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"The Survivor Live Show"
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pmspml5 3263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-16-04, 03:09 PM (EST)
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"The Survivor Live Show"
LAST EDITED ON 09-16-04 AT 03:11 PM (EST)

Some very interesting comments from JP.

He would not clearly state if there was a villian or not. He claims that there is a "maze" challenge that is amazing. He clearly likes Scout, Julie and Chad.

Chad does not let the others know about his leg right away but does not wait to long.

The women openly discuss that they are going to stick together even after the merge until all the guys are gone.

He did not talk about the guys camp very much.

He stats that what "they show is not that bad" - Not what happened is not that bad - so my guess is that they kill the pig tonight for the right of passage.

They liked the 18 people but not 3 tribes. 18 survivors allow them to have tribal counsel whenever. They (the producers) felt that survivors were getting comfortable with the every 3rd day tribal counsel. He also states that there was a time where TC was 2 days in a row.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: The Survivor Live Show redbeard103152 09-16-04 1
 Survivor Live Week 1 Highlights tribephyl 09-19-04 2
   RE: Survivor Live Week 1 Highlights KObrien_fan 09-19-04 3
       RE: Survivor Live Week 1 Highlights Brownroach 09-20-04 4

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redbeard103152 466 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

09-16-04, 04:50 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: The Survivor Live Show"
Not knowing the exact time for the TC could be the best twist to happen so far.Players get set on the three day cycle and plan strategy around that cycle.Changing that could really throw prior plans for a loop.RedBeard

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-19-04, 03:59 AM (EST)
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2. "Survivor Live Week 1 Highlights"
LAST EDITED ON 09-19-04 AT 04:23 AM (EST)

Courtesy of SurvivorShrine
September 18, 2004

Life on Survivor

- The men used up their supply of coconuts so that fueled their dehydration as they still had no fire to boil water.
- Menstrual cycle - women become stressed, mentality they become drained, effects them out there, they have tampons for them but they are not considered as luxury items

About Brook

- Had a crush on Elisabeth Filarski and then his crush eventually moved onto Survivor
- He felt that he was in the middle, wasn't the strongest looking nor the loudest
- Preparation - didn't do much
- 15 Minutes of Fame - loves the attention, got supportive phone calls from friends
- So unfulfilled with the game, wants another shot
- He was numb, didn't know he was going that early, took 40 minutes before he could give his final words

Sensitive Information (Alliances, Strategy)

- Reaction to the boot: Brady's idea to vote off Chris initially
- Brook thought he had 'Bubba' on his side
- Fat guy alliance - "Fat Five" Brook likes to call them (Chad, Chris, Lea, Rory, Travis)
- Brady worked for the first three days and did not start talking until they lost the challenge
- Brook had an unspoken alliance with the Johns way before they got to the island, Brook mentions continuously throughout the interview that he and John P. had a bond
- Travis wanted to vote out Rory but as the Insider reveals, he was committed to his alliance and had no other choice but to go along with voting out Brook
- Brook let John K. do the work in rallying votes for Chris
- Everyone praises Brady for climbing the pole
- The girls are fierce competitors, more so than most of the men
- Brook wanted to stick with the young, fit guys to prevent getting ganged up on, previous seasons did not have that advantage
- Brady tried to cover up the fact that he liked Survivor but Brook picked up on that, all the men are fans of the show

The ABC is here!


KObrien_fan 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-19-04, 08:16 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Survivor Live Week 1 Highlights"
Sensitive Information (Alliances, Strategy)

- Reaction to the boot: Brady's idea to vote off Chris initially
- Brady worked for the first three days and did not start talking until they lost the challenge
- Everyone praises Brady for climbing the pole

But because Brady never really talks to anyone, it doesn't blossom. Brady is now hanging in the breeze, alone. In order to save himself he is going to have to join somebody, but the older guys don't want/need to keep him around. I think he set himself as a target very early on to be the 2nd male boot. The next time Lopevi faces TC, Brady is toast.

- Brook thought he had 'Bubba' on his side
- Travis wanted to vote out Rory but as the Insider reveals, he was committed to his alliance and had no other choice but to go along with voting out Brook

Thats the difference between being someones friend in the show and being in an alliance. Bubba is in an alliance and painful as it was to get rid of a friend, he did it. Shows me that Bubba is reliable and someone you want to keep in your alliance. Although, since it is early in the game, it could be Bubba's way to show the others that he is a faithful follower while in the back of his mind he is biding his time to when it makes sense to strike. He knows he is a weak swimmer, and so does not want to "rock the boat" right now.

