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"Yahoo Insider Five"
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VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-17-03, 11:11 AM (EST)
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"Yahoo Insider Five"
LAST EDITED ON 10-17-03 AT 11:40 AM (EST)

just trying to give Marko some help (per poster sas...)

Ryan is Thankful for Rupert's Advice

With the Morgan's Tribe in need of help, Rupert came to the rescue. How did Ryan oprey feel about the temporary addition to his tribe, and did he believe Rupeert was truly helpful? Find out as insider takes you to the Morgan camp, as Ryan explains it all.

Ryan: "I felt totally helpless before Rupert got here. We were down to sand crabs, an uh, stuff like oysters, but you know our oyster supply started running out so me an Andrew went on this long trek the other day trying to find some fish... and you know, now that I know how to use the tool I'm that much better and I'm not helpless anymore. But beforehand, you know.... probably the smartest thing this tribe ever did was get ahold of Rupert. I mean, now we've won 2, and we feel stronger. We've won 2 challenges out of 8 and I owe him alot for that. And I totally respect him and I guess over on his side of the tribe they took it for granted that they were getting fish all the time and he had actually called us the 'working class tribe' because we're always doing stuff. We're kind of stumbling all over ourselves and not getting things done. So he just helped us straighten things out and I think it was one of the best things to happen to Morgan."


Ryan: "The fact that we don't know how to fish didn't really help us or hurt us or hider us in any way but I know physically it did. So now the other tribe now knows that we know how to catch fish and Rupert probably told them that I know how to get it so... now that we're going to have protein intake... so they're going to be in a bit of trouble. Rupert's kind of the workhorse over there, so if we can kind of defeat Rupert (grins) we can be back in the game a little bit more, you know? And it's just (pauses) it's unfortunate he's over there (laughs)."


I think the rest of my tribe is a bit against the fishing thing. uh, two, I think T and Osten don't like to get in the water. Well, T does but Osten, you know he doesn't like to swim, so... and Darrah can't pull the sling back, because you have to kind of pull it back hard. And Andrew, I don't know if he didn't want to learn or he thought I was going to take care of it, but it's an advantage for me strategically. And, 'cause I'm going to get fish, you know I'll go out and spend a couple of hours in the morning, get fish for everybody, and they can clean it, and I can kind of rst and kick back a little bit. But uh, it was kind of odd to me that nobody wanted to learn. I'm the type of person that's like 'hey, let's do this, let's try this out'. You know I've always got a positive attitude about things andyou know you leanr something new everyday. People say 'oh no you don't'
but you don't know anything. You learn all the time. You learn until you're dead."

Registered User
Posts: 54
(10/17/03 1:51 am)
Reply Jonny Fair Play
Jonny Fair Play

How does Jon really see himself, and what does he think his tribe should really be afraid of? Insider answers the burning question, "Who is Jonny fair play?"

Christa: "I'm psyched about our beans."

jon: "This is going to be the best meal of our week (laughs)"

voiceover- jon : "As far as who's in danger on this tribe, you know, the guys have to worry about me being so smart and so athletically gifted and all that. but the main danger- definitely the ladies." (big grin)

flashes back to jon with a plate of rice near the campfire-

jon: (to christa) "I'm a pimp, I'm a playa" (moves his hand down to his groin)

christa looks up from her plate at him and kind of manages a weak grin.

voice-over- jon: " women have been in danger since the day I was born, pretty much. Because I'm so irresistible, and smart, and great, and perfect. Almost hypnotic when you think about it"

flashes back to the campfire and the tribe is eating-

Trish: "tell us a typical night in jon's life. A typical singles night- what happens?"

jon: (small grin) " a typical singles night is I get dressed up to the hilt, I rock a cool ass t-shirt. I walk out with my hair just goin' (points at hair). Like 'what's up girl? what choo know'? (giggling)

voice-over- michelle (showing michelle at the campfire listening to jon with an uncomfortable fake grin): "we're just sitting around the fire, talking about stuff and of course, jon's sex life came up. (show's michelle's face now) He tells these crazy crazy fantasy stories. I don't know whether to believe them 9wrinkles her nose), or whether not to believe them... I, I.... I couldn't even tell you, they're so off the wall."'

