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"Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
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Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 10:00 AM (EST)
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"Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Survivor 19: Samoa State of the Spoiling – Episode 9

Welcome to the SOTS where we try to one-up EPMB and accurately predict the results of Survivor before it airs... sometimes we are right, and sometimes we are not. But, we will eternally try! If you are new to these boards, please take a look at our Community Guidelines. You will find them helpful in navigating your way around SurvivorBlows.

First I must apologize for the incredible tardiness of this SOTS, and apologize to michel who originally volunteered, for getting him to switch and then not getting it done!

Lame excuse: I thought if I waited until Wednesday night, SeeBS would reliease the magic clip showing the most interesting part of the show, who wins the IC, and 99% of the plot. They did not. So I hope it's better late than never.

If you missed last week’s show, you can read Miss Myth's summary up until the point where the storm knocked out her reception. Michel takes it from the IC. I sympathize with Miss Myth because I woke up to a thunderstorm today and had to unplug my computer, thus making a late SOTS later.

Get your snarky Blows by Blows by reviewing the play-by-play in the East Coast Spoiler thread.

Last week we saw why the editors never showed us the Galu tribe when Foa Foa was losing. We were supposed to think they were one happy Pilates limber, unified tribe. True they were not “Everybody Loves Shambo” but still they were challenge monsters due to their UNITY OF PURPOSE. That purpose was to slay every man and woman of Foa Foa whom Evil Russell had not already sentenced to death.

In "All Hell Breaks Loose," we saw a Galu that could be cast in a high school horror flick … in fact the great canteen squabble had me wondering if I’d flipped the channel to a remake of Carrie. The Galu have been cracking at the seams as seething resentment ate away at them, day after day for three weeks or so, while unable to act on their longings to get rid of this or that weak whining annoying overbearing clueless fellow team mate -- due to their cursed winning streak.

In Ep 8, Galu had no less than three of their own targeted before the IC. First popular kids against Carrie, but that switched to boys vs. girls. Then Laura won immunity and boys went for Monica. Natalie snitched to Laura, and girls ordered Dave and John to vote for Erik on pain of castration. Erik blindsided bigtime.

Check Erik out on the Ponderosa clip. Erik has seven stages of grieving to do and he’s still stuck on ANGER with a tad of DENIAL left over when he gets in the van to go to TC. (Part 2) Erik thinks his purple seashell necklace will shame the traitorous Galu when they see this puny lavender thing around his neck as he walks by them. Erik is exploring new ground in the grieving process and going for DELUSIONAL.


Episode 9:
"Tastes Like Chicken"

Brownroach has once again kindly brought us the title and press release clues.

The Media Misdirection this week (thank you Survivor Phoneix!) reads:

• Motivated by extreme hunger, an unexpected castaway kills a rat in an effort to provide for her tribe.

After Erik's shocking blindside, the newly merged Aiga tribe targets Russell to be the next person voted out of the game.
But Russell isn't going down without a fight. 

Clearly the big questions are "Who Kills the Rat?" and "Will Russell Survive"? You decide which one motivates you to watch this thing.

Newflash: A little bird tells me that tonight’s episode title is spoken by Erik in a new twist where the Ponderosa losers get to make a snappy remark as they enter TC.
“Let Them Eat RAT while I swill Samoan beer. Mm, tastes like chicken,” says Erik.

Looking at the clue, we see CBS wants us to think that some sensitive, picky-eating girl breaks down and whops a rat with a big piece of bamboo, then brings it to the tribe to share? Sure, just like my cat does when she drags one of those Samoan sized Hawai’i rats through the cat door and corners it under my bed at 4 am … and then leaves the severed head where I’m most likely to step on it when I get up to … uh ... get a drink of water.

I’m not drinking the “rat is chicken” Koolaid. While my first thought was the title refers to what Galu says when it gets so hungry it accidentally eats itself, I now think they eat RussHell. THAT is what will make this "one of the most memorable Tribal Councils in Survivor History."

These people can’t outwit the dude, and they're starving, so they just do the kill two birds move, go Lord of the Flies on him, and the devil is in the cook pot. The big question I have is whether Jeff Probst will bite … literally.

