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"Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
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Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-28-06, 02:42 PM (EST)
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"Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
LAST EDITED ON 03-28-06 AT 02:45 PM (EST)

From Anywho at Sucks again.

EP9 Title : Fight for Your Life or Eat

April 13, 2006: Fight for Your Life or Eat
Several castaways accept a tempting offer that means they must opt out of the Immunity Challenge; the remaining Casaya members are asked to form a new alliance; and a male survivor decides wear a skirt. Host: Jeff Probst.

source tvguide


Well, no mention of illness or medical emergencies here...

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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... coolbluepig 03-28-06 1
   RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Brownroach 03-29-06 2
       RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Flowerpower 03-29-06 3
           RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... PepeLePew13 03-30-06 6
 RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... xwraith27 03-29-06 4
   RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Carnac The Adequate 04-05-06 13
 RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Outfrontgirl 03-30-06 5
   RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Brownroach 03-30-06 9
 RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... michel 03-30-06 7
   RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... knuckles487 03-30-06 8
       RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Surviette 03-30-06 10
           RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... knuckles487 03-30-06 11
               RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Surviette 03-30-06 12
   RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... survivor_21 04-05-06 14
 RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Flowerpower 04-05-06 15
   RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... architecturegirl 04-05-06 16
       RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Brownroach 04-05-06 17
           RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Outfrontgirl 04-06-06 18
               RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your... Brownroach 04-06-06 19

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coolbluepig 819 desperate attention whore postings
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03-28-06, 07:34 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
maybe the people who gets meduvaced chooses to eat instead of compete and eats a lot and therefore gets sick???


Co0L 3luE P1g: OINK OINK...


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-29-06, 11:09 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
LAST EDITED ON 03-29-06 AT 11:10 AM (EST)

Don't know, but TDT's calendar puts Thanksgiving Day into the episode *after* this one. So maybe Bruce really does leave on the day itself, meaning someone else gets booted in this Ep.

the remaining Casaya members are asked to form a new alliance

This suggests to me that someone *cough*Shane*cough* is going to act up and tell some of his alliance mates that he wants to change things around. So maybe Courtney gets dropped here, and Bruce leaves in Ep 10.

ETA: though it's also possible they wouldn't mention the medical emergency in the early copy that gets sent out. It could show up in the promos in the week leading up to this Ep.

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Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-29-06, 12:50 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
ETA: though it's also possible they wouldn't mention the medical emergency in the early copy that gets sent out. It could show up in the promos in the week leading up to this Ep.

Definately agree, BR. We will most likely see the Medical Emergency hype prior to Bruce's exit ep, and should make nailing Bruce's exit almost a no brainer!


PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-06, 06:55 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
It's also possible that the "Fight For Your Life" is a play on words on the situation faced by the evacuee - he's in such a condition that he's feeling like death warmed over and feels like he's going to die (how many of us have thought that at a particular moment in the throes of illness?) so it's momentarily a "fight for his life" and gets evacuated.

Agree, if there's going to be any juicy details such as an evacuee, it wouldn't show up in the early copy -- but there's still two episodes to be aired before this one gets hyped! We had no inkling that there was a near tragedy with Mike Skupin until the promos appeared at the end of episode 5's show, the one before Skupin's exit, and even then, we were led to believe it had something to do with a crocodile with NO hint whatsoever it had to do with falling into a fire.

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"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05


xwraith27 1136 desperate attention whore postings
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03-29-06, 07:28 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
Several castaways accept a tempting offer that means they must opt out of the Immunity Challenge

This is completely predictable after what they did in Guatemala. Casaya members will be sitting out leaving the La Minas to duke it out in the immunity challenge. Will the IC be another endurance challenge? I think it'd be more interesting though if this were the rope chop challenge with most, if not all, contestants are from La Mina.

The remaining Casaya members are asked to form a new alliance

A new alliance? I can definitely see Terry working the Casaya men OR Sally working the Casaya women.

And a male survivor decides wear a skirt

If THIS is what they're previewing, I'm guessing there's nothing remotely interesting happening in Ep9. But of all remaining men, I think Shane and Nick are the most likely to wear a skirt.


Carnac The Adequate 57 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-05-06, 10:37 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
"This is completely predictable after what they did in Guatemala. "

Agreed. The producers can only "get away" with stunts like this coming across as a surprise when they use them in two consecutive episodes, back to back; because the first time it is used may only be presented publiclly/on tape WHILE the second grounp is in the bush.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-06, 03:52 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
The analysis you guys are doing is similar to what I was thinking, but I just noticed TDT's caps of the IC this week are labeled:
Bruce Ep 9 boot, Sally Ep 10 boot, and Courtney Ep 11 boot.
Not with question marks, as statements ...
(hover mouse over the caps)


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-06, 10:20 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
I noticed that too, OFG. I do think the emergency would probably just show up in the promos closer to the show. Casaya's "new alliance" may not pan out (for this week at least) since it's being hyped.