back to Jon at the fire-

Jon:" I walk up and I mean, just pimp limp" (demonstrates the limp by shuffling through the sand)

voice-over-Jon "I think I'm an enigma and they're just so puzzled, it's like a deer caught in the headlights. They don't know what to do. (shows Jon on beach doing his confessional interview now) I mean, when you've got bait like this (makes reeling motion with invisible fishing pole) just reel them in."

back to the fire

trish: "so then what happens? when you finally talk to her and she likes you, what happens?"

jon: "I mean, any girl that talks to me is going to like me. Just look at me."

interview with sandra: "Jon is such an ass. He thinks he's a ladies man."

(shows sandra at the fire now smiling) "you're a player"

interview with sandra:" I would love to see these women that he claims he has all these special moments with. I don't know. He's gotta be lying! He's not the cutest guy out there. He's skinny, he's doesn't have no meat on him,"

voice-over -michelle (images of jons legs)"Jon has got the worst pair of chicken legs I've ever seen in my life. They're worse than a females. it's just bones really. You know.... tendons and stuff. That's it (smiles)"

(jon at fire) "I do alot better than I think any guy with women in say, my position, size wise..."

christa: "size and looks you mean?"

jon :"yeah"

christa:"it's not about looks though, you know? Or size wise, because it's all about character and personality."

jon (looking over trish, michelle and christa):"I mean, you guys dig me, right?"

all the girls mutter positive responses-

trish:"look, you're standing with four women..."


trish:"you're the only guy here with four women".

jon (points down the beach at Shawn in the distance): "look at that guy, he's standing down there all alone"

everyone giggles

voice-over jon: "if you don't have confidence going into this game, you won't do well in this game.I've got all the confidence in this world which is great. I've never ever suffered from a lack of confidence. I have more alliances with more people numbers wise than anyone else in this game. At the same tie though I really really really know that luck is the only thing getting me by. And it's the same thing with the ladies. I mean, like, confidence helps but, if you're not lucky you're not taking it home."

trish at the fire:"do we believe jon's stories girls?"

muttering from the girls.

trish" we believe about 50% of them I'd say"

jon:"I've got no reason to make them up"

christa: "right."

Registered User
Posts: 178
(10/17/03 4:27 am)
Re: Insider: Michelle The Day After
And here's my part to help out Sasketoon and Marko

NOTE: This is NOT easy to do. Thanks Marko for doing it regularly and Sasketoon for taking up the slack.

Michelle the day after

One of the things I could have done to save myself the night I was voted out is talk to Trish about it --kind of plead my case to her of why I should stay and Shawn should go, but I didn't do that. And the reasoning is kind of surprising. Why should I have to go and plead my case to Trish? “Who is Trish to tell me that ‘oh, Ok, you can stay.’” I just didn’t like that whole idea I didn’t like that.. No one likes to be the underdog, no one likes to sit and beg. I wasn’t going to sit and beg. It really comes down to who is she to decide my fate in the game. I know it sounds stupid cause I may have been able to stay longer, but it’s just a personal thing. I just can’t do it.

So I talked to Rupert and Jon instead, who you know, seemed to know how I kind of felt. I would never have talked to Christa about it because she’s nasty -- she’s not a fun person to talk to begin with. I just don’t like the idea of Trish being the leader of everything. She’s kind of the undercover leader. No one knows she’s the one behind it, but she is.

