Mall Rats!
Brenda, expressing the opinions seen on Kelly B, Purple Kelly and Jud’s face said: “The laFlor tribe, we’re really chill.”

If we were wondering which approach the editors wanted us to prefer, Jane quickly informed us: “Well, I like these kids! They think like me. They seem to be more relaxed. My tribe was all about schedule, schedule, schedule.”

Addressing Kelly B. and Brenda, Jane said: “Listen, I’ll give you the pow-wow: Don’t trust the two over there. (Marty and Jill) They are constantly talking.”

Jane: “I would have voted Marty and Jill out a long time ago if I could have because Marty and Jill have been as tight as ticks.”

Marty talked to Jud about Immunity Idol clues. He learned about the incident between Kelly B and Na’Onka. Marty was surprised Nay didn’t share the clue. He said he wouldn’t have forgiven that sin.
Jud answered: “We’re the young tribe. I guess we don’t really know what we’re doing.”

Taking the bait, Marty gave us his impressions: “It seems to me this tribe hasn’t had a lot of leadership. At Espada, I got control of that entire tribe and not necessarily by being a leader but by being a player.”

To the whole tribe, Marty said he hadn’t lied in the game and he added: “I have an immunity idol.”

Marty’s interview went on: “I thought it was important to show that I had the idol. I think Jane would probably tell them so why not play it upfront and try to get something out of it.”

Brenda in interview: “I think Marty is so arrogant. He just whipped out the immunity idol. OK. No BS, I have the idol. We’re sitting there like wow! So impressed but in our heads we’re going: Are you stupid? He’s coming into our home and he’s already setting up like he’s the king. He has a lot of balls. That is the dumbest thing he could have done."


With these two confessionals setting the stage, I’d say that Marty and Brenda won’t make the merge together. One of the two has to fall at the hands of the other.

Day 13

Benry: “The resources around this camp are definitely slim. They built that shelter right off the ocean; we’re getting a crazy wind. They got a high roof and there is no shortage of rain here today and it doesn’t look like there’s any sign of stopping.”

Na’Onka: “The rain out here is hideous. I don’t like the rain and I’m worried about my head because, when I’m cold and I’m not doing too well, I’ll lose it…I don’t want to quit.”

Alina: “Na’Onka seems like a high school girl. She’s irrational and crazy and she seems like she’s on her period all the time. Rain is not that big of a deal here: We’re on a beach, we’re wet anyway so who cares? I’m actually relishing in it, just keep checking out. It’s better for me if you want to go home because one less person I have to battle against.”

Chase joined the two in the shelter and comforted Na’Onka

As he hugged her, Chase told her a very touching story about his dead father and a rainbow.
The rain continued all day and all night but despite repeating she wanted to go home, Nay was there for next morning’s challenge.

The Challenge

Marty told Jeff he was happy with the switch because they wound up in the Taj Mahal of camps. Jane agreed.
Diplomatically, Alina responded: “I wouldn’t say we went to bad but we bonded in a different way because we were wet instead of dry.”

During Jeff’s explanation, we had a close-up of Nay which told us she had no intention of going under water!
Despite the fact that it was good strategy to slow down, allowing time for the women to aim for the bowl, Jeff’s comment made it seem like Espada was not doing well: “Espada, really slowing down, LaFlor is moving twice as fast…Brenda with another nice job.”
Finally, Jeff realized what was happening: “Espada going even slower now, trying a different strategy and it’s working. LaFlor is spinning fast but missing their bowl.”

Fabio won it for LaFlor.

Na’Onka: “I knew that we were going to lose, I felt it. You know, I’m not a quitter and I don’t want my students to think I’m a quitter but I’m skinnier and I’m losing fat. I think I’m done.”

Day 14
: “I believe that Espada is cursed. You get the pick of the litter and you’re still losing… It’s crazy but I’m not nervous at all about tribal council. I made it this far and, if I continue going, kudos to me but I don’t care. I really want to go home. I’m over it.”

The tribe, despite Tyrone’s wishes, decided to eat one of the chickens.

Holly: “It seems that everybody wanted to eat the chicken except for Tyrone. Sometimes it’s hard to go against Tyrone. Tyrone is a little intimidating but I think we need to start standing up to Tyrone.”

Tyrone: “If I had it my way, I say we keep the chicken…but it wouldn’t be smart to rock the boat right now.”

Holly: “I noticed that, as we were boiling the chicken, Tyrone: He stayed in the back…but as soon as it was time to eat the chicken, he was right there.”

Benry: “We had plenty of food for everybody and, everybody took a mediocre, regular sized portion, meanwhile you had Tyrone, in the corner, just feasting and it was blatantly obvious that he had gotten more chicken than the rest of the tribe. He is becoming more and more obnoxious…”

Benry went on: “Tyrone, granted he is a very physical player and he could benefit us in some challenges in one way or another but he is not the easiest guy to be on the same tribe with. I think that cutting him loose tonight would absolutely bring us closer together but it worries me a bit that Nay is hanging on by a thread. She is struggling. She almost threw the red flag last night and she isn’t doing too well. I don’t know if she’s all there, mentally right now.”

Alina told Yve they were thinking of voting out Nay.

Alina: “Everyone at camp is aware that Na’Onka has had a rough couple of days. It’s not going to be a big deal that we’re going to have to send Nay home. We should just be happy that we have Holly. Myself, Chase, Benry and Holly, we’re definitely in control of this game. So, we’re going to have to decide who goes home: Tyrone or Na’Onka. I’m going to have to wait and see what everyone else wants to do.”

I wonder if the part about controlling the game was put in from the next episode just to add suspense for this vote. I think Na’Onka will have a relapse and they will send her home then because it wouldn’t make sense for Alina to have so much confidence in Holly before their first vote together. Only after seeing Holly vote out Tyrone would that kind of trust be warranted.

Tribal Council

Asked about the new dynamics, Alina said: “Coming together was nice at the beginning…but the old LaFlor tribe…we had our way of doing things…so there’s a little bit of turf war. Now that we’re on Espada’s turf, we have to go by their rules.”
Benry added: “Tyrone seems to be the boss-man around Espada.”
Asked about being the leader, Tyrone said: “It’s a huge responsibility. People come to you for answers…I definitely feel qualified to be the leader of this tribe.”
<Alina had quite a few reactions shot during Tyrone’s speech.>
Alina said Tyrone’s rules made her feel a little bit like a child.
Tyrone said he simply wanted to introduce them to the camp that, if it was perceived otherwise, it was due to the generation gap.
Alina, really taking on the role of narrator by being Jeff’s go-to woman, said: “The nights are tough. Especially the last two have really been rainy.”
Na’Onka agreed: “I didn’t think it would be this difficult.” She went on saying it was worse than getting a divorce, messing up her marriage but being grateful that, here, she had a support system. She told Jeff: “I wanted to quit. I was at my breaking point yesterday.”
Asked if he wanted to act as nurturer or be a player and use it to say “see ya” to Nay, Benry said he didn’t know what Jeff meant.
Yve knew what Jeff meant: “Why are you here? If you start to break down again, am I going to align with you and then see it again?”
Na’Onka ended the discussion by saying that there were a lot of smart people on the tribe, some who knew when to talk and when to shut up.

Benry voted, saying: “It’s time to dethrone the king of Espada! Benry’s here.”
Na’Onka didn’t do like Shawna or Ashlee before her by throwing her vote away as she did vote for Tyrone.
Jeff was impressed that they pulled off their first blindside. As he said so, the camera showed the three LaFlors that sat in the center and then went to Alina. It didn’t show Holly even if she played a big part in that blindside.

The Story

One more player who took charge has been voted out. Therefore, hearing that Marty is acting like the King of LaFlor and that Benry is taking over in Espada should tell us something bad could happen to them. However, Marty has an idol.

What was more interesting was to see three of the four women in danger at the start of the episode, Jane, Holly and Alina wind up in such favorable positions immediately after the switch. Jane and Holly were targeted by Marty but they now have the capacity to get rid of him and his allies. We should see more explosions at TC. Alina, on the other hand, made up with Nay which is even better in a social game.

The Characters

It’s interesting to note which players found new wings from the switch, which players lost their stories, which stayed as much in shadows as before and which ones remained in the spotlight.

Who are You?
Purple Kelly:
We continue to see her reactions once in a while but she still doesn’t have a role in this story.

Sash: He’s the one that made the alliance with Na’Onka but we didn’t hear his thoughts at losing an ally. He’s another player who will only get the spotlight when it’s his turn to leave.

Dan: He lost an even more vital ally than Sash but we didn’t hear from him either. His vote against Tyrone showed that he can adapt but for how long? We don’t hear his thoughts on the game and he has no long term storylines. Of course that doesn’t mean he can’t stick around but it does mean he can’t win.

Yve: Yve didn’t have a part to play in this very important episode. Her only notable moments happened at the challenges when we saw her looking longingly at Marty. It told me that she is lost now that she has been separated from him. Yve seems to be the perfect example of a coattail rider: She was first attached to the hip to Jimmy J so much so that the coach was sure he could have formed an alliance with her, Holly and Jane to counter Marty’s move against him if he had known about Marty’s intent. Then Yve gravitated towards Jimmy T until she realized his insecurities. Next came her short-lived attachment to Marty and now she clung to Tyrone, not giving herself a chance to be in the loop. Without protectors, she will likely be voted out. However, if she makes the merge and reunites with Marty, she could go a long way but her story doesn’t have the substance, the personal touch of a winner.

Disappearing Act

Jill: We see that Jill is simply one of Marty’s minions. She lost her role of narrator and she didn’t comment on the new dynamics. She had to realize that Marty could become a target and that it would affect her own game but we only saw her standing firm by his side, as tight as two ticks.

Kelly B: Kelly’s disappearance from our screens is very troubling for her future. This should have been her “release” episode as she broke away from her tormentor but, instead, she became insignificant. The Espada players had to share their thoughts on how well she has done despite her handicap but it wasn’t part of the story of this episode. How can it be the story of the season?

Chase: Even if he didn’t have an interview, Chase got to share a very personal and touching story. What do we make of this? Not much. Chase remains on the story’s perimeter, not at its center. Losing Brenda should have caused him some worries but we didn’t hear from him.

Start Me Up

Benry: Finally, we heard from Benry but I didn’t particularly see his interviews as good for his future. This tourist’s first words were to criticize the new accommodations. He was pictured as an upset customer complaining to the hotel manager that the new room isn’t satisfactory! Then, it was his words that the editors used to explains Tyrone’s elimination. Tyrone was a fairly positive character up to now so Benry is stained by what was presented as his decision. Tribal Council probably didn’t encourage his fans either: Not only did he act too dumb to understand the game in Jeff’s eyes but he decided to take charge with his “Benry’s here baby” as he voted to dethrone Tyrone.

Jud: He got close to Marty. His words: “We’re the young tribe. I guess we don’t really know what we’re doing” had to please Marty to no ends. “The Dumb Blonde” and the “Puppet Master” brought back together? It has a sort of “déjà vu” feel to it but I think this was the reason for the ground work to Jud’s edit: Marty will underestimate him and will pay for it. What does it tell us about Jud’s long term prospects? We’ll have to wait a bit to see if Jud aligns with Marty or if he contributes to the Puppet Master’s back-stabbing. Somehow, I’d have more confidence in Jud’s chances if he were to align with Marty because then this story would have a long term development…and we’d have to revise everything we read of the story up to now. Jud back-stabbing the Puppet Master would be much more fun in the short term however.

For the following players, The Song Remains the Same

Marty: His arrogance and dumb play really stood out in this episode. First, we realized he had upset Jane and Holly by voting out Jimmy T without telling them. Then he told everyone on the opposing tribe that he had the idol. He was worried that Jane would have told LaFlor about it but the only reason she would have was because Marty treated her as an outsider.

Is Marty the shooting star that Ace was? Ace was THE Svengali of Survivor and he didn’t make the merge. Marty is presented as this season’s Svengali and we hear that he is the target of the other player in charge, Brenda. Although I was leaning towards Brenda coming out on top of this confrontation, the battle hasn’t yet begun so that outcome, for me, is still up in the air. So much of the season’s outcome rests on which one of these two players make it to the merge that I prefer to sit back and wait rather than predict. I will say that, if Jane’s presence and her desire to vote out Marty contribute to Brenda’s chances, (both in the actual vote and in the edit because of Jane’s likeability) it is troubling to see that Brenda’s allies, Sash and Purple Kelly, are obscure characters as if already casualties of war. Could that be the answer? They wind up as Marty’s target instead of Brenda, one of them becomes the victim of the idol. That way, both Marty and Brenda could make it to the merge. Not since Amazon has a switch brought so much interestingly unpredictable dynamics.

Na’Onka: Why did Holly pick her? It was a simple thing that the editors ignored: Na’Onka shook her hand after winning that water-pouring challenge head-to-head against Holly. We weren’t meant to see that some people out there actually liked her. What we see is the “Drama Queen”. In this episode, after losing her swag, she added the desire to quit to her score sheet. As noted above, I think she will have a relapse because it would fit better with parts of Alina’s interview. Alina would know that she still controls the game with Holly, Chase and Benry only after Holly had voted out Tyrone, not before she had shown them she could be trusted. Therefore, much of Nay’s story was part of the Alina-Holly story and served to leave a little bit of suspense after Tyrone became the target. We learned nothing new about Na’Onka since we knew her role wasn’t destined to last to the end of the game.

One more thing that makes me think Nay will eventually quit is that she didn’t even mention her Immunity Idol as protection. Usually, we are always reminded of who has the idol and how they plan to use it. By hearing nothing, I believe this idol will be simply wasted.

Brenda: She didn’t lose her story after the switch which bodes very well for her. The problem with Brenda is that so much of her story HAD to be shown: She found the MoP, her alliance with Chase had to be shown to explain Shannon’s boot as did her alliance with Nay to explain the discovery of the idol and now she was the one that the rocks designated as captain of LaFlor. I still don’t see any manipulation to her edit except to present her as a likeable character despite some unsavoury or ignored allies. The outcome of her battle with Marty will tell us if she was a big short term story arc or a nice, slowly developing long term story. I still believe she will win the battle because Marty IS arrogant but, in these post-Russell days, who knows what the editors want us to think of cocky arrogance? We do know that, except for Parvati, Survivor hasn’t been kind to female puppet-masters with sweet smiles.

Emerging Stars

Jane: This sympathetic player called two powerful allies “ticks”. That is very revealing of what the audience should think of the power couple. Jane has been repeatedly shown as an enthusiastic player: We see that she is having fun…

We see her happy dances, first with Tyrone a few episodes ago and now with Jud…

Episode #1 was titled: Young at Heart and no one has been more deserving of that title than Jane but is it enough to be the story of the winner? More likely she gets a tribute edit; the story of a hard-working woman who gave it all. Just making it to the end after being Marty’s target would be something completely whacked out!

Holly: She started the episode upset at her tribe’s choice and conscious that things needed to change. Did they ever! By the end of the episode, Holly was telling us she saw herself going further in the game by aligning with the kids.

It’s interesting to see that other players have had breakdowns. We saw Jimmy J having a tough time on day 1, Jimmy T said this game had him beat after 3 days, Jill said she didn’t know if she could last 28 more days, Na’Onka wanted to quit and the previews let us see that Danny wants to pack it in. All this tells me that Holly’s breakdown is being put in perspective: Everyone had their moments of weakness. If Holly is our winner, that will be the answer we will get when we ask if she deserved it because she wanted to quit.

As for her story, we had that animal imagery where Jimmy T told Holly to be like the pelican, to wait and look for the right moment to strike. Most of the cameras visits to the laFlor camp were preceded by images of a group of Pelicans. It didn’t take long for Holly, the observant pelican, to team up with the youngsters from LaFlor. We could say that they were like birds of a feather! Now that Holly has found the courage to stand up to the intimidating Tyrone, she probably can stand up to anything on her path.

With that in mind, seeing her aligned with Alina has my complete attention, making them my top two contenders.

Alina: Compared to Benry, Alina always had a role in this story and, after being the narrator of the KB/Nay fight she became the narrator of New Espada. More importantly, after being an underdog, she finally found herself on the right side of the numbers and we have always seen her as a savvy player. Note that she said she would have to see what others would want to do instead of saying, like Benry did, that Tyrone had to go. Her story has the consistency needed for a winner. It would also be a perfect ending if, as Na’Onka’s target at the beginning of the episode, her new alliance with one of Marty’s targets enabled her to make it to the end.

Such powerful editing manipulations tell me that Alina could very well be our winner.


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-20-10, 11:18 AM (EST)
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107. "RE: Episode #5: Edioting Thoughts:"
Interesting michel, as always and nice job of seeing through the crapfest that was called Ep 5. sheesh


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-23-10, 05:32 PM (EST)
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108. "Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts:"
The recap changed again our perception of the previous episodes:

In the game of Old versus Young, the younger tribe was thriving…
<Nay’s “we the bomb” was replayed>
…and their hierarchy was clearly established: Brenda, Chase, Na’Onka and Sash were on top.
Poor Purple Kelly gets forgotten even by the host!

We saw a previously unedited confessional by Sash: “It’s a great felling to know that you are on the side of the numbers and to be in control this early in the game.”

Alina and Kelly B were at the bottom.
<Nay was heard telling KB she didn’t like her>

A surprise switch put old and young on both tribes.
At the new LaFlor, the young people were in control…
<Jud told us the numbers were looking good>
…and they took Jane under their wing.
Despite showing everyone his hidden immunity idol, Marty ended up at the top of Brenda and Sash’s hit-list.
<Brenda explained: “He’s coming into our home and he’s already setting up like he’s the king.”>

When the new Espada tribe lost the immunity challenge, Holly joined up with the young people.
Even though Dan with his bad knee was a physical liability to the tribe, the young decided that Tyrone was a bigger threat.
<Nay shown telling us it had to be Tyrone.>
At Tribal Council, everyone voted for Tyrone except for Yve who wasn’t told about the youngsters’ plan.

Those who have been reading my thoughts know I consider that the recap is very important. I let the recap tell me what I should be seeing instead of interpreting it the way I want. That’s the only way to achieve some objectivity.

What I found interesting was that we were reminded of Alina’s previous underdog position but not of Jane’s and Holly’s. Also, while Na’Onka had said she didn’t care who left last week, this week she is the one given the most blame for targeting Tyrone, somewhat sparing Alina, Chase and Benry. In LaFlor, we were reminded that it was Na’Onka who didn’t like Kelly B and some strategic input was given to Sash which, instead of making him look good, tells me Brenda wasn’t to be seen as the only one to blame for the tribe’s decisions. Therefore, we finally see some manipulation to the “Asian Sensation’s” edit and it wouldn’t be the last in this episode.

I would have titled this episode:

The Lines Have Been Drawn

Day 15

Holly and Dan were looking at the sky which appeared like “the end of the world.”
Dan added: “I think I may pack it in.”
Holly tried to reason with him.
Note that we hear the chicken clucking loudly through all that exchange; the editors’ way of saying that Dan was being a chicken!

Holly: “Ten days ago, I was ready to get out of here. One lesson I have learned out here is that quitting is an easy way out. If you can’t handle the rain, the wind, you should have thought of that before you came. You signed up for something: Suck it up and finish.”

If the recap hadn’t been particularly helpful to advance Holly’s story, this confessional was huge for her future. It tells us that Holly is a new player and that she is determined. It suggests Holly will finish, meaning, she will be there during the finale.

Later that day, Yve and Holly had a talk to clear up the events of TC.
Yve: “It surprises me that Holly thought that me and Tyrone were in an alliance…It’s going to be tough for me but I’m not walking out of here without a fight.”

Holly told Yve what Dan had said so Yve figured she could use that: “It’s the game of Survivor; you got to do what you got to do to stay alive.”

Day 15

Marty was telling Jill that, after the serious drama of Espada, it felt like they fell in “Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure.
(He’d get some drama soon enough!)

Jill: “The young tribe is like 180 degrees from where we came from. We would get up, get wood, fish while these people sleep all day…We’ve been dealt a very bad hand by coming on to a team in minority numbers. I feel the young ones bonded and they bonded really strong so I definitely feel they would get rid of us in a heartbeat if they could.”

We should note that it was Kelly B and Purple Kelly who were shown sleeping while Sash and Brenda were the ones shown when Jill mentioned her worries.

Brenda: Even though we are all called LaFlor, it’s still “younger tribe” and “older tribe”. Actually, it’s younger tribe plus Jane. Jane blends it right away because she is a natural, genuine helper. So, if we go to Tribal Council, what I want to do is have 3 people vote for Marty, 3 people vote for Jill. That way you flush out the idol and, whatever happens, one of them is going home.”

Immunity Challenge

Hearing that Espada had voted out Tyrone, Marty bluffed: “Awesome for us.”

During the challenge, we saw that “Dan is going nowhere” but that was about it as far as fun comments go.


Brenda: “The little: One, two, three: LaFlor! That was totally fake. Marty and Jill, you can see that they are working their minds; they are working their own little thing. You just can feel it. But, worst case scenario happened: Jill won Individual Immunity and Marty has the hidden immunity so now we’re stuck but we will, somehow, vote someone out that we don’t want.”

Sash told Brenda that they should split the votes with 3 on Marty, 3 on Kelly B but tell Kelly B they are voting against Jane.

Sash: “Since Jill won individual immunity, our whole strategy changes at this point. The plan for tonight is we will split the votes between Marty and Kelly B. and hopefully we flush the idol.”

Brenda: “I am excited about the plan we have in store because Kelly B has never been a part of our alliance. She was gunning for me from the start plus she has a fake leg so, I think people would give Kelly B a million dollars because they feel bad for her so you can’t afford to have someone like that around.”

Kelly B: “I wanted Jane around here for as long as we could keep her but I have been on the outs of the LaFlor group so the best thing I can do is to lay low and vote with everyone else.

Brenda: “Tonight’s tribal council is not going to be easy because I have to make sure all these pieces are set and you never know what Fabio is going to do. He is clueless. It’s going to be a little complicated”


Marty lied to Fabio about being a Chess Grand Master and he proposed to make the biggest move ever in Survivor.

Marty: “I am not a grand master in chess and, the Argentine grand master, Guillermo Vilas, he is one of the best tennis players of all time but, clearly, he has nothing to do with chess. I could pull anything out of the 70s to these guys and they wouldn’t know what’s going on.”

Jud: “When Marty said “I am a Grand Master in chess”, I was thinking like, duh, it makes sense. He’s always talking about the numbers game and you can see him doing all these numbers in his head and I’m like, sign me up. It sounds like a good deal.”

Marty: “You can never be too cocky, you can never be too confident but, if I can pull this off, it would be a whole new ballgame.”


Holly: “For me to win individual immunity is good but the other tribe gets to watch our tribal council and they get to eat in front of us so it’s not going to be a lot of fun. For tonight’s vote…I feel like I have to go with the majority and the choice for who we can vote for are Dan and Yve.”

Dan: “It’s very hard living here. The food situation is bad, the weather situation is bad, everything is bad and I don’t need the money…Why in the world am I doing this?”

Holly: “I feel like Dan wants to give up. Now, he told me he doesn’t want to go home. He needs to be honest because, if he doesn’t want to be here, there are people who want to be here.”

Benry: “I, personally, want to get rid of Yve tonight because I don’t want to take her to the merge. She’s a smart player; she’s here to play for the million dollars. Dan, I know for a fact, is not a threat to me whatsoever. It’s really a no-brainer for me to want to vote Yve.”

Chase: “The dynamics between the 4 original LaFlor guys is that we say we trust each other but the only one I really trust is Na’Onka. Benry and Alina, I think, they could switch like that. Best scenario tonight, for me could be to keep Yve.”

Na’Onka: “Chase and I, we are really confused on who we want out. If it was up to me, I would choose Dan to go because there is no way, if we continue keeping him in this game, we are going to win. Dan’s knees are about to crack open… Sooner or later, he’s going to be walking on nubs.”

Yve: “Holly won immunity and the young tribe are pretty tight so it’s either me or Dan. There have been a lot of tribal councils where Dan’s name gets mentioned but he is never voted out. Maybe he’s got a little someone sitting on his shoulder watching out for him. I’m hoping he jumps ship and comes on my shoulder.”

Talking to Alina and Na’Onka, Yve threw herself under the bus.
Alina’s reaction and the little whistle told us that Yve admitting she knew the other 3 Espadas intimately was a mistake.

Alina: “Yve came up to me and Na’Onka and she said: “I am actually valuable to you guys because, when we get to the merge, I have really good relations with the old Espada tribe.” I’m thinking, if we get you to the merge and you have good relationships, what makes us think that you are not going to switch on us. Clearly, Dan isn’t strong physically but the problem with Yve is that Yve is playing really hard. In my head, I went wow! That’s the perfect argument to get rid of her.”

A sloth was shown resting on its back just like Dan was doing in the shelter while Holly was pledging to be 100% with Chase and Na’Onka.

Chase: “I think it’s always most important to keep the tribe strong physically but, at the same time, I think Yve would do anything to get herself further in the game. She could be really dangerous.”

Na’Onka: “First Chase wanted to vote for Dan but now it sounds like Chase wants Yve taken out. Is that what you want to do? If that is what you want to do then tell me right now because I will write her name down and I’ll smile in her face. That’s outwitting.”


While Fabio could only think of the feast, Brenda was putting her plan in motion, whispering to Jane: “You’re safe.”
They went for a walk and Brenda told her they wanted to get Marty.
Jane laughed that they still thought she was with them.

Jane: “I’m as thick as peanut butter and jelly with the younger LaFlor tribe. I will put a smile on my face because I believe that what goes around; comes around. These two never pulled me into their alliance. They’ve been conniving since day 1 so I hope it goes the way Brenda’s planned it.”

Sash told Fabio about the plan.

Fabio: “Sash wants me to vote for Marty but I want Marty to stick around. He’s a smart guy and he’s let me in on some of his secrets so I feel I’m in good with him.”

Sash: “If everything goes according to plan, we will be able to kill a couple of birds with one stone.” Fabio is so much up in the air all the time so who knows which way the wind is blowing. Something could go wrong.”

Marty, after talking with Sash: “I thought with Fabio to try and shake things up but it’s too dicey. It’s probably safer to go with Jane tonight. It buys us a little time.”
He confirmed the vote with Brenda.

Brenda: “The vote will be determined by what Marty does with the idol. If he plays the idol, Kelly B is going home. If Marty doesn’t play the idol, it will be a tie and we’ll have to make a tough decision because Marty is the number 1 enemy right now because he is a huge schemer. On the other hand, why would you want to keep a pissed Kelly B who could win the whole thing? Enemy / Kelly B? I don’t know.”

Marty / Kelly B?

Listen to the difference in sound quality when Brenda says “who could win the whole thing.” Those words definitely come from a different interview so what did she really say about Kelly B? I’m guessing the reason she was hesitating was that Kelly B was a huge threat after the merge because she could rejoin with Alina and Benry. Whatever she said, I find it very interesting that they show Brenda thinking 2 or 3 tribal councils ahead while Marty was very confused about this one.

Marty, in interview: “It’s a very calculated decision to play or not play the idol. My gut is telling me they will vote for Jane so hang on to it? It will only buy me one more tribal council anyway but it could very well be me going home tonight if I make the wrong decision.”

Tribal Councils
LaFlor’s Chess Match:

Marty: “You’re in one position one day and, just like that, it all changes. This tribe is about winning so, if you contribute…hopefully things go your way.”
Sash: “The very first day, Marty…mentioned to us that he was holding on to an immunity idol.”
Marty: “I thought the best way to start off with this tribe was to come clean…”
Brenda: “I think he is trying to make it look more noble than it really is.”

<That opening move caught Marty’s attention>
Marty said he had been considering they could be gunning for him. He added: “This game is also about trusting the people I’ve talked to, as far as “trust” gets you in this game.”
Asked about trust, Kelly B said: “You have to go with your gut instinct…I wouldn’t trust too many people.” Then asked if she felt comfortable, she said: “I feel pretty comfortable tonight.”
Jane: “They might consider me one of the weaker people as far as strength goes.”
Jeff: “Brenda, does Jane have reason to worry?”
Brenda: “No, she has to worry about Jill and Marty voting her out.”

<That was Brenda’s way of putting Marty’s king in check! Marty was stunned!>
Marty: “I don’t understand that.”
Brenda: “Come on Marty”
<Check again>
Marty: “Me and Jill are two, you guys are five. That’s really sweet of you but she doesn’t have to worry about me or Jill.”
Brenda: “What did you tell me today?”
<Brenda moved another piece and said check again!>
Marty, appearing flustered: “That’s not what we are talking about. What she has to worry about are numbers. These two here don’t add up to a lot, these five do so you’re wrong.”
Brenda: “I’m not campaigning for Jane to be out, you guys were.”
<That’s another check>
Marty: “LaFlor made the call I didn’t make that call.”
Brenda: “But you did say that.”
Marty: “If I approached you that was to get consensus within your tribe, to make sure you guys were in agreement.”
Marty admitted he was feeling more uncomfortable than when he entered, adding: “I took these guys at face value and I feel there’s a lot of duplicity based on some the comments made here. I never initiated a vote on Jane; that would be moronic. That conniving and back-stabbing stuff they said they didn’t like makes me feel uneasy because I misjudged a little bit in the beginning.”
Then, like Russell turning to Jerri to tell her to vote against Danielle, Marty turned to Jane and whispered:

“Vote Brenda.”
<Sorry Marty but Jane isn’t one of your pawns!>

Marty voted “Brenda” saying: “You are the black window, king cobra, black mamba all rolled into one. I may not get you tonight but the lines have been drawn.”

Asked if anyone wanted to play the idol, Marty, surprisingly sat on it.
The votes ended up a tie between Marty and Kelly B. She lost the revote, only Jane apparently voting against Marty.

Marty looked stunned and exchanged a glance with Jill who could only shake her head.
Brenda had a perfect poker face, her expression not revealing a thing.

Sash looked over at Marty, his expression saying: “You owe me one.”

Marty’s eyes were wide like saucers.

The feast ended all thoughts on what had just happened.

Espada’s Quibbles

As Espada entered, we saw Marty holding his fingers crossed in the direction of Dan.

When Jeff mentioned that Kelly had been voted out, the camera turned to Alina who didn’t let anything show.

Chase said it was hard to watch LaFlor eating.
Na’Onka wasn’t even looking.
Jeff asked Fabio how it was and the guy answered “So good” with his mouth full.
Na’Onka knew why Jeff asked Fabio.
Holly: “I would have rather given up my individual immunity for the tribe to be sitting over there.”
Dan said that, since they didn’t have martinis, “It doesn’t bother me.”
Jeff wanted to know what bothered Dan.
He replied: “Nothing. If things bothered me I wouldn’t be here.” He did agree that being voted out would bother him.
Yve pointed out that Dan was always complaining so “something is agitating him to the brink of almost not wanting to stay.”
Dan said he does complain but he also takes care of the fire in the middle of the night.
Yve argued that they needed more positive energy and commitment.
Benry: “There are some of us in this tribe who are a little more physical and doing well in these challenges but I wouldn’t say he’s incompetent by any means.”
Dan conceded that he is a liability in some challenges.
Yve said she gives 100% all of the time. She agreed that Dan was a liability even if she still loved him.
Dan: “It’s a heck of a way to say you love somebody.” Saying that he felt animosity from Yve, he added: “I feel tonight might not be a good night for her.”
Yve knew that her head was on the chopping block.
Dan said Yve was on the chopping block because she was arrogant, something that surprised not only Yve but Holly, Chase, the rest of the tribe… and the viewers.
Yve: “What about me is arrogant? I don’t talk about my Ferrari and my 3 homes.”
Dan: “I do.”
Asked if it was between Dan and Yve, Alina answered: “Yes, it has been going around camp all day. Do we want to keep somebody who may be a liability for us but isn’t going to be somebody who is a super-competitor or do we want to keep somebody who is playing really hard and just makes more competition for you?”
As LaFlor exited to someone’s loud belch (it had to be Fabio!), we saw Marty whispering to Dan: “Good luck man” as he walked passed him.

After snuffing Yve’s torch, Jeff sent Espada back to camp by saying the vote made it look as if the tribe was united but that their words didn’t make it look that way.

The Story

LaFlor’s decision to vote out Kelly B instead of Marty and his idol is puzzling from a game perspective. It really seemed like a stupid decision but was it?

After delivering all the checks that sent King Marty in a corner, Brenda didn’t go for the checkmate. She had told us that she considered Kelly B a real danger and you have to consider that Marty’s allies are dwindling on the other tribe while Alina and Benry still hold strong and could be cultivating allies of their own. Kelly B could have been more dangerous after the merge.

But this is editing analysis, not game analysis so I’ll limit myself to the impressions I had watching the events unfold:

The editors’ intentions seemed to be to show us that Marty had met his match. His shocked expressions and her cool attacks told me that she had him right where she wanted him, kind of like in a zugzwang position and she would pluck him when the time is right.

Then again, maybe Marty can be saved by his “fou”, Fabio, who could come to his rescue. Marty didn’t play his idol so did Jud or Sash tell him what was going to happen?

This chess match is in a position that is much too complicated to determine who, between Brenda and Marty, has the advantage. I will be very interested in seeing how Jeff spins next week’s recap and how Brenda explains that re-vote, especially to Jane.
What I also noted was that Kelly B practically disappeared from our screens in the last two episodes so she wasn’t really portrayed as a “Victim”. Since she wasn’t as large a character as she could have been, it suggests strongly that we weren’t meant to hate her executioner.

In comparison, Espada’s tribal council didn’t reveal much besides the little fight between Yve and Dan. What I found interesting was that we still spent as much time in Espada’s camp as in LaFlor before the Tribal Councils and that both times it was Alina who told the viewers why it was going to be Yve.

