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"Survivor Insider Episode 7 Yahoo Platinum "
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Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-27-03, 06:08 AM (EST)
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"Survivor Insider Episode 7 Yahoo Platinum "
LAST EDITED ON 03-27-03 AT 07:05 AM (EST)

I'm back with this week's videos. As always, ignore my crappy typing.

Ep 7 tribal council

Heidi (votes Roger): I'm voting for you tonight because I think youre very against the women. It's definitely a strategic move. We've got to start getting rid of people who think theyre in charge. And that's pretty much it.

Jenna (votes Roger): It's a strategic move right now and I'm not down with your attitude and your attitude towards women.

Deena (votes Roger): Reality check and mate. Never underestimate the power of a woman.

Matthew (votes Roger): We've gotten along quite well and I think he's a great guy, but he painted a target on my back at Tambaqui and it's payback time.

Roger (votes Christy): Chrsity I wish today you wouldve hung there. You would have stayed there and not received my vote. You contribute greatly to the tribe.

Butch (votes Christy): Youre a great girl. This vote is only for stategy and past alliances.

Christy (votes Roger): SHE TALKS TOO SOFTLY TO HEAR

Dave (votes Christie): This is a strategic vote. I think you've done a lot of remarkable things so far in this game. You've accomplished all your goals. Also from one experienced rock-paper-scissors player to another: You never go scissors because it always bites you in the ass.

Alex: Roger you get my vote tonight because you a jerk and I just don't want you out here anymore. I could go on all night. But I don't have to because youre gone.


Rob (votes Roger): voice of casey casam.....Here comes tonight's long distance dedication. It goes out to Rob from N.Y. he writes "Dear Casey there's a mean old man in my life that's is about to leave, can you please play something appropriate for me

well rob, here's your request and please remember to remind your friend...keep your head in the sky and next time, keep your feet on the platform." Na na na na .... na na na na....hey, hey, hey, gooooodddd bye!


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 ROGER PREPS FOR TRIBAL COUNCIL Markopolo100 03-27-03 1
   heidi and jenna talk about nakednes... Markopolo100 03-27-03 2
       PILLOW TALK Markopolo100 03-27-03 3
           THE OTHERS Markopolo100 03-27-03 4
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7 Yaho... Draco Malfoy 03-27-03 5
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7 Yaho... Loree 03-27-03 6
   "that's what is says alright" bubbatoad 03-27-03 7
       expanding on this a little..... bubbatoad 03-27-03 8
           RE: expanding on this a little..... Markopolo100 03-27-03 9
               RE: expanding on this a little..... Brownroach 03-27-03 11
 RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7 Yaho... wendyp 03-27-03 10

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Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-27-03, 06:20 AM (EST)
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You watched Roger get his torch extinguished at Tribal Council. Did he see the votes coming, or did he think he was secure heading into the night? Insider finds out what Roger was thinking just before heading out for his final Tribal Council.

This challenge was really simple to me, there was no way that I was going to be the last one standing. So, it was pretty rough at the begining, but once I got into the groove I knew I could stand there more than I did.

I underestimated what the reward for staying there a bit wouldve been. That's the only thing I did wrong in this one. There was no way I was going to win that one. There was no sense to stand out there in the sun and all that stuff. The risk for the reward is just not there. I didn't feel vulnerable. I am pretty confident that the guys, we made up our mind before we went there of what we were going to do.

There was no reason to hang there.

The girls taking their clothes off was kind of predictable.

It was fun that they did it. They went for the co and the pb and

All the guys looked except for Butch. And I'll admit as old as I am. I still looked. I mean what the hell. Didn't get any food for it, at least I got a look.

That's going to have to placate me for the next day or two.

Both Christy and Deena hung in there, because they both knew one of them was going to go tonight.

And in all honesty I was hoping Christy would have stayed in there. Quite frankly I am a little upset that she got conned into it by Deena. It wasnt too nice on her part, but she is here to win. And she knew she needed immunity.

She convinced Christy to share and the food. it made no sense. You would have to be not very smart to do that and I guess that Christy wasn't.

The net effect on this isn't going to change the guys, our vote was going to Christy. If Christy had immunity it was going to be Deena voted out.

As soon as we got back immediately you coudl see that the guys were scurring around getting the fire going and the girls got together.

Apparantly the girls hadn't got together before. I have always said they had gotten together and they were clearly going to attempt to vote me off and I still think it;s going to go that way.

