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"The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
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Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 01:18 PM (EST)
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"The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-09 AT 10:42 AM (EST)

Please continue discussion of the missyae spoilers in *this* thread and do not post in the earlier one. AyaK or IceCat, please lock the original thread.

What's still left from my original post taken from SurvivorSucks:

missyae Survivor 19 Spoilers
(10/04/09 12:45 AM)

The next player to leave due to an injury will be Russell Swan from Galu. This will happen before the merge.

The merge will happen when there are 8 Galu members and 4 Foa Foa members. You can easily see which Galu members make it - all but Yasmin and Russell Swan.

The first boot after the merge will be Erik from Galu. The word I got on him was \'hothead\' and playing too aggressive.

Dont believe Jeff Probst when he pimps Natalie as if she is playing the game and might not be with The Evil One - she is clearly in his back pocket.

Laura is the one running things at Galu.

Shambo will get along with Russell H after the merge.

Shambo does not make the finals.


The following are from the posts missyae made in our original thread, in chronological order. I did some minor editing where there was repetition or extraneous details. Items of particular interest are in bold:


missyae 10-07-09, 09:02 PM (EST)

38. "RE: The missyae spoilers"

I sent a couple of questions to try to find out a little bit more. One of the questions was if they remembered any of the family members, like who showed up for who. I thought that would narrow down how many were left at that point. I also asked if they gave a car away.

My answer was this - NO VISITS - NO CARS.


missyae 10-08-09, 05:13 PM (EST)

69. "RE: The missyae spoilers"

When Russell goes down in the challenge - Foa Foa had a lead and thought they had it won.

BOTH tribes go to Tribal Council and sit and talk with Jeff and NOBODY is voted out. So when Russell Swan leaves - both tribes go to Tribal Council - NOBODY is voted out.

Maybe I can help that other unnamed 'spoiler' out on that other 'board' a little bit -
Jaison nor Liz are final 3.

Have I mentioned how ragged Mick was when this show ended?

After the merge - Galu members start to go after Russell H. immediately.

However Erik is the first person voted out after the merge and things settled down some.

The Galu tribe is not as tight as the Foa Foa tribe.


missyae 10-09-09, 10:11 PM (EST)

89. "RE: The missyae spoilers"

When the 4 players of Foa Foa who make the merge saw Erik find the hidden immunity idol last night, they were shocked. All four had no idea he ever had an immunity idol because when he was voted out first after the merge there was no talk of it.

Those 4 Foa Foa members say they were shocked to see the Galu members vote out one of their own for the first boot after the merge. They all thought one of them would be the target, most likely Russell.

Now a couple of them think the reason Erik did get voted out that night was to flush out the idol. They think others found out somehow Erik had it because they say it made no sense to them that night that one of them was not targeted. Now they think they know why.

Something else that made this even more amazing was that none of the Foa Foa members had individual immunity that night and Erik still went home.

I will go ahead and confirm something lots have speculated on, Shambo does flip after the merge and basically become one of Foa Foa. When she made her trip over to Foa Foa to visit we saw her bond with everyone except Russell. More tricky editing folks because Shambo and Russell were and are tight. In fact CBS checked with both of them about maybe doing The Amazing Race but Shambo had no interest. She is still nursing some neck and shoulder problems today. Funny little tidbit - she did think by urinating near the chickens, it would make them bond with her more.

Something else speculated on I can confirm - Ben and Russell did make a fake immunity idol and Shambo did find it. I do not know if it will come into play but I was led to think it will not. What I was told was the editors decided to go another route with it because they have spent so much time in the past with fake idols and also because it never had an impact on the game.

One other thing about immunity idols, Russell will use his.

Something else everyone is being misled about is the new editing of Natalie...Her gameplay consists of trusting someone else to get her to the end.

I think I have already told you after Russell Swan went down they brought both tribes to Tribal Council but nobody was voted out. This is one thing the people who were involved with the show are wondering about. They are wondering if this Tribal will even be shown and if it is, will it mean there will be 2 Tribal Council's for that weekly episode.

Another question that popped up after last night's episode and Jeff's blog was - is it a final 2 or 3. On the show a player mentioned getting to the final 2 and in Jeff's blog he mentioned the possibility of could Natalie and Russell reach the final 2. Well I guess they love leading us astray because it will be a final 3.

The final 3:

All Foa Foa


So Galu has them outnumbered 8-4 and 3 of the 4 make it to the final 3. I was told after the merge there will be lots of scrambling around by the Foa Foa players and lots of strategy to get to the final three. I was told we have not seen any strategy yet but it is coming after the merge.


missyae 10-12-09, 08:59 PM (EST)

106. "RE: The missyae spoilers"

The way I have been told for the next couple of episodes is
that Ashley leaves this week - Russell Swan goes down for Galu – then Jaison leaves for Foa Foa.

One of the things I was trying to nail down was which other Foa made the merge and I asked the question if Jaison left shortly after the merge and was quickly told - no thats not how it goes down. So I said, oh then Liz makes the merge and was told, yeah. (BR’s note: this info changed to Liz going pre-merge and Jaison making merge, see details from the earlier thread’s post 167 below)

I also am trying to find out more about the hidden idols. Of course I have told you Erik did not play one when he was voted out. I am trying to find out if maybe someone else had it in their possesion. I was told the 4 Foa Foa players were shocked to see last week's episode in that they could not believe he didnt play it because it was obvious they were after him (Eric) at Tribal Council.

Russell's hidden idol will be played. However, the way I was told is that it really did not need to be played but 'why have one and not use it?'

I think the egos of the jury will have a lot to do with how they vote. If they hold a grudge, I think it will be hard for Russell to win. If they appreciate strategic moves, he would have a good shot.

Keep in mind, I have been told his strategy about this is sorta like Mike Tyson - if I knock you out, I am champ because I beat you.

As far as how could Foa Foa pull this off, so far I am told that we just have not seen any strategy yet but when they merge we are really gonna see lots of it from Foa Foa.

missyae 10-13-09, 01:06 PM (EST)

115. "RE: The missyae spoilers"

(re: speculation on what might happen with the Galu tribe post-merge after Erik is voted out)

Of course the other possibility is they just play stupid and vote out another of their original Galu members for some reason.

I bet I have asked that question at least 20 times about – "there has to be someone besides Shambo who flips." I keep getting told, "just wait for the strategy it is about to get really good."

missyae 10-16-09, 06:35 PM (EST)

167. "RE: The missyae spoilers"

Little bit of new stuff - nothing major probably except the fact that Liz does not make the merge and Jaison does. So for those who are playing Survivor Fantasy games - keep that in mind – Jaison makes the merge - Liz does not.

I was also told that John Fincher is a game player. He does lots of listening and thinking. He is not the type of player who is open with his strategy but he plays very smart.

I was also told Danger Dave is a good player.

As far as fitting things into the filming calendar I was told there are no double boots. I guess they could have Russell Swan going down and Liz being voted out in the same episode but that is just me speculating - I was not told that is what will happen. I guess it would be up to how they want to edit it.

I was also told the finale could begin with the final 5. Would this make things fit - I dont know. Maybe TDT could see if this would work. The way I was told this information was that it happened before when Earl won?? Not sure about that, maybe someone else is?

I was told the Tribal Council with both tribes and no boot was basically to check on how the players were doing after the scare with Russell Swan. The producers were concerned because with all the rain they were unable to even make fire and keep it going.

I was also told not only does the merge happen with the 8 Galu members and 4 Foa Foa (Jaison - Mick - Natalie - Russell) but the jury also starts there.

The first jury member will be the first voted out after the merge - Erik.

I was told how the final 3 think the voting went down. Players do talk to each other and they have a pretty good idea as to who won.


missyae 10-17-09, 01:16 AM (EST)

178. "RE: New boot order?"

I didn't post the new stuff I found out tonight about the challenge when Russell goes down. I was told it was one of those combined Immunity and Reward challenges. I was also told some of the players did not see him hit his head because they had on blindfolds. They did see how fast the medical staff got there and how serious they treated the situation.

They also said Jeff was very shaken up and scared. Now whats this mean as far as challenges and a boot this week? I am not sure because its up to the editing but my guess is Russell Swan leaves and we see the tribal council with both tribes and nobody leaves. Then next week we see Liz leave.

It was strongly hinted to me the finale will start out with 5 players and get down to our final 3 of Mick, Russell, and Natalie.

Again, I don't try to fit the info into the filming calendar, I leave that to OFG and TDT because they know more about that than me. If there is something I could be asking that might help, let me know. I warn you though, some of this could just turn out to be how it is edited. They could very easily show the next immunity challenge where Foa loses and Liz leaves this week if they want to.

I was told the producers think this episode will be the best of the season so far and the term 'tear jerker' was used.

Anyone read the Star Magazine? Grab the one on sale now and see what Survivor star has a 2 page spread.

Does anyone go to the Jokers board? Did you know Laura posted there last night before the episode aired and said she was going to watch Galu kick some #####? Complete with a cell phone pic of her. Thats brave.

I never know what time of day or night I might get info so I try to get it out there as soon as I can. I wanted to get the Liz info out there because lots of people play those Survivor Fantasy games and I didnt want anyone to pick Jaison as their next boot. I heard Liz is not gonna be a happy camper when she leaves.

To keep the discussion more organized than the last thread I am going to start subtopics below for some of the individual components. Some will inevitably overlap, but it might make it easier to refer back to your own comments later. (Or it might not.)

I would also request that missyae respond either to THIS POST when posting new information from now on, or post it under the appropriate sub-topic if possible.