I mean I think the people who are under her working for her are people like Jon and Christa and Rupert and Sandra. They are all working for her. I don’t know if they know they realize that is how it’s turning out but it is. It’s like Trish is the queen and everybody else is working under her, but at the same time it looks like the other people are the masterminds because they are doing all the work. Like Jon’s looking like he’s doing all the work. But he’s doing what Trish is telling him to do. So I don’t know if they realize that but I definitely did and I didn’t want any part of that. Even for a million dollars it’s hard to step back. I did that a lot. I did step back and swallow my pride and suck things up that I normally wouldn’t have. I kept my mouth shut when I normally would have said something. I just had had enough and I just couldn’t do it this time.


The one thing I would do differently if I did go through this whole experience again is I would try to hang out with -- be a girlie girl more. From day one I was better friends with some of the guys on the tribe. It did make me seem standoffish to the women.. I may not be intimidating, but they wanted me to be more of a girlie girl. They wanted me to go over and braid hair with them and do all that stuff and I just wasn’t interested in that. It made me look stuck up or something.


After going though the whole experience, being out there for a little over two weeks I left with more than I came there with. I gained a lot of insight on myself and my life. Right now it’s still overwhelming what I ‘m getting out of this. I think over time a lot of things will develop as time goes on. Right now All I can think about is that I’m 22-years -old and I’m having this chance to have this amazing opportunity and the chance to reflect back on who I am and what I want to do with my life. It sounds kind of corny but a lot of it is that I am so young and I have this chance to see the kind of person I am and see what other people think of me and improve on that. I know it’s corny but it’s a major thing.

After the Surprise vote at tribal council where burton was voted out, Michelle wanted revenge. Who was her target, and what was her plan? Find out as insider listens in on Michelle's new plot.


michelle:"last night, the tribe has decided to vote out burton, which was NOT made apparent to me, directly at least. Indirectly..... yeah, it was obvious. Somewhat obvious. Burton I think was a little bit, was surprised but he wasn't, and I was the same way - I was surprised but I wasn't. But what surprised me was how everybody seemed to have crossed their minds. The smart people who I thought were smart, aren't. (laughs) The people who I thought were stupid, still are. (bigger laugh) Alot of stuff has changed, and for me.... they just rocket powered me into the next level of this game. And the hardest part for me is going to be kissing a little ass to get to the next level where I can just demolish them. 'Cause I've had it with all of them.


They're making this game out to be just too easy. They're saying 'oh, we just need to get rid of the bad apple, which was Burton, and now everybody trusts everybody do it's fine'. And I'm like, 'who do you guys think you are? You think that everything's fine?' If I'm not.... Their only hope right now is if we lose an immunity challenge and we go back to tribal council so they can get rid of me. If they don't get rid of me, I'm going to take them all down. One by one by one. And yeah, I believe in Drake's and whatnot, but uh... these guys are just MORONS. They completely don't think... I mean, part of my strategy coming in here was that my competitors, even the ones on my own teams, they wouldn't know what was coming out of me and what's going to come next. They don't expect much out of em and that's what's happened. And they've just shown that last night by not thinking that they're going to get one thing out of me and I was just going to, you know, sit back and be like, 'oh, ok. you guys don't want Burton? ok, I'm on your side now, let's go.' And that's what I'm going to do now and I'm faking alot of stuff for every single one of them.


My first plan of action is to go to those... some key people, and maybe just start racking their brains, get them thinking that maybe things aren't as simple as they think they are. For example, somebody like Shawn- I know he relies heavily on his self image and how he's portrayed in this game. He doesn't like it when people don't like him, and when he does he retaliates, and he's pretty much just worried about looking good. So what I'm going to do with him is, next time I get a chance to talk with him I'll just start racking his brains and popping up questions. Not necessarily saying things directly, but just indirectly to get him thinking 'you know, jon just played you. Jon just used you'. And he thought he was the King of the ship and he's not (smiles). And just to be like, this isn't the easy game you thought it was going to be, he just used you and this is the way it's going to be. And just.... I'm going to poke things into his head. Not directly though, indirectly. A few other people, whatever makes them scared, or whatever might make them scared, is what I'm going to do. I'm gonna just... everybody is scared of something. And by watching what everybody said up until tribal council, and how they acted at tribal council, and afterwords, I've realized alot. And I'm lucky to be where I am, that I'm still here. I think... but uh... they're not "(smiles)