If you watched Erik whine you’ll have noticed he shouts out a coded message, “tell James they had to go eat the fruit.” See, he already heard on the coconut telegraph that the Aiga tribe ate Russell. As for those spoilers who seem to be channeling Russell this season, that’s because mediums really can speak to the departed ones.

We even have a vidcap of Russell communicating from the Other Side:

OK, so much for my spec, now to get to the REAL spoiling efforts of the Blows community, and fine efforts they are, let's look at the other resources we have this week:

Squid ProQuo has posted the VIDCAPS.

First, we have the SUBTLE Misdirection:

CBS screams at us that Russell is in BIG TROUBLE. Russell is stumped. Russell feels out of control for the first time. Does anyone think Russell is going as second juror and off to get some R&R before appearing on All Stars? OK then, moving on.

We also see that a mixed gender foursome of old Galu appears to be on board with this Russell boot, as we see them having a power talk as he walks down the beach.

As you can see, this group radiates the energy of "We're All on the Same Page."

OK, not so much. With tools as sharp as John and Laura, how can Galu possibly lose?

Then we see Russell SNEAKING around like Gollum, no doubt on the prowl for His Precious II, aka another HII to save his butt.

Will he find it? Erik's is gone. Was another idol crafted for mortal men to use after Russell played his One Idol? We do not know ... we speculate ... maybe, maybe not.

Then … there is that other tribe, the Foa Foa. Supposedly a plan will be put into motion that will result in this memorable TC. Are they the Masterminds?

SquidProQuo points out that the night confessional of Laura may start off the episode, and the bootee often gets featured at the outset.

Excellent point, but before we talk bootee, let's look at the challenges.


We don’t know if there is one challenge or a combined IC/RC, the grappling challenge. There should be two, because it would be weird to have the IC winner get reward as well, but stranger things have happened, and they have a schedule to compress. Kelly is not featured in the grappling challenge at all. Mick, Brett, Laura, and Russell are shown performing.

As TDT points out and is noted in the Vidcap topic and at MESS, Kelly is by a waterfall. She has a red ginger flower in her hair. As Karchita noted in the Vidcap topic, red ginger does grow wild, so the flower may or may not indicate she interacted with Samoans. Although she kind of looks like she OD'd on Kava.

Here's a look at the Papaseea Sliding Rocks, done local style! Wish I were there!

I tried to embed the video, but failed ... sigh.

Kelly has at least one companion she is talking to. We don’t really know if there are any camp shots while the reward is in progress, but this MIGHT be one, the way the factions are mixed.

I see Brett, Russell, Natalie, Jaison, and either Monica or Laura behind. I'm guessing Monica from the buff and hair. Someone is sitting by Natalie, see an arm, looks female. No Kelly, but also no Mick, Shambo, Dave, or John, so that's not so much help. We see John/Monica/Dave/Laura conspiring without Kelly, but that could be any time.

The winner of the challenge may get to choose one, more likely two, companions, and if it's a Galu girl, one expects her to choose clique members, because that's how they did it in Tocantins, and Galu is unaccountably trying to play the same season. The three people who reach the last heat could all go, in one of those rewards where they force people to mingle who normally wouldn't. Or the RC is separate and we have no caps for it.

Immunity Challenge:
“Grapple for Colored Bags and Do Something Other than a final heat featuring a Table Maze”

TDT lays out the similarities between this challenge and Tocantins. He also identified all the lane colors and players on the MESS challenge topic, and SquidProQuo did some good analysis in the Vidcap topic. However, it all seems inconclusive.

We do have the sports promo with Jeff VO calling:
eff Probst <at challenge> : Laura! Russell! It's a race!

IIRC, when they did this challenge in heats, there were three spots at the end for the playoff, and it is usually the last spot where Jeff focuses on the race. So this doesn't need to mean that one of these two wins the challenge. I don't expect they do.

We do see caps that show Russell, Mick, and Brett mostly alone in the frame, so who knows, they could be the finalists. The RC could be something completely different.