Thank you all and let's keep things civil.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subseq... Brownroach 10-17-09 1
   RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... frisky 10-17-09 6
       RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... CTgirl 10-17-09 7
           RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... frisky 10-17-09 8
           RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... byoffer 10-19-09 16
               RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... Brownroach 10-19-09 18
           RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... Brownroach 10-19-09 20
   RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... Flowerpower 10-17-09 9
       Me too AyaK 10-18-09 11
   RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... goldenmike4393 10-19-09 21
   RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... goldenmike4393 10-19-09 22
       RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... emydi 10-20-09 25
           RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... Georjanna 10-20-09 26
           RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... goldenmike4393 10-20-09 27
               RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... emydi 10-20-09 29
                   RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and su... goldenmike4393 10-20-09 32
 Subtopic: Remaining pre-merge boot(... Brownroach 10-17-09 2
 Merge and start of jury Brownroach 10-17-09 3
 Strategies, HIIs, Who'll Be the "Pl... Brownroach 10-17-09 4
 Final 3; jury votes Brownroach 10-17-09 5
   RE: Final 3; jury votes missyae 10-17-09 10
       RE: Final 3; jury votes Outfrontgirl 10-18-09 12
           RE: Final 3; jury votes emydi 10-19-09 19
       RE: Final 3; jury votes Outfrontgirl 10-18-09 13
           RE: Final 3; jury votes missyae 10-19-09 14
               RE: Final 3; jury votes PepeLePew13 10-19-09 15
               RE: Final 3; jury votes dabo 10-19-09 17
                   RE: Final 3; jury votes missyae 10-19-09 23
                       RE: Final 3; jury votes Outfrontgirl 10-19-09 24
                       RE: Final 3; jury votes goldenmike4393 10-20-09 28
                           RE: Final 3; jury votes missyae 10-20-09 30
                               RE: Final 3; jury votes PepeLePew13 10-20-09 31
                                   RE: Final 3; jury votes HungPhanee 10-21-09 33
                                       RE: Final 3; jury votes KoalaChick 10-21-09 34
                                           RE: Final 3; jury votes emydi 10-21-09 35
                                               RE: Final 3; jury votes PepeLePew13 10-21-09 37
                                           RE: Final 3; jury votes Outfrontgirl 10-21-09 36
                                               RE: Final 3; jury votes KoalaChick 10-21-09 38
                                                   RE: Final 3; jury votes missyae 10-25-09 39
                                                       RE: Final 3; jury votes SquidProQuo 10-25-09 40
                                                       RE: Final 3; jury votes PepeLePew13 10-25-09 41
                                                           RE: Final 3; jury votes SquidProQuo 10-25-09 42
                                                           RE: Final 3; jury votes Outfrontgirl 10-26-09 43
                                                               RE: Final 3; jury votes indian girl 10-26-09 44
                                                                   RE: Final 3; jury votes PepeLePew13 10-26-09 45
                                                                       RE: Final 3; jury votes jbug 10-27-09 46
                                                                           RE: Final 3; jury votes missyae 10-27-09 48
                                                                               RE: Final 3; jury votes Outfrontgirl 10-27-09 49
                                                                                   RE: Final 3; jury votes missyae 10-29-09 50
                                                                                       RE: Final 3; jury votes Belle Book 10-29-09 51
   Sour grapes? Brownroach 11-05-09 63
       RE: Sour grapes? Outfrontgirl 11-05-09 64
           RE: Sour grapes? Brownroach 11-05-09 65
       RE: Sour grapes? Belle Book 11-05-09 66
 RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 steve2011 10-27-09 47
 TDT Updates Brownroach 11-03-09 52
   RE: TDT Updates goldenmike4393 11-03-09 53
   RE: TDT Updates Outfrontgirl 11-03-09 54
       RE: TDT Updates goldenmike4393 11-03-09 55
       RE: TDT Updates Brownroach 11-03-09 56
           RE: TDT Updates Outfrontgirl 11-03-09 57
               RE: TDT Updates Brownroach 11-04-09 58
                   RE: TDT Updates vince3 11-04-09 59
                       RE: TDT Updates Brownroach 11-04-09 60
                           RE: TDT Updates goldenmike4393 11-04-09 61
                               RE: TDT Updates dabo 11-05-09 62
   TDT Updates 11/11 Brownroach 11-12-09 97
 RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-06-09 67
   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 vince3 11-06-09 68
       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-06-09 70
   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Brownroach 11-06-09 69
       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-06-09 71
           Guessing AyaK 11-07-09 72
               Correction AyaK 11-10-09 84
 RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-10-09 73
   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 emydi 11-10-09 74
       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Brownroach 11-10-09 75
           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 missyae 11-10-09 76
               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 goldenmike4393 11-10-09 77
               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-10-09 78
                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 missyae 11-10-09 79
                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-10-09 80
                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 missyae 11-10-09 81
                               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-10-09 82
                                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 missyae 11-10-09 83
                                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 byoffer 11-11-09 85
                                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Slider 11-11-09 86
                                               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Brownroach 11-11-09 87
                                                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Slider 11-11-09 88
                                                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 missyae 11-11-09 89
                                                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Slider 11-11-09 90
                                                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Brownroach 11-11-09 91
                                                               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 frisky 11-11-09 92
                                                                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 S1 11-11-09 93
                                                                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Brownroach 11-11-09 94
                                                                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 frisky 11-11-09 95
                                                                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 dabo 11-12-09 96
                                                                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 missyae 11-12-09 98
                                                                               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 dabo 11-12-09 99
                                                                                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 S1 11-12-09 100
                                                                                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 kingfish 11-12-09 101
                                                                                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 S1 11-12-09 102
                                                                                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 frisky 11-12-09 103
                                                                                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 missyae 11-12-09 105
                                                                                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 PepeLePew13 11-12-09 106
                                                                                               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 frisky 11-12-09 108
                                                                                                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Snidget 11-12-09 118
                                                                                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 frisky 11-12-09 110
                                                                                           As for the Emails... kingfish 11-12-09 113
                                                                                           Correction dabo 11-13-09 126
                                                                                               RE: Correction S1 11-13-09 134
                                                                                                   RE: Correction dabo 11-13-09 135
 RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-12-09 104
   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 LFJ 11-12-09 107
       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 frisky 11-12-09 109
           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 LFJ 11-12-09 111
               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 kingfish 11-12-09 112
                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 LFJ 11-12-09 114
                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 kingfish 11-12-09 115
                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 katoba 11-12-09 123
                               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 kingfish 11-13-09 124
                                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 katoba 11-13-09 128
                                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 dabo 11-13-09 129
                                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 kingfish 11-13-09 130
               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 frisky 11-12-09 116
                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 PepeLePew13 11-12-09 117
                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 LFJ 11-12-09 120
                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 kingfish 11-13-09 125
                   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 LFJ 11-12-09 119
                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 PepeLePew13 11-12-09 121
                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 LFJ 11-13-09 127
                       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 frisky 11-12-09 122
                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 missyae 11-13-09 131
                               okay dabo 11-13-09 133
                                   RE: okay S1 11-13-09 136
                                       RE: okay dabo 11-13-09 137
                                       RE: okay SquidProQuo 11-13-09 138
                                       RE: okay Wezzie 11-14-09 141
                                           RE: okay SquidProQuo 11-14-09 143
                                               RE: okay Wezzie 11-14-09 144
                                                   RE: okay dabo 11-16-09 146
                               RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 frisky 11-13-09 139
                           RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 rachelOH63 11-13-09 132
 RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Georjanna 11-14-09 140
   RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-14-09 142
       RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 Georjanna 11-14-09 145
   Ep. 10 Title - "The Day of Reckonin... goldenmike4393 11-16-09 149
 RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2 SquidProQuo 11-16-09 147
 A request, please Brownroach 11-16-09 148
   RE: A request, please Max Headroom 11-17-09 150
       RE: A request, please Brownroach 11-17-09 151
           RE: A request, please missyae 11-17-09 152
               RE: A request, please goldenmike4393 11-17-09 153
               RE: A request, please SquidProQuo 11-17-09 154
                   RE: A request, please SquidProQuo 11-17-09 155
                       RE: A request, please Outfrontgirl 11-17-09 156
                           RE: A request, please SquidProQuo 11-17-09 157
                               RE: A request, please missyae 11-18-09 158
                                   RE: A request, please goldenmike4393 11-18-09 159
                                       OK... AyaK 11-18-09 161
                                           RE: OK... Brownroach 11-18-09 162
                                               RE: OK... Outfrontgirl 11-18-09 163
                                                   Sounds good.... AyaK 11-18-09 164
                                                       RE: Sounds good.... SpotTheDifference 11-19-09 165
                                                           RE: Sounds good.... Outfrontgirl 11-19-09 166
                                                               RE: Sounds good.... AyaK 11-19-09 170
                                                       The rules as posted by Kathy (Micro... Outfrontgirl 11-19-09 167
                                                           RE: The rules as posted by Kathy (M... Brownroach 11-19-09 168
                                                               RE: The rules as posted by Kathy (M... Outfrontgirl 11-19-09 169
                   RE: A request, please goldenmike4393 11-18-09 160
 This thread will now be locked Brownroach 11-19-09 171

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Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 01:19 PM (EST)
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1. "Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
Discuss the Russell medevac and what might happen in the immediate aftermath under this post.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 02:02 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
Awesome job summarizing, BR! Thanks!

What I don't see is the source of the idea we all have that the combined RC/IC is never finished. We get that it is stopped, but is it restarted? We have caps of the blindfolded players remaining blindfolded and frozen in place while medics work on Russ. Do we have a spoiler that there is never a declared winner of the reward even though immunity is irrelevant?


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 02:18 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
Thanks BR for organizing this!

Frisky, the EW article on the "Roll with It" challenge said that Jeff stopped the challenge to get RusSwell medical attention and that is was never restarted.

The first time we heard that it was a combined RC/IC was from missy.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 02:40 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
Perfect, CTgirl. That's exactly the confirmation I was looking for. Thanks.

byoffer 15947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-09, 08:41 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
I can understand them not restarting the challenge, but wonder if they will award the reward to whichever team was winning at the time of the incident, especially if Foa Foa was winning when a Galu member went down.

Gaming will be tough this week!


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-09, 11:40 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-09 AT 11:40 AM (EST)

I doubt it. I think any challenge has to be completed for a winner to be called. And especially under these circumstances I don't think anyone would be expecting them to do that (RussMole will probably b!tch about it though).

They might arrange to have whatever this reward was added to the next ep's reward, or to another one later on.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-09, 12:42 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
The first time we heard that it was a combined RC/IC was from missy.

Yes, and I wonder if that's accurate, or if it's being assumed by the source due to the fact that there was (according to the spoiler) a tribal council following RussSwell's departure. We haven't seen the immunity idol in any of the clips so far.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 06:04 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
Just wanted to say thanks for organizing, BR! Great job!


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-09, 12:28 PM (EST)
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11. "Me too"
I second that thought. Nice work. I locked the prior thread, and so this is now the thread to discuss this source.

And, as Colleen Haskell would have said back on Survivor: Borneo. "Be nice, play fair" -- especially with someone who has proven to have nonpublic info.


goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-19-09, 01:35 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
Thanks for organizing the information. It's PERFECT!

goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-19-09, 02:56 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-09 AT 03:25 PM (EST)

***After that came the tribal with both tribes and nobody going home.***

LOL Obvious that CBS attorneys "advised" Jiffy to call both tribes to council to see if everyone is "okay". CBS must appear to exercise "due caution". Can you IMAGINE IF they had re-started the challenge and someone else became hurt? We are dealing with several highly paid professionals this cycle, including attorneys and MD.

Then, there would be litigation because production was "on notice" that the fatigue level had created an unsafe conditon for which RusSWELL was removed. There's your lawsuit.

Thanks for so many things, Missy!


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-20-09, 09:07 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
you're a civil defense attorney aren't you?

Georjanna 1316 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

10-20-09, 09:48 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
Or perhaps a bit better grounded in Labor Law than that: a Union Steward, maybe? ...

goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-20-09, 02:45 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-09 AT 02:50 PM (EST)

40 years private practice attorney covering everything including divorce. That's how I know RussHELL has been divorced at least once, if not twice, even IF he's currently "married". And, no way is he a "college graduate" as he claims in MY SPACE. But most of you folks have figured that out, too.

My little wart, RussHELL, has a problem telling the truth.


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-20-09, 03:33 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"
i knew it....I've been in practice 16 yrs...mostly rep plaintiffs...the world and this board need more attorneys


goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-20-09, 04:45 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: Subtopic: RussSwell evac and subsequent TC"

You're hilarious!

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 01:21 PM (EST)
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2. "Subtopic: Remaining pre-merge boot(s)"
Discuss remaining pre-merge boot(s) and/or tribal strategies under this post.

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 01:22 PM (EST)
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3. "Merge and start of jury"
Discuss details of the merge, merge boot and start of the jury under this post.

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 01:24 PM (EST)
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4. "Strategies, HIIs, Who'll Be the "Players"?"
Discuss elements about how the game might proceed under this post.

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-09, 01:26 PM (EST)
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5. "Final 3; jury votes"
Discuss the alleged final 3 and how the jury votes might shake out under this post.

missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-17-09, 08:29 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
As of right now, that is how I understand it. I am trying to get verification again on it but the way I understand it is the challenge was for reward and immunity. The Foa members felt they had were leading and had a great chance of winning when Swan went down.

After that came the tribal with both tribes and nobody going home.

I would take that as it was not restarted and there was no winner.

I dont know yet what was the next thing to occur, another reward/immunity challenge combined where Foa lost and Liz left. That makes sense.

After Swan leaves, Liz is next and then the merge.

Again, I have no idea how they will edit the show. I dont know if they will show that tribal, I would guess they will. All I know is they think this will be a great episode and a 'tear jerker.'

You guys can see how you think this fits into a filming calendar. I have enough info to sift through without trying to do that.

If I hear anything else tonight, I will let you guys know.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-09, 06:18 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
missy, thanks for answering all my questions in the other topic, especially the double boot question.

Re the calendar, I have been expecting jury to start in Ep 8, because CBS Fantasy game says that's the week they'll release the first Ponderosa clip on To have 12 players in Ep 8, we can only lose one each in Eps 6 and 7 (Russell S and Liz), so the info I took from the CBS site agrees with what you've been told.

There will be 14 episodes (if no recap, which they really don't have time for). We know that because CBS Fantasy says the Finale is on the 13th. That means there are six post-merge episodes before the Finale. 12 players, to get down to F5 in the Finale requires 7 boots in 6 episodes. That is the math.

One thing that occurred to me after you said no double boots, is that we could still see two boots in one episode of air time. As long as the boots aren't simultaneous, the players in the game would not see it as a double boot. Say they run two short cycles; they could cram them into one broadcast. Big Brother does this every season, with at least one live show where they cram in a whole week's worth of additional challenges.

You say there is no family visit (and no big car reward, which is normal now).
Can you find out when the last individual reward played out? How many players were in it? If there are no rewards at the end, they could really jam together the end of the season.


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-09, 12:33 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
TDT reports that Wezzie reported a rumor that the finale has been moved to 12/20 so if that's the case no double boot needed


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-09, 06:28 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
note to missyae on getting your posts to show up where you want them in the topic. This threaded system takes some time to get used to after the Yuku system where every post goes to the bottom of the topic. As you noted, last topic one of your big pieces of new info got buried high up in the topic.

The way you avoid getting your posts lost in the middle somewhere, is every time you have new information that you want to be at the bottom and easy to find, you reply to the first post in the topic, Brownroach's compilation post. Then other people can reply to you and discuss that new posting.

I see that Brownroach has valiantly tried to create a system of organization in advance. I guess if you have info that fits one of his categories, then reply to that post directly. But if your info is spread across categories, then reply to the first post. That will keep your posts where you want them. If a conversation starts about your info post, then you can reply to the replies on that specific line of thought and it keeps the conversation about that bit of spoiler all together.

Hope that wasn't too confusing.


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-19-09, 02:39 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
I don't think I would have much luck in jogging someone's memory about a reward challenge towards the end of the game, that long ago. My experience in this has taught me that the people involved out there have a hard enough time remembering week to week what happened that long ago, much less something out of sequence.

When people bring up this calendar thingy I have always speculated they could still put 2 tribals into 1 show with just editing. Just because it did not happen like that during the game does not mean they can't edit it like that. All I know is they did not have an official double boot.