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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-30-06, 08:19 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
Something in the wording of the clue for episode #9 has me thinking: "The REMAINING members of Casaya..." I know Casaya isn't intact even now, but to mention it that way seems to indicate a Casaya was eliminated in episode #8, doesn't it? Episode#8 is "The power of the idol". Its power wouldn't be fully exposed if Terry wasn't using it to save himself and boot a Casaya. Now that that person is gone, the others must form a new alliance.


knuckles487 178 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-30-06, 10:06 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"

EP9 Title : Fight for Your Life or Eat

Several castaways accept a tempting offer that means they must opt out of the Immunity Challenge

Sounds to me like the challenge we seen previewed with Terry and Aras shoving each other and fighting for something. JP says, "whoa, easy guys". The caps for that challenge make it look like that one could be a fight for your life (immunity) type situation.

But if that's the case, the ones that usually end up competing are the ones that feel vulnerable at tribal council. Why would Terry OR Aras feel vulnerable? Maybe in Terrys case it is to divert suspicion that he might have the idol. If his old tribe is outnumbered and he didn't appear worried, then the others would know without a doubt that he had the HII. Compete and make them wonder. But with Aras, I can't figure why he might feel he needs immunity, unless Shane and Bruce have already chosen to eat and Aras wants to try and prevent Terry from getting immunity. It could also just be a macho thing with Aras wanting a piece of Terry in an effort to try and establish his "dominance" over him.

I could also just be sucking wind again and be way off base once more.


Surviette 124 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-30-06, 11:09 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"

> But with Aras, I
>can't figure why he might
>feel he needs immunity, unless
>Shane and Bruce have already
>chosen to eat and Aras
>wants to try and prevent
>Terry from getting immunity.

Knucks, this is where the HII really changes the game. Aras IS vulnerable.
1. If the majority vote is against Terry, who then must use the HII, then a minority vote could result in a booted Aras.
2. If Aras thinks Terry has the HII, then by preventing Terry's immunity, #1 could happen.
3. Aras doesn't know whether Sally has HII (and to create doubt, maybe Sally will opt out of IC).
4. Immunity is Aras's only guarantee. But, it doesn't save his alliance unless they vote against someone who hasn't been to EI and less than 4 others vote against one of the FUNNYFARM4. The possibilities are boggling. No wonder they're all going nuts!

A "good" strategy is to continue, if you can, to send the same person to EI (or, try to get yourself sent there.) This way, you limit the number of people who could potentially hold the HII. It was wise of Terry to keep quiet about the HII as it could at some point force the other guys to turn on one of their own, due to uncertainty about the HII holder. As it stands, if the Casaya members were to vote as a block, then they would be stupid to vote against Terry or Sally.


knuckles487 178 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-30-06, 12:33 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"

1. If the majority vote is against Terry, who then must use the HII, then a minority vote could result in a booted Aras.

2. If Aras thinks Terry has the HII, then by preventing Terry's immunity, #1 could happen.

Both are true statements, but for #1 to happen, this would mean that Aras has no control or influence over his alliance. For Terry to get a majority of votes, Aras' group and one or two others would all have to vote for him. Already being outnumbered, Nick and Austin wouldn't try voting Terry out. Sally might, but I doubt she could muster enough votes on her own for that to happen. Most likely, Aras would try and convince his group to pick off Nick and Austin first before worrying about whether Terry has the HII. He knows that if Terry does have the HII and also wins regular immunity, then he wouldn't have to worry about being the victim of a minority boot.

#2 is true enough, but again, if Aras is worried about being the target if Terry uses his HII, then all he has to do is let Terry win regular immunity. That way, the HII doesn't get used, and since Casaya outnumbers La Mina they can go about picking off Nick and Austin first and worry about trying to remove Terry at a later date. The only thing that could be wrong with this is if Aras is actually on the outs with his group and feels that they might turn on him and vote with La Mina. We haven't been shown anything to suggest this though.

All that to say that Aras would not be worried about Terry winning regular immunity because if he did, then there would be no threat of being the victim of a minority boot. And if Terry did not get regular immunity, then Aras simply needs to direct his groups vote to Nick or Austin. That wouldn't be hard to do since all he would have to do is remind them all that each of them could possibly be a victim if they voted for Terry.

I just can't see Aras being very worried about whether Terry were to get immunity or not since his group would control the voting. It either has to be a macho thing or else Aras isn't as tight with his alliance as we think.


