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"Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"
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Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-27-03, 02:12 AM (EST)
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"Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"
Jon Dalton, the worst role model ever.

Teacher: Where is your homework?
Student: My grandmother died.
Teacher: Oh you poor thing, don't worry about it.

Police officer: Do you know how fast you were going?
Driver: Sorry, my grandmother died.
Officer: Oh, that's all right then. Take it easy, OK?

Reporter Peter Lance: Mr. Burnett, didn't you tell Dirk to vote for Stacy and not Rudy?
Burnett: Sorry, eh, my grandmother died, and Leslie Moonves' grandmother, too.
Reporter: That's OK, my book Stingray wasn't going to sell anyway.

Judge: Do you know how many boys you molested?
MJ: Sorry, my grandmother died.
Judge: Case dismissed!


Oh, and sorry the transcriptions are late, (you know who kicked the bucket).

But seriously. Lying is wrong. I hope Sandra kicks Jon's ass at the reunion. Maybe a Pay Per View?


Markopolo's note: Could my dream be true? The Drake tribe was more annoyed with Tijuana than me? Whiny voice begone!

Sandra (votes Happy Birthday Tijuana): You came to our tribe and you tried to delegate what we were going to do and how we were going to do it. Frankly, we're sick and tired of you. By the way, happy birthday. Take care, goodbye, adios. (I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU. OH...AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY)

Darrah (votes Burton): Burton, I'm voting for you only because you're the biggest threat we have now and this is the only chance that you won't win immunity. Thanks for being a friend and being respectful to T and I for bringing us into the alliance with you. (YEAH, THANKS FOR THE ALLIANCE, BUT NOW I'M BACKSTABBING YOU IN THE BACK). And thanks for getting me further along in the game. Thanks for the fish and thanks for everything.

Christa (votes Tijuana, happy birthday): You're very rude, disrespectful; you like to order people around. And I just don't want you around anymore.

Tijuana (votes Burton): Burton this vote is for you, not because you're not a good person. You're not only a good person, you're a hard worker around camp. You raise our spirits and we appreciate everything you've done. So it's nothing against you personally. It's merely the fact that you are the strongest player here mentally and physically (UH, TIJUANA, YOU MUST BE MENTAL TO THINK BURTON HAS ANY MENTAL PROWESS). On top of that, as you know, I heard Jon and you talking. And you had a lot of distinct differences from what you were telling us, which is what you told Jon. And it just contradicts our alliance. So that's why this vote is for you, but again, good blessings to you. I hope that in the end when this is all over we'll be friends.

Lill (votes Tyuana): GREAT SPELLING, LILL. HOW ON EARTH DIDN'T YOU WIN IMMUNITY? Tijuana, it's a little bit of payback time. You didn't think anything about getting rid of me (four weeks ago???). You broke our alliance with some wonderful people. They brought you in and saved you. And now you want to get rid of our main source of food, Burton. I say no. I'm here to protect Burton (AND HAVE A DEMI-ASHTON AFFAIR WITH HIM, TOO). I think it's time for you to go.

Burton (votes Tijuana): I know it's your birthday tomorrow and I know only one of us is going to be here to see it. But I have some advice for you a day early. Never assume you are in control of a situation until you're 100 percent assured. (YEAH, GOOD ADVICE FROM THE IDIOT WHO IS GOING HOME NEXT WEEK).

Lying jerk (votes T Happy B-Day): Say your prayers. Take your vitamins and (you will never go wrong??). (THE HULKSTER MAY HAVE TAKEN STEROIDS, BUT AT LEAST HE DIDN'T LIE ABOUT HIS GRAMMA)


Markopolo's note: Tijuana doesn't have a lot of juicy stuff to say, but we do learn a little bit more about her and her experience, so it's pretty interesting. I turned the treble down and the bass up while listening, however. But regardless, I think Tijuana made the right move by trying to get rid of Burton. She started to play the game a little too late, and it backfired on her. But it's better than just going along like a cow waiting to be slaughtered by a Jon-Burton-Lill alliance.

Tijuana (day-after interview): There are two parts of the game that were the most memorable to me. I think the first was when I had to jump off the boat. I'm not a very good swimmer. And I had been practicing two months prior to this experience. To better my swimming skills. So when I was told I had to jump off this boat, considering I had jumped off a diving just two times in my whole life. It was not something I wanted to do, nor was I prepared. But once I saw everyone else doing it, I knew I had to do it.

So it was just a test for me, can I really do this. And I did and I was just very proud of myself. To take that risk.

