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"S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
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Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-17-08, 06:23 AM (EST)
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"S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
He’s A Snake, But He’s My Snake

Clue 1: One tribe makes a lucky catch that results in an exotic feast.

Clue 2: One castaway’s guilt drives her to tears on her stay at Exile.

Clue 3: In the wake of a tough loss, one castaway’s emotional outburst causes her to become a target.

Clue 4: One castaway’s large appetite has his tribe on edge as the camp’s rations begin to dwindle.

Clue 5: The hidden immunity idol changes possession, rousing suspicion for one castaway.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Scarlett O Hara 10-17-08 1
 RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Bebo 10-17-08 2
 RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Flowerpower 10-17-08 3
   RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues michel 10-17-08 7
       RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Flowerpower 10-18-08 11
           RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues vince3 10-18-08 12
           RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues emydi 10-18-08 13
           RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues michel 10-18-08 14
               RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Flowerpower 10-18-08 15
 RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Loree 10-17-08 4
   RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Bebo 10-17-08 5
       RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues emydi 10-17-08 6
           RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues michel 10-17-08 8
               RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues emydi 10-17-08 10
       RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues suzzee 10-17-08 9
   clue 3 - the emotional outburst b1whois 10-20-08 17
       RE: clue 3 - the emotional outburst emydi 10-20-08 18
 RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Flowerpower 10-19-08 16
   RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues michel 10-20-08 20
       RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Flowerpower 10-21-08 21
 CBS Press Release CTgirl 10-20-08 19
   RE: CBS Press Release Flowerpower 10-21-08 22
       RE: CBS Press Release CTgirl 10-21-08 23
 RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Flowerpower 10-21-08 24
   RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues emydi 10-21-08 25
       RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Bebo 10-21-08 26
           RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Flowerpower 10-21-08 27
               RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Brownroach 10-21-08 28
                   RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Bebo 10-21-08 29
                       RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Brownroach 10-21-08 30
                           RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues dabo 10-21-08 31
 What we know: michel 10-21-08 32
   RE: What we know: Georjanna 10-21-08 33
   RE: What we know: Scarlett O Hara 10-21-08 34
   RE: What we know: Flowerpower 10-22-08 35
       RE: What we know: Brownroach 10-22-08 36
   RE: What we know: Max Headroom 10-22-08 37
       RE: What we know: vince3 10-22-08 38
 RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues Outfrontgirl 10-24-08 39

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Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-17-08, 06:30 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
LAST EDITED ON 10-17-08 AT 07:10 AM (EST)

... and I'm back to try my hand at figuring these clues out. Although, I'm not very good at this, I'll give it a try:

Clue 1: One tribe makes a lucky catch that results in an exotic feast.

I'm guessing that this is over at Camp Kota, as they have nets and fishing equipment. Perhaps they catch something bigger than a fish? Maybe a wild boar?

Clue 2: One castaway’s guilt drives her to tears on her stay at Exile.

Who would feel guilty? Crystal perhaps, for sneaking into Sugar's bag? Is Sugar guilty about living high on the hog over at the Sugar Shack on Exile Island while her campmates are starving?

Clue 3: In the wake of a tough loss, one castaway’s emotional outburst causes her to become a target.

Hmmm, if it is over at Fang, could it be Crystal or Kelly -- showing their frustration over constantly losing challenges? It would NOT be the girl that gets sent to Exile, as she would be away, unless this comes after an Immunity Challenge loss. My guess is Crystal who is very competitive and was more than happy to vote out the loser, GC last week.

Clue 4: One castaway’s large appetite has his tribe on edge as the camp’s rations begin to dwindle.

I'm going with Ace for this clue. Perhaps that is how he becomes the Fang "target."

Clue 5: The hidden immunity idol changes possession, rousing suspicion for one castaway.

Sugar gives her HII to Ace and proclaims "He may be a snake, but he's my snake!" Fang loses the IC once again and targets Ace. Matty has made a deal with the devil and warns Ace. Crystal, Ken and Kelly vote Ace. Ace plays the idol. Ace, Sugar and Matty vote Crystal?


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-08, 06:37 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
* hangs head * Should have followed OFG2 last episode. Let's try it here:

Clue 1: One tribe makes a lucky catch that results
in an exotic feast.

Could be our Kota love clue. We saw them catching a shocking little fish last week, and this would follow the theme.

Clue 2: One castaway’s guilt drives her to tears on her stay at Exile.

Sugar, of course. Feeling guilty that her snake Ace is vulnerable while she is not.

Clue 3: In the wake of a tough loss, one castaway’s emotional outburst causes her to become a target.

Given the previews and these clues, I'm thinking we're getting another Fang loss. Crystal would have an outburst.

