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"Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
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SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

04-16-10, 03:22 AM (EST)
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"Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
Voting clip:

Sandra (Courtney): Courtney, I'm glad you were here to experience all this with me. You're the greatest and we're going to be friends for life. It's between me and you, so sorry I have to vote for you.

Jerri (Courtney): We'll try this one more time again (chuckle). It's definitely between you and Sandra. You're the most threatening. It's obvious and not worth the risk.

Danielle (Courtney): Courtney, I love you, nothing against you, just trying to make the best strategic move.

Russell (Courtney): You're a nice girl, wish I got to know you better, but you got on the wrong train.

Parvarti: (Courtney): I'm so sad you're leaving. It won't be the same without you. Really gonna miss you.

Courtney (Jerri): Gotta vote for someone, sorry.


Amanda's mad because "JT is taking out all my people." She doesn't want Parv to go because it "limits her options." She doesn't like that JT now has Rupert AND Russell on his side and Russell will be indebted to him. She pulls out a little list with all her options. (Side comment: where did they get paper/pencil??? why would she write this out? would be funny if someone else found her list of "game moves"). She says that she's cool with Candice, Colby and Amanda as an alliance of 3 and that her plan was to pull in Parv/Courtney after the merge. (INTERESTING...we've seen hints but this indicates that Amanda has strategically blown off her alliance with JT and Rupert.) Amanda says she has a decision to make -- she can "pull a big move" and rid of JT now, or she can wait until F6, which might be less risky since they might still need him for challenges. She said she's had to "suck it up" and let JT call all the shots up until now but she's tired out of that. She says she's out to win this time and she's going to make the best of things even if Parv is gone. Foreshadowing final comment: "JT is the one person who can ruin it" for her! Oh, and one more thing -- she says the group had decided to take out Sandra next...interesting, I guess they're assuming she's the #2 ringleader (and assuming Parv is gone)?

JT has a long, cringe-worthy confessional about his brilliant plan in giving Russell the HII. Honestly, it's painful to watch because he's just so darn proud that he has made a bold move and changed the game. He says "There is no doubt that Russell will stick to our plan" - ha! He says "we're not fools" - ha! He says "we've guaranteed that Russell will be here and Parv is gone" - ha! Also, he says that he's OK if Parv is still here after the merge, because that means another girl is gone and that they've flushed the Villain HII out. (So he's basically already thought of Russell's alibi, see below....and pretty much told us that he'll fall for it hook, line and sinker.) SO SAD, SO STUPID!

Colby says winning immunity today was critical...and it's a game changer since they've now evened things up, and if JT's plan works, they'll have the lead. "We've taken control of this game."

Rupert is very upset because going into the RC, everyone on his tribe ranked him as weakest. He says it was stupid to rank Amanda and Candice as the strongest. This clip is obviously pre-RC, because he says he cannot imagine losing and he has no doubt that he will be the last person standing! (Lots of irony in the Hero clips this week.)

Candice talks about how it's Day 23 and they're running out of food and everyone is weak/lethargic. She says they only have 1 tsp. of rice left and 1 chicken.

Amanda says she's proud she's been out there the longest of any Survivor. She knows people are expecting the merge but she's not set on it.

Rupert talks about how he's been traveling for over 40 yrs. but has never seen such amazing sea life as in Samoa. E.g., he's seen schools of unicorn fish and trumpet fish as long as his body.


Russell discusses his alibi for how he'll explain why Parv shows up at the merge. He's going to say that Parv played the HII so Courtney went instead and she was 2nd in charge. He says he knows Sandra is going to snitch, but he's going to preempt that by telling all the Heroes not to trust Sandra because she's a big liar.

Jerri "is aghast" at JT's plan. She says she has never seen anything so stupid. "It's like they gave us a golden ticket to the Final Four!" She also mentions that Colby gave her a big wet kiss after the immunity she thought he was signaling to her that he wanted to flop, but when she shared that info with Russell, he explained what was really going on.

Danielle talks about the RC and says she knew that the women would dominate, because in this challenge the less you weigh, the better. "This challenge was meant for us" and "girl power."

Courtney tells us in a confessional that she made her case with Parv and told her that she'll be more helpful in getting Amanda to flop post merge but she's not going to throw Sandra under the boss. A couple of interesting insights:
- She says she warned Parv that Jerri hates Parv/Danielle and will try to create an alliance with Russell, Colby and Rupert
- She says she knows that Parv might want to keep Sandra (over her) because they're both prior winners (interesting that we don't hear Parv ever talking about that)

Sandra has a secret stash of bananas. Says the rest of her tribe is lazy so she doesn't feel the need to share.

Courtney befriends 1 of the chickens and calls it Freckles. She's upset when the rest of the tribe decides to eat it. Symbolic scene of her own demise, although note it's an older clip since Coach is shown eating the chicken.

In her post-game comments, Courtney says that the Villains tribe was the "10 laziest schemers ever" and camp life just sucked. She says it was the "clash of the testicles" and that Rob and Tyson's big mistake was that they should have been content to take out Danielle vs. go after Russell at that fateful TC where Tyson screwed up.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 EW Secret Scene SquidProQuo 04-16-10 1
 RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips michel 04-18-10 2
   RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips SquidProQuo 04-19-10 3
       RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips Round Robin 04-20-10 4
           RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips emydi 04-20-10 5
               RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips katethegreat 04-20-10 6
                   RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips emydi 04-20-10 7
                       RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips CTgirl 04-20-10 8
                           RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips SquidProQuo 04-20-10 9

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SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

04-16-10, 03:27 AM (EST)
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1. "EW Secret Scene"
On EW, they have a secret scene where Russell talks about how he's the last man standing on the Villains tribe and he's in full control of the game. He decides to dig up the machete that he hid way back when the Randy was voted out. He says that way the women can do more work around camp and help out.

michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-10, 09:51 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
There's also a clip by Rupert titled Day 24 where he says he's almost at the same total as in PI (Day 27) and he feels good because he can easily see day 34 coming without a problem. More Irony.

I bring it up because, as he's talking, we see Amanda walk by maybe only 10 feet away. The interviews are usually conducted in restricted areas but Rupert was talking out in the open. That's dumb.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

04-19-10, 01:37 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
Yeah, and the other funny thing is that he thinks that other than Amanda, he's been on Survivor the longest...but he's obviously forgotten about Parv. (Or maybe he thinks she got booted and won't make it as far as he does. Either way, he's wrong.) Rupert is clearly playing it up for the Fan Favorite award.

Round Robin 2914 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

04-20-10, 02:50 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
Rupert ain't gonna get Most Popular this time. RussHell will get more votes than he does. Don't know if he'll get it either, though.

emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-20-10, 10:26 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
I think the people with a shot at fan fave are JT Colby Rupert James and Russhell (with Russhell winning). Women seldom get there...I think Shambo was the only one in "final 3"

katethegreat 207 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-20-10, 01:49 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
I think Boston Rob has a great shot at Fan Favorite, based on the editing received. Obviously, quite a negative going out early, but otherwise, built up pretty well.

emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-20-10, 02:06 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
you're right kate! oversight...he may win it he was in final 3 in A$$

CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-20-10, 02:41 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
that's who I'd vote for if I were going to vote!

SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

04-20-10, 03:44 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Ep. 9 Insider Clips"
I'm for Boston Rob too! I hope someone starts a campaign for him...will be tough, though, since he's out pre-merge and some viewers might forget about him. Seems to me that players who do well toward the end of the season have an advantage. It would be pretty funny to see Russell's face if Rob wins Fan Fave over him!

I'm also really, really hoping that JT, James and Rupert don't have a chance.



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