It sure is starting to appear that next Thursday night's show will have no boot though. It looks like it will be a long drawn out night of Russell Swan drama. Maybe we get to see that tribal with both tribes and no boot after all.

Nothing really new to report for now.


PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-09, 07:52 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
>My experience in this has taught
>me that the people involved
>out there have a hard
>enough time remembering week to
>week what happened that long
>ago, much less something out
>of sequence.

So you've done this before? Have you posted spoilers like this in the past, considering you're new on both Sucks and here?


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-09, 11:04 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Thank you, missy (and thanks to BR for doing an incredible job starting this thread). With (predicted) rains continuing into Day 15, this is beginning to make sense to me. I mean, we saw nothing of Day 13, did nothing happen? Gamewise that is unlikely. But even though it is a game, from the production/network view Survivor has always been a TV show first, they play up what drama they can for each episode. And they try to build-up for the next episode.

This many episodes in and we are still barely familiar with some of the Galu tribe, and if Laura is in real control at Galu they have shown us nothing of that. So a transition episode to bring all of the players into focus and bring us viewers up to speed, this makes a lot of sense at this point (and given the way the show has been edited up to now).

Again, thank you.


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-19-09, 05:09 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
So if CBS pushed the finale back a week to the 20th and the recrap eppy is just a regular eppy, would my info of no double boot make sense?

If they have a double boot, I can tell you it is simply from the editing. They did not have a double boot out there.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-09, 06:42 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
yes, that would work perfectly.
As a note, CBS's original planned schedule per the Fantasy Game, was to start jury in Ep 8 and have the Finale on the 13th. There is a Finale prize that someone is flown to on quite short notice, so they publish the expected date from the beginning.

CBS fantasy has not updated to the 20th, but their web monkeys are truly pathetic and can't even score their game properly. Wezzie tends to have good information.
Perhaps CBS intended to compress part of the post-merge and put two TC's in one episode, or thought they would try a F6 Finale, and has reconsidered.


goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-20-09, 03:14 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"


You are correct (corroborated and verified).

I crown you S19 "Spoiler Queen".

Can I do that?


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-20-09, 03:51 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
I don't know about all that 'Spoiler Queen' stuff, hehe.

Everything still pointing to a tribal with both tribes and nobody being voted out.
Only person leaving this week appears to be Russell Swan as he goes down in the combined immunity - reward challenge.

Normally there is a huge buildup on the promos and the incident turns out to be overhyped. The situation with Swan merits the buildup.

I think it would be too much to try to edit the next immunity challenge and next Tribal into this episode but if they do try to get all of that in - Liz is next and after that we merge at 12 with 8 Galu and 4 Foa Foa. Then we see Erik becoming the first boot after the merge and the first jury member in a Tribal that totally surprised the 4 Foa Foa members.

Keep in mind there are no family visits so if you are trying to figure out who goes that far by that info - there is no info on that - it didn't happen.

Hey OFG - message me where you have before, got something to talk to you about.


PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-20-09, 04:36 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-09 AT 04:37 PM (EST)

>Keep in mind there are no
>family visits so if you
>are trying to figure out
>who goes that far by
>that info - there is
>no info on that -
>it didn't happen.

This would make sense in light of the compressed schedule as I'd bet they had intended to do a double boot before the RussWell injury occurred and forced a change in plans, and the rumour they fit in an extra week into the schedule and moved the finale a week back to the 20th. I would bet they're going to have a few two-day episodes (instead of solely having three-day ones) and one of the sacrifices they might be considering is to cut out the usual family visit this time around.


HungPhanee 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-21-09, 01:40 AM (EST)
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33. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Maybe I miss answer already. Missyae, you say you have idea how jury vote in final 3 - Can you tell us?

KoalaChick 509 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-21-09, 02:02 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
CBS just sent out orders to local stations to clear out three hours on 12/20 for the finale and reunion, so this season has officially been extended by a week from what we thought before.

emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-09, 02:38 PM (EST)
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35. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
LAST EDITED ON 10-21-09 AT 03:12 PM (EST)

Thanks Kchic...well that settles that and I don't have to keep posting calendar stuff

...although, they've know about this for a while...why didn't they just initially schedule the finale for 20th?


PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-09, 07:32 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Announcing long ago that the finale would be on the 20th might have tipped off the spoilers and the more-than-casual viewers that there's something big coming up, so they waited until now to announce the change since everyone can see something has happened to RussWell in this episode.

At least that's how I see it...


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-09, 06:21 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Hi Koalachick! Nice to see you, and great that you cleared that up.
Now it remains to be seen if they opened up the spot so they do the much needed recrap on how Russell stole the show.

Because, you know, having a Jiffy recap about him before each ep, and all the episodes full of him, a next time on Survivor about him, and a Jiffy Blog dedicated to Russell, don't suffice to make the point.


KoalaChick 509 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-21-09, 08:04 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Hey OFG! I've been lurking all season but too busy to write. I still don't see the EVIL angle about RussHell. Just not living up to the hype. Now they're saying he shows his chops after the merge. Hope so, he's a yawnfest right now.

missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-25-09, 07:00 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
If you go back and watch the tape of Thursday night's episode at Tribal Council and look just to Russell's right or the viewer's left you can see a table with something covered up on it, Pizza.

Some are speculating when Laura and Russell meet he might have the hidden idol in his bag to show her. No

I wonder why a bartender would lie and say he was a kindergarden teacher? Maybe he thought if he got to the finals people would like that profession more? I don't know.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

10-25-09, 09:53 PM (EST)
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40. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Missyae, can you tell us if there is 1 combined challenge this week or 2?

P.S. Regarding Erik saying he's a Kindergarten teacher vs. a bartender -- yeah, I'm sure he felt it sounded better....he wouldn't be the first one to lie about his personal life or profession


PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-25-09, 10:44 PM (EST)
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41. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
>If you go back and watch
>the tape of Thursday night's
>episode at Tribal Council and
>look just to Russell's right
>or the viewer's left you
>can see a table with
>something covered up on it,

Uhhh, you mean RussHell's left and our right... Yeah I see the table covered up, at the beginning of TC just after they all sit down for the first time. Took me a little bit to find it as it was described as being to his right'!

The table is there the whole time while they're yakking. The table is uncovered when Kelly got up to get the leader's pendant for her tribe. I wonder how cold it was by the time they finally got around to eating it...


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

10-25-09, 11:22 PM (EST)
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42. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Jeff mentioned in his comments to the EW blog that they gave them pizza -- he said they just didn't have time to show it in the episode.

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-26-09, 08:35 PM (EST)
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43. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
At the challenge, Jeff teased it would be "hot piping pizza" - not piping hot. So who knows what that means.

indian girl 142 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-26-09, 09:52 PM (EST)
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44. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
It's funny but in past seasons they castaways always seem to get just lukewarm food. It never looks as appetizing as it sounds coming out from Jeff's mouth. I guess if you are hungry enough, it still tastes like heaven!

PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-26-09, 10:18 PM (EST)
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45. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Mmmm, nothing sates the appetite quite like festering mounds of bacteria on a cold pizza left out for hours during a Q and A at TC!

jbug 17146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-27-09, 10:11 AM (EST)
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46. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
One of the things that always makes me cringe is when they show them a food reward - the steaks, etc a few eps ago - there are always flies crawling all over everything!
Can't MB afford a few of those picnic net food covers to keep the flies off?

missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-27-09, 07:28 PM (EST)
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48. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
They have 2 challenges this week and Foa Foa lost both of them.

The meeting between Laura and Russell takes place at the Foa Foa camp. Russell did not show her the hidden immunity idol. One of these 2 players was being sincere in wanting an alliance and the other was not.

Laura and her girls are very tight and will remain tight after the merge. Brett is also tight with Laura. The word I was told was she was his 'mama' out there.

As I posted a couple of weeks ago, Liz is the boot this week and then we merge next week and Erik will be the first to be voted out and the first jury member.

This is just my opinion but I think we are heading towards a huge 'underdog overcomes all odds to defeat Galu members' after the merge.

Of course Shambo will flip but I am told that does not just happen immediately.

After the 4 Foa Foa members sat and watched how the Galu members took out one of their own at the first post merge Tribal, well 'there is hope.'


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-27-09, 08:07 PM (EST)
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49. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Thank you for the update.

I don't know if you are reading our other topics, but we were observing Brett's body language from Ep 6 and got that Brett is not really comfortable with the men's alliance against Laura and her girls, and was just nodding and doing lip service.

It makes sense that Shambo will not flip right away, because if she did, the Galu would be more aware of the danger they face in joining up with Foa Foa's.

It sounds to me like Erik, John, Dave are 1-2-3. Both Erik and John have gotten a huge face time bump. You can see their story arc ramping up, while Laura, Kelly, and Brett don't have an arc yet, and Monica's is only due to her danger in Ep's 4 and 6.

I agree it is a big underdog story. The Aitu tribe came back from 4 to sweep Cook Islands, and that was an underdog story. However, they did win some challenges, including the crucial two challenges in Ep 9. They lost two members to mutiny. I can't remember any tribe that's lost as many challenges as Ulong making a come-back.


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

10-29-09, 06:38 PM (EST)
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50. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
LAST EDITED ON 10-29-09 AT 06:43 PM (EST)

HiYa OFG! I replied to your private message.

I think in all honesty the way I have given little tidbits about the players after the merge is confusing.

John - smart player

Dave - good player

Erik - hothead

Brett - loyal to Laura

Kelly - loyal to girls

Monica - loyal to girls

Laura - loyal to girls

Shambo - flips

Jaison - more wimpage

Natalie - Foa loyalty

Russell - Foa loyalty

Mick - thought about leaving the alliance but didn't

Keep in mind those are the answers I got from a game of wordplay.

From what I keep hearing, Eppy 9 is a big turning point in the game.

Next week's title describes what I was told perfectly. I was told when the merge happens Galu goes after Foa, but Russell Hantz in particular.

So maybe we see more than just Evil Russell, maybe we see Elusive Russell and/or Intelligent Russell.

Now if you look at that you do not see where it really says someone is a bad player.

Edited to add:

As far as why Liz is the choice tonight, I was told there was major concern she would flip to the Galu girls and have a girls alliance. That was part of the reasoning behind Ashley leaving. I was told they didn't think she would flip to a girls alliance, they knew.

They did think Liz would be an upgrade over Jaison for challenges but they were afraid of the flip to the girls alliance after the merge and could not risk it.

Of course there is no talk about Natalie in all of this because she was safe from the day she aligned herself with Russell Hantz. Natalie was perceived as super loyal.


Belle Book 3613 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

10-29-09, 08:25 PM (EST)
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51. "RE: Final 3; jury votes"
Interesting! I didn't realize that Liz was the choice to go home because they were afraid she'd flip over to the Galu girls and join an all-female alliance -- or that they were convinced Ashley would do the same thing! Thanks for the info! Guess it wasn't just that she made the mistake of angering RussHell.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-05-09, 03:45 PM (EST)
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63. "Sour grapes?"
Now that CBS has provided the entire pre-TC sequence for tonight's episode, showing Natalie flipping the Galu women and Russell pooh-poohing her when she tells him, it reinforces something I was sensing from these items:

Dont believe Jeff Probst when he pimps Natalie as if she is playing the game and might not be with The Evil One - she is clearly in his back pocket.


Something else everyone is being misled about is the new editing of Natalie. Probst mentions how smart she's playing and the editing last night was trying to lead us into that line of thinking, do not buy it. Her gameplay consists of trusting someone else to get her to the end.

Russell must believe that Natalie is the winner. This sounds like a feeble attempt at damage control.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-05-09, 05:31 PM (EST)
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64. "RE: Sour grapes?"
Excellent points, BR. It looks like Natalie steps up her game now and will be in a good position to defend her gameplay. Pre-merge doesn't matter now, nor does it matter how the early bootees perceived her, if she can play a major part in turning the game around, and if she forms emotional bonds with the Galu folks.

As I mentioned once in the editing topic, Natalie is a sales rep. She sells drugs for a living. I'm sure she knows how to make a good pitch, unlike Amanda.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-05-09, 06:06 PM (EST)
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65. "RE: Sour grapes?"
Remember a couple of Eps back when they focused on Natalie saying "I think it can be done" (about some Galus flipping) and now she's saying "I did it"...


Belle Book 3613 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-05-09, 08:29 PM (EST)
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66. "RE: Sour grapes?"
If Natalie played the social game better than RussHell did, I can see why he would think she won and would desperately try to do damage control so that everyone doesn't recognize that Natalie may have been playing the game more than it appeared. That would make him a sore loser, all right -- and give me another reason not to like RussHell.


steve2011 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

10-27-09, 05:45 PM (EST)
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47. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
so missyae how do the final 3 think the voting went or not telling us yet.

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-03-09, 06:17 PM (EST)
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52. "TDT Updates"
I don't want to start a new thread for this, so it can go in here at least for now, since it's also "outside" info.

