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"State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
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Wallflower66 2446 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-17-07, 01:25 PM (EST)
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"State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-07 AT 07:15 AM (EST)

Episode 6: ”It’s a Turtle?!”

Last week on Survivor, both tribes were sent to Exile Island and told to merge, forming the purple-buffed Bula Bula tribe. They were all then sent to the Moto camp to live, and were shocked and dismayed to find that it was stripped of all luxuries. They were also shocked when, at the immunity challenge, the newly-merged tribe was divided up into two teams. The green team (Boo, Cassandra, Earl, Edgardo, and Yau-Man) barely beat the orange team (Alex, Dre, Michelle, Mookie, and Stacy) for immunity and a reward of steaks and wine. The bubbly, young, puzzle-master Michelle got the boot, after the surprise twist left her competing on a team with no one from her alliance and no chance to strategize before tribal council. To read more about it more in depth, check out Aruba's witty summary.
You can also read Dabo's East Coast Update Thread, in which the members of this board discussed the happenings as the show aired.

If you’d like to delve further into the undercurrents of the game at this point, check out the transcript from the Episode 9 CBS Insider, brought to us by Michel.
Another informative read is the editing analysis thread posted by Veruca Salt, with contributions from other insightful RTVW members.

KOBrien_fan told us the title of episode 6 is "It’s a Turtle?!”.
Since both the hidden immunity idols have been found, and are both turtle necklaces, it is apparent that one of them gets played in this episode.

My flower sistah FlowerPower brought us over the ”viccaps” (a.k.a. vidcaps) for the CBS promos from Survivor Fever.

Chez started a hotly-discussed thread which gives us the clues CBS tosses out to try and confuse us, a.k.a. the Misdirection:

The hidden immunity idol stirs distrust among tribemates.

At the Reward, one Survivor works diligently to solidify an alliance.

One Survivor is caught strategizing with a member of another alliance. How will this double-dealing affect this Survivor’s game?

A cat and mouse game plays out at one of the most dramatic Tribal Councils in SURVIVOR history, leaving one alliance shocked and the other gloating.

In the promo, we see that Mookie is irritated at Dreamz for breaking their pact to vote out Stacy at the last tribal council. Dreamz chose to go with Alex and Edgardo and vote out Michelle instead.

Mookie: “You just screwed everything.”

The hidden immunity idol stirs distrust among tribemates.

Mookie is now distrustful of Dreamz for not voting with him. Alex and Edgardo are distrustful of Mookie for not voting with them. Also, Mookie has possession of the hidden immunity idol, and Alex and Edgardo are wary of how he will use it.

At the Reward, one Survivor works diligently to solidify an alliance.

The solid alliances that we have seen formed so far are the one with Earl, Yau-Man, Cassandra, and the one consisting of Alex, Edgardo, and Stacy. Dreamz has been playing both sides, and is possibly someone who might be trying to solidify an alliance with either group. But Boo is the only person at this point in the game who has not really formed a solid alliance with anyone. So he may also be one who tries to solidify an alliance at the reward. It looks like he will lean toward an alliance with Earl.

Boo (to Earl): “They’re all backstabbers.”

One Survivor is caught strategizing with a member of another alliance. How will this double-dealing affect this Survivor’s game?

We see from the promo vidcaps that Dreamz tells Earl and Cassandra that Mookie has the hidden immunity idol, making it seem like his loyalty lies with Earl’s group.

And according to the press release on Survivor Phoenix,
Dre will be the one whose loyalty comes into question, when he is caught strategizing with Alex by the Earl/Yau/Cassandra alliance. Maybe Boo is the one who spills the beans?

Before we get into the “dramatic tribal council”, let’s take a look at the challenges.

Reward Challenge: “Get Smashed”

According to TV Guide, the reward winners will receive “a feast and overnight stay on a yacht that is moored within sight of the losers back at camp.”
The challenge involves answering questions about their competitors. Each player will answer a series of questions before the challenge, and then will try to determine what the predominant answer was for each question. The contestants who answer correctly will smash wooden shelves that have been color-coded for each individual.

Jeff: “Who believes they are in control of this game?”