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Thank you!! rose 10-17-03 1
 my favorite line cqvenus 10-17-03 2
   RE: my favorite line Acawap 10-17-03 4
 Thanks, VS anotherkim 10-17-03 3
   Insider VerucaSalt 10-17-03 5
 RE: Yahoo Insider Five jkokoj 10-17-03 6
 RE: Yahoo Insider Five mtopaz 10-17-03 7
 RE: Yahoo Insider Five wendyp 10-17-03 8
   RE: Yahoo Insider Five VerucaSalt 10-20-03 9
       Taking the Pot... Krautboy 10-20-03 10
           RE: Taking the Pot... Acawap 10-20-03 11
           RE: Taking the Pot... Brownroach 10-20-03 12
 RE: Yahoo Insider Five cowboyroo 10-20-03 13
   RE: Yahoo Insider Five VerucaSalt 10-20-03 14
       RE: Yahoo Insider Five volsfan 10-21-03 15
           RE: Yahoo Insider Five Brownroach 10-21-03 16
               RE: Yahoo Insider Five mistofleas 10-21-03 17
               RE: Yahoo Insider Five pdragonfly 10-21-03 18
                   RE: Yahoo Insider Five VerucaSalt 10-21-03 19
                       RE: Yahoo Insider Five pdragonfly 10-21-03 20
                       RE: Yahoo Insider Five volsfan 10-21-03 21
                           RE: Yahoo Insider Five mistofleas 10-21-03 22
                               RE: Yahoo Insider Five volsfan 10-21-03 23
                               RE: Yahoo Insider Five VerucaSalt 10-21-03 24
                               RE: Yahoo Insider Five Brownroach 10-21-03 25
                                   RE: Yahoo Insider Five volsfan 10-21-03 26
       RE: Yahoo Insider Five nailbone 10-21-03 27

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rose 313 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-17-03, 11:23 AM (EST)
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1. "Thank you!!"
Thanks for doing this veruca!! The stuff about Trish being the secret squirrel leader is interesting...


cqvenus 9765 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-03, 11:30 AM (EST)
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2. "my favorite line"
and further evidence of why I despise Jon:

men have been in danger since the day I was born, pretty much. Because I'm so irresistible, and smart, and great, and perfect. Almost hypnotic when you think about it

wouldn't it be funny if the lie was that Jon is gay? and he has sex on Survivor anyway, just for the sake of being able to say he did it? that would make me laugh. of course, it serves no purpose at all in the game. but it sure would cause Jiffy to say M---F--- when he finds out Jon has a boyfriend.

- perpetuating Jon.Is.Gay rumors since 17 October 2003


Acawap 184 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-17-03, 12:23 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: my favorite line"
I could see that. Maybe that 'Scrawn vs Brawn' clip is really a lovers quarrel between Shawn and Jon after they do the nasty in the bushes!

anotherkim 14420 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-17-03, 12:18 PM (EST)
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3. "Thanks, VS"
I am not surprised in the least that Trish is calling the shots. She's in a perfect setting...Sandra, she and Rupert are a natural match and I can see where Jon would let her play mother for him in order to try to play her.

Michelle is/was clueless. The idea that she was going to take them down one by one is pretty darn exactly would she do that on her own? It's no surprise that she was booted. She didn't make nice with the tribe. I don't care how much pride you's a GAME. Play it. When will they learn?

--go Trish.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-17-03, 12:28 PM (EST)
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5. "Insider"
Oh don't thank me, cutting/pasting was the ONLY hard work I did

Michelle sounds like a very put out young lady doesn't she? I just find it interesting that she, the same as Burton are positive about Shawn/Jon both of whom had more in terms of betrayal to B/M and harsh on Rupert/Christa when it seemed always perfectly clear that neither Bur/Mic were ever in an alliance with them


jkokoj 4389 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-17-03, 12:33 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
I mean I think the people who are under her working for her are people like Jon and Christa and Rupert and Sandra. They are all working for her. I don t know if they know they realize that is how it s turning out but it is. It s like Trish is the queen and everybody else is working under her, but at the same time it looks like the other people are the masterminds because they are doing all the work.