I think the second time was in a challenge when I had to dive for pieces. I just didn't think I could do it. And I was out there for a while; I didn't think I was going to succeed. But I didn't want to let myself down; I didn't want to let my tribe down, considering we had already lost some challenges. So I went in anyway, and it took some time, but then at the last minute, (ACTUALLY 30 MINUTES AFTER DRAKE HAD ALREADY WON AND GOTTEN BACK TO THEIR CAMP), as I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it, I went down again and got a piece for our challenge. We ended up losing that challenge because of a number of other things (COUGH...LYING LIKE JON....COUGH COUGH). It just felt good for me. It's a good feeling. You get out here and you test your will power and your strength. ... It's been a fulfilling experience.


I would do it again in a heartbeat. It was definitely hard out here. Even up to the moment when I was shockingly voted out, I still would have gone another how ever many days. It was OK. You still knew why you were there. I would have continued on for as long as I needed to. And I learned a lot of good things about myself and bad things about myself, so that I can improve. Just in group dynamics, with strangers, how am I? And then thinking about my friends and family and how I am with them. You're just able to reflect and how can I be a better person. I definitely have grown from this experience. And I think I'll grow even more when I see it on TV (AS AMERICA COVERS THEIR EARS WHEN THEY HEAR YOUR WHINY VOICE). It'll be a true reflection for me. I would do it again of course. I was so happy to experience it because I know there are many people who have either tried to be at this point and weren't able to. I'm blessed.


It's something that I don't regret, but I would have changed would have been, the last day when I was voted off, I was on my high horse. I was kind of in charge. "We're going to vote out a person." And I told myself in the game to align myself with people and respect people and try to be as honest as possible. By the last day, I kind of forgot those values that I told myself I would keep by my side until the end. And I think it came back to nip me in the butt (OR YOU COULD HAVE KEPT QUIET AND FINISHED AN AMBERESQUE 5th).

I got to the point where I thought, "things are going my way. I can kind of control this setting." And I used the power I had at that time to a point where it hurt me. It's a reality check. It tells you, "You may think you're in control but are you always in control?" And to make sure you're always paying attention and I wasn't doing that the last day. It was the reason why I got voted out. If I had paid attention and not got too high up on my horse, I would have gotten farther in the game, because that was the whole plan. To be in a five-person alliance and be further in the game. I didn't. I thought I was controlling things a little too much. That's probably the one thing that if I had to do it all over again, I would have stayed with who I would say I would be in the game and be consistent with that. And I forgot that the last day of the game.


There are a few. I think with every person I came across, there was some sort of relationship. From the very beginning, when there was Nicole. It went from me not knowing her to hearing from other people that there were some things going on as far as her strategizing the game and how it potentially hurt me.

From Nicole to Ryan S to Lill to OT and thereafter, and coming over to the Drake tribe. A few days before I was leaving, I started to develop a relationship with Jon and also Burton. And those are probably the worst relationships I could develop (laughs). I didn't know them, and I took what Jon's words would be as truth. Because they sounded like valid points, the things they were saying to me. They made sense. In retrospect, I was just being very naive. But all in all, ya know? He's playing the game; he's playing the game well. And we're total opposites in how he was playing the game and I was playing the game. But look who got further? He did!

So I've had a bunch of relationships out here. But regardless of the relationships I've had in this game, I think I can walk away and say I have some friendships here. I don't have any hard feelings. I'm not going to say, "To hell with them." They played the game. They came in with how they were going to play it. In the end, we're all people (WELL, JON MAY BE ONE STEP BELOW HUMAN), and we're all trying to get to the same point. However you play it is how you play it. In the end, I respect the experience. I respect the people who had this experience with me. And I'll walk away respecting everything about the game, including the people who helped me and hurt me. So, I walk away I think with 15 other people, potentially, I didn't get to know everybody, who knows if we'll be friends or not, but there's a few friendships I've walked away with.


Markopolo's note: She repeats a lot of her day-after interview, so I tried to not repeat too much. Tijuana's voice is REALLY high in this clip. Ouch my ears. One thing, doesn't T sound so much more likeable after she was booted off?

Tijuana (right after being booted): I've learned a lot, I've learned what I am willing to do as far as people are concerned. ... I've learned that if I try my best, I can do it. Aside from that, it's very hard dealing with this kind of game. I was sitting there at tribal council saying, "God, this is such a difficult game," on a personal level, because there are certain things you wouldn't do outside of the game, that you start to actually contemplate doing in the game to get your further, one of those being to vote off Burton. He's a good guy and he deserves to be here after Christa and Sandra. But it was very hard for me to make that decision. I sort of learned a lot from this game. I'm happy where I'm at. I'll go home, and hopefully I learned enough to share with everyone and live a better life.


Definitely a long journey, but so worth it. I wish I had it longer. But I don't. Trying to take a step up and try to take an advantage and take that leadership role, I think cost me the game. It was a high risk, I knew it was. I tried to get other people involved so I wasn't going to be a major target. But I think I still was. I definitely was the messenger for the remaining tribe members. But that's the risk I took.