TDT may have gotten some tips recently, since last week he dumped Liz in the trashbin well before airtime. Now he's slotted in tentative overall finish places for the remaining contestants (he did not put them in any order, just assigned designations):

Erik – first juror?
Jaison – jury
Jon – jury
Monica – jury
Brett – mid-late jury
Dave – mid-late jury?
Kelly – late jury?
Laura – late jury?
Shambo – late jury?
Mick – final 3?
Natalie – final 3?
Russell – final 3?


goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-03-09, 06:31 PM (EST)
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53. "RE: TDT Updates"

Thanks, BR. This is still keeping some mystery.

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-03-09, 06:39 PM (EST)
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54. "RE: TDT Updates"
Thank you, BR!

Of note, Jaison seems to go relatively soon, indicating that the Foa Foa do not simply rise to the top with new allies. Makes sense that they need to get down to three before their former enemies are dumb enough to think they can join forces with them.

Then the Monica boot is very interesting, because we know John is gunning for her, but John is on his way out too. Monica and Laura are tight, and maybe that threatens Kelly (and Brett). We know Russell won't want a powerful female alliance to take over, and we know Shambo won't be sorry to vote out Monica.

I wonder when Shambo flips. Maybe at 7. It's amazing that Laura and Shambo manage to coexist until almost the end of the game. I think Shambo will be F4.


goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-03-09, 06:44 PM (EST)
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55. "RE: TDT Updates"
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-09 AT 02:12 PM (EST)

I recall that Missyae (where are you?) revealed that S19E09 was a "turning point"...

The Galu Guys messed up BIG time being so obvious when making Shambo the new "leader". It will cost them: TICK TOCK. The Galu Guys signaled loud and clear that they weren't with the Galu Girls. Now the Galu Girls have every motivation and time to join ranks with Foa Foa and pick off John Dave and Brett. We will see that happen soon.

The Galu Guys should have let Laura or Monica be "leader" to placate them and string them along. The guys showed their hand too soon. The Galu Girls will pick off the Galu Guys and Foa Foa has every reason to join in. This Shambo-thing has sealed the Galu Guys' fate.

So, I am predicting that the BIG TURNING POINT occurs in S19E09 when the Galu Girls join with the Foa Foans and finish off the Galu Guys. If I am wrong, let's never discuss this again

This tidbit is giving me hope:
Once again, if I am wrong, let's never discuss it again


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-03-09, 06:58 PM (EST)
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56. "RE: TDT Updates"
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-09 AT 07:09 PM (EST)

I wonder if Jaison does not just conk out, as he's been threatening to do. (missyae says we can expect "more wimpage" from him.) Maybe he's voted out not as a threat but to put an end to his misery.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-03-09, 07:40 PM (EST)
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57. "RE: TDT Updates"
BR, I agree. I actually wrote something like that and then deleted it because I was undecided whether he will pull it together now. I had forgotten about the "more wimpage" comment. Certainly his edit is showing a man who has lost interest in what he thought would be a fun adventure. Jaison clearly has an amazing life outside the game and it may simply be that he's ready to let this thing go. Also, he's such a big guy, that I bet he's really hungry for some protein and regular meals.

Ep 9 is the episode after this. Jaison wouldn't be a turning point for Foa Foa, unless his removal cements an alliance with a Galu faction. A John boot would be the continued extinction of Galu male alliance that starts with Erik. A Monica boot would be unexpected, because it takes a minimum of six votes at Ep 9, and John/Dave/Brett sure don't have it. They would need Foa Foa ... but then how to get back on Laura's good side is the question.

Of course, it could be they boot Monica because she doesn't contribute and doesn't "deserve" to go far ... but I can't see Laura agreeing to that.

I don't think for a minute that Laura or any of the Galus cannot count or are like the Timbira in that they worship someone that was an opponent. So I am pretty sure they will want to proceed with a majority. After John goes, I could see Dave trying to get back together with Galu, but remaining on the outside of Laura, Kelly, Brett, and probably getting dumped for being dangerous.

All the while the Galu thinking that Shambo is one of their numbers that gives them control ... until they need her and she isn't with them any more.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-09, 01:38 PM (EST)
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58. "RE: TDT Updates"
I don't think Jaison would quit, but if he continues to complain, and it's obvious his heart's not in it, and the Foas feel comfortable enough with new alliances that they don't need him anymore, they'd probably send him packing early.

It seems to me that Ep 8 (this week) will already represent a huge turning point, so I'm not sure what could happen to top that in Ep 9.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn


vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-09, 02:40 PM (EST)
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59. "RE: TDT Updates"
I would say that RussHell gets 'Coach'ed, but that wouldn't be an important truning point right now because his tribe is down in numbers and will be ultil they're at least down to 8 and possibly 6.......

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-09, 03:57 PM (EST)
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60. "RE: TDT Updates"
Plus if you consider that Russell is probably the one leaking the outside spoilers, I don't think he'd describe his own boot as a turning point.


goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-04-09, 04:13 PM (EST)
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61. "RE: TDT Updates"

dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-05-09, 01:25 AM (EST)
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62. "RE: TDT Updates"
LOL. Reminds me of when shakes was hyping Love Cruise. Many were convinced he might end up winning. Me, I thought, hey, it's shakes, he might get eliminated in the first episode and then who cares, at least he got his fifteen minutes.

(Note: He actually did end up lasting to the finale but then lost anyway.)


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 12:01 PM (EST)
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97. "TDT Updates 11/11"
TDT has arranged the remaining contestants on the Survivometer in order as follows

Laura (toast?)
Monica (jury)
John (jury)
Kelly (mid-late jury?)
Dave (mid-late jury?)
Shambo (mid-late jury?)
Jaison (8th juror - tip to TDT: 5th place)
Brett (9th juror - tip to TDT: 4th place)
Russell (final 3)
Mick (final 3)
Natalie (final 3)


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-06-09, 12:48 PM (EST)
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67. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Hey all, I just noticed this item that Missyae posted earlier this week over at Sucks -- sounds like RussHell is counting on votes from John, Dave and Shambo:

I dont know if it was on this board or another board but I explained how The Evil Ones idol was used - at least according to what I was told. I was told that he will play his hidden idol but it was not a situation where he felt he had to in order to save himself. I do not think you will see it played tonight. I could be wrong but the word I got was \'might as well play it - if you have it.\' To me that sounds like later down the road when he felt he was very safe and it was just played to be playing it for the cameras. According to what I was told a big move is coming next week by The Evil One. I dont know what it is but I would guess it has something to do with Jaison. There must be a connection coming soon between Dave - John - Russell. According to sources who should know - if John - Dave - or Shambo do not vote for The Evil One to win - he will probably be pretty surprised. So to me that sounds like they must have gotten along okay? You guys will probably figure it out from watching the show. Looks like TDT has you guys covered pretty nicely.


vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-06-09, 12:52 PM (EST)
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68. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Maybe this is something like 'sacrifice a knight to get 3 pawns' or somesuch?

SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-06-09, 01:22 PM (EST)
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70. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
I was thinking that too, Vince -- which I suppose could be the big strategy uptick that Missyae mentioned is coming in Ep 9. The obvious next step would be for FF to team up with the mean Galu girls and get rid of the rest of the Galu guys 1 by 1. But that seems almost too obvious...and from the very beginning, RussHell has always been concerned about preventing potential Girl Power alliances. Plus I think he's threatened by Laura (kind of like Betsy) after last night and ideally wouldn't want to bank his future being the 4th or 5th wheel in the Laura/Monica/Natalie connection. Seems like he was definitely feeling the closest with John last night.

So, where does that leave RussHell's options? Would he sacrifice Jaison to earn some trust and even up the numbers and cement a John/Dave/Shambo + Mick/Nat/RussHell alliance of 6? Could be a possibility -- would be interesting.

Then again, a lot of this is based on a) Missyae's interpretation of what her source told her, which as we've seen isn't always fully correct, and b)the source (as others have mentioned) is clearly trying to put out RussHell's less than objective side of the story. So maybe it has nothing to do with alliances after all, and RussHell is just banking on John's and Dave's votes because he thinks they respect strategy, game play and taking risks over Natalie's UTR game.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-06-09, 01:08 PM (EST)
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69. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"

Wrong on the idol details: Russell did feel he needed to play it.

At this point there's just a lot of Russell "spin" to wade through here, which may or may not be realistic since it's filtered through his viewpoint. For example, saying that "Liz was not a happy camper when she left." That's not at all true judging from her final words, day-after clip and interviews. Russell probably wishes it were true.

And the John and Dave compliments -- I suppose they're "good players" because they went along with some plan of Russell's, as opposed to, say, Laura, who must be a "bad player" because she didn't. And the transparent disses of Natalie that I pointed out above.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-06-09, 01:48 PM (EST)
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71. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
P.S. To Missyae's credit, she posted today at Sucks that it was her wrong interpretation of what her source told her regarding the Idol. But yes, we definitely have to wade through the RussHell spin on everything .

AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-07-09, 02:02 PM (EST)
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72. "Guessing"
. . . and the Russell spin would argue in favor of John and Dave joining up with Russell, since they are described as a "smart player" and a "good player", respectively. The question is whether they join forces before or after the next boot.

Galu splitt-up: Laura has a core of 4 votes: herself, Monica, Kelly and Brett. John has two votes: himself and Dave. Shambo is a solo.

Foa Foa has its own four votes. Thus, an alliance between John, Shambo and Foa Foa would have seven votes now against Laura's four. That has to be too many for John to join with, as long as he's not the target, because the four Foa Foa would be the final four. So I think Jaison goes now.

Or maybe not.


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-10-09, 08:09 PM (EST)
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84. "Correction"
As you can see from the posts below, this speculation was wrong. Reading between the lines, lt looks like my guess that John had Dave's vote was wrong, so he was looking at 5-5 if he joined Galu to vote off RussHell, not a 6-4 majority. It also appears that John decided on a "get them before they get me" approach.

As a result, Laura and Monica appear to be on their way to join the jury over the next two weeks.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-10-09, 00:56 AM (EST)
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73. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LAST EDITED ON 11-10-09 AT 00:57 AM (EST)

Hi Missyae, we haven't heard from you in a while. You had said a while back that Episode 9 was going to be a big episode and Russell will make his move -- now that it's here, we'd appreciate any other tidbits you might have about this week.

P.S. From the web promos it seems like there's a good possibility that Russell either wins immunity or perhaps even finds a hidden immunity idol. I'm leaning toward a Laura or Monica boot, although a lot of people think that Jaison might quit or be booted. Any insights?


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-10-09, 09:51 AM (EST)
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74. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Well TDT says Jaison is safe for a while here

He thinks its Laura or Monica


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-10-09, 12:02 PM (EST)
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75. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
For Russell to consider John a good player, John must follow through on their alliance conversation at some point.

John would be pretty pissed right now that both Laura and Monica are still there (John could easily have taken the fall last week if the plan had been revealed as his and not Erik's). So it's highly likely that Russell will be able to use John this week.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-10-09, 12:36 PM (EST)
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76. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Hi Gang!

Yes, this is the eppy #9 I have been talking about for weeks. This is their main event of the season, all the cards in, all the eggs in this basket this week. They want this big 'strategy' to remain unspoiled and a surprise Thursday night, at least that's what the word is on the street!

I did post on the visitors board that Jaison is safe. I say visitors field becaus! I say visitors field because this is my home field!! I dont know if TDT read that and updated his board to say scratch Jaison or not. Maybe he has some info this week, I dont know. But it will not be Jaison.

For the Foa members to get as far as they do, right now they must have their solid 4 votes for each Tribal so dont think there is any backstabbing going on with them yet, its too early, they need each other and they need another person or 2.

I am told that when we get down somewhere around the final 10 mark there was at least 1 player wondering about what happens in case of a tie at Tribal Council. So the thoughts of the ole purple rock come into play. Now does it end up happening, not sure on that yet but the lines are drawn and will anyone cross them? The 2 players who would be the target of the votes would become safe and everyone else would draw for the purple rock, would anyone want to go home that way? I sure wouldnt but you never know.

Laura definitely would have gone home last week if she would not have won immunity. They had the votes, she was a goner.

Erik's smart move would have been to go to The Evil One and make a deal. 2 idols - 2 players. He wanted it flushed out and look what happened to him. I bet he lays awake at night thinking about an alliance with The Strategic One now.

The rat? Just as it says, unlikely person so scratch Shambo off your list. I am told someone was even hunting snakes out there in hopes of slaying one for some food!

I am told the 'tastes like chicken' line could go to anyone as most everyone said it. I am sure CBS will zone in on 1 person though.

I am told there is some confusion being tossed out there by CBS this week on some vidcaps, be careful.

Chill out EYE, nobody is trying to ruin your eppy this week!!


goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-10-09, 01:42 PM (EST)
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77. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
It's always nice to hear from you, Our Little Missy.

I have a feeling and I could be wrong, but I suspect RussHELL is going to really shine this ep. If I am wrong, let's never discuss it again

Let's meet back here on Friday so we can do a post mortem.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-10-09, 01:42 PM (EST)
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78. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Glad you're back Missyae! And thanks for confirming that Jaison sticks around this week. That was my gut instinct too -- just didn't see how FaoFao would pull it off being down 7-3. And I really do think the Jiffy slip about Laura on the EW blog must have something to it.