The key question on the IC is whether Russell saves himself the simple way. At first I thought, no way he makes it through this without immunity, but that's the predicament "they" want you to believe in.

This episode is supposed to be special, so surely there is some good strategizing involved.

I don't think Russell is safe, or Laura. Perhaps Brett or Mick win this one.

The Bootee

First, let’s remember the Cardinal Rule of Survivor: No matter how much misdirection SeeBS pulls out during the week, a player who was on the radar last week is 9 times out of 10 still on the radar.

This is not Big Brother where the hamsters have nothing to do but foist last-minute lies on each other, and change targets 97 times during the week. This is Survivor and they only have a certain amount of energy to scramble because they are running on fumes, and I’m talking about rat fumes, plus there’s no HOH room to plot in.

This means Laura is still in danger, as is Russell. Monica was in danger too, but John’s real target was Laura, except she won immunity. Monica was his target when they needed to save Laura because she was good in challenges. Now, not so much an asset to be good at challenges, unless she wins immunity.

Shambo was a target because she got snippy with Laura. Shambo was out of the loop and voted against Jaison, but Shambo is not featured in the promos this week as she would be if there was a snowball’s chance the curl girl was getting the old snuff. Neither is Monica. Jaison seems to have gotten a second wind in the game.

I only see three principle targets, Russell (alt Jaison), Laura (alt Monica), John. Alt meaning the target wins immunity. The heads of the Foa Foa, Galu women's alliance, and remnants of the Galu men's alliance.

The promos don’t want us to remember that Laura was nearly toast last time, or that moves like zapping one member of an alliance, such as Erik, are often followed by picking off the next biggest threat, i.e. John. They want us to think that having gotten rid of its cockiest player, Galu is back on track with the game plan.

CT girl reminds us that people who try to engineer moves can get backlash, speculating that John could go. I agree, it’s very feasible that John could go, following Erik. However, Russell seems to see potential in John, as does Jaison, whereas Russell has Laura number one on his “women who’ve sassed me” hit list.
What Russell wants, Russell gets, seems to be a theme of the season.


SquidProQuo posted the link to Jiffy’s Ep 8 blog, and quickly noted here that Jiffy may have slipped on the Zyrtec again.

"Talk about a blindside. Wow. One of the biggest and most memorable in a long, long time. Erik could not have been cockier. He was absolutely certain the outcome was set. He never-saw-it-coming. Neither did Laura, nor most anybody else on the former Galu.

One could argue, among other interpretations, that nothing about this says THIS EPISODE Laura will get blindsided, but as Corvis noted in the same topic, this little remark went away right after someone commented on it. Then Emydi posted GOTCHA to Jeff and her posts were erased. Sounds like JFK all over again to me, and TDT seems to agree, even though he had Laura pegged as “late jury” last week, and still does, he picks her for the Boot.


Q: How can Russell save himself?

1) He could win immunity. Well, that sure is easy. I guess the surprise would be if Jaison survived that one.

2) He could find a rehidden idol, if the producers put the one he played back in motion. Erik left with his. Russell sure seems to be searching, but it might be for the Galu idol, as he doesn’t know Erik had it. However, missyae says that no one is “idoled” out of the game. OTOH, not sure if missyae was told what happens this episode, as it’s supposed to be a surprise.

3) Russell could somehow persuade John and Shambo that Foa Foa will help them get rid of the REAL threat, Laura.

4) Russell could convince Laura to play along in the Blindside Cocky Galu Guy II scenario. Personally, I don't think Laura is going to like the math, and I don't think Dave would be happy at all. John is the one who wants to play on the edge.

5) Russell, or another Foa Foa who will not get as much credit as Russell, unless it’s Natalie, and then she’ll get double credit – could pull off a plan where the Galu lose their majority by voting for different targets. I think one of the most memorable TC’s was when Cirie got a 3-3 vote to become 3-2-1. Seems to me Rob C pulled that off as well.

My feeling is that we have a likely outcome, but have not figured out the mechanism that could fulfill even 10% of the SeeBS hype. I figure 10% substance is about right. I think we need to keep brainstorming.