Would a Kota woman have an emotional outburst? Susee is already a target, and even if Corinne went off on people, she's in the majority alliance, and unlike Fang, they're not stupid.

Clue 4: One castaway’s large appetite has his tribe on edge as the camp’s rations begin to dwindle.

I'm thinking Ace. Kota has plenty of food, so it's not them. They could decide to target him since they're hungry and he's a hog. It's almost as, ahem, logical as their other boot choices in this game.

Clue 5: The hidden immunity idol changes possession, rousing suspicion for one castaway.

The preview showed Ace trying to get Sugar to give him the idol. Looks like he was successful. The suspicion could be on Matty that he snitched to Ace and Sugar that Ace was the target, not Sugar.

So, which is the boot story? The two most likely suspects to me are Ace and Crystal. Were the Ace-dominant previews showing the truth or misdirection? And with him having the Idol, how do they get him?

I'm trying to figure out which is the more likely scenario at this point:
- They somehow manage to outwit Ace and take him out, even with the Idol. (I promise, I was laughing as I wrote 'outwit').
- Ace plays the Idol and gets Crystal out of the game.
- Ace gets overconfident, doesn't play the Idol and ends up in a 3-3 tie with Crystal.
- Ace gets overconfident, doesn't play the Idol and ends up out on a 4-2 vote over Crystal.

I'll be checking out the vidcaps over the course of the weekend to see which way I sway.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-08, 06:46 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
LAST EDITED ON 10-17-08 AT 01:08 PM (EST)

1: One tribe makes a lucky catch that results in an exotic feast.

If the clues are sequential as OFG2 theorizes, than this clue is in regard something that occurs earlier in the show. The lucky catch could really apply to either tribe, but with the fishing equipment it more than likely is a Kota clue. I would logically guess that Kota has the exotic feast....could this clue have been a week late? You could almost argue that this clue applied to the electric fish dinner from last night at Kota! Who knows, perhaps the RC is a fishing contest of some sort?

2: One castaway’s guilt drives her to tears on her stay at Exile. Wow, sounds like they could send SUGAR back to EI AGAIN! She is the weeper, and she is living high on the hog while everyone around her is starving. Also, this let's us know that Kota indeed wins the RC? This is a Fang clue.

3: In the wake of a tough loss, one castaway’s emotional outburst causes her to become a target. This could either apply to post RC or IC. But, if OFG2 holds this clue most likely refers to the post IC. I think this could apply to Cyrstal. This clue, imo, is one that could refer to the boot story, or it could be a red herring. From clue 5, we know Fang loses the IC. So this can only refer to Cyrstal or to Sugar, I don't see Kelly crying over a loss. It could be Sugar, but I don't think she would be giving up her II to Ace if she caught wind that she could be a target. And, with double agent Matty on hand, I think it would get back to her if she were a target. To me, this is most likely our boot...Cyrstal. It appears that Ace and his supremacy will indeed take over at Fang, thank GAWD! This is a Fang.

4: One castaway’s large appetite has his tribe on edge as the camp’s rations begin to dwindle. This most likely refers to Kota, because their rations have not been dwindling up to now. Fang's rations have been dwindling for days, and they all argue over that. Dwindling rations are nothing new at Fang. But, at Kota, they are....I think this could be one of the nuKotas. I doubt that it would be Randy, as he is very aware of what others are eating, in fact it is most likely him that is complaining. It could be Dan or Suzy. It could also be Marcus an oldKota, as we saw he has a hearty appetite. This is an insignificant clue to the boot this week, imo.

5: The hidden immunity idol changes possession, rousing suspicion for one castaway. This tells me since Sugar had the II, she is now giving it to someone else to try and protect him(Ace), Ace is the only one, imo, that she would indeed give it to. Therefore, we now KNOW that Fang will be going to TC. Why would Sugar need to give it to someone for protection if they were not going to TC? Fang loses the IC...again. Ace will try to be the target this week and be really obnoxious, perhaps! This will be a fun episode!


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-08, 03:51 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
LAST EDITED ON 10-17-08 AT 03:52 PM (EST)

Nice analysis, FP. Having looked at the vidcaps before the clues, I thought Ace was going home this week but that Idol pass makes it tough.
Crystal, Hummm? Would Matty give OldKota the numbers advantage? I see him siding with Ace if Kelly is the target. I see him siding with Ace only to blindside him. I'm having trouble seeing Matty willingly go down to: Ace, Sugar, Kelly, Ken and himself.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-08, 08:03 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
LAST EDITED ON 10-18-08 AT 08:44 AM (EST)

hiya michel! Here's my take...first we have Jacquie's post ouster interview c/o Estee's thread...

Reality TV World: Were you surprised that Matty Whitmore came up to you and told you that the original Fang members were going to vote you out?