Here we see Boo and Cassandra smashing Stacy’s shelf (From the pics, Stacy is yellow, Dreamz is green, and Edgardo is purple):

Both TDT and Survivor Fever are speculating that the under-the-radar player Cassandra wins the reward challenge and takes Dre with her on the yacht.

As for Cassandra, it seems she is another chip on Mookie’s shoulder:

Mookie: “I am irritated with Cassandra. She just made the worst mistake of her life.”

Why would Mookie be irritated with Cassandra? Some people on these boards think he is saying this because Cassandra wins reward and chooses to take someone other than him, the only tribe member left who has not had any luxuries yet in the game. Others believe that Mookie is ticked after being sent to Exile Island by the reward challenge winner Cassandra. Others theorize that it is because Cassandra turns down his proposal of a final three pact with him and Dreamz. I think that turning down his alliance proposal would be the most plausible reason for Mookie to be annoyed with Cassandra.

But I disagree that Cassandra will win the reward challenge.
In the pic above, she seems to be giving the A-OK sign to someone, and I think it could be the reward challenge winner out on the yacht. I think it’s Boo who wins, and takes Earl with him. That would make the clue about solidifying the alliance during a reward (not a reward challenge) make more sense.

It is speculated that the reward challenge winner chooses the exile. I think Alex is the best candidate for exile, which would be a smart move to keep him from strategizing with his alliance before tribal council.

Immunity Challenge: “Chimney Sweep”

It looks as though this is an endurance challenge involving standing barefoot on small pegs and attempting to keep themselves propped up inside colored wooden boxes. Looks like Edgardo and Cassandra are among the first few out of the challenge, and Stacy is falling fast.

Thanks to CBS, we know who wins this challenge, as we see Yau-Man in one of the promos actually wearing the immunity necklace!

Now let’s move onto tribal council.

A cat and mouse game plays out at one of the most dramatic Tribal Councils in SURVIVOR history, leaving one alliance shocked and the other gloating.

The likely target boot for Earl’s group is the kingpin of the other group, Alex. He probably finds out that he is a target as a result of the pecking-order revealing reward challenge. Dreamz is the swing vote. Alex, Edgardo, and Stacy will likely be planning to vote for Earl, but they may target Boo or Cassandra if they think Earl has the hidden immunity idol.

In the web promo, we hear Edgardo say to Mookie:

“You could give Alex the idol.”

Mookie has a tough decision to make.

But here is the clincher, as spoiled by Survivor Phoenix a few weeks back:
“At Final 9, when Alex finds out he is the target at Tribal Council, they will decide to play to idol to protect Alex. Dre moles out Alex's plans to the opposing alliance, their votes are switched to Edgardo, making him the casualty of intrigue.”

Dreamz seems pretty smug about the way things are going to play out.

So, before the votes are read, Alex presents the immunity idol that Mookie has given him, but, when the votes are revealed, it will be Edgardo, in a blindsiding twist of fate, who has the majority of the votes and is sent home.

Adios, amigo!

Reward Winner: Boo (possibly Cassandra)
Immunity Winner: Yau-Man
Exiled: Alex (possibly Mookie)
Bootee: Edgardo

To see who what all the spoiler sites think will happen this week, check out Scarlett’s Across the Board Picks thread when it’s posted.

For more spoilery-type information, here are some other threads you might want to check out:

Survivor Phoenix Updates, posted by FlowerPower

Jury Vote Speculation, posted by KOBrien_fan.

Go cast your vote for this week’s bootee in forehead’s vote thread.

*Special shout-outs to some of the contributors to the Survivor Spoilers forum this past week, without whom I would never have been able to write this SOTS, especially, Emydi, FlowerPower, Brownroach, michel, vince3, Volcanic Glass, KOBrien_fan, forehead, Bebo, and Chez. Huge thanks also to Survivor Fever, Survivor Phoenix, and TDT for all of their insight, photos, and inside info.