I had a conversation with Alex and I said (to him) "They're going to vote me off." and he said, "no theyre not." I didn't ask him how he knew otherwise.

When we got back here, (the girls) made that decision, so we'll find out at tribal council. But the guys, we had already made our decision, so we didn't need to discuss it any further.


Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-27-03, 06:42 AM (EST)
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2. "heidi and jenna talk about nakedness."
heidi and jenna talk about nakedness.

Jenna: I started it. I said I would get naked for peanut butter and chocolate. I think it was on day two that. I didn't think he would be able to come through and he pulled it through. He said "here it is." he had two big glasses, a huge amount of peanut butter and chocolate cookies. I said "Heidi, I'm doing this."
I thought I'd have to convinve her
No no
J: But I didn't have to. The cool thing was we got it all off and didn't fall of the perch. And We got swim naked in the amazon river And we didn't get bit by Pirhana. Although I would have carried the pirahna back on my ass.
H: I would have too. I was thinking about that too. I was thinking that something was about ot bite my ass in a second.
J: It was so worth it and I am so glad we got to do it together. We are like two peas in a pod.

H: 21 days.
J: We just have had the weird obsession with PB since day 2. It was like a dream come true
H: At first Jeff didn't believe us. And I asked Jeff, so what;s the deal. And he asked "are you guys serious?"
J: Then at the top of my eyes I saw a huge pile of peanut butter
J: No shame
I wasn't even thinking about taking off my clothes. The only thing I was concentrating on is that plate of peanut
that I could see from my little #####, and I was like damnit I can get it off fast enough.
J: I know the guys saw us and it was really amusing because no one fell off their perch.
J: Roger looked. His wife is not going to be too happy about that one. But who cares. (laughs)
H: Butch didn't look
J: And I give him credit for not looking. And deena probably didn't look.
H: I am impressed with the guys for not falling.
J: I'm impressed with Deena, too. for lasting that long because shes a trooper she beat all those guys.
H: We were talking about it and there is only 4 girls in the game and two of the girls got exacltly what they wanted when they asked for it. and the other 2 girls outlasted the guys.

Jenna calls Heidi a vegas showgirl and has potential to be the a model.

J: And it's funny because at first glance they see Dumb model and dumb blonde -- they;re out.
H: They thought we would be the first two or three off.
J: we're outsmarting them. Being young and looking the way we do, we can play the whole "ahhh guys youre going to vote us off? Oh that's so nice, giving us all that informations so we can use it against you."
H: It's so great.....
J: Especially with Roger. He thinks he has it all in the bag. He could care less if he won immuntiy. I was thinking it's a double whammy for us because we get food and if we jump off, Roger would feel better about jumping off because he wasn't the first one. He did say that. He said I'm glad I wasn't the first one off....."
And we said, "Oh that's great,"
J: Stupid move (laughs)


Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-27-03, 06:52 AM (EST)
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Deena: So I came from love shack, to sex fest 2002. If there was a topic off limits, I was not aware of it. If it had to do about sex, thinking about sex, talking about sex, where you had sex, the types of sex you like to have.

Holy moly! I was so embarrased I wanted to leave and go someplace up.

Alex: I was "aroused??" and she was like where are you, and I said I'm like five minutes away. And she said come up to my
room. And I get to her room. OK. I get to the top of the stairs and I can see that she's naked. She;s got fake boobs too.

She had a plate there with "sabe?" and soy sauce. It was awesome. I was laying down in the bed and eating sushi, it was awesome.

Rob: You want to hear some of my ideas (everyone yells YES!).

I haven't been blessed in my life in that Ive gotten a lot of sex. I've spent most of my life wanting sex a lot more than

I've gotten it. Really, a lot more than I've gotten it. There is very few times that I've had sex at my disposal.

I've always wanted to have sex in a tanning bed. I am going to tanning. I always try to give the girl a wink when I go in.

And I always leave the door unlocked, cuz I am hoping. She knows Ill be there naked, and if she wants it, she can come in at any point. And so I try to give her nods so she knows what's up.

Dave: I hope you enjoy tanning and I hope you produce.

Rob: Another fantasy I have is to go to the dentist and have sex. Any sort of girl in a nurse's outfit. That's something.


Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-27-03, 06:58 AM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 03-27-03 AT 01:07 PM (EST)

They talk about their jobs. Butch talks about principal. Roger construction worker. Alex, triathalon coach, 32, divorced. Matthew says he recently broke up with his GIRLfriend and that he is an eligible bachelor. Restaurant bar and concept designer. Rob, 24, from Long Island N.Y. mostly what I do is a lot of computer stuff, websites and marketing. I am living my dream out here. Every day I am still here is the happiest day of my life. Dave: mechanical engineer I am a rocket scientist.

Jenna: Swimsuit model and a student of zoology at the U of Pitts. I am an only child. I live at home with my mom and dad and we have fun. My mom is not well so I take care of her.

Heidi: I turned 24 on this trip. Coach track, cross country, run marathons. Three younger sisters.

Christy: Rob says he had no idea that she was deaf until the girls told him.


This video has nothing:
Dave is singing...da da da treemail. Heidi reads the treemail.
The tribe opens the box.
The message reads "take your water, machete and person pack for your new world to find."
They cook the manioc. Eat the fruit and drink their pop. nothing else.


Draco Malfoy 10525 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-27-03, 07:53 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7 Yahoo Platinum "
Marco, thanks SO MUCH for transcribing all this for us cheapasses. You rock.

Honestly, if you were moving any slower, you'd be going backwards.


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-27-03, 10:00 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7 Yahoo Platinum "
Thanks Marko. We really appreciate you doing this for us.

Jenna and Heidi still thinking they are the cute young chicks.

I heard Roger say on The Early Show that he knew he wasn't liked and he hoped that someone would realize this and want Roger in the final with them thinking they could beat him.

Did Matthew say he recently broke up with his "boyfriend"?


bubbatoad 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

03-27-03, 10:50 AM (EST)
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7. ""that's what is says alright""

I'm a newbie too, first post in fact. Actually ~this~ is what made me register and de-lurk in the first place.....

So, Matthew is gay? Why on earth then would he snuggle up to Shawna the way he did?

My thought is that ~he~ is providing some misdirection here for the other players in the game. I think after Roger and Alex had their "spat" about homosexuality, Matthew confided in Alex about his sexual orientation and kept it secret from the rest of old Tambi. An alliance was formed there that the viewer is yet to be privy too. I think the whole "move" and votes against Matt were orchestrated by Matt/Alex/and Shawna.

I think they knew Shawna was going, heck she even offered herself up for sacrifice. By creating that friction there before she left, it would certainly conceal any thoughts by the other players of a Matt/Alex alliance going on!

Further evidence: Matt/Alex in a co-confessional last night? If Alex truly was Po'd at Matt, why would he do that??

I think Matt/Alex may be playing harder than expected afterall and are completely on to Rob/Deena and their plans.

Am I nuts? Pick away!

Toadie who is off to find a cool sig pic


bubbatoad 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

03-27-03, 11:26 AM (EST)
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8. "expanding on this a little....."
I too think we are seeing way too much of Deena/Rob lately. So how does this set up for a near boot for them:

Matt/Alex know they are low men in the Jabaru alliance, so how do they go from that to end game, not likely unless they manipulate a new alliance that they control.

If I were them, I would go after Butch and DAve who clearly need help now and know it. They are probably desperate for anyone to approach them at this point. Matt and Alex could accomplish this by letting them know that the Roger boot was solely orchestrated by Rob/Deena. Then all they have to do is recruit one more and target Rob & Deena. I think they could easily recruit Christie bcs she doesn't appear to have a "solid" dancing partner at this point, and Christie recognizes she is low on the "girls alliance" or even Jenna. Jenna bcs who knows what she and Dave cooked up on thier "date". This plays well for the CO spoiler (although I'm not entirely convinced of it's validity ~just yet~)

Also, wouldn't it be really ironic, that the two women that obviously had distaste for each other J/C end up in the final 4 together?

Dave "sleeping with the enemy Heidi" could also be orchestrated, since it worked previously for Matt/Alex/ and Shawna to cover up the new alliegance.

This could work if they play it right, and I'll be anxious to see if the next 3 boots aren't Rob, Deena, and Heidi.



Markopolo100 218 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-27-03, 01:07 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: expanding on this a little....."
Matthew said girlfriend....not boyfriend

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-27-03, 07:13 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: expanding on this a little....."
Whew! What would Roger have done if he'd said "boyfriend?"

wendyp 2081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

03-27-03, 02:50 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Survivor Insider Episode 7 Yahoo Platinum "
Thanks for the transcript!!



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