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"See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
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J Slice 13166 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-14-03, 01:12 AM (EST)
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"See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""

Shocked by Jeanne's departure, Christy seeks answers from the tribe as to why they spared her.

Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows to new levels, but Matthew's interest in her develops as well, as he makes a play for Shawna's affection.

Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when he learns Butch & Roger have their own ideas about who should stay and who should go.

One Survivor's performance at a Reward Challenge has an enormous impact on a tribemate, who calls it the "defining moment" of their life.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... frisky 03-14-03 1
 Doesn't It seem like the men will n... TribalTex29 03-14-03 2
 RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... I_AM_HE 03-14-03 3
   RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... VerucaSalt 03-14-03 5
       TDT bebekid 03-14-03 11
 Tambaqui wins RC Bebo 03-14-03 4
   RE: Tambaqui wins RC Brownroach 03-14-03 13
       RE: Tambaqui wins RC Chez 03-14-03 16
 RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... samboohoo 03-14-03 6
 RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... SurvivinDawg 03-14-03 7
 RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... Thaibeach 03-14-03 8
   RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... lizziegirl 03-14-03 9
       RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... DoodleBug 03-14-03 10
   Jealousy Rears Its Ugly Head samboohoo 03-15-03 19
 RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... Witless 03-14-03 12
 RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... Brownroach 03-14-03 14
   RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... Krautboy 03-14-03 15
 RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... ivoryElephant 03-15-03 17
   Alex is gone!! mindella27 03-15-03 18
   RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... munson 03-15-03 21
 RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... VanQ1 03-15-03 20
   Who Makes The "Alliance" samboohoo 03-17-03 22
       RE: Who Makes The "Alliance" VerucaSalt 03-17-03 23
           RE: Who Makes The "Alliance" Brownroach 03-17-03 25
               RE: Who Makes The "Alliance" Thaibeach 03-17-03 26
               RE: Who Makes The "Alliance" Thaibeach 03-17-03 28
   RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... esquire 03-17-03 24
       RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... DoodleBug 03-17-03 27
           RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... ShyMyst 03-17-03 30
               RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... DoodleBug 03-17-03 31
                   RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... ShyMyst 03-17-03 34
                   RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... Solitaire 03-17-03 35
   RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... ShyMyst 03-17-03 29
   RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More ... TheYellowDart18 03-17-03 32
 "More than 'Meats' The Eye" twofold... cowboyroo 03-17-03 33

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frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-14-03, 01:35 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-03 AT 01:40 AM (EST)

>Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows to new levels, but Matthew's interest in her develops as well, as he makes a play for Shawna's affection.

The fact that Matt makes this move is not as important as the outcome that it implies: he makes a play and gets shot down by Shawna. This could lead to the division of the tribe. The jilted Matt makes a pact with Deena, who has said that she has gone from the "top to the bottom" of the proverbial heap and would jump on such a deal.

>Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when he learns Butch & Roger have their own ideas about who should stay and who should go.

I think that Dave's actions in this episode will come back to bite him. All we heard Dave talking about with Jenna regarding his tribemates were names, occupations and ages, while Jenna spilled her guts. But their talking went into the night, and I think Dave spilled his guts too but it was edited out. I say this because at the end of choosing teams, the least desired tribemate on each tribe was left on the table: Matt and Jeanne. Why would Jenna pick "Baby Shakes" over big brawny Matt? She must've heard something negative about him.

Edited to add: Roger and Butch seem to be falling all over each other to fill the "Roger/Pappy" role to Christie's "Lizliz/Neleh." The old guy/young chick alliance has always gone deep in the game, and while I believe in the goodness of mankind and I don't like to sound cynical, I think both these guys are well aware of the longevity of the OG/YC connection. Christie may be playing this a bit, too.

>One Survivor's performance at a Reward Challenge has an enormous impact on a tribemate, who calls it the "defining moment" of their life.

The previews point to Butch/Christie on this one, but that just seems too obvious.


TribalTex29 63 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

03-14-03, 01:37 AM (EST)
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2. "Doesn't It seem like the men will now dominate?"
with strong players like Jeanne gone and Heidi and Christy now at a clear disadvantage, and with Shawna's sickness on the other tribe, it would seem to me like the men will be poised to take over.

Now being that none of the women on the show impress me besides Christy and possibly Shawna, I would say 'fine', but at this point I am disappointed. I was hoping to take the show to the next level, not open it up to a hokey 3 on 3 on 3 on 2 game.

Lame idea, CBS. You really want your women gone?