It's truly the toughest (experience) since my mother's death. It surprises me even more that I was able to go through it. And have a positive attitude. I had my bad days and I wasn't the most (best?) person to get along with. But overall, I tried to have a positive attitude and support others. But I don't know. It shows I can still do everything I can put my mind to. I did it here.


It definitely is a reflection being here of all the dynamics of life experiences that you have from people who don't get along to other people that argue to maybe someone who doesn't like you for your skin color. All of these things, coupled with the fact that you have try to find food and shelter. The elements that are out here. It's all compressed into 39 days, coupled with the fact that you can't get away. You can get away for a little bit, walk down the beach, but you have to come right back. You can't go for too long because then you never know what is happening when you're gone. SO it's definitely all the experiences, mostly positive things, compressed into 39 days. It makes it that much more tough, a challenge. But at the same time, it makes it that much more rewarding.


Clip description: You saw the tribe blame Christa for throwing the much-needed fish into the jungle. Watch as Insider brings you back to the Balboa tribe as Christa explains her predicament.

Markopolo's note: Well, this clip tells the WHOLE story of the sabotage. Pretty interesting. Why didn't EPM leave some of this stuff in the show?

Christa (sobbing confessional): Apparently, last night, the fish were thrown into the forest. And Sandra and I were accused. I was basically the one that was blamed for throwing fish that we had leftover from Rupert's fishing that day, into the woods or into the ocean. I didn't throw fish anywhere. I didn't even see the fish come up when Burton was gutting them right before we left for tribal council. I didn't throw the fish into the forest. Yet Burton and Jon make up this big old story blaming me (HMMN....TOO EASY...TOO EASY).

It very well could have been Sandra. I know she snuck oranges before and snuck mangos before (THAT'S SNUCK NOT SUCK, YOU SICKOS). She promises me that she didn't do it. Maybe that's the truth or not. Maybe she's trying to save herself now one more spot than me, by saying she didn't do it. Because I did have about 30 seconds where I put down my canteen in the corner of bed and that 30 seconds made everyone believe that I took some trip back to the camp, took the fish and threw them in the forest. And went back and put the bucket back, which is impossible. But I'm the only one that was gone for 30 seconds and I just didn't want to listen to Sandra and Jon argue over and over and over. I hear Jon and Sandra argue all the time so that's why I didn't want to hear it. So that's why I left the whole situation. And people think that I threw away all the fish. I feel horrible for being blamed and not have any way to prove that I didn't do it.


And I talked to Lill this morning and she said that I can't be trusted. And she doesn't believe me. And that she believes I threw the fish out. I just feel like I can't talk to anybody here. They all think that I threw out the fish and that I tried to sabotage the camp and the tribe. And I didn't and it makes me feel bad for doing something I didn't do.


So nobody wants to talk to me because I threw out the fish! That I didn't throw out. That I can't prove that I didn't have any part of it. (I SUGGEST HIRING JOHNNIE COCHRAN).


AGAIN, there were only four NEW clips on Insider this week. The other two clips were just clips of the challenges with nothing new from the show. So after every week of 9-11 clips, we only have SEVEN last week and SIX this week? CBS and YAHOO are going cheap on us, which is a shame. I purchase Yahoo Platinum for $9.99 a month for the Survivor clips ONLY. Please give me my money's worth, YAHOO!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yah... PepeLePew13 11-27-03 1
 Poor Christa... Goooey_Alley 11-27-03 2
 Oooops... A Quicky! Goooey_Alley 11-27-03 3
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yah... NTK 11-27-03 4
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yah... LookeeLoo 11-27-03 5
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yah... aethelstan 11-27-03 6
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yah... Ra_8secs 11-27-03 7
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yah... Silvergirl1 11-27-03 8
 Thanks yet again... Loree 11-27-03 9
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yah... strid333 11-27-03 10
 Marko Rocks! Spanky68 11-27-03 11
   Tijuana Pirate Prinny 11-28-03 12
       RE: Tijuana Solitaire 11-29-03 13
           I agree with Solitaire! The commen... Denalio 11-30-03 14
       RE: Tijuana Silvergirl1 12-01-03 17
 Thanks Marko Breezy 12-01-03 15
   RE: Thanks Marko nailbone 12-01-03 19
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yah... wendyp 12-01-03 16
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yah... Breezy 12-01-03 18

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Messages in this topic

PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-03, 03:29 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"

>Maybe a Pay Per View?

Y'know, I could have sworn I read "Pepe Le Pew" when I first saw your pay per view comment above. I think I've been listening to Darrah speak too many times now.

>Frankly, we're
>sick and tired of you.

Careful, Sandra... people are getting sick and tired of your caustic outlook.