Edited to fix typos and to say that if I'm wrong about anything above, then it's DreamerBeliever's fault for asking me to sub for him.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-17-07 1
   RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Wallflower66 04-17-07 5
       RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-17-07 6
   RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 kingfish 04-18-07 23
 RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Brownroach 04-17-07 2
   RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-17-07 3
       RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Brownroach 04-17-07 4
           RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-17-07 7
               RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Brownroach 04-17-07 8
                   RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-17-07 9
                       RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Brownroach 04-17-07 10
                           RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-18-07 20
                               RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Brownroach 04-18-07 26
                                   RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-18-07 27
                                       RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Brownroach 04-18-07 29
                                           RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-18-07 30
 RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 MJewel 04-17-07 11
   RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 MJewel 04-17-07 12
       RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-18-07 21
           RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Brownroach 04-18-07 24
 RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 whoami 04-17-07 13
   RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Wallflower66 04-17-07 14
       RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 dreamerbeliever 04-18-07 16
           RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 emydi 04-18-07 22
 RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 strid333 04-18-07 15
   RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 forestfriend 04-18-07 17
       RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Wallflower66 04-18-07 18
 RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 Flowerpower 04-18-07 19
 TDT and VG sea snakes emydi 04-18-07 25
   RE: TDT and VG sea snakes emydi 04-18-07 31
 RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 michel 04-18-07 28
 RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10 KObrien_fan 04-20-07 32

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emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-17-07, 02:29 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
LAST EDITED ON 04-17-07 AT 03:53 PM (EST)

Nice sots BABS thanks for doing a 2nd one

I do think Alex goes to Exile as strongest opponent but I think this is Alex during the IC...his arms are up like he's holding on...

Compare these:

Interesting take about Boo being winner of reward..I do think it's a poss bc of his FLOZ on the hat which is done between the RC and IC and really Cass does not need to consolidate any alliance...but the blurb doesn't necessarily mean the person that tries succeeds in winning the RC.

If Boo does solidify his alliance with Earl this week, then CB's Voodoo Plan does not come into effect...and Dre is the deciding vote against Edgardo; wiht Boo voting with Earl's group 5-4


Another ? that has been bugging me..wHere is this tree. This is the same tree

as here

Notice the green leaves behind Cass and Dre's heads.

Doesn't it look like Alex et al are waiting after the IC for the winner? But I think it may be at camp like you say Babs bc the pic of Stacy and Cass cannot be the IC bc Dre and Cass are sitting in the same place and it can't be RC bc Stacy has her hair down at RC and is just wearing her buff as a top.

In the background of the Cass/Stacy pic is the boat..don't they boat to every challenge?

Here the boat is again...but this tree's trunk looks way different...and this pic of ALex Dre and Mookie is at camp bc they are strategizing

I think I figured it out...the tree that Mookie Dre and ALex are beside is in camp and it is closer to the water than the one Cass/Stacy is sitting next too..look in the background of that picture and you see the stump with grass around it near Mookie's legs and the boat also in the background.

The reason I am talking about trees is that at Mess crocophile has the Alex boo Dre tree picture as being after they are philiminated from IC...but I don't think it is bc Cass and Stacy are sitting next to the same tree.


Wallflower66 2446 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-17-07, 03:44 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
LAST EDITED ON 04-17-07 AT 03:47 PM (EST)

Yep, Emy, you're right. That pic of Alex is from IC, not RC. I couldn't find any pics of him looking dejected at RC. LOL.
ETA: He does look a bit Jesus-like in that third pic.


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-17-07, 03:47 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
I think another way Boo solidifies his alliance is targeting Alex, the leader of the other group, as Exilee...

kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 11:12 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-07 AT 11:12 AM (EST)

Once again, very nicely done. I am kinda glad there there is some debate as to who does what this week, but My feeling is that you nailed it.

It's nice to know that there is such strong backup available for SOTS writing.

Way to go!


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-17-07, 02:40 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Great SOTS, Wallflower! I like your idea that Boo might be the reward winner.