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-14-03, 02:10 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-03 AT 02:16 AM (EST)

>>One Survivor's performance at a Reward Challenge has an enormous
>>impact on a tribemate, who calls it the "defining moment" of their

Given Dave's recent display of hyperbole (or perhaps just display of a sad, sad life), I'd say he fits the bill...

>>Shocked by Jeanne's departure, Christy seeks answers from the
>>tribe as to why they spared her.

>>Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when he learns Butch & Roger
>>have their own ideas about who should stay and who should go.

misdirection. not gonna matter cause Tambaqui's not going to TC

>>Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows to new levels, but
>>Matthew's interest in her develops as well, as he makes a play
>>for Shawna's affection.

prime candidates for next week's boot: Alex and Matthew. I'd say Alex after Rob and a jealous Matthew team with Deena and a jealous Jenna to boot out Shawna's boy toy. then Ep 7, Shawna starts whining again. of course, i'm still not sure i buy the shawna/alex gone before the merge stuff, so...


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

03-14-03, 09:10 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
Shocked by Jeanne's departure, Christy seeks answers from the tribe as to why they spared her.

This is filler all, it is quite obvious that Butch/Roger immediately felt fatherly towards her. Her enthusiasm and the way she was so positive with her impairment has done nothing by given ALL three men admiration towards her. With the tribes split how they were Jeanne would be the one to go. I had picked Roger so my thinking was right but they were on the same team so phooey

Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows to new levels, but Matthew's interest in her develops as well, as he makes a play for Shawna's affection.

I had from early on taken a more psychological approach this season because of the men vs. women. The teaser itself it NOT a big deal but b/c Matthew is the one making the play it helps in my thinking process. First off I knew Jenna would not select Matthew, he did not pay enough attention to her. Alex and Shawna have upset Deena's alliances plans. Deena needs the two of them to "split up" Jenna is aligned with Deena that is clear to me and Jenna I could tell will follow Deena's actions. Matthew is STILL vulnerable. He had ONLY just begun to form relationships with the men before the twist. No doubt in my mind the two MOVING forces this episode will be Rob and Deena and BOTH will try to get rid of Alex. Explanation why: Rob is insecure, there is no question in my mind he is extremely insecure. If you notice this guy has A LOT of venom in his blood especially towards the men his age. Whomever he sees as better looking or appearing as more liked or whomever had better fortune he is ruled by his emotions. His comment to Alex prior about Alex being the best player on the team was a manipulative tactic surrounded by a jealously. Rob is NOT going to get with Jenna, Shawna or Deena. Clearly Alex's conquest is going to bring out the big ugly with Rob. Matthew is the perfect "goat" for Rob to enlist in removing Alex who is clearly a big threat to Rob in areas of competition (note: I do not mean that Rob wants Shawna but it is like rivalry, you don't want someone else to have something you don't have etc) Deena will clearly need to break up Shawna and Alex but she'd would rather keep Shawna over Alex, no question. She and Shawna are aligned period. With Alex gone, she has her original ally; there is no reason to boot Shawna and Rob/Matthew will definitely boot Alex as well. Forget men vs. women here, the situation is totally different now. Jenna will easily follow along as she is not being disloyal to Deena and she has no reason to not vote Alex.

Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when he learns Butch & Roger have their own ideas about who should stay and who should go.

Clearly, Butch and Roger are very fond of Christy. Dave while I think clearly admires Christy and protective of her, gave Heidi his plan; Dave is going to stick to that, he has shown us his thought process and it is a pretty honest one. But B/R would rather keep Christy. Personally I think this is fluff too and should only have an impact in perhaps some of the conversation and confessionals in this camp. There is no doubt in my mind that Tambi is going to TC next week, none.


bebekid 1621 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

03-14-03, 03:15 PM (EST)
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11. "TDT"
I like your post, Veruca. I especially like your analysis of Rob and why he will help vote out Alex (if not this week then the next).

I just wanted to post TDT's very early predictions on episode 6. Alex and Shawna are clearly the only 2 in real trouble:

Here we go again... Alex looks vulnerable this week, from multiple fronts. First, Deena needs to boot either Alex or Shawna to regain control of her tribe's alpha female status. Given that the women are, thanks to Heidi, now at best tied at the merge, the smart move is to ditch Alex. Unless she really thinks Shawna is that unreliable. But adding weight to this supposition is the BostonGuy thread on EZ, in which he predicted an Alex departure in Ep5 or Ep6, via Rob's treacherous alliance with Heidi or Jenna, post-switch. Now would be the time for that to happen.

But still, we can't soon forget Shawna's two straight weeks of crying, not to mention two weeks of Deena badmouthing her. Snewser thinks Shawna didn't get very far, and presumably didn't make the jury. She makes much more sense as a pre-merge boot than as a post-merge, pre-jury one, so this ought to be her week.