The Characters

The Pawns:

Purple Kelly: Now that the qualifier isn’t necessary anymore, maybe Kelly will start to shine! She can only hope but I doubt it.

Dan: In every Tribal councils except the first, Dan has been the secondary target and he’s always escaped. Eliza had a similar story in Vanuatu and it even became one of the season’s themes: “Attack Eliza and you will be going home”. Surprisingly, she lasted all the way to F4. Here, it seems quite different. Dan is Marty’s tool so the question becomes: Was it a mistake to eliminate Yve instead of Dan or was Marty pinning his hopes on the wrong player? Dan’s edit suggests that it was a mistake to keep him but it says little on his usefulness to Marty.

Chase: I know many people like this player’s story but to me he isn’t presented as a strong player. From Brenda’s episode 1 assessment of his weakness to his inability to decide between Yve and Dan as exemplified by his segment with Na’Onka, we still see that Chase’s story is one of being in over his head. Survivor is too complicated for him but it will be a good lesson. That leads me to believe that Chase is portrayed as being on a Journey to Maturity.

Jill: She had to realize that Marty showing the idol put a huge target on her back but we only heard her worry about the 3 old Espada, not about herself. That tells me she is only a part of Marty’s story, that she is one of his pawns and she doesn’t have an importance of her own.

Na’Onka: Now that she has recovered and that Kelly isn’t around to bash, Na’Onka is losing all the relevance she had in the story. She does give colorful interviews so we still hear from her but this isn’t her story either.

Jane: She is solidly in the camp of the younger players so showing Marty telling her to vote against Brenda told the viewers that Marty wasn’t as good at seeing a few moves ahead as he had told us he was. Unfortunately for Jane, she doesn’t seem to have a role in the strategic part of the game beyond being a dangerous pawn.

Holly: The same could be said about Holly. Her story seems to be confined to camp life and the way she was able to rebound after a difficult start. That puts her on a “Journey to Prove Herself” not on the road to victory. Her input about the vote was limited to narrating the situation. It seems that Holly is simply another pawn but sometimes the pawn becomes a queen and wins the game.

The Knights:

Benry: He was the first to target Yve and he defended Dan during the Council. That suggests that Benry and Dan have an understanding. We also heard Chase saying he feared Benry could use Dan in an effort to blindside him. If Benry can get Dan and Holly to stick with him and Alina after the merge, they could be the force that takes over the game along with Marty. Maybe it will turn out that way but, even if it does, Benry hasn’t had the storyline to make me think he would benefit from that move in the long run. He’d become part of Marty’s bigger story.

Sash: By being given some interviews about the strategy, Sash made his entry into the “war room”, a place all winners must eventually enter so that the viewer can say “That’s why he or she won.” (Yes, even Bob when he talked about his fake idols and how he’d use them) But, to me, it was more of a way to spare Brenda the blame of voting out Kelly B. Sash was the one that brought her name first so he gets part of the blame. However, his last glance at Marty suggests that there is more to Sash than what we have seen so far.

Le Fou

Jud: He is quickly becoming the most intriguing player out there, the complete wildcard who likes Marty but was convinced to go along with Brenda and Sash’s plan. He still continues to be pictured as the “Dumb Player” the one that his fooled by Marty’s lie, the one that talks with his mouth full and belches as he leaves TC but he is endearing. If he becomes a real player, if he enters the “war room” we may have that funny ending that his presentation in the first few episodes suggested.

The King:
: We saw that Marty was completely outplayed during that Tribal Council but he survived unscathed. Not only that but he still has the idol in his pocket, his two best allies, Dan and Jill, are still there and he now knows who is his opponent. Things could certainly turn around for Marty but this episode really knocked him down a few pegs. He isn’t the only chess player and he certainly shouldn’t be too comfortable.

The Queens
: When she said: “Marty is the number 1 enemy right now” I was most interested in the last two words. Maybe I am making too much of this but it reminded me of Marty’s boast that he could see 2 or 3 tribal councils ahead and I think that’s what Brenda would have told us if the editors hadn’t chopped up her interview. I do believe that, instead of Marty who is the enemy right now, Brenda sees Alina as her bigger adversary down the road. That’s why she had to go after Kelly B., getting rid of one of Alina’s allies, letting Espada take care of one more of Marty’s pawns.

If this interpretation of the vote is accurate, then the editors have shown us a tremendously powerful player. The Black widow, the King Cobra, the Black Mamba all rolled up into one player with a sweet smile could very well be our winner. If she can set all her pieces properly and if Jud doesn’t mess it up for her, she has the edit of a tremendous clinical player.

Of course, there still remains the fact that, from a game perspective, her decision to keep Marty and the idol should turn against her in a hurry and she could be the one taking a hard fall. After all, taking charge isn’t the best idea this season.
(For some odd reason, I remembered that Bobby Fisher inexplicably gave the first two games to Spasski before clobbering him!)

Alina: Brenda’s return as a top contender diminishes Alina’s chances of winning in my mind but I still consider that the editors could have mostly ignored the boring Espada for the much more volcanic LaFlor. A lot of discussions were heard for a simple decision between Yve and Dan. That could only bode well for the chances of the player who told us twice it had to be Yve. At TC, she diplomatically presented her argument in the form of a question but it left little doubt that she was going to eliminate the threat. No threats are left in Espada, or are there? Like Kelly B. was to Brenda, Na’Onka and Chase are dangerous to Alina yet she made up with Nay and we haven’t heard her talk about Chase being real close to Brenda. Maybe she doesn’t see the winning move or maybe she is still building her position, not yet drawing the line, not yet taking charge.

Survivor isn’t chess so I do believe one of the two queens will beat the King.
But keep an eye on Holly, the pawn that should make it all the way across the board.


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-24-10, 01:31 AM (EST)
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109. "RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-10 AT 02:03 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-24-10 AT 01:49 AM (EST)

Great analysis, Michel, as always

I agree that from an editting perspective, Marty, Brenda, and Alina are tops. I also think Holly is up there with them, perhaps even on top.

In adding to what you previously stated about the pelican, I think that Holly had a great episode. While the Brenda vs. Marty conflict stood front and center, Holly had a very strong story about perservence this episode. It's not just her quotes that are powerful, but some of the imagery of how Dan, who once looked at her like a crazed laday (with the shoe incident) almost appeared to be going to her for counsel.

You are correct in stating that this season has not been kind to leaders. And while Brenda's rebuttle at tribal council was indeed impressive, she showed her hand when she didn't have too. In the process, she elevated her status and put her on the radar. She gloated for all her tribe to see, not just Marty.

I'm beginning to think that both of these opposing leaders may beat each other out of the game (the latter from the witnessing pawns, and the last emerging leader who will wait for close to the finals to step up). They will go out along with the alpha males, Benry, Sash and Chase (as he is still perceived as strong) I think the "followers" or "pawns" are more likely to make it to the end. Which would include Jane and Jud, as they are edited mildly and consistently. As are Holly, and Alina (almost being forced to follow and accepting it for the sake of her remaining time in the game)

I was meaning to mention this in your pelican thread, but there are things about Holly that are sticking in my head. Like how when ep2 began with them coming back from the vote they focused on her. And they manipulated her narration, by stating at the end of her commentary, something along the lines, and "I'll beat them all" This plus the scene (I think ep 3) of her standing out looking upon the wreckage of the storm (which was also a clip used for the promo) was another powerful visual of showing Holly make it to the end.

It makes sense to show Brenda and Marty, they are powerful strategic players. But they can go out with a big fall. Holly on the other hand, isn't being set up like this, so therefore she won't fall (at least not in the next few eps, unless they change her "status") This leads me to believe Holly has a better chance to make it to the end. Whether her edit has been manipulated to accentuate that she did indeed have some game, yet not win (like Stephen from Tocs) will remain to be seen. Still, as of the episodes to date, I put my bets on her.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-24-10, 03:30 AM (EST)
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110. "RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts:"
Very insightful, Aaron!

AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-24-10, 09:11 PM (EST)
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111. "RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts:"
Thanks, OFG!

It helps that I've read yours and everyone's editing thoughts over the years ;)


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-24-10, 10:13 PM (EST)
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112. "RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts:"
I do like your take also, Aaron.

Taking Charge has been bad for Shannon, Jimmy J, Jimmy T, Tyrone and it will be for at least one of Marty and Brenda. No way those two make the F2 together!!!

That's a lot of leaders. We know that the editors like to show how Game Theory applies to Survivor so, with all these leaders, a follower could very well prevail.

Also, it is surprising that Espada received as much airtime as LaFlor after the challenge since nothing new was learned. Their two scenes at the start of the episode had set the stage already (except those two didn't feature Alina but Holly). That airtime would be explained if the winner is in Espada.

I still slightly favor Alina over Holly for two reasons:

1- I called Alina a queen because she's the one that Brenda and Nay worried about when they were all on LaFlor and because Alina had such good interviews right off the bat. However, to the average viewer, Alina is still a minor character, more pawn than queen. I put a lot of importance on those subtle manipulations that showcased her because they would set the stage for her emergence, probably right after the merge.

2- What is Alina's story if she falls short? I mean, if Holly makes the finale, whatever her final ranking, she has a marvelous story of perseverance. If Alina makes the finale but falls short, then what? We haven't heard any personal conflicts that are key to players on a journey, it's always been about the game, her position in it and the other players for Alina.

Of course, Alina could become a "Victim" if Brenda takes total control after the merge but then Alina doesn't make the finale. So, it's almost all or nothing for her. Would she have overshadowed KB like she did if it was for nothing?


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-25-10, 00:51 AM (EST)
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113. "RE: Episode #6 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 10-25-10 AT 00:53 AM (EST)

>>> Would she have overshadowed KB like she did if it was for nothing?

well, making the merge & jury does overshadow pre-merge, whatever the ultimate placement. In any case, she has outlasted Kelly B and surpassed her play in that she has survived two post-swap TC's, whereas the very first one took out Kelly B.

Granted, her swapped tribe did not have Brenda. That was lucky for Alina. Brenda seems to not let go of anything. Some players mend fences as the game goes along, like Holly and Dan, but Brenda still wants to put out a hit on whoever planned her demise in Episode 2. This seems inflexible to me.

A lot of this I get from the Insider confessionals. The editors seem to be minimizing how the La Flor fracture persisted after the Shannon vote, for example they didn't show anyone bringing it up with respect to Kelly B, but emphasized her as a threat. They did show a reference to a "pissed-off Kelly B" that made me think of the image of a beehive that had been poked left sitting around the camp spitting out disgruntled bees.

That comment spoke to the existence of animosity between the parties, as they were more concerned about her response than Marty's. Or maybe that was simply rationalization of their overwhelming desire to get her out.

ed for typos


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-25-10, 08:09 AM (EST)
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114. "Response"
Thank you, as always, for your thoughts Michel.

My responses are just general commentary as I am leaving the in depth analysis to others this week.

Alina I believe is a strong character for the here and now but I have felt a little bit lacking from her characterization primarily due to the fact that all her commentary and presence seem to be what is currently occurring. I will keep in mind that she is the one who commented about Marty so it would be of no surprise that she lasts so the two can meet up at some point but Alina's perspective seems very classic in a character who is presenting us insight on the here and now with no real visionary assigned to her so I do question her at end game.

Marty was someone that I certainly believe has legs but there are characters of distraction that occur every season and their longevity can be skewed. We see some that only last a short while and others can last until end game but tend to not claim victory. Marty appeals to me as that type of character and is integral to how events play out but may not reap the rewards of his characterization. Brenda may be this as well. Regardless of either of their ultimate standings; they are two characters that a lot revolves and involves but quite often the biggest characters provide the meat of the story but not the ending. What is important is to focus on who is CONNECTED to those types of characters as quite often, they are the ones that provide the end game development.

I think Holly is a lovely situational character but on the side of the journey characters that I often reference. I wrote after her episode where she opted to forge ahead that she was given a very bountiful edit over her decision to not quit. We all know how Survivor shapes the mind of the viewers over leaving the game. Some, like Osten are given a slap in the face and some, like Kathy are given a more sympathetic viewpoint but leaving the game is never something that is given a stamp of approval. Holly was the "poster child" for what Survivor wants to show the audience about this subject matter. With touching points by Dan and Na'onka, Holly's edit may be about her self recognition over picking herself up by the boot straps and proving to herself she is and was capable of handling this game. Until I see her at end game, I tend to believe Holly is more about the editors choice to send a message and Holly gave them lovely subject matter to present it.

At this juncture, I do feel that there are certain players that must revisit each other before they could possibly leave the game. There are other players that are quite interesting in their shaping and I am very curious to learn the reasoning behind them.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-25-10, 08:13 PM (EST)
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115. "The Case for Holly"
LAST EDITED ON 10-25-10 AT 08:24 PM (EST)

I appreciate your input, Veruca and I wonder what you will make of this latest analysis.

I had been very undecided which of Alina and Holly was my top contender. Then I remembered one scene from episode #1 that had been sort of brushed aside but now I think it could very well be the key moment of the season:

Coach Jimmy J was telling “his” players that he wanted one of them to win the million. Isn’t that the job of every coach? I'm starting to believe that the winner is in that picture.

It gives a whole new meaning to Chase's interview after Jeff told them about the age division: “When the twist came, my first reaction was like: Damn! The antiques have the best coach you could ask for. They’ve got a Superbowl winning coach. He’s a great leader, that’s what he’s done his whole life.”
It’s as if the editors were telling us that the LaFlor members can’t win without that valuable coach.

What I find interesting in that camera angle is that we don’t see Marty, as if Jimmy wasn’t talking to him. Who is front and center? Tyrone and Holly and, since Tyrone is gone, Holly seems to be the one the Coach is addressing directly.

But that wasn’t enough to tell the viewers the importance of Coach’s relation with Holly: She had started the game on the wrong foot, making that ill-advised alliance with Wendy:

But Jimmy was there to explain the X’s and O’s.

Isn’t it strange that Holly was the only person that we saw listening to Jimmy's plan? It’s not as if he didn’t have anyone else to talk to since we know Yve thought he was fantastic and Jane loved her fishing buddy but we never saw the coach talk one on one with them.

In episode #2, after Holly went crazy, it was coach again who brought her back to sanity, to the right game plan if you will:

Since then, Holly has listened to everyone, observed the situation like the pelican and decided to make her move to the kids where she feels she can get further. As she said, when you don't quit you can collect huge rewards. Nothing here is bigger than the title of Sole Survivor.

What perfect story we would have if, at the reunion, Jeff could point to Jimmy and say: “Holly probably wouldn’t be the Sole Survivor if it hadn’t been for Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy took a raw rookie, someone no one else thought could make it, and his great coaching abilities enabled her to claim the title.”

Now for Alina, I think we have a little more than just the "here and now". Like you pointed out she has a connection to Marty but, more than that, she gave us her thoughts on jury management when she mentioned her problem with having an alliance with Kelly. She also has a big connection with Brenda since we heard the "Asian Sensation" call Alina the one that could cause the most problem and we have been shown that she can adapt, becoming friends with Kelly and making up with Na'Onka. She probably does make up with either Marty or Brenda, uses one to vote out the other and maybe then she can cause big problems to the remaining leader. Alina still has good potential. We'll see.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-26-10, 07:48 AM (EST)
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116. "RE: The Case for Holly"
The problem with making much of the Jimmy Johnson shot is that the editors were going to show that no matter what, as part of Jimmy's story. Jimmy was the larger than life character that dominated the show until he left. Very atypical of a third boot, and we know why

Sure it would make a lovely story if in fact an Espada went on to win, but the story does not make the ending. In fact, the story is much more that in spite of Jimmy's promise to help someone win, Espada booted the coach.

Therefore, Espada's rightful karma would be not to win, thanks to the alpha members who took out Jimmy. It is unfortunate for those Espada who would have preferred to keep Jimmy, and I feel that Holly and Jane were both given a very positive spin for not being supportive of booting the Coach.

Problem is, whether their fault or not, Coach left, and older tribe lost the numbers. We have seen tribes come back from that, but much more likely with the help of a Russell or a charismatic JT.

This episode, I think we saw that the La Flor characteristics stayed with La Flor after the swap, and Espada is still the more mature, less drama-filled tribe, which is interesting. However, the older players other than Jane and Holly who were able to flip, seem doomed.

Except for Dan, who was judged harmless, whether or not that is fair to say.

It was very noticeable that Sash appeared out of obscurity this last episode, and with a confidence to him that suggests he has been playing all along. Brenda did say they were running things together. We have seen with characters like Bob Crowley and Susie Smith that long term players can be ignored during times when they are not essential to the story.

Kelly Purple, OTOH, it seems they are just toying with us, showing her at TC with a lingering shot, but not a word coming from her mouth. She reminds me of Zoe from Marquesas. She was so mysterious, and then suddenly it was her boot episode. Wham, out of the blue. That also happened with Erin in Thailand, and Kelly Sharbough in Samoa. I think Kelly P could be another one of those silent ladies who all of a sudden starts talking the episode she leaves. And she's not talking yet ...

At this point, the story seems to be building towards the reuniting of Brenda, Chase, Na Onka, Sash, and the hanger-on but obdiously "in" Kelly Purple. What will they do? They represent the only alliance that has been shown to matter. On both sides of the fence, they are running the show. Alina may think she is running things with Benry, but the Chase and Na Onka scene was the definitive one where the Yve boot call was made.

With the Marty save that occurred this episode, the question hanging seems to be whether the dominant younger players will hit the merge focused on pagonging the original Espada or eating their own as part of the continuing fallout from the Shannon vs. Brenda showdown.

Kelly B's boot seemed inexplicable in terms of strategy to many viewers. The emotionality of that choice, for which Brenda got the credit, seems to point towards a theme where Brenda's Revenge will continue to be a factor. Just as Marty's obsession led Espada into the ground.

What I see as the theme of this season is that players become enamored of power and strategy and alliances and forget entirely to play as tribes during the pre-merge. They exclude members of their original group and don't finesse them enough to build up tribal solidarity. Two have flipped. Anyone will flip who is on the margins here.

My perception is that the editors are telling us this is not the best way to play Survivor. So to me it makes sense that someone who was not playing that kind of game will ultimately outlast the power players and their all too willing henchmen.


Slider 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

10-27-10, 11:22 PM (EST)
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117. "RE: The Case for Holly"
OK, this season is spoiler free for me, so I may be way off base, but here is what I saw tonight.

First of all, Kelly purple speaks! Unfortunately for her, she did not give a good first impression. I can't believe they waited 7 episodes to give us "milk the milk" if she were a winner.

Sash, however,has another episode where he is shown to be a playmaker. He even gives good reasons why he is doing what he is doing. He doesn't seem as vindictive as Brenda.

Fabio did not seem to bothered by Marty's possibly being voted out. I feel that they invested a lot in this relationship, so this may play out more after the merge. Also, he did seem to reveal a little more intelligence with his comments at tribal.

Jane, I felt came down a peg or two. I totally understand her wanting to eat the fish herself. What I did not like were her confessionals where she sounded giddy about voting out Marty and Jill. They did not seem vindictive towards her, so I felt this made her look bad.

Holly, on the other hand, really did shine this episode. She had some good images at the challenges, and she really seemed to be genuine in her bonding with everyone.

Dan was really shown to be unable to do anything, and may continue to be drug along for a while after the merge as a harmless vote.

Alina and Benry really looked good during the challenge. They were thoughtful and worked together, seemed to make good choices. Unknown to them, their teamwork kept Alina alive. I think we are meant to like her, as they would not have mentioned voting her out otherwise, as they did not attend tribal council. This makes NaOnka look worse, as she seemed petty with her comments.

One other thing, what was up with Sash sitting out the challenge? Did you see the looks given when he announced this? Were we supposed to think this is why they lost, or did they want to throw the challenge?



AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-29-10, 04:23 AM (EST)
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118. "RE: The Case for Holly"
Hi Slider!

I think they threw the challenge. Notice the bad acting by Brenda and Kelly Purple ("Milk the Milk" heh!)


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-10, 11:11 AM (EST)
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119. "RE: The Case for Holly"
I was thinking the same thing, they tanked it in order to not send Chase and NaOnka to TC. And to break up the team of Marty and JIll. The two shooters, Brenda and Kelly, had control of the aim, the level they shot from, and the type cannonball they used. With Sash sitting out, which seemed to be his own decision, Jane, Marty, Jill and Jud were just following orders, a clear revelation of who is in charge. Leaving Marty in the game may have had little to do with the HII and more to do with Jane not wanting to side with Marty, keeping Jane under control.

suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-10, 11:49 AM (EST)
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120. "RE: The Case for Holly"
Sash had a couple of those significant pauses one in challenge and the one at TC while he took his Freud out of his mouth. We're supposed to take notice of both times. Was it Sash, Brenda and Kelly that decided to throw it to force Marty to give his idol up or play it? Brenda has said that Jud is a loose cannon but Jud didn't do a great job of defense either, I suppose he could have been in on something like that.

The TC pause for Sash's Freudian slip and Brenda being shown could be to introduce the beginnings of the merged tribe's power struggle with the possibility of the two sides that develop to battle once they merge.

Smart of them to protect Chase and NaOnka hopefully someone will discuss that at some point, it would be interesting to see that if the tribal switch only served to make LaFlor stronger post merge or it was just coincidence. I tend to think not, too much time was spent with that pause and we were supposed to notice it.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-30-10, 06:23 PM (EST)
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121. "Episode 8 - Editing Thoughts:"
During the recap we heard Jeff saying: “After a surprise switch, the young and old were combined but, on each tribe, the young adopted a feisty older mom to get the upper hand.
The Espada youth picked up Holly…
And the LaFlor kids picked up Jane.
That left everyone else north of forty out in the cold.
<Note that everyone apparently meant only Marty and Jill because Dan and Yve weren’t shown>

Then, an even bigger surprise sent both tribes reeling…Both tribes will vote somebody out of this game.
At LaFlor, Brenda and Sash were in complete control.
They wanted to flush out Marty’s hidden immunity idol and blindside Kelly B.
At Tribal Council, Sash and Brenda were sure that Marty would play his idol…
…But he shocked them by holding on to it.
Marty’s gamble paid off because he kept his idol and Kelly B went home.
Now Marty and his ally Jill are 2 against 5.

At the Espada Tribal Council, the youth had to decide between Yve, whose strength could help them in challenges, and Dan who, because of his bad knee, would never be a threat.
In the end, Yve’s strength was her undoing.

The first thing to note is that the recap was extremely generous to Sash and Brenda. The way it was presented, they never targeted Marty himself, only his idol and Kelly was their true target. Marty stayed in the game with his idol not because the two “in control” made a terrible mistake but simply because his huge gamble worked. On the other hand, Jeff saying that they are in complete control isn’t very good as far as Survivor goes because the editors like to set up blindsides.

We should also note the positive way Jeff described the two players that betrayed their alliances: They were called feisty moms when they could have been called traitors.

Behind The 8 Ball

Night 15

Hugging both Na’Onka and Alina to thank them for keeping him around, Dan said: “They used to call John Gotti the “Teflon Don” because every time they tried to get him on something, it could never stick. I feel like “Teflon Dan”.

Chase: “At Tribal Council, we discussed the original plan and voted out Yve tonight but I am a little concerned about Dan’s performance. It would be a hard pill to swallow if Dan costs us the challenges but we made our decisions, we made our bed and we have to lay in it.”

Chase then told Nay and Holly: “Dan’s not near as much of a threat once we get to the merge. Right now, what we have to do, what’s next is Alina is out.

Na’Onka: “Alina is strong and she’s very smart. From day one, she has these eyes that can see straight through you. I never trusted her at all so we need to get Alina out next.”

Chase, Na’Onka and Holly agreed on that plan.

Chase remained tied to Na’Onka while we heard yet again that Alina is the endangered one. Now, apparently she can’t even count on Holly even if she reminded her of her daughter. Like Marty and Jill, she is behind the 8 ball but “The Perils of Alina” could also serve as title. It’s a recurring theme of her season so far and, since there were no Tribal Councils to set up, no immediate doubt to instill, that story has long-term prospects. Note also that Alina wasn’t mentioned as a target because she was not liked but because they see her as a smart and dangerous player.


Marty’s first words were “Can I just say Wow!”
Jill wanted to know why they weren’t told that Kelly was the target.
Fabio said they wanted to flush the idol.
Marty then wondered why they put votes on him.
Sash simply replied that it was because he had the idol.

Marty: “You got to have big cojones to pull the move that I pulled tonight which is I did not play the immunity idol. I kept that immunity idol in my pocket and I debated long and hard and something told me to hang on to it and I was right. I also have to get to the bottom of Jane who obviously voted for me so that is going to have to be dealt with. She turned on me. She’s a desperate one and she has been from the beginning and she has to go.”

Again, nothing was said about LaFlor missing the opportunity to eliminate Marty since it is said that their only target was the idol. Even Marty seemed to have forgotten that is opponent is Brenda because he’s focused on getting Jane. It’s good that Brenda (and Sash) isn’t presented as a Dumb Player but, oddly, it takes away some continuity to LaFlor’s story. It’s as if the explosions are more important than the overall plan. They really are like the young Nicaraguan Volcanoes.

Day 16

Marty talked to Jane, wanting to know why she had voted against him.
Jane just laughed at the notion that she had written his name.

Jill: “Kelly B going home buys Marty and I another three days. I’m hoping Jane is going next but Marty and I are scrambling around from behind the 8-ball. I don’t know if it’s going to work.”

The Challenge

When LaFlor walked in the challenge area, the screen showed Brenda as she smiled and winked at the camera. We even heard a little bell sound to underline it.

(Just missed the wink!)

When Espada walked in, we did see Marty but not really to show him reacting to his ally Dan still being in the game. It was almost as if it wasn’t important.

The camera also likes Fabio as we had several close-ups of his smile as he defended LaFlor’s goal. We even heard the same bell that sounded for Brenda’s wink but Fabio spit water at “us” instead of winking. Any thoughts that this scene was good for him, disappeared when we heard how he had used the pool. (Dumb!)
Benry scored a nice goal, Jeff praising his double fake-out (foreshadowing a double-cross maybe?!) and Fabio adding: “That was a good move, guys. Remember that one.” (and would that double-cross bite Jud in the butt or work because of Jud!)
Marty hit Chase below the belt!
The game was another example of Dan’s weakness, his throw stopped effortlessly by Jud.

Kelly scored one of LaFlor’s goals and, not only did we see her reaction...

...but we heard a confessional from her: “Reward was for a horseback ride and breakfast and you get to milk your own milk if that makes sense…That sounds amazing. We should have won.”

Day 17
: “We lost the reward but it makes you get up and do things and keep going. The word quit is not in my vocabulary. I work all day long cause I’m a farm girl and farm girls have a strong heart and a strong will. I could do a whole lot more than Marty and Jill ever thought I could do. I’m trying to stay in the good graces of the 4 tribe members I have made friends with over at the LaFlor team. They can lounge around, that is OK as long as they feel I’m important. I don’t care what they do right now. I’m not going to tell them to get off their lazy little asses Let them sleep, let them relax, as long as we win challenges, that’s all I care about.”

I found it extremely interesting, in view of what was to come at the challenge and in his following interview, that it was Sash who told Jane: “Just let me know when you need me.” It means that Sash was the one we should see as the lazy one. He didn’t even help win that challenge. I presume that was to prepare us for when Jane doesn’t tell Sash that she needs him, that she’ll hold it against him when she flips again.

Sash: “The older people who came over from Espada can work their butts off, feed me all day long and they’ll help me get stronger. I love it: I get to stay home all day, relax, eat the fruits of their labor while they go out and work hard. I give them a lot of credit but this is a game and, in the long run, for me, who stays in this game isn’t about how hard you work in camp, it’s about how loyal you are to me.”

I feel the credit Sash gave to the old members of Espada is directly proportional to the blame the editors wanted us to give him. Selfishness doesn’t win jury votes and, if we had winners who said nasty things about others players, those winners were never presented as parasites. This is telling us why Sash will either be voted out or will lose the necessary jury votes.

The Reward

Chase: “We won the reward and.. it was unbelievable. (Note that, while Chase was talking and riding, the camera was more focused on Alina’s smile than him) I grew up on a horse farm in Florida and since my dad passed away, we stopped having any horses in our barn…You get a lot of time to reflect on stuff you miss and I really miss my dad… This is like he is with me.”

The milking of the cow showed us that Dan is better at something than Na’Onka!

Nay: “I’m not a farm person…”

Back to LaFlor

Jane: “People that don’t fish with me shouldn’t get all the riches. I’ve been up since 5:30, working to catch fish. I’m starving. I want me a fish and I’m gone eat this one I just caught. I deserve it.” (The howling monkeys seemed to disagree!) “They sat me on the last challenge and they lost the food reward. That’s my food reward…This is the first thing I’ve done behind anybody’s back except vote for Marty…Bon appétit!”

The Feast
: “Not eating for 16 days and seeing the food, I actually started to shake. We take for granted sitting down and having a meal together. We’ve been together for how many days? The six of us sitting down and being so appreciative of a meal, it became very emotional for a lot of us.”

Inserted during that confessional, Holly told the group: “Alina and Chase, you’ve called our camp home.”
The emotions we were supposed to feel were expressed by Alina who started to cry. She hugged Holly and said: “I’m glad you feel me on this emotion thing.”

Not everyone was feeling her!
Na’Onka: “Alina is so grimy. She is so grimy and so sneaky. I think she got emotional because she is trying to keep herself in the game but I can put on a show just like Alina. I have been playing a role, we have been getting close you know but it’s all part my plan and the next thing you know, you will be walking away and your torch is going to be put out.”

Knowing how Survivor loves those who show emotions, it’s pretty easy to predict which player will see their torch being snuffed.

Immunity Challenge

When Jeff asked who would sit out the challenge for LaFlor, everyone was surprised when Sash said he would. Even the maestro dropped his baton and the music stopped! Na’Onka and Benry were shocked, the camera returned to Sash to make sure we had seen it right and finally, Jeff said Sash would sit out.

As noted above, it makes Sash look bad that Jane said she would tolerate LaFlor’s laziness as long as they won challenges. Sash himself wanted to be fed to grow stronger and then he decided to sit out. Of course, it had to be shown that he was the one sitting out but his previous interview didn’t. That pause in the action certainly reminded us that it was a weird decision.

Benry and Alina were up top for Espada while Brenda and Kelly threw the cannon balls for LaFlor.
While Kelly hit on Laflor’s first shot, we had a feeling that there was much more disagreements in setting the ramp on Yellow’s side because Marty, Jill and Jud kept arguing with Brenda and Kelly.
Espada’s decisions were much smoother just like in the game.
Even if Benry hit her in the face while lining up a shot...

...Alina trusted his aim. Brenda and Fabio could only argue, Brenda saying: “Last time I listened to you.”

After Espada won immunity, Kelly said to Brenda: “I really thought we could have had that.”
I wondered of she meant only this challenge or the whole game!
Asked about back-to-back wins, Alina told Jeff: “It feels absolutely amazing.”

Jeff told them to use the afternoon to figure things out and Jill had an interview: “Losing immunity today for me means that we go to back to tribal council and the way things are shaping up, the other LaFlor members want either Marty or I gone and, since he has the immunity idol, it means it will probably be me.”

Jill really had the role of a pawn because we never even heard her trying to save herself. In the end, she was a dumb player because this was a direct result of both giving Marty the clue to the idol and convincing him to show it to everyone.

Day 18: Go Figure

“Fabs”, getting rid of his dumb blonde act, told Brenda and Sash: “We got to put 3 on Marty, two on Jill. Make Marty play the idol so Jill and whoever they vote for…
Brenda noted: “Which is me.”
Fabio continued: “…are tied and then we all vote Jill off.”

Jane agreed saying: “I’m a firm believer in what goes around, comes around.”

Jane: “Marty and Jill have treated me like I don’t exist from day 1, going all the way back to the old Espada tribe. I really felt like the ugly duckling over there and I know I earned the respect of Brenda, Purple Kelly, Fabio and Sash. At tribal council, I hope that Marty goes home. It’s still icing on the cake if Jill goes home. I want the cake and I want to eat it too and I want both of them gone.”

Jane seemed to be part of the discussion where Sash brought up the idea of getting the idol from Marty in exchange for a promise to stay but we never saw her in the same picture. Was she in on it?

Fabio: “Right now the plan is to put 3 of our votes on Marty and 2 on Jill and tell Marty: “Bro, you have to play the idol” so he does. Then it will be a tie between Jill and whoever Marty and…Jill vote. On the revote, Jill ends up going home.”

Brenda told Sash that if he could get the idol from Marty in exchange for a promise to vote Jill out, they should vote him out.

Brenda: “Tonight, either Marty or Jill is going to go home. That’s the plan. Sash and I are both stuck on what is the right thing to do and we are wondering if we could be super-mean, ask Marty for the idol and vote his ass out.”

Sash promised Marty that he would be safe if he handed the idol over.
Marty objected that he’d simply go out next time.
Sash then added: “If you give it to me, I’ll look you in the eye, shake your hand again, if we lose next time, I will give you back the idol.”

Marty: “Right now, I feel absolutely powerless in every way, shape or form. If I keep the idol, I have to use the idol tonight. So, I give Sash the idol, maybe I go home tonight, maybe I don’t. I got to give the idol to somebody. I’m either giving it to Jeff tonight or I’m giving it to Sash.”

He gave it to Sash, saying: “A curse at times, a good thing at times, the immunity idol is yours.”

Marty: “I’d rather give it to Sash because, maybe, if he lives up to his word, I would maybe live one more cycle. One more cycle could potentially get me to the merge and then things are wide open.”

