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"*Survivor Pearl Island Astrology Guide*"
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MattyMax 515 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-07-03, 05:08 PM (EST)
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"*Survivor Pearl Island Astrology Guide*"
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-03 AT 01:35 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-07-03 AT 05:22 PM (EST)


Thanks to Mistral for giving me stimulus to rewrite this and make it pretty(I'm learning HTML!). he(?) caused me to rethink Drake altogether, and my analysis now makes more sense, and is somewhat revealing.

OutFrontGirl? You out there?!?!?! If you were, you’d probably be out front…
Anyways, here be me charts and stars.

The Drake tribe is a pretty balanced group, a good mix of fire (2) water (3) Air (2) and Earth (1) as well as a mix of Fixed (4) Mutable (1) and Cardinal (3). Mixed groups are good, because they balance strengths and weaknesses. But, like Morgan, there is an imbalance towards Fixed. This may either ground the tribe in tribe pride, or it will wreck them as they try to adapt to changing situations. What if Rupert can’t adapt to being switched to the Morgan tribe? (I can see it, if it happens)

Hmm.. Burton, Michelle, and Shawn are all cardinal, the same people who shared the coconut milk the first day…

But perhaps the real center of the tribe is Rupert, Sandra, Christa and Trish, the fixed center. The Normal People Alliance. If you think about it, not much have come from this group about each other, although Rupert has strong criticism of Burton and Shawn, and Christa has called Shawn a pussy and has talked about Jon talking too much, not to mention Sandra’s utter hatred of Jon.

Ah, and there’s John (Pisces, Mutable Water) on the outside. He seems to get along with Christa (Scorpio, Fixed Water), over water. But Christa is closer to Rupert than she is to John.

Burton Roberts April 10 72 Aries March 21-April 19 FIRE

-Burton is a big Aries. He is adventurous, impetuous, can be thoughtless. He sees himself as the leader of his tribe, whether or not the rest of the tribe agrees. But (with Sandra), he is the fire of the tribe, he keeps things moving. Aries and Libra are opposite signs on the spectrum, and these relationships are usually charged, and are often very strong. This makes me think that the Burton/Shawn relationship is not going to break, and may be the strongest relationship in the game.

Christa Hastie November 6, 1978. Scorpio October 23 - November 21 WATER FIXED

Scorpios are a big mess. Like all water signs, they’re hard to pin down. Well, first, it’s a water sign, so they get along with other water signs. They like secrecy and plotting, and will do anything to get what they want (Heidi’s bags). They have a tendency towards insanity (Jan) and lying (Janet). They are also very loyal to a select few.

Jon Dalton March 11, 1974. Pisces February 19-March 20 WATER MUTABLE

Pisces are known for their imagination, that is, a complicated fantasy world they construct through which they filter reality. This can be charming and even useful, such as Brian’s (Pisces) suckering everyone into trusting him with a fake persona. But I think in this case it explains Jon’s utter lack of a clue.

Michelle Tesauro January 16, 1981. Capricorn December 22-January 19 EARTH CARDINAL

-Watch out for Capricorns. Earth signs generally do well on Survivor. Kathy was a Capricorn as was Erin (I mean, she did well for her circumstances…) Helen is a Taurus. Earth signs are the workers, the providers (Christie was a virgo). Even though they might complain about it, they are the ones who will get up every morning to get water. Earth signs also don’t give up. Interestingly enough, the only other earth sign is Darrah (who’s half Taurus, earth, and half Gemini, air)

Rupert Boneham January 27, 1964. Aquarius January 20-February 18 AIR FIXED

Notice, kids, what words would we use to describe Rupert? Industrious and Smart. Fishing and Stealing. This active intelligence is a trademark of the Aquarius. Aquarians are overachievers (think of Shii-Ann’s resumé). While Geminis are ‘smart’, Libras are ‘clever’, Aquarius are righteous, driven by ideals, and produce. They are much more active than their air kindred Libras, but they are also much more inclined to bicker, to get angry, and to display this. (Think of Rupurt bitching out Shawn, breaking the branch). Aquarians are out to change the world for the better, and it is no surprise that his profession is philanthropic. But Rupert is shining awful bright in those challenges and around camp. Also, Fixed Rupert may have trouble adapting to a merge or switch, especially seeing how loyal he’s been to his tribe (catching one fish per person, the repeated displays of strength in challenges). He might be too much the Center of Attention to be able to play a sly game.

Sandra Diaz –Twine July 30, 1974. Leo July 23-August 22 FIRE

Leos motivate a team, and if anything Sandra is Firey. But, they also need attention, and often say things or do things for this attention, like when Sandra exploded on Jon, he may have deserved it, but she may have been better if she contained it a little. Lions can be a tad catty. But I think that, since Burton is the only other fire, there is a place for Sandra in her tribe, and her tribemates seem to compartmentalize her.