I also wanted to note that VG has spoiled that Stacy will either win or receive immunity at some point. Since there's been speculation that Stacy is next week's boot, it's possible that, as emydi suggested in another thread, the cap of Yau-Man wearing the IN could be from a later challenge (since VG has also spoiled that Yau-Man will have an immunity run), and Stacy wins the IC this week.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-17-07, 03:03 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
OMH BR I was worried that you were going to tear me to pieces for my Stacy IC win pick

I don't see it working any other way...imho

And I think Boo is with Earl too as I had originally thought...he is the Earl alliance F5 boot and therefore, no Plan Voodoo just 5-4 vote against Edgardo with Earl as the Alex group's pick or YM (if he doesn't win IC, bc he's strong in challenges--but if YM is the target next week to go up against STacy then maybe Earl has II next week)


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-17-07, 03:42 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Boo is with Earl too as I had originally thought

I agree -- Earl/Yauman couldn't afford to not play their idol if all they have is Cassandra and *maybe* Dreamz voting with them. They must know they have Boo's vote too.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-17-07, 04:14 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
LAST EDITED ON 04-17-07 AT 04:32 PM (EST)

But then I ask...if Dre and Boo are with Earl this week, how does YM's idol affect the vote in the future....imho at F8...bc they would now have a 5 person majority...could Dre pull one of his "odd" votes and force a tie...but why would YM feel the need to use it the idol if he thinks he is in the majority?

That makes me think of a conjunction with esquire's thread. What if next week, YMan does not play the idol after the vote bc he thinks its 5-3 vote against Stacy but it ends up being 4-4 tie btw him and Stacy bc Dre for whatever reason changes back (maybe Dre wants to force the other idol out?)

What happens, do the other 6 vote for eihter YM or Stacy and then YM is ALLOWED to use the HI after the 2nd vote? That could explain how the idol has an effect on the vote and settle how YM and Earl decide who needs to use the Idol.

If this is the case and YM can still play the idol on the revote, then luckily, YM is the holder of the idol and the tie didn't happen to Earl bc I don't think you are allowed to pass the idol at has to be done in open and filmed...I think KT posted this in another thread.


This has me thinking that maybe BR has something that YM's idol is not played at F8 but later, maybe after YM has won a few ICs and the car challenge and he becomes Ozzy's dad and people are threatened by him (even people that are in his alliance). Maybe Boo Dre and even Cassandra try to oust him at F6 and he uses his idol then (he knows he has to use it by F5 and maybe he feels some bad mojo in camp). Thus, he ousts Stacy then... thus fulfilling the FULL OF PORTENT riddle and VG's new tidbit about Stacy winning one IC bc she could win it in either ep 11 or 12.

Thus it doesn't have to be a future pic of YM with the IC necklace...bc I'm really struggling with my proposal that EPMB's underlings did this...I don't think they have ever done this have they..try to trick us with showing us a DAW wearing the II necklace?

The problem I have with Stacy lasting until F6 is that she doesn't seem to have that longevity in editing, however, neither did Adam last time...


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-17-07, 05:12 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
LAST EDITED ON 04-17-07 AT 05:21 PM (EST)

I don't think you are allowed to pass the idol at TC

You are allowed to give someone else the idol after the votes have been cast but before Jeff reads them. Jeff specifically said that at the TC where he gave the instructions about playing the idol.

I don't have any theory about Yau-Man's idol getting played after F8. It seems to me that he shouldn't need to use it after that point. We know it can't be played at F5 because there is a third idol played "late in the game," according to VG -- and in fact, "late in the game" suggests to me that several TC's pass between the playing of idol #2 and idol #3. Right now I am still thinking Yau's idol is played next week, but I can't figure out how it's going to happen.

ETA: And I still think YauMan will use the idol to prevent someone else from getting booted, not for his own benefit.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-17-07, 05:23 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
I am too...but I'm trying to coordinate all of VG's clues/riddles of it being YM/Stacy showdown again...(interestingly Dre also has the Full of Portent link under his name on cast page) and Stacy winning an IC...with the fact that I'm not too confident about my idea that that viccap this week of YM wearing the II necklace is not in Ep. 10. Therefore, I'm trying to figure out how his idol could be played later at F6.

I'm not sure that "late in the game" means anything other than F5 and not in relation to the other 2 played, but it's a good theory.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-17-07, 06:04 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
I'm not sure that "late in the game" means anything other than F5 and not in relation to the other 2 played

Maybe not.

...(interestingly Dre also has the Full of Portent link under his name on cast page)

By any logic, Alex, Stacy and Mookie should be gunning to get Dre booted next week. Boo might go for it -- with Dre gone he could then decide if he wants to stay with Earl/YauMan/Stacy or go with the other three.