- Fat guy alliance - "Fat Five" Brook likes to call them (Chad, Chris, Lea, Rory, Travis)

I agree that it started forming day 1 on the beach, and I suspect it was Chris that started it all. He knows the game of survivor, I would even go out on a limb and say he knows the game more than anyone else on the island. He reminds me alot of Rob C but will definately be playing a different game than Rob did. Chris may even be the villain as the game develops. I think that early on Chris recognized Lea as strong and wanted to get him into the alliance as the leader. He saw Bubba as a weak floundering goof who could be strung along as a faithful follower and didn't appear to be a strong physical threat, so he reeled him into the mix. Next, he had to have another leader in the alliance, someone who would eventually battle with Lea for supremacy, and that choice was easy...Rory. If there is only one leader in a tribe/alliance, the leader has the best chance to win, Chris had to make sure that the alliance had some potential friction. Chad rounds out the group as faithful follower. So with Chris in the middle between 2 followers and 2 leaders, I think he sits pretty in his alliance to get really far in this game.

- Brook had an unspoken alliance with the Johns way before they got to the island, Brook mentions continuously throughout the interview that he and John P. had a bond
- Brook let John K. do the work in rallying votes for Chris
- Brook wanted to stick with the young, fit guys to prevent getting ganged up on, previous seasons did not have that advantage

One thing you need to do when forming an alliance is make sure you get numbers. The young stud alliance never had a chance because they didn't have the numbers and they weren't organized well enough to make sure they got the necessary votes for a Chris ouster. Brook was blindsided by the vote quite simply because he did not do the legwork required to scheme and plot and have a finger on the pulse of what everyone was thinking.

- Brady tried to cover up the fact that he liked Survivor but Brook picked up on that, all the men are fans of the show

I find this statement interesting especially considering the fact that it was John K on his interview that said he has never watched the show. Was he lying? He also did very well in the first challenge, had no trouble with any part of it. He may look like a pretty boy, but I think there is substance in this kid. The only problem is, he is in the weak alliance and his days are numbered.

- The girls are fierce competitors, more so than most of the men

The girls do seem like fighters, they also seem to bond pretty well despite their differences. The first couple nights they all snuggled together to keep warm, they sing together and pray together. I think they have a terrific spirit about them. They also have a division of age in their group "bowheads" vs "burlygirls". It will be interesting to see how this division breaks down.

2004 A S S Trivia Champ
S9 PTB is Here, It's hot!!!!!


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-20-04, 05:50 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Survivor Live Week 1 Highlights"
DCReads56 posted some direct quotes from this on Sucks. Brook thought that both Brady and Travis were going to vote for Chris:

CB: Give me your reaction to your boot.
Brook: I’m sitting there, they say my name once, and I’m just like, “Please, more Chris” and then ‘Rory’ – Brady! You’re a lovable knucklehead! What were you thinking? It was his idea to vote off Chris. And then all of a sudden it was, ‘Brook’, ‘Brook’. And then before I left I’m like, I thought I had an alliance of 5. I thought I had Bubba. And Bubba obviously voted with them. And I’m like, even if you don’t’ vote off Bubba we got JP, big strong, socially coming at guys, kind of a big personality, JK, 22, great looking kid, model, cockiest looking 22 year old you’ve ever seen, but he’s a great guy, so I’m like 1, 2, and if you want to go with the all-American it’s not me! It’s Brady! I thought I was pretty charming the first three days, I was trying to talk to everyone. And here I am!

...It’s that middle person goes with the strong people, for some reason. That person was Bubba and he had the opportunity to go either way. And he said, “You know what? I’m going with these guys.” Those five guys gotta know now, even if they DO do this, they go ahead with an alliance, They’re going to have to beat out the four, five strongest girls. Those girls are fighting girls. Those girls COMPETED. I was impressed. And I feel those guys have a lot of weakness.

...once I got into the game I really felt like I was in the middle. I wasn’t the loudest. I thought JP was bigger than me, I thought Brady looked more athletic. I wasn’t THE most athletic, and I thought, “I’m good.” I wish there had been girls around, but I thought, “I’m in a good spot right now,” but I was kinda under the radar, and little did I know I wasn’t. I didn’t think I was going to go. My strategy was come in like a lamb, out like a lion. I felt I was big and strong, and I thought if I’m also the person conspiring to get an alliances and stuff, I was going to be a definite target. So I wanted people to come to me. They did come to me, but it looked like the Fat 5 got it together faster than me. So I’m a casualty of war (LEA!).

...Those girls, from what I saw are competitors; they’re not just a bunch of pretty faces or interesting people. They came to compete. I’m going to be rooting for the girls. I hope those 5 guys lose. Hey you voted me off, no big deal, that’s cool, but I hope you don’t get any of that money or that title.

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