Jacque: Well, yeah because before that he was worried he was getting voted out. He was actually not in an alliance with Danny "G.C." Brown, Crystal Cox, or Kenny, so he was trying to save himself and Ace.

Me, him and Ace wanted to start our own alliance but we needed one more person. So we thought that was going to be Kenny. As soon as Kenny changed his mind then I think that's when Matty changed his mind too.

This gives us some insight into Matty and his position. Clearly, Matty was aligned with Dan, Susie, and Randy. When the swap occured he was totally on his own. The old Fang had the numbers however on nuFang, so he felt that he was number four in the Cyrstal, Kenny, GC alliance. Additionally while he does not favor the old Fangs, he probably thought he would be the last one in an old Kota alliance on nuFang as well. Remember, in his mind, he probably just wants to make it to merge anyway he can to be reunited with his original alliance of Randy, Dan, Susie. So, while exploring options with both alliances on nuFang, he has to side with the majority or else threaten his own longevity.

Now, however, GC is gone and that leaves just Cyrstal, Kenny, and Kelly. It's now three on three. He knows that Sugar (and Ace) have the idol. He wants to be with them over the original Fang's anyway. I think he'll indeed gamble with Ace/Sugar because they have the idol....they have what he considers to be the power. If they can indeed get one of Cyrstal, Kenny, Kelly out, they will control the fate of the tribe to the merge, where he can have OPTIONS to end game.

It makes sense to me for Matty to go with Ace. I have seen it all along that he doesn't like Cyrstal, Kenny, and company. I think they target Cyrstal because they view her as the biggest threat. She is controling the vote, and she is the biggest physical threat, barring her poor water performances, they are probably still better then Ken or Kelly.

So, we know that the idol changes possesion to Ace. So that leaves Crystal, Sugar, and Kelly the most vulnerable. If they can convince the old Fangs to throw votes to Ace, this is where Matty comes in, then they (Ace/Sugar/Matty) can indeed vote out the old Fang + Kelly of their choosing.

ETA: I see him siding with Ace if Kelly is the target. I see him siding with Ace only to blindside him. I'm having trouble seeing Matty willingly go down to: Ace, Sugar, Kelly, Ken and himself.

Here is where I really differ from you. I see Matty as seeing Ace as their only salvation, a strong, seemingly rational competitor compared to the incompetents over in the Cyrstal/Ken/Kelly camp. I see Matty as wanting to compete but not be the prominent leader type. Ace could be viewed as his shield, so to speak.


vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-08, 08:30 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
Which then could be Kelly if she starts the "open mouth, insert foot" stuff again.........

emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-08, 12:00 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
I agree FP. Matty will go with Ace and Sugar but I think Ace may go back on HIS word to Matty closer to merge. Kenny will actually get the benefit of this alliance bc Ace won't feel threatened by Kenny to win IIs like he would Matty

It could be Kelly but I think an outburst is more in line with Crystal's personality, Kelly would be a whiner, she's not an "outbursty" kinda person doncha know


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-08, 12:27 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
Like I said, FP, I don't disagree with you, I'm just hesitating at the thought of Matty making that big a move. You say he simply wants to make the merge to join Randy, Susie and Dan; he already has that if he votes out Ace, Sugar and Kelly. You say he wants someone to be the leader; he already has that with Crystal.

Also, he'd have to consider that making the merge with Ace and Sugar would give the original Kotas the numbers over Matty's alliance.

If he boots Crystal, he has to be sure that Ace, Sugar and Kelly don't unite and continue voting out the Fang threats of which he'd suddenly be #1.

You write:
"So, we know that the idol changes possesion to Ace. So that leaves Crystal, Sugar, and Kelly the most vulnerable."

Micronesia and China told us to include the player with the idol in the camp of the vulnerable players. Also, we hear that the idol changes hands but we have no hype that it has an "impact like never before at TC"!!

Crystal, Kelly, Ace or Sugar? All that I'm saying is that I'll need more information before making my voting decision!!


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-18-08, 01:38 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
Crystal, Kelly, Ace or Sugar? All that I'm saying is that I'll need more information before making my voting decision!! are very wise, michel, that's why you are right far more than me! But, definately our speculation after the first round of vidcaps can change considerably with the next round!


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-08, 09:00 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
>Clue 1: One tribe makes
>a lucky catch that results
>in an exotic feast.

I assume this is Kota. Either they catch a huge fish or it means they catch something in the RC that gives them a feast as the win.

>Clue 2: One castaway’s guilt
>drives her to tears on
>her stay at Exile.

Sugar. Jeff said she cries all the time. And she might be feeling guilty for eating at Exile while her tribe is starving.

>Clue 3: In the wake
>of a tough loss, one
>castaway’s emotional outburst causes her
>to become a target.