If you see something in the editing that you think is a clue, why don’t you join us in the discussion The Players, The Game, The Editing? michel has consistently posted a full and subtle analysis of each episode, among other notables. (But remember, this discussion is all based on editing. No source spoilers are allowed!)

The latest exit interviews are found here and Jiffy’s EW blog posts are found here.

In a Zap2It Interview, Erik tried to think who is playing a good game and after flailing around trying to pick a Galu he says it’s 100% Natalie. Before you get too excited, he is rooting for no one, so apparently that's no lock for his vote.

SquidProQuo has brought over the transcripts to the episode Insider videos

The Next Episode title is out: The Day of Reckoning , posted by our most helpful and prolific SquidProQuo.

Some think the title is something to with Laura, with its religious connotations, which would imply she’s still around. However, we have a preacher’s son and “good Christian” Russell, so I’m not so sure.

Personally I think it means Galu wakes up and does the math – and wonders how an 8-4 lead could turn into 6-4 with at least a couple Galu who might be willing to change the game from tribe eats other tribe – namely John and Shambeau.

missyae has been continuing to post spoilers here, but has said this episode is huge and the source or SeeBS or both want it unspoiled. Don’t go if you don’t want to know!!

However, there is one missyae spoiler so HUGE I have to shout it out in spoiler font:

Natalie asked the producers when would they get “hotel breaks” during the filming.

Lastly, don’t forget to vote for the Survivor you think will get the boot this week!


To Summarize:

Reward: KELLY, plus two

Immunity Challenge: RUSSELL or SOMEONE ELSE Mick? Brett?

Bootee: LAURA

Or, going with my personal spec on the Tastes Like Chicken title:

Player Most Likely to Conceptualize the great let’s eat Russell Conspiracy without getting the job done - John

Player Most Likely to Mastermind Russell Slaughter & Say Grace - Keyser Sose Lookalike posing as preacher’s son Dave

Player Who Lies in Hammock waiting to be Served - Miss "Cabo San Lucas Princess" Survivor

Player Whose Religious Convictions don’t allow her to Eat Russell - Laura

Player Who takes a Bite and says “This is the Man Fest” – Jaison

Player Who won’t Speak but manages to bogart Thirds - the guy who said Point a lot a couple weeks ago.

Player Who salvages a few Russell Bones to use as Samoan Hair Accessories – the blonde in a bikini with bigger hair than Natalie.

Player Most Likely to make a chicken coop out of Russell’s Bones, pee in a circle around them, and wait for eggs to materialize - Shambeau

Player Who Lies Awake wondering if Russell was an Organ Donor - Mick

Player Who Gives 42 confessionals saying for once he doesn’t know what these people are up to but one thing he knows they sure are DUMB - Russell, just before Danger Dave clubs him from behind.

Player Who gives the “hey, Russell, guess I’m not such a dumb ass blonde after all color me Sole Survivor” confessional - Natalie


Thanks to Survivor Phoenix and Survivor Fever for the use of their photos.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... emydi 11-12-09 1
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... dabo 11-12-09 2
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Flowerpower 11-12-09 3
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... samboohoo 11-12-09 4
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... kingfish 11-12-09 5
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Brownroach 11-12-09 6
   RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Outfrontgirl 11-12-09 8
   RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... emydi 11-12-09 9
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... redbeard103152 11-12-09 7
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... CTgirl 11-12-09 10
   RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Tercel 11-12-09 11
       RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... kircon 11-12-09 13
 A Home Run! kircon 11-12-09 12
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... michel 11-12-09 14
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Karchita 11-12-09 15
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Outfrontgirl 11-12-09 16
 RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Outfrontgirl 11-13-09 17
   RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... SquidProQuo 11-14-09 18
       RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... CTgirl 11-14-09 19
           RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Karchita 11-14-09 25
       RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... SquidProQuo 11-14-09 20
           RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... frisky 11-14-09 22
               RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Outfrontgirl 11-14-09 23
               RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... SquidProQuo 11-14-09 24
       RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Outfrontgirl 11-14-09 21
           RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Scarlett O Hara 11-14-09 26
               RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Outfrontgirl 11-15-09 27
   RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Ta... Brownroach 11-16-09 28

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emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 10:17 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Great SOTS OFG!! Very funny, glad you were able to do it

dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 10:28 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Thanks for pulling it all together, good job!

Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 10:52 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""

WOW, OFG....that was an amazing SOTS, I was roaring over it! I also love it. I'm with you in that I do think that Laura is about to be blindsided, and somehow, someway I think that ole RussHell is going to get it to come about without any kind of immunity...should be a good episode! Great logic and thanks!


samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 11:12 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Well done!

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 11:33 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
I bow to the SOTS master. Very well done, and very informative.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 11:45 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-09 AT 12:10 PM (EST)

Fantastic SOTS, OFG.

I finally saw the preview last night where Probst yells "Laura! Russell! It's a race!" and to me it sounded very choppy as if it had all been edited together. I agree neither of them wins it. For the TC to be truly memorable Russell has to be at risk of being voted out.

I'm actually going to guess that Russell's substitute target Jaison wins immunity, to make the Russell boot seem that much more in the bag.

BTW: TDT no longer lists Laura as "late jury" but as "toast?"

A tribe glows in Brooklyn


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 12:30 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-09 AT 12:33 PM (EST)

Aw, thanks you guys. That makes me feel good. I haven't pulled an all nighter for awhile so I apologize if I was in the blur zone and didn't credit people who deserved it.

I just rewatched last week's scene where Russell says in VO that Laura is digging her own grave -- against a shot of Laura scooping dirt out with her hands ... she has got to be his target.

I agree with those who agree that Russell should be vulnerable or it is no big deal. I do like the idea of a Jaison immunity. Although in some ways Foa Foa is more likely to survive if none of them win immunity again, because that way they get dismissed.

Note on the camp shot that has Brett in it ... I think it might be Mick's hand, Mick sitting by Natalie, which would put all the Foa Foa in the shot.

Also noticed the last TC, the way they came in, Kelly and Brett, Erik and Shambo, the 4 FF all together, and John, Monica, Dave, Laura - the same four who are talking in this episode. Really looks like Kelly and Brett are a couple (which we sort of know but aren't shown), and Shambo and Erik were.

I just don't think that a Monica boot is a big deal. She's a minor character, perceived as weak. I think a power player needs to go.

PS. BR - TDT must have updated Laura this morning. Last night I checked and she was At Risk and Late Jury ... not Toast and Jury.


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 01:08 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
TDT also has that Brett is 4th and Jaison is 5th...on tips...interesting..where'd Shambo go?

redbeard103152 466 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-12-09, 12:01 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Fantastic SOTS from my Hawaiian ASSkicker partner OFG. The one stop place to get all the answers.

CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 02:44 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-09 AT 02:47 PM (EST)

Awesome job OFG! I'm glad you were able to pull this together because it was funny as well as informative and a great read.

I was speculating on a John boot before I watched the insider videos and had a chance to digest everything that everyone had said. I would love to see a memorable Laura blindside (and I think Jeff goofed up big time in his blog!). It is odd to have such an unspoiled episode after a season of CBS and missye handing us information on a silver platter. I am looking forward to tonight's show!

Thanks for finding time in your busy schedule to do this!

ETA: I especially loved your spelling of Shambeau!


Tercel 27 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-12-09, 03:37 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
A very entertaining SOTS and well worth the wait. I wish I was brave enough to try one.

kircon 3323 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-12-09, 04:27 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Welcome Tercel! You ARE brave enough to write a SOTS.

Contact me, I'll help you get started.


kircon 3323 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-12-09, 04:23 PM (EST)
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12. "A Home Run!"
You hit it out of the park OFG! A Grand Slam! This was a difficult week. But you got it all in. Written like a pro! Thanks for pulling the all-nighter to keep up informed.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 06:58 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Nice Job, OFG. Funny and informative, the way I like my SOTS!


Karchita 4483 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-12-09, 08:14 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Hilarious! My favorite bits:

Erik is exploring new ground in the grieving process and going for DELUSIONAL.