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-14-03, 08:40 AM (EST)
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4. "Tambaqui wins RC"
>Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows
>to new levels, but Matthew's
>interest in her develops as
>well, as he makes a
>play for Shawna's affection.

I've seen arguments why this could lead to Alex and Matthew being potential targets, but I see this as an opportunity for Deena to ally with Matthew to boot Shawna. We have a number of quotes from Deena on how Shawna will leave the game when Deena's alliance says so. Plus, Shawna's behavior makes it obvious that she'd rather hang around with the guys than the two other women, so her obvious alliance with Alex is a threat to Deena and Jenna. Deena would also be able to talk Jenna into targeting Shawna, since that would leave Jenna as the babe of the tribe and allow Jenna to use that to her advantage.

>Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when
>he learns Butch & Roger
>have their own ideas about
>who should stay and who
>should go.

Doesn't surprise me that they would start to lean toward keeping Christy over Heidi. It's obvious that Christy doesn't feel allied with the other women, so she could help those two go farther in the game. Since they know how close Heidi and Jenna are - Heidi has talked about it - they know where her loyalties will lie post-merge.

>One Survivor's performance at a Reward
>Challenge has an enormous impact
>on a tribemate, who calls
>it the "defining moment" of
>their life.

If you look at the vidcap thread, this appears to be Butch talking about Christy's performance. The quotes are consistent with that. And that would also mean that Tambaqui wins the RC.

Looks like the blue tribe will clean sweep this week, because I agree that the Butch/Roger/Dave talk is misdirection - it won't matter, since their tribe doesn't go to TC.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-14-03, 06:07 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Tambaqui wins RC"
I've seen arguments why this could lead to Alex and Matthew being potential targets, but I see this as an opportunity for Deena to ally with Matthew to boot Shawna.

I don't think Deena will see it that way, Bebo. Deena wants her "alpha female" status back. She's not going to get anything resembling that if she gets Shawna booted. She will be on a tribe that includes one hot babe, two "alpha male" types, a horny conniving male, and herself -- Deena's at the bottom of that totem pole.

I think Deena would worry that, even if she did get Matt's and Rob's help to boot Shawna, they would re-up with Alex to boot Deena at the next opportunity, so the three of them could drool over Jenna.

Deena won't take that chance. She'll want one of the alpha males booted first -- in particular the one who is distracting her minion away from her original alliance. By getting Alex out of the picture, she thwarts any defection attempt from Shawna and she also gets the women in the majority on Jaburu.


Chez 777 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

03-14-03, 08:31 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Tambaqui wins RC"
I could see, on the Tambaqui side, Butch and Christy "bonding" (a la Pappy/Neleh, etc) but I think Christy still has some alliance with Deena, who was the only woman that seemed to develop a tie with her. It could lead to a link between Butch-Christy and Deena at the merge.

On the other side, Deena allying with Matt/Deena/Rob to boot Alex/Shawna could fill out an alliance on the other side.

This does not explain how and when the others go, but it could show a pathway by which members of both current tribes (who are known to have "weight loss" (the unarguable physical evidence of longevity) could get to the end game.

Loose ends in this theory are no known weight loss for Jenna (but maybe we just don't know) and known weight loss for Heidi, who would not be a member of this group.


samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-14-03, 09:41 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-03 AT 09:43 AM (EST)

My 2 cents:

Shocked by Jeanne's departure, Christy seeks answers from the tribe as to why they spared her.

Obviously Christy feels that while the men were more accepting of her than the women, the men talked about the weak link going, and she probably saw her disability as that weak link.

Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows to new levels, but Matthew's interest in her develops as well, as he makes a play for Shawna's affection.

We have the KillerD spoiler about Alex and Shawna's romance after the show, so I think it's safe to say Matthew does not score, which will lead Matt to re-adjust (again).

Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when he learns Butch & Roger
have their own ideas about who should stay and who should go.

One Survivor's performance at a Reward Challenge has an enormous impact on a tribemate, who calls it the "defining moment" of their life.

I leave these two together. We see in the previews that Butch is the one who makes the comment about Christy's smile, etc. And while it could be that simple, I think that Roger could have a defining moment. Butch has already been edited as the sensative type, working with kids, bringing the "believe" sign, etc. Roger, however, as been edited as a bigot. He was clearly impressed last night with Christy. It didn't take him long to sum up Ryan and Daniel -- probably won't take long for him to figure out Heidi. I'm sure he's told a blond joke or two in his life. Butch and Roger will choose Christy over Heidi. And because of Jenna's big mouth (you know Dave told the guys), Butch and Roger have to know about the BBB.