BR, I totally agree with you that John (and Dave) must cooperate with Russell in some way to boot Laura or Monica, otherwise they wouldn't be labeled as "smart" players. Personally, I can't stand Laura or Monica, so will be very happy to see either of them go.

After starting to hate this season early on, I really enjoyed the last episode and can't wait to see it all play out this Thursday. Would love to see some great strategy!!


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-10-09, 02:04 PM (EST)
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79. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Something I forgot to say about last week's episode is that Natalie's big strategic move by talking to Laura was initiated by someone else. So the editing to show her being strategic, a tad bit misleading. I really like that Arkansas gal though!

Something that I might have considered if I had been Mick, Nat, and Russell would have been getting John, Sham, and Dave on board and gaining their trust with the vote off of Jaison. Sorta like a baseball trade 3-1. However, very risky if you are potentially putting yourself down to 3 people if it backfires.

I think the 2 main storylines are still going to be how the underdogs come back to dominate and how the Foa players were tight and like Nat says with Galu, 'cracks everywhere!'


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-10-09, 03:11 PM (EST)
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80. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Re Natalie's strategic move: We heard Jaison bring it up first on the last episode, so it appears he was the "brains" behind it. (Although having to "sell" it to the mean girls was a critical part of the execution.) Or are you saying that it was really Mick or Russell who suggested it instead?

This wouldn't be the first time the editors have maniuplated the editing to make Natalie appear "better" (the yucky food reward challenge is another example, where apparently they didn't show when she lost a round for the FF tribe and made it look like Ashley was the only one.) This seems to confirm that she's the winner, don't you think?


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-10-09, 05:28 PM (EST)
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81. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
There was a reason Nat, Jaison, and Mick were sitting there together as Russell was off in the distance. It was to allow Galu members to approach them and see who was trying to do what, with Russell. They would not have talked in front of him.
It allowed some of the Galu members to show their hands. Whether it was that they just wanted to flush out his idol or to blab about him coming to them about making deals, they did show their hand.

That was pretty smart to give some of the Galu players that opening, they bit, hook - line - and sinker.

As far as Nat going to the Galu girls, that strategy came from the same person who had the strategy of Russell to be away from the other 3 Foa members. Who is the only Foa member out there so far who has actually been trying to play The Game?

I told people long ago, Nat was in The Evil One's back pocket. To Nat's credit, she has done what she needed to do to stay there instead of people like Liz, Betsy, and Ashley, she has been 100% loyal. But so far, her moves that CBS have pimped out, were not her moves at all.

What will get interesting is, will Natalie really try to go for the all girl alliance or not? Will she really attempt that move in The Game or will she remain 100% loyal to the end?

Just my speculation, she could win this game either way.

I am pulling for her. She has come a long way from asking the producers if they got hotel breaks.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-10-09, 06:17 PM (EST)
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82. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LOL, hotel breaks. C'mon, did she really ask that??!! She is now my #1 candidate for the unlikely woman who kills the rat .

I think Natalie would be crazy to join up with the means girls (unless the FF guys start to get Pagonged). She'd be on the bottom of the totem pole of that alliance, and even if she made it to the F3, she'd be facing a jury of mostly Galus. It would have to be 2 FFs and 2 Galus to even consider it.

Plus Natalie has said in a confessional that she doesn't like the way Laura treats Shambo and doesn't really trust her....and didn't you say in an earlier post that she stays loyal to FF? As I recall, wasn't Mick the one you said who considered selling out at one point?

I'm hoping Russell is too smart to allow a girl power alliance happen, but we'll see. Seems like any woman who crosses him gets booted, so it will be interesting to see if Laura is the next on his list.


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-10-09, 07:44 PM (EST)
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83. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Yes, she really asked about hotel breaks early in the filming! That's sorta cute when you think about it though

I think if Laura continues to treat Sham like she has so far, Nat will side with Sham and Russell for sure. The early connection with Laura for Nat was the religion beliefs. Looks like maybe Laura talks the talk but does not walk the walk.

I think out of the final 3 players this season, Mick would be the most likely to have given thought to dumping one of his Foa Foa Friends. Now did he do it in the end? I guess we will see, I doubt it. I guess he is pals with some of the Foa members today because of where they all live. If Kelly, Monica and Laura lived in Arkansas, maybe they would be pals with Nat like those Galu Guys are pals with Mick.

I am looking forward to seeing how this whole thing gets edited Thursday night. This is supposed to be The Strategic One's shining moment and hopefully it is not overhype from CBS.

I think after this week the rest of the season will look pretty clear to most fans.


byoffer 15947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-09, 00:15 AM (EST)
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85. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
I think if Laura continues to treat Sham like she has so far

Is this a one ep or multi-ep comment? Should this lead me to believing that Laura is safe this week, with probably Monica going home?

Strategically Laura is a bigger threat (esp for Russell who targets the thinkers), but maybe Laura escapes that for a bit?


Slider 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-11-09, 01:49 PM (EST)
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86. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
BR, I agree about the Russell spin. I do appreciate the spoilers, and they seem to be correct most of the time, but I think there is a bias in the information. There definately seems to be sour grapes toward Natalie, as BR stated.

Interesting points:

"When the 4 players of Foa Foa who make the merge saw Erik find the hidden immunity idol last night, they were shocked. All four had no idea he ever had an immunity idol because when he was voted out first after the merge there was no talk of it."

They talked to at least one Foa after the episode aired.

Obviously, Jaison is not the source, as he would not have been incorrect about his own boot.

Anyway, again, I do appreciate Missyae's hard work and reporting, but I feel that we can't count out Natalie or Mick's contributions to the outcome. From the insider clips, they are shown to have some game.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-09, 02:23 PM (EST)
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87. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
when he was voted out first after the merge there was no talk of it."

I took "there was no talk of it" to mean that there was no talk among the tribemembers pre-TC or at TC that Erik did or might have the idol and should/could be targeted for that reason. (It's clear from Erik's interviews that he never told anyone he found it, so apparently no one suspected.)

I don't think that part is referring to people talking after the episode aired, but I could be wrong.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn


Slider 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-11-09, 02:37 PM (EST)
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88. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
BR, you may be right, it isn't 100% clear. I was also going on this:

"I was told the 4 Foa Foa players were shocked to see last week's episode in that they could not believe he didnt play it because it was obvious they were after him (Eric) at Tribal Council."

Still not clear, is it?



missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-11-09, 03:16 PM (EST)
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89. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
When the eppy aired that Eric found the hidden immunity idol the four Foa Foa members were shocked because they knew post-merge he left first without playing it. So they had no idea at the point of him finding it, what happened to it before his exit. They thought maybe he gave it someone or he would have played it. They were also surprised at how the Galu members went after Erik so easily.


As far as how info is reported, should I change how I receive it and risk it then becoming wrong? I report what I get. I have made it very clear I like Natalie and she has done what was the best move for her, to remain loyal to her alliance. Thats not a knock. I have made it clear I think she could win with or without her Foa alliance. I think she could have done the all girl thing and eventually won and I also think she can stick with Foa and win. I have made numerous compliments about her and also mentioned many times how much I like an Arkansas gal.

When/if Mick does something I will report it.

In case people have not noticed and I find that impossible, CBS and Mark Burnett have decided to ride the back of The Strategic One this season. There must be a reason for that? Mark probably has forgotten more about reality tv and Survivor than any of us will ever know.

Each season it is amazing to watch the group called the 'internet viewer' blame the player Mark singles out as his star. If it had been Jaison, everyone would be sick to death of Jaison and blaming who? Jasion.

If you enjoy spoilers, be glad somehow, somewhere, someone is giving them away for everyone to be able to read them and spend hours discussing them.

Everyone seems to think it's slanted towards a particular player or 2, maybe it's because they are the ones playing The Game and not because they are the ones talking.

Honor a veteran today.


Slider 29 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-11-09, 03:30 PM (EST)
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90. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
As I stated before, I appreciate the spoilers. I did not mean to disrespect you in any manner. I was simply trying to use deductive reasoning to narrow down the source of your spoilers. That's why I said Jaison is obviously not the source.



Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-09, 04:01 PM (EST)
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91. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
This is what you said on 10/9, taken verbatim from your post:

When the 4 players of Foa Foa who make the merge saw Erik find the hidden immunity idol last night, they were shocked. All four had no idea he ever had an immunity idol because when he was voted out first after the merge there was no talk of it.

They had no idea he ever had an immunity idol.

Now you are saying that they knew about it post-merge. But they were shocked to see him find it. Oh, because they didn't know what he did with it.

Makes no sense whatsoever. Tell Russell to get his lies story straight.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-09, 06:41 PM (EST)
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92. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Yeah, I'm with BR, Missy. I don't get it. And I want it, because my theory in the vidcap thread depends on it.

Maybe it's just a sentence structure thing, but you're essentially saying two things here.

They were shocked when they saw ON TV that he found it, right? They didn't know until the episode aired?

Or, did they know post-merge? And wondered then what he had done with it before they left?


S1 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-11-09, 07:01 PM (EST)
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93. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Maybe it's just me but it seems clear what missy is saying about Erik's HII. The Foa's were surprised when they were watching the show on TV to see Erik find the HII because during the game they didn't know he had it. They thought that if he'd had it he would have played it at TC instead of being voted out since it seemed obvious to the Foa's during TC that Erik was being targeted. The Foas were surprised at home that he had it and didn't play it when they watched it. While they were there the Foas were just glad the plan worked without realizing how close Jaison came to being voted out with just 2 votes.

I know I'm new here. I read your board a lot but haven't posted before. You all seem to do a really good job spoiling and have a good group.



Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-09, 07:32 PM (EST)
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94. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Now that I reread it, I think it's wording confusion. This:

because they knew post-merge he left first without playing it

sounded, on first reading, like they knew post-merge during the game that he had had the idol, which contradicted the earlier post.

But it doesn't have to mean that. Re-written so

because they knew he left first post-merge without playing it

the sense is clearer. Apologies for being over-grammatical.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-09, 07:51 PM (EST)
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95. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Okay, so it's just a sentence structure thing. Poor Missy, having every letter pored over by us grammer nazis.

Welcome aboard, S1!


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 02:13 AM (EST)
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96. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Welcome aboard!

missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-12-09, 01:18 PM (EST)
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98. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Thanks S1! I am glad someone could understand it. Thanks for the e-mails too!!

Again, they were shocked when they saw Erik find the idol as they were watching from their homes like all of us. This led them to currently, real time, NOW, be shocked that he did not play it.

Geez, checkout youtube today. I am told there is great info there for tonight.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 01:29 PM (EST)
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99. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Much as I love new posters, seriously? He has one post!

And emails? From a one-post wonder? What?

And youtube? Direct us to some links why doncha, save us some time searching things out.


S1 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-12-09, 02:15 PM (EST)
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100. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
>Much as I love new posters,
>seriously? He has one
>And emails? From a one-post
>wonder? What?

But it was 1 post that clarified missy's post that some of you were totally over analyzing and spending way too much time picking apart.

Just because I only had 1 post here doesn't mean this is my first rodeo.


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 02:19 PM (EST)
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101. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Do a lot of bull riding, do you?

S1 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-12-09, 02:37 PM (EST)
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102. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
I don't usually ride the bulls . . .

But I do recognize it when I see it.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 02:46 PM (EST)
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103. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-09 AT 02:46 PM (EST)

>And youtube? Direct us to some links why doncha, save us some time searching things out.


"Check out YouTube" is kind of a broad statement. I just spent fifteen minutes doing searches and came up with nothing. I worked all night, I'm tired, I need to go to bed, and I don't like riddles.

Humour me. Please.

Edited to make my smiley grumpy.


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-12-09, 03:01 PM (EST)
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105. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
If you are insinuating that new poster is me, just have your moderator check it out and post the results.

That person started mailing me yesterday. I don't even know how they got the addy I registered under, guess thats why some told me not to post here because it's made public. I dunno

You are too busy and had to work so you have no time to search for stuff? Me too

If you just read the info and take it for what it's worth and stop trying to make it fit what you think or what you want to happen it would probably be a little easier.

If I was doing that I would be leaning everything to how fantastic Natalie is doing.

Wow, just wow.


PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 04:26 PM (EST)
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106. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Umm, frisky didn't insinuate that you might be the new poster.

>You are too busy and had
>to work so you have
>no time to search for
>stuff? Me too

You were the one who said "go check out YouTube" so frisky made an effort to go and find just what might be so interesting. I gather dabo did the same thing, just like I did. None of us have found anything so far, or we'd have posted our findings, and we're just saying that it would have helped to know what we were supposed to be looking for.