Player Who Lies Awake wondering if Russell was an Organ Donor - Mick

As you can see, this group radiates the energy of "We're All on the Same Page." OK, not so much. With tools as sharp as John and Laura, how can Galu possibly lose?

and, of course, my very first ever Survivor spoiler shout out!

Thanks for that and for a great summary in general.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-09, 08:52 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Thanks! There are press photos out today. RC is Coconut Code (black and white shish kabob challenge, run in pairs?) and IC is Square Hole, Round Peg.

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-09, 09:25 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Please excuse me for bumping an old topic, but after this week's blindside I wanted to a bit of Hindsight thinking. Remember when Krautboy used to post Hindsight topics? I loved those.

First, CBS sneakily put out the Press Photos only a couple hours before showtime, I think. I don't know when, because I was asleep until shortly before the show started (because I'd been up til 5-6 am and the starts at 3 pm my time. So I didn't have any time to think about the new info, didn't even see the cap showing the finalists in the IC.

I would have reevaluated my Laura pick seeing her in the finals, knowing how weak Shambo and Mick have been in challenges, and Laura's sharpness.

I would have considered Monica the most likely next, but a Monica boot wouldn't have been very exciting at all unless there was some other element. I had felt that a Laura boot was a huge deal and would live up to the hype. So if not Laura, then what is so memorable? I didn't do enough thinking outside the box, that with all the signs this would be a big surprise, it might be a genuine surprise boot.

Re the HII, I was led astray by missyae's information that the idol would not come into play in any big way this season, that it would be a throwaway. However, missyae also said that info on Ep 9 was being withheld, so I should have been more open to Russell finding an idol. I saw he was looking, as did others.

Note: CBS usually hypes idol play, but this time they were quiet because this was their big surprise episode. Let's remember they are capable of staying mum.

Kelly was featured as the only one shown on the reward. I think most of us figured she had won or was taken in a small group, although the idea of larger teams had been floated.

However, having no caps of the reward, it was not for sure there was one or whether it would be teams. I thought there most likely was a second challenge. I should have remembered that black and white challenge that was shown in TV Guide, which was never used, might be in the pipeline for a team challenge, as it got bumped from the tribal competitions.

The Press photos showed us a team reward with colored headbands. Next possible thought, if it's a 5 person reward, why the focus on Kelly? Could have been a clue.

My conclusion, had I been stretching my thinking a bit more, could have gotten closer to the outcome, I wish I'd been awake when those Press Photos came out. I really tanked on the Fantasy game this week!

My apologies to anyone who didn't put Laura on a team because she was the boot pick. I couldn't believe how many times Jeff said her name. Ouch. (I didn't have her either.)

Any other thoughts on how we could have collectively nailed this one?

PS. Just a thought, and not a criticism, but in the future, if we have late-breaking info like those Press Photos, could we be careful to post them at the bottom of the vid cap topic? These went in way up high in a long topic, and easy to miss.

In fact, they had so much new information, I think they have warranted a new topic so that everyone would take note. Just a thought for if that situation happens again.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-14-09, 00:13 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Hi OFG, good idea to debrief and reflect on what we could do better. Here are a couple thoughts on lessons learned:

#1) Don't put too much stock in Missyae's misc. tidbits (i.e. the HII doesn't come into play). We've seen some things (like the Jaison pre-merge boot) change, and this is not a reflection on Missyae, but no spoiler is infallible. Things can obviously get lost in the translation when it comes to spoiling tips...and perhaps her source only meant that the FIRST HII doesn't come into play. Little did we know there'd be a 2nd and a 3rd and maybe even a 4th HII!

#2) Logic doesn't always dictate boot picks. If you're going after Laura and the girls alliance, it would have made a lot more sense to go after Monica last night. And logically speaking, it would have also made more sense for FF to go after one of the Galu guys who is a big physical threat. But who could have guessed that Russell would ever in a million years defer to a whim comment by Shambo and go with Kelly? I guess the lesson learned is that with Shambo and RussHell making decisions, expected the unexpected .