All of this will be a moot point next week, because I'm pretty certain it's Jaburu who will go to TC. Now we just have to determine who gets the boot.

*Edited to fix the bolded items.


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-14-03, 09:59 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-03 AT 10:00 AM (EST)

CBS must be reading Agatha Christie... they've been slightly changing the nature of the Misdirection, although not by a LOT. They mentioned Jeanne last week (causing me to dismiss her as a potential bootee). Of course, the big whoop-dee-do about Alex's injury turned out to be a cut on the forehead. Pul-eeze!

Shocked by Jeanne's departure, Christy seeks answers from the tribe as to why they spared her.

Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when he learns Butch & Roger have their own ideas about who should stay and who should go.

CBS has rarely had two misdirections about the same thing, but clearly these two go together. Christy asks Butch and Roger why she was spared. They say something about respect for her abilities despite her disabilities, etc. she gives them a big smile, and Butch (on the preview last night) says "I'll never forget that smile." Something in the Book of Deeds for you there, dude. Soooo, Christy, Butch and Roger decide to ally, and Dave's strategy with Heidi-HO begins to crumble.

Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows to new levels, but Matthew's interest in her develops as well, as he makes a play for Shawna's affection.

Carries about as much weight as Alex's massive head trauma injury. CBS wants us to think that there will be a love triangle here, that there will be some drama here, something of interest. Yeah, right. From spoiler info, as well as the previews, we know that Alex and Shawna are finding their destiny. Okay, so Matthew talks to her friendly, but soon sees that she's into Alex, and so *fizzle*. Bet the mortgage that this comes to nothing at all within about two minutes (or is that about 90 seconds too long?)

One Survivor's performance at a Reward Challenge has an enormous impact on a tribemate, who calls it the "defining moment" of their life.

This could be anything, but my first impression is that Shawna sees the effort Alex is making, and this becomes defining for Shawna and she begins to make the effort herself, getting over her desire to quit.

It could also be Christy's effort despite her deafness continues to make defining impressions on several guys and/or gals.

Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Thaibeach 872 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

03-14-03, 12:26 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
>Shocked by Jeanne's departure, Christy seeks
>answers from the tribe as
>to why they spared her.
Agree with all who've said that Butch & Roger obviously like and admire Christy. They will form an alliance, and Dave, if he's smart, will join, leaving the Ho as the next Tambaqui boot - which I don't believe will occur this week.
>Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows
>to new levels, but Matthew's
>interest in her develops as
>well, as he makes a
>play for Shawna's affection.

Call me cynical but I think Matt would be far more likely to be interested in Alex than Shawna...! (Or maybe Rob with his manboobs. Not that there's anything wrong with that.) Seriously, I don't think this will cause any problems that last longer than about a minute, as someone mentioned above.

One thing that no one has mentioned is Jenna's potential resentment of Shawna getting all the attention from the guys.

Princess Beauty Queen is likely to have her nose seriously out of joint, and my guess is that she will want to get rid of both Alex and Shawna. Since she's not smart enough to figure it out herself (cf her spilling her whole crock of tribal dynamics beans to Dave), Jenna will go along with what Deena suggests.

Deena will play on Rob, who, as I believe Veruca pointed out, has a serious streak of venom. He's already peeved at Dave and Alex, will become more so at Alex when he sees him making time with Shawna. It will be child's play for Deena/Jenna to pull Rob in to vote Alex off.

They'd need to convince Matt to boot Alex, too. I don't think Matt has anything against Alex personally, but he only needs to consider his future in the game, which would surely be brighter as part of an ad hoc 4-person alliance. Bye bye Alex.

But wouldn't it be fun if Alex, Shawna, Matt and perhaps Jenna got rid of Deena instead? All I could think of when watching Deena last night was the cockiness of the Rotu4 (Tammy/Zoe/General/John). I don't think for a minute that it'll actually happen, though. Idiot geek Rob really has a nasty jealous streak and it's going to make him want to lash out at Alex. Jenna would feel too vulnerable w/o her alliance-mate Deena having lost the Ho already, and seeing Shawna's fickleness).

>Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when
>he learns Butch & Roger
>have their own ideas about
>who should stay and who
>should go.

See the first paragraph above. B/R are going to want to keep Christy over Heidi. If Dave really is a rocket scientist, he'll agree to join their new alliance. Christy seems to be as competent and physically strong as Heidi (plus she's "bigger" and has more fat to live off).