Crystal comes to mind since she seems the most likely of the remaining females to have an outburst.

>Clue 4: One castaway’s large
>appetite has his tribe on
>edge as the camp’s rations
>begin to dwindle.

My first thought was Ace. Ace and Sugar could make a decision to use the HI to get rid of Crystal who is having outbursts. Matty agrees to vote with them and convince the others to vote for Ace since Sugar has the HI. But Matty, Ace and Sugar know that Sugar has given the HI to Ace. So their target (Crystal?) goes home instead. Ace eats alot to put the target on his back to help their plan.

If this is Kota I would guess Dan. The Insider makes it obvious that Charlie just hates Dan. And Dan made his little speech this week that seemed to upset Marcus. So Dan seems to have a target on his back over at Kota.

>Clue 5: The hidden immunity
>idol changes possession, rousing suspicion
>for one castaway.

Sugar gives the HI to Ace.


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-08, 09:12 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
The Insider makes it obvious that Charlie just hates Dan. And Dan made his little speech this week that seemed to upset Marcus. So Dan seems to have a target on his back over at Kota.

The previous episode, we were shown that original Kota wants to stick together, and they're trying to figure out what order to pick off the nuKota. We were shown the logic behind Susee and Randy's vulnerability, and were shown how they were trying to redeem themselves through Susee's work at the camp and Randy's challenge performances.

This episode, we were again shown a contract in nuKota styles, this time between Dan and Randy. Dan is trying to convince Kota how loyal he is to the Kota tribe to buy time, but unlike the other two, he's just talking about what he can offer the tribe. Since Marcus has already taken the leadership role, Dan is expendable - Dan's motivational approach is more off-putting than unifying. Randy declares his Kota loyalty in a private confessional and uses his actions during challenges to demonstrate why he should not be targeted.

Since an original Fang went home this time instead of a nuFang, original Kota now has a numerical advantage in the game. They're not going to TC yet, but we're still being given the setup for the demise of the nuKota tribemates, as well as the reasoning on why narrator Randy might just stick around for awhile.


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-08, 10:02 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
I agree Bebo. I kept yelling for Dan to SHUT UP! But he is a Thong member originally so he is stupid.

Randy's stock has gone way up. I think he makes the merge but then he gets a shock as OldKotex finds him expendable after they get Matty (if he's still there).

Also from last ep. and Jiffy's blog about Kenny and then a bit from yesterday (see my animal imagery post that I will do over the weekend), I think Kenny will be the last pure Thong in the game and may slip though the cracks.

What I'm thinking is with 13 left it might go something like this, I think NuThong goes this week and then depending on 12/11 wins then (this is very loose bc we don't know the impact of add'l HIs)

13. Crystal after Ace plays Sugarshack's HI

12. Susie if Kotex
Kelly if Uthong

11. Susie or more likely Dan if Kotex because it's so close to
presumed merge

Kelly or more likely Matty I could very easily see Ace
turn on new alliance mate Matty this close to presumed
merge esp. if Kelly is already gone. Kenny is smart enough
to go along to save himself

10. Dan/Matty (merge?) whoever is still left I think one of
them will be premerge boot

9. Susie/Kelly the one who is still left

8. Randy *seems more strong than Kenny

7. Ace (although I wouldn't be shocked if he won some IIs and made it further)

6. Sugar

5. Kenny/Bob

4. Bob/Kenny

3. Corrine

2. Charlie

1. Marcus


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-08, 04:02 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
Emy, I'll be looking forward to your animal imagery post.
Maybe I can tease you also: I know it seems like a slamdunk that Marcus wins but... I have to watch the episode again and see if there really is something to what is just an impression right now.

emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-08, 07:37 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
LAST EDITED ON 10-17-08 AT 07:37 PM (EST)

I'm not sure it's a Marcus win either. I do think those will be the F3 though at least right now. I'm curious as to what your impression is.

Well VS had asked me to post again, I had been planning on it anyway (it takes me some time to get into it)and the elephant thing was too big not to post about


suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-08, 06:23 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
Randy also passed up the banana treat while he went swimming. He is subtle in his actions and by letting the tribe have his share he makes them feel taken care of. Not a big incident but it was shown and it gives further insight to Randy's game play. Even when his crumungen personality "I hate you all" comes out, he is still a bit endearing like a grouchy favorite uncle that slips the kids money for ice cream.

He was very instrumental in the Kota wins yet he's not thought of as a physical threat. He seems to have a very light touch with people despite his gruffness. If he keeps it up he could be around for a long time.

Dan on the other hand, even according to Jeff's pre-season assessment says "He's earnest, but he is his own worst enemy. He means well and does not know when to shut up." He's on Marcus's radar. Kota only needs one leader and it's not going to be Dan if Marcus has his way.