#3) This still remains to be seen, but I'm beginning to think that Shambo is not entirely as dim as she seems. I'm wondering if getting rid of Kelly vs. Monica was a smart move on her part, because Brett will no longer have his main ally/honeybun. It came out in some of the post-game interviews that Brett and Shambo are tight, so it'll be interesting to see if now that Kelly is gone, will Brett flip?

#4) Editing rules don't always apply. "Kelly who?" seems to be the question of the day in all Kelly's post-game interviews, and the reason is that Kelly never got her editing uptick before the boot or any really sense of story closure. It certainly fooled me.

Bottom line, CBS purposely held back this week and didn't give us much to work with because they wanted it to be a huge surpise. But even if we had the press photos a day earlier, I'm not sure we would have picked Kelly as the alternative boot. Let's face it, it was a very strong possiblity that Laura was winning immunity and Russell was finding the HII based alone on the vidcaps we were given....we just never thought beyond Monica as the alt boot.

Personally, I kinda like the fact that this season isn't 100% spoiled. And I definitely like the fact that CBS still has the capability of surprising us, because frankly I was getting bored with this season up until the last 2 episodes. So I'm not too upset about what happened last night...but then again I'm not in Fantasy Survivor .


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-14-09, 00:29 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
What squid said . And OFG I too was thinking today what clues we missed and then you posted your post-mortem. Its always fun to go back and see where we went wrong, but we got so little information this week and some really late information, that it was a real crap-shoot this week. The picture of Kelly on reward was one clue along with getting the correct interpretation of what "memorable" meant at tribal council. I guess we should've also assumed that Russhell would find another HII. But then again, everyone has 20-20 hindsight!

It was a thoroughly enjoyable episode and I'm glad misssy's source and CBS kept their mouths shut for once!


Karchita 4483 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-14-09, 01:18 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
I guess we should've also assumed that Russhell would find another HII. But then again, everyone has 20-20 hindsight!

Yeah, well, so should have Galu.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-14-09, 00:34 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-09 AT 00:41 AM (EST)

Just a thought, and not a criticism, but in the future, if we have late-breaking info like those Press Photos, could we be careful to post them at the bottom of the vid cap topic? These went in way up high in a long topic, and easy to miss.

Just noticed your P.S., OFG. As you know, this was my "bad," but it was an honest mistake because I was in a hurry. I don't really think it was necessary to call it out, or perhaps you could have PM'd me (as others have been kind enough to do since I'm a newbie and sometimes make mistakes). At any rate, it's not like it's a recurring pattern or something intentional that was going to happen again.

As I mentioned in my post, I was taking my son to soccer and noticed on my iPhone that the press photos were finally up. So I turned the car around to come home and hurry up and post the link for everyone, since I knew it was signficant. I thought I replied to the first post so it would have been on the bottom, but evidently didn't and it got buried. I didn't even realize it until just now tonight.

Anyway, I'm sorry, but honestly, others could have been on the lookout for the press photos given the situation with CBS holding back this week. I feel a bit weird for having to apologize for this, esp. since I'm the only one who even noticed the press photos and took the time to post them before the episode aired. Sure, I'll be more careful in the future OFG, but at this point my enthusiasm for this board has kinda been squashed. Maybe it's just late and I'm being overly sensitive and cranky (which is entirely possible), but right now I can relate to what other newbies have been saying.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-14-09, 00:58 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Aw, Squid. You don't have to apologize. It was I who posted the photos after I followed your link, and since it was twenty minutes to showtime and I was rushed to put up 33 photos, I didn't think to start a new topic or reply to the bottom. It happens.

A few weeks ago, I posted the vidcap thread and the next week, someone, can't remember who and it doesn't matter, started the thread and said that the vidcap thread the previous week was too slow because the photos were posted in the top post (by moi). The suggestion was to post the pics in the first reply post. (Actually, I think the problem was with Fever's server because it appears to be fixed now.)

I have to admit I kind of *blushed* and maybe felt a tad slighted, but it's important to post suggestions and changes in the forum so that we can all follow them. It's been said before and I'll say it again -- this is a collaberative effort. We succeed together and screw up together.