It would have saved a tremendous amount of time to find out just what was so interesting that could be found on YouTube. We're a spoiling team, so we try to help each other. If you say, "check out YouTube" then it would be helpful to know what to find. If you say, "check out Sucks" it would be equally helpful to know which thread to look in, that kind of thing.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 05:11 PM (EST)
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108. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Right. My response to missy was the same as it would be to any other member of this board, new or not. If BR or OFG posted something like "Check out that interview that Erik did with his alma mater newspaper! Can you believe he let that slip?!" of course we'd all be like "um, link please?" We don't leave each other guessing here. I don't expect my fellow posters to read my mind or read between the lines or go hunting for what I really meant, whether they worked all damn night or not.

Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 08:37 PM (EST)
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118. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Especially since stuff that isn't supposed to be released onto youtube gets yanked all the time, at least with the link, or the name of who posted it you can sometimes at least find out it is gone (which often makes what was there more valuable because TPTB don't want anyone to know about it).

All I could find is the same previews that have already been discussed elsewhere, but no way of even knowing if that was what was being referred to. I'm assuming the I couldn't sleep so I'll make wild guesses about what will happen youtubes don't count.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 05:52 PM (EST)
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110. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
>If you just read the info and take it for what it's worth and stop trying to make it fit what you think or what you want to happen it would probably be a little easier.

Regarding making it fit, I was kidding. That's what the "smiley" was for.

You don't have to tell us how to read and digest spoiler information to make it "easier" for us. We aren't newbies. People here have been doing this for years and have lots of experience with many different kinds of spoilers.


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 06:41 PM (EST)
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113. "As for the Emails..."
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-09 AT 06:55 PM (EST)

Anyone can email anyone else on the boards. Check the four symbols in the upper right hand corner, on is a little head, and two of them look like envelopes. The left hand envelope will allow you to send an email to that person. If you start receiving malicious or otherwise bothersome emails, alert the Moderators.

The right hand envelope allows you to send a PM (Personal Message) to to that person. Both methods work, but the PM is the preferred method of communicating. The person who sent you the E-mails may not have known to use the PM method.

I personally appreciate your spoiling. But posting links to references like Utube is helpful, even a considerate, thing to do.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 09:58 AM (EST)
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126. "Correction"
Your addy is not made public here. We have a PM function and an e-mail function which posters can use to contact one another. But you have to be signed up to use those functions. I will send you an e-mail so you can confirm that the function does not in any way reveal your addy to anyone.

Someone who just started posting presumably just signed up so it is suspicious they would be using the e-mail function right away. Suspicious of what, don't know, it's just suspicious.

So I pointed that out. Clearing it up was not my job, that was up to you and S1, so I thank you both for responding.


S1 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-13-09, 03:44 PM (EST)
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134. "RE: Correction"
I emailed missy instead of using the PM intentionally. I don't really see why that would be suspicious It just seemed easier to me. I opted out of receiving PM's here because I didn't want to have to check in regularly for messages and figure out how to get them. With emails I get an alert, it's easy. I check them several times a day anyway so no extra effort required.

Sorry, but I only joined here so I could contact missy. I wanted to thank her/him for sharing spoiler info.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 04:19 PM (EST)
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135. "RE: Correction"
In and of itself, unusual and suspect. Not conclusive, but certainly suspect, not something a newbie might find out how to do at first.

What was more suspicious was missy stated you had the addy yourself. HUH!?

I'm sorry if this seems going off tangent but this site does not reveal individual addies, never has, I cannot allow that accusation to stand unchallenged, it just isn't true.

Anyway, look, I always welcome new posters, always glad to have them sign up. It's nothing personal, it was trying to get settled on this particular situation.

Again, welcome aboard.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-12-09, 02:53 PM (EST)
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104. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
I've been searching since early this morning because I had a feeling they'd give us a late breaking youtube video today, but I can't find it either. The problem is we don't know what they're calling it...last week it was "Change of Plans."

Don't see anything on Survivor Fever or Phoenix yet either...and no CBS press photos....and I can't even access Sucks, so maybe their server is down.

Missyae, if you can please let us know what it's called or send a link, that would be awesome. Thanks so much!


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-12-09, 04:52 PM (EST)
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107. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Hey Squid,

You know how to ask for somethintg! Asking nicely (using the magic words) generally works. Moaning and groaning (aka Attitude) don't.

Personally, I like reading Missy's posts. Just read them and take them for what they are - input, and fun because they are different. You don't have to place your right hand on them and swear


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 05:46 PM (EST)
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109. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
I was starting to feel manipulated and will speak up whether you think it's attitude or not. It's almost like everytime a vague piece of information gets tossed in here, I can hear "The Strategic One" himself chuckling about all the "dummies" on the internet scrambling to figure out his riddles.

Toward the end of the Snewser era, he started riddling. IIRC, he lost some respect in the spoiler community. The spoilers themselves can get very DAWish as their noteriety expands. Snewser could be forgiven, though, because he kind of earned the right to be a DAW. He was/is legendary, as spoilers go, IMO. His track record crosses seasons. It was only a matter of time before it went to his head. But after seven or eight episodes of one season, to think you are beyond reproach? D.A.W.

Again, the "nice" thing would have been to post the friggin' link instead of throwing out a dog treat and watching with glee as we all scramble for it. There's a difference between information and riddles. She's posting riddles.

When I see something in a vidcap, how "nice" would it be if I posted a vidcap and said "Guess what I'm seeing here"? Hell, no. I draw arrows on them and share my speculation and thoughts. I treat the people here as equals and I value their input and feedback. We don't try to manipulate each other.

It's hard enough to figure out CBS's misdirection and "clues" every week.


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-12-09, 06:11 PM (EST)
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111. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
*Ahem "I was starting to feel manipulated and will speak up whether you think it's attitude or not."

"...the "nice" thing would have been to post the friggin' link".

Lovely. And proving a point.

"...watching with glee as we all scramble for it."

Scrambling??? Somehow, I can't picture anyone "scrambling" because of a post on a board.

Oh, please.


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 06:28 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
112. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
There is nothing wrong with asking for a substantiating Link. No attitude is required or should be inferred. It is done all the time, usually without anyone getting an undeserved lecture in how to act appropriately. As Frisky mentioned, there have been enough hoaxes attempted that it is legitimate request. Additionally, some observations are more a matter of opinion than fact, and it's only fair to allow others to see what the opinions are based on so that they might form their own conclusions.

And I think we would all appreciate a hint on how to find that U-Tube post.


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-12-09, 06:41 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
114. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"

"There is nothing wrong with asking for a substantiating Link."

I totally agree.

I don't know about you, but, for me, there is a difference between a request and a demand. I don't know many people who respond well to demands.

"And I think we would all appreciate a hint on how to find that U-Tube post."

That is what I am talking about. What a difference that makes.

And, BTW - No one was "lectured". An opinion was expressed. Presumably, that right is not reserved for a chosen few.


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 06:51 PM (EST)
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115. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
You perceived a "demand", I perceived a "request".

I perceived a "lecture", you perceived a "opinion expressed".

Different opinions are allowed and respected, for the most part.

However, I perceive "Presumably, that right is not reserved for a chosen few", as an unnecessarily caustic and demonstrably untrue remark, you perceive that as... well, necessary for some reason? It's certainly not an accurate presumption.

Look, we've said enough on this. Opinions vary and we can all live with our differences of perception. Mostly I'm curious about the U-Tube thing.


katoba 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-12-09, 10:56 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
123. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
>You perceived a "demand", I perceived
>a "request".
>I perceived a "lecture", you perceived
>a "opinion expressed".
>Different opinions are allowed and respected,
>for the most part.
>However, I perceive "Presumably, that
>right is not reserved for
>a chosen few", as an
>unnecessarily caustic and demonstrably untrue
>remark, you perceive that as...
>well, necessary for some reason?
>It's certainly not an accurate
>Look, we've said enough on this.
>Opinions vary and we can
>all live with our differences
>of perception. Mostly I'm curious
>about the U-Tube thing.

Wow. Just wow.
A few weeks back, when missyae was being all coy with her info and alluding to a mysterious calendar, you all raked me over the coals for asking for a link. You all accused me of having a nasty tone in my posts but now you say it's all perception?


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 09:28 AM (EST)
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124. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Double wow! I can out Wow you I bet.

"You all"? Look for my name among those posts. Not there, is it. Maybe I just wasn't looking then, and who knows, maybe I would have said something.

But that is a false accusation. I don't recall seeing any of your posts before, let alone making accusations based on them.


katoba 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-13-09, 11:19 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
128. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
I shouldn't have posted that "wow, just wow". It was just a lame attempt at humor trying to imitate missyae's response.

Having said that, do NOT call me a liar. Instead check the first thread with the missyae spoilers. There you'll see that a whole bunch of posters ganged up on me when I asked for a link to something that missyae was hinting at but wouldn't come out and say. "You all" means the general collective of the board posters not you. If I had meant just you I would have said that. But I didn't see the same level of outrage from those posters when you requested a link. They seem to be supporting you instead.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 11:28 AM (EST)
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129. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Well, no problem, I'll take your word for it about the "gang up." Requesting a link seems entirely reasonable to me under any circumstances. I didn't concern myself with the "mystery calendar" since missy was dismissing it, and frankly it seemed a generalized concept not a specific thing that could be linked to like something on Youtube.

kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 11:54 AM (EST)
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130. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"

You quoted my entire post in your response. That is exactly how one responds to a specific post. So irrespective of the use of "you all", your post is perceived to be in response to that which you quoted, i.e. my post.

And as such, it was incorrect.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 07:02 PM (EST)
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116. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-09 AT 07:14 PM (EST)

Oh, you want me to define "scrambling?" You know what I mean. The nature of spoiler people is to scramble, yes, when someone points to information on another site. If you don't understand this concept, the link below will help you understand. "Scrambling" means she posted it and at least three people within the hour went to YouTube on a fruitless, frustrating search.

It's manipulation, pure and simple.

And what about my language is proving your point? And what, exactly, is your point? That we should have groveled? Hell, no. We don't grovel to each other; why would we grovel to a brand new poster, nearly twenty seasons into the series?

Sucks has a lovely "history of spoilers" thread that everyone should read. Then you'll know why, as Kingfish says, our hoax-tolerance is very low and rightly so.

Maybe I'll post the link to that thread sometime.

Or maybe I'll make each poster/reader search for it.

Naw, I don't need to puff my chest out any further than it already is.

The History of Spoilers

Edited because I confused Kingfish with Squid.


PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 08:35 PM (EST)
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117. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-09 AT 08:48 PM (EST)

>Edited because I confused Kingfish with Squid.

Eh, they're all seafood anyway.

Might I add another one that is quite common in the spoiling community that isn't in the History of Survivor Spoilers thread?

It's common for newer posters with a posted spoiler to have one-post wonders come in and offer support for the spoiler (which is often a fake/hoax/something-pulled-out-of-the-azz) -- and it's usually a good bet that these one-post wonders are friends of or actually the initial poster hirself.

Not to come out and suggest that is exactly what's happening here or that missyae is also S1, but there is a long history of this type of thing happening over the years.


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-12-09, 08:55 PM (EST)
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120. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Hey Pepe,

Thanks for the 411 (sincerely). Enjoy the show!


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 09:32 AM (EST)
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125. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-09 AT 10:23 AM (EST)

Just remember, the United Picine and Crustacean Workers Society has an alliance with the Cephalopods. The leading theory at the moment is that our ancestors learned to walk on land just to teach cats (and smelly skunques) humility. We can do it again.


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-12-09, 08:52 PM (EST)
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119. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
That was pretty much what I expected, Frisky. Beautiful! Who said anything about grovelling? Why would anyone grovel for this kind of information? It's really not much like finding a cure for cancer, afterall.


PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 08:59 PM (EST)
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121. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
You seem to have forgotten that this is a SPOILERS forum. We want to know what's going to happen in the episode, and when somebody says there's something interesting on YouTube, well, whaddya expect? We're going to check it out.

If you just want to enjoy the show, we have a Fanatics forum.

I'd say you have been rather dismissive with your own comments, LFJ.


LFJ 363 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-13-09, 10:31 AM (EST)
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127. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Dismissive. Yes.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 09:01 PM (EST)
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122. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Like I said, just trying to figure out the point of your argument.

Grovelling, trolling, baiting. Pick a verb, any verb.


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-13-09, 01:55 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
131. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Wow (jump on that word now) Just wow.

First off Dabo stop mailing me. I looked at the link you wanted me to look at here and I don't see where there is anything to confirm for you. What do you want me to confirm, that you posted about me again? Don't mail me anymore.

I totally understand how a person, especially new would open another user name and post back to themselves. I saw it happen a lot on the other board on the 20 season. Mr. or Mrs. Moderator, you don't have to say I am from Arkansas and that other person is in Kentucky but it's okay with both of us that you post your findings so people can stop with the crazy accusations.

Yes, Snewser was great and deserved all the credit he received. I did a pretty lengthy posting at SUCKS when someone asked me about best spoilers of all time. He was not the only one I raved about. It was a little different then, all you got was a boot. I can't imagine him even dealing with all the who's, why's, when's, that is fired out today.

Someone else mentioned hoaxters. I would think my postings with details and correct info would have gotten rid of that word by now. I guess it's fashionable to use when someone is mad though.

