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"Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
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Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-26-03, 03:16 AM (EST)
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"Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
Back again this week. Boring episode, BUT GREAT INSIDER VIDEOS!!! As always, ignore my crappy typing and poor punctuation.


You saw Ryan's torch get extinguished at Tribal Council, but you didn't see what the tribe had to say as they cast their votes. Watch as the Morgan members vote another of their own off the island.

Markopolo's note: CHECK OUT RYAN S's vote

Ryan O (votes Ryan S.): Ryan a great kid, you have a bunch of heart, but you don't have the strength for this game. And I'll see you when I'm outta here.

Lil (votes Osten): Osten, I think you're great, but you gave up on us. We all came back even though we lost for the third time. You come back and you're the one saying, "my big burly body has shut down." You're the biggest one here. You're the strongest one here. But you still said you wanted to quit. I couldn't believe you said it was because of your body. I just feel that you just gave up, so I am voting for you tonight.

Andrew (votes Skinny Ryan): You're a good guy, but you're in way, way over your head. You're a fish out of water. It's time to go.

Tijuana (votes Ryan S): NOTE: SUDDENLY TIJUANA IS CHIRPY LIKE HEIDI!!!! Hey Ryan, this vote is for you. I think you are a sincere and good person. And I agree with you, you do not have the physical capabilities like the others. But at the same time, I didn't see enough initiation from you of what you CAN do. Umm, instead we had to tell you this and tell you that, and you can't do that all the time. So, with that being said, good luck to you, and you get my vote.

Osten (votes Skinny Ryan): FUMBLES THE PARCHMENT PAPER... Fella, I enjoyed your company. Unfortunately, you had to go. Hope to see you on the other side.

Darrah (votes Skinny Ryan): I'm voting for you, Ryan, because I don't think you have the physical strength that will help us win the next challenge. And it's a critical thing. We need to win the next challenge or we'll be back here at tribal council.

Ryan S (votes Osten): You're one of the coolest guys I've ever met. And you never would have gotten this vote if you didn't ask me to. But I think we both know who REALLY is going home tonight (winks at the camera).


Ryan realizes he is on the chopping block. However, Osten wants out of the game. Go Inside the mind of Ryan Shoulders moments before Tribal Council, when he explains why he should be kept on the island.

Markopolo's note: Ryan S is DELUSIONAL. He actually thinks that he is more valuable than Osten. So, Osten wants to quit, but a big, muscled quitter is better than legs and shoulders any day. Ryan also goes after his tribe's dynamics. Pretty harsh words.

Ryan S (confessional): It was raining while we were on our way home and our shelter got beat pretty bad. It wasn't sturdy to begin with, but we made it in an hour and a half. Well, actually they did. I was too sick to help them too much. It needed some repairs. And some repairs were made to it. And that's one of the reasons why Osten wanted to go. Cuz the shelter is just a wreck. He doesn't have any clothes. And if they don't vote him out tonight, poor guy is going to come back home in a pair of boxer shorts and a rainy shelter to live under.


At first when Osten told me he wanted to quit, I was really shocked. But then the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Cuz he's been working really hard. He has this body that he's worked on. He works on it every single day. And he's got no clothes out here. I mean, he's killing himself. I mean it's only Day 6 and he's killing himself with all the work he's doing, all the effort he's put into. And it's really taken a toll on him. So at first it was a bit shocking, but it kind of makes sense when you think about it. I think Osten has a little bit less than everybody.

All he has is boxer shorts. And he doesn't like the cold. I find that odd, because he lives in Boston. But he really hates the cold. He's up all night putting wood on the fire, getting the fire going. And he really hates the cold. So this is hard for him. I'm sure he'll be fine, but it's hard for him right now.


Ya know, when he told me he wanted to quit and the other people wouldn't let him quit, it proves how much people aren't thinking strategically around here, think so socially. What are they going to do when they really, really need Osten in the future and it's two weeks from now and he is so torn up. I mean, this is a game where you've got to be in full force. You've got to have your whole heart in this. And it just doesn't seem like he's got it. It's only Day 6. And they're going to bring along a guy who doesn't want to be here. And they are going to need someone strategic to beat the other team. That team is kicking our butts and they're going to drag along a guy who doesn't want to be here. So that's something I've known about this tribe the whole time -- how unstrategic they are thinking. So I guess it's natural that I'm not a part of it anymore.