Kind of hard to see any hidden alliances when they are handing us who the supposed leaders are. Trish is the queen, no hard feelings there I guess. (rolling my eyes as I was soo wrong about Trish and Michelle getting along).


mtopaz 2167 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

10-17-03, 01:34 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
Thank you VS for posting this and for all the others who put it together for us!

I can see now why Michelle didn't get many confessionals - she's not a bright girl at all. So after Burton gets voted out she realizes she's out of the loop, and is now the outsider. She discusses and agrees to make a pretty easy strategic move at the IC in order to help her team win (and thus ensure she isn't on the chopping block that night), and she completely blows it, thus ensuring her unanimous boot. And it cracks me up that she refers to Christa, Sandra and Trish as girlie-girls! Heidi and Jenna = girlie-girls. Ch/S/T = each look like tough cookies to me.


wendyp 2081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

10-17-03, 02:52 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
No one likes to be the underdog, no one likes to sit and beg. I wasn’t going to sit and beg

Well why was she there...did she really think she would make it to the end without ever having to say why she should stay! I thought her talk with Rupert was asking to stay.

I think even though she did not want to be a girlie girl she thought she would make it on her looks and hooking up with two strong guys. But in a team of 8 you need to talk to everyone even if you do not like them. Heck Colby put up with Jeri!


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-20-03, 10:57 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
Some update stuff came in:

From Sucks/Xianni

I just thought I would add this, since everyone thinks there was no big blow up over the shower. This definitely shows that there was a blow up. It also shows that Osten is a lazy @ss who likes to give opinions but not give help.

This clip was heavily edited with confessional providing the narration of the action interspersed with the dialog during the action. Hope you can understand they way I transcribed it.

I would like to add that perhaps the TV Guide/website descriptions are written before the final edit of the show we see on TV. This obviously didn't make the final edit.

Shower Time
Starts as an Andrew confessional/narration of the guys building
the shower:

Andrew confessional/narration:
We just had a great challenge. We won a portable shower which we are going to latch up to a palm tree, take five gallons and everyone's gonna shower. It's absolutely fabulous.

So Rhino and I took it upon ourselves to put it up...I actually shimmied up the coconut tree, which took a lot of energy and put a notch in it. Then Rhino and I took an enormous amount of energy to take a tree stump that is about 4-foot high and roll it all the way over there so someone could stand on it to hook-up the shower.

Rhino: "Shower is eminent"

Andrew confessional/narration:
We were exhausted afterwards but we were happy to do it because we are creating an unbelievable luxury out here for everyone.

"Of course, we don't have a shower curtain."

Andrew confessional/narration:
Since we are all one big happy family it's ok.

"T, you wanna go take a shower?"

Tijuana: "I go first."

Tijuana confessional:
The shower is in the middle of everything and you can see there's no protection of any sort and there's no, -- nothing, there's nothing, you are just showering under a palm tree for everyone to see.

"Works for me."

Tijuana's confessional continues:
I don't know what the guys were thinking at all. Or maybe they weren't thinking. Or maybe they really were thinking . I'm not sure.

Off camera Rhino:
"Is that a bad spot for you guys?"

Off camera Osten (maybe, hard to tell):
It is a bad spot and then something unintelligible.

Ryan (looking frustrated)
Just pick a spot.

Rhino Confessional:
Tijuana had a problem being naked like that out in the open. Everyone got in an argument about this and that.

"I suggested over here before but everyone said 'no, mosquitoes.' Then I suggested over here..."

Osten interrupts:
"The girls don't feel like showering in the open like that. Think about putting it some other place -- right back there or right here.”

Andrew off to the side of the discussion throws up his hands in disgust.