Shawn Cohen September 20, 1974. Libra September 23-October 22 AIR CARDINAL

Libras are all about the social game and looking good doing it ( Armani Suit). Libras naturally couple and don’t mind taking the subordinate roll (hehehe, gotta save some of this for bashers). They have no problem with losing a battle to win the war. They are an air sign, so Libras are always thinking and watching, but unlike Aquarius and Gemini, Libra’s don’t find the need to prove their intelligence, they would rather use it for personal gain, playing off to be dumber than they are (Think Amazon Rob as the ultimate survivor Libra, except Libras are usually cuter…). Or, with they’re cultured tastes, can come of as ‘prissy’. (::giggle:

Trish Dunn October 29, 1960. Scorpio October 23 - November 21 WATER FIXED

Ditto Christa, Scorps are hard. I think that Trish will do anything to win. And there’s the Fixed alliance. Also, we haven’t really seen much of her, except she seems pretty loyal.

Morgan, wow, they are overloaded on fire signs, and especially now, they have TONS of Fixed signs. 3 out of 5. Fixed signs like to maintain the status quo (while mutable signs tend to break down the old and defunct, and cardinal signs think up new ideas). This is a really good insight into Andrew’s Leadership ability, in that he just tries to maintain, and this tribe never DOES?anything. Jesus, build a decent shelter.
Fire signs have lots of ‘spirit’. They are really motivated, and talk about energy. Thing is, they’re not especially smart, or hard working. Prime example: Andrew (Leo) telling Tijuana (Leo/Cancer), they need to get Osten (Sagittarius) “Fired up”. Of course, they’re lying down in they’re shelter during this conversation. Another example is how Lillian (Aries) decided to go out fishing, alone, with the last hook, rather impetiously, because she thought other people were being lazy. Aries are always doing new things (fire, cardinal), and rarely follow through. (Another example of this aries behavior is how in ep. 1 Burton-Aries said ‘I can’t sit around doing NOTHING’, makes a big show, and catches one fish)

Q: Who was the genius who decided to build the shelter under the shale wall they knew was collapsing?
A: No one. The tribe is only .5 Air, out of 8. They were all Fire, all excited to build a shelter. Built a REALLY BAD one, and then another bad one, and then let Sandra tear it down, too proud to help her remove the tarp. And it still sucks.

Interesting that no Fixed signs in Morgan have been voted out…they got rid of 2 cardinals and a mutable… hmm.. tyranny of the majority? Also, they’ve kept the same failed leader. So, say there’s no switch or anything and they’re sent of to TC, who to vote out? Will the 4 (really 3.5) of 5 fires take out Earth/Air Darrah? Or will the 4 with fixed in their blood reach an agreement that mutable Osten’s gotta head out. I think the Darrah boot is more likely; most of the fires are pure, while 2 of the fixed are only half-fixed.

Yeah, so Morgan IS stuck on a burning ship.

Andrew Savage July 29, 1963. Leo July 23-August 22 FIRE
Leos are natural leaders. Then why does Morgan suck!? Well, because by leading, Andrew just maintains the tribe. Leos are fixed. He seems to be pretty negative, almost encouraging the rut, and ignoring any problems. Also, the tribe is filled with Aries and Leos, who are both leader, alpha personalities. Tijuana is a leader, Lill is a leader, Rhinos a leader, and watch, the Morgan tribe is very disorganized – Rhino complained that everyone is doing his own thing.

Darrah Johnson May 19, 1981. Taurus April 20-May 20 EARTH FIXED
cusp Gemini May 21-June 21 AIR MUTABLE
Even though she’s on the cusp (edge), Darrah strikes me as much more of a Taurus than a Gemini. Tauri are bull-headed, hard working, and they don’t take crap to the point of belligerence. But they are tough. Famous Taurus: Amazon Joanna, Thailand Helen. We’ve yet to see her Gemini side, really.

Lillian Morris April 3, 1952 Aries March 21-April 19 FIRE

Nicole Delma September 19, 1978. Virgo August 23-September 22 EARTH MUTABLE


Osten Taylor December 10, 1975. Sagittarius November 22-December 21 FIRE MUTABLE

Sags are all talk, little action. Sags like to tell other people what to do, and give opinion as fact. They are also never wrong. Classic Osten as Sag moments are 1. Running team out of the village with leftover money. And 2. Confessional ep. 1, Osten is explaining how he didn’t know WHAT Lillian was doing, maybe it was a joke, digging a fire pit, Where has Osten’s huge muscles and early ‘leadership’ gotten his tribe? Well, they sank his boat and undersupplied his tribe. One thing they are good at is Talking, though, Sags are good in sales, which is maybe why he’s a ‘trade manager’ or whatever, not that he’s a particularly intelligent investor. His mouth may help him get along better with the other tribe.