(IMO, the problem with the press photos was their late release. I blame CBS. )


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-14-09, 01:14 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
truly sorry guys, my intent was not at all to blame anyone, but to make a helpful suggestion for the future. i.e., if we get late breaking news, why don't we try headlining it.

There is no blame whatsoever for this week. CBS put the stuff out late so that we would be fooled.

If anyone holds blame this last week, it's ME, for not getting a SOTS done in time. If I hadn't stayed up all night trying to make up for my failure, no doubt I would have been awake when the press photos came out, and found them myself, so please don't think I'm snapping at anyone.

I always try NOT to PM people with any kind of correction. To me it feels worse to open a PM and find a nag. In this case, no personal correction was intended, but if I can felt that way, I would not have PM'd.

I keep my suggestions out in the forum for all to see and it is always my hope they'll be seen as constructive, for group benefit.


SquidProQuo 2526 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

11-14-09, 01:14 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
No worries, it's not a big deal and I probably should have just let it pass and not even commented. 99.9% of the time, everyone here is so nice and welcoming.

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-14-09, 00:40 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Agreed on all fronts ...
those who play Fantasy Survivor get kind of obsessive. I actually won that game in the China season. A last minute good score. Not going to happen again, but I keep playing.

As soon as Shambo said Kelly, I thought of the Kelly Brett duo. I had noted them walking into tribal together, and cuddling together in the shelter. Then of course Russell S said to watch out for them.

It was a smart suggestion by Shambo. Taking out Kelly makes Brett a free agent, as you said. Removes Brett's connection to the female alliance. Leaves the female alliance as a two person deal, with one weak player. Well done, Shambo.

While there was no story arc for Kelly, there is a precedent for that once a season boot where they trick everyone by booting someone with no arc. They did it to Zoe in Marquesas and Erin in Thailand. It just came out of nowhere, because both had hardly any speaking lines all season. Zoe was, I think, an Ep 9 boot, second juror, just like Kelly. Erin was Ep 8. A merge was expected, and she was not a merge boot candidate ... but there was no merge.

I'm sure there have been others that I'm not recalling right now.

So I could have asked myself, who would be a really big shock, and I would have said Kelly or Brett, or maybe Dave, because there's no arc.


Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-14-09, 08:39 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Great job OFG, as always! Nobody saw the Kelly boot. And in my opinion that was the BEST blindside ever! Loved the look on Dave and Laura's faces at TC. It was priceless!

If we are talking hindsight, I have to add a couple of things. When Jiffy talked about the Eric boot, he gave the credit to Natalie and referred to it as Natalie's plan. Was she really the mastermind of this?

I couldn't help but also notice that he referred to the remaining FoaFoas as the "FoaFoa Four" -- flashing me back to the "Aitu Four." Could it be that the FoaFoas will make it to F4 intact? That would be incredulous! I also think Natalie may well end up F2 or even be our winner!

Just sayin' ...

P.S. It's nice to see Squid progressing nicely as a spoiler, too!


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-15-09, 07:34 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
Great to see you, Scarlett!

Yes, the Natalie edit has gone from zero to a hundred! It was Jaison who rebelled against Erik and decided the Foa Foa should vote for him, and he got zero credit.

Great point about shades of the Aitu Four. TDT thinks a Galu will sneak into the F4 spot, but still, that could well be due to immunity.

>>>It's nice to see Squid progressing nicely as a spoiler, too!



Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-16-09, 11:47 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Ep 9 State of the Spoiling: "Tastes Like Chicken""
in the future, if we have late-breaking info like those Press Photos, could we be careful to post them at the bottom of the vid cap topic? These went in way up high in a long topic, and easy to miss.

Actually, in the past it was our practice that once the SOTS came out, late breaking news would go in the SOTS thread. The idea being that the SOTS had already collected the details from the other threads and the SOTS is now what people are mostly relying on for info.

If someone wants to post late-breaking vidcaps in the vidcap thread that's fine but then perhaps also make a post in the SOTS with a link.

A tribe glows in Brooklyn



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