Tijuana: "Why are you doing that Andrew?”

Andrew confessional:
I threw my arms up and Tijuana said: "Why you doin' that?" I said, "I'm doing that because we just spent about two hours busting our ass putting that thing up...

Back to convo of Andrew to Tijuana:
"...and the whole time everyone knew, at least I thought they knew that's where we were putting it. And we wouldn't have spent an hour doing that if we knew there was any disagreement."

"I can understand what they are talking about…"

Tijuana interjects something but I can't understand it... I think she says “Osten knows everything.”

Andrew confessional:
It went from something pleasurable to being an enormous pain in the ass.

“You know I'm not peeking... you will have deal with these two…” (Osten and Rhino)

Tijuana: "I know (big smile)."

Tijuana confessional:
So we came to a happy medium and the medium was just that they would keep their distance and us turning our backs and I'm perfectly fine with that.

Tijuana and Darrah at shower laughing
Darrah: "This is weird.
Tijuana: "You go girl."

Darrah confessional:
The shower worked out fine, I didn't have any problems with the guys. I just didn't want everyone around watching, ya know. I was just excited about washing. I think the guys respected us, ya know. They weren't really watchin' us. so, uhm, ya know, I respect them for respectin' us. So ya know, if they'll do that every time we take a shower, I'm fine with it.

Tijuana confessional:
Darrah was able to shower first and then thereafter, myself and it was fabulous. Just so nice to get clean, be able to scrub your body, our hair. It was perfectly fabulous.

Morgan Camp:

Andrew: “We’ve got tree mail.”

Tijuana sucks in breath and looks/sounds excited…

Shot of Darrah looking intense.

We go tree mail and we’re really excited… it mentioned the possibility that we would be clean somehow, so we figured we would potentianly get something that would dry us off and something to keep us clean.

Rhino to Rupert: “If we win the reward challenge tomorrow and we get to go to your camp…”
Rupert to Rhino and Andrew: “I’ll make sure the bag is full -- the bag you take will be full. “

Andrew to Rupert: “No, I’m not asking that..”

Andrew confessional: My tribe says that if we win the reward challenge, I should be the designated one to go to the Drakes and pillage their village. They chose me as their leader a long time ago and this is kind of a leadership thing.

Andrew to Rupert: “…but I also want someone to agree that if they come here -- we lose the next one, they don’t take our pot.”

Andrew confessional: Before the reward challenge Rupert and I had a handshake deal where I would take a sack of their rice, uh, and he agreed if they win the next reward challenge, they wouldn’t take our pot.

Andrew to Rupert: When all this is over, if you need any legal assistance, just give me a call. Just having that handshake, that agreement with Rupert, I think further increases the rapport that we have. It’s really cool.

I wonder if the looter confesses when taking the pot that he/she was told to take the pot?


Krautboy 2750 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

10-20-03, 04:33 PM (EST)
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10. "Taking the Pot..."
VS, interesting idea! Since it looks like either Jon or Shawn would be sent as the looter this week, Jon could easily see this as an opportunity to be "Johnny Fairplay" and sabotage Rupert and Andrews post merge relationship. Jon could make a stunning confession that is fabricated..."Rupert told me to make sure I take the pot, so that's what I have to do!"

Would thi also qualify as the big lie?



Acawap 184 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-20-03, 05:10 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Taking the Pot..."
That sounds like a great theory to me, and it would qualify as a 'mother f***er' of a lie... but how does lying to Morgan help Jon oust Rupert?? Doesn't make any sense to me. Seems to me if you were going to tell a lie, it wouldn't be to the other tribe.. <shrug>

I think the 'stunning confession':

1) won't be very 'stunning'
2) will be separate from the 'big lie'... although I hedge my bet here to say maybe they relate in some way (like someone makes the confession then lies about it??)

and the 'big lie' will be:

1) So anti-climactic now that we'll all be saying 'mother f***er'
2) Will be told by Shawn, either about Jon, or because Jon tells him to.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-20-03, 05:12 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Taking the Pot..."
That is an interesting idea. It could be part of the betrayal plotline.