>One Survivor's performance at a Reward
>Challenge has an enormous impact
>on a tribemate, who calls
>it the "defining moment" of
>their life.

Seems to be Butch, as in the preview, admiring Christy's gumption/get up & go.


lizziegirl 41 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

03-14-03, 12:29 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
If you see the video link I posted earlier today:

1. there is a shot of Deena and Rob kibbitzing in a stream. About the vote?
2. There is a shot of Rob calling someone an idiot.
3. There is a shot of Alex pointedly saying "my vote is coming your way"
4. There is a shot of Shawna at the end and she looks like she is crying.

If someone analyzes the video further and posts Vid Caps, we can get more info. I don't know how to do it.


DoodleBug 5133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-14-03, 02:53 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-03 AT 02:54 PM (EST)

I found them on SurvivorFever:


samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-15-03, 09:12 AM (EST)
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19. "Jealousy Rears Its Ugly Head"
Thaibeach, I agree with you about Jenna's possible resentment of Shawna. I was thinking about this during Ep. 5 when Dave was telling Jenna that she has the nicest @$$, then when the guys arrive at Jaboohoo, they tell them that Shawna was voted best looking. (Personally I don't find the BBB much to look at, but I'll save that for bashers.) And there's lots of jealousy this week.

I'm pretty torn over Alex or Shawna being the next boot. Deena and Jenna don't know that Shawna voted for Christy. They may think she'll stick with the girls. But now her hookup with Alex throws things into a tailspin (kind of like Dave -- he he).

Jenna could use her wiles on Rob, and then recruit jealous Matt to join her and Deena to boot Alex. This gets rid of a strong, pretty boy, but keeps the weaker Shawna. I think Shawna is on a sugar high right now, rather than having a second wind. So then Shawna becomes a liability again.

Jaboohoo would be a stronger team booting Shawna, but I think alpha (fe)male Deena will risk getting rid of the stronger Alex, and will keep Shawna trapped in the game again. Plus Deena does not want the women to go down 6-4. This also works for Rob's and Matt's stories -- Rob already jealous of the cool, good looking Alex and Matt now jealous of an Alex/Shawna merge.

There's always the possiblity of Shawna joining the guys, but I just don't think that will happen.


Witless 84 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

03-14-03, 03:35 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-03 AT 03:40 PM (EST)

I think that this episode will really focus on Shawna and Alex, and that one of them will indeed be taking the walk of shame.

I think the title is related to Shawna's miraculous recovery. It's easy if you misquote your Shakespeare--"upon what meat doth She feed that makes her so great?"

Probably no relationship at all. But it's been amusing me all day to think so.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-14-03, 06:22 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
One Survivor's performance at a Reward Challenge has an enormous impact on a tribemate, who calls it the "defining moment" of their life.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's something like:

Jenna's/Shawna's (choose one) boobs come flying out of her top when she bends over to eat the food at the RC. Rob later says this was the defining moment of his life.


Krautboy 2750 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

03-14-03, 06:34 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
BR: Think your on the right track...the fact that "defining moment" is in quotes also suggests that it's very likely refering to a comment...and your right, it's exactly the kind of line Rob would use. Like him or not he's got a great sense of humor...



ivoryElephant 2257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

03-15-03, 04:38 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""

"Alex and Shawna's budding relationship grows to new levels, but Matthew's interest in her develops as well, as he makes a play for Shawna's affection."

In other words Alex and Shawna make themselves targets.
Will Rob or Matthew stab Alex in the back and will Deena and jenna stab Shawna.

1. Mathew stabs alex: alex gone
2. Deena stabs shawna: less likely
3. Double stab: tie because they just traded votes.

I am thinking #1 although I do have alex picked as the winner

"Dave's strategy takes a tailspin when he learns Butch & Roger have their own ideas about who should stay and who should go."

The old guys want to ditch heidi. Well Since heidi and christy make it far in the game Tambaqui wins the IC.

"One Survivor's performance at a Reward Challenge has an enormous impact on a tribemate, who calls it the "defining moment" of their life. "

since Christys performance at the RC leaves her smiling and gives Butch a great feeling they win the RC too.


mindella27 27 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

03-15-03, 09:00 AM (EST)
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18. "Alex is gone!!"
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-03 AT 09:01 AM (EST)

I agree with most of what has been said in this post. Alex is gone!! Rob was a Survivor junkie. The tribes will be thinking that after this elimination there will be a merge. At RC they will see that Jeanne is gone. It will be obvious to the guys that they have an advantage and can spare a guy. Alex would definately be an individual immunity threat. They will also see Shawna as a liability. They will get rid of him, and then Shawna will revert to her whiny ass self. Did you see how happy she was that she was considered the hottest. She will quit after alex leaves. We were told by Jiffy in an earlier interview that someone quits. She will lose all motivation, and she can join her honey at Loser Lodge for some TLC. The next one to go will be Dave or Heidi, I can not decide for some reason who. But Heidi had to be hospitalized due to so much weight loss. So I think the men will get rid of one more individual immunity threat. Dave will be the frist one on the jury and than we will have a merge, or they will do like last season living on the same beach.