As far as teasing or making someone scramble, you have me mixed up with someone else. Am I the one who came and got all your little questions and went back and attempted to get them answered for you? Is that the behavior of someone teasing you or wanting you to scramble? I had the youtube sent to me. I didn't think about posting the link to it. I normally do not post spoilers that need a link, didn't think about it. Sorry, shoot me. I don't live online. I don't get back around and check every five minutes. Others have found how to mail me, why didn't someone do that? The youtube thingy didn't even pan out to anything. After someone else looked at it later, I was told it was redux.

I don't understand how it goes from me going back time after time and trying to get specific questions answered for you guys to 'teasing' you. Now if you think all my time spent with texts, e-mails, and phone calls and bringing back what I had translates into hoaxing and teasing then without a doubt I need to quit this spoiling stuff.

If that is coming because I did not post a boot this week, so be it. I did what I was asked to do and it was a great eppy and I could actually see where spoiling it this week would have ruined the bang.

Like I said before when/if Mick does anything I will applaud it. Great eppy for Natalie, she's adoreable. Even greater eppy for Russell Hantz or whatever name he's given this week.

It's like Eliza said about the stick, "it's just a freakin' show."

Don't forget to vote for Suvivor Samoa on The People's Choice Awards. Sorry, I saw the link last night on Jeff's blog but I don't have it handy to post.



dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 02:42 PM (EST)
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133. "okay"
I won't e-mail you anymore, no problem.

I sent you just one e-mail with a link to my post #126 on this thread. I employed the e-mail function here at RTVW so that you could confirm for yourself what I said in that post, that your addy is not made publically available by this site by that function. In that e-mail I linked you to that post.

Quite frankly, your reaction to my suspicion post, and S1's, speak volumes. Thank you.

I really don't mind that you didn't telegraph the Kelly boot, from here on until the Final3 it is open season! YIPPEE!

You and your cohorts trying to promote Russ fanaticism, you go right ahead, I'm not interested in your politics, that has nothing to do with spoiling.


S1 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-13-09, 04:45 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
136. "RE: okay"
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-09 AT 04:50 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-13-09 AT 04:47 PM (EST)

>Quite frankly, your reaction to my
>suspicion post, and S1's, speak
>volumes. Thank you.
>You and your cohorts trying to
>promote Russ fanaticism, you go
>right ahead, I'm not interested
>in your politics, that has
>nothing to do with spoiling.

I'm still not sure what I did. Don't worry about it. This will be my last post here. I would say I am not missy but anyone could say that, even missy, and you'll believe what you want to believe. I wasn't aware of the missy spoilers until a couple weeks ago when a friend sent them to me in an email. I hadn't read them because I won't go to Sucks because of the way they treat new posters there. Kind of ironic now that I think about it. I heard missy had started posting here so I came to check out the spoilers. What I found other than some really good spoiler information was about a weeks worth of symantics. I had hoped to clarify and put an end to the discussion so relevant spoiler conversation could/would continue. Instead it has devolved into this mess. Go re-read my posts. I have never mentioned any support of Russell. I have not replied in anger to anyone. I haven't accused anyone of anything. And before anyone mentions my post above, I did join here just to get email info on missy, I could read the spoilers here without joining. After emailing missy and then re-reading here I decided to post my clarification. Nuff said!


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 05:08 PM (EST)
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137. "RE: okay"
If I'm wrong I'll gladly admit it, I'm just assessing these things as they come along.

And, yes, I am suspicious. Source spoilers and their cohorts have proven unreliable in the past. I'm gunshy, can you blame me?

But I don't want to discourage you or anyone from posting.

Don't take it personally if I challenge you, that is not my game. Spoiling is a collaborative effort.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-13-09, 05:18 PM (EST)
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138. "RE: okay"
Hi S1,

I'm new here too and like you didn't want to be part of the rude Sucks culture (although there are some great people there like Trixiego and others) so I thought I'd try out Blows instead.

Before you decide not to come back, I encourage you to check out some of the other threads here. There is a lot of interesting and intelligent discussion (e.g., the Editing thread). And like you said, there are some great tidbits here from Missyae...unfortunately, though, you have to wade through some other stuff. I'm really sorry you got caught up in this whole controversy and hopefully you'll consider staying. Honestly, the people here are very nice!


Wezzie 72 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-14-09, 03:25 PM (EST)
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141. "RE: okay"
To the folks at Blows: I know S1 from another board. S1 is not missyae.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-14-09, 03:39 PM (EST)
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143. "RE: okay"
Thanks Wezzie! I don't know you but I've read a lot of your posts at Sucks and you are awesome, along with Trixiego and Mayan Sun and the gang in MessHall. I'm really sorry that this happened to S1 and now s/he doesn't want to be on this board.

Wezzie 72 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-14-09, 03:57 PM (EST)
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144. "RE: okay"
Hi SquidProQuo! I'm glad we finally met!

Blows is one of the best, smartest, kindest and mature Survivor discussion groups around. MESS Hall and Blows are way at the top in my book(marks). Your threads about astrological signs, the vid cap thread, SOTS, 'The players, the games, the editing' by veruca salt, the interview threads... this place is a tresure trove of good information and goodwill. I'm sure S1 and others will find a home here when they discover all Blows has to offer.

S1 and I are new friends, but we've already found two loves in common - Survivor and our favorite set of 'wheels'.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-16-09, 02:15 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
146. "RE: okay"
Hi, Wezzie. I had decided to not post on this thread anymore unless it was spoiler-related or I was directly addressed again, but in this case I will make an allowance. I respect your spoiler creds. And as you vouch for S1 I accept that for what it is worth.

Let me repeat what I said in another post on this thread, in more direct terms:

It is not my job to stop anyone from posting here, discouraging anyone from posting was never my intention.

I welcome their continued participation here.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 07:44 PM (EST)
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139. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
>As far as teasing or making someone scramble, you have me mixed up with someone else. Am I the one who came and got all your little questions and went back and attempted to get them answered for you? Is that the behavior of someone teasing you or wanting you to scramble?

You are absolutely right. Up until this point, this has been an amazing season for spoiling because of your source spoiler. It's been exciting knowing what's going to happen next, whether I figure it out or the board figures it out or we get a source spoiler.

I like the challenge of figuring things out for myself. CBS throws out teasers and videos for us to pick apart and we love to do it, or we wouldn't be here.

Your spoilers are very much appreciated here, and I hope you continue with them.

As Dabo, Pepe and others have said several times, we are going with what we know. We have 18 seasons of experience with many different types of spoilers. When a behaviour seems to be repeating itself, the red flags go up. We've seen people get to the point where the "noteriety" gets to them and they start posting "I know something you don't know" types of things. So, when you see something like that again, and that is how I interpreted it, you only have your experience to draw upon.

>Sorry, shoot me.

Uh, I don't know if that's an apology -- I'm guessing it isn't. But I will apologize if I was wrong about the teaser thing. If, as you say, you didn't think to post a link, you know now that that doesn't really fly here. If you do have information from an online source, the expectation is that you provide the link to your spoiling buddies. As Dabo said, we consider ourselves collaborators.

>Others have found how to mail me, why didn't someone do that?

I wouldn't encourage that. You would have had a lot of emails to go through, and from what you said to Dabo, it doesn't sound like you want lots of emails.

Yes, it's just a freakin' show, but to most of us here it's a longtime pasttime. That's why we gather here.


rachelOH63 210 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-13-09, 02:03 PM (EST)
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132. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-09 AT 02:10 PM (EST)

Edited to add: typed before missyae's post... not commenting on hers...

I think it is the Russell Seed at work here...and I don't like it!!! Happy Friday everyone!! (Is it Thursday yet???)


Georjanna 1316 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-14-09, 02:30 PM (EST)
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140. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-09 AT 02:38 PM (EST)

Missyae: Post 1059 offered the following at Sucks after Thursday's Episode. I thought it might be useful to the conversations about this coming week's show.

However, I put it here because I was unsure if it was appropriate to post it in our Vidcap or Title threads.

"How crazy is it that Monica was the one making sense and Dave shut her up? Yes - you have to give huge props to Laura because she is definitely playing hard. So on an upcoming eppy one of the players is so concerned about a tie vote possibility at Tribal Council that they went to producers for a clarification of the rules so they knew how to plan.

This was definitely their best eppy so far this season. More of Sham vs Laura - Natalie slays the rat - how cute was she? Then you have a beautiful reward - Russell finding another hidden idol - Monica trying to tell Galu how to play smart but Dave saying no no no - Erik even laughing at Galu - The faces of Tribal this season have been priceless. And Kelly being the boot - who had that? Great eppy for real fans of the show. Well done CBS."

I added the emphasis.



SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-14-09, 03:36 PM (EST)
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142. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Hi Georgjanna, thanks so much for bringing this over -- this is really interesting. It's funny because a few of us were just talking about various tie vote/purple rock scenarios in the vidcaps thread, and we were saying that we were unsure of the rules. When you're playing for $1 million, it makes sense to double check on the rules, although I wonder if they'll tell them or leave them in the dark? In the past, wasn't there some mystery about whether the purple rock would be the tie breaker?

I totally agree with you about this last episode being one of the best ones ever (the previous one was excellent too) -- I'm finally loving this season.

P.S. I was trying all day yesterday to get on the Sucks board to bring over James Barber's Insider Clips, but I couldn't get on. Was it my computer, or were they having server issues? Thx.


Georjanna 1316 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-14-09, 04:07 PM (EST)
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145. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-09 AT 04:23 PM (EST)


About Sucks access:

I have no idea. I hadn't brought the site up for a week or so before today. But they do have server issues there from time to time. Probably has something to do with the high saline content of the language ...

I've been following the very interesting conversations in the Title and Vidcap threads here and that's why I found Missyae's comment about the contestant(s)' interest in the rules relevant to a tie vote fascinating. And I noticed that someone at Sucks asked Missyae if production provided an answer to their question. But, I didn't find an answer to that question by Missyae.

I should probably note too that the remarks about the last Episode were also Missyae's. But (with the exception of the fact that I absolutely hated to see Erik's torch snuffed) I certainly agree with them. Like you, I have really begun to love Samoa.

ETA: I don't know where you find the time to do all that you do around here. But, having personally elevated procrastination to a (black) art form, may I say how much I appreciate - and admire - the fact that you do.



goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-16-09, 06:53 PM (EST)
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149. "Ep. 10 Title - "The Day of Reckoning""
I am hoping we will be AS SURPRISED in S19E10 as Dave was in S19E09.

SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-16-09, 01:58 PM (EST)
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147. "RE: The Missyae Spoilers, Part 2"
Hi Missyae,

You were definitely right-on about this last week's episode being one of the best ever. I couldn't believe I was cheering on Russell. It was an awesome TC!

I wanted to ask you a couple questions about what's next:

- I know you said that last week they wanted to keep the lid on things so the TC would be a surprise (and it sure was ). Is it the same deal for this week? Or can you share any info with us? Last week they didn't even give us the press photos until late Thurs. evening so it was hard to figure out what was going on.

- I noticed that TDT is now listing Jaison as 5th and Brett as 4th. Was that your tip? It seems like usually TDT credits you by name, so I'm guessing not -- just wondering what you think about this new tip and whether it's credible and syncs up with what you know?

- Any thoughts on the IC this week? It would be unbelievable if Laura pulls out another one.

Thanks for any info you might have...for some reason I can't get on the Sucks site lately so I don't want to miss anything important that you post there.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-16-09, 02:04 PM (EST)
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148. "A request, please "
LAST EDITED ON 11-16-09 AT 06:05 PM (EST)

Would it be possible to start putting future posts under the sub-topics I started up above? The bottom half of this thread is now an indistinguishable mess of posts with the same subject line, just like the last thread.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Max Headroom 10069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-17-09, 09:26 AM (EST)
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150. "RE: A request, please "
Read the guidelines, BR. At the top of every page, it says,

"Trying to get everyone to agree with you is like herding cats..."

keep up the good work!

agman's helping me survive


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-17-09, 12:07 PM (EST)
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151. "RE: A request, please "
But Max, I'm not asking people to agree with me. I'm commanding them to obey me.

You should have started a new subtopic with your post, titled "Ain't Gonna Happen."


missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-17-09, 07:40 PM (EST)
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152. "RE: A request, please "
Let's make this as generic as possible so nobody gets mad and thinks it is slanted to someone other than who they like.

Immunity challenge is won by a Foa other than Russell Hantz.

There is a tie vote at Tribal Council 5-5.

There is another vote which does not result in a tie.

Bye bye Laura!


goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-17-09, 08:05 PM (EST)
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153. "RE: A request, please "
LAST EDITED ON 11-18-09 AT 02:36 PM (EST)

"I would add that Dave flips"

Please strike that comment. It appears that Crusty Pants was doing his usual taunting and tormenting.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-17-09, 09:47 PM (EST)
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154. "RE: A request, please "
Thanks Missyae! This is what we figured would happen -- Laura gets her day of reckoning...thanks for confirming it. I for one will be soooo happy to see Laura go -- cannot stand her! Ha, what will Monica do without her?