If Jon does sabotage Rupert by looting Morgan's pot, maybe Shawn goes to Rupert because he knows what Jon was up to, and he sees it as an opportunity to wedge Jon out of the alliance and wedge himself in. He tells Rupert about Jon's plot and maybe promises Rupert a long-term (F2?) alliance if Rupert and everyone else will vote off Jon at TC.


cowboyroo 590 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-20-03, 07:42 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
Thanks so much for doing this Veruca. Does anyone have the tribal council voting section? That's always my favorite to read?

Great job Veruca...whoo, whoo


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-20-03, 07:53 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
ask and you shall receive I did not transcribe them but I know the best place to get them!

Thanks to VG


Here it is transcripted and posted on Survivor Phoenix:

SHAWN (voting for Michelle):
Michelle, I'm voting for you because I made an alliance prior to the alliance you thought we were in and this is just how the game has turned out. I'm really sorry, you're a great girl, you've got amazing qualities and don't take this personally

TRISH (voting for Michelle):
Michelle, I think you're a really good girl. It's been good to get to know you these past couple of days, I just wish we had gotten to know each other on Day 1 instead of Day 15 and uh... you know, I'm not sure what game you were playing, I didn't recognize it as Survivor. But I wish you the best of luck.

JON (voting for Michelle):
Michelle, You're a good girl.

MICHELLE (voting for Shawn):
I had to write this name down on the card, just for myself, because if anybody was going to jump ship, buddy, I think it's you. Hope you don't.

RUPERT (voting for Michelle):
You should not . My own tribe looking at me and making fun of me. Not the thing to do. You aligned yourself with the wrong people. Waiting for Day 5 or 6 before you'd talk to me? It was a bad mistake.

SANDRA (voting for Michelle):
Michelle, somebody had to bite the bullet today for my mistake and it had to be you. Uh. See you later. Uh. Adios.

CHRISTA (voting for Michelle):
You've never, ever talked to me and, uh, you've talked a lot about me and I'm sorry, but it's your time to go. You said there could only be one blonde on the island. I'm a fake blonde, but that's okay. I'll carry on without you, girl.


volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-03, 10:38 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
WOW...sounds like Michelle was not liked by anyone! Also, I find it interesting that Shawn says he had made an alliance before the alliance with her!

I think most everyone, myself included, thought Shawn was just out there on an island by himself after the Burton boot. However, who is his alliance with? The editing has made us think Burton, Michelle and Shawn sort of took off by themselves. Burton and Michelle both have been booted and maybe Shawn is next. However, I would like to know who his (Shawn) original alliance is with!

Also, I am leaning to a Rupert or Shawn boot this episode. I keep coming back to Jiffy saying that one tribe learns that voting the strong people off first isn't a good thing (or something to that affect)!



Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-03, 10:42 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
I think most everyone, myself included, thought Shawn was just out there on an island by himself after the Burton boot. However, who is his alliance with?

Jon said in EP 4 that he's in an alliance of 2 with Shawn. Jon apparently gave Shawn a heads-up to vote against Burton.


mistofleas 8043 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-03, 10:53 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
Yeah, Jon talked about his 2 4 way alliances, his 2 way alliance, his alliance with himself...blah, blah, blah.

It sounds like the only person he didn't get into an alliance with on the first day was the pelican and that's probably because Rupert killed it.

--cross threading since 2001


pdragonfly 318 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-21-03, 10:58 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
Anyone who's every watched survivor knows that its all about relationships. That Michelle didn't talk to Trish for 15 days or Rupert for 6 days is astounding. What was she thinking? Especially since she's not very strong, she's got to rely on friendships. Did she really think that being freinds with just 2 people (Shawn and Burton) would get her to the end?