My opinion is final eight will be
Deena Matt Rob Jenna
Butch Roger Heidi Christy

Heidi and Jenna will put Rob in their back pocket. I think Heidi / Rob are the villians of S6. I think Christy, Butch and Roger will be another tight three. Deena will go with who she feel she is more powerful with. Matt is the Cathy of S6,
he could go all the way, but alas who knows.I can see Matt making it to the end by winning alot of individual immunities.


munson 1314 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-15-03, 11:45 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
Don't know if it's even possible for M<att to backstab Alex since it was quite clear Matt was the outsider in Tambaqui. What good does it do Matt to stay loyal to the guys, get down to the final 6 and find himself on the outside looking in? If he intends to win the game, he needs to make a move to solidify any type of alliance outside the original Tambaqui male alliance. Hooking up with Deena and Jenna to get rid of Shawna first, further weaking the women's original alliance, is a good start. Then, if things fall apart strategically after merge, he still has wiggle room with the guys. He keeps his options open.

VanQ1 66 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

03-15-03, 11:04 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-03 AT 11:16 AM (EST)

this just in from
Who are the castaways?

"One castaway forms an alliance with a hated tribe member whom they fully intend to betray...
My guess is Rob with Deena. I cant see them getting along. And I dont think that there is any absolute HATRED between any of the original tribemates. This picture also looks like Rob 'makin the deal'

On the other side, I can only see Roger 'hating' someone, and maybe he is trying to make a deal with Heidi or even Christy, although with Christy's work ethic, I think he might like her.


samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-17-03, 10:00 AM (EST)
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22. "Who Makes The "Alliance""
We have two teasers: "One castaway makes a false alliance with a clueless castaway . . . " and "One castaway forms an alliance with a hated tribe member whom they fully intend to betray . . ." Although we have two different teasers, I think it's safe to say we're talking about one deal.

Who forms the alliance? My guess is Deena because we've already seen her form an alliance with the BBB because she'll be able to "manipulate" them later. Deena sees herself as being superior, strong and smart. She'll use an alliance (or the pretense of being in one) to get her where she needs to be.

Who is the alliance formed with? Key words are "clueless" and "hated." Rob has been edited to be kind of a dope and clueless, but I don't think he's been edited to be hated. Roger was a little put off by him, but that's about it. There is some vidcap evidence showing a meeting between Rob and Deena, so it could be them.

There is also Matt. Jeff has been quoted as saying that Matt has no clue how to play the game. And while I wouldn't say Matt is hated, he did make the wrong friends in the beginning (Ryan and Dan) and was left behind in a previous episode. And there is a vidcap of an exchange between he and Alex (my vote's going your way).

My guess is Deena and Matt. Deena intends to betray Matt, but in the end, this alliance works out much better than the BBB. Deena plays on Matt's jealousy of the Alex/Shawna coupling.


VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

03-17-03, 10:25 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: Who Makes The "Alliance""
In terms of how this worded, there is only one person IMO who reacts that strongly about people and that is Rob.

Rob has been shown to be envious, jealous and downright nasty about people. Matthew catches a fish, Rob calls it a tadpole, Dave gets a great reward, Rob snidely calls him Golden Boy. He is one Survivor whose insecurities FUEL him in making decisions. I can attribute totally Rob "hating" someone.

He hates the leaders, he hates the good looking guys, he hates the ones who get a girl to say nice things about them.

Who will he hate over at his new tribe? Alex. Alex is the tall, good looking guy who has a girl slobbering all over him. It doesn't matter if it is a girl that he didn't even want; the fact that someone BESIDES him is getting the attention is going to piss him off.

Don't think for one minute when he told Alex he was the best player in the game that a) he wasn't totally manipulating Alex and b) he couldn't stand the fact that it might be true.

Deena and Rob are going to make a deal for different reasons but a deal is going to be struck and Rob is going to do what he always does, LIE LIE LIE

Alex is not going to think for one minute that Rob would vote him off? Alex hasn't seen Rob's trash talk about people, we have been the receipients of that mostly and if not, it is the people like Ryan, Dan and Matthew who hang on to that crap mostly.