You've got people over there that don't really know the game, don't know what they're doing strategically. And I would be a huge asset there. I would help the team move along. I tried to tell them that I was going 110 percent. I rebounded from this morning. They're so wrapped up in their friendships. You can't even get through to them.

I'll ask one person one thing, and they'll just kinda "ehhhhhhh" and you realize that they are just thinking about their friends. If there is anybody on the Drake Crew that is thinking strategically, this whole group is going down. They are too tight with their bond. They are so inflexible, and it's not going to work out for them in the end.


Why was Ryan voted out of the tribe, and what does he believe led to his demise? Find out as Insider takes you to the mind of Ryan Shoulders the morning after he was voted out.

Markopolo's note: RYAN GOES OFF ON HIS TRIBE. He goes after Tijuana, Darrah and Ryan O. He is pretty funny throughout. BTW, this video is apparantly replacing the final words video for Insider, although it's still on the show.

Ryan S (confessional): I knew Andrew was going to be the leader right out of the boat. And I should have kissed his butt the whole time, because I knew he was going to lay out the boot order for everybody else. If I could change anything, I would try to get in with him and get in with his group of friends right off the bat. I made a mistake by realizing there were a group of guys and a group of girls and I wanted to stay somewhere in between them, while they kind of fought and battled it out for leadership. But the group of girls were too passive and I didn't realize that was going to happen. They let the guys do whatever they wanted to and they were just going to follow along.

My biggest downfall was that the only good friend I had out there was Lillian. And she wasn't in a position of power in the least bit. Both of us were kind of outcasts. And uh, just not getting a long with the right people.


I didn't really, really hate anyone. Tijuana is definitely a personality I would avoid at all times. I'm sure there are people out there that like her. I'm sure there are people out there that love her. But she is someone I definitely would not want to hang out with. Tijuana is very frank to the point of unnecessary. It's quite unnecessary. She likes to speak her opinion on things that are silly and trivial. That's fine, but what's the point? We're all trying to get along. ...
We never really became great friends. And I'm not disappointed. I'm sure she's a nice person, especially outside the game when she's not trying to be so fake. She comes across as being really fake, also. She's always flirting with Osten and trying to snuggle up to him at nighttime. And that's why she is still there. I wish I had breasts; maybe I would still be there.

Darrah doesn't talk, so I don't even know if she has a personality.

And uh, I guess the other Ryan, I forgot about him (WE WISH WE COULD FORGET ABOUT HIM, TOO). The other Ryan seems like a very cocky guy, like he knows everything more than anyone else, like he is going to take this thing to the full extent. And the girls are falling for it. He flirts with them all day long and they just go around and follow him. So, if they're going to fall for it. Why fall for that sleazy guy?

I didn't think about sex or anything sexual related the whole time I was out there (THANK GOD).

And if you had any notion about my personality, that would be a very surprising thing.

MARKOPOLO'S NOTE: At this point, I wanted to stop playback of the video for fear of what he might say or do next. But, to supply the best info to all Survivor fans, I continued.

Ryan S (confessional): In all honesty, I didn't think about it one time. I mean, Darrah is a really attractive girl. And I didn't think about her one way. Actually I was kind of annoyed she was on my team, because I didn't see what she had to offer and people were still keeping her around. And that was kind of annoying.

So, as far as looking at the other chicks, I wasn't thinking about it the whole time.
PLEASE BELIEVE ME, the vote for calling me skinny Ryan was not a democracy. It was appointed on me and I didn't want to be called Skinny Ryan. They never asked me. Maybe it would have been nice if they asked me what I wanted to be called. Instead, it's he's going to be Skinny Ryan. Thanks, guys. I want that tagged to me the rest of my life. So it sucks. I hope it fades away very, very quickly.

---goes on to talk about his feet...we’ll skip that---


Last night at tribal council, we were paddling up and I knew it was my time to go. I had that feeling from everybody else. But it still didn't stop me from appreciating where I was and what I was doing. Tribal Council looks so awesome, so it was a lot of disappointment, personal feeling upset of myself, but I was still happy to be a part of it. It was a great experience.


Sleeping conditions are less than perfect on the Drake Island. However, one tribe member doesn't seem to have a problem with the uncomfortable and compact quarters. Insiders learn which Drake tribe member sleeps the latest and escapes the morning chores.

Markopolo's note: ARGH! We figure out why Jon might be the next booted. He sings Billy Idol for his tribe and he sleeps in. Well, he does hint that Michelle and Christa are tight and don't like Shawn. Lots of good stuff here.