Even Lill and Ryan S made the same mistake by only befriending each other and not the rest of the Morgan tribe.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-21-03, 11:08 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
This is why I tread carefully with Michelle's comments. She says she approached Trish in her pleading her case but elsewhere she says she didn't. She says that she could see pretty much who is calling the shots and that is Trish but she appears to never have really spoken to her (or Rupert or Christa) really for that matter. Unless she was getting information from Jon (and how accurate is that and who knows if what HE told HER was designed for HIS benefit) Michelle's observations and some of her contradictions are something I am wary in putting too much stock in.

pdragonfly 318 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-21-03, 11:15 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
Part of her contradiction may stem from the Ghost Tribe come back. She might have been mixing up her experiences. What she said as she was leaving was pre-ghost tribe and then her interview was once she left the island so it would be her post ghost experience.

Or she's such an air-head. Or she has a rich fantasy life. Or this is what happens when you don't take your meds.

either way she's a bit full of her own expectations for winning.


volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-03, 11:17 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
Brown and Misto you amaze me! I can't remember anything! Sorry about that! But thanks so much for reminding me of that alliance. However, it sounds even more strange that Shawn has to know his alliance with Jon isn't going to hold very long against another alliance of more than two!

I guess Shawn can just continue to let us look at his great pecs with his chest hair growing back! He really isn't that smart of a player! SORRY...I should have taken that to bashers!



mistofleas 8043 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-03, 11:26 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
However, it sounds even more strange that Shawn has to know his alliance with Jon isn't going to hold very long against another alliance of more than two!

It's possible that Shawn is just that stupid. JP is quoted as calling him "cocky" but the kind of cocky you don't mind. So, I can see him going along with Jon's badgering schemes thinking that he's got the game sewed up.

It's also possible the Shawn is counting on Jon being a back stabber and really has a 2 person alliance with Trish. I could be stretching here, but I can see it as possible. Kind of a Colby/Tina thing.

Brown and Misto you amaze me! Now none of that! Haven't you notice I just follow BR, KB and Veruca around the threads and agree an expand upon what they say? I haven't had an original though since 1972.

--thinks vols is sweet


volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-03, 11:32 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
The more I think about may be right, he could be that stewpid! The way the Drake tribe started out was almost like the "good looking people (Burton, Shawn and Michelle)" and the "others". We all know that strategy won't work and I am not so sure that Burton and Michelle are any smarter than Shawn. After all, Burton claims he had no idea that Rupert was upset with all the ribbing he gave him! Couldn't he see the looks Rupert gave him?

Misto...I am with you, I haven't had an original idea in about as long as you!



VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-21-03, 11:36 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
It appears that the mutual admiration society is alive and kicking in these parts (hugs misto) and did you feel the big blueberry I threw at you for minimizing your wonderful comments!

I think Shawn didn't think as far ahead as he should have. In fact he probably thought he was in a wonderful position; alliance with Jon, alliance with J/B/M and why would he think that Rupert and his "girls" could out alliance his groupings. Suddenly as of the last two episodes, he DOES know his meager trappings are not going to sustain him hence his "sudden" aversion to Burton (obviously to make sure the majority alliance believes this was something he fully believed and intended to do) and his IMMEDIATE discussion with Rupert about the boot last week. He is working hard and fast now and it seems clear that he is about to do so again this week.

The question remains whether he succeeds or not


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-03, 11:39 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
Are you kidding, Misto, I thought I was following you!

Thanks for the kind words, Misto and VolsFan. In reality, I can't remember anything either and my head is spinning because I have to do the SOTS tonight.


volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-03, 11:47 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
Veruca, I agree with you all the way. He does seem to be making some quick make-up ground. I hope he is successful in staying at least long enough to make the jury.

Brown, you will do wonderful! You have such great ideas and do a very good job of putting them into words. BTW, THANKS in advance for the SOTS!



nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-03, 11:55 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Yahoo Insider Five"
you know, I'm not sure what game you were playing, I didn't recognize it as Survivor.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I *love* that line!!!

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