Rob is going to make "an alliance" with Alex who he can't stand fully intending to betray him at tribal council that night. He'll probably tell Alex that Deena is on the hot seat (certainly he is not going to tell Alex that Shawna is and who would believe that Rob would boot a bathing beauty, Jenna) He'll tell Alex all the right things, the men got to stick together, Deena is a bossy shrew and Alex is non the wiser

Meanwhile as Rob always does, he'll go to Deena and he and Deena will agree that Alex has got to go, he and Shawna are too close, he will tell Deena he can't stand Alex anyway and Deena will be thrilled.

Rob will capitalize on Matthew's interest in Shawna and Matthew's emotionalism (remember how Matt HOPPED on the Roger boot wagon and was extremely vocal about Roger to an extent that surprised me) and Matthew will clearly follow; Deena just needs to remind Jenna of the boobie alliance, Shawna won't have a clue cuz I'm sure Deena will mention Matthew as a boot possibility etc.

But I'm believing here that Rob makes an alliance with Alex fully intending to betray him that night cuz he can't stand Alex (taller, better looking, got the girl, etc) Rob for all his clownish behavior has major issues with himself. His choices and his words have been solely about HIM not standing someone and how they piss him HIM off, never do I hear him talking about strategy as far as alliances and team advancement go.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-17-03, 11:10 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: Who Makes The "Alliance""
LAST EDITED ON 03-17-03 AT 11:57 AM (EST)

Veruca, I am in 100% agreement here. The false alliance-maker can only be Rob, imo.

Since they are touting the "falseness" in the preview, obviously the audience is going to be shown the person's duplicity ahead of time. We've already seen this with Rob on several occasions.

At first when I read "clueless", I thought of Matt, since it's been pointed out that he "doesn't know how to play the game," and Rob doesn't like Matt either. But I think Rob hates Alex more, and will be really resentful that Alex is getting in good with Shawna.

Probably an all-male vote for Deena will be engineered, and Alex will try to sway Shawna. Shawna won't want to betray Deena, so Alex will tell her, "fine, just don't vote with Deena and Jenna, and she'll be gone anyway." In the meantime, Rob will strike his counter-deal with Jenna and Deena, who want to lose Alex.

At first I thought (and I posted this somewhere) that Rob would also talk Matt into voting against Alex, as his rival. But now I think not. If Rob knows that Shawna won't vote against Deena, R/J/D don't need Matt's vote. Better to leave Matt out of the loop.

So Matt and Alex vote for Deena. Shawna cluelessly votes for Matt. Rob, Jenna and Deena vote for Alex. Alex goes up in a puff of smoke, and Rob has set Matt up as Jaburu's next target.


Thaibeach 872 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

03-17-03, 11:36 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Who Makes The "Alliance""
Veruca and BR, you've nailed it. Rob has shown his nasty streak, and this move fits in perfectly. I can see him lying to Alex flat-out. He can either lie to Matt and say that they (the men) should get rid of Deena, OR, he could, as Veruca suggests, play on M's jealousy of Alex. As long as Rob's got Deena and Jenna on board, and Shawna, out of misplaced loyalty, voting for anyone BUT Deena (or of course her honey Alex), it's all set.

Alex goes this week, leaving an interesting Jabaru situation behind for Ep7.

Shawna won't just be upset at having to "survive" w/o her new honey; she'll also be mighty peeved at her former alliance-mates, Deena and Jenna, for getting rid of him (and I can just see her whining "and ruining my life!" Waaaaaah.)

If Shawna is as much of a whiner and quitter as she seemed to be in E4, perhaps the rumors of someone quitting S6 are true, and she simply quits in E7.

Either way, she's not long for the island after Alex's departure.


Thaibeach 872 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

03-17-03, 11:53 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Who Makes The "Alliance""
LAST EDITED ON 03-17-03 AT 11:55 AM (EST)

edited to remove same message posted twice


esquire 1095 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-17-03, 10:25 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""

>"One castaway forms an alliance with
>a hated tribe member whom
>they fully intend to betray...

Hate is a pretty stong word. I don't think any members of the tribes have any reason to hate each other, except....... Christy

Christy has a reason to hate Heidi. Heidi sold out Jeanine and Christy when she made the deal with the guys and Christy is the obvious next one to go from her tribe because of that deal


DoodleBug 5133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-17-03, 11:53 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
"One castaway forms an alliance with a hated tribe member whom they fully intend to betray... "

I'm guessing maybe Jaburu doesn't think Rob is very funny and he's the hated tribe member? Deena probably thinks he's trying to become "Alpha Male" and makes a deal with him - whom she fully intends to betray.