Yau-Man is smart enough to see that Dre needs to stick around, so maybe Yau-Man gives the idol to Dre to protect him next week? Hence the Stacy-Yau-man-Dre "portent" link.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 10:08 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
nice theory I like it bc it doesn't have Dre voting with Stacy against Yau

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 12:21 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Right. Yau, Dre and Stacy are the three components at the idol bounce TC. And see post #24 below, I think now that this will happen at F6, not F8.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 01:30 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-07 AT 01:52 PM (EST)

I think you are right about it being F6...the editing of Stacy has been weird tho...sort of like Adam last time..

ETA: Your scenario is especially plausible bc YMan during the F6 episode will have made the "deal" with Dre at F6 car challenge that Dre ultimately breaks at F4 in the "controversial decision".

and then it doesn't rest on YMan II necklace being a hoax which is a longshot, I know

ETA: I think Stacy probably wins II at F7 when Mookie is booted bc I think Earl's group would want to get rid of the OldMoto core group of Edgardo/Alex/Stacy before Mookie, even if Earl said in Ep 9 that he doesn't trust Mookie. But it could be next week too and they just oust Mookie before Stacy at F7 bc he is seen as more of a II threat.

We know this week is an endurance challenge at F9, it could be a "strength" challenge at F8 that of course, Yau Man wins ....maybe F7 is then more puzzle oriented which Stacy might have a better chance of winning??


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 03:49 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
YMan during the F6 episode will have made the "deal" with Dre at F6 car challenge

Yes! emy, you are brilliant. I keep forgetting the car challenge will be at F6. So Yau gets Dre's promise of loyalty with the car bribe, but then he finds out the others plan to vote Dre out at TC. That's not good for Yau. So Yau saves Dre with the idol.

That has to be what happens, imo.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 05:07 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
*blushes* Thanks friend...but you led me down the primrose path

MJewel 1951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-17-07, 07:30 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Great SOTS! A really good read. Speaking of all may have already saw this but over in SF, on their boot sheet they are saying Stacy is safe until at least episode 11. They say it was an e-mail tip to SF. Mookie going at episode 10 by default. If she is supposed to win and/or get immunity at some point in time, wouldn't it have to be this week then? Just my 2 cents for what it's worth .


MJewel 1951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-17-07, 07:39 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
I just looked at their spoiler section (SF)and they have this listed:

EP 9 - Michelle (3rd Juror)
EP 10 - Edgardo (4th Juror)
EP 11 - Alex? (5th Juror)
EP 12 - Mookie or Stacy? (6th Juror)
EP 13 - Mookie or Stacy? (7th Juror)
EP 14 - Boo (8th Juror)

So, looking at this if this scenario could be true, then Stacy would not have to get/win the immunity this week...she would have a couple of more episodes to achieve that. Thus, the pic of Yau-Man wearing the Immunity Necklace could be from this episode. I could see him having the strength to endure that kind of challenge more than Stacy would IMHO. It would also kind of make sense to try and get Alex out next week as his "ace" will be used.


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 10:14 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Remember Mookie is not to make it to car challenge so he cant be F6 and is most likely F7 because I think next week at F8 and at F6 it is btw Alex and Stacy.

I think it's Stacy at F8 and Alex at F6 based on all of VG's clues (full of portent and Stacy winning an immunity) and editing of Stacy vs. Alex with Alex getting the more longevity edit... But my theory is based on them playing with the viccaps and putting a later II necklace on YM shot in this week's previews...

Well I think if anyone was to win this Chimney Sweep IC it would be either YM or Stacy bc they weigh the least of all 9 remaining...

I looked at the viccaps again and they really focus on Stacy more than Yau and not much on Edgardo (OFG theory)but somewhat. Look at them all again... You have Stacy next to old group immunity idol, etc. I think those pics of her "falling" are actually of either her trying to get up to the top (no ladders) or they are after she wins and is jumping down after a long time...


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 11:37 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Further to my post #10 up above, suppose Alex goes at F8 and Mookie at F7, and then Yau-Man gives Dreamz the idol at F6. It might be that everyone else wants to boot Dreamz at that point, and Yau-Man bounces the boot onto Stacy because he wants to keep Dreamz as an end-game goat.

