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""Only one will remain...""
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survivormitsx 271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-13-02, 01:59 AM (EST)
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""Only one will remain...""

Hey y'all, I posted this in sucks but I thought it was good enough to enjoy its on home here... its just something to think about. ENJOY!

Okay, so we've had all this Brian and Clay final two crap, I think its time for a new idea. We have already gotten once in the recap eppy where Jeff Probst says "The ultimate Survivor." Who does he show? JAN. Now, in the "Previously on Survivor" segment and Jeff Probst once again says "Only one will remain..." and who do we see? Our friend Janny again. Does anyone recall Vecepia in the first episode with the same thing? I am still on the theory that TDT is half right, and assumed the second half of the final two. This is the first time also we have seen anything on Jan's strategy, and apparantly she knows what she is talking about. Are we being led to a Tina-esque win a la Jan?

Edited to add pivotal confessionals from Jan tonight:

Jan, talkng to Helen about Brian and Clay (looking serious): "Brian has played a very good game. Why do you think he's kept Clay so close? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer "

From this, we finally get an idea that maybe Jan is the only one that truly realizes what the hell is going on.

Jan, in confessional before TC: " Helen had come to me, because if you look at it, I could be a swing vote. If Ted and Helen have an alliance, they can pull in me, we could vote Clay out. I really had to think about it, and would think about it from what would be the best move for me in the long run. I don't think that there's any true true alliance right now, and I don't think the word "alliance" or "I will not vote against you" has really been said by any of the five; but Helen and I are very very tight. But trust at this point in the game, its very hard and a very thin line, and I might trust you with everything in another situation but this is a game, so even if someone tells you something, they might not do it."

Does anyone recall Helen's swing vote position and where it got her? Is it looking up for Jan?

If your happy and you know it, Do the Cooper dance!!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: "Only one will remain..." Outfrontgirl 12-13-02 1
   RE: "Only one will remain..." SuperClyde 12-13-02 2
       RE: "Only one will remain..." PepeLePew13 12-13-02 3
           Thanks SuperClyde 12-13-02 4
               RE: Thanks Brownroach 12-13-02 6
 RE: "Only one will remain..." Q 12-13-02 5
   RE: "Only one will remain..." Brownroach 12-13-02 7
   RE: "Only one will remain..." cowboyroo 12-16-02 9
 RE: "Only one will remain..." Boilermaker 12-13-02 8
 RE: "Only one will remain..." Brownroach 12-16-02 10
   RE: "Only one will remain..." frisky 12-16-02 11
       RE: "Only one will remain..." Brownroach 12-16-02 12
           RE: "Only one will remain..." FesterFan1 12-16-02 13
               RE: "Only one will remain..." Brownroach 12-16-02 14
                   RE: "Only one will remain..." Spidey 12-16-02 15
           RE: "Only one will remain..." DeadInTheWater 12-17-02 16
               RE: "Only one will remain..." Loree 12-17-02 17

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Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-13-02, 04:20 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
No, IMHO, it's looking good for Brian and Clay.

TDT has a legit spoiler, not crap, and Snewser is backing him.
However, the more people who want to think it's no good, better for me in Spoiler Island.

Well, except all the people at the top of Spoiler Island believe TDT. So that's no help to me at all really. Nevermind.

"If we knew today what we knew yesterday, we couldn't give it away"--Aimee Mann


SuperClyde 87 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-13-02, 04:43 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
LAST EDITED ON 12-13-02 AT 05:16 AM (EST)

Sorry to be dense, but could you point me in the direction of how we know it's a legit spoiler? I've been looking and haven't found any justification behind it. I've read the thread, with people supporting a Clay/Brian F2, but I still don't know why. What is the information that makes us so sure Clay and Brian are F2? Has TDT ever said how they know that? That's all I'm looking for so that I can prepare myself for the heartbreak that crazy, drunken, sweet Jan doesn't win.




PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-13-02, 06:37 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
TDT obviously has a source that tells them Brian and Clay are the final two as they've been pretty sure about it -- their wording is "The True Dork Times has learned that Brian and Clay are the final two."

It's not like they said "we speculate so-and-so is in final two because the evidence showed brak brak brak brak brak." Now, this doesn't mean that the source is infallible but Snewser is supporting this statement by TDT as well. That's pretty strong support for this kind of spoiler and I have no reason to believe they would try to mislead anyone.


SuperClyde 87 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-13-02, 07:28 AM (EST)
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4. "Thanks"
I had seen that, but didn't know if TDT ever said how they had learned it, or if anyone else said why using the word "learned" should provoke such staunch support. I guess their odds got better last night, but I reckon I'll go on cheering for Jan to beat Helen in the finals.



Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-13-02, 12:14 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Thanks"
Clyde, it really just depends on whether you believe TDT (or Snewser) is "connected" enough to obtain reliable spoiler information. They've been around quite awhile and are respected by most of the people here -- and presumably they have reputations they want to uphold, or they wouldn't be doing this at all.

Yes, there's always the chance that a source could be wrong (or lying), but TDT has not wavered on his spoiler, so I assume he considers the source of the spoiler to be completely bona fide.

There can be no "proof", however. Even if TDT revealed his source, which he won't, would that really constitute "proof" of anything? The only corroboration will be when the F2 are known.

So, have faith in the spoiler, or not, as you choose, but don't expect any other details to be revealed about it.