Jon (confessional): I really want my mullet wig in the treasure. At the same time, I hope it's our clothes. I'd love my jacket because I do not want these bug bites (raises arms).

I mean like we pretty much got out of the mosquitoes by moving out of the woods onto the beach where the mosquitoes are much less. But we have these sand bugs now that are getting us from laying on the sand. And they get everywhere that's not covered. So every night I wear my shirt, I wear my pants, I wear my boxes, I wear my socks. And they're getting my arms, the only thing that's not covered.


I sleep better than anybody. The second my head hits, it's just like home, man. My head hits the pillow and I'm out. I sleep hard and I sleep long. Every morning I wake up later than everybody else and no one seems to mind. Ya know, there's not a whole lot to do in the morning. We have a great tribe, if we don't have to vote anybody off, it's kinda cool. Everybody kind of likes each other for the most part. There's a little rivalries in there, between Christa and Michelle and Shawn. (WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? IT SOUNDS LIKE CHRISTA AND MICHELLE DISLIKE SHAWN)

But for the most part, everyone likes each other. No one minds when someone sleeps a little later, even though it's always me (chuckles). So that's cool. Plus, I didn't want to be the guy that woke everybody up at the break of dawn, like (in southern accent) "GET UP, IT'S TIME TO DO WORK!" That guy (who yells that) has my vote, no matter what alliance I have.


I don't think there's envy between who gets more sleep than others. I think everyone would like to sleep as much as I do. It's no big deal. ....

Last night was fun. I got to do a little singing. I had a band back at Virginia Tech and I was the lead singer. It got me a lot of tail, which is nice. So, no tail here, but I sing a little Billy Idol "Dance to myself". I think I might break out a little "Sea of Love" tonight or something. Maybe a little Jimmy Buffett. I haven't decided. Maybe we need a little hip-hop, who knows?

I bring a little hip hop to Rupert sometimes and he loves it. Reminds him of home when some of his boys go out, talk about getting drunk and do a little rap song. (Rupert) thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. So I sing every now and then. I think everyone loved it when I was singing. I have a great voice. I always have, hopefully always will. The chicks were in into it; well actually, I think Burton was into it the most (laughs).

A little sad. (laughs some more)


With free time on their hands, the Drake tribe set out to explore their Island. Insiders tag along as they arrive at a mango tree, where Sean irritates his tribe members.

Markopolo's note: A few good tidbits.

Burton (confessional): Says Rupert goes off and does "his own thing, so we decided to go off without him."

"We see Mangos on the ground. We are so excited we can't stand it. The bad thing, all the mangos are in the tree and the trees are really tall."

Jon (confessional): Crazy Christa starts knocking down a crapload of mangos. (Christa and Jon are shaking a tree back and forth).

(Shawn starts to complain about the mangos. They aren't ripe. He likes coconuts better. Sandra complains about Shawn in a confessional....Shawn is complaining that the tribe shouldn't eat mangos that have some rotten parts. But Sandra said Burton wants to cut off pieces that are OK.)

Burton to tribe: It's perfectly fine there. (points to ripe part of mango).

Christa (confessional): And (Shawn) refuses to take part and it's like, Uh, DUH, dude, a mango is a mango.


At the fishing village, the Drake tribe bartered for a chicken, hoping that it would lay eggs. Insider takes you to the Drake tribe as Sandra tends to their chicken while the tribe awakens from a restful sleep.

Sandra says, "I'm the chicken woman." The white chicken has already layed four eggs. And then the tribe kills the brown chicken to eat.

It's barely dawn. Rupert is whispering to Sandra as the camera points to a sleeping Burton. "We've got some winners there." Very negative towards Burton and ????.

Rupert and Sandra appear to be bonding as the only ones waking up early to work.

Osten and Andrew spot coconuts up in a palm tree. Does Osten have the energy to retrieve them, or will his tribe go hungry? Insider takes you back to the beach as Osten and the Morgan tribe go out of their way for the much-needed food.