Then Stacy still has time to win an IC, it doesn't have to be this week.

Blowin' the blues away, courtesy of tribephyl


whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

04-17-07, 08:35 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Great SOTS wallflower, Could be the way you say but there is still a lot of debate about how things will go down in the next couple of weeks. Could be the most debate of this spoiled season.


Wallflower66 2446 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-17-07, 08:42 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Could be the most debate of this spoiled season.

I know, right? Darn that dreamerbeliever for asking me to sub for him!


dreamerbeliever 3380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-18-07, 00:36 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Darn that dreamerbeliever

A DAW's head just turned. Huh what?

Thank you Wallflower, look up the phrase "bestest ever" and there will be a pic of you. My last minute half-azzed attempt wouldn't have done this episode justice. Still want to give a SOTS a go one of these days, but didn't want my first to be rushed & sux. Maybe next season.

Love all the SOTS and a shout-out to all the writers who tackle challenges such as this. Fantastic. And I will take full blame for any mistakes WF. Any rocks that want to be cast, bring it


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 10:17 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
We still have the week of May Ep 12 open DB!! Come on...all the coooool kids are doing it

strid333 2928 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

04-18-07, 00:16 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Very good SOTS with lots of info!

Three is the perfect number.


forestfriend 18 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-18-07, 02:28 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Please, anyone, what is meant by "DAW"? This is killing me.

Also, what is the significance of "FLOZ" on Boo's hat? I'm sorry to be so far behind, but please help me out.



Wallflower66 2446 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-18-07, 07:19 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
DAW= desperate attention whore (like it says next to your name), which refers to all of us who post here as well as the people of reality TV.

Floz on the Bayou is the name of the bar and grill that Boo owns.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 08:47 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
WOW!!! That was a sensational SOTS, flower sistah, Wallflower!!! You have figured it all out and I love it. I'm in agreement! I always thought that Cassandra or Boo would be the most likely to win the RC, and it all makes logical sense. I totally missed that Cassandra was giving the OK sign in that cap...makes great sense. Boo will take Earl, and it will be clear to everyone where his allegiance lies. Also think that Alex is the likely exilee!

Looking forward to the TC! Perhaps reminiscent of the LeeAnn boot!

Thanks so much!


one nation, under Romber...


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 11:38 AM (EST)
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25. "TDT and VG sea snakes"
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-07 AT 01:34 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-18-07 AT 11:40 AM (EST)

I was wondering what to make of VG's post under Mookie's name and the bandaid on his finger...I still think though that Boo could send Mookie to exile bc recall Earl said in Ep 9 he didn't trust Mookie

OH IF YOU LOOK Further down in the Sucks Volcanic Glass in TDT link you see everyone leaving the RC but Mookie and Cass is smiling...she wins it and exiles MOokie...

HERE are the photos of interest from Vg's post at


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 05:26 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: TDT and VG sea snakes"
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-07 AT 05:30 PM (EST)

go to VG here and watch Jeff's video's very good and has Yau in it with II...I guess he wore it around until TC

Jeff says one person is always shocked by answers (like Courtney) and they immediately pan to BOO... Jeff also says "we're down to 2" and then shows them all walking off at(exc Mookie) with Boo tipping his cap and Cass smiling..I think Cassandra and Boo are last 2 and Boo is saying good job..maybe she even decides to take Boo on the yacht...I know I would def. take the 2nd place finisher and not nec. my Boo could still write FLOZ on his cap on reward without winning it....

Also talks about Dre maybe losing his mind...and if you tell Dre something everyone will know...then Jeff says something like "it's great"


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-18-07, 03:00 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Marvelous SOTS, Wallflower. I find it more fun when the State of the Spoiling is still a little uncertain and this is one fun week! Great job pointing all possibilities!

Although, how hard could it be to spoil the episode #6 of your title? That was the Anthony boot!


KObrien_fan 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-20-07, 08:59 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: State of the Spoiling- Ep. 10"
Excellent job Cin, I'm on vacation this week but did want to pop in and say thanks for the great SOTS!!!

Survivor ASS trivia champion, Survivor 1-13 trivia champion



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