Certifiable Guest at Tribe’s Lodge


b1whois 126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-20-08, 03:59 PM (EST)
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17. "clue 3 - the emotional outburst"
i think clue 3 refers to kelly. she is highlighted in the most recent vidcap wherein they say really hard challenges may drive someone to quitting. also, my analysis of the insider clips points to a kelly boot since she was the focus of alot hate, just like GC last week.
clue 4 likely points to dan, since fang's rations can not be the ones that "begin to dwindle". i also think that clue 1 involves the kota tribe since they have the ingredients to make a feast: corn, beans, spices and vegetables. fang only has rice and ginger.
i agree that clue 2 is likely sugar and clue 5 is sugar and ace (duh!)
that gives us 2 kota clues and 3 fang clues. clue 1 cant be the boot story. clues 2, 3, and 4 could contain a boot story for sugar, kelly or dan. clue 5 doesnt seem like it contains a boot story either. since i am developing theories that use the insider clips i am going to say that clue 3 is the boot story and kelly goes home this week.

emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-20-08, 05:15 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: clue 3 - the emotional outburst"
Well in the latest vidcaps in the other thread with the two tribes carryin ghte snake, Kelly sure is front and center, OFG theory 1 and 3 could be Kelly, OFG theory 2, and now we have the new b1 Insider theory...hmmm it may be Kelly

Ok now I have it narrowed down to Crystal, Kelly, Ace or Sugar!

Btw b1 welcome to the boards! I appreciate you posting the insider stuff.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-19-08, 12:50 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
Just thought I'd dig out this pre-game quote from Jiffy and the idols for this season:

"This season, the idols get played in a way they’ve never been played before," he reveals. "It astounded me what happened this time. This has never happened. It's that power of the idol that confuses everybody. Nobody's quite sure how to handle it. It gets to a point where it's almost too much power and it does you in. I find that fascinating. This is the one thing that can keep you safe in the game and yet – if you're not careful – it’s the thing that will get you voted out the fastest.'

Sounding more like Sugar or Ace to me from the likes of this quote...


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-20-08, 08:40 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
Great!!! Now that I'm leaning Kelly or Crystal!

Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 08:15 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
Hey michel...


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-20-08, 08:38 PM (EST)
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19. "CBS Press Release"


In the wake of a tough loss, an emotional outburst causes one castaway to become a target.

Meanwhile, large appetites combined with dwindling rations create an air of resentment at one camp.

I'm getting conflicting ideas from the clues and the vidcaps. OFG theory seems to point to Kelly, but that doesn't make sense with a big HII blunder surrounding Ace and Sugar. Could Sugar be the one that suffers an emotional breakdown and also becomes a target because of the idol, and then makes a blunder? (She's a crier.) Maybe Kelly is misdirection. Sometimes the weekend promo just features a subplot of the week's story. I don't see Kelly having an emotional outburst, but I do see Sugar in that role.

The way the last clue is worded makes me think that it's Fang who is arguing about food, again.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 08:58 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: CBS Press Release"
On one of the promos they have Crystal crying and saying that it's because she's mad at the challenge or whatever....clearly this clue is in reference to Crystal. But, is this clue the boot story?

If it is, she's toast. But, with other vidcaps, we have Biggest Blunder stamped over Sugar as she approaches Ace. Is this just hype? If it is NOT JUST HYPE then Sugar, imo, is going home.

She's been extremely careless with the idol, as Jiffy has noted in his blog. Last week she said something to the effect that she would be stupid to get voted out now...foreshadowing, perhaps? To me there are alot of RED FLAGS surrounding little Sugar...

Additionally, however, we have this pic of ACE:

...with the voiceover stating: Announcer: Is this the biggest blunder in Survivor history? (Over Sugar as she approaches Ace)

Ace <talking to Sugar>: Trust me. (As his picture is as above)

After much thought regarding this, I don't think that this will be the demise of Ace. However, I do think that the idol will be out of play after this TC, therefore leaving Sugar vulnerable either now or later, thus leading to a big blunder for her.

Kenny, I believe, was part of the Ace plan. Sugar was directed to leak the info to him. He will decide the boot this week, not Ace, in how he reacts to this information. I do believe that Kenny will direct the votes to Sugar, while in all probability Ace/Sugar/Matty will direct it at Crystal or Kelly. If it is decided by the remaining four...Ace, Matty, Kenny, and Cyrstal/Kelly, how would they vote, would anyone change? Matty, is really in the swing position, having been an original Fang, and now with a new pact with Ace. He could swing, feeling if somehow it ended up being Sugar, he would again be on top of the boot choice list by former Fang members, majority? Therefore, perhaps with the tie, he reverts back and sticks with the old Fangs...I realize I am not posting anything new here...