Will be interesting if Mick (or Jaison) goes on an immunity run.

P.S. to Goldenmike: I wouldn't be surprised if Dave flips since he makes such snap decisions...but most of us having been leaning toward John as the one who will flip on the revote instead. (Brett's name was also mentioned but I recall Missyae saying he stays loyal to Laura.) I believe the preview shots you're referring to are actually Russell taunting Dave to chase/follow him, since the Galus are all trying to stick to Russell like glue so he can't find the HII. Unless there's something new I missed?


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-17-09, 09:50 PM (EST)
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155. "RE: A request, please "
P.S. to there a way to move these posts into the correct sections you've made? I'm willing to do it if you tell me how. Sorry we've made a mess of your attempt to organize us, but I think we're hopeless at this point.

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-17-09, 11:17 PM (EST)
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156. "RE: A request, please "
I think it's time for a new topic, one in which we try to follow the organization that BR sets up. If someone posts out of place, just copy and past the relevant post and reply in the correct place, and if enough people follow the organization, it will catch on. Worth a try ...

Suggest one category for each of the remaining episodes, plus jury info.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-17-09, 11:48 PM (EST)
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157. "RE: A request, please "
I like the idea of organizing by episode -- that'll keep it cleaner. BR, what do you think of OFG's suggestion? Don't want to mess with your system without your approval .

missyae 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-18-09, 00:57 AM (EST)
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158. "RE: A request, please "
I know I probably mess the thread up because I am used to just posting in the same thread all the time everywhere else.

I think the new thread for each eppy sounds like a good idea?

I think after this week it's going to be pretty easily to figure out the rest of the season without me anyway.

Someone asked about TDT. I haven't spoken with TDT in probably about 6 weeks so whatever info he has been posting has not come directly from me.

Does anyone check out Survivor Fever? That's a great website too!!

I forgot to say hi Wezzie!!! Hope you hit 'em straight today!!


goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-18-09, 01:16 PM (EST)
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159. "RE: A request, please "

Please don't go!

We need your viewpoint, not just spoilers.

Thank you.


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-18-09, 02:24 PM (EST)
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161. "OK..."
First off, missyae didn't say she was leaving. She just said that the boots would be more logical after this week, because Foa Foa will have a 5-4 majority. At least, that was how I read it.

In response to missyae's comment: Both TDT and Survivor Fever are excellent sites. Plus, the people who run the sites are nice people. No problem praising them here. (I should add that it's amazing that this site and TDT are both run by Rhode Islanders....)

And in response to the other organization comments: I'll lock this thread after BR sets up a new one for the next episode. It's hard to keep a thread organized, because there isn't any way to move the location of a post after it's been made in this software ... which was discontinued a few years back.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-18-09, 04:15 PM (EST)
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162. "RE: OK..."
Thanks all, I was only kidding about the disorganization. Well, half-kidding.

I'll start a new thread after tomorrow's ep. Since missyae's remaining spoilers concern the final 3 there won't be much to organize anyway, unless new info is posted.

A new thread per episode shouldn't be necessary, we can do episode sub-headings like in VerucaSalt's thread, which I think is what OFG meant.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-18-09, 07:33 PM (EST)
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163. "RE: OK..."
yes, I meant sub-headings by episode rather than by category like HII. Whatever missyae has for Ep 11, she replies to your Ep 11 post, and so forth. Same with questions by posters.

Or just give up on organization, but in that case it would help a lot if missyae adds NEW information by replying to the top post, which will put the new spoilers at the bottom of the topic where they will be easily spotted.


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-18-09, 08:51 PM (EST)
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164. "Sounds good...."
LAST EDITED ON 11-18-09 AT 08:52 PM (EST)

...and so we'll lock this thread Thursday night, but I have a different question:

Has anyone ever changed his/her vote in a tied revote other than Kelly in the final 4 vote in Borneo (Season 1), when she switched from Richard to Susan?

There have been lots of ties over the years, but they've all been in the final four since Season 3 (Africa) -- which is rather amazing, if you think about it, because there were four ties prior to the final four (Keith/Mitchell; Jeff V./Colby; Carl/Lindsey; Tom/Lindsey) in Seasons 2 and 3.

The only time others have ever been in jeopardy was in the final 4 in Marquesas, when Paschal found the purple rock, although the tie was between Neleh and Kathy. So why would someone switch and become bottom person in the other bloc? Was Cirie's guess that the purple rock would be used instead of challenges before the final four correct?

I guess we'll have to wait and see. Or does someone know?


SpotTheDifference 949 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-19-09, 00:40 AM (EST)
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165. "RE: Sounds good...."
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-09 AT 00:45 AM (EST)

Palau Stephenie changed her vote from Bobby Jon to Angie during a revote. Ibrehem changed is vote from James to Angie as well, but I don't think those count because the initial vote tally for that TC was 2-2-1

In Ep6 of Palau, Stephenie changed her vote from Ibrehem to James, changing the vote tally from 2-2 to 3-1 after the revote.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-19-09, 07:33 AM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
166. "RE: Sounds good...."
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-09 AT 09:23 AM (EST)

Wow, SpottheDifference, good memory! I've blocked out most of pre-non-merge Palau.

AyaK, from what I've read, and observed, it went like this ...

In Borneo, if the deadlock hadn't broken, the rules would have been the same as in S2 and S3. The person with the most prior votes would go home. With Carl and Lindsay, there were no prior votes, so there was a sudden death quiz challenge. In Ep 6, the Boran alliance was able to boot Lindsay because they gained information from T-bird that Lindsay was the Samburu with prior votes.

EPM didn't like ties, and he didn't like the way strategy was revolving around putting votes on people in advance to set them up to lose on deadlock ties.

Thus the purple rock rule came in for Marquesas. The idea was a total disincentive to have any more ties, to force someone to blink at the showdown. EPM announced that prior votes would no longer count and there would be "other consequences they'd have to deal with if they couldn't resolve a tie democratically." No one in the audience knew the rule until it happened at F4. Many people thought the jury would break the tie.

The rule for that rock draw was that everyone who wasn't immune would have to draw. Possibly that was for F4 only, because if no one can vote for the immunity holder or the two people with votes, then the only one who could go would be the person who got no votes.

The Paschal boot was a drag. The person who lost didn't even get votes. After that the rules were changed again. The purple rock would govern all deadlock ties PRIOR to F4. The people who got votes and the immunity holder would not draw. That meant the people refusing to break the tie are the only ones in jeopardy.

A new rule was put in place for F4. There would be a challenge. We first saw the fire-starting challenge between Steph and Bobby Jon in Palau, then for the Fr tie in PEI. I guess they liked the fire-starting challenge because they kept it, and it happened in the Cooks and in Gabon.

The purple rock has never come into play again, but we heard about in before one vote in Vanuatu, as Twila or Chris said she/he didn't want to be purple rocked.

ETA There is a two minute discussion after the deadlocked revote, in which they can try to convince someone to change the vote, before the rocks come out. I'd like to see this come into play.


AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-19-09, 07:25 PM (EST)
Click to check IP address of the poster
170. "RE: Sounds good...."
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-09 AT 07:32 PM (EST)

Actually, OFG, that's slightly wrong. The "prior vote" tiebreaker was new with Survivor: The Australian Outback. In Borneo, they actually had to take a break after the Richard-Susan tie and try to figure out what to do, and Probst said that the conclusion was that they'd keep them there revoting all night until the tie was broken. As a result, they made a clear procedure for S2 and S3, but it turned into a weapon and was used repeatedly, as I documented.

Then EPMB decided that it was better if the peeps didn't know what to expect and hit them with the purple rock in S4. However, he and Probst decided that was a mistake at the F4 after Pappy got booted and the worthless Vecepia (the show's worst winner ever) won.

My understanding of the current rule is consistent with the statement you posted from Micronesia: the producers (or, should we say, Probst, since he's apparently the site producer now) will break the challenge with a purple rock among the non-tied survivors, creating an incredible incentive to bail out of a tie.

And thanks to SpotTheDifference for remembering the mess that was Ulong. Stephenie's shift after the 2-2-1 vote was meaningless, since Ibrahim, who had voted against James (and who had been awarded immunity by Koror), would have caused Angie to be booted anyway, because he had to pick either Bobby Jon or Angie. That was actually the situation that the revote was designed for. But the next vote, when Stephenie and James voted against Ibrahim and Ibrahim and Bobby Jon voted against James, was the same situation as Kelly's switch, because Stephenie switched on the revote to vote for James.

So a vote switch has happened twice, and both times with only four voters. I don't think we were ever told what would have been done for a tiebreaker if Stephenie hadn't switched. All I remember was Jeff telling Stephenie and Bobby Jon that it was their last chance to switch their vote, which meant that there was some tiebreaker in mind. But if a non-switch meant that either Stephenie or Bobby Jon would have been eliminated, her shift was the only sensible course, since she was allied with Bobby Jon.

Here, though, it would seem that the prudent choice for either side would be to take the 1-in-8 shot of being eliminated, on the hope that your side prevailed.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-19-09, 09:21 AM (EST)
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167. "The rules as posted by Kathy (Micronesia)"
If there is a tie between Contestants, then a second vote may be conducted in which all non-eliminated Contestants at the Tribal Council (other than the tied Contestants) must vote to eliminate one of such tied Contestant. This voting process may continue until one and only one Contestant is chosen for elimination. If, however, there is a deadlock in the voting as determined by the Producer in its sole discretion, then the following shall occur: (a) the Contestants who are tied with the same number of votes for elimination are separated from the other Contestants; and number of votes for elimination are separated from the other Contestants; and (b) the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants at the Tribal Council have two minutes to discuss and decide, in an open forum, which of the tied Contestants should be eliminated. If a decision is reached by the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants, the Contestant whom they have chosen for elimination is eliminated. On the other hand, if, after the two minute discussion, the remaining non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants have not reached a decision as to which one of the tied Contestants should be eliminated, the following shall occur (subject to the clarification set forth below): the tied Contestants are now deemed to be immune from elimination at this Tribal Council, and the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants (with the sole exclusion of any remaining, non-tied, Contestant who has previously been granted immunity for this Tribal Council as a result of winning a Challenge) must choose a rock from a bag without looking inside of the bag. The Contestant who selects the differently colored rock is eliminated. In addition, and for purposes of clarification, if three or more Contestants are tied for elimination, and the voting Contestants are deadlocked, and the tied Contestants are separated from the remaining non-tied Contestants, and the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants decide during their initial two minute discussion that one or more of the tied Contestants should not be eliminated and yet, nevertheless, two or more Contestants remain tied, then the Contestant who was, or the Contestants who were, part of the tie, but who is or are no longer part of the tie, shall join the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied Contestants for an additional two minute discussion regarding which of the Contestants who are still tied for elimination should be eliminated. (If this second two minute discussion results in a decision to not eliminate another one or more still-tied Contestants, and if nevertheless two or more Contestants remain tied for elimination, then a third two minute discussion shall be held among the remaining non-tied Contestants and all of the Contestants who have been removed from the tied group of Contestants. This process shall continue, and Contestants shall be removed from the tied group, and further two-minute discussions shall be held until the remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants either (a) are deadlocked regarding all of the now-tied Contestants, or (b) choose one Contestant for elimination.) If two or more two-minute discussions as described above do not determine which one of the tied Contestants should be eliminated, then the rock-picking ceremony shall be held as set forth above, and any Contestants who were tied for elimination and who were subsequently brought back into the voting group as a result of a two minute discussion shall be required to participate in the rock-picking ceremony along with all of the other remaining, non-eliminated, non-tied, Contestants without immunity. However, the rock-picking tie breaker shall not apply to a tie that exists among the final four Contestants. In the event that a deadlock tie exists among the final four Contestants, the two Contestants who are tied shall compete against each other in a challenge to be decided in the sole discretion of the Producer. The Contestant who loses this competition shall be eliminated from further participation in the Series as a Contestant.
Apparently they are presented to the contestants without any paragraph breaks/1

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-19-09, 11:48 AM (EST)
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168. "RE: The rules as posted by Kathy (Micronesia)"
So, from the second sentence it sounds like they can choose to do an indefinite number of revotes, or they can immediately switch to the separation/discussion stage after one revote -- at the "producer's" discretion.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-19-09, 07:16 PM (EST)
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169. "RE: The rules as posted by Kathy (Micronesia)"
As I read it, the whole long procedure with multiple discussions is in the event that there is a 3-way or 4-way or more deadlock. Not very likely. If there are only two people tied against each other, then one two minute discussion should do it.

goldenmike4393 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-18-09, 01:19 PM (EST)
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160. "RE: A request, please "
Hey! What do I know?

I re-watched last week's eppy and heard Russ yelling for Dave to follow. I am so concrete, perhaps he was taunting.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-19-09, 11:38 PM (EST)
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171. "This thread will now be locked"
Don't post in this thread, I will be starting part 3 momentarily.

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