Ryan Osten His birth date is August 6, 1972. Leo July 23-August 22 FIRE FIXED

Charming, yes, outgoing, yes, particularly useful to this group, not at all.

Ryan Shoulders His birth date is March 28, 1980. Aries March 21-April 19 FIRE CARDINAL
Dead. Also a pretty lame Aries.

Tijuana Bradley July 23, 1976. Cancer June 22-July 22 WATER CARDINAL
Leo July 23-August 22 FIRE FIXED
The last thing this team needs is ANOTHER Leo. Maintain, Maintain. As we saw from last weeks ep, it seems that Andrews is the ‘leader’, but there are many leaders (Doesn’t it seem that Andrew was the leader for Lillian and Ryan S., Tijuana leads Osten, and Rhino leads Darrah?) . Tijuana is an effective Leo in that she knows when to make executive decisions, be that arguing with a native, greeting + hugging the pillagers, and taking Darrah out for a talk. Usually I hold strong feelings against Cancers, I find them to be emotionally manipulative and unpleasantly moody, But I think that Tijuana’s Cancer (water, emotional) side has helped her, she hugged Christa twice, and can talk to anyone heart to heart.

So, my predictions:

Well, knowing Sandra is a Leo, she probably won’t drop her hatred of John, in fact, she’ll probably persue it. Also, she won’t duck UTR as the game progresses (horay!!) John is the lone mutable in his tribe, a target on his back.

I think that if Michelle and Darrah make the merge, they will do well. They are the only earth signs, but are on the outside of the core of their tribes.

Both tribes are going to have trouble with the merge and the switch. I think this may explain what spoilers guess to be a slaughtering of many strong players around the time of the merge, and unusual finalist combinations. It’ll be sink or swim, and people are gonna sink.


Doesn’t Astroguide sound dirty?


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 RE: *Survivor Pearl Island Astrolog... Mistral 10-07-03 1
   RE: *Survivor Pearl Island Astrolog... MattyMax 10-07-03 2
       RE: *Survivor Pearl Island Astrolog... SPRocket 10-08-03 3
           RE: *Survivor Pearl Island Astrolog... MattyMax 10-08-03 4

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Mistral 205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

10-07-03, 10:06 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: *Survivor Pearl Island Astrology Guide*"
Aquarius is the fixed air sign, not Gemini. Gemini is mutable.

MattyMax 515 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-07-03, 11:06 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: *Survivor Pearl Island Astrology Guide*"
Ouch, you're right.

Huh. ::rewriting:: Thanks.



SPRocket 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

10-08-03, 01:29 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: *Survivor Pearl Island Astrology Guide*"
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-03 AT 01:31 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-08-03 AT 01:30 PM (EST)

Um, if Shawn Cohen's birthday is September 20, then by the definition of Libra starting on Sept 23, he must be a Virgo, yes?

I only noticed because I'M a Libra, and there have been precious few Librans used as contestants on Survivor.


MattyMax 515 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-08-03, 10:36 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: *Survivor Pearl Island Astrology Guide*"
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-03 AT 10:37 PM (EST)

Yeah, I'm a libra too.

Hmm.. Shawn is on the cusp. It's kind of a libra (cardinal) trait of me that I write and don't really go back and check my stuff... I saw 'Sept 20something' and I was like LIBRA!!! So he's half libra, half virgo. Also bear in mind that the exact date between the signs is different according to whom you consult.
Nevertheless, he is on the cusp.

But, it seems to me that his Libra side is stronger than his Virgo side.
1. In his audition video, he talked about how he used to be big gambler. Libras are really prone to vices.
2. His buddy buddy, almost unspoken relationship with Burton.
3. The armani suit (typical libra haut couture) and his pretty face (libras are known for symmetry and classical beauty).
4. He hasn't attempted a leadership position.

Hehe, so I hope my analysis is not thrown to s*** again. It actually doesn't make much of a difference. If he was half scorpio, then I'd be a little annoyed with myself... I really think that the fixed majorities in the tribes give us insight into their dynamics.

It's true about libras, we get blindsighted. I think it's because we're not that type A personality, we can seem wishy-washy, and so we don't get cast, even though we would be excellent player. I can't take this as my theory, though, I think someone brought it up in survivor 4 or 5, when there were none.

Amazon Rob is the panultimate Survivor libra. Emotionally distanced from the game, everyone's friend, knows how to cut a deal.




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