Surviette 124 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-30-06, 02:30 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"

>All that to say that Aras
>would not be worried about
>Terry winning regular immunity because
>if he did, then there
>would be no threat of
>being the victim of a
>minority boot. And if
>Terry did not get regular
>immunity, then Aras simply needs
>to direct his groups vote
>to Nick or Austin.
>That wouldn't be hard to
>do since all he would
>have to do is remind
>them all that each of
>them could possibly be a
>victim if they voted for

Aargh, this is getting confusing! This is what I'm saying.
BUT, by Ep9 (which is the Episode title we're discussing) the group would be down to 8 players. Nick or Austin may not even be around at that time. If Terry hasn't already used HII by Ep 9 & he and Sally are still around, then Aras still won't direct his allies to vote against Terry or Sally, but eventually they would have to.

>I just can't see Aras being
>very worried about whether Terry
>were to get immunity or
>not since his group would
>control the voting.

Maybe by this time Terry has used HII (and not been back to EI) in which case Aras would see the challenge as an opportunity to get rid of Terry. Terry would be vulnerable without the idol which means he would need to compete to get II.


survivor_21 506 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-05-06, 11:05 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
the remaining Casaya members are asked to form a new alliance

When I first read this I thought that by "remaining" it ment the people who decided to compete in the challenge. for example, Cirie, Courtney, Danielle, and Shane sit out for food, while aras, bruce, and the La Mina's compete and then Terry asks Aras and bruce to form a new alliance then and there with the old La mina's.

But thats just my interpretation, my point being that by "remaining" I thought it ment the casaya people who decided to participate in the challenge.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-05-06, 12:27 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
Well, since we now know that Bruce will leave in ep 10, making him F7, then perhaps Courtney could be axed at F9! Then,
the remaining Casaya members are asked to form a new alliance...if the shoe fits...


architecturegirl 227 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-05-06, 01:35 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
LAST EDITED ON 04-05-06 AT 01:36 PM (EST)

I definitely think that Courtney goes before Sally does, but I'm not so sure that she goes this episode. Casaya repeatedly has shown how disfunctionally functional they are. I dont see them voting Courtney out yet - it doesnt make sense for them, so she would have to be the target of the La Mina vote and the idol used - but there are MUCH bigger fish for La Mina to fry if they're going to do that, so I dont see that either.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-05-06, 02:08 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-06 AT 12:30 PM (EST)

I'm inclined to think so too, AG. There's almost never a huge upheaval at the second merge vote. The idol may freak the Casayas out but I'm not sure it would cause a drastic change of plans so quickly. And I can't see Courtney getting the La Mina votes this week (Ed. to clarify: by "this week" I mean in Ep 8, at the time I am posting. I can see Courtney getting booted in Ep 9, which is the topic of this thread).

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-06-06, 05:49 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-06 AT 06:01 AM (EST)

Pardon me if someone already said this, but I was rushed and had to skim this week --

I would think some Casaya members feel compelled to compete in order to keep Terry or Sally (or certainly Austin if he were still in it) from winning.

The HII makes it hard enough to plan strategy, but assuming Terry hasn't yet used the idol, if there are two La Mina left and one wins immunity plus the HII immunity in play, LM has the power to bounce a Casaya. So one or more Casaya had better make an effort.

In Guatemala we saw Judd get pissed at the Nakum assumption that they could bow out and let him compete for the team. I could see Aras and/or Shane getting pissed at Courtney (if still in game) for putting the "onus" on them to win for the team.

The thing about the skirt does bother me, because Courtney has the only skirt I know of and why anyone else would get to wear it while she's there I don't know.

The other thing (that others have mentioned) making me feel Austin should be first juror is that Chill One got info near the end of the game and it didn't appear to include Austin. He got info on 8 people: Aras, Danielle, Terry, Cirie, Shane, Sally, Courtney, Bruce were all identified, which makes me feel he talked to someone who got a look at the game after Austin was out. Otherwise why would someone not throw in a description of Austin?

ETA that in order for the La Mina's to force a certain Casaya boot with the HII and individual immunity combo, there have to be only two left so that both Terry and Sally could be presumed safe. Austin would have to be gone. If there are 3 La Mina the 5 Casaya have a 50-50 chance of picking the one without immunity. But with two--assuming Terry has figured out some strategy--Aras or Shane could be going home unless the Casaya decide to control the boot by dumping Courtney.

Of course that could happen in Ep 8 as well, but as BR points out there's a lot of momentum in Ep 8 to just target the strong and the majority numbers game is still a big factor--by which I mean Terry still thinking in terms of flipping people instead of devising strategy to cover two people so they can dodge the bullet.

Plus I don't see anything in Ep 8 teasers that points to allies getting annoyed with each other. The Ep 9 challenge sounds like the type that pisses off people within an alliance at other members not carrying their weight.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-06-06, 12:28 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Episode 9 Title: Fight For Your Life Or Eat"
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-06 AT 02:02 PM (EST)

The thing about the skirt does bother me, because Courtney has the only skirt I know of and why anyone else would get to wear it while she's there I don't know.

Maybe she gets sent to Exile Island and someone wears her skirt around camp while she's gone. I could see Shane doing that to make fun of her.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.



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