I predict we'll see the show focus on Alex and Matt as targets and Alex will get the boot. Matt specifically says "my head is on the chopping block". That's too obvious. He's going soon, but not that soon. It'll be Alex.

Maybe ALEX is the clueless one thinking everyone is voting for Matt and then HE gets the boot?


ShyMyst 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-17-03, 12:28 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
Actually I can see Rob going in this episode more than Alex and Matthew. Shawna and Jenna won't want Matthew and Alex to leave so early and Deena is needed for her strength so I think Rob will be the one to go simply because at one point matthew and Alex will tell the girls what a pig Rob is and not to trust him. If Alex and Matthew tells Deena I'm sure Deena'll tell the Shawna and Jenna and therefore she'll come up with the fake alliance with Rob and then have everyone else vote against him.

Take Care,


DoodleBug 5133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-17-03, 02:02 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
The only reason I don't see Rob going is because JP said something about how well Rob played the game. JP said Matt doesn't have a CLUE how to play the game. I can totally see Alex, and maybe Matt, gone before Rob. Deena voted Joanna off simply because she's a strong player and a threat. I think she'll try to vote the guys off for the same reason. She'll make a deal with Rob. Jenna will be on board because she's jealous that Shawna is getting so much attention. Matt will be on board because then he'll get a chance at Shawna (and he's clueless that he's just being used).

Plus, in EP5 Deena talked about how Shawna is more into the Alex thing than the chick thing. She will see the need to break up the romance to keep her alliance together and advance in the game.


ShyMyst 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-17-03, 06:48 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""

Hmm that could work also and then Deena could be the one that backstabs Rob in a later episode. I can see her doing that as she's already in an alliance with Jenna and Shawna and if Shawna backs out of the girl alliance I can see where Deena would be threatened by the thought of Alex staying there. I do have to wonder about Alex's and Matthew's taste in women if they prefer Shawna over Jenna.*LOL*



Solitaire 103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-17-03, 08:05 PM (EST)
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35. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
>The only reason I don't see
>Rob going is because JP
>said something about how well
>Rob played the game.

More important is that Rob has weight loss spoilers going for him, complete with photographs. He's got to stick around longer, because he's not nearly as gaunt as in the pictures, not to mention there's too much time for him to gain back weight.

BTW, Matt also has weight loss spoilers, so don't think that he's going for awhile either.


ShyMyst 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

03-17-03, 12:24 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
From VanQ1:
On the other side, I can only see Roger 'hating' someone, and maybe he is trying to make a deal with Heidi or even Christy, although with Christy's work ethic, I think he might like her.

I'm new and wanted to post my thoughts on Tambaqui,
My gut says that most likely Butch and Roger will be forming an alliance with Christy after seeing her at the RC this coming episode. After the guys made the extra effort for Christy to be a part of the tribe at nights, she had said that she will do her part 110% for the tribe. So knowing Roger and his work ethic that'll be likely to impress him knowing that she's willing to do whatever it takes for the good of the tribe also he's already impressed that she is on Survivor and is deaf. In his words that was a lot of gumption. So I can see him and Butch forming an alliance with Christy.
Heidi on the other hand will probably get on Roger's nerves like Daniel did and will more than likely get into an arguement with Roger over the work. I am looking forward to that argument since Heidi can't use the excuse "oh I'm young and cute to sway him to her way of thinking."
As for Dave, I think he's probably setting Heidi up to make her think that the guys want her to stay but really they want Christy to stay and he can't afford to have Heidi make it to the merge knowing her strong alliance with Jenna. So either he's really wanting an alliance with Heidi which he'll turn against her at one point to join with Butch, Roger and Christy in order to survive.

My feeling on TC votes will be:
Heidi first
Roger 2nd if he continues to get on everyone's nerves
Dave, Butch and Christy goes onto the merge but if there's one more TC before the merge then probably Dave if Butch and Christy are still in an alliance.



TheYellowDart18 8 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

03-17-03, 02:03 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: See BS Misdirection Ep 6 "More than 'Meats' The Eye""
Just a random thought, maybe someone has info...

Possibly a "defining moment" refers to a vegetarian who has to participate in the meat challenge. If so, its most likely a girl IMO.

I also agree it could refer to something stupid that Rob would say about getting bathed by the women.


cowboyroo 590 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-17-03, 02:23 PM (EST)
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33. ""More than 'Meats' The Eye" twofold meaning??"
We know there is a "meat" challenge, but I think the title is twofold. Either Shawna or Alex vote against each other for strategy purposes showing that they are not just a piece of meat...

The Alex comment saying he will vote against Matthew is just misdirection.



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