Great comments, Marko, and thanks once again for doing this for all of us here!


Goooey_Alley 425 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-27-03, 08:35 AM (EST)
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2. "Poor Christa..."
And I talked to Lill this morning and she said that I can't be trusted. And she doesn't believe me. And that she believes I threw the fish out. I just feel like I can't talk to anybody here. They all think that I threw out the fish and that I tried to sabotage the camp and the tribe. And I didn't and it makes me feel bad for doing something I didn't do.

Lil... not only she sucked in the IC and "Tyuana" vote,
she lacks good perceptions regarding what's really behind everything and tends to believe what only others told her so. She even bites Jon's grandma's dead drama. She doesn't deserve to win.


Goooey_Alley 425 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-27-03, 08:39 AM (EST)
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3. "Oooops... A Quicky!"
Thanks for the Platinum Clips. Seems like they are cutting down clips... Or maybe they hid those clips that may help us in the few remaining episodes.

NTK 109 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-27-03, 08:45 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"
Thanks so much. I find Lil interesting, but I am not a Lil fan. Lil's comments to T while voting her out show that Lil can certainly hold a grudge. Christa says Lil told her she didn't believe her about the fish incident. Most people would have be a little more evasive. Then last night Lil was eagerly jumping on the bandwagon of Jon's lie about his grandmother. She pointedly tried to silence Sandra about it. I really hate the thoughts of it, but she may become a force to justify the F2 rumors.

LookeeLoo 1169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

11-27-03, 11:43 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"
Thanks for the recap Marko! I realize that you had to endure T's disturbing voice to do this for us. What a sacrafice!



aethelstan 4435 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-27-03, 12:12 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"

Great job as usual Marko. Many thanks.

Another quality creation by JSlice


Ra_8secs 1081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

11-27-03, 12:30 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"
Excellent write up, MarcoPolo.

But this belongs in Bashers Forum, not Spoilers Forum.

-- Ra, as fast as light


Silvergirl1 9342 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-03, 01:10 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"

LOL at this post, MP! Funny stuff!

Thanks for taking the time to post it.



Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-03, 01:36 PM (EST)
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9. "Thanks yet again..."
Thanks Marko. You are great for doing this for us every week.

The less clips they show us, the more I wonder what they are hiding. And what is Darrah doing? She has become a mystery.


strid333 2928 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-27-03, 01:51 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"
Interesting stuff Marco. Wish there were more clips.

Rupert is the perfect Survivor.


Spanky68 8092 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-03, 05:53 PM (EST)
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11. "Marko Rocks!"

Many thanks to ya. Hope you are having a great Thanksgiving!


Pirate Prinny 21 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-28-03, 11:33 PM (EST)
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12. "Tijuana"
I don't see why you keep bashing Tiajuana's voice. I rather like it. I think T was my second favorite person this season, after Rupert. All the others are lying, backstabbing, self centered weaklings.

And thanks for the Insider post, always an enjoyable read (Allthough it would be more enjoyable without the cynical commentary.)


Solitaire 103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-29-03, 12:04 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Tijuana"
>And thanks for the Insider post,
>always an enjoyable read (Allthough
>it would be more enjoyable
>without the cynical commentary.)

Are you kidding me??? Marko's commentary is often the best part of the Insider, especially on a week where there's not much spoiler info.

Thanks so much Marko for all you do for us!


Denalio 904 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-30-03, 02:01 AM (EST)
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14. "I agree with Solitaire! The commentary is the best part! "
Solitaire has it right. I LOVE your COMMENTARY!!!

And of course, I appreciate getting such great reviews of the Insider clips. Please know that many of us ENJOY what you do and are quite grateful and thankful not only for the work involved in typing it all up for us, but your comments which make it all the more hysterically funny!


Silvergirl1 9342 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-01-03, 01:03 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Tijuana"

I like T, too, but I didn't mind Marko's comments. Everyone here has their own point of view, and they are welcome to express it, as long as they meet Webby's guidelines.

I hope Marko continues to do the Insider posts. They are very informative and funny, IMHO.

That JSlice, such a talent!


Breezy 18380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-01-03, 08:35 AM (EST)
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15. "Thanks Marko"
I wonder why they keep giving you less clips?

Jon is scum!


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-01-03, 02:00 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Thanks Marko"

>Jon is scum!
And Sandra's no better.

New sigpic courtesy of the lovely and talented JSlice
Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian (StS) o-


wendyp 2081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-01-03, 11:12 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"
Thanks for the transcript.

Wonder what they all think now that they saw Sandra confess to the fish and Jon confess to his grandma story being fake.


Breezy 18380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-01-03, 01:06 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 10 Yahoo Platinum"
If they don't go into that at the reunion, there will be a lot of po'd fans.



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