From the first promo, I would have gone with Crystal or Kelly as the boot choice, but with the second promo it seems as if it's pointing to Sugar. If the biggest blunder is just "hype" then I would bet Crystal is still in trouble. Very perplexing week, but one that promises some intrigue!


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 09:06 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: CBS Press Release"
*slaps head* I totally forgot about the vidcaps with Crystal when I posted that last night (tired much?!).

The dynamics at Fang sure are in flux. It is a perplexing week but that should make Thursday's show fun to watch and see where the pieces fall.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 09:09 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
Here's another clue:

Voiceover states: Thursday on Survivor, could two of the most difficult challenges ever cause someone to quit?

With Kelly clearly being all over this promo, could she talk about quitting?

Boy, CBS is really throwing in multiple choices this week, 2 are red herrings...


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 09:23 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
LAST EDITED ON 10-21-08 AT 09:24 AM (EST)

Yes I am starting to more heavily lean towards Kelly

Clue 1: One tribe makes a lucky catch that results in an exotic feast.

This is a throwaway clue, probably Bob on Kotex

Clue 2: One castaway’s guilt drives her to tears on her stay at Exile.

This is Sugar. Dan told us it's Sugar to EI.

Clue 3: In the wake of a tough loss, one castaway’s emotional outburst causes her to become a target.

I still think this might be Crystal (if it is it's misdirection I think). But it very well may be Kelly, she's focused on in the vidcaps.

Clue 4: One castaway’s large appetite has his tribe on edge as the camp’s rations begin to dwindle.

Ace? this is misdirection.

Clue 5: The hidden immunity idol changes possession, rousing suspicion for one castaway

This is Kenny. FP I too think he will control the vote this week and starts his "playa" reign.

Thursday on Survivor, could two of the most difficult challenges ever cause someone to quit?

This would not be Crystal we heard her confessional last week about GC. She won't even think about quitting. Has to be Kelly


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 10:29 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
While I'm leaning more toward Sugar. Clue #2 could be the boot story clue. Clue #3? Misdirection - usually when we're told someone is becoming a target, they don't get targeted right away. Clue #5 - suspicion is roused. Ken could realize that this is the week to flush out the Idol, since he's not a boot target - Kelly or Crystal would be far more obvious targets from his alliance.

Jiffy's pre-game story talks about how naive she is. During her EI stays, it's been emphasized how she hasn't been able to develop the relationships in the game. And we've been told she gives away the Idol. We've also been told that the idols come into play differently than they have in the past. In the past we've had a shared idol given to the wrong person (Alex/Ed), yet here we'd have a person giving the idol away and getting ousted herself.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 11:04 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
LAST EDITED ON 10-21-08 AT 11:04 AM (EST)

Clue #3? Misdirection - usually when we're told someone is becoming a target, they don't get targeted right away.

This may be true but last week the clue was will extreme hunger and homesickness put one's entire alliance in jeopardy?

This week we have a clue that comments on one's emotional outburst, which all things considered seems to point at Crystal at this point, but could this possibly be applied to Kelly as well?

Regarding the "someone" who may quit, see what michel surmised

Another possible scenario could be that "biggest blunder" for Sugar may not apply to her boot, but to the fact that she threw her idol, protection, away by giving it to Ace. He may use it and then she is vulnerable. We don't even know for sure if when she confides that "I gave the idol to Ace", that Kenny is even there, you never see the two of them in the same frame, and then we hear Kenny saying, "What"???. Regardless, these morons didn't flush out the idle last week, what makes us think that they will try and do it this week....Ace baiting them, perhaps. But, will they indeed do it? If not, who are they likely to target? Kelly, imo....

more food for thought


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 11:30 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
It looks like they are confronted with the same choice this week as last week -- vote out someone who apparently wants to quit, or try to do something about the idol.

I'm more inclined to think they'll go after the idol this time. I can't see the promos playing up Sugar's passing the idol to Ace and labelling Sugar's (or Ace's) actions a "blunder" if all their subterfuge ultimately has no bearing on what happens at TC.

Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 11:37 AM (EST)
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29. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
It also makes sense that we were shown all of Ace's bravado in the previews. It's misdirection to make people think he goes, yet it's also showing that he isn't in control as much as he would think, if his biggest ally is taken out.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 12:54 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
FloPo also has a good point that we don't know for sure that Sugar actually tells Ken she gave Ace the idol, since it's just a voiceover that could have been superimposed from somewhere else. But obviously Ken finds out about it. Maybe Ken wasn't supposed to know. I, for one, can't figure out what kind of plan would involve her giving Ken information.

Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 01:11 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
On the other hand, if everyone knows she has/had the HII, telling one person she gave it to Ace could amount to telling everyone.

michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-08, 07:15 PM (EST)
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32. "What we know:"
1 - Fang goes to TC
2 - Matty and Ken are safe and their stories have legs.
3 - Crystal, Kelly, Sugar and Ace are all over the previews.
4 - Crystal cries after a challenge loss.
5 - Sugar gives her idol and probably tells Ken
6 - Ace wants Sugar to trust him.
7 - Fang insisted that last week was their only chance to blindside Sugar
8 - Matty and Ace are making a pact
9- Sugar wanted to be sure Ace hadn't told anyone.
10- GC wanted to quit because he didn't want to vote for someone he had promised he wouldn't vote against.
11 - Kelly is useless.

What we can guess:

- From 6 and 9: The idea to tell Ken isn't Sugar's but Ace's.
- From 8 and 10: Matty and Ace's pact could have already been in effect last week and they wanted Crystal gone. Matty approached GC who refused the offer and said he wanted to go instead of betraying Crystal.

The case for Ace being the boot: With the idol in his pocket, Ace would feel very confident and it could be too much for Matty who reassures him that Crystal is going but blinsides him instead. With Ace getting the idol from Sugar and THEN not playing it would be the biggest blunder ever.

The case against it: Ace's story has legs and Corinne's words of "We can't have Ace make the merge" would be meaningless if Fang got rid of him. Jeff words: "Kota will have to figure a way pass Ace" also suggests Ace stays to the merge.

I don't think Ace leaves

The case for Crystal being the boot: If Matty and Ace had talked about voting her out last week, they would have no problem doing it this week. Ken was closer to GC than Crystal so he could have found her annoying also. Telling Ken about the idol could be part of the recruitment job.

The case against it: What about the biggest blunder? Is it only a smoke screen? Also, when the "celebrity" leaves (Gary, Dan, Ashley etc...) the previews are all about that person.

It could be Crystal but I doubt it

The case for Sugar leaving: I could see Ace's plan being to get possesion of the idol while letting Sugar go. He could lead her on by saying: "Trust me, if you tell Ken that you gave me the idol, they will be so confused that they won't dare vote for either one of us". She believes him but Ken turns the votes on her.

The case against Sugar leaving is hard to make but I'll try to explain: Survivor rarely portrays a player as a sweetheart. We've had Colleen, Lis, Palau Stephenie and that's about it. All 3 sweethearts' elimination happened when the eventual winner had to let them go. Here, Sugar would not only be a sweetheart but also a "Victim": A player that was unfairly treated. Consider Matty who has been portrayed as "The Good Guy". He'd need to be in on Sugar's demise so, since we see him making a pact with Ace, his story would go straight down the toilet. Less contourted: Giving Ace the idol and being voted out would be a big blunder but not the biggest because it would be just like Eric

I'd like to see Sugar stay but I'm not sure

The case for Kelly being the boot: She's Kelly. Also, Matty may demand that Ace prove himself by voting an OldKota first.

The case against it... Someone, anyone have an idea? The biggest blunder? No. If Kelly is part of the boot discussion they need a BIG smoke screen to mis-direct us!

Kelly goes... I hope


Georjanna 1316 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

10-21-08, 07:28 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: What we know:"
The case for Kelly being the boot: She's Kelly. Also, Matty may demand that Ace prove himself by voting an OldKota first.

I would add Ace's vendetta against the woman who voted (with Paloma) against him. I don't think anyone would have to waste a great deal of time persuading Ace to participate in Kelly's ouster.


Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-21-08, 08:57 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: What we know:"
Well michel, we also know that Fang loses both the RC and the IC and that after one of those challenges, Crystal will have a meltdown.

I'm working on the SOTS for tomorrow, so I don't want to give away too much. I see it as another toss of the coin --

Ace's plan works = Kelly boot (he's had it out for her since their days together at Kota)

Ace's plan fails = Sugar boot (all of this talk of "trust me", "I'll reign supreme" tells me that most likely it is going to be Ace and Sugar who are blindsided at Tribal Council.

Most definitely, Ken will have a hand in the TC outcome -- he is a player!


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-22-08, 09:01 AM (EST)
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35. "RE: What we know:"
The case against Sugar leaving is hard to make but I'll try to explain: Survivor rarely portrays a player as a sweetheart. We've had Colleen, Lis, Palau Stephenie and that's about it. All 3 sweethearts' elimination happened when the eventual winner had to let them go. Here, Sugar would not only be a sweetheart but also a "Victim": A player that was unfairly treated. Consider Matty who has been portrayed as "The Good Guy". He'd need to be in on Sugar's demise so, since we see him making a pact with Ace, his story would go straight down the toilet. Less contourted: Giving Ace the idol and being voted out would be a big blunder but not the biggest because it would be just like Eric

Hiya michel...I agree that Sugar is being given a positive spin. We know that Jeff has hyped the season this year as good vs. evil. We know that clearly Ace is going to be the villain. Sugar represents good...she is someone that has proved there is more to her than meets the eye, thus Jeff likes her. She is not the "dumb blonde pin up girl", but someone that can outfox the educated lawyer...where Dan failed futilily, Sugar succeeded. Everything up to this point has been sugar coated for Sugar. In the challenge where she called the direction to ACE she failed miserably, but she was not chastized for it. The editors seem to want to keep her on the "good" pedastal.