Being cynical, I would say that Burnett is bringing the merge a few cycles early just to help you out. He did it for Russell in Samoa, didn’t he? But that is for Bashers!!

Sash: “Well, it turns out I don’t even have to dig for idols; all I have to do is ask for them. People will literally hand me an idol just because I may or may not keep them in the game a little longer. Marty made a big mistake. That’s probably his biggest mistake in the game.”

Tribal Council

Fabio: “I think they are a strong tribe. I think we are also strong…I think tomorrow, at the next challenge, it will be an even playing field.”
Asked what had been the fallout of the previous TC, Jane answered: “We got together and we talked, the ones that have meshed together, and we made a decision.”
Marty: “We came in as a minority in this tribe and some of us made more of a flip-flop while some of us tried to incorporate ourselves where we felt we fit in. Jane is a flipper; she’ll go wherever the wind blows in terms of making sure she saves her own skin.”
Jane replied: “When we became yellow, I became yellow. That is the way I look at it.”
Asked if she felt that from Jane, Brenda said: “Totally, from day 1. She’s very genuine. She never really tried to make an alliance; it just became a natural friendship.”
Jill: “Clearly, it’s still an old/young division. It’s a little frustrating to be put in that situation but it is my obligation to play out of it.”
Asked about his decision to hold on to the idol the last time, Marty said it could be seen as either a stupid move or a gutsy move and he went with his gut. He added: “Tonight, this is the first time I feel I may have made a mistake. I’m at a disadvantage now so do you trust somebody and transfer the idol?”
Jeff was surprised by this. He asked Brenda if she was worried about the idol, if she knew who had it. Brenda said Sash had it.
Sash: “The idol in my pocket.”
Jane was as surprised as Jeff. She said: “I didn’t know it was in his pocket.”
Marty: “In talking with Sash, we agreed that I would transfer the idol to him.”

If we were to think it was all Sash’s doing, the camera showed Brenda’s reaction, telling us it was part of her game plan. That bell sounded again in case we were about to miss it!

Asked if Marty was justified in being worried of making a blunder, Fabio said: “It is very reasonable because we could easily vote him out tonight but either way, we have the idol so we come out on top.”
Jeff asked Brenda about Fabio’s “we have the idol”.
Brenda: “I think it is ok to say “we” because that is how much we trust Sash.”
Always the one to stir trouble, Jeff asked Sash: “Do you want to give it to Brenda to hold on to?”
Sash tried to get out of it and was successful at first: “If that’s what we decide as a group then maybe, back at camp, I might do that. At this moment, I don’t think it serves a purpose.” Then he added: “But, if there’s a time when I lose trust in them…” Jeff liked that! “Sorry, if there is a time when they lose trust in me then I will have to turn it over or I will have the biggest target on my back.”
Jeff had to ask about that “Freudian slip.”
Brenda laughed.
Sash said: “That’s not what I meant to say but that’s what I said.”
Jeff asked Jud if he was familiar with Freud. (Was Jeff trying to blow Jud’s dumb blonde cover or playing along with it?)
Jud: “I’m a little bit familiar with Freudian psychology. It might have been the whole 90% of the subconscious coming out.”
Asked if it would linger in her brain, Brenda diplomatically said: “It was a slip.”
Jane: “If you watch this game, every time you give up the idol, it comes back to haunt you.”

During the vote, we saw Jane and Jud voting Marty. He voted for Jane saying: “This game isn’t over yet.” Jill did the same even if voting “Marty” could have saved her on a revote.

Jeff’s final words: “It’s obvious by the vote that this tribe is voting based on loyalty. The question is: How long can that loyalty last?”

The Story

LaFlor really lives up to the “young volcanoes” image from the season’s opening. Their tribal councils have all been a very interesting mix of strategy and personalities assessing each other. Compared to the “Ancient Rain Forest” of Espada, it has been much more explosive but the rain forest is where the dangerous animals live. The merge should be fascinating with the LaFlor 5 still intact but with Jud now so close to Sash and Brenda that they consult him on decisions and call him “Fabs”!

The Characters:

Kelly: By finally getting an interview, editing analysis tells us that she could be on the way out but game analysis doesn’t put her in any danger. She will vote with Brenda and Sash and that seems to be the extent of her impact.

Dan: Despite Chase’s words, the merge is the time when the weak players really become threats, everyone targeting the big guys. Dan calling himself the “Teflon Dan” could be a story we have neglected so maybe we should spend more time on analyzing his edit but I’ll let others make a case for him. I’d expect another player would have reflected about his ability to save himself if it were to be a winning story. Dan is just someone we have to endure, a character only because this is reality TV and they can’t erase him from our screens.

Na’Onka: Getting two negative confessionals during a reward tells us her “Villain” edit is being ramped up. It should soon reach “escape velocity” and send her all the way to Loser Lodge! Her first interview, about not being a farm girl, showed that she isn’t deserving of being considered a Survivor. The following one about Alina being grimy and sneaky only served to reinforce Alina’s underdog story.

Benry: No one commented yet on all his challenge prowess, how they either love him for it or fear that he will go on an immunity run later on so that tells me it won’t come into play. He may win one or two of the post-merge immunities but not the one he’d need. With the early merge, the attention given Alina should turn to him but he doesn’t have the same underdog story at all. He didn’t get a confessional during that reward; it was as if he wasn’t there. Winners aren’t ignored during rewards so his fans will have to forget about seeing him become the Sole Survivor.

Jane: I am wondering if Jane, the flipper, is being shown in a way to prepare us to see her flip on Sash and Brenda. She couldn’t be happy that, after feeding him, Sash decided to sit out and then seeing her tribe lose a challenge. After all, that was the only thing that mattered to her. Then, Sash not telling her about his deal with her nemesis could be the impetus for her to move once more. He certainly couldn’t have made her feel important when he didn’t tell her something as important as getting the idol from Marty. Seeing her eating a fish alone told us that Jane was loyal to herself first, yellow second. What I do know is how Jane will vote in the end: “People that don’t fish with me shouldn’t get all the riches”!! Who will be shown fishing with Jane?

Fabio: Just when the audience could have started to realize that Fabio wasn’t that dumb, we got more evidence that he was a Dumb Blonde. I’d ask what scene stuck in your mind as a viewer: The one where Fabio initiated plan voodoo on Marty’s idol or the “pee in the pool” one but I feel the answer is pretty obvious. Even his smart answers at TC must have been forgotten by viewers laughing at Jeff’s zinger about knowing Freud.

Chase: He had a nice interview during the reward but hearing him talk about his dead dad is consistent with his edit of being on a Journey to Maturity. His strategy talks, tying him to Na’Onka aren’t very good for his prospects because the “villain” has to be on the losing side. Chase saying that Alina had to be next right after hearing him say that Dan was a source of concern was, at least, a contradiction or, at worse, another example of his difficulties in making decisions

Sash: Dealing with Jud the wildcard, keeping Jane happy by asking her how she would vote and getting the idol from Marty showed that Sash was a very shrewd player. However, his interview about letting others feed him, his decision to sit out the challenge and his slip at TC showed me that his social game will be his undoing. Either the tribe will stop trusting Sash or the jury won’t give him the votes he needs. A self-proclaimed parasite is probably not how the editors want to present a winner.

Marty: When Marty said he was powerless, he was validating my title from last week. Like Jill, he wasn’t really able to scramble from behind the 8 ball but his idol bought him another cycle. I wonder if he even considered that giving the idol to Jeff would mean no one could use it against him like Sash can now do. The early merge can save him so it will be interesting to see if his alliance with Dan can help him more than the one with Jill. Merge at 12, the LaFlor core alliance has 5…Marty needs Jane but his attacks, both at camp and at TC, won’t help.

Brenda: The camera loves Brenda but is it for her looks or for her game? That is the problem in analyzing her story. We do see that she is a good player; the editors give her part of the credit for Sash’s move by putting one of her interviews in the middle of the action and by showing her reactions at TC. Did Brenda make a mistake by trusting Jane? It would be ironic if her mistake happened during the same TC where Marty admitted making one. My main problem with Brenda’s chances is that I don’t see the winner coming from the lazy tribe, especially one in which “Brenda and Sash are in complete control”.

Holly: The feisty mom has every thing going for her to be the winner except for talks about game. She was with the kids because she can go further with them but her reward confessional showed it was mostly because she liked the family feel they brought to camp. That is more Journey player than winner but she still has time to learn the end game. Her next coach could be Jane and I will be very interested in seeing the dynamics when the two moms reunite. They could be a force in the game.

Alina: We didn’t hear much from Alina but most of the Espada scenes were about Alina. We heard she was smart and strong, yet she could also be grimy and sneaky enough to use emotions to influence others. We also have a cross-tribal alliance of Nay, Chase and Holly targeting her in an episode where they didn’t go to TC. Holly? How can Alina survive if the one that considers her part of her family, the one that thinks she looks like her daughter, is against her? Showing that scene with Holly, Nay and Chase is definitely a way to put doubt on her chances. By being a big part in winning the immunity challenge, we can say that Alina saved herself from behind the 8 ball but, in the long run, we already know how Alina will survive her perils: She would use emotions not only to keep herself in the game but to win the game.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-31-10, 10:22 PM (EST)
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122. "Note: it was Ep 7"
I don't see this as an early merge. In a 20 player season with a F3, they will have a 9-person jury, which means the first juror is the next boot.

Although in the Cooks they held back the merge, and 1 of the 9 jurors (Rebekkah) was never on a tribe with any of the F3, they haven't done that since. In Gabon they did do a fake merge and had one pre-merge boot (Marcus) as juror, but there were two swaps.

In Samoa merge was at Episode 8, and would have been at Ep 7 if not for the Russ Swann evac. First juror was the merge boot.

In HvV, they held back the merge and had a juror who wasn't merged, but it didn't matter because they all knew each other.

I think that a merge next episode when the first juror goes is perfectly normal. I don't see it as being done to save anybody. Actually I think the players who are underdogs have a better chance not being merged, as at least they have a shot to win immunity and not go to TC.

I thought that Jud got a good moment at TC when Jeff asked him about Freud. Good thing that Jeff didn't ask Purple Kelly.

I found Jane's entire scene most unattractive. It didn't bother me that she ate her own fish, not at all, but her remarks were far from endearing. She was right on the mark with a stereotypical appearance as the cackling crone (only needed a cauldron as her prop).

Sash and Brenda came off as very arrogant, but Sash looked better at handling his smugness, until he hit that bump at TC.

Alina and Benry are both quite sympathetic. Benry's lack of confessional at the feast was noticeable. The women really got the confessional action on that one.

Alina reminds me a bit of Gina in the Marquesas. She was given a very positive edit, but she just had nowhere to go. I do see Alina as an underdog, but her position seems hopeless to me. When Holly didn't fight for her, that was bad. Granted, Espada is down to few boot choices, so Holly is in no position to argue.

Alina's not only the named target of her own tribe, but the other tribe has had her in its sights since the Shannon boot. She's really alone, and she's not UTR. It's a toss-up who is in a worse position, her or Marty. There are no idols lying around that would allow her to pull an Amanda (Micronesia).

An underdog edit is great, but one has to put it in perspective of the game dynamics to sort it out the one who will fly to the end from the one that needs an unlikely miracle. Alina's only real ally was booted. I think her story is that she had a couple of bad draws.
1) She found the idol clue with Kelly B, which bonded her to someone who was on the outs with the young tribe.

2) She was caught listening and blabbing about Brenda in Ep 2, and ended up on the wrong side of that power struggle. Anyone who aligned with her after that put a target on his or her back, so now she's coming into the merge with no one at her back. So is Marty.

Benry too got tainted by the Shannon boot, and as a challenge stud he is in a lot of danger. However, he hasn't had that much of a spike in face time.

The TC in this episode was anti-climactic expect for Jeff finding out about the idol. The "emotional" center of the episode was the RC, and the theme was that being out there together makes them a family. However, only half the tribe expressed that sentiment -- Holly, Alina, Dan. The other three are playing the game.


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-01-10, 10:49 AM (EST)
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123. "RE: Episode 8 - Editing Thoughts:"
"Just when the audience could have started to realize that Fabio wasn’t that dumb, we got more evidence that he was a Dumb Blonde."

I apologize in advance, but I am going to pull a "Michel" here, and say that I don't care how "Dumb" Fabio appears. He can stand on his physical beauty and no one will notice if he has brains, or care if he is familiar with Dr. Freud. Add to that, I don't hink he has made an enemy (except for HRH, who hates everyone).

PLEASE, Michel. Honor your tradition of acknowleging the most beautiful person in the season. I don't seem to remember you referring to Natalie as a "Dumb Blonde", after all (maybe you did and I don't remember). If nothing else, keep him around for the pleasure of the viewing audience.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-01-10, 11:48 AM (EST)
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124. "Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts:"
Strategically, Jud is in a fascinating position in the game. His surfer dude act is working, he's being discounted, but he could suddenly make some smart bold moves ... and everyone will credit the influence of Marty or Sash or Alina (if he further develops a friendship with her), anyone but Fabio. While he has come out strong as a character, we also get to see he's actually working the game. He may continue to hide behind the mask no matter what he does if he plays it right, fascinating game.

I'm curious what alliance michel believes Jane or Holly betrayed. They were clearly shown to be the next two on the chopping block in Old Espada because Marty was protecting "Teflon" Dan; they had no loyalty to Marty and he is egomaniacal to think they should have any.

Jane has obviously become a character in the story, comic relief, her game has vanished. Holly, on the other hand, had an early stumble, made her way through it, what didn't kill her made her stronger, and she is working the game from a weak position. She does owe Dan a pair of shoes, though.

I agree that the "Teflon" Dan story is one which should bear further scrutiny. I won't go through the strategical logic, because for one thing it assumes all the players are smart and fully understand the game which is a ridiculous assumption. But basically, with the merge announced in promos, let's assume it is an actual merge and not a faux merge (which was done only once): Dan really should be the secondary target in the coming episode even though traditionally an older player who is no threat in physical athletic challenges would normally be in one of the safest positions in the game. The only player in a position where she should want to protect Dan this time, curiously, is Holly.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-01-10, 06:32 PM (EST)
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125. "RE: Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts:"
First on Jud, I don't believe the general audience sees him as smart and therefore, I don't think they'd see him as a deserving winner. He will truly have to open the audience's eyes to his smarts.

Now, those of us who watch closely, (or those who are spoiled and know just how far he really goes) know he is smart, that isn't the question, it's his presentation. Shannon could be the one editing his scenes for all we've seen of him. One step forward, two steps back doesn't make a Sole Survivor. There's still time for an amazing move that will make everyone take notice but those things are usually foreshadowed.

Why ask which alliance Holly and Jane betrayed? The older tribe of course. I know they had to do it, that it was smart gameplay but, in the recap, Jeff could have called them something more negative than "Feisty Moms". That told me yet again we were meant to pull for them.

Like I said, I don't care for Dan because the editors didn't make me care at all. If "Teflon Dan" is the winning story this season will go down as the worst ever.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-02-10, 01:01 AM (EST)
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128. "RE: Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 11-02-10 AT 01:03 AM (EST)

I LOL at that. LOL LOL LOL Seriously, my semantics OCD kicks in, there's a difference between being in a tribe together and being in an alliance together, I reject the idea that Jane or Holly betrayed anything. Neither of them had any loyalty to the Marty alliance before the switch, Marty was the one planning two Tribals ahead and they were the next two boots.

I don't believe Dan has a chance of winning but he may be around awhile longer, which is unfortunate because he really should have been booted long ago. One of the problems with a large cast of 20 is that pieces of the stories get left out in editing, there just isn't enough time in 42 minutes, and a lot of these characters have been here again gone again this season. It didn't help that they hit the ground running with the Jimmy J Show and the Kelly B saga or that NaOnka emerged as this out of control drama queen, the game sometimes gets short shrifted for the TV show.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-02-10, 02:24 AM (EST)
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129. "RE: Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts:"
I agree, dabo, neither woman betrayed anything. They had no alliance, and they were swapped into tribes where they were the minority. In that situation, the smart play is to ingratiate yourself if you can so that they forget you were an opponent.

If Espada tribe had been tightly allied, they would have stuck together at the swap instead of turning on Tyrone. They weren't unified. It was Marty's alliance and everybody else on the outside.

I think it's clear that Dan has a good social game. The editors have highlighted his complaining, and negative remarks about him, because editing wants to show that Marty blew it by keeping Dan and booting Jimmy J (and even Jimmy T). Jeff disagreed with the alliance strategy, and that shows in the editing.

Dad is neither the first nor last who was kept in for alliance reasons and/or social reasons in spite of zero ability to contribute in challenges.

Mama Kim of Boran -- made it to F2.
Scout of Vanuatu -- F3
Jan of Thailand -- F3
Clay of Thailand -- F2
Lydia of Guatemala -- F4
Katie of Palau -- F2
Cassandra of Fiji -- F3
Courtney of China -- F3
Denise of China -- f4
Susie of Gabon -- F3
Taj of Tocantins -- F4
Courtney in HvV --2nd juror
Sandra of HvV -- winner

Some of these got a good story, others not so much. Should they have been booted? I don't know, I mean they convinced people to leave them around when it was a tough sell. Dan must be doing something right.

And yes, I do note that everyone on my list is female except for Clay. Kudos to Dan then, because the older men who are weak physically typically don't last long.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-02-10, 08:06 AM (EST)
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130. "RE: Episode 7 - Editing Thoughts:"
>I LOL at that. LOL
>Seriously, my semantics OCD kicks
>in, there's a difference between
>being in a tribe together
>and being in an alliance
>together, I reject the idea
>that Jane or Holly betrayed
>anything. Neither of them
>had any loyalty to the
>Marty alliance before the switch,
>Marty was the one planning
>two Tribals ahead and they
>were the next two boots.

I see that has game analysis, not editing analysis. Jane, Holly and Marty were on the same tribe and Jane and Holly's actions "left everyone else north of forty out in the cold." The recap could have painted them in a negative way if we were meant to pull for "everyone else north of forty". They were actually painted in a very positive way as "Feisty Moms". Even without using terms like "betray" or "traitor", Jeff could have said something like: "the two weak links used the opportunity to pull a fast one on Marty and Tyrone". I perceived the way Jeff presented things as another hint that Marty won't win. If he does win then I'll understand the laughs.

>I don't believe Dan has a
>chance of winning but he
>may be around awhile longer,

See, I don't care for the characters that have no role. He probably lasts a long time but his edit tells me I can eliminate him from contention. That's what I care about.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-01-10, 06:48 PM (EST)
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126. "RE: Episode 8 - Editing Thoughts:"
>PLEASE, Michel. Honor your tradition
>of acknowleging the most beautiful
>person in the season.
>I don't seem to remember
>you referring to Natalie as
>a "Dumb Blonde", after all
>(maybe you did and I
>don't remember). If nothing
>else, keep him around for
>the pleasure of the viewing

Maybe this is a joke but I don't find the humor.

In Samoa, I noticed that every time Russell called her a "Dumb Blonde", we saw Natalie working so we weren't meant to see her as dumb. Fabio is called dumb and then he does dumb things like peeing in the pool.

As for who I pull for, I never pull for the one I like, certainly not the one I find "the most beautiful person" of that season. I try to let the editors tell me who has the winning story. I sometimes get it right, I sometimes get it wrong but it has nothing to do with appearance.

Take Erinn for example: (one of my biggest mistakes!) I much preferred JT's story but JT winning was validating Coach's desire to find the best warrior. I thought the editors were saying that Coach HAD to be wrong so I thought JT would fall, forcing Coach to vote for Erinn.

(The most beautiful person of that season was either Candace or Sydney, not Erinn but they had no story so I didn't pull for them.)


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-01-10, 07:11 PM (EST)
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127. "RE: Episode 8 - Editing Thoughts:"
"Maybe this is a joke but I don't find the humor."

I should probably put little smiley faces in my text where humor is intended

But of course, it was meant as humor, and, like all humor, founded on a little fact. You always have a favorite - not necessarily one that you "pull" for, but that you enjoy watching

My comments, actually, are intended as a compliment, as I am not free to read all of the posts, and read selectively by virtue of who is posting

Further, your favorite may not be the one you think is the most beautiful It happens in this case that I think Fabio is beautiful and therefore, I hope he goes a long way, as no one else is of interest to me ...............


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-06-10, 09:01 PM (EST)
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131. "Episode 8 (for real!): Editing Thoughts:"
The recap reminded us that recent events centered on 3 people:

- Na’Onka: She was an angry and vindictive tribe mate…
<One of her arguments with Fabio was shown>
…but she had a hidden immunity idol and control of the entire Espada tribe.
Na’Onka and her ally Chase had decided that Alina was next to go.

- Marty: Before the switch, he was the most powerful and outspoken player on his tribe…
<Marty was seen saying he was “playing this game for real”>
…After the switch, he was fighting for his life on the LaFlor tribe.
His biggest enemy was Jane. Marty had only 1 ally, Jill, and one weapon, a hidden immunity idol.

- And then there’s Sash. Sash had become the puppet-master at LaFlor.
<Sash in confessional said: “Who stays in this game is about how loyal you are to me”>
After LaFlor lost the last immunity challenge, Sash convinced Marty to give up his hidden immunity idol in exchange for more life in the game.
<We heard Sash promising to give back the idol.>
At tribal council, Marty was amazed that Sash kept his word and sent Jill home instead.
Now, Marty is left completely alone, with no friends and no idol.

Sometimes, it’s amazing how much Jeff can change the story in a few words. Previous episodes hadn’t shown Na’Onka as being in complete control of Espada because they all had contributed to the decisions, Benry in particular. But it was important to show that Na’Onka was in charge, that Chase was her ally and that they were gunning for Alina.

In LaFlor, Brenda was completely ignored. Not only could she have been mentioned as one of Marty’s enemies, he did call her the Black Widow after all, but she was given no credit in the tribe’s decisions. That cannot be good for her.

As for the two that were mentioned, we can say that Jeff was very neutral regarding Marty’s problems. Being outspoken and playing for real apparently got him in this mess and we weren’t really encouraged to pull for or against him.
Singled out as puppet-master, Sash emerged only during recent events. Maybe it’s better late than never but it prevented the viewer from getting to know Sash.

I would have titled this episode:

It Doesn’t Make Any Sense!

Day 19

Marty: “The vultures are definitely circling and I’m a dead-man walking. It’s day 19 and I can’t believe this game has put me where I’m at now…. There are people left that I think have no right to still be in this game.” <Jane shown walking in the distance> “I don’t want to be the next person to go from Survivor. I just have to do the best that I can and hang on.”

Note that all this was said while we saw vultures merging and feasting on the carcass of a dead sea turtle. If you recall, Espada had been portrayed as a turtle moving slowly on the beach so this can’t be good imagery for Old Espada’s leader.

After Fabio read news of the merge, Marty spoke once more: “Couldn’t be better news for me as far as I’m concerned. Being together 6 on 6; I think it’s going to be a LaFlor jockeying around. The old LaFlor will have to off one of their own. There were divisions before so Na’Onka and Alina could be in trouble. I’m back in the saddle.”


After seeing the chest and reading that company would be arriving soon, Alina led Espada’s strategy discussion, saying they could be Final 6, but no one was really listening to her.

Benry: “Now that it’s becoming more of an individual game and people are looking out for themselves, I have to do the same. Alina, you can see right through her. She burned some bridges early on and she was supposed to go home next when we were the original LaFlor tribe. She outlasted her time in the game and I think everybody agrees it’s time for her to go home.”

Na’Onka: “Nobody really was on board with Alina’s plan at all. Not even Uncle Dan. Alina is on this plan by herself. A one woman army with her not knowing she’s the first to go if she doesn’t get immunity first. She can be GI Jane all she wants but she will not have an army behind her.”

Alina (solo after seeing that LaFlor had voted out Jill): “We thought Marty and Jill were super-strong. We thought they were running things. It tells a lot that Jill was voted out.”

Marty: “Getting back to camp was like a re-birth. It felt like Home-Sweet-Home. The game is starting again and I’ve been given a new lease on life.”

Note that we saw close-ups of only three hugs:
- Holly and Marty which seemed had to be shown since they were first in line.
- Marty and Dan where Marty’s words of being glad to see Dan prepared us for what was going to happen later on in this episode.

- Chase and Brenda’s reunion was a true editing manipulation because it came at the end when anyone could have been shown. With no words exchanged between them, it didn’t feel like a warm welcome despite their smiles. It at least told us not to invest hope in this pair, romantically or for strategy.

Sadly, the rest of the merge scenes looked rushed. What is usually one of the nicest episodes in terms of getting to see camp life, this merge episode didn’t have anything more than a few moments during the feast. We didn’t get any funny scenes like what must have happened after all that rum or when the tribe painted the flag and rearranged the shelter. Most of the time was devoted to arguments and strategy. At least Fabio showed his enthusiasm for the situation and he even gave a hug to Nay!

Fabio: “We made it to the merge! And we’re going to feast! You know: We’re MERGING! Ha!”

Marty: “I dig that I got to author the new name: Libertad. It resonated for me personally…Freedom from everything that’s happened up to this point and it’s a new start.”

Na’Onka: “That food was yummy to my tummy… I was so good that my booty…(was the sound real or not?) “I even snuck some nuts and put them in my bra…”

Brenda: “Seeing Na’Onka again was the best. She’s real! Such a relief. I don’t have to second guess her at all.” (The two knew that Alina would be watching them.) “To know that we are back in the game together feels really good. Me and Nay, we talked about everything that happened. She talked about how Alina has been really shady. I talked about everything that happened on the other side.” (Nay was surprised Brenda hadn’t aligned with Marty!) Brenda ended her interview saying: “With me, she knows it’s 100 percent.”

Brenda told Nay about Sash’s brilliant idea to get the idol.

Na’Onka: “Brenda was with me when I found the hidden immunity idol and Sash has the other one. Sash asked Marty for his idol and Marty, like a dummy, gave it to him.”

Day 20

Chase and Jane went to get water and bonded nicely.

Chase: “Jane and I clicked right away… She’s an awesome lady. She talks with a twang, she reminded me of home. I’ve been missing home, missing my mom. There’s another person from North Carolina here; I love it”

Jane: “I knew right there and then: He’s a North Carolina boy, I’m a north Carolina girl, we hit it off really good. I talked to Chase about his daddy passing and my husband passing so I got a connection with him.”

(Note that all this started with an exchange between Nay and Fabio who apparently took a big bite of tortilla)
Na’Onka: “It’s day 20, we don’t have a lot of food left and I woke up this morning very irritable because I woke up and made the tortillas. It was my idea. I was the last to get anything and I got a smallest one. I was like: You guys want to play, I can play too.”

Holly: “This morning, after we were done eating breakfast, Nay took the flour, put it in her bag. She got up and she walked out of camp. I thought that was a little strange. Why did she just take the flour?”
(Maybe because there were no alligator shoes left!)

Na’Onka: “I’m hiding the flour because those tortillas were good and everyone was being stingy. I pour my heart and soul making them things and I made one big one just for me and they all took it. They really made me mad. I’ll make them mad. Don’t play with me in this game I can play dirty.”

While everyone was out bathing Nay went back to camp and grabbed some fruit from the chest.
Her interview continued: “I’m stealing equipment to make tortillas and I’m taking fruit. I’ve taken bowls and I’ve taken food. It tastes better when you are stealing it! Like a sweet victory.
As for Alina, everybody is against her right now but I didn’t mind being that one person that told her a little something.”

Alina asked if Nay was still with the Espada 6 because she was worried about her spending so much time with Brenda.
Nay lied and said she was still with the six and that Kelly would be the one to go. Nay informed Alina that people were gunning for her, adding that Alina would need to win immunity.

Alina: “Every single person that claimed they would be a strong 6 totally lied and there I am, the fool, because I was really going to be doing this for these people.”

Nay gave Alina fruit to calm her nerves. She told her that no one thought she had an alliance, that she was a threat but would be easy to get out.

Na’Onka: “My reason for telling Alina that she was going to be the first one out: that is a vote I would have guaranteed when she’s a part of the jury. So, I had to be smart. I kept on talking to Alina because I wanted her to feel safe with me. I wanted her to know that I had her back even though I kinda don’t but I kinda do at the same time.”

Back in camp, people started noticing the missing stuff.
Fabio: “What about the frying pan? Is that gone too? The bowl and the frying pan… That doesn’t just get swept away by the tide.”

Holly busted Na’Onka about taking the flour but Nay said she put it back.
Fabio: “It doesn’t make any sense.”

Alina: “It was so hard sitting there. It wasn’t like I was free of guilt…”

Nay decided to confess to the tribe after being confronted by Alina and Chase. They learned that Alina knew about this.

Marty: “Stealing food in Survivor? You would think that, having done what she did, would mean you’re gone, instantly gone.”

Day 22
: “It was crazy Na’Onka to think of something as ridiculous as stealing the frying pan and bowls and all the stuff to make tortilla but Alina confessed to being part of it. She’s had a target for the longest time and now, on top of all of that, she has this? It sucks to be Alina right now.”

Sash made sure that Chase, Brenda and Jane would protect Nay. They agreed to distance themselves from Nay but vote with her.

Sash: “Na’Onka definitely is not one of the favorite people in camp at the moment but that worked perfectly into my game plan as having her as one of the final three because that pretty much guarantees her that she will not receive any million dollar votes.”

Sash told Nay that Alina was going home and that Nay was still his number one girl.

Then Jane caught a fish. The girls went to help her get water to cook it while the guys, Marty, Fabio and Benry, laughed in the shelter.

Marty: “The more Jane stays in the game, the more complicated the game gets. I think they all see the connection she made with Chase. I bet you that can’t be unwound, the whole Carolina thing: “My Momma told me” and all that crap has now infected Chase and it’s going to continue to spread like cancerous tentacles through the tribe.”

Marty went on a walk in the jungle with Brenda and said: You let somebody like Jane get under the radar, the farther it goes, the more dangerous it is. Her story is the saddest story ever on earth and when she catches fish, every time she catches fish and does her dance, the little Jane dance, all that stuff is just like, you will be sitting there and going Holly cow. It’s a done deal. Anybody that goes to the finals with her, you’re cooked.”

Brenda: “Marty has the wrong perception of Jane but Marty is somebody to watch because he is talking to Benry and Fabio and Dan and, if he wants somebody out so badly, maybe he already has a very good strategy to get to the end. Maybe it would have been good to get rid of it before we all start getting warped.”

The Challenge:

We saw Alina and Benry’s frustration when they dropped their rods.
Interesting that, immediately after Jeff said: “This is about wanting it”, Sash was shown dropping his rod.
Jane won immunity for the women but asked if she could go on to beat the men. Jeff told her to go for it. When Chase told Jeff it was because Jane was a North Carolina girl, the camera turned to Brenda as if she had noticed the importance of that new connection and worried about it.
Fabio dropped his rod immediately after Chase, his smile showing that he respected Jane’s performance even if he wasn’t going to compete any longer against her.

Back in camp, the girls all hugged Jane who said: “I wanted to beat Marty.”

Jane: “My whole goal today was to beat Marty. I wanted to prove to him that I may be little, I may be small but there is no way in hell that in an individual challenge, he was going to beat me.”

Kelly told Jane and Alina that the girls had to stick together with Sash and vote out Marty.
Alina: “I know I needed to win today. I know I’m in the hot seat but I’m not the only one that is. Jane hates Marty and she wants to see him gone and Jane happens to have a lot of numbers on her side and I’m on her side too.”

Na’Onka: “We were all debating between Marty and Alina but Jane really wants Marty out. Like, we would all write down Alina, she would still write down Marty.”

Chase told Dan that the vote was between Alina and Marty.
Sash asked Jane and Chase for a big favor: To keep Marty safe for one round since he made that promise to him.
Jane asked what if Marty wins immunity.
Brenda said: “There’s really no rush.”
Jane countered: “What if he wins immunity the next 3 times.”
Brenda: “We have 8 more times.”
It’s pretty incredible that players can think like this.

Jane: “There are a lot of people wanting Marty out but it all goes back to Sash making some agreement with Marty…Marty, to me, is the biggest threat. I’m not voting for Alina because I don’t feel right about voting somebody out that I don’t feel should be leaving right now.”
To reinforce the point that Alina shouldn’t be leaving, we saw her alone trying to catch fish while Marty was shown, with Dan, next to the shelter eating fruits.

Dan told Marty what Chase had said to him, calling it a mistake.
Sash told Marty not to worry because they were voting Alina.

Marty: “Chase is now in my book of morons because you don’t tell someone that you are going to blindside somebody if you don’t have 4 or 5 votes behind you. You don’t even broach the subject.”

Marty told Sash and Brenda: “I’m not a player in this game, I don’t have power, I don’t have numbers, I don’t have an idol anymore, I have nothing. That’s it. I am a zero threat so anyone spending an ounce of energy trying to vote Marty out is crazy.”

Sash: “Marty has been coming to me constantly today because he thinks he’s on the chopping block. Marty, being paranoid, does put a bigger target on his back. His best move would be to lay low but that is not his style and he is digging his own grave at the moment.”

Holly gave his word to Marty that she was voting Alina but we saw her counting votes with Jane and Alina to get rid of Marty. They were counting on Kelly, Chase and Na’Onka. Alina realized she needed Fabio.

Alina to Fabio: “We have 6 people voting for Marty. We need one more, we need a 7th. Obviously, people want Marty gone but is it going to be him or me first? I think it should be him.”
Fabio: “It should be Na’Onka first!”
Alina: “Please don’t do the random Na’Onka vote…Actually, go for it. Vote Na’Onka and you don’t have to be part of the 6 and 6. 5 will vote for me and 6 will vote for Marty.”
Fabio: “See that’s why people are voting for you. You are dangerous…You always have a hidden motive…I would piss a lot of people off by doing that. What would you want me to say: Take Marty out now when I have been friends with Marty for a while, I get along with him and I enjoy him around camp?”