Markopolo's note: Osten and Andrew try to whack at the coconut with sticks. Then Osten goes and climbs the tree and gets coconuts. That's all.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Thanks Marco janisella 09-26-03 1
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... katethegreat 09-26-03 2
 Thanks samboohoo 09-26-03 3
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... jkokoj 09-26-03 4
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... SaphireLady 09-26-03 9
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... DoodleBug 09-26-03 5
 Thanks again Marko Loree 09-26-03 6
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... Joyful 09-26-03 7
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... frisky 09-26-03 8
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... bubbastan 09-27-03 10
   RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... TeamJoisey 09-27-03 11
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... Oscirus 09-27-03 12
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yaho... wendyp 09-29-03 13

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janisella 698 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-26-03, 08:12 AM (EST)
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1. "Thanks Marco"
Wow! So early. Thanks for taking the time to do this.



katethegreat 207 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-26-03, 08:45 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
Yes, thanks a bunch. The rest of us are too cheap to subscribe lol

samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-03, 08:58 AM (EST)
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3. "Thanks"
Thanks Marko. You are awesome!!!

jkokoj 4389 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-26-03, 09:28 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
Thanks Marco! I agree with Ryan S. all the way. Morgan is not functioning as a tribe. Everyone keeps looking to Andrew and I truly don't think he has the right answers.

Also, I don't think Ryan S. ripped his tribe that much. I pretty much have seen what he is talking about. That whole skinny Ryan thing I would have found insulting too. I mean I would not want to be called "chubby" jenny if I were out there!


SaphireLady 2491 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

09-26-03, 11:23 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
I so agree with you about the name thing. Also, that group never did try to get to know everyone. It was like Lil and Ryan were set apart and never made a part of the group. Andrew is not a good leader in this situation and the girls, I am not even going to get started on them, Lil included. Geez, that whole tribe needs to pray to make the merge so that they maybe can make some friends.

"Do you know, I always thought unicorns were fabulous monsters, too? I never saw one alive before!" "Well, now that we have seen each other," said the unicorn, "if you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you." Lewis Carroll; Through the Looking Glass

DoodleBug 5133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-03, 12:49 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
This was great! Thanks for posting again!

Billy Idol? Ugh! I would want to vote him off first thing! Unfortunately I think he may hang around a bit longer.

I think Ryan was prompted for information about his tribemates. I don't think he was harsh at all. I totally agree that they are lacking in leadership. The marketplace chaos was evidence of that. I wish Lil would step up and whip her troop tribe into shape!

Also, I wouldn't want to be called Skinny Ryan either. If he would have been on the other tribe, I think his Survivor experience would have been better.


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-03, 01:07 PM (EST)
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6. "Thanks again Marko"
Thanks Marko. Very interesting. More interesting than the episode lastnight. I don't know why, but after a very good first ep, I found lastnight dragged a little.

Ryan S really did have a different idea about the game than the others. I don't think it had anything to do with who he was friendly with. He was their weak link.


Joyful 232 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-26-03, 02:22 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
>Darrah doesn't talk, so I don't
>even know if she has
>a personality.

It's funny he said this when some spoilers are marking Darrah as the eventual winner.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-03, 03:13 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
>Darrah doesn't talk, so I don't
>even know if she has
>a personality.

She may not have a brain either.

Here's Morticia, stating the obvious: "We need to win the next challenge or we'll be back here at tribal council."

As Clay would say, "No sh*t, Sherlock!"

Psst..thanks for posting Marco. I like your editorial comments!


bubbastan 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-27-03, 09:55 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
Hey Marco, you rock! Thanks so much for taking the time to provide us with these transcripts. I find them fascinating. Besides the fact that Jon is obviously very delusional, I found this part verrrry interesting.....

>There's a little rivalries in there, between
>Christa and Michelle and Shawn.

Does he possibly mean that Christa and Michelle are rivals for Shawn's attention? During the coconut milk incident, it was Burton, Shawn and Michelle who drank it up without offering any to anyone else. Could Christa be jealous over more than just not getting her share of the coconut?


TeamJoisey 3558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

09-27-03, 10:11 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"

I read that the same way...

Christa and Michelle are rivals for Shawn's attention.

And I think Shawn may spend a little time with one of them in the upcoming episode, leading the other to raise the questiona about what is going on.

In the first episode, we saw Michelle wearing Shawn's boxer shorts. I'd say that is pretty intimate.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!


Oscirus 1596 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-27-03, 10:55 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
For someone who wants to leave so early and who's body gives out
Osten sure is doing alot of work. Shawn seems to be pissing people off too. I do however think that Jon doesn't realize that his heads on the chopping block first though for being so lazy. Sandra and Rupert appear to be the hardworkers of the tribe which doesn't bode well for them considering that they both have fiery personalities.
Nuff said

wendyp 2081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

09-29-03, 11:03 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 2 Yahoo Platinum"
Thanks for the transcript!! Great stuff.



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