Q 2569 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

12-13-02, 10:16 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
I agree that Jan seems to have a great grip on what is going on in her tribe. Much more than many gave her credit for. She has layed low, taken EVERYTHING in.

However she said Brian keeps clay because he is his enemy. I disagree. Brian called Clay his FRIEND. He is keeping Clay close because Clay is everyone else left on the tribes Enemy, not his own. That means he would get the votes, not him.

As Ted showed on the early show, he respects the game Brian played and understands he is trying to win, so would not hold it against him that he tood the sure bet "Keith" character to the end instead of the "Tina" character were the win is not only fuzzy, but difficult to envision.

I think Helen would feel the same way. Especially if Clay wins Immunity and votes out Helen in the F3. Brian would have had no say in that vote, as Clay would cast the only vote.

Then history would repeat itself, and the final immunity winner would come in second.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-13-02, 12:25 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
>>However she said Brian keeps clay because he is his enemy. I disagree. Brian called Clay his FRIEND. He is keeping Clay close because Clay is everyone else left on the tribes Enemy, not his own. <<

I think what Jan meant was that Brian recognized Clay as another scheming, crafty player -- one who might potentially disrupt Brian's game. Better to have someone like that working with you rather than against you, so you can monitor their activities.


cowboyroo 590 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-16-02, 01:42 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
Brian called Clay his friend while holding up his middle finger as the Final 1 of 3 people. That was on purpose. Brian is keeping Clay around as his "friend" because he knows he has the best shot at winning against him with the jury.

Boilermaker 260 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-13-02, 01:51 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
I agree with the community that the TDT spoiler is legit. I don't believe however that we have to stop spoiling and doing our normal detective work because of the spoiler. Although I believe Clay and Brian are the Final 2, both because of the spoiler and because of what I have interpreted from the show itself, I still enjoy reading the thoughts of others that don't believe it.

If I disregarded the TDT evidence, I would believe that Jan has a chance of making the finals and winning the whole game. Some think she is a little ditzy and strange, but they all know she has a big heart and has gotten along with everyone. They also know she is a hard worker.

Finally I go back in my mind to the first episode title "Importance of Being E...est". If this really is eldest, (although there are 3 dots and only 2 letters needed to complete that word), this could be the big foreshadowing we always have on this show from just about day one. Jake was the last on his tribe to survive. If Jan made the finals and/or won, this title would prove very true and be the big foreshadowing that we talk about from now until Survivor 9 and beyond.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-16-02, 02:53 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
Well, Jake said on the Early Show that if he were rooting for someone, he'd root for HELEN to win. And now Ted said *twice* in his chat that JAN has a great strategy and is playing the best game ever.

I say: Congratulations, again, TDT, on having spoiled the final 2 of Brian and Clay.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-16-02, 04:07 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
>Ted said *twice* in his chat that JAN has a great strategy and is playing the best game ever

Well, in the game he didn't seem to think so.

Ted's (unaired) confessional in the video archive for Episode 12:

"I think Jan has one or two things going on in her mind.
She either knows that she's the next person to go or
she's built an alliance with Clay and Brian to vote a different way. I think those are the two scenarios that Jan is probably toggling in her mind right now. Obviously when Helen and I were away on the reward challenge that I won there was a perfect opportunity for them to talk to Jan. So she's more of a follower and so if Clay and Brian capitalized on that while we were gone, then I foresee Helen or myself going tonight."

Ted obviously saw Jan as a passive player, going whichever way the wind blows her. He also didn't have a clue as to what her strategy was, or if she had one. So how can she have the best strategy? Why would Ted think she is playing the best game ever when he knows she is just being used by B/C?

You're right, Brownroach. Buh-bye Jan.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-16-02, 04:37 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
>>Buh-bye Jan.<<

Afraid so. And Helen too.

Ted also said this about Clay in his chat:

>>Without a doubt Clay got on my nerves the most! He was the most irritating person out there. Similar to the way a brother or sister may get on your nerves after living with them for a while.<<

and later:

>>I would describe Clay as a weasel or a snake and that's self-explanatory.<<

About Brian he said:

>>The confessionals that surprised me the most were Brian's. I didn't realize he was such a cold, calculating, and mischieveous person. I thought he presented an image of a person with high integrity and high respect and a potential friend, but his confessionals clearly do not match what he presented to the tribe in my opinion.<<

More fuel that points to Ted having voted for Brian, IMO. He does seem a little disappointed in Brian, but, on the other hand, would he describe the person he had voted for to win $1,000,000 as "a weasel or a snake"?


FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-16-02, 06:21 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
>>The confessionals that surprised me the most were Brian's. I didn't realize he was such a cold, calculating, and mischieveous person. I thought he presented an image of a person with high integrity and high respect and a potential friend, but his confessionals clearly do not match what he presented to the tribe in my opinion.<<

More fuel that points to Ted having voted for Brian, IMO. He does seem a little disappointed in Brian, but, on the other hand, would he describe the person he had voted for to win $1,000,000 as "a weasel or a snake"?

There's been a pattern of this. Ken seemed to be annoyed at Brian's confessional/behind-his-back comments in his post-Boot rounds. I think Brian had them all snowed. Conversely, I don't think I've heard a good word about Clay from the same folks. All of this points to a Brian rout, IMO.

I have ZERO doubt that Ted voted for Brian. Jan and Helen will vote Brian because they would rather vote for the player who outfoxed them than the player who rode coattails to the