But, is this editing, as Veruca pointed out in the editing thread, just to make whoever gets Sugar out in the end look even worse. In other words, clearly the promos are setting up "the biggest blunder" and they have zoomed in on Ace with his closeup accentuated with the blue negative, so when you see it in real time, it looks like flashing lights when he says, "Trust me".

This is either the biggest red herring Survivor has come up with in the promos, OR, Sugar will be gone tomarrow, and ACE will be the clear and present villain extradinaire.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-22-08, 10:48 AM (EST)
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36. "RE: What we know:"
I would add about Sugar that her story has consisted of going to Exile Island, finding the HII, her partnership with Ace, going back to Exile Island, talking about having found the HII, telling Ace she has the HII, going back to Exile Island again, other people talking about how she is tight with Ace. This week she and Ace discuss the idol, she gives Ace the idol, she tells someone else she gave Ace the idol...

She seems tethered exclusively to this HII and Ace, there have been no other dimensions to her story.

Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008


Max Headroom 10069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-22-08, 10:49 AM (EST)
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37. "RE: What we know:"
While I'm not the Survivor historian that others around here are, let's think about a few recent "big blunders" involving immunity idols.

- Fiji: Alex plays the idol, only to watch alliance-mate Edgardo get booted instead.

- China: James has two Idols in his pocket, doesn't play either of them, and is blindsided and voted off.

- Micronesia: Erik gives up immunity at TC and is immediately voted off, becoming "the dumbest Survivor ever".

So how does this season's "big blunder" compare?

Suppose Sugar gives the idol to Ace, Ace plays the idol fruitlessly, and Sugar gets voted off. I see that as a repeat of the Edgardo boot, where everyone was led to believe one person (Alex) was the target, then the dominant alliance switched to another person in the same alliance and simultaneously flushed out the idol. It was good strategy by an alliance, and not a "big blunder" in my book. It's not a big blindside like the James boot, and it's nowhere near as dumb as Erik's move, since Erik knew everyone was targeting him and still gave up immunity.

However... I do see a "big blunder" if Sugar gives the idol to Ace, Ace keeps the idol and doesn't play it (he's in on the deal), and Sugar gets booted. That would qualify as a "big blunder" by Sugar.

So I think Sugar goes this week.

agman spooked me


vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-22-08, 10:55 AM (EST)
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38. "RE: What we know:"
You forgot the back to back blindsides of Ozzy and Jason......

Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-24-08, 04:55 AM (EST)
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39. "RE: S17 Survivor Wk 5 CBS Clues"
well this was a tough week, congrats michel and everyone who stuck to the clear fact that Kelly is useless and no matter what she is a good boot choice.

All the big blunder stuff WAS hype. Hype week on CBS

The clues weren't sequential; clues 1 and 4 would have to be switched.
But Clue #5 did relate to the tribe going to TC, which is the important element of the sequence.

You could say the boot story was NOT in the clues, but it was, in a way.
In the wake of a tough loss, one castaway’s emotional outburst causes her to become a target.

And the focus of the Press Release.


The boot story is in the lack of sympathy, specifically Kelly's lack of sympathy, Kelly targeting Crystal. If Kelly hadn't had a toxic reaction to this breakdown, I think Crystal would have fought to go against Ace or Surgar. Her instincts were against letting that alliance stand, but when it looked like a tie vote might happen, AND Kelly has done nothing but ##### Crystal off and tell people Crystal wants to quit ... Kelly is an immediate threat to Crystal.

Anyway, the thing to remember about the boot story is that the bootee need only be part of that story, not necessarily the main subject of the clue. Quite often there will be a story where someone becomes vulnerable, as Crystal did, but the energy bounces back on the other person in the conflict, as it did with Kelly.

Had Kelly shut up instead of trying to make Crystal the next GC, they might possibly have forgotten about her.

I also think they wanted to hide this boot and used more misdirection than usual, because it was such an obvious boot, no drama at all about losing Kelly, who was overdue, so the editors had to drum up all sorts of side drama in order to make a boring episode interesting. They succeeded, but they did it by LYING about the biggest blunder. I mean, come on. Jason and Erik are still the blunder champs. Nothing happened here to even slightly change that.
it seems like
when the door is open wide, the walls start closing
in ~ David Baerwald , Why



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