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"Cristina and Cao Boi Early Show Transcript"
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"Cristina and Cao Boi Early Show Transcript"
Thanks to James Barber at Sucks for this:

HARRY: "Survivor" always has a surprise waiting. The Raro tribe lost a bruising immunity challenge, and had to vote somebody out, but so did Aitu. That was bad news for Cristina, who was seen as too bossy.

(clip of Cristina arguing with Adam in E6)

HARRY: Meanwhile, Cao Boi was a little too attached to the immunity idol.

(clip of Cao Boi arguing with Jonathan in E6)

HARRY: Cao Boi and Cristina are with us this morning. Good morning, guys.

CAO BOI: Morning, Harry (claps)

HARRY (to Cao Boi): You know, from the very beginning, I knew you were doomed. Your personality, you have this huge personality, there's no governing around you. It all comes out all the time. You were very outspoken all the way from the beginning of the game. Did you ever think, "Maybe I'd better pull back, play it a little closer to the best"?

CAO BOI: I tried to pull back a little, here and there. I just couldn't. I'd see something wrong, I gotta say, I gotta do. I have a dream, I gotta follow it.

HARRY: I really very much enjoyed watching you play, but I just thought this isn't going to end well for you. (to Cristina) On the other hand, you seemed to be working hard with your tribe and getting along pretty well with everybody. You feel like you did enough to build some bridges?

CRISTINA: Well, initially I came into this game thinking, "OK, maybe I should just hold off a little bit, just kind of go along with the flow," but once you're on the island, survivor mode kicks in and you realize you have to eat, and sleep on something comfortable, and make a fire, you're going to go into, "Hey, I've gotta do something, I have to take the initiative." It's not about being bossy, it's about taking the initiative, and taking that first step, and doing things, whether it's making a fire, going out and getting food. I thought I'd try to do my best in being a part of the tribe.

HARRY: Did you feel like you had any really good bridges, any good relationships with people?

CRISTINA: Yes, I did. Initially, on the first tribe, the Hispanic tribe, we all got along great...there were some problems with Ozzy and I... (Harry prompts her to say after the "merge")...the merge, I felt I was really connected with Brad, he and I were very close. JP and I were close, but things kind of happened, and I feel kind of bad about that because he's a great person.

HARRY: How about you, Cao Boi? Did you feel like you had any glue with anybody last night?

CAO BOI: Oh yeah, well, automatically, Flica, my best bud. Right away.

HARRY: Yeah, but you need more than that, especially in a bigger context. You always have to be working to make sure you've got a way to get down to the merge.

CAO BOI: Yeah, we like to have more odd balls, but the odd balls were just too independent; they couldn't just get together and form an alliance and make it stick.

HARRY: I have a very serious question for you . Here they do the vote last night, and they start showing the cards, and I don't remember who it was that voted against you, but they put a gun.


HARRY: What did it make you feel like when you saw that?

CRISTINA: This is a game, I understand that...

HARRY: We should set the context. You are a police officer. You come from a line of police officers. Your father lost his life in the line of duty. When you see something like that, how could that possibly have made you feel?

CRISTINA: It really hit me. It was more of a personal thing. When I saw that vote go up it really hit me more, especially being shot with a gun, and having my father killed by a gun. I thought it was a low blow, it was very disappointing and disrespectful. If that's the way she...who knows how she felt and why she did it.

HARRY: Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. (to Cao Boi) We're so happy to have you here, and one of the great things I enjoy about watching you this year, Cao Boi, was your healing powers. That's part of our Secret Scene, so let's take a look.

(Flica and Cao Boi work on Ozzy's leg as Ozzy lays in the hammock; eventually Ozzy cries "Enough!")]

HARRY: Now right in the beginning, you were going around doing that thing with people' put these red marks on people. What were...

CAO BOI: Yes, Harry, that's an old Vietnamese healing technique. We were a nation that had been at war for so long, we can't carry along little cups, like medical cups. So when somebody gets a bad wind, get caught in the sun, I just draw it, gather it, and bring it out.

(Harry says he has a headache, and asks Cao Boi to try it. Cao Boi nicely declines, saying Harry does not have the bad wind)

HARRY: So good watching you both. Thank you both, Cristina, Cao Boi, great to have you with us.




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