Alina left saying: “It seemed that we got along too.”
Fabio couldn’t reply to that.

This, to me, was the key scene of the evening.

Tribal Council

Asked if it felt like the game had changed, Holly said: “Absolutely. People want to save themselves so they are going to do anything they possible can to get to the end. If you agree with what everybody else says, that is not going to get you to the end. You have to take a risk.”

Marty: “I absolutely believe that there were going to be some big moves made. Sometimes the window of opportunity for big moves shuts quickly and you’ve got to seize those opportunities. I want to clear the air a little bit, for the whole tribe because there have been some misconceptions about me. Miss Jane thought I didn’t like Miss Jane and that somehow I wanted to snuff Miss Jane… The fact is that 30 minutes after the game started, Jane made some bad mistakes and some bad decisions, namely aligning herself with three of the weakest players that were subsequently eliminated. You don’t make an alliance within 30 minutes; I don’t even know her name. All I’m saying is; you let the little old lady from South Carolina that catches the fish and does her little dance get to the end, if you let her get to the final 3, if you have watched Survivor, this woman will take the million dollars. She has the saddest story here of tragic human loss, of needing the money desperately. You can’t write a better story. I will go one step further and this is going to be the final compliment I pay Miss Jane: If she makes it to the final 3, I will cast my vote for this woman. She would deserve it and the people who let her get there made a strategic error and they don’t deserve the million bucks. I don’t care if people are black, white, old, young, gay, straight, everyone has won this game. If you think someone is going to take a million dollars out of your pocket, that’s what you got to be thinking about.”

Asked if Marty hurt himself by being so vocal, Alina said: “I think he is illustrating perfectly to this tribe what a strong strategic player he is and how smart he is about this game because he just posed himself as the biggest threat out here. Do you keep that guy around?”

<Brenda’s face showed that she didn't agree about Marty's threat potential>

Dan told Jeff that Na’Onka and Alina took food and utensils from the tribe.
Na’Onka confessed that it was just her butt hat she gave it back.
Fabio said: “You wouldn’t have given it back if we hadn’t found out.”
Nay said she was punished for it because no one talked to her.
Fabio was not impressed!
Alina said: “I was put in a really weird position…I’m a really good swing vote…If you want to be strategic in this game, you don’t pick somebody who is the powerhouse, you pick somebody who is the pawn? I am the pawn.”

Jane voted against Marty, hoping everyone would be smart.
Benry was shown voting against Alina, calling her a “dirt squirrel”.

The Story:

I feel the story was summed up very well by Alina’s last words:

“Why would they keep Marty over me? Anybody with any smarts about this game would have kept me instead of Marty. It doesn't even make sense. He's such a bigger threat than I am. These people are stupid and I know, eventually, the fact that they kept Marty is gonna bite them in the butt, and they're gonna totally regret it. Stupid move."

From “Taking Charge is a Bad Idea” our theme has evolved into “The Ones in Charge Make Senseless Decisions.” I’d add that it was strange that Kelly B wasn’t a victim but Alina turned out to be one. Wasting a likable character for another that lasted only a couple more episodes doesn’t make a lot of sense. I took it to mean Alina would last long in the game but I always kept in mind that she could be a Victim. This turn of events brings up an interesting question: Which remaining character was in on Kelly B’s elimination but wasn’t really to blame for Alina’s?

The Characters

If anyone wants to make a case for Kelly, Dan, Benry and Na’Onka being presented as winners, be my guest but I rule them out completely.

Benry’s initial interview and his voting booth comments proved that we had no connections at all with his thought process. That has been true for him from the start of the season. We had been led to believe that Alina and Benry were more or less tied to each other so we never had an idea that he had such resentments for Alina. Why not keep us in the dark one more round about his intentions to vote out Alina? It would have increased the suspense regarding the vote but Benry was a dead-end. That told me that the editors didn’t care about Benry’s character, they just used him to turn Alina in a bigger victim. The editor’s main job is to create a connection between the important characters and the viewers so how can Benry be the winner?

We certainly have a connection with Na’Onka but (despite her Russell-like tactics!) for all the wrong reasons. Game analysis, as much as editing analysis, tells us that Nay cannot win even if Sash drags her to the final 3.

Marty: In this post-Russell era, maybe such an arrogant character still can stake a claim to having the winning edit. (for example: I think there are people left that have no right to still be here) We know he is playing for real and he keeps finding ways to stay longer. One could hope that he can turn the situation in his favor but I think the vultures will have the final words. I do buy that imagery. More importantly Marty is still presented as being outspoken even when he was reduced to playing without any power. If he was trying to use the under-the-radar tactic, he failed. We did hear that Fabio likes him and that he talks to Benry. That could buy him a few more rounds but there was nothing in his presentation and his attacks on Jane that redeemed his edit.

Jane: She does have a great human story, some great moments. The fact that she wanted to save Alina could be good for her edit but she wasn’t part of Kelly’s elimination. That means there was no manipulation involved here. Her story is being reduced to wanting to get rid of Marty. I do believe that she will outlast him but that would be it for her story. What we do have is a strong case for Jane winning the Fan Favorite vote.

Sash: His story keeps growing by leaps and bounds. He is the puppet-master, he has stripped Marty of all his power, he gets his alliance mates to help him keep his word to Marty and his interview about his final 3 plans was judged important enough to be presented to us. A positive point for his edit is that we didn’t hear Marty asking for his idol back. Maybe Marty simply knew better so he never asked but I’d expect the subject would have been brought up during those 3 days. We didn’t get to hear Sash lie to Marty so that could be good for him…or it could be the reason he doesn’t receive Marty’s vote in the end.

What this puppet-master lacks is substance. He practically popped out of mid-air. There were 4 or 5 episodes where the audience could have gotten to know him better but all we saw was that he wanted to have a minority alliance and that he had a million dollar smile. That’s too thin for a winner’s portrayal.
In addition, Sash was not only directly blamed for Kelly B’s elimination but the decision to keep Marty and vote out Alina was put totally on his shoulders. Maybe there was a way to present Alina as a dirt squirrel (whatever that means) but she was a likable player, someone the audience connected positively with.
All that tells me Sash doesn’t win.

Brenda: I liked her story but the editors fumbled it in this episode. Not only her strategic involvement was totally ignored during the recap but she was also heard saying Na’Onka was real, that she was glad to be reunited with her yet we didn’t hear anything about being reunited with “good guy” Chase! Hearing her say that they had plenty of time to get rid of Marty isn’t a way to make the viewers see her as a smart player which seemed to be her role for a while. In addition, she is as strongly tied to the “bad” decisions of voting out Kelly and Alina as Sash was so she shouldn't be the winner either.

Chase: What a marvelous story Chase is receiving even if he was ignored in a couple of early episodes. If Jane has a big story of human tragedy, Chase is not far behind and his is “easier” to like. By that, I mean he doesn’t have any of Jane’s negative scenes. Also, the substance that Sash lacks, Chase has in abundance.

Chase lacks justification: We heard that he was weak, clueless and a moron. We see him always hesitating and making mistakes like telling Dan about Marty being a target or by trusting Nay, being her ally no less. He wasn’t part of the Kelly boot so she didn’t disappear to make us forget about any involvement Chase could have had in eliminating her. And, if he did hesitate between Marty and Alina, he had decided that Alina had to go when they were in Espada. He did get blamed for that vote.
Maybe Chase can still get the votes in the end but he will need to take a risk, act forcefully to make the audience forget about his hesitations. I still think he is on a Journey to Maturity more than on a winning story.

Holly: Holly killed her own story with her words at Tribal Council. I think that showing her saying: “If you agree with what everybody else says, that is not going to get you to the end. You have to take a risk” in an episode where she did the opposite and agreed with everybody was the death blow to what looked like a good story. You could say that there is still time for that big move; that big moves usually happen at F9 or F7 but that is game analysis. Don’t forget, Alina was like a daughter to Holly yet she didn’t do much to help her when the votes started stacking against her. In fact, her expression when Alina first spoke of keeping the Espada 6 together showed that Nay was right: Alina was on her own.
Holly will succeed in her “Journey of Perseverance”, she will be rewarded for overcoming her initial breakdown but it looks now like it will only be a moral victory.

The Case For Fabio: He’s the only one that made sense in this episode! That would make a good but rather thin case, now wouldn’t it?! It took me a while to warm to his story but he has been there all along with a very consistent edit.

I think Fabio is the winner of Survivor Nicaragua mainly for that scene before tribal council. Why was Alina voted out? Fabio told us it was because she was dangerous, that she always had a hidden motive. That marvelously ties in to his original confessional that he wanted to let others think he was dumb. It also ties to the theme that “Taking Charge Leads to Making Stupid Decisions”. Fabio doesn’t make bad decisions, he makes friends.
He’s the one that is constantly shown opposing Na’Onka and her stupid actions so the fans must want him to win that battle and vote her out, not use her as a Final 3 goat.
Also, while he was part of the plan to split the votes that led to Kelly’s boot we saw that he wasn’t happy with eliminating Alina. The decision was taken out of his hands and that, I think, is why Kelly was ignored while Alina was given such a nice story.

If Marty is playing for real, Fabio is playing for fun! It may not always be fun for him but he never loses his smile. I do believe that is the story, the lesson, of the season.

LFJ should be happy!


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-07-10, 01:13 AM (EST)
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132. "RE: Episode 8 (for real!): Editing Thoughts:"
Good read as usual. Agree, Fabio For Fun! is his campaign slogan. I sometimes wonder if he takes the game at all seriously, maybe he does, or maybe that's why he can sometimes be the voice of reason in the midst of madness.

May be back with more comments at a later date, but just wanted to note here that I counted Marty's opening confessional as two confessionals, since clearly the first part was before the merge treemail and the last part was after the merge treemail.


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-09-10, 02:38 AM (EST)
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133. "RE: Episode 8 (for real!): Editing Thoughts:"
Great analysis, Michel!!

I must say, I was pretty surprised by Alina's torch getting snuffed. I guess mainly because it gave Naonka some cred (in her having stated it last week) Still, I guess her consistent edit up until now, was for that of the first juror (like Marcus, Brendan, or Eric from Samoa)

Interesting to read your thoughts on Jud (can't bear to call him Fabio) I was already figuring him to be the last male standing and even in my top 4. And as you've stated there appears to be a case for him winning.

The scene you mention between him and Alina does seem pivotal, and even seems to have had some forewshadowing with earlier episode previews, like when Jud's name was left out from being mentioned with Alina and Kelly B's link to the wrong side of the vote with Shannon. When first viewed it could have been perceived that it was unfavorable for him not to be mentioned. But now that they are both gone, it is good that he was edited out of that scenerio.

Another thing about his scene with Alina is that she reminded us that "It seemed we got along too" And I would say they did, and moreso than Alina getting along with Nay. Compare this scene to the blatant confessional that Naonka made following her scene with Alina, about how she was softening up to Alina to work on jury votes. I found this very peculiar that it was stated so straight-forward. My inclination was to think 1) Nay will make it to the final 3, and 2) the editors are already starting to plant seeds for us to think that Nay may actually have a chance to win. I don't think she does. Nor do I think that Nay will get Alina's vote. I think the more subtle hint of Jud and Alina's scene showed that she will more likely vote for Jud.

It's interesting that in the beginning of Act 3: the merge, we revisit the Jud and Nay connections, just like we did in Act 1, pre-swap. (Will we again see this pairing in the final act?) The first showings of Jud and Nay could've been viewed as the editors merely taking advantage of the more "character" type castaways in the earlier act. They sure took advantage of lots of her nay-saying ;) While this did remind me of Sandra and Jon's portrayal in Pearl Island, now it appears confirmed. Jud and Nay have a similar bantor to them. And both pairs appeared to be the weakest (or in some way the least likely to make it the end) from their tribe. I feel though, this time around, Jud is the more likeable antagonist, equating him more to Sandra. She went on to win, as may he, while Nay may finish 3rd, just like Jon. Will be interesting to see if these similaries hold true.

Also, I like your thoughts on Jane as fan fave. In another link to Pearl Island's, she's getting a bit of the quirky, island thriving Rupert-esque spin on her edit. Makes her more endearing, even through some of her more negative scenes. Personally, I think she's awesome


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-09-10, 08:44 PM (EST)
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134. "RE: Episode 8 (for real!): Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-10 AT 08:47 PM (EST)

I like reading your views Aaron. Your take makes me consider different angles. Like: Is there such a thing as a first juror edit? If there is, it weakens the case for Jud.

Marcus, Brendan and Eric were in charge of what appeared to be the strongest pre-merge alliance so they had to be shown. In comparison, Alina was a nobody as far as having power. However, the three guys didn't get the same edit at all. Marcus was arrogant and Eric was dumb. Only Brendan had a positive edit.

Jamie in China had more power at a certain point than Alina ever had but Jamie, like Eric, was made to look like a Dumb Player, not a Victim. Not surprisingly, Jamie and Eric's eliminations were largely credited to the eventual winners, Todd and Natalie. Brendan could get a positive edit because his boot was blamed on Coach and Tyson.

Alina had a similar story to that of Eliza who was first juror in Micronesia but I'd credit Eliza's edit to being a Favorite more than a first juror. Alina could have been neglected like Brad, another first juror. But she wasn't neglected at all. Her elimination must have made quite a few viewers angry with Sash's alliance. That's a big argument in favor of Jud from my POV.

For Jud's scene with Alina, I would have liked to have heard a confessional from Jud afterwards. That would have solidified his case if he had told us more about his turmoil. I'll be curious to see if Jud gets an early confessional this week about Alina.

BTW, apart from editing analysis, I see Na'Onka trying very hard to act like the villain, using sabotage tactics that are more Russell than Jon. Even her deal with Alina reminded me of Russell going to Monica, Dave, Brett and even Rupert, making deals even if he was voting them out. So, yes, I could see Jud as Sandra, the UTR player who everyone forgets to eliminate but he'd be opposed to Hantz, not Fairplay. Fairplay was much smarter about the game than both Hantz and Na'Onka.

As for Jane being voted Fan Favorite, I think Burnett would love to see her receive the $100 000 but I don't think it will happen. I expect that for everyone who loves Jane, there are 10 that see her more like Thailand's Batty-Jan. I'd say Chase has the $100 000 in pocket unless he makes a really stupid move.


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-09-10, 10:05 PM (EST)
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135. "RE: Episode 8 (for real!): Editing Thoughts:"
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-10 AT 10:15 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-09-10 AT 10:10 PM (EST)

Thanks Michel!

To clarify a bit more of what I meant by first juror edit is that there is more consisitency to the edit and deliberate showing of the individual. Their designated tone: dumb, victim, player, etc. would vary depending on their personalities (ie. what footage they gave) or how this tied in to the overall story. Most first jurors that I recall got nice consistent edits that could almost give an imppression that they will make it to the finals (I think Brad is an exception as there was so much going on for the Cook Islands, with the ethnicity premise, Yul's idol, and the mutiny concept) For the record, I found Marcus and Eric as likeable as Brendan, and I'm not a big alpha male fan.

That being said, I feel what they chose to show us about Alina's portrayal supports what you say about the editors perhaps sending a message to get some viewers angry with Sash's alliance. Yet, the only scene shown with Alina pleading with someone from original LaFlor was with Jud. The one who was deliberately edited out of being part of either alliance (while he has be shown on screen commiserating with both) I think this is a great in terms of his edit. (ETA: I think Alina could have been edited more negatively, in her interview with RNO, she made it sound like she had to become the snake after Shannon's boot. Yet I feel she was shown favorably)

Notice that the first three original LaFlor boots have played out somewhat in which they were narrated to us in the beginning, only stretched out over more episodes than expected. Shannon, Kelly B, and Alina (instead of Alina preceeding Kelly B) I think if it were stated in the recap that Jud were part of this, he'd be next, but he wasn't, so I think this lets him off from being the next possible LaFlor boot. So who is the next Original LaFlor boot? Is it finally one from the alliance of five, or will it be Benry, the other one who was also left out of being associated with either alliance stated (but not with the same care and manipulation as Jud) It will be interesting to see. I will be looking for cues to this in the next episode. What will the episode tell us of the next possible LaFlor boot? I think even if this episode is an original Espada vote-off, I think there will be hints as to how the LaFlors will play out.

As for Fan Fave, if Marty makes it a bit further, he may take it. As it appears that voters like to choose a "player" in recent seasons. Perhaps the human stories of Chase and Jane will cancel each other out. Funny, could she be batty Jan's sister - ha!

As for Naonka, she does have Hantz-like tendencies, I just fail to use him to make any comparisons because he was sooooo forced upon our screens (and I've seen far more than I ever need to see of him) I think I likened Jud and Nay more to Sandra and Jon due to the subtle editing choices of showing their occasional bantor (which in terms of editing kept them on our screens and in our minds, without us really thinking they had a chance) With Russell, it was just so in-your-face, that while there was hope he would be eliminated, each week the chance that he'd make the finals reared it's ugly head. Yes, I agree Jon was much smarter about the game, But it just seems in terms of personality (even likeability) he and Nay were 'on' and 'off' throughout the season (Russell was always 'on')


flystorms 212 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-11-10, 01:21 PM (EST)
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136. "Fabio"
Did anyone notice the very subtle edit last night when the boys were out on their male bonding trip? As Sash was saying, "I think Brenda and I are the two smartest people out here," there was a cut to Fabio shaking his head back and forth slightly. I wonder if it's an editor's nod to a Fabio win?

Add to that the conversation with Fabio and Benry where Fabio said "I'm tired of playing stupid!" There have been glimpses of Fabio playing a character and getting away with it, while he slowly takes over as showing his smarts in small ways. Does anyone think that his quiet evolution is the winner's edit so far this season? I haven't seen anyone in particular stand out as much, have you?


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-10, 01:58 PM (EST)
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137. "RE: Fabio"
Yes. The problem with that strategy is not everyone can sustain an act for 39 days 24/7, and the conditions in Survivor make it an even tougher game to play. NaOnka may be playing a character as well, if so she is having trouble because it is a more intense alter ego, sometimes the mask slips.

LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-11-10, 02:40 PM (EST)
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138. "RE: Fabio"
Fabio is my personal fav, so I may pay more attention to him than I do to others, but it is at TC's that I notice his behavior more than at any other time.

When someone is inappropriate, he always has a shocked look on his face - like - Dude, I can't believe you were just dumb enough to say that. Since Nay is most often the one to open mouth insert foot, she is the one who most often brings out that reaction. (at least, this is what we are allowed to see)

I think Fabio is very aware of the ideosyncracies of the other personalities, and is adept at blending into the group, regardless of what is going on. He is seemingly without ego. A singularly valuable trait.

And, he is nice to look at, too.


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-10, 03:35 PM (EST)
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139. "RE: Fabio"
I agree. Fabio is like a man-child. He is wise with regards to interpersonal relationships but he still acts his age (or younger, i.e. peeing in the pool). Because he is young, he can get away with the dumb act and no one knows any wiser because it fits with his looks, the dumb surfer dude. He is an interesting character. He hasn't voted with the majority several times but he doesn't have a target on his back, at least not yet.

I've noticed all the close-up he gets in Tribal council too. He always has a expression to go along with whatever is being said (especially when its Nay!). I love it!


Belle Book 3613 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-11-10, 05:50 PM (EST)
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140. "RE: Fabio"
I don't think Fabio is stupid -- he seems to be pretty smart when it comes to interpersonal relationships and he's smart enough to play up the dumb act -- but he is probably rather naive, in part because he's young. This helps make him unthreatening, which is one reason why there's no target on his back yet.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-10, 07:56 AM (EST)
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141. "Revisiting Veruca's comments on Jud"
Now that people are making cases for Jud here, I'd just like to point out that Veruca had him picked out from the get go, and give her a hand. Here are her comments:

EP 1
A point of interest seems to be a theme of underestimation in connection with first impressions as the older tribe (or some of them as reflected upon by Jane) may be underestimated and Shannon is perhaps underestimating Jud all based on first impressions

More of Jud’s antics are shown…..

Jud (conf) “The name Fabio man, I didn’t even realize I was being called that at first. (Shannon and Benry I believe are shown whereupon Shannon calls Jud an idiot) Fabio like rides a white horse and is kind of a cheeseball, I don’t care what they call me, I’m going to win the million dollars…”

(This confessional pushed Jud in great territory as it told us he is perhaps being underestimated and despite his goofy persona, he is playing this game to win the million dollars. Jud seems fully prepared to allow the others to have misconceptions about him and that can bode very well for his end game as he is underestimated – hitting the theme squarely)


Ironically Jud (despite the goofiness shown in his edit) felt the most promising in his edit for a number of reasons. He encompassed the theme of older vs. younger where we see him reflecting briefly on the makeup of his tribe and while he states that this is going to be fun and perhaps bumping him down on the end game player scale, he turns that around with his latter confessional that he will win the million. He also captured the theme of impressions and misconceptions as Shannon practically disregards him and Jud advises us in his confessional that he is aware of the Fabio name and doesn’t care as he is going to win. What is interesting about Jud is that his “persona” appears to lack substance because of his personality and ways that were shown but there were hints of a player there that the players and the audience may underestimate. Jud even had a first confessional and that certainly helps his case as well.


Jud received ample camera time this episode and I will assume (perhaps not a good thing) that the situation between Naonka and Jud was televised for a reason – perhaps setting up some future issue with the two of them (not to mention the exchange at TC). Clearly, we were not meant to sympathize with Naonka in this situation and regardless of the fumbling and bungling he is shown to do – I do feel the editing could make Jud look worse and turn him into a caricature of himself. Jud is obviously a free spirit and his actions provide entertaining television regardless of end game or not. His first episode confessional does help his case for longevity and I think that the editors could dial it up a notch on his “dumb blondeness” should that be the bane of his edit. Time will tell.

In the scheme of thematic connections, it is interesting that Naonka stated in her confessional the persona of Jud that was picked up from the first episode, i.e. Jud is not considered a threat which is the type of UTR player that I look for – I classify UTR differently than the Butch’s or Kim’s. My type of UTR is someone that could be athletic or can be social or can be loud but is completely off the radar due to something about them that is not considered any threat to win this game; in this case, the edit is showcasing Jud as a non threat because he is “dumb.” Jud is athletic, young and gregarious which is (on paper) threatening but Shannon dismissed him and now Naonka has also dismissed him.

Jud’s persona is still being highlighted as carefree and goofy and we hear the term dumb and commentary that he is not a threat. Jud makes good television; he is someone who will be featured because he is a defined personality but I never discount anyone who is given extra time when not necessary and one can’t forget that he has been dismissed as dumb but we were told he does not care what others’ think because he is here for a million dollars.

At this juncture, Jud, Brenda, Chase, Sash and Alina are the five individuals that could have significant showings based on manipulation, storylines and ties to the themes.

EP 3

Of note again, Jud, Benry and Chase were left out of the narration as part of Shannon’s majority and while we know that Benry and Chase jumped from that alliance, Jud was still not named and was not named as being in trouble – only Alina and Kelly B. were named.

Jud (conf) “My strategy bro is to be out in the open and kinda make people laugh and be all crazy but it goes deeper than just ha ha, let’s keep him around because he is funny (he then has to stop talking because he needs to kick a hermit crab off his foot) It’s like I want to be kept around for more than just cause I’m funny, I want to be kept around for my mentality, my spirit, whatever you want to call it”

This confessional *appears* to have been taken from an earlier time, I believe that his beard growth was less than the present episode but it is hard to be sure since he is so light. Regardless, I found this to be a *somewhat* important confessional but it is also mixed with a bit of contradiction and this is why I find Jud’s edit a bit perplexing and because of that, his edit does raise my brow.

Again we are to hear from Naonka that Jud is stupid, we heard this from Shannon as well. These are the two characters that are extremely vocal and one is gone and the other is receiving an edit that cannot be good for her chances. Now, quite often, his televised moments would appear to support this. But, despite the comedic and “airheaded” persona that Jud receives (and it is enhanced by musicality and visuals) on two occasions Jud gave us insight that reflects his head is in the game.

Despite Jeff even stating that Jud needs to get his head out of the trees in the hopes that everyone could get along, Jud was a voice of social logic despite that it may not be possible. There is no question Jud is being manipulated and I cannot forget that impressions and underestimation are themes being touched upon. Currently, his pressing storyline is the issue Naonka has with him but it is interesting that he was removed from the Shannon situation when he was, in fact, still aligned with Shannon at the Tribal Council. Kelly B. was lumped with Alina to be in a vulnerable spot yet Kelly didn’t vote for Brenda, Jud did.

Jud’s character progression has done nothing to dissuade me thus far that he is long term and it would not surprise me if he is shown consistently and constantly underestimated. The contradiction would be that the editors are seemingly in love with the idea of reinforcing his goofiness; one might question if that is to just simply highlight an entertaining character despite duration or make a concerted effort to have the audience really like Jud – with the *taint* that Russell has provided audiences for the last two seasons (despite not winning) this could be a premeditated decision to bring back a breath of fresh air should Jud reach end game

Naonka (conf) “Jud, he’s so stupid, I can’t stand him… I know the first time I laid eyes on him, that I wasn’t going to like him, such an airhead… “ (More dislike coming from Naonka over Jud and again, the editing does not reflect that her opinion is validated as the tribe seems to like him and his characterization is not attempting to have the audience agree with Naonka)

Jud has been my pick since I saw his cast video before the premiere. His first confession was a little goofy, but its presence made him a contender. All season I have thought of him as my Scarlet Pimpernel character.

Before the season began, due to Jeff's comments I thought that Chase was going to win, but that was prior to seeing Chase in action. The Chase on Survivor did not hold up to Jeff's billing. He could be heroic but now we have Brenda mocking him as a baby.

My favorite line of the season for Jud was his tired of playing dumb comment, as I'm sure it was for many people. I've been waiting 8 weeks to see Jud crack the mask, and it's finally happening.


kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-12-10, 05:59 PM (EST)
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142. "RE: Revisiting Veruca's comments on Jud"
Thanks for compiling this OFG! I've read all of Veruca's thoughts but it is a lot of work to shift back through the thread -- I love having all this about Jud in one place for easy reference.
And Veruca totally rocks!! She can read the editting like nothing I've ever seen. I'm always amazed by her.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-10, 06:51 PM (EST)
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143. "Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts:"
Reading a spoiler in this thread, one which seems to reveal a member of the F3 no less, I almost decided to stop writing here but since everyone saw the same thing, everyone will be able to make his own mind about the story. This is, afterall, only my read on it.
That being said, here is what I saw:

The recaps continue to slightly alter reality this season:

Previously, on Survivor, (I’m missing Jeff’s first words but it was about Sash and Brenda putting the target on Marty.)
Brenda: “Marty is somebody to watch because he is talking to Benry, Jud and Dan.”

Jeff: “But everything blew up when Na’Onka took Alina on a food stealing mission…
…The tribe found out and wanted Na’Onka’s head…
<Jud: “That’s not cool.”>
…But Sash and Brenda protected her so they offered up Alina instead.
Brenda: “It sucks to be Alina right now.”
But Marty got paranoid and he thought he was the next to go…
….So, at tribal council, Marty tried to save himself by throwing Jane under the bus…
…In the end, Marty’s outburst was unnecessary…because Alina was voted out.

Now, the feud between Jane and Marty has reached critical mass.
11 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Hearing the story presented that way, I felt Jeff was already telling us that Marty was going to be voted out.
Alina never participated in the “mission” to steal food; she was given some of the food that Nay had already stolen.
Brenda and Sash never offered Alina has a way to protect Na’Onka but rather to keep Marty around. The tribe was undecided between Alina and Marty but we were told that Sash and Brenda were her executioners.
Right after Jeff had told us that Alina was the victim of circumstances, we heard Brenda saying “it sucks to be Alina” That made her appear more vindictive than smart.

The Birth of the Cool*

Night 22

Na’Onka: “Tribal council is where you need to vent but I think tonight’s TC really shook things up. I felt really bad for Jane. Marty, he was going a little too hard on her. He was throwing punches but she can’t block. All she could do is take it. I think she did well because, if the shoe was on the other foot and it was me, I would have turned right back and I would have hit him really hard.”

Chase wanted reassurance from Brenda that she wasn’t with Marty.

Jane: “The jackass named Mr. Farty…is a freaking jackass for trying to attack me.” Right then, Marty seen picking his nose told us he wouldn’t be defended by the editors. “I personally don’t think he can beat me physically, much less mentally so I’m going to keep on playing my game the way I’m playing it. I think he is grasping at straws because he knows his days are numbered.”

Nothing was said here to make Marty look better or to make us want to see him save himself. Only those that don’t like Jane would want to see Marty outlast her but there wasn’t any manipulation to favor him over her.

Marty went to get water with Sash who told him that the other vote must have been from Holly, not Chase.
Marty answered: “OK, because that tells me that Chase has maybe half a brain.”

Marty: “It is frustrating to play a game with some people who are just stupid…. I was crystal clear that I think everybody underestimates how dangerous Jane is in this game. There’s no question that I’m potentially in trouble here. I’ve got a big target on my back. I feel I need a button-down plan between now and the next tribal Council or they will eliminate me in a heart beat.”

With Benry and Dan, Marty started a plan to flush out Na’Onka’s idol, to vote out Jane and to isolate Chase and Holly all at once. Asked if Brenda would go for it, Marty said: “Totally.”

Jane (said in solo, at first as a voice-over, while the camera showed her watching Marty’s little group: “Marty was trying to poison everybody’s opinion of me. He knows there’s a noose around his neck and he’s waiting for the hatchet man to cut that rope and he’s going to be hung. I tell you, the man scrambles like nobody I’ve ever seen. I’d like to take him to the woodshed and whip his @ss.”

The Challenge

The men competed against the women. Chase, who had been left without a team, chose to “do something crazy and go with the girls.”
Brenda shown jumping up and down pleading with Chase seemed to explain his choice.

Brenda led the way for the women and they were in it until the stick fence and the net crawl where Jane wore down.
The comment that seemed to have the most foreshadowing value was: “The women hit the brick wall.”

After winning, the men, Benry in particular, addressed Chase: “No faith, brother, no faith.”

Jeff saw that Kelly was crying so he asked what was going on.
She answered: “I am hungry. It’s just rough. I’m great; I’ll get to spend the afternoon with awesome girls and Chase.”
Jeff: “Chase believed in you.”
Kelly: “That says a lot about Chase.”
Benry spit at those words.

Note that it was the manipulation of showing Benry’s reaction about Chase’s character that is important. Did Benry spit at that exact moment? Who knows, who cares? But we were meant to see that Benry didn’t like what Chase had done… and that Benry isn’t necessarily a nice guy!

None of the men showed chivalry (or rather tried to buy a vote) when asked if they would give up their spot to any of the girls “who had worked hard”.
Marty spoke for the men, saying “I don’t think so Jeff.”
Jeff said that “we have 11 individuals playing this game.”

Marty: “Chase, selecting to stay with the girls…why would you ever do that? Watching Chase join Jane was like watching the movie “Dumb and Dumber.” I don’t get it.”

The Reward
It focused mainly on Marty, Dan and Benry

Benry: “Never in a million years did I think I’d be in Nicaragua, going through the jungle on a zip-line. I couldn’t ask for a better 4 guys to be with. It was awesome.”

Dan: “…Going through the jungle on a zip-line? It was OK. You know, there aren’t any zip-lines in Brooklyn. If there are, you’re a burglar.”

Marty: “It was incredible, almost symbolic to be in mid-air, on a zip-line above the jungle, enjoying a day off. It was thrilling, exhilarating. I felt free…The best part of the Bar-B-Q is getting a little opportunity to speak to the guys about my strategy and maybe convince them that I’m really good at this game and that I can help them in this game.”

Needlessly, Marty worried that Judd could leak their plan to Na’Onka.
Judd: “I’m going to be the one leading that charge.”

Benry: “Marty’s a smart guy, he knows what he’s doing. He came up with a pretty solid plan. If properly executed, it will definitely ruffle a few feathers.”

Judd asked what Brenda thought of Chase.
Marty said she was probably keeping her options opened.
Dan said: “He’s just a bad horse to ride.”
Judd turned to Sash, asking him to reassure Brenda, make sure she knows they want her in the game.
Sash: “She trusts me 100%. I probably trust her 95%.”

Sash: “I think the plan Marty put forward makes perfect sense but I believe Brenda and I are the two brightest minds out here and, in the end, she and I have the power to send anyone we want home.”


Chase shared a hug with the girls.
Holly commented that Chase showed character by believing in them.
Chase explained that he didn’t like Marty, that Sash was the only one he trusted over there.

Brenda: “Chase, I don’t think he made a smart move. He should have chosen the guys. He just went with his little emotions and he didn’t want to disappoint North Carolina Jane and mommy figure Holly and maybe me, so he went with the girls. Chase doesn’t make smart moves. That’s his problem.”

Kelly said that they were in agreement: Marty was going home.

Chase: “Today was a huge reward. It drove me crazy that I missed that but, I went with my gut and I wanted to show the girls they could trust me and hopefully I will get further in the game.”

Note that we see Holly’s pelican before Holly had a talk with Chase.

Holly: “Dan and Marty are really tight and, after today, I think they will try to get Sash and Brenda.”
Chase: “But I am not going to doubt Brenda because that will get her mad and we don’t want her mad at the alliance. Hopefully, Brenda is in.”
Holly: “Got to trust her, that’s all you can do.”
Overhearing that last part, Nay asked Chase who Holly meant. Informed it was Brenda, Nay said she trusted her: “We made it this far with her.”

Chase: “My relationship with Brenda has definitely changed. I’m not sure of Brenda, I’m not sure where her head’s at right now. We’ve been away from each other since we did the tribal swap. We don’t talk anymore like when we were at the old LaFlor camp we talked a bunch. That could be because she’s really with Marty, I don’t know why?”

Nay gave Chase some advice: “Don’t worry about Brenda. Just don’t get on her nerves”

In the very next scene, Chase worried about Brenda and got on her nerves.
Chase (to Brenda): “You really look unsure right now.”

Brenda: “Chase is a worrywart. “What’s going on Brenda? Are you OK? Are you unsure? I’m freaking out, I worried.” Chase is like a little baby that is always going wouinn-wouinn-wouinn. One of the things I can’t stand is paranoia and Chase is too paranoid. You can be tall, you can be muscular but really, where is that alpha-male, power control? It’s all an illusion.”

Forgetting editing analysis for a second and considering this last scene from a game perspective only, I must say that Brenda acted completely wrong. If an ally is worried, you do EVERYTHING you can to reassure him. Telling Chase that she was acting this way because she was afraid of falling in love with him would have been better game play than brushing him off!!! You absolutely never do that, (unless you have the numbers to vote him out immediately) not if you plan to use him down the line.

From an editing perspective, even the camera angle served to show how haughty Brenda has become. Perched on a tree, looking down at the camera (at us), the scene highlighted the impression that she considers herself better than anyone else.

: “Chase is always paranoid but he is reaching a point where his alliance is sick of him. We just might have to swap you out for somebody on the other side because your paranoia is getting to be too much.”

Marty and Kelly brought tree mail.

Jane: “Tree mail showed up so I’m hoping the gods up there that we pray to keep the good in and triumph over the evil. There is only one truly diabolical person in the game right now and that is Marty.”
<Note that Chase and Holly were shown as the “good” while the camera panned from Benry to Fabio and Dan before the gong and Jane’s words arrived at Marty. >
Jane’s interview continued: “There’s a big target on my back right now after Marty’s slanderous outburst the other night so anybody needs to win except for Marty.”

The Immunity Challenge

From the start, we saw the different between Marty and Brenda: Marty kept mouthing the words silently while Brenda smiled with calm confidence.
Jeff had a little fun with Chase’s lack of confidence as if we needed one more example.
When Benry fell out of the challenge, Jeff said: “We have our final two: Marty and Brenda for immunity. They have not been the best of friends in the game so far…”
“Not true” interrupted Marty.
“Just saying what I see” answered Jeff with a wink.
As soon as Marty showed a ship’s wheel to her musket, Brenda’s smile flashed even brighter.

Jeff asked: “You are smiling. Are you sure you are right?”
She was.

Day 24

Benry and Fabio were out collecting food in a tree and wondering if Marty’s plan was going to work.
Benry: “You and I should just lay low and say we are voting Na’Onka and play stupid.”
Fabio: “I know dude but I hate playing stupid so much but it’s like the smartest thing to do right now.”
Benry: “It’s easy.”
Fabio: “It’s real easy.”

Fabio: “That’s the greatest thing about this plan; I don’t really have to do a whole lot. That is a big part of this game is laying low. You know. I call it being cool. Not ticking people off, you know. It’s a good strategy as far as I’m concerned.”

Like the scene with Alina last week, at the end of the strategy talks, this scene with Benry, at the beginning of the strategy talks, stood out for Fabio. Despite being totally unnecessary, or actually because of its unnecessary nature, I see this as the key moment of the episode. That’s what inspired the title of this episode.

With Dan standing next to him, Marty explained in sports terms to Chase why it had to be Na’Onka.

There was an extended stretch of silence where the camera went from Marty to Jane and then settled on Nay.

Na’Onka: “I’m always worried when I go to Tribal. I know the other alliance is going to be gunning for me because I took the flour but I’m straight from South Central LA and I have some street smarts and I always follow my intuition. But keep in mind I do have a hidden immunity idol and if I have to use it for myself, to save myself, I will.”

Asked by Holly what Marty had told him, Chase had Marty’s plan figured out. He was going to vote against Marty but he didn’t know what Brenda was doing.

The scenes between Holly and Chase also had a lot of importance in this episode, enough to build a case for him. More on that later but it showed that Chase was that dumb.

Right on cue, we next saw Brenda alone on the beach but it was Marty that joined her.
Marty presented his plan to her saying it was Sash’s plan.

Brenda: “What Marty said is absolutely true: Jane is a huge threat. If anybody is thinking of going with her to the final or even letting her get close is a fool cause she would win. I agreed to it, I went along with the plan but Marty is not running the camp. Sash and I are running the camp.”

Brenda’s hair and outfit shows that these were actually two interviews, the first probably right after the last TC while the second just before this one. It doesn’t matter thought because both show how much Brenda and Sash have let themselves be put in the middle. As a chess player, I could give them one advice: Don’t surround yourself with yourself! It looks like their own pawns are blocking their moves. I loved the imagery that followed: Ants running all around each other but, where humans get into clutters, bottlenecks and traffic jams, ants go right on through even when they are surrounded with themselves!

Sash and Brenda compared notes, Sash saying: “I feel they want him out so bad that he is a thorn in our side.”
Brenda: “I don’t like how all of a sudden Jane and Holly and Chase’s clique are demanding things.”
Sash agreed: “It’s a slippery slope.”
Sash wanted to keep Marty because “he is a good cook and he tells me everything. From a personal stand point, I wouldn’t want Marty to go home tonight.”

Brenda: “Sash and I are the swing votes. The Marty crew thinks we are with them to blindside Jane and have Na’Onka flush out her idol and then the Jane-Chase crew thinks we are with them to vote out Marty. Tonight is going to show who we really are with. I like to be in charge and I am in charge right now. When it comes down to it, it’s really whatever Sash and I want.”

Tribal Council

As Alina walked in, Brenda’s smile didn’t really look like a greeting, more like a victory smile.
Asked about the reward, Jane said: “When we hit the bamboo, it’s like we bounced off and when we hit the brick wall, we bounced of even harder.”
Sash talked about the men’s bonding time: “We showed our desire to work as a group and it gave us time away from the camp to strategize and decide some of the next steps.”
When Jeff mentioned the 5 women back at camp Fabio said: “It was the five girls plus Chase. There are a lot of different angles here. I was just stoked we were eating while we were doing it.”
Marty once more said that Jane was a threat, that he felt comfortable but that his bags were packed.
Brenda said: “You can’t lie against that and say she isn’t a threat. It’s true. Take somebody like Na’Onka who is a “trouble-maker” and Jane who keeps feeding us fish and who would you like to take to the end? I think it’s a no-brainer depending on how you play the game.”
Jeff noted that being likable isn’t always good on Survivor.
Jane: “You always have a target on your back. Me and Marty we went off to a bad start…I should have kept my mouth shut.”
Jeff went back to Nay stealing food.
Na’Onka said it was stupid. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore, Jeff.”
Marty didn’t like the fact that it was treated as being trivial.
Nay, the humanitarian human told Jeff she didn’t like Marty.
Fabio wanted to say something but Nay cut him off.
After more rants from Nay, Fabio finally was able to tell Jeff that it didn’t make sense.
Like Fabio said the rest was crazy.

After Marty was voted out, we saw Jane wink at a smiling Alina, Na’onka clapping.
From behind (a very rare angle), we saw Sash turn to Fabio, nodding his head as if telling him it wasn’t the right time.

Jeff ended it saying: “Based on the vote, it’s clear you are no longer making decisions as a group. This is where it gets really interesting and very complicated.”
Fabio was shown scratching his head at that moment.

The Story

As I wrote, it looks as if Brenda and Sash have managed to surround themselves with themselves or, in Survivor terms, have “Dollyed” themselves. It,s not as if each faction is at war with each other. That was only Marty and Jane. Holly is on speaking terms with Dan and I wouldn’t see why Chase, Fabio and Benry wouldn’t compare notes. A big question would be to find out why Na’Onka’s idol wasn’t even flushed. That horrible council display couldn’t have reassured her so Dan, Benry and Fabio have to know someone tipped her off.

The Characters:

: Marty has been voted out and Jane wasn’t given an alternative story. Instead, it seems she could become part of Chase’s Journey to maturity.

Holly: The return of Holly’s pelican gave me a new look on her story. She learned from the pelican and she is now giving lessons to Chase like any mother would. Mother or Coach! Let’s not forget that she is also a coach.

Brenda: When once we saw a smart player, we now have the depiction of a very arrogant one. People know that she is playing the game, that she is the one they need to make their plans succeed but, since they do not, they will realize she is playing an individual game, not working for the group to paraphrase Jeff’s words at RC and TC. That confessional showing her in a tree killed any possibility of seeing her as a clinical player. She is cold but we still saw her emotions and they weren’t pretty.

Sash: He is in the same position as Brenda but the editors hid him a lot in this episode, putting much more of the focus on Brenda. The vote showed which side Sash was on and Fabio noticed.

Benry: Although he had a bigger role this episode, Benry still has no long term connections to other players or the jurors. Using this hidden character to tell us that Marty was smart didn’t make us change our mind in thinking that Marty was leaving this episode. We know Benry has always been close to Fabio so he could join him in the end but Fabio is the one that the others like and would be inclined to vote for.

The Case for Chase: Chase started out the season by telling us he wanted to have a Coach. He told us that he lost his dad and that he misses his mom. He likes Brenda but she is using him. Chase needed counseling and he found it in Holly. Brenda said Holly was a mommy figure but the pelican told us that she was the Coach that Chase needed. The pelican tied Holly back to her early days in Espada where she learned from the “best Coach ever” and from outdoorsman Jimmy T and now she was transmitting that knowledge to Chase. I found it very interesting that we heard Marty try to get Chase to vote out Na’Onka by putting him in an imaginary locker room and asking him to make a coaching decision: Would he want her on his team?

I also noted that all the votes that Marty counted going to Jane could go to Chase. Jane, Holly and Alina could vote for him and, by choosing to support the women’s side, he could also get Na’Onka and Kelly’s vote. All the comments that Chase was a crying baby, that he was useless and part of Dumb and Dumber make for the doubt needed in a winner’s story. Also, from the start, Chase has had the personal story, the substance that makes a great winning story. His struggles to understand Brenda show a lot of his thoughts. And Jane put him on the side of good while Fabio was slanting towards the dark side.

Unfortunately, from my point of view all this also works fine with a Journey to Maturity. Chase is questioning himself and others. Saying that siding with the girls could get him further is weak as far as strategy content goes. The negative comments, the ones that could create doubt, sound like an explanation why the Ponderosa crew will not see him as a deserving winner. For now, he is the only one I see that could challenge Fabio.

Fabio’s Winning Strategy: It is always a big indication of a winning edit when we hear a confessional that not only looks to the end game but ties in to what we saw in episode #1. Fabio is playing dumb, it is very easy to do and, by not ticking anyone off, not only does he avoid taking charge but he also cultivates jury votes. Both editing-wise and game play wise, Fabio being cool looks like the winning strategy. Now, he will need to convince the jury that he isn’t dumb…and he will need to keep his cool around Na’Onka! “That’s not cool” were his words during the recap. We still need to see how it will turn out.

*What was the other time that an episode made me think of a Miles Davis album for title?


kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-14-10, 02:45 AM (EST)
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144. "RE: Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts:"
What spoiler was in this thread?

dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 02:14 AM (EST)
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146. "RE: Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts:"
There really isn't one so I am attributing that comment to a misunderstanding.

kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-15-10, 02:26 AM (EST)
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147. "RE: Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts:"
Thanks -- that was what I thought it was.

michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 08:52 AM (EST)
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148. "No Misunderstanding."
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-10 AT 09:39 AM (EST)

Misunderstanding? Put it this way: When I made my case for someone, I still considered they could be voted out next so I wouldn't have bet more than a few bucks on their chances. After OFG's congratulations, I knew I could have bet the house on that player's chances of making the F3. Being "thoroughly spoiled" as she put it, she wouldn't have given any praises if she knew he was leaving anytime soon.
Misunderstanding? Not at all. Complete understanding would be more like it. Congratulations are for after the game...unless you know the results in advance.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 12:26 PM (EST)
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151. "Yes, there is"
I would submit that the praise in that post is to Veruca for discerning early in the season that Jud was a character playing the game according to a particular strategy of being under estimated by other players because of an act he is putting on, which appears to have been fully confirmed in a scene in the most recent episode. That scene also showed that Jud has at least one ally in on the act, which may be a key revelation; Jud has someone else in the game in whom he can confide. Their fates may be linked, if one goes the other's game may founder.


kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-15-10, 01:42 PM (EST)
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152. "Oh no you didn't!"
Episode after episode the posters here -- except Veruca -- have dismissed Jud as nothing more than a fool or -- at best --wondering if he could be as dumb as he looks and making the case for Alina &/or Holly. After Episode 9, which contained 2 critical scense proving that Jud is, in fact, "playing dumb" or "playing it cool," the posters here began making the case for Jud. All OFG did was state that while it took 9 episodes for everyone else, Veruca has, from the beginning, seen Jud as someone who is not what he seems. That's it. She also added that she liked Jud from his pre-show interview because he stated he was going to play up the surfer-dude persona. Nothing spoilerish in those comments at all. The only way to read OFG's comments as a spoiler is to assume that since she is "thoroughly spoiled" it must be a spoiler and not because of anything she wrote. I don't think that qualifies as a "spoiler."

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 05:25 PM (EST)
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153. "RE: Oh no you didn't!"
I don't want to join in the back and forth, but I very much want to thank you for stating with such accuracy the exact intent and meaning of my post.

I am not striving to play "who is the winner." I AM very interested in Jud's edit, as to whether he is the Dumb Blonde or the Fox who presents as Spiccoli, and I have been engaged ever since I was intrigued by his cast video, which stated his strategy.

From a game perspective, he has major obstacles in his way at this point, so we shall see. For instance, a current broadcast promo shows Brenda saying that Benry and Fabio are next to go, presumably because they joined with Marty last time. So we see that he is no longer UTR, and I am very curious to see what he will do.

If I focus on Jud in this topic, it is because he and Marty were the only players who engaged my attention this season, and Marty is gone now.

As for summarizing Veruca's early comments on Jud, I did what should have been done by any person suddenly making a turnaround and making a "case" for him as winner. Perhaps it's because I used to work in academia, but I have it ingrained at me that when you present an idea as your own, you should always acknowledge any substantial work in the same direction that has gone before you. Not to do so will lose you all credibility. If Veruca's observations had been properly given the nod by michel, I would not have felt the need to say anything about them, and instead I would have been responding positively to michel's new theory.

It appears to me that anyone who reads Spoilers is no longer welcome in this topic by a few of the contributors. I had thought the problem was addressed when michel and corvis announced they were not reading my posts nor the posts of anyone who is known to read Spoilers. As kiki was at the center of a Spoiler debate last week (which I thought was overblown but it was high profile), the post avoidance should have extended to her.

Thus I was surprised to see that michel had read both of our posts, and per the PM's I received yesterday, corvis too. All I can say to that is when you tell me you are not reading my posts, I expect you to stick by your word and avoid them so that you can avoid reading spoilage into them that I never intended.


kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-15-10, 05:58 PM (EST)
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154. "RE: Oh no you didn't!"
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-10 AT 05:58 PM (EST)

You are welcome OFG -- but I just summarized what any unbiased reader would have gotten from your post.

And I agree that it is better to not get into any back and forth, but I do have to say that michel & corvis are more than welcome to read my posts in this thread because I haven't written anything that is spoilerish. I apologized re: last week's vidcap thread because I did, unintentionally, spoil the episode 9 IC winner. However, I'm not going to apologize for something I didn't do.

In the immortal words of Rodney King: Can't we all just get along?


Corvis 3130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-15-10, 06:09 PM (EST)
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155. "RE: Oh no you didn't!"
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-10 AT 06:10 PM (EST)

Not addressing the main point of all this here (that's why I PMed you), but just two points you made:

"It appears to me that anyone who reads Spoilers is no longer welcome in this topic by a few of the contributors."

I don't have the authority or the desire to tell you you are no longer welcome in this topic. To paraphrase that 7 Up spokesman from so long ago... Never said it, never will.

"All I can say to that is when you tell me you are not reading my posts, I expect you to stick by your word and avoid them so that you can avoid reading spoilage into them that I never intended."

As I said in other threads that I am pretty sure you read, but maybe you missed it... they're long... I was inadvertently spoiled about end game stuff (my fault - blame no one). And so I stopped avoiding your posts.

And my apologies to everyone, particularly Veruca, for adding to a hijack of this thread from its purpose but after OFG called me out in a thread and referred to personal messages that I sent, I felt I should respond.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 06:31 PM (EST)
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157. "RE: Oh no you didn't!"
Corvis, I really don't like using the PM function to thrash out differences. Unlike you, I prefer to put it into the open. That's why I referenced it. Whether or not you became subsequently spoiled, I think I reasonably expected to be safe from having you or michel reading things into my posts, due to your prior statements in this topic that when you saw my name you would scroll on by.

Corvis 3130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-15-10, 06:39 PM (EST)
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158. "RE: Oh no you didn't!"
Now you're making me chuckle. Was that your attempt at getting the last word? Just curious. If so, feel free to post again so you can fulfill your desire.

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 07:14 PM (EST)
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159. "RE: Oh no you didn't!"
Corvis, you made a couple points and I thought they were worth responding to, is that hard to understand? I don't play "last word" games, but if I see something that merits a response I will do it, whether or not that gives someone an opening to cry lastworditis.

I was going to respond anyway to your remark that the PM's were personal. An unsolicited PM that is used to tell me how bad my actions are to you without you doing it in public is not cool, and it does not get the protection of personal and private that I normally accord to PM's.

Anyone else out there, if you want to get on my case, don't use my PM box or my email to do it. I keep those functions enabled so that I can have FUN interactions. If I INVITE you to have a discussion about differences via PM, that is of course quite different.


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-15-10, 07:53 PM (EST)
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160. "Thanks"
Thanks for sharing Corvis!

It's a shame you are put into a position of having to defend yourself, although you state it well. Yes, I would also consider PMing as an act of addressing things amicably while respecting the course of a thread's intended discussion. So for what's it worth, I appreciate your attempt in doing that.

This is the first season in which I've actively contributed in this forum. And I've really enjoyed having my editing thoughts shared. Although quite frankly I'm dismayed by the bullying behavior that goes on (primary from one person) Maybe in the past I just skimmed over it, but oooh, it's hard to look at

Fortunately I am still able to enjoy the many posts from very clever people who choose to have fun with the show and cooperate with one another. I hope you enjoy the rest of the season too!


kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-15-10, 08:40 PM (EST)
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162. "Bullying?"
I know "bullying" is the topic de jour, but having a gay brother who has actually been bullied, I take offense to it being thrown around so causually. There is no bullying on this board -- it is a public board and we are all anonymous here, there are no personal attacks, there has been no name-calling (until now) -- to try to call disagreements "bullying" is insulting to those who are actually bullied.

Now, actually contacting a poster via PM? That might be, or could lead to, bullying. I don't know, I haven't read the PMs, but that seems to me to be getting personal and approaching a slipperly slope.


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-15-10, 09:05 PM (EST)
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168. "RE: Bullying?"
Thank you Kiki for your attempt to school me on what bullying behavior is, but I'm not in need of that at the moment. I have my own life experience to draw from, and yes, I have seen it on this boards. This is my perception, and have every right to it, and know that there are people on this forum that will respect it.

Just like Jeff said to Marty about Marty and Brenda, with a wink and smile "That's just how I see it"

Now back to Survivor Nicaragua!!


Corvis 3130 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-16-10, 10:28 AM (EST)
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170. "RE: Thanks"
Thanks for commenting, Aaron. I appreciate it.

As I recently mentioned to OFG in response to a PM she sent me, I am getting out of this discussion. I am sorry I ventured into it at all through PMs or here in the thread. My mistake - won't make it again.

Sometimes I forget that this is just a TV show. I'm working on remembering my priorities.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-16-10, 05:34 PM (EST)
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171. "RE: Thanks"
Agreed, Corvis. You and I are good.

Aaron, I experience the term bullying as overly personal, hurtful to my feelings, and way over the top. Please desist from further name-calling.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 08:05 PM (EST)
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161. "I'll Do It Again!"
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-10 AT 08:21 PM (EST)

OFG, you are welcome here but when you single out one person, that is a spoiler in itself. You know the F3 so you wouldn't have congratualted Veruca for reading Jud's edit if he had been the one to go out instead of Marty.

Someone who is "thoroughly spoiled" can talk about story arcs but not make a pick in a speculation thread. Suppose, if after being in the middle of the dessert for the last few months, I wanted to catch up on what happened during the World Series and that I had every game on tape to enjoy it as if seeing it for the first time. If you post "Tim McCarver really nailed it with his early season pick of the Giants" that spoils my fun. That's what you did here.

As for reading your post, I couldn't miss that one because you included (intentionally?) Jud's name in the title.

About giving credit to Veruca, I always have done that. I'm not competing against her. It's an open forum and the case I made was from my observations. I let the story unfold and didn't think it was a race to publish the winning pick.

ETA Proof that your post spoiled me: After reading my last paragraph again, I realize that wasn't my thoughts at the time. I didn't credit Veruca for the simple reason that I didn't know I was right to make a case for Fabio. I could have been completely wrong so why would I credit Veruca BEFORE THE END OF THE SEASON???

And Kiki, before writing: "Episode after episode the posters here -- except Veruca -- have dismissed Jud as nothing more than a fool... All OFG did was state that while it took 9 episodes for everyone else, Veruca has, from the beginning, seen Jud as someone who is not what he seems."

I suggest you read what I wrote after episode #2:

The Likable Underdogs: None of these can be ignored for final victory especially considering all three had opening confessionals...They have a long road ahead but what a story it would be.

Fabio: He’s still presented as a goofy guy but he did receive a better edit in this episode, especially in his portrayal at Tribal Council. He was calmer than most and told us he knows the importance of making friends, not enemies...

His story was always interesting.


kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-15-10, 08:42 PM (EST)
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163. "Seriously?"
You proved my point that you merely assumed that OFG must be spoiling based on who she is, not what she wrote.

And you see nothing wrong with that . . . curious.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 09:01 PM (EST)
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167. "Seriously? You have it Wrong"
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-10 AT 09:02 PM (EST)

It's not who she is, it's what she KNOWS. She made it clear that she is thoroughly spoiled and that the F3 is known. You can't speculate when you know. For example: I'd put $1000 on the Patriots to beat the Steelers this week. Care to take that bet?


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 08:46 PM (EST)
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164. "RE: I'll Do It Again!"
michel, it's standard procedure to address and include the thinking of those who have posted with anything like the same premise or even a somewhat different premise. No? Really?

Obviously this topic has somewhat different standards than an intellectual community, because I think a lot of us tend to not read everyone's posts, but everyone reads Veruca's posts. So I will just say that if one has read someone else's posts, that it is good form to acknowledge those insights.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 08:57 PM (EST)
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166. "RE: I'll Do It Again!"
"So I will just say that if one has read someone else's posts, that it is good form to acknowledge those insights"

I the end of the season. That's when congratulations are in order. Until then, Purple Kelly could win for all I KNOW.


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-15-10, 08:53 PM (EST)
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165. "RE: I'll Do It Again!"
Thanks for clarifying, Michel!

I certainly can see how you may have perceived this. The way I see it, it isn't a 'misundertanding' per se, but simply your perspective. A perspective that makes sense to me. I beleive the post may have read differently if it had come from Veruca herself. I see how you could have inferred this, and it was an inference, albeit one that not everyone might make of course, but you did, and you shared about it.

As for the claim that the posters in this thread are dismissing Jud "as nothing more than a fool" - I think it's unfounded (although once again, someone is welcome to perceive this) Thanks for sharing your earlier thoughts about Jud, it's fun to see that you stated this way back then. I always felt you held him in possible contention for endgame, while at times questioning his "dumbness" (for lack of a better description - ha!) I too would like to share my aforementioned thoughts about Jud. (Not to gloat but to add some clarity here ;)

In addition to what I've stated regarding Jud in ep 9 (which was written unspoiled, as I still am), I'd like to share my thoughts on Jud throughout this thread. While I have not posted in response to every episodes, the bulk of my sharing came from Eps, 1, 6 & 8.

Ep 1: "Also, Brenda looks to be the strongest so far to go the furthest from this tribe. The only one to show some duplicity, other than Jud (if somewhat jokingly)"

Ep 6: "I think the "followers" or "pawns" are more likely to make it to the end. Which would include Jane and Jud, as they are edited mildly and consistently."

Ep 8: "Interesting to read your thoughts on Jud (can't bear to call him Fabio) I was already figuring him to be the last male standing and even in my top 4. And as you've stated there appears to be a case for him winning.

The scene you mention between him and Alina does seem pivotal, and even seems to have had some forewshadowing with earlier episode previews, like when Jud's name was left out from being mentioned with Alina and Kelly B's link to the wrong side of the vote with Shannon. When first viewed it could have been perceived that it was unfavorable for him not to be mentioned. But now that they are both gone, it is good that he was edited out of that scenerio."

Hope this doesn't come across as too self-serving, but it is fun to look back on it. I've always had this take on Jud, I'm surprised if it were stated otherwise.


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-15-10, 01:49 AM (EST)
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145. "RE: Episode #9 - Editing Thoughts:"
Hi Michel, glad to see that you still chose to share your thoughts here. Your analysis is always greatly appreciated. Please try not to get bullied out of the thread.

First, I'd like to say great catch on Holly's pelican! I think that could possibly be an indicator that the Chase/Holly scene is just as much about her story as it is his. When I first watched I thought it was to help show us that Chase did have some game. As I think he may have a little, as he did share that he saw through the Nay boot, and that they'd more likely be voting for Jane. But, once again, that scene showed him sharing info with Holly. Showing that she is able to command some loyalty (a good trait for a winner) I like your proposal of her coming across as a coach, another good sign I think. While it is part of a journey, journey players have won in the past. Also, something pretty consistent I've noticed with Holly is that she's good at asking questions and not revealing much, while getting others to reveal more (as showcased in her 2 scenes with Chase) This is both good gameplay and a good edit in having it shown.

Back to Chase, he stuck out the most to me in this ep. As in my thoughts after last ep I wanted to see what cues we'd be handed about the next Original LaFlor, and who would be the next boot from them. I feel Chase got the most attention. Some of it was due to circumstance, like being the one who had to sit out for reward. But I think there were a lot of scenes and editing that kept Chase front and center. His comment, "I'm gonna do something crazy and go with the girls" fits in with the possible Dumb player edit (echoes of Brenda's early season designation "Chase is clueless") Gameplay wise, I think this was a smart position for Chase to take. But editing wise I think there were moments it showed that it might not work out. Like with Brenda's scenes with Chase afterwards and her confessional about him (restating that Chase makes stupid moves) as well as the deliberate showing and captioning of Benry stating "No faith, brother, no faith" I feel this was made to seem like it was a bad decision for Chase. The build up in this episode for Chase could just as easily be a nice showing for him in setting him up to be voted out next week.

The thing that most concerns me for Chase was Nay's confessional where she states after the scene where he irks Brenda, "We might just have to swap you out for somebody on the other side" She basically summed up why good-guy Chase could be sent home packing soon. The editor's once chose trash-talking Nay's words to be prophetic about Alina's torch getting snuffed (preceding Alina's boot ep), the same may be true about her predicting Chase's fate. With Jud having a more favorable edit throughout the season than Chase (at least in terms of consistency and manipulation), there is a good chance that Chase will indeed get switched out, and who better to do that with than Jud. Swapping 'paronoid' for 'cool.'

And the final concern I had for Chase was when Brenda was referring to her & Sash being the swing votes in the TC. She said they either can go with the Marty crew or go with the Jane-Chase crew. The past few eps it was Marty vs Jane. I don't think it's good that we only heard Chase's name in Jane's crew (as Brenda could have named more and the other's names could've easily been edited out) Why was Chase's name so linked to Jane's. Since Marty is gone, it might look like the self-described swing-votes could now swing to Jane. Or it might be the one next closely associated with her, which is now Chase (like Jill's association to Marty). Therefore, I think it's looking like more strikes against Chase than for him.

Another person I noted was Benry, mainly because of that pivotal scene with Jud. And not to harp too much on determining just the next Original LaFlor boot, I just think that this will indirectly shine some light towards who will instead make it to endgame. This scene was able to highlight Jud and his "being cool" strategy, while also showing that Benry agrees with this strategy, stating to Jud, "that we just lay low" But there have been previously chosed scenes, like Benry's mastery in some challenges, as well as his TC voting comments that there is part of him bursting to NOT lay low. It could be a matter of which one of these two is actually able to follow through with the "being cool' strategy. My bet is on Jud. I think if we receive any indication that Benry isn't laying low next ep, then he'll be the next to go. In terms of editing, if we are shown Benry getting in the thick of things, I think this is the only way he could be the Original LaFlor member going before Chase.

The "being cool" confessional for Jud was really nice for his endgame. I agree with your assessment, so no need to repeat. It was very peculiar to see the head nod by Sash to Jud at TC. I wonder if this is foreshadowing for some scene coming up. Also, I loved how Jud told Sash that Sash has to reassure Brenda in the game (which is what Sash was already doing) It plays on one level like Jud is stupid to tell Sash - who is one of the "two brightest minds out here" - what to do (or at the very least I would think Sash would think it would be stupid for him to say). Yet just scenes later we hear Jud expressing he doesn't want to play dumb anymore. It almost plays like he's a double agent. Is he or isn't he smart/dumb? Guess we'll have to continue to see. I remember thinking the similarly of Natalie,... does she have Russell's number? In the end I don't think she did, but the funny thing was, she didn't really need to have it in order to win, she just needed to be likeable, and cool, and make it to the end. Jud can be on a similar ride.

Other quick thoughts. I'm starting to like Brenda less, and I feel she is being edited that way. There is a great Insider clip showing her in what I felt was a better light. They had this footage to show, but went with the "wah, wah, wah" instead.

Also, I felt that the airing of Jeff's comment about people taking Nay to the end while she has survived being voted out from her antics, pretty much confirmed she's endgame. I see you had no closing thoughts on Nay, what do you think?


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

11-15-10, 08:57 AM (EST)
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149. "RE: Editing"
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-10 AT 09:06 AM (EST)

I was planning on revisiting earlier commentary (I try to go back to the first few episodes and tie in how it has played out thus far) but the lovely OFG seems to have helped me with that task which only makes my *job* easier.

I have only perused the latest comments but I do see that there has been intense discussion on the end game players and how the progression of the season has formed new opinions and reinforced some prior opinions. I was very happy with some commentary heard in the episode as it certainly appeared to be a concerted effort by the editors.

There are still a couple of contestants that I am hesitant on deciding whether they may be at end game or merely distraction as quite often, the loudest presence does not necessarily an end game player make and, in fact, often is used as smoke and mirrors to literally distract the audience from the victor. Those players ARE important however because of potential ties TO end game players so that is something that needs to be watched carefully as it is often hard to make that distinction.

I was sad to see Marty leave; he was someone I could easily edit into as end game antagonist. Perhaps we will have the pleasure of seeing that edited into his role as a jury member.

What I am most curious about now is where Jane's edit is heading as I was very positive about her longevity. Now that her arch nemesis is gone, was that the bane of her story? Considering that Marty left her with a target on her back that was noted by others, her editing role may shift now to fighting for her life. I would gather that the editors should let us see whether or not that her story was tied to Marty in ridding herself of him by shutting her down. If not, then there are still some legs for Jane.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 11:37 AM (EST)
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150. "RE: Editing"
From what we've seen, Jane is in more danger right now than she really ought to be, thanks mainly to Marty working so hard to paint a target on her as someone who shouldn't be taken to final tribal. She is getting a very good edit as a "good" person, at least in my view. Marty brought out the worst in her; if that's her at her worst she's not a saint but it's not very bad, she's handling adverse conditions pretty well.

What's interesting is that though it has been shown she has developed many positive relations within Libertad, we haven't seen this much in direct one on one but more as a group dynamic. Some questions are hanging out there, like how is she relating now with Dan, who was her prefered boot early when they were together on Espada. Is an old enmity brewing there or has the past been left behind?


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 06:27 PM (EST)
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156. "RE: Editing"

Regarding Jane, that is very true that she was tied to Marty. However, your post has made me realize that before Marty left, or as part of Marty's exit, Jane's story was reattached to Chase.

When she first came to La Flor after the swap, her story was all about Brenda's acceptance. While she may have been shown talking to Brenda since the merge, I can't remember it. What did strike me was the distinct pan to Brenda at TC when Marty pointed out the North Carolina "thang."

I really feel that Jane's story now is about the strength of a) the regional bond she shares with Chase, b) her fishing and her toughness/strength, and how that helps or hurts her; c) her sob story and how that helps or hurts her; d) whatever bonds the women share with Chase, that group that was put in opposition to "the manly men" who went on reward.

I guess that would be promising that they bothered to give her a new story as the legs of the former story were about to disappear.

I am honestly not sure if I'm supposed to like Jane, because if I am, the editing is not succeeding. I find her bitter, vindictive, self-absorbed, and self-promoting. In contrast to Holly's genuine empathy for others, Jane's edit does not seem nice to me. I don't think that says anything about how she finishes, as clearly being nice is a good way to get these people to vote you off as the game approaches the finish.

Sash's edit has been a big mystery to me. At this point I see that Benry has not really played an alpha game when it comes to strategy, so it wasn't strange that they hid what he was up to -- not much apparently, and they created a mystery around him.

Sash, OTOH, was apparently "running the camp" even though he became invisible between Ep 1 and Eps 5-6. Very odd. I do note about Sash, that his confessionals indicate that everyone trusts him and he's playing a great social game -- but I do not hear the other players talking much about their feelings for him, other than Brenda.

Last week's edit of this power couple seemed very pregnant with the potential for irony to me, given that the editors this season already showed us Marty saying he had everything under control right before the swap swept him out of power.

I thought it was extremely odd how Brenda was shown being very confident and making statements about being in control, while at the same time she was shown not placating the nervous Chase, and really seeming not to care if he strayed. I don't know if that's all the material they had coming from Brenda because she really is that cocky, or whether they set her up to be that way.

It is true that very cocky people have won, notably Brian Heidik, Richard Hatch, and even Tom Westman. However, I don't think I've ever seen a woman speak like Brenda and end up on top, not even Parvati (although she has a lot of self-confidence, I don't remember her showing that much disdain for the brains of her fellow players).

A lot has been said here about Holly. I discount the pelicans, as there was footage with Marty and pelicans as well, and look how that worked out. I have appreciated that Holly has been shown with a lot of awareness. She is a bit like Tina except not in the dominant alliance. When she saw Na Onka take the flour, one rooted for her to bring it up, and she did, which was daring. I remember when Tina spoke up and threatened Keith and Jerri with a Time Out. I like Holly's spunk.

Old vs Young
I really have to question that this season could be won by any player from the older tribe. We were shown early on how the younger players felt about themselves, and the very fact that they are not very eager to vote the remaining Espada off, indicates to me they do not consider these "remnants" a threat.

The young people comprise the majority of the jury no matter who the F3 are, so I tend to believe that the only shot an older player has at winning is if they either got to the finals as a triad (or duo), or if any and all young players had done something utterly unforgivable in the way they played.

The older tribe was tainted early on with editing disapproval of their alpha competitive ways, however, I do not see that taint as falling on the remaining older players. Holly and Jane were underdogs, and Dan cannot be blamed surely for voting to stay in the game.

That said, there has been absolutely no talk of keeping the old Espada together in this game, so I do not sense a build-up for a Rah Rah Espada finish. Foa Foa and Aitu were two very small David's against Goliath, and the editing made the most of opportunities to remind us that these tribes refused to die. Or even think back to Kucha, and how they mourned their demise. I see nothing along those lines for these Espada, even though so far the three remaining members are doing quite well at not becoming targets.

I could be wrong, and the editing could pull out the stops at a later point if we get a story where the young people suddenly realize that they underestimated the old folks and let them take the game. As it is though, I really cannot say who I'm supposed to be rooting for. I know I was rooting for Benry and Fabio to pull off an upset last time, so that's how the editing is affecting me personally.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-10, 10:41 PM (EST)
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169. "RE: Editing"
That was an enjoyable post, OFG.
(even if you don't like the pelican!)

For me, it has been a wink, sort of like Ariadne's thread to follow Holly's story. All her important scenes were preceded by pelicans, even the one with Jimmy J after the sinking of the shoes. And Jimmy T's words made the connection between the pelican and Holly, not Marty. Animal imagery has always been important in Survivor so I'm having fun with it.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

11-22-10, 03:43 PM (EST)
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176. "RE: Editing"
Absolutely correct that there was a shared interest with Jane and Chase which may be part/parcel to an end game situation should either be there. As the jury commences, I like to mull over the *ties that bind* them and whether that may parlay into the finale episode.

Should either be at the end, we do know that Jane is not altogether happy with her North Carolina counterpart. With that said, Chase is not being given any editing favors with how he has handled himself of late although we did get a nod that he may have some connections with the ladies (I will hazard a guess that some have changed their mind over how wonderful he is though) On the flip side, Chase's connection to Jane should he be a deciding factor on who wins could also come into play but I do find myself on the fence with Jane as to whether she is end game or merely one of those characters that Survivor manipulates greatly for the audience as "larger than life" (we have seen that in terms of the Rupert's or Stephanie's) - time can only tell (and much to my surprise this season is speeding along quickly in my viewing opinion)

There are quite a few relationships that were either developed very succinctly that could parlay to a very interesting end game between jury and final contestants. Interestingly, there are some peripheral relationships that may also play a part. I would say that Kelly and Benry and to a lesser degree Holly and Dan really play a minor role in what the final Tribal Council could entail if they were final contestants. I think it is readily apparent that Kelly, Benry and Dan are consistent with players that manage to make it rather far but have no bearing at the end with how little they were developed outside of their connection to more developed players. Naonka is a beauty of a character (in terms of televised moments) but the only plot device I see for her is for it to finally blow up in her face.

The remaining characters are interesting in terms of their development. I have had my proverbial eye on Jud from the first episode as he was featured without any real reason to do so and the amount of time that was spent on his "fumbling" seemed to contrived to not mean something - the fact that the editors spent more than one episode letting Jud tell us in some fashion of his intentions and strategy while molding him into something else to his counterparts is very intriguing and in a game where doing too much seems to almost be counterproductive, his methodology has been very successful. He is my classic UTR player where he is overlooked by others in the midst of chaos and is not taken as seriously as he should be.

Holly is a very enjoyable character but I haven't quite convinced myself that she isn't the journey character that I have dubbed in the past. We were reminded of this recently when she mentioned how she was very close to leaving and how she pulled herself up and has come so far. I was very pleasantly surprised by her wits this episode however.

Sash is an interesting character and has forged quite a bit of story to his character and I am very curious to see what turn his character makes now that his partner in crime has left the island. I worry that his development is veering towards one dimensional but I think it is important to not decide this until I see an episode post Brenda. Arrogance is a very dangerous edit to handle and an even trickier one if they are the victor.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-20-10, 08:14 PM (EST)
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172. "Episode #10 - Editing Thoughts: "
Jeff reminded us that Sash and Brenda were King and Queen of the beach…
Sash: “We are the two most powerful players in the game.”
…And they thought everyone else was a peasant.
Brenda: “People need to remember where their place is.”
They relied on two hidden immunity idols. Brenda’s best friend, Na’Onka had one…
Nay: “The key to OUR life in the game.” (ironic, isn’t it?!)
…Sash had the other.
Some of the peasants were getting restless…
…So, at the reward feast, Marty succumb to temptation and tried to launch an all-guys’ rebellion.
Fabio and Benry immediately jumped on board…
Benry: “Marty’s a smart guy.”
…Sash fooled Marty by pretending to join up with him…
Sash: “I try to boost his ego so that he’ll continue to come back to me.”
…Marty didn’t approach Chase because he was too close to Brenda and Jane…
Chase: “I wanted to show the girls they could trust me.”

At tribal council, Brenda and Sash squashed Marty’s plan and Marty along with it.
Now, Brenda and Sash have so much power that everyone is looking over their shoulder.

That last sentence was said while the action showed Fabio looking over his shoulder at Sash. I found it interesting that Marty’s plan was presented as a rebellion against Sash and Brenda when it was nothing of the sort. Marty wanted to work with Brenda and Sash but the peasant angle works better and it made it look as if this episode was a continuation of Marty’s plan.

Heaven and Hell

Night 24

Brenda: “Tribal council really showed where the allegiance really is. Benry, Fabio and Dan now see that Sash and I aren’t on their side. We took out their little leader Marty so, now, it’s only a matter of time before they go. I think that Sash and I being in control does look like a King and Queen situation but Sash is more of a Queen and I am more of a King.”

Holly stood with Jane away from the shelter. “Brenda and Sash are totally running the show” she said, adding: “It’s always been you, me, Chase and Nay. Us four have always been tight.”

Really?! That 4?

Holly: “Jane and I both have the same feeling: Brenda is basically calling all the shots so we are going to make a power move before the next tribal council. Seriously, what do I have to lose? Some things have to change and they have to change soon.”

Day 25

Nay, Jane and Brenda were moving the chests close to the fire while Fabio asked: “Do we wanna scoot the fire over closer to the shelter at all if it’s going to be a rainy day? Are we going to try to canopy it again?”

Fabio: “The rain is bad man! The elements out here can really get you. This morning we woke up and it looked like it was going to rain. We all know it’s important for the fire to at least keep going so we moved all the chests around to protect it from the rain. That’s important.”

Although, visually, most of the blame was placed on Brenda, Nay and Jane, Fabio, by receiving a confessional at this time, is included in this dumb move.

Holly and Jane were discussing strategy again.

Holly: “I’ve come a long way in this game. Day 5, I was ready to leave and here I am, sitting here with 14 days left and Oh! My gosh! I can really keep going! So, right now, Jane and I, we are trying to rally a vote against Brenda or Sash.”

Holly explained the last vote to Benry, one of Marty’s crew, saying that they couldn’t trust Sash and Brenda after what they had done at TC and that everyone was listening to Brenda, particularly Kelly Purple who had crawled up Brenda’s ass and did everything that she was told. Holly warned Benry that Brenda was going to take them out one by one.

Benry: “Holly absolutely gave me a little bit of a wake-up call this morning. She’s got a great plan actually and I’m all for it. Getting rid of Sash and Brenda is number one on my list right now.”

Jane was talking to Nay who agreed that Brenda was ‘Marty junior.”
Jane told Nay that she didn’t associate with villains (and she said that to Nay?!)

Na’Onka: “Brenda, she’s like my best friend out here but did I come all this way from South Central LA to come back home with nothing? This is a game and Brenda is a threat. So, right now that we have everybody against her, now is the time to get her out.”

Holly told Chase that Brenda had to go first.

Chase: “Things are getting a little crazy here at camp. There’s two alliances now and I think it could be the best interest to vote Benry out first. I still don’t trust Benry. Benry is on his last rope. He screwed up when he went with Marty plus he’s a big physical threat. Right now, I don’t think Brenda and Sash lied to me. I’m stuck in the middle of two alliances again.”

Holly: “Chase was leery about the plan. He was concerned about Ben. I’m keeping my eyes on Chase because I feel like I can trust him but, at this point in the game, he makes me just a little nervous.”

The Reward Challenge

Jeff said they were doing a school yard pick for the teams but we never saw how that developed. The Blue team was Chase, Kelly, Jane Nay and Fabio while the yellow team had Sash, Holly Brenda, Dan and Benry.

With Chase and Sash named first by Jeff and with them leading their teams at the start of the challenge, maybe we can assume they were the designated captains but, not knowing if they could pick anyone or had to alternate men and women, we can’t tell who was chosen by whom and it which order (except that Dan would have been picked last!)
Blue team had a system and it was working.
The yellow team was winging it, Benry doing a little “Cirque du Soleil”!
Chase had “a very good strategy for the blue team.”
“Brenda, rolling on a barrel. That’ll work…for a minute.”
“Benry still can’t figure it out.”
The Blue team won reward.

Already excited at the prospect of a meal, the Blue team’s joy exploded when they saw that a helicopter would be taking them.

Na’ONka: “I’ve never been on an helicopter. I never thought I’d own a passport in this lifetime. Being on a helicopter? I’m blown away.”

Fabio: “Flying up to the volcano, it was so awesome…”

Jane: “We land on this humongous black mountain and it was almost like walking on the moon… You could feel the heat rising up...”

Fabio: “…We are actually going to be cruising down the side of this volcano…That blew my mind, dude!”

Chase and Fabio went first and then the 4 young ones cheered when Jane took her turn.
Jane: “That was fun as crap.”

Jane: “I’ve ridden those electronic bulls… It was like riding one of those little bulls.”

As they walked away, Fabio asked: “What do you think is going on at camp?”
Chase answered: “I don’t care.”
Note that we wouldn’t get to see how these 5 would react to the disaster back at camp. It’s very odd that we wouldn’t see their reactions but this season has neglected to give us many of these scenes.

Back at Camp

Dan was the first to notice what happens when you make a fireplace out of wood.

Benry: “Not only did we lose the reward challenge but we just got back to camp and pretty much our entire camp burned down. This is un-freaking-believable. We try to keep this damn fire going day in and day out. We left and it was raining so we create a little barricade with our 3 chests, wooden chests, one of which had all of our food in it.”

Note that this puts the blame on the whole group, not just the 4 we saw working on the “fireplace”.

Dan: “We lost all our machetes. Only the blades are left. We had our flour, we had our mangos, there were a couple of tomatoes and an eggplant was left. That was all burned down. We have ten people and only a cup of rice a day. I don’t know how we’re going to do it.”

Benry: “Somebody should wake me up and tell me that this didn’t actually happen. I guess all we can do is wrangle what we have left and just keep going. This is a day from hell.”

Back to Reward

Jane: “The reward was awesome. We pigged out…I couldn’t care less what they were doing at camp because that was Heaven!”

With Kelly’s face on screen, we heard in voice-over Chase asking: “Who do y’all think’s running the show?”
Fabio answered: “That is so unclear after everything that happened yesterday. I’d like to get a consensus on how everyone is feeling for tomorrow because that will make things easier.”
With that, Nay told Fabio to walk with her so they could speak away from the group.
Kelly asked: “Why did Nay take him aside?”
Chase answered: “Nay does that.” He then added the line of the evening: “You never talk really.”

Kelly, suddenly speaking for all viewers: “I know. It’s kind of funny.”
Chase: “Weird.”
And with that, Kelly’s speaking engagement ended as we turned our attention to Nay who was telling Fabio that everybody wanted Brenda out.

Fabio: “Na’Onka pulls me aside and says we got to work together and we can get Brenda out of here because she is running the show. This is great, it totally fell into my lap and I’m going to milk it for all it’s worth. Hopefully, I can stay under the radar, slither through things.”

Both worried about Chase telling Brenda.

Na’Onka: “In order to win this game, you must make power moves. You can make a move that can shift the game in a whole new direction. If you make a power move, that’s a move that can push you forward. If you keep on making power moves, everything is going to fall in line.”

Right there, expressed by Fabio and Na’Onka, we have the schematics Sandra’s and Russell’s opposite ways of playing the game. Which one has been more successful?! Also, note that in a reward featuring both of my top contenders, Fabio had the much better role.

Back in camp, we jumped right into strategic play with Chase telling Brenda that Holly was freaking out, trying to change the game.

Chase: “When I got back from reward, I wanted to talk to Brenda. I just decided to tell her the plan that the others have…For whatever reason, I trust Brenda. That’s all it comes down to is I trust and I put my game plan in her. There’s no reason or rhyme, it’s just that I trust her.”

Brenda: “Luckily I have Chase who trusts me one thousand percent and he told me the whole plan. It is a challenge right now but I still think that I don’t have to do anything crazy to beat them, like I’m not even that impressed.”

Chase asked Nay what she felt and then he told her he had warned Brenda.

Na’Onka: “Chase is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, telling people’s game plans. Lately, he’s been so scatter brains and so nervous that I have to flop. I have to be smart; I have to go with Holly and Jane. I have to go with the people that want the strong people out. It’s the smart thing to do.”

Nay told Benry that she didn’t trust Chase, that he wanted Benry out.

Benry: “Chase is crazy. He’s been playing with his heart and his emotions this entire game since day 2. He is being played by Brenda. Hopefully, Chase will grow a pair and realize what’s good for him.”

Nay told Jane that Chase was totally against voting out Brenda and Sash so that he couldn’t be trusted.

Jane: “I originally trusted Chase but Chase is sucking up to Brenda like he wants to get in her pants or something. I have no idea what kind of magic spell she’s casting over Chase right now. If the big ol’ country boy wants to get back on his word, he’s going to catch hell when he gets back to Carolina. Carolina people don’t like that.”

Nay then went to Holly, saying that Chase couldn’t be trusted.
Holly agreed, saying: “What the F*** is wrong with Chase?”

Immunity Challenge

Sash was first out and it seemed that was all Kelly was waiting for as she jumped in the water immediately after. We saw Brenda struggling but it was Holly who fell next. While Jane looked more bothered by a fly that by holding on, Brenda fell out and she was quickly followed by Dan and, surprisingly, Fabio. Nay fell next, leaving “the oldest woman in this game going up against two of the youngest and most fit guys.”
Dan wanted Jane to win one for the old guys.
After Benry fell out, Chase told Jane that he felt he could stay on there.
She felt like she had to let go but Jeff encouraged her to continue.
She did and she eventually won.

Benry: “Man! I wanted to win so bad and to get beat by Jane! Props to her. She’s got some serious super-woman strength deep inside of her.”

Scrambling…or not

Jane: “Winning immunity was great. I feel like I’m on top of the world…I think that, unless she winds up with an idol and plays it, Brenda will go home.”

Chase and Sash discussed the next target, Chase pointing at Benry.
Sash agreed.

Chase: “I personally think we should vote Benry out first. I’ve been trying to play this game with people I trust and I don’t trust Benry. I’m trying to protect Brenda but I may not have the numbers to do it.”

Nay was now telling Sash that Chase was driving her crazy: “He pissed me off to the highest point of pisstivity” (!)
Sash told Nay that he heard Benry was going home.
Nay told her what was really going on: “We’re trying to vote Brenda out tonight.”

Sash: “If you had asked me a few days ago, I would have said that Brenda held a lot of cards in this game but now, the tides have turned a little bit. This is the first time in the game that I’m starting to worry a little bit.”

Chase was trying to talk to Fabio but Holly came rushing in to cut that conversation.

Chase: “I’ve been playing this game with my heart and not my head a lot of the time and it actually kills me that I might have to vote Brenda out. I don’t trust Benry, I don’t trust Holly all that much, Dan, I don’t really trust him. Nay, I don’t trust her anymore. If Brenda is gone, I’m playing the game with people who I don’t really trust. That’s a scary thought.”

Isn’t that exactly how you should play the game of Survivor? So, Chase has reached a point where he is playing the game as it is, not as he wanted it to be. Interesting. Will he wind up in hell or in Heaven?

Chase told Brenda that he didn’t know if they had the numbers to save her and he surprised Brenda with the news that Nay was the one responsible.

Brenda: “It looks like there is “operation take out Brenda” in place. I’m pretty annoyed about it but I think that all I can do is stay cool. The last thing I want to do is to start scrambling. It just shows that you are desperate. If I show confidence, my friends will have confidence in me and they’ll say: “yeah, I want to stick with Brenda.”

Brenda told Sash that they could blindside the others with the immunity idol because: “If I get voted out tonight, there’s no way you will get the numbers back.”

Sash: “The idol is definitely something to be used not only to protect yourself but also someone within your alliance. My goal would be not to use it at all however, if at tribal council, the moment came up that I can use it to save Brenda, I’ll have to consider very strongly doing that.”

Brenda: “I’m just furious that Na’Onka would make such a dumb move. I thought we had a great alliance. I really believed that we would go to the end but now I don’t even want to see Na’Onka’s face. I wanted to take out Benry but hopefully Sash is going to give me his immunity idol and we blindside Na’Onka.”

Tribal Council

Sash: “Since the last tribal council there’s been a lot of reshuffling in the tribe so I think I’m more out of the loop now than I’ve been since the game started.”
Chase commented: “He had a strong alliance but now that strong alliance seems to be gone.”
Brenda regretted voting against Marty but she had “to prove something to people who were in (her) alliance. That they could trust (her)…It looks like there’s a break in the alliance because Na’Onka wants to jump ship.”
Na’Onka said it was not her.
Jeff asked for Kelly’s 20 years of wisdom (he can be cruel!)
Kelly said: “Well, let me tell you 20 years of wisdom. I think that… (pause) …well…(pause)… I think this is the first tribal council I’ve felt completely out of the loop on what’s going on to be honest with you. The wheels are going around in my head…my game plan…it’s enlightening.”
(I think it’s the first TC that she’s been in the loop as far as saying anything! I can be cruel also)
Brenda said that it only made sense if it was Na’Onka who wanted to jump ship.
Sash said that, by breaking trust, you risk getting sent home. He added: “People that know me, know that I am trustworthy and that’s the only reason why I made it to the merge and hopefully that’s why I will stick around for another tribal council.”
Jeff wanted to know if Brenda scrambled to stay in the game.
She said she did what she thought she needed to do to stay.
Jeff asked if she was trying to stay in the game now.
Brenda said yes, “just not scrambling.”
Jeff, stupidly went on, (probably frustrated not to see her panic and get those rating booster shots) asking: “What is it about the word scrambling? Are you too proud for that word?”
“I think so. I just think there are better options. It’s just not my style. In my opinion, if people see you scrambling, it’s as if you’ve already lost.”
<Alina’s “she’s so irritating” and the head shakes by Holly and Benry told the audience that Jeff was right and Brenda was wrong>
Jeff told Sash that this was like a bomb dropping on TC.
Sash: “I think that, since last TC, everyone’s alliance has changed around a bit.”

As Dan went to vote, there was a smile by Marty that was apparently shared by Fabio as if they understood each other.

Holly reinforced Jeff’s point when we heard her saying: “You should have scrambled.”
(Would it have changed Holly’s vote? Of course not but someone being cool is not good TV so the editors wanted to drive the point.)

When Jeff asked if anyone wanted to play an idol, everyone’s attention turned to Sash.

Brenda smiled at him but he turned his head in an ugly display of disowning any friendship, even shrugging his shoulders as if he didn’t know Brenda.

After snuffing her torch, Jeff pompously said: “If you want to win this game and the million dollars that goes with it, you got to fight for it.”

The Story

When one thinks of the three players that are now sitting on the jury, we can definitely say that the theme of “Taking Charge is Bad” applies to this season. The two Queens (even if one was really a pawn) and the King! So, who is in charge now? Not Sash but he has other problems. The editing showed that Holly, Na’Onka and, to a lesser degree, Benry were in charge. Their rooms are probably already reserved in Ponderosa.

The Characters

Kelly and Dan certainly cannot be seen as being in charge but the story has never been about them. Two of the funniest moments in this episode came at Kelly’s expense when she agreed that she didn’t talk much and when she showed her limited wisdom at TC.

Na’Onka: Some pointed out that I didn’t comment on her last week but what was there to say? Even after her power move, can she be seen as a possible winner? Taking lessons from Russell can only lead to a humiliating defeat in front of the jury but I will say that this move, as Brenda said, was dumb. At least with Brenda, Nay was going to be brought to the F3 but now that she has proven to be untrustworthy, how long before she joins the others previously in charge that are now on the jury? THAT Ponderosa clip should be fun.

Jane: This “super-woman” is receiving a Hero’s edit. She has a little bit of Rudy in her (determination and she tells it like it is) but in these PC times, she will never be seen as a true hero.

Holly: I had written her out, saying that her earlier TC comment (one needed to take a risk if they wanted to win) had killed her story because she was always going with the majority, avoiding risks. So, now that she has made a move, we need to look again at her story. From my point of view, this move was more about taking charge than taking a risk. A risk would have been flipping to the other side, being the swing vote but, here, she had the majority once more with her. From a game perspective, the move seemed to come too early. She was with Brenda and, seeing that they had a big majority of votes against the “Asian Sensation” it would have been smart to remove some of the other threats first. In other words, the move was good for Benry, Fabio and Dan but Holly? Jimmy T had told Holly that a pelican waits for the right time so, if this was too early, Holly may have lost more than she knew.

Now, Holly is the one holding the cards. She didn’t take a risk but rather put herself at risk. Also, with Holly’s absence during the TC discussion, it was as if the editors took the credit of the move away from Holly to put it squarely on Na’Onka. Her only argument to the jury was taken away so she probably doesn’t get to present her case.

Feel free to disagree with me because Holly being the Sole Survivor would be a great story, one that she summed up nicely in her early confessional where she mentioned coming a long way. For me, that confessional, just like the move against Brenda, came too early. If she were the winner, she would have said the exact same thing on the morning of Day 39 and the impact would have been much greater. Could they have inserted this confessional now because she will not go much further? That, to me, makes sense. It would be another person in charge making the walk of shame through that dark cemetery.

Sash: The king let the power slip through his fingers. I believe that Brenda’s words, that he will never get the numbers back, are foreshadowing. Maybe keeping the idol will help him get further in the game, maybe the alliances will shift once more and someone will pick him up but Sash has been outplayed. Apart from the “mastermind” what is left of his story? Nothing, so being outplayed killed his chances.

Benry: His story continues to grow but he is presented as a vindictive player, going after the people he doesn’t like rather than telling us his strategy to win the game. I don’t think that Benry will figure it out, just like Jeff said during the reward challenge.

Chase: The theme of “Taking Charge” surrounds Chase. It has been mostly his allies that have taken charge: First Shannon then Brenda and Sash and now Na’Onka and Holly. Chase had been playing with people he trusted but now that he is surrounded by people he doesn’t trust, he will have to fight to win this game. That was exactly Jeff’s message at TC and considering how everything has fallen on Fabio’s lap, wouldn’t a win by Fabio contradict the words of our host? Didn’t Jeff’s words mean that this game is hell, it is scary and you have to scramble to win? Did Jeff tell us that the worried Chase will beat cool dude Fabio?

Editing-wise, we had assumed that either Brenda would backstab Chase or that Chase would wake up and move away from Brenda. Despite his tag-along vote, none of his actions or the camera shots we had of Chase led us to believe that Chase was betraying Brenda. He was simply deciding to live to fight another day. Funniest thing is that Kelly’s wisdom, (!) her vote against Benry, could be pinned on Chase. If Chase survives the next votes, he could be having more than a Journey to Maturity, he could be fighting for that million…and winning it. He’ll need a good strategy and the challenge told us he could do it!

Fabio: With that visual of Fabio looking over his shoulder, the editing manipulation tells me that this is Fabio’s season. I first worried that it was his confessional that was used to set up the fire that destroyed the camp but the blame was eventually put on all members so it didn’t affect Fabio’s story.
I see him proving that staying under the radar is better than making the power moves that put you in charge. We should see him showing that he isn’t the Dumb Blonde that Shannon first saw. All he needs to fulfill his game plan and not go against Jeff’s words is to win one battle. He still has time to fight that battle because it could be as simple as winning the final immunities or scrambling successfully before one TC. One thing for sure, we saw how playing it cool didn’t work for Brenda so there will have to be something in Fabio’s future to force him to fight.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-20-10, 10:24 PM (EST)
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173. "RE: Episode #10 - Editing Thoughts: "
Yes, Holly mentally willing herself, Jane, Chase and Na into a tight foursome was kind of odd. I can only think she considered herself tight with Jane from Espada, tight with Chase and Na from New Espada, conflated it onto a tight foursome.

And Marty's attempt to stay in the game was recapped very oddly. Which brings me to something I've noticed this season, each episode seems to be it's own mini-story, like scripted episodic television. Main characters were developed early and have shifted very little from early establishment, background characters come in and out as needed.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-21-10, 03:12 AM (EST)
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174. "RE: Episode #10 - Editing Thoughts: "
The recaps have been weird this season. If one can imagine a scale of weirdness, I feel that only Gabon had less continuity. We were beat over the head that Fang was dumb and Kota was powerful only to suddenly be told that Fang was smart and Kota were outwitted when really the twists decided everything.

"Main characters were developed early and have shifted very little"

Completely agree except for Sash. A nobody for 5 episodes, a mastermind for the next 4 and an opportunist in the latest.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-10, 02:09 AM (EST)
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175. "RE: Episode #10 - Editing Thoughts: "
It could be that he has been playing opportunistically all along. If you think about it, early on he was the one who floated the minority alliance concept, then sent Naonka to secure Brenda. He was left out of Shannon's plans but joined in turning things around on Shannon, even became a focal point for part of that Tribal. He pulled back after that, letting others be the center of attention, but we've been shown that basically he likes to sit back and do nothing as much as possible, observe and gather information. He makes no decisions he can avoid. Yet when the idea came up about getting the HII from Marty he went for it, and why not the worst that would happen is the answer would be no. And though he has generally taken a back seat in deciding who should be booted, he made the case to keep Marty and boot Alina. His game really hasn't taken a hit up till now, he's always had others positioned in front of him to take the heat, Brenda even thought of him as a behind the scenes co-leader while she was calling the shots.

michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-10, 07:18 PM (EST)
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177. "The Recap"
After a quick summary of the season, we were shown all new scenes that focused on the Final 9.


Kelly: Her only interview showed her in tears: “I am so frustrated. It’s the rain and just being wet and cold. I haven’t been warm and every night I’ve been freezing. Everyone else is putting up with it so I don’t understand why it is so hard for me. If I want to go home, if I wanted to be over, everyone is going to think I am super-weak. It’s killing me out here. I just want to quit.”
On top of that, we had Benry’s harsh words.

The recap didn’t help the image we had of Kelly. If anything, it made it worse, the story clearly focusing on her weakness.

Dan: Out of all the guys arguing over building the shelter, “Joe Pesci”-Dan was given credit by Marty about knowing something about construction.
Dan, in interview: “I was raised in Brooklyn New York. Do you think I’ve ever built a shelter?”

Dan seemed happy with the picks made during the switch: “I don’t see us losing” he said to the tribe.
His second interview gave us his thoughts: “Brand new game, brand new people. I’m probably super-vulnerable here. I mean, I’m the oldest guy by far. I have a major strategy now. I am trying to make new friends; I’m trying to get in with them trying to get into the crowd. I’m a competitive guy and I don’t want to lose. The kids like me but who knows? I may be screwed tonight. They may be playing a game with me and I’m gone.”
His new Mohawk hair-style made everyone laugh and made me think that Espada had their own Fabio. Alina described both with the same words: “Dan is hilarious.”
She added how his strategy worked: “He is valuable because he is weak and he is a number. He knows that he is weak so he’s going to be loyal to us.”

Dan gave us his opinion of Na’Onka’s actions: “I don’t think it’s strange to see a young woman go nuts. If it happens to a woman, you expect it. I am somewhat of a chauvinist, I think it’s part of the Brooklyn attitude. If one of the guys had done that, I would have told him to get the (bleep) out of here and don’t come back.”

We finally saw the comedian in Dan and it was interesting that Alina’s words presented him as a second Fabio. Unlike Fabio however, we also see a mean streak in Dan, one that can’t please the audience. If Dan had gone on to become a second Bob, we would have seen more of his funny side and none of his chauvinism.

Benry: In interview: “The river is flooding into the ocean. We had quite the rainstorm but we’re in the middle of the rain forest so what did you expect? Kelly Purple is a huge waste of space. She bitches and moans about anything and everything. She’s definitely involved with Brenda’s alliance and I think it’s time for her to go home.”

Benry’s portrait is that of an insignificant character. All we’ve had lately from him are mean comments about others.

Na’onka: We first saw her standing apart from LaFlor’s fun.
In interview: “The LaFlor tribe just wants to be in the water. I’m with a bunch of idiots. I wish that I had been on the other tribe because they are a lot smarter…I know they have wisdom. I’m with a bunch of idiots. It’s ridiculous.”
In her second interview, we heard more negative comments: “I think Fabio needs a bubble-wrap all around his body…He’s stupid, he’s an idiot.”
We heard from her during the rain storm: “This rain is hideous. It can break you down and it reveals your true character. Just like a game, it’s 10% physical and 90% mental…Purple Kelly is an important number for our alliance and we are going to carry her as far as we can.”

We revisited Na’Onka as she hid the flour after the merge, Jeff calling it the ultimate crime.
After people realized what she had done, Nay confided in Holly: “I don’t know, there’s something about Holly that reminds me of my mom and I respect her. That helps me a lot and I would like to have Holly here for as long as we can have her here, until she is not valuable.”
After telling her that she loved her, Nay told Holly she would put the flour back…if she could find it!
Brenda told us that Nay was too emotional to have in your core alliance.

Na’Onka’s portrait must have been done by some Picasso-wannabee. It is colorful but it is incomprehensible. As Brenda noted, Na has stained everyone in her alliance so is it wise for Holly and Chase to associate with her? More importantly, is it good for their stories that the editors associated them so closely to her?

Jane: We were reminded of Jane’s abilities through Jill’s words: “I call her Survivor-McGiver.”
Jane, in interview: “One of my strategies is that I’m trying to be the provider. I tried to come into this game as fully prepared as I can. I started restricting my food a couple of months ago just in case I got on this show so I wouldn’t feel all the hunger pains. I bought a sauna…so the heat doesn’t bother me. I think it paid off.”
We saw that Jane’s fishing line system worked and that she provided for herself first!
“I’m starving and I want a fish. I’m going to eat this one. Every now and then, the provider needs a meal.”
We then saw her sneaky way of getting fire out of camp.
“I was just trying to divert attention from the fire so it wouldn’t look suspicious. Everybody that knows me knows that I am a very honest person. How I play this game has nothing at all to do with my real life. I’m trying to win a million dollars; Beg, borrow, steal whatever I got to do...”
Brenda and Sash’s arrogance led to Jane’s talk with Chase and Fabio: “They are telling me that they don’t think it’s a good idea to vote Brenda out and I’m looking at him like: Sucker! What have they done to you? I’m trying to make inroads with Fabio how Brenda is going to use him like a pawn. She’s a black widow. Fabio can’t see it, Chase can’t see it. She has her magic powers over these young men and they are falling for it.”

The closing credits completed Jane’s portrait as we saw her doing the “fish dance” with everyone.

I continue to believe that we are being shown the portrait of a “Hero” or at least an example of how Survivor would like their players to prepare and act. I made a mistake once when I used game logic and thought no one would be stupid enough to bring Bob to the end so I might be doing the same thing again but I see Jane’s story ending soon now that she has broken the spell that Brenda was holding over the young men.

Sash: He was only introduced after the switch when he made a move to become the new puppet-master through his deal with Marty who described him as a smart player.
In interview, we heard Sash saying: “There’s a little bit of truth to what I said to Marty about going to the end. I think that, out of everyone here at LaFlor right now, he would be one of the easiest ones to beat in the end for a million dollars. I’ve been making end agreements with everyone” (We saw him making deals with Na’Onka, Alina, Fabio and Brenda.) “I want to make a safe pact with every single member of LaFlor to guarantee me a spot in the end. Saying you want someone with you at final tribal council and promising it are two different things. Come final tribal council they will be in for a rude awakening.”

Sash got a second scene on Day 27 where Jeff said he was running the game with Brenda.
His interview: “Brenda and I believe we are the two smartest people in the game. Both she and I have cast a special spell over pretty much everyone in the tribe. We have the power to send whoever we want home. We are in the driver’s seat however we understand that we are the biggest threats for the million dollars at the end. Although we are conspiring together to make it to the end, I don’t know if we both will.”

Sash’s portrait is strictly that of a strategist. The recap would have been the perfect occasion to humanize him, to give him the substance that his story so urgently lacks but all we heard were his schemes and his expansion on his intelligence and his brilliance. I do not see Sash as the Sole Survivor of Nicaragua and it wouldn’t surprise me that all his talks of finding the perfect final 3 partner ironically leads him to be that final 3 goat.

Holly: Jeff prefaced her segment by saying that hunger, fatigue and paranoia had started affecting some members of Espada. Holly was talking to Jimmy T, telling him: “There’s something going on here…Something is going to happen at the challenge…”
Jimmy T gave us his impressions: “Holly is a very nice person but she is off the deep end. When you hear her talk, we can hear the nervousness, you can see the tension in her eyes.”
Holly, in interview: “The strategy part, I am not going to lie, I struggle with the strategy part. That’s one thing I didn’t think I would struggle coming into the game and I may be over-analyzed it before I even started. Hopefully, it won’t get me at the end.”

We saw Holly playing the role of mom to Nay: “I saw her put the flour in the bag but I couldn’t understand why. I should have confronted her right away but I didn’t…If you have a guilty conscience you have to say something, you can’t live with it. She came to me and she didn’t know what she should do… My mothering instincts are kicking in with these kids and it helps because she looks at me as a mom-figure so I definitely have her on my side.”

Contrary to Sash, Holly’s portrait was that of a very emotional person but not necessarily a smart player. Her first attempts at playing the game, making an alliance with Wendy, had almost cost her the game. Her latest move, voting out Brenda, led to questions of timing and about her ability to take charge after so many had failed. So it was interesting that the first portrait we had of her during the recap was that of an unstable person (Jimmy’s words) struggling with strategy (her own words). The second image we had suited her character much more nicely but since it involved mothering Na’Onka one cannot help but see it as her downfall: She aligned with the wrong person…again!

Chase: He was the last one featured in this recap and his first scene was during the hunt for the flour. He told Nay: “You got to trust that our alliance is still strong. We’re not going to blindside you. We still need you.”
In interview, he said: “I was just shocked that Na’Onka would do something so stupid. You’re in a perfect alliance, we got every thing going for us and you’re going to put a target on your back which hurts our alliance? Come on Na’Onka, stop being so stupid.”

Then we had the campfire scene where Chase sang a song for his father.
“Singing a song for me is therapy. I started writing songs a month and a half after my dad died. I think it was the first time I shared some of my music with my tribe mates. I’m just trying to be the guy that everyone likes and try to get along with everyone.”
Brenda told us that Chase’s song made her emotional. After everyone applauded the song, Brenda told us that anybody who wants to play this game as to do so without emotions and that Chase was super-emotional. She concluded: “You will go home feeling like a great guy but you will go home without a million dollars.”
For good measure, we heard Brenda tell Sash that their third couldn’t be Chase.

His last interview set the stage for the biggest blindside of the season: “I don’t want to vote Brenda out. I don’t think she’s lied to me. It sucks right now but at some point in the game you have to chop the neck of the person you are closest with and if that is going to get me further in the game, I will do it.”

Chase’s portrait is definitely that of the nice guy.
As the recap moved along, I wondered why he was being “Kellyed”, ignored by the editors. His first scene came only after the merge and he defended Na’Onka which made it even worse. However, the song to his father was a great personal moment, one often reserved to winners. Brenda’s words could be taken two ways: Either we just heard how the jury will react to Chase’s case for the million and give it to someone else or her words ironically showed that she was completely wrong. When she said: “It can’t be Chase”, it sounded much more prophetic than ironic, meaning that Chase will win if he makes it to then end. Will that be Sash’s mistake? He has the substance that Sash is lacking and we saw that he had the brains to vote out Brenda. It’s still difficult to see if his story is simply that of a Journey of personal growth or if it leads him to victory despite what others have said about his game.

Fabio: Jeff summarized, and thus acknowledged, Fabio’s strategy nicely: “Avoid leadership at all costs.”
In interview: “I came in here with a game plan. I feel I’m going to be able to kind of stay under the radar and slither through things. I’m trying to stay cool, stay confident but not be stupid.”
Could the snake that we’ve seen throughout the season and in most every other Survivor season actually be portraying Fabio who just slithers silently along instead of preparing us for a blindside as it usually does?
We were then treated to some of his goofy moments: Rubbing peppers in his eyes, disturbing a beehive, stepping on a thorn and bumping his head on the shelter.
Alina said: “Fabio is hilarious. He always gets in sticky situation and he gets himself hurt somehow.”
Her words and Nay’s proved that Fabio’s strategy was working.
He then told us: “I don’t know if I’m accident prone. Things happen out here…Maybe that’s what you call accident prone. I don’t think people are going to see me as a threat. They’re going to say “He’s young, he’s goofy and we are not too worried about him. Doesn’t that happen to everybody? It’s not just me, I don’t think.”
The scene ended with Fabio missing a step on the beach and nearly falling down.

On Na’Onka, we heard him say: “Na’Onka wasn’t thinking straight and for her to do something stupid like this, I just hope she goes home soon and that would be fine...We got to get her out now. I like her, well, I don’t want to say that…”
The nice campfire scene was introduced by Jeff saying it was time for everyone to let their hair down as the camera turned to Fabio playing the drums on a coconut.

Fabio, whose brains were recognized by Jane, said he wanted Sash and Brenda voted out so that only the nice people remain.

When Jeff talked about future events, twice we heard indications that Fabio would win:
Jeff asked: “Who will outplay in grueling competitions?” We heard him say: “Fabio fighting for the lead.”
Then he asked: “Who will become the Sole Survivor?” Fabio himself said: “Then, the rest of the game, it’s smooth sailing.”

Fabio’s portrait has the colors and the brush strokes that differentiate the works of art from rubbish. His scenes during the recap were as consistent as his portrayal during the whole season. He’s never too obvious but never forgotten either. The audience can doubt whether or not he can navigate his way to the end. There’s even more doubts about how he will win votes especially if he faces other nice people in the end or if he faces someone that made big moves to get there. That, however, is mostly game logic. Editing wise, Fabio has had smooth sailing so why wouldn’t the rest of the game be that way?


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-28-10, 00:46 AM (EST)
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178. "RE: The Recap"
It's interesting to me as someone interested in Chinese astrology that Fabio describes his motion as slithering -- as best I can tell he was born Year of the Serpant, so the snake would be his symbol.

suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-01-10, 10:26 AM (EST)
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179. "RE: The Recap"
Hiya michel!

Nice recap of the recrap always enjoy your thoughts.

I wonder if after the double dose of Russhole, Burnett and company want another "nice guy" winner like Bob. In my PTTE I picked Chase to win but with my track record that was based on nothing more then he seemed like a nice guy and I liked him.

That will be interesting to see if he does outlast the rest of them.

agman makes me hot


b1whois 126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-03-10, 01:41 PM (EST)
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180. "double quit episode"
long time lurker going on a long time ramble about my impressions.
ok. i feel like i can guess who the final three are. fabio, benry, and holly. fabio for the win. fabio feels like a winner's edit to me, and no one else. i figure benry is final three because he seems to be on my screen alot for no good reason. and i figure holly is there by process of elimination.
dan. i can sum up my impression of him in one word: pitiful. if were in the final three i feel sure that his edit would have been very different.
jane. we all love her. she is an animal. but, somehow, she seems like a side show. i dont know if i can really describe it, but my gut says no final three for her. maybe she just has too much "other" story, i dont know.
sash. all talk. little substance. cant make it to the end because ...i said so. dont feel like anyone will trust him enough to let him stay in the game.
chase. no nuts. he always looks to me like he cant figure out what is going on.
fabio. a passionate young man for our winner this season.

btw it has been interesting this season to watch posters take a step back and ask questions about how we want to be spoiled. what i would like to see is a speculation forum. which seems to be where we are hopefully going with the "major-spoiler-free" topics...
peace out, dude.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-03-10, 02:47 PM (EST)
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181. "RE: double quit episode"
LAST EDITED ON 12-03-10 AT 02:48 PM (EST)

Welcome! This was a very frustrating episode for me because I am primarily interested in the game itself, strategies and tactics, but there was very little actual game in this episode. Combine that with last week being the recap, I'm just very anxious for them to get on with it again.

Interesting F3 assessment, not where I would have gone with a purely strategic view. These quits do have an interesting game element in that they throw the game wide open, so I am looking forward to some exciting endgame. I also think we've seen the remaining characters settle into their endgame roles, establishment in the recap and re-establishment this week. With two unplayed HIIs still in it, and honest to goodness but they've been musical chairs this season; Jill to Marty to Sash; Brenda to NaOnka to Chase.

Strategically, Jane and Holly are making a mistake trying to lock into an F4 alliance with Chase and Sash, and the two HIIs (though they may not be aware Chase has one). Sash has just sat back and watch as his strong alliance crumbled, why would anyone trust him to be a good alliance buddy? His only loyalty seems to be to the HII in his pocket.

Benry and Fabio are in a great position to scramble and shake things up further, they seem to have paired up with none of the other players really taking note of it. One mind, two votes, they should stick together if at all possible. That leaves Dan, who yes does not seem to have a winning edit or much of a strategy at all except being a numbers vote, but that means he should be everyone's choice to take to final. Na and Kelly quitting was the best thing that could happenn for Dan.

So, simply as a strategic assessment, there are three F3 scenarios that the players should be aiming for.

Benry, Dan, Jud.
Chase, Dan, Sash.
Dan, Holly, Jane.

With two HIIs to condend with, though as Sash stated the best HII strategy is one in which it never has to be played.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-04-10, 07:10 PM (EST)
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182. "RE: double quit episode"
LAST EDITED ON 12-04-10 AT 07:31 PM (EST)

It's nice to see you back B1whois.

Here are my thoughts:

The recap delivered the message: Survivor is tough and was “no place for the weak.”
We saw Holly’s turn-around and her “strong alliance with Chase and Jane.”
Holly: “Quitting is the easy way out. If you want something; suck it up and finish.”
We saw Chase encouraging Nay to stick it out.
Kelly “hit the wall…but she stayed because she was blindly obedient to tribe leaders Brenda and Sash.”
Holly and Jane led a conspiracy against Brenda.
Sash could have saved his long time ally but we saw his awful rejection once more.
Brenda was voted out and Purple Kelly was the only one who didn’t see it coming.

Strange Kind of Women*

Kelly: Brenda leaving the game completely screwed me over…Having Na’Onka, Sash and Chase turn on me put me at the bottom of the totem pole of any alliance I would be a part of.”

Na’Onka: “Tonight at tribal, Brenda showed her ass. She threw me under the bus and ran over me forward and backwards…You think you were making me look bad? Bitch, you made me look good.”

With Na’Onka, Chase talked about voting out Sash and, since he had the idol, Nay proposed blindsiding him.

Chase: “Now, my 4 alliance is Holly, Jane and Na’Onka. Hopefully, I go through Sash, Purple Kelly and Fabio but this game doesn’t seem to work like that so far so I’m expecting something to change for sure.”

I find it weird that Chase didn’t mention Benry who was his target last week. Could his name have been erased to hide Benry’s upcoming elimination?

Day 28

Jane: “We woke up and rain has set in…What was our nice little pond is now a raging river. Hopefully this will let up because it is making camp life miserable.”

Na’Onka: “As it rains and it pours it makes me feel like crap.”

Kelly: “I am trying to tell myself anything I can to just stay in the game…”

Fabio: “The elements are definitely a factor out here. Sometimes it will rain for 4 or five hours. Our tarp was burned, the wind was coming in the front, it was cold. You had to find a mental happy place and say this is temporary, I can deal with this.”

The rain stopped, the music changed and Benry took a walk in the jungle with Fabio, telling him he didn’t care if Kelly and Nay walked out. Fabio agreed.

Benry: “It looks like we could be losing a couple…We are in the middle of the rain forest. Four hours of rain and you’re going to quit that easily? You don’t belong here so go ahead and pack your bags for all I care.”

Chase and Na’Onka also took a walk and she told him her heart wasn’t in the game. She gave him her Hidden Immunity Idol because “you are my boy.”

Chase: “Na’Onka gave me the idol because she thinks I can do well with it, I guess. Hopefully, it will help me out in the long run. If Na’Onka doesn’t quit, then I’m still not going to give her the idol back.”

I find it interesting that the editors left that last sentence in. Since Na’Onka did quit, it becomes meaningless but was it left to show that Chase isn’t the nice guy after all or was it left to show that he has learned how to play the game? If it is the former, it’s not a good sign for his edit but if it is the latter then his story isn’t only about growing up and thus would be good for his chances.

Holly talked to Jane, telling her that they had to stick with Chase and Sash. They were targeting Danny, Benry and Fabio.
How did Sash get in this group? It’s odd that they wouldn’t show the puppet-master weaseling his way in this alliance. I ask you which of the 3 underdogs has always been the “likable underdog”? It isn’t Danny or Benry!

Jane: “If Purple Kelly and Na’Onka decide to leave, I think we still have a four way alliance with Sash, Holly, Chase and me. That leaves the other 3 people on their own and if we keep 4 strong, we can vote them out.”

The Howler monkey (which I think has been used to portray the audience!) didn’t seem to like that! But it’s hard to tell when a howler monkey is happy or angry!

Sash: “I do not trust Chase, Holly and Jane as much as I do Purple Kelly and Na’onka because they are the two that I am closest with at Libertad. The person that has not benefited the most is me. It crossed my mind to team up with Fabio, Benry and Dan but I wish that Na’Onka and Purple Kelly would stay.”

Obviously, the sentence: The person that has not benefited the most is me, which was heard in voice-over, comes from a time after the girls had officially quit. Why would they portray Sash as still holding the power, the one able to decide whether to go with Holly, Jane and Chase or with the 3 underdogs when so much doubt could have been placed on his chances? I’m guessing it’s because we are only to see Sash as a strategist, not as a person in danger.

The Reward challenge
Gulliver’s Travails

Interesting that Jeff’s words applied so well to the situation: “It doesn’t matter how big you are on the outside, it matters how big you are on the inside.” Almost as if it was scripted! It’s a little late to introduce a theme but I’ll be interested in looking back and seeing if this theme applied to how the season was edited. Those that have been “big on the inside” certainly include Jimmy J, Jane, Holly and Chase. Those who have not been shown being big on the inside include Marty, Jimmy T, Brenda, Benry and Sash. Although Fabio has been a “nice guy”, we can’t say he has shown a generous heart or very many emotions.

Na’Onka: “I’m still going to go 100%...”

Dan, not surprisingly, wasn’t chosen and picked the Blue team of Chase, Benry, Na’Onka and Holly to win.
It was a tight challenge but Benry and Chase’s combined strength proved too much.
As Jeff said, Dan picked the right team: “No effort, you get all the reward.”

Right after Jeff described the menu, Na’Onka spoke up: “Jeff, can I say something? I’ve given this game 110%. In this last challenge, I gave every last bit of every thing that I had and my body is wearing down, it is tearing down and this will be my last day and I wanted to go out with a bang with my winning team.”

Jeff was surprised that Nay was quitting and even more so when Kelly said she had enough.
Jeff decided to give them the afternoon to think about it.
After that Jeff presented the winning team with a dilemma: Give up the reward for a tarp and enough rice for 11 days. Jeff presented it as a “hero move” and Holly volunteered even if we knew she wanted a hot dog.

Hero Move? More like game suicide if you ask my opinion. No one will want to face Holly in the finals after this. Also, interesting that Dan apparently wasn’t allowed to make the “Hero Move”, at least Jeff didn’t mention his name. More interesting is that the audience wasn’t really made aware that he couldn’t so it must have made some viewers angry that he didn’t sacrifice himself.
Now, of course all the attention was on Na’Onka and the thought was; She’s quitting so she’s about to get all the food she wants so why not wait a little and help others? If I may editorialize a little, I think Nay was forced to stay in the game in order to have that mock-tribal council. She was ready to quit right there and then but she bowed to the producers’ demand to let them have that last segment. Her reasoning must have been something like: You won’t allow me to quit so you’re going to have to make it as nice as you can for me. The other players, Benry in particular, didn’t see it my way!

Holly: “After I took the tarp and the rice, I turned and looked at Na’Onka. I gave her a look like I can’t believe you didn’t step up after you were leaving. It told me right then and there that I misjudged Na’Onka’s personality.

Benry left the challenge saying “Unbelievable”
I agree, it was unbelievable that neither you or Chase stepped up but no one mentioned that.

Fabio: “After the challenge today, Holly stepped up and said “I’ll forfeit my reward for tarp and rice. I can eat hot dogs whenever”. It was a pretty cool gesture, you know. Holly’s a genuine person. She likes doing nice things for people. It was great for me since I wasn’t going on the reward anyway so now we got extra rice and an extra tarp.”

Going to collect firewood, Holly and Kelly had a talk in which Holly tried to convince Kelly to stay.

Kelly: “I have been sucking it up for 28 days. I have nothing left to suck.”

Holly: “On day 5, when I wanted to leave, Jimmy Johnson said to me: “Think of proud your husband and your children are going to be of you…By me not quitting, I hope I am going to be an inspiration for my children all of their lives.”

The Reward

Dan: “Waking into that hut… the food was great. It was super.”

Chase: “I think it was extremely selfish of Na’Onka to opt out of the game and still go on the reward. I mean, go home, eat a little bit of rice and you know you are going to eat well. That’s what Na’Onka should have done.”

Na’Onka: “I wasn’t about to do that. I was no fool.”

Benry: “We had some fun…but Na’Onka definitely concerns me…I was thinking please leave! Get out of this game and make it a little easier for me.”

Na’Onka: “I got a lot of energy. It helped put every thing in perspective. If I stay, I can win a million dollars.”

: “I want to win. Quitting hasn’t crossed my mind. We are going to tribal council tonight which automatically is not fun. Purple Kelly and Na’Onka are going to have to decide if they want to go home. We’ll see. It’s going to be interesting.”

Kelly: “Anything can happen tonight. Nothing is set and I think that is the scariest part.”

Tribal Council
The rain started up again as they walked into tribal council.
The jury was shocked when they heard Jeff say that Na’Onka and Purple Kelly wanted to quit.
Holly talked about her talk with Jimmy Johnson. In a preacher’s voice she added: “If you can make it this far, why not try to go as far as you possibly can?”
Jane: I knew I had drive, I knew I had determination, I knew I had that spunk that would help me get over any hurdle that came…You have to have that willingness to go for that extra mile to get it done.”
Na’Onka: “My joints are hurting… (Dan looked up at that) I’m freezing. I’m proud to say that I lasted 28 days. I’m the only African-American still here (Sash looked up at that!) I’m a strong woman, I come from a background of strong Black women.”
Kelly said quitting came to her that morning: “It was like there was going to be no end to the weather.”
Benry: “Winners never quit, quitters never win…It’s frustrating for me to seat here and listen to these two girls…”
Fabio: “I think it’s mental will power and the will to be here and what you know you can go through…I’m going to stay to the end even if it is snowing out here.”
Asked if she thought she had a shot to win the game, Na’Onka emphatically said: “Yes” which made Marty and Brenda laugh.
Na’Onka said she didn’t take the rice and the tarp because she wanted to go out with a bang.
Chase said he would have taken the tarp and the rice if he was going home.
Jane: “The young kids are going to find out that life isn’t a piece of cake…The way the economy…jobs are scarce…if you don’t have determination… you are not going to get hired.”
Na’Onka said she wanted her torch to get smuffed (sic).
Kelly also said she would quit.
The jury couldn’t believe it.

Jeff left them saying that they needed to start playing this game.
The scene ended on Alina’s tears as if to show someone had desire to play the game.
Kelly appropriately said she felt sorry for the jury because they could have been top3.
Na said she wouldn’t apologize to anyone but the camera showed she owed Alina an apology.

The story

Since the theme of this episode was about what the players have inside, we can eliminate those who have not shown any substance but we had already done that.

Dan: The image of him sitting in the big chair was appropriate: He doesn’t have what it takes (meaning he doesn’t have the story) to sit in the King’s chair.

Benry: We continually see that Benry’s heart is dark, meaning he is always shown while saying something negative about others. Not being named as Chase’s target suggested he could be the next to go even if someone else decided to put a target on her own back.

Sash: The Jane/Holly/Chase/Sash alliance didn’t need to be shown, we knew that Sash was closest with Kelly and Na’Onka so the editors could have made us think that Sash was in danger. Instead, he still looks like he is in the best position, the swing voter between two groups of 3 players. What have we seen inside Sash? Nothing to make us think he has what it takes.

Jane: She didn’t get to make the heroic move but we certainly heard that she would have done the same. Jane was presented as the wise woman who knew what it takes to survive in Nicaragua and in real life.

Holly: Is it me or did Holly really sound like a preacher in this episode? When she talked about her daughters winning the state championship it sounded as if Holly herself was taking the credit for running the race. My personal impression is meaningful only if that was the intent of the editors to convey that impression. I believe that, on a primary level, we were supposed to applaud Holly, to see that the move was heroic, that her determination was to be admired but I feel that on some level they were preparing us to see that she did too much, that she put a target on her back. It wouldn’t surprise me if we were to start seeing Holly thinking she could run this game.

Chase: If this was strictly about what the players have inside, I think Chase would be the obvious winner. Hearing him saying that he wouldn’t give the idol back to Nay had to be a positive for him because Nay was not liked. That means that, after a very slow start, Chase gets this game. We heard he would have been the next to go if he had stayed with Brenda but he cut her loose and he found a strong alliance. The problem with his story is doubt. He is in a powerful position and he is the nice guy that would get many votes from the jury. He already has Brenda and we heard that he was Nay’s boy. I’d like to see Chase win but I think that is the players the editors want us to think will win.

Fabio: Have we seen enough of Fabio’s generosity to say that he is big inside? We know he is a good guy, that people like him but is that enough to fill the theme of this episode? What is remarkable is that he is always presented as the underdog and, if Alina and Kelly B were also likable underdogs, we can’t say the same of Benry and Dan.

The camera lingered on Alina’s tears after the quitters’ departure to show us that she wished to have been there. It suggests that the editors think, or want us to think, that she had what it takes. After showing her, the camera went to Fabio and we know those two had a strong connection from the start. Will her vote be the deciding factor in favor of Fabio?

* I had been waiting all season long for Purple Kelly to be featured to use a Deep Purple song title! If only she had been the one to set the camp on fire.


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-09-10, 02:43 PM (EST)
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184. "RE: double quit episode"
I finally got back to this although after Benry's boot last night, so you called this one didn't ya. Good insights on the rest of the survivors too. Can't wait until your next post

A Tribe masterpiece


PepeLePew13 26134 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-05-10, 08:08 AM (EST)
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183. "RE: double quit episode"
LAST EDITED ON 12-05-10 AT 08:11 AM (EST)

Good spec on the final 3, b1whois... I think it's difficult to tell who might be the final 3 with all the drama surrounding NaBonkers, so now that the two quits are out of the way, we should be able to get a much clearer idea of how the rest of the game is going to unfold starting with the next episode.

Sash is going to have to change his game completely now that two of his alliance mates have quit the game, and he suddenly has become a person who can turn the game upside down as he's a wild card in between two other groups. Which way will he go with the two groups? I think we're going to see a huge spike in gameplay from Sash, whichever way he goes. How he's edited in this next episode will go a long way in determining if he's F3 material or not, and also who goes to the F3 from the two main remaining alliance groups.

It's going to be perhaps the biggest paradigm shift of a sort we've seen at F7 in quite some time because of the two quits disrupting strategy and game plans. Don't forget that three people have just left the game in a 24-hour span, so they've just gone from 10 to 7 in barely a blink of the eye, even if it feels like a month for us.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-11-10, 08:57 PM (EST)
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185. "Episode #12 - Editing Thoughts:"
Who knew episode numbers could be so cinfusing. I do not count the recap so this is 12, right?!

The Recap was more “The World According to Sash” than the story of Survivor Nicaragua.

Jeff said: “Did you ever have one of those days where everything goes wrong? Welcome to Sash’s world.
After 4 weeks in the jungle, Sash had it all…
A hidden immunity idol in his pocket, his closest ally, Na’Onka had another one and the third person in his clique, Purple Kelly, did whatever he said…
<Kelly was heard saying: “I’m not as wise as some of these people but as long as I keep Sash close, I’ll be fine.”>
The “Sash train” was in a perfect position to go all the way to the end…
…and then the wheels came off.
First, Na’Onka gave her idol to Chase…
…Then, at tribal council, both Na’Onka and Purple Kelly threw in the towel.

Now, there are two alliances: Chase, Holly and Jane on one side, Benry, Fabio and Dan on the other.”

Besides taking another cheap shot at Kelly, the recap set it up for us to see Sash as the underdog or at least to let us hear about his feelings, his frustrations, his fears but that’s not what we were about to have.

Instead, the episode showed us that:

They are Crazy if they Trust Sash.

Night 28
: “Tonight, we had a tribal council and Na’Onka and Kelly decided to quit. 20 people out of how many people are given this opportunity and 11 days left and they walk out. Unbelievable.”

Benry and Fabio decided the chicken should be named Kelly-Nay for the 2 quitters.

Sash: “For most of this tribe, losing two was a huge plus but probably the person that has not benefited the most was me. Chase, he’s aligned tightly with Holly and Jane. On the other side of the spectrum is Dan, Fabio and Benry who have also formed a close alliance. Now, I have a hidden immunity idol so I still think the odds are in my favor to try to make a run for it but it’s going to be more difficult than I thought.”

It’s nice to have proof that part of his confessional heard last week was taken from this one. More importantly it didn’t take long for us to realize that Sash wasn’t going to get an underdog edit after all. And where were the emotions? Is Sash really this cold or were the emotional remarks left out?

Day 29

Talking to Chase, Benry and Fabio, Sash made it clear that he would play the idol at the next tribal council, reasoning that it was only putting a target on his back. “What I’d like to do is get rid of it and show everyone that I am a free agent.”

Sash: “Right now, it’s an individual game so I have to do what is best for me. I’m a swing vote; no matter who I align with, I know I’m going to be the fourth man so make me your best offer and I’ll decide then.”

You have to admit this was a very smart move by Sash because he was telling both sides that voting for him was useless yet he’d be certain to stay there once one of the alliances of three had been whittled down to 2. We have to consider him a top strategist like Cesternino, Chris, Todd and Russell but I still don’t see any manipulation to make us want to see his plans succeed. Certainly, the recap was manipulated to make it all about Sash but it reminded us he was already on top and only suffered a set-back because Na’Onka and Kelly quit. The audience was too happy to see those two go to care for Sash. In previous seasons, we got to know the schemers mentioned and that was what enabled us to share an interest in seeing them succeed. Here, it feels that we should want to see Sash fail like John, Gregg or Marty before him. That’s because we have gotten to know those that he wants to trick more than we have a connection to Sash himself (which was Gregg’s editing problem) and he is becoming insufferably arrogant. (like John and Marty)

It seemed that, as soon as they wound up alone, Chase offered Sash his trust and a promise to keep Sash over Jane. He also promised Sash that he and Holly were owed a nice reward. Sash agreed that Holly deserved to go on the next one but was happy to hear that Chase considered him next in line.

Sash: “I really need a reward right now, especially some food. I’m literally starving and, aside from Holly, I’ve gone the longest without a food reward recently so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there is some food on the horizon.”

This set up nicely a reminder of Palau where Ian, who like Chase was a hesitating young man on a journey to maturity, made a mistake in choosing Tom over Katie for a reward.
Of course, if I’m not reading this story correctly then Sash was in a similar position to Tom on another of Palau’s rewards but I didn’t really hear anything as foreshadowing for him as Tom’s remark to Gregg: “We’ll make you pay.”

Reward Challenge
Day 30

In a 2nd chance type challenge, which was very appropriate for this episode, we had Chase, Jane, Benry and Holly winning the first round and Chase eventually beating Benry in the final leg.
(For those keeping score at home, note that Dan wasn’t featured once on camera except when the first round was over and we saw him covered in mud to prove he was actually there!)

After first choosing Holly to accompany him, Chase faced a tough decision. He chose Jane (who appeared to be his new cheerleader now that Brenda is gone! Poor Chase!) even if the camera showed that Sash was expecting it and that Benry deserved it.

Sash: “Chase actually said to me that, next reward if he wins it, he was going to take me. Right now, I can go either way; Chase knows I have an idol so, for him to make that risky of a move when he probably already has Jane’s vote locked up, is incredibly stupid.”

Day 30

Fabio was happy with the outcome, telling the tribe that Chase had picked the two least strategic players to go with him.
It’s now Fabio’s turn to underestimate Jane and Holly. That just confirmed to us that he was the least aware of the strategies. Isn’t that dangerous for his overall story? It certainly is something to remember because casual comments in Survivor are rare. Usually everything, especially a comment that sets up a scene, has meaning.

Sash: “With Chase choosing Jane and Holly to go on the reward, he was not only making one of the dumbest moves in the game thus far by leaving me who is really a wild-card back at camp to possibly maneuver myself with the other alliance being Benry, Fabio and Dan.”

Sash asked about the future plans of the three guys because, as he said: “It’s obvious that there’s a three-three split… it’s obvious that I’m going to be number four man on any three-person alliance.”
Dan simply replied: “Forget those three, let’s us four go.”
Sash still wanted to hear their game plan because “Only three make it to the finals.”
Dan smartly said: “In other words, you’re saying you might side with them? That’s what you’re saying is that you might side with them.”
Sash was stumped: “Uh? I…I…Ah? I…Uh? Honestly, none of you three have come forward and told me your game plan yet so for…for…for…Ah…here on out, I…I want you to feel free to tell me whatever you want, so you know…you know…”

Dan: “We tried to get Sash back on board with us so we approached him and he said: “I’m with you guys, I’m with you guys, I’m with you guys” but people don’t trust Sash and they are crazy if they do after what he did to his own right-hand girl, after what he did to Brenda, after what he did to Marty. If Sash goes with Chase and the two ladies, they have four, we only have three so I have no choice but to trust Sash.”

If I am permitted an aparté; was Sash expecting one of the three guys to fall on his sword or for the other two to say right there and then they weren’t sticking with number 3? This wasn’t a very smart approach. Was there more to it than what was shown?
As it was presented, Sash was outwitted by Dan and herein lies the difference between a schemer that wins and a schemer that fails at least as far as the editors are concerned: The ones that fail have others calling out their stupid moves while the winners see their side of the story being told, recorded for posterity. For the audience, Sash is no longer meant to be seen as the puppet master that SHOULDN’T be trusted but as the guy that simply isn’t trusted, unless you are crazy…That opens up a new line of editing thoughts: Who is crazy to trust Sash?

The Reward

Jane: “Chase won and I was so much praying that Chase would pick me. I loved the tiki hut…”

Holly: “Chase picked Jane and me to go on the reward leaving Sash behind. I went Oh! No. I think he made the wrong choice.”

Chase agreed and knew he had been stupid.

Chase: “I’ve been a little flighty throughout the game, not making decisions and sticking with them. It could come back to hurt me. It’s mistakes that I’m making that I don’t need to be doing that too much because people stop trusting me. Now, Sash is back at camp with Fabio, Benry and Dan and that’s terrible. They could pick us off one by one. I’ll have to back to camp tomorrow and see where Sash’s head is at and that is all that I can do. I’ll enjoy this reward while I am here but I’ll have to do damage control tomorrow.”

Back in Camp
: “Not only are Holly and Chase a big threat to Sash but nobody wants to go to the final three with Jane anyway. So, if Sash were smart, I think he will make the right decision, jump on board with us and take himself a lot further in this game. I think that alliances were pretty defined today and that we can really use Sash to our advantage in this game. I’m not going to take any chances though; that kid as been shifty this entire game and hasn’t been able to make up his mind so I think he’s still in that same boat and something tells me he is a lot closer to Holly, Jane and Chase than Dan, Fabio and I.”

We have another example that Sash isn’t really seen as a mastermind but really thought of as a shifty kid.

Day 31

Jane realized that the guys had killed Kelly-Nay. Crying, she built it a pet-cemetery.

Jane: “I found out that they did kill the chicken so I made her a little ceremonial…”

Holly told Chase and Jane that she didn’t trust Sash.
Chase said that they’d have to make him believe that they would drop Jane and take Sash to the finals.

Chase: “It was an unbelievable mistake that I made. I left Sash back at camp, the person that I can trust least with three other guys who were ready to pounce on him. They were all talking to him. If Sash goes with them, it’s going to be me, Holly and Jane fighting for our lives and it’s going to be hell. It’s going to be a fight to the finish if Sash goes with them.”

The “shifty” Sash was the first to give big hugs to Holly and Jane.

Benry: “Chase, Holly and Jane got back from the reward and it sounds like they had a great time. I’m nervous: There are a lot of variables that can play into this right now that are dangerous for my name being brought up on the chopping block because I am not really sure where I stand right now and I am a physical threat as well.”

Benry talked with Chase who told him that he wasn’t stupid enough to take Jane to the end but was thinking of voting Fabio at this point.
Benry agreed he’d vote Fabio out.

Chase: “I haven’t trusted Benry this entire game. I think Dan, Fabio and Ben are gunning for Jane but I think they are also gunning for me. I’m worried that Sash would leave us and go with those guys but I’m going to do my damn best to make sure that he feels good with our group.”

Chase apologized to Sash for not taking him on the reward.
Sash accepted and wanted Chase to swear on his mother and his father that he would drop Jane.
Chase would not swear on his father but he promised to take Sash to the final 3 or 2 no matter what.
Holly joined them, saying that she was nervous about yesterday.
Chase said Benry wanted to play the game with him and was ready to vote Fabio out next.
Sash said that was a “straight up lie.”
Chase then said it had to be Benry next even if Holly wanted Fabio.
She said she didn’t mind either way.

In the shelter, Benry told Dan and Fabio that Sash was talking to the other side.

Benry: “It was originally me, Dan, Fabio and Sash that were going in and pick these guys off one by one; Holly, Jane and Chase but you can’t trust Sash. I don’t trust Sash but I have a pretty good relationship with Momma Holly and Chase is my boy since day 1 so we’ll see if I can end up confiding in them and creating myself a new alliance. I definitely found a way to save my ass.”

Not according to all those seasons of studying editing, you haven’t!

Benry: “I came over and I talked to Chase and Holly for a little bit and they have no problem voting out Fabio. I’m not sure if they were beating around the bush or if they were talking about me when I was walking up but Sash was in on the conversation as well so I let them know that, as long as I wasn’t going home, I don’t have a problem voting Fabio out. I know it would be breaking up my alliance a little bit but it is amazing, it’s crazy what a couple hours can do around camp.”

Immunity Challenge
Day 32

Once more, Dan wasn’t shown during this challenge so even the cameramen have given up on him!
During the puzzle, we heard Jane encouraging Benry, Fabio and Sash alternatively, leading Fabio to wish she would “Shut up.”
Benry was ready to give up while Fabio looked over at Sash for clues.
Jeff said: “Fabio and Sash are neck and neck right now”.
(Is the final vote going to be that close if it comes down to those two?)

Sash won immunity.

Final Scene
: “I pulled out immunity and it feels great. Right now, I am a triple-threat: Individual immunity, the hidden immunity idol and I am in the majority alliance. At this point, I am in complete control and I can’t wait for final tribal council to win my million. Most of the challenges, I’ve been sandbagging, going maybe 70 or 80% and now I look at people like Benry and Fabio who have been going at 110% in every challenge and the reason they are not going to make it to the finals is that they are a physical threat to win the final immunity challenge.”

Fabio asked Sash if he would let him know if his name came up because he had an uneasy feeling.

Fabio: “My instincts tell me that Sash is still a bit of a swing vote but he’s closer to me than anybody on the tribe so if he’s in the middle of a swing vote and it’s my name on the other side, he is going to tell me, I feel like.
I feel like just sitting back and being cool is part of it. We’ll see though, it is hard to tell. We’ll see, man.”

Poor naïve Fabio is one of the players crazy enough to trust Sash. We know he has nothing to worry about in this episode because the editors didn’t give him any confessionals before it was time to set up the suspense of TC. A likeable player like Fabio would have had a nice end to his story but instead we had heard only from Benry. But does this naiveté hurt his chances at winning the million? Fabio was to prove to everyone that he wasn’t really a Fabio in order to win but didn’t he just miss his chance? More on that after TC!

: “Right now, Chase and I are stringing along Fabio, Benry and Dan into thinking different things as to who is going home tonight. Right now, the two names on the chopping block are Fabio and Benry. They have no idea what is going on and I’m going to keep them guessing until I feel like telling them or not telling them.”

Back in the shelter, Dan worried what to tell Fabio about the vote. Sash and Chase told him they would say it was Jane but Benry said it would be better to use Holly as pawn.

Benry: “I feel guilty for lying but as long as it’s not me going home next and everybody agrees that they’ll vote off Fabio then it’s going to be pretty simple to pitch to Fabio that we want to get Holly out of here. I don’t think he will buy the Jane thing just in terms of Chase and Jane being so close. As long as it’s not me going home I will do anything it takes to stay here tonight.”

Did this little move by Benry, switching the fake target from Jane to Holly contribute to Sash and Chase not trusting him and voting him out? Or was it the lie that Sash uncovered and told Chase about? Either way, it would have been better for him to play it cool!

Fabio: “I was feeling a little worried earlier. I wasn’t sure if my name wasn’t being thrown around or this or that: it would make sense for them to want to get me out I thought but I feel good about voting Holly out. I feel she has over-stayed her welcome.”

Sash told Jane she was like a second mom to him.
Jane said the best thing that happened to her was being picked to be on LaFlor.
Sash said it meant a lot to him that she trusted him. He then lied by saying he had her back, that he couldn’t backstab someone he had so much love for.

Jane: “I feel real good because I think our four-way alliance is going to stay strong. Our four, which is Chase, Holly, Sash and me, will be in the final four. I really and truly feel that Sash has a great heart and the Sash is not going to go with them. Sash is guaranteed final four with us; I mean we will not vote him out. Fabio and Benry have been a physical threat since day one, always have, always will. So, either Fabio or Benry is going home tonight. Holly, Chase and I, we never planned this in the beginning but we just came together and it ended meshing. It was like spokes on a wheel…”

So, we can count Jane as another person who is crazy enough to trust Sash. His boldface lie to her tells us why she will not vote for him if he makes it to the end without her.

Tribal Council

Chase said he worried that his choice at the reward challenge would work against him. He added: “I’m a physical threat but I haven’t won individual immunity.”
Benry said he was extremely concerned about being a physical threat.
Talking about Fabio, Jane said: “He’s definitely a lot stronger, more built, faster maybe not the smartest on the puzzle but… he is a big physical threat.”
Asked what to do to deflect that target, Fabio said: “I stay friendly with people around camp, I talk to everybody, I make sure that they know I am pretty honest and open. I trust my alliance to get me further in the game and those people that I have trusted; hopefully we’ll go further in the game together.”
Benry said he was pretty confident the vote will swing his way and he was encouraged to say that by a little nod of approval from Sash.
Sash felt great for having immunity. He explained: “As soon as you have this around your neck, it seems people want to talk to you more. The more people talk to you in this game, the better you probably are.”
Fabio said he noticed people talking to Sash but that he wasn’t worried.
Holly also saw people talking to Sash and that it concerned everybody.
Jeff said it didn’t concern Fabio.
Holly replied: “I feel sorry for him then. You have to talk to people, you have to find out what is going on. If you just sit back and watch, you might not be furthering yourself in the game so communication is huge.”

Before voting, Jeff said the vote would reveal which alliance holds strong and which alliance falls apart.

Benry and Dan ended up voting for Fabio which surprised jurors Marty and Brenda.
He voted for Holly.
The alliance that held strong decided to eliminate Benry who couldn’t believe it.

After sending him off, Jeff said: “Coming into tribal council, everybody trusted their alliance. Leaving tribal council? Not so much. Therein lies the tricky part of alliances: Realizing when you no longer can trust them.”

The Story

In this episode, we saw that everyone trusted Sash even if Dan wisely said no one should. However, instead of pulling for our mastermind to get out of the mess that he had found himself in, we were meant to hope that Sash wouldn’t be trusted. Our only reward for the moment was to hear him stuttering when called out by Dan.

The Characters

Dan: Despite starring in the scene that I felt defined this episode, the audience still didn’t really connect with Dan. That is bound to happen when he isn’t shown during challenges and at tribal councils. If he had gone to Jane and Holly to convince them that Sash wasn’t truly a nice guy we would really have seen an unbelievable TC! But, as he said, Dan had to trust Sash.

Jane: The slow deconstruction of her edit continues. For sure, some always saw Jane as being batty but she did have some nice moments. The editors wanted us to pull for her as long as Marty was there and even now that she is in Chase’s corner but we are meant to see that she’s losing it. Her scene eating the fish alone a few episodes back was the first truly negative moment in her story but having a scene that draws a parallel to Thailand’s Jan isn’t flattering! The scene where we saw her trusting blindly Sash, eating up his lie about being his second mom served a dual purpose even if it was totally unnecessary to the story of this episode: It told the viewers that Sash was evil but also that Jane was foolish enough to deserve her upcoming elimination.

Sash: This episode was totally devoted to Sash so of course it could be to set up the Macchiavellian strategist’s win but I read it in the completely opposite direction. This episode showed us why Sash doesn’t deserve to get the votes: He is really a shifty kid and those who realize it (AND can act on it contrary to Dan) should beat him in the end.

Chase: Will it be Chase? I don’t thinks so because Chase was too busy convincing Sash to trust him instead of wondering if Sash should be trusted. After this vote, he will be even more certain that Sash is a person he should trust and we know that’s Chase’s kryptonite. One also has to consider that we saw another example that Chase isn’t a smart player. How can the jury reward him if everyone sitting there thinks he isn’t smart? It is getting late for us to see him turning it around. However, he does seem to be in a great spot to reach the end and it’s dangerous to say that the “nice guy” will not win the vote.

Holly: We continue to see her as a smart woman: She told Chase that it was dumb to leave Sash at camp, and she knows that communication is huge in this game. So, will she be the one to realize that Sash isn’t to be trusted? I feel she will realize it only too late because, ever since her scene with Jimmy Johnson and his departure, Holly’s role has been that of Coach for this season. People call her mom and it’s interesting that she is a coach to her daughters: We have been shown Holly giving lessons to many players, most notably Na’Onka, Kelly, Jane, Chase and now, finally, the one I see as the winner: Fabio.

Fabio: On the surface, this was a terrible episode for Fabio. Instead of being the one that the others underestimate, he underestimated Holly and Jane by calling them the least strategic. The audience heard them strategizing and saw him sit back so we know he was wrong. He told us that he was closest to the new “Villain”, saying he trusted Sash to tell him if his name came up. Doesn’t that signal the end of the “playing it cool” strategy? He brought it as far as he could but now he should be the next to go, right?

I do not think so. Fabio might just win his way to the end. We certainly heard enough mentions that he was a physical threat but I feel it would paint an incomplete picture:
I believe that the tribal council was the trigger to a new role for Fabio: The Strategist! Listen to Holly’s words just before the vote and Jeff’s words immediately after: Holly was addressing him directly while Jeff could only be talking to him. That was the lesson that Fabio needed, the jolt that should tell him how to act in the next few days and how to convince the jury to vote for him. He wasn’t too far off because he has been talking to people and he does have friends, just not the right ones. He should be able to figure where he went wrong: All his expressions at Tribal Councils prepared us to see him do just that!


kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

12-12-10, 00:55 AM (EST)
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186. "This makes me think -- NO SPOILERS"
BTW, thanks for all your work posting these, michel.

As I read this last post it made me think the editors are making Sash look emotionless and we are suppossed to compare him to Chase who we've been told a zillion times plays soley with his emotions. I'm thinking Sash & Chase are foils for each other -- one thinking only with his head & the other thinking only with his heart. Is either good enough to win or should the winner have a little bit of both?

What do you think?


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-12-10, 04:39 AM (EST)
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187. "RE: This makes me think -- NO SPOILERS"
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-10 AT 02:18 PM (EST)

Thanks for the no spoiler tag!

I agree that Chase and Sash are opposite. I wrote somewhere up there that Chase has all the substance that Sash lacks.

The problem with Sash's emotions is that it's possible that he is that cold. Brian certainly was, calling himself Mr. Freeze. That means it isn't necessarily editing manipulation for Sash. However, what is telling is that we've never gotten to know Sash. That is manipulation and that is what I mean by his lack of substance. Brian, be it because of his wife's video, his campfire songs, his ride on the elephant or his dark humor, made a connection on a personal level with the audience.

ETA: I also have to add that Brian was introduced to us saying that he was on a business trip while Sash raved about beautiful beaches and beautiful women. We expected Brian to be cold and calculating. Sash's role as puppetmaster popped out of nowhere half way through the season.


kiki_k 1444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

12-12-10, 04:07 PM (EST)
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188. "RE: This makes me think -- NO SPOILERS"
Brian -- the sleasiest/most despicable winner ever, imo. But you are right -- we were given more personal scenes with him then we have with Sash.

And, I do remember you writing about Chase having all the substance Sash lacked -- I should have written in my previous post "reading all your posts it makes me think." Good job, michel.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-18-10, 04:04 AM (EST)
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189. "Editing Thoughts on the Penultimate Episode:"
If the last recap was all about Sash, this one was the story from Chase’s point of view and it wasn’t a pretty sight!

“Since the beginning of the game, Chase has been a portrait of indecision.
On day 1, he was Shannon’s closest ally but later voted him out.
He had a puppy dog crush on Brenda and eventually voted her out.
<We heardHolly asking: “What the $%*# is wrong with Chase?”>
Despite Chase’s indecisiveness, Na’onka liked him enough to give him her hidden immunity idol right before she quit.
Which brings us to day 30: Chase was in an alliance with Holly, Jane and Sash who had the other immunity idol…
…but Benry also thought he was in with Chase so Chase conspired with Benry and the rest of his crew to vote out Fabio but at tribal council, Chase decided that Benry was a bigger threat. Benry was voted out.

Note that all these moves could have been presented as smart game moves, especially voting out Brenda. Did Jeff say that Chase had outwitted the Asian Sensation? No, he reminded us he had a boyish crush on her and the decision wasn’t explained. That’s hanging a character out to dry.

Calamity Jane

Night 32

Pulling Fabio aside, Sash explained the vote: “Benry was trying to target you. I wanted to say something to you but it would cause more problems with the rest of the tribe.”
Fabio replied: “That’s fine. I trust you a lot, man.”
Sash ended it saying: “I got your back.”

Sash: “Fabio is just happy to be alive. He saw his name was put down twice and he really thought he was going home. He knows that I am in control of this game right now and, as long as Fabio doesn’t win the challenge, he definitely will be the next to go.”

Note the change of sound quality and the switch from voice-over to on screen confessional after Sash said “this game right now and”…/…”as long as Fabio…” These were definitely taken from two different times because I’m sure Sash wasn’t implying that Fabio knew that Sash wanted him to be the next to go. Sash must have said something like “Fabio is counting on me” after saying that he had control of the game. Do Fabio and Sash have a deal that could still come in play? Or is it Sash and Dan? Either could explain the upcoming vote.

Fabio: “The next couple of days are going to be really tricky. I think they believe I am more gullible and naïve than I am. It’s to the point where I am on high alert. It could be pretty funny to watch them under-estimate me and they go: “What? I didn’t know Fabio was that smart.”

That was the confessional I was expecting. If you couple that with his mom’s video that would also refer to his intelligence, we can say that the viewers are prepared to see that Fabio is really smart but will it happen? The episode didn’t show it.

Tree Mail

Chase retrieved the phone and the first video was from his mom

Chase: “We are playing a game for a million dollars and something as simple as a cell phone can bring you to tears. It’s very interesting to see how everyone reacted to their own family. It makes you realize you are playing this game with people and not just other competitors and they miss their own family as much as I do.”

Fabio: “I know that my family is number 1 but, being out here, has really given me time to think about that. Seeing the video, it really got me. My mom always says the perfect things. She told me exactly what I needed to know. I just want to see my family, man!”

Remember that remark when his mom does say something to him later on.

Then Fabio went to Chase, asking him who he’d take on reward.
Chase assured Fabio it would be the three young guys.

The Challenge

Holly told Jeff how emotional it was to get the videos.
Chase’s mom told Jeff that her son was handsome.
Jeff told Fabio’s mom of his name change! She liked that nickname.
Sash said that he didn’t have a lot of money growing up but had a lot of love.
This tells me that we only now got to know Sash. Isn’t it too little too late?
Dan couldn’t stop hugging his son and said he was his life.
Jane’s daughter said her mom looked skinny.
After being teased, Holly told Jeff about missing her 25th anniversary.

Chase’s mom solved the puzzle first.
So Chase was forced to make a decision.
Jane told her daughter he’d pick Sash and he did.
Asked to bring a second person, Chase chose Holly.
Dan told his son that Chase was a scumbag.
Wondering what would happen to the others, Chase was told that they would “be taken and executed.” (Jeff really had some snark this season!)
Jeff turned to Fabio who was really upset.
Chase apologized.
Fabio said he would have taken Chase because he knew how much his mom meant to him.
Hugging him, Fabio’s mom said: “Get your head in the game.”
(If she does always say the perfect thing, that could be a million dollar quote.)

Back in Camp

Fabio told Dan and Holly that Chase had promised him he’d take him. That seemed to surprise Jane.

Fabio: “I was really let down by Chase. We had been talking about having our moms on this one reward and he knew how much my mom meant to me and I knew how much his mom meant to him and I was really planning on taking him. So I kinda got played there, he straight up lied to me.”

Dan told Fabio: “Forget about you, forget about me; he did it to Jane.”
Jane said it was Ashley’s last summer at home, adding that Chase had “made a million dollar decision…”

Dan: “Chase won the challenge and he really did a bad thing to Jane. He really let her down. Just shows you what a douche-bag he is. He was her friend and he spit in her face. It was disgusting.”

Jane: “I got mad at Chase for not picking me. Where I stand right now, it seems I’m the fourth person in a four way alliance and that worries me.”

The Reward

Holly: “I’m assuming that we are not going to have any more food challenges and that we are going to be here the next four days without food so I needed that to get some of my energy back..”

Chase made a toast to the Final 3 saying that he had “just lost a vote with Fabio.”
As we all know, this game usually has a surprise in store for those that are so confident. I’m thinking that Chase could have changed the preposition “with” for “to”!

: “I had to choose between Holly, Jane and Fabio. We all want Fabio gone next because he could ruin our plans. Fabio is very emotional but I want to keep Holly close. I want to make sure she can help me get to the end so hopefully that will not hurt me with jury votes if I get that far.”

Chase found a clue to a hidden immunity idol but he told everyone not to worry since Sash and he had the two already. His mom worried that it would be three against three but Holly reassured the “audience” that they had a fourth person.
Every thing looked so much like smooth sailing that the winner could not have been on that boat!

Holly: “It was amazing…”

Chase: “…Damn, I have to go back to camp and face wrath.”

Night 33? – The Return

After asking Chase how was the reward, Fabio said: “It was a rhetorical question.”

Chase: “Sash, Holly and I just got back from reward and, immediately, Fabio wants to know what the hell happened, why I didn’t take him.”

Fabio: “I guess we’ll just move on. You can’t hold grudges out here, you can’t be super ticked off because it will come back to get you. So, I think the best thing I can do is try to win immunity.”

The Challenge
Day 36 (? And we think we have problems with episode numbers! What happened to day 34 and 35?)

Fabio won.

Sash: “The only thing that could have screwed up today’s immunity challenge was Fabio winning immunity and, of course, Fabio wins immunity. Now, we’re stuck in a tight spot because we really wanted the biggest threat to go home, being Fabio. So, we’ll have to decide what our next move is.”

Chase wanted to vote out Dan but Fabio suggested voting out Jane first and then Dan.

Fabio: “Chase has said the whole time that Jane’s got to go, Jane’s got to go but now that it’s actually the time to do it, he’s thinking about it and you can tell he doesn’t want to let her go. If he doesn’t want to vote her out, it could go down as his worst decision.”

Sash and Holly forced Chase to decide on voting Jane.

Chase: “I don’t want to write Jane’s name down. I want to keep Jane around to the final 4 and beat her at the final 4. But now, Sash and Holly don’t think it’s a good idea, they are going back on it. But I still got time. I’m still not sure. I don’t know if this is right or not. ”

Then Jane joined the trio, wanting to know if they were still four. She wanted to know if it was still Dan.
Holly said it was hard.
Chase said that they had been discussing it.
The group went silent as Jane realized it was her turn.
The bells that rang out at that time reminded me of “Hell’s Bells”.
The music grew eerily as Chase asked Sash and Holly if they had decided.
When Sash explained that she could beat them all at the end, Jane gave him the finger.

Jane: “My alliance have turned on me and I’m supposed to go home tonight. It was supposed to be the final 4, us. That was the game plan the whole time. They are obviously flippers, they are liars, they are cheats, they’re back-stabbers. I’m most disappointed in my Carolina home boy Chase. If I was Chase, I wouldn’t show my ass back in North Carolina… I told Sash to not to even f*cking look at me and try to pat me on the back like “I’m sorry Jane”. If he wants to compare me to his momma? I didn’t raise my daughter to be a liar and a cut-throat but she raised a damn liar. I didn’t backstab anybody this whole game so I am proud of how I played this game…The wrath of Jane will break out tonight.”

She put out the fire by throwing water on it as the music suddenly broke into a dramatic military march.

Obviously, the last segment was edited to paint Jane as a “Victim” so that tells us what we should think of her three executioners.

Tribal Council
Asked about the crazy afternoon, Dan tried to get away with not answering.
Jeff pressed on: “No, no. Give it to me or I’ll dig.”
Dan said: “Before we left tonight, Jane took a bucket of water and threw it on our fire.”
The jury and Jeff looked stunned.
Jane explained: “I started the fire and I wanted to be the last woman standing to put the fire out…There’s absolutely no loyalty in tonight’s vote. It’s full of liars and back-stabbers. End of story.”
Jeff: “End of story? No. Beginning of story. I want more.”
Jane: “They are going to vote me out tonight and I want to call people out on some stuff.” Addressing her directly, Jane said: “Holly, you call yourself a mentor and a coach yet you steal $1400 of personal property. Where I come from, you go to jail.”
The jury liked that.
“It’s not that I’m frustrated. I’m upset that I made an alliance with people who are throwing me under the bus. We had always decided to get rid of these two (pointing to Fabio and Dan) and stay as a foursome. That was the alliance. That’s how Benry got voted out.”
That caught Benry’s attention.
Jeff asked Chase if Jane was only thinking that she was in a four way alliance.
Chase disagreed: “Jane was in a four way alliance. This afternoon, we sat her aside and told her that it is our best interest in having a shot at winning this game to possibly send her home and we told her that.”
Always looking for trouble, Jeff asked “the alliance of three who seems to be in charge: If you vote out Jane tonight, who’s next?”
Chase, his voice sounding clear despite the foot in his mouth, answered: “I’d say it’s whoever doesn’t win immunity next.”
Jeff pointed out: “It’s Fabio or Dan.”
Then, (adding a second foot!) Chase turned to Holly and Sash and asked: “Would you guys agree with that?”
The jury couldn’t believe such stupidity: “Oh my God” was their subtitled general reaction.
Sash, on the other hand, looked incredibly uncomfortable but, along with Holly, eventually said yes.
Jeff said that this open discussion was a ballsy big move.
Fabio said that he’d better win the next immunity or he’d be going next.
Jane interjected: “It’s writing on the wall.”
Jeff confirmed that the alliance of 3 had flat out told him it was so but that there were three other people. So Jeff asked what he felt his mom would ask: “Why don’t they have their own alliance and do something or force a vote? It seems crazy.”
Jane suggested that the three outsiders should vote Holly out because the other two have idols.
Jeff pointed it was the last night to play an idol.
Dan agreed with Jeff: “It would make sense for me to form an alliance with Fabio and Jane.”
Fabio added that things were crazy and they could force a tie to weaken the alliance of three. He added: “I try to make the best out of the pieces that are there.”
Holly said that she was becoming nervous.
Chase, with a look that Jeff described as utter confusion, added: “I don’t know what is going on.”
Brenda’s look told us she had Chase all figured out from the start.

Sash and Chase gave their idols to Jeff.
They all voted against Jane while she voted Sash.

The story seemed disjointed when it came to the vote. Why didn’t Fabio and Dan vote with Jane? After all of Jeff’s prodding, the vote didn’t make Fabio look particularly smart. But was there more to the story or did Fabio simply want Jane eliminated. If so, he will need to win the next immunities as he said he would. Editors certainly saw how Brett became an acceptable winner in the eyes of many viewers when he went on his late winning streak even if he had no story before that. A player with a likeable edit and a winning streak could become someone the audience pulls for but we had been “promised” a smart Fabio.

The Characters:

Dan: Some of the wisdom that guided him in the streets of Brooklyn is coming through especially when he said that Chase had “did it to Jane”. It was another indication that he understands the situation yet he also went along with the vote against Jane. Does he know about a threesome that hasn’t been revealed?

Holly: Hearing her say that the reward’s food would be the last for the next 4 days was another hint that she won’t make it to the end. It showed too much confidence as did her explanation to Chase’s mom that they had a fourth person to rely on back at camp. Letting us hear that Nicaragua was going to be her honeymoon is a great way to end Holly’s story. It was all about making her family proud of her.

Sash: Despite his words that Fabio had to go, I cannot help but wonder if that was taken out of context and from a different time period. If not, I wonder if letting us hear Sash say that he had Fabio’s back could turn out to be ironic in that Fabio ends up protecting Sash. There was no doubt left after the music that accompanied the betrayal of Jane that we are to see Sash as a disloyal player instead of a mastermind.

Chase: If the last episode was tough for Chase, how about this one?! We had a complete destruction of his game during the recap and then Jane tore apart his character after the immunity challenge and in front of the jury. The jurors’ apparent collective “Oh my God” told us exactly what they think of him and how unlikely they are to vote for him.

Fabio: Nicaragua is definitely his story but I still need closure to truly enjoy it. All the doubts that surround his story are about his chances to make it to the end. Doubts about whether or not he can get enough votes have been almost entirely removed even if he is still perceived as a goofy guy. That tells us a lot about the importance of loyalty. An immunity streak would be only partly satisfying. Could he already have a deal or can he make one at this late date? If we go by what we heard, Chase and Sash want him voted out next and Jeff pointed out that he had been told as much. Will Fabio earn his win? Will he outwit or is he just going to outplay?


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

12-18-10, 07:36 PM (EST)
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190. "RE: Season ending"
I wish to thank those of you who contributed this season. I have enjoyed reading the insight and hope meaningful discussion continues.

I do admit I was tickled hearing Jud utilize the word "underestimate" in his confessional. I will be even more tickled should that prevail on Sunday. It appears that this will be a very interesting finale.

Jury dynamics that I mentioned are flourishing and one "out of context" relationship that I wrote about seemed very planted with no real substance behind it now may make more sense to me now when the finale ends. (I will not bore anybody by repeating) It is the manipulation I find fascinating with this show and those scenes or situations that have no real place are the ones I like to file away and hopefully go "Aha!" when the show is over as the content makes the utmost of sense.

Happy Holidays and New Year in advance in the event that I continue to want to read more than contribute in depth.


AaronLittleton 123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-18-10, 10:18 PM (EST)
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191. "RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penultimate Episode:"
LAST EDITED ON 12-18-10 AT 10:58 PM (EST)

I loved Jane's edit, and loved the way she went out. It's not every vote in survivor that someone earns enough respect that their alliance lets them know that they are voting them out. It was an epic scene when the 4 of them were squared off and the camera was catching the look in Jane's eyes when she was asking them all the right questions and getting the early verdict. Too bad there wasn't much she could do to change the outcome though. And now seeing Jane go out at 6, it's interesting to note all the time they put into her edit. It did give the editors lots to work with in terms of a survivor story (survivor macgyver's journey). But it could've been edited differently, in fact more negatively, or simply less focus. I think it was interesting that Jane's edit lead to making all three of the those in her final alliance look so negatively. Nice storytelling, but could it benefit a winner's edit?

So the three stories I feel were front and center this season where "Survivor MacGyver" "To Quit or Not to Quit" and "Playing it cool" So the one story is finished with Jane's ouster, and we have the 2 others still playing out. Interesting, Dan could be attached to the other 2 themes, for wanting to quit once and withstanding, and for flying under the radar (a form of playing it cool). But I just simply cannot see Dan winning. His edit was far too weak. Especially when we saw a nugget like when he had the fortitude to question Sash in the last episode. They have been hiding this side of Dan all this time, which would've made his edit meatier and made him more worthy of winning.

It seems the other two themes had lead players, Holly and Fabio, respectively. Dan has played second to Holly's lead in the "quitter no more" theme. She was shown coaching him at one point, and not as much has been made of his withstanding (although it most likely will come up when he bows out) I still think Holly has had the most peculiar edit out of anyone all season. To me she has been the player that was most manipulated to make very strong assertive statements. Some fitting right into the storyline, and others that seemed to be placed to steadily prove she was a worthy player. Reminding me of Stephen in Tocintins,which from an editing point of view has continually let us be aware that this player had a pulse on the game all along, whereas their fellow castaways may not have noitced or believed so. That's just the vibe I get on Holly. I think she's played the game well and will make it to the end. I just don't think the jury will honor it.

Who the jury will most likely honor is Fabio. The leader in "playing it cool." With many emotional players (even Alina who was more calculated cried on the jury), they will be more likely to honor his ability to get along nicely with others (ala Natalie in Samoa) In terms of editing, I felt going into this episode he needed a key confessional after last weeks tribal counceil noting he had some awareness of what was going on, and the predicament he's in. And we got just that. Even better, we got it right after we saw Sash try to do some damage control with him. Also from last episode, we saw the toss up going on between ousting Benry or Fabio - the two players who had a key scene together about laying low in Brenda's boot episode. Benry didn't lay low and was sent packing. Fabio held it together. This episode painted Fabio in a better light than anyone else, by far. Yes, the emotions were coming up, but he still managed to play it cool. And the way his emotions were framed, seemed to endear him to the audience. To me he looks to be in the best standing and is getting the most consistent and positive edit.

So the question lingering for me is: Will the other getting a negative edit this close to the finals, mean that they cannot win? Not necessarily. As with Chase's sudden negative turn, this could be viewed as the clueless niceguy is finally getting some game. So there is a possibility that Chase could make it to the end. But I don't think so. Even if next episode, he can pick up from the damage done to his edit this episode, I don't think he can win. This episode showed the jury's reaction to him was far from that of wanting to reward him, and we don't have any doubt about how Jane feels toward him (and the deliberate edit of this).

And what about Sash, could he be the villain that takes it all. Villains or disliked players have taken it all before, but Sash doesn't seem to have enough depth to him like his predecessors (like Brian, Chris or Hatch) His edit appeared to be lacking so much in the beginning, that I would've thought him gone sooner. But his edit since merge has been pretty solid. Now, I'm thinking he'll last another tribal or two, which will make him a final 3 player. For some reason I am just getting a sense that Sash will have a chance to plead his case to the jury (although they won't buy it) I don't know if it's because he's been edited for us to have heard on a number of occasions that he has control of the game, and therefore will get his comeupance. Could be an example of how the best strategist left does not always win. Another thought on Sash, is that all season I have been waiting for what Jeff menitoned in his early cast assessment: that Sash would always talk about the diversity he faces in Harlem and his political rhetoric, and we have yet to really see this. Perhaps he pulls this out in final TC to try to tug at people's heartstrings. But can it work at this stage for him, I don't think so. Still if I were to pick a third to sit alongside Holly and Fabio at this point, it would be Sash. But he can't win it. My bets on Fabio (or Jud, depending on whether or not our sweet blonde-haired boy pulls his mask off ;)


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-19-10, 03:06 PM (EST)
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192. "RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penultimate Episode:"
LAST EDITED ON 12-19-10 AT 03:09 PM (EST)

Thanks all around! This season has had one of the oddest edits, a few long story arcs but the episodic approach has lasted all the way to the almost end. We should re-examine all of this after the finale, but I think a lot of it has to do with some very non-strategic players. Marty, for all his flaws, at least was trying to play the game. Sash took possession of an HII before the merge and allowed that to dictate his game up to the point where it would no longer be usable. Two quitters, one who couldn't be ignored and one who just didn't seem to have a clue anyway. And Dan, even more than Purple Kelly he should never have been cast for the show, but where she mentally checked out he just is too much past his expiration date to effectively play this game. Shame, I bet back in the day he could have been a force to reckon with. Jane's head was never really in the game, though she continuously proved her worth. Chase blew with the wind more than Dan. Fabiojud hid his light. Holly had a great comeback story but in the end she too seems to have let things go to her head, which has been the kiss of death this season. Benry and Sash seem almost utterly lacking in personality. Jill and Brenda started the HIIs on their oddest journeys yet, musical idols, and it was virtually pointless when they were finally played. Did the producers beg them, Come on, guys, throw us a bone, play the stupid things at least. Medallion of Power, now there was a flop of an idea, why not accept that HIIs have had their day.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-19-10, 03:41 PM (EST)
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193. "RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penultimate Episode:"
LAST EDITED ON 12-19-10 AT 03:44 PM (EST)

What I find the oddest is that none of the F5 were in an alliance at the start. Sash and Chase wound up together through Brenda only after episode #2, Fabio was with Shannon, Dan was with Marty while Holly was with Jimmy J. Were they even shown talking to each other in ep1? I think the first interaction between any members of the F5 happened when Holly stole Dan's shoes!

There was a lot of shuffling and it made for interesting dynamics.


Slider 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

12-19-10, 08:21 PM (EST)
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194. "RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penultimate Episode:"
I agree, michel. We started with the alliance of 5, plus Jill and Marty's alliance. That's really all that we were shown until the swap. One good thing about an early swap is that alliances do seem to shift. Chase and Jane became close. The strange thing is that Chase, Holly, and Sash seem to have a tight alliance, but until the merge, Holly was never on a tribe with Sash. I guess their common link was Jane. Until the final 7, these strong alliances were never mentioned.

I really do like the early swap because it can prevent the pagonging of the lesser tribe.



michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-19-10, 08:34 PM (EST)
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195. "RE: Editing Thoughts on the Penultimate Episode:"
Sometimes a swap works, sometimes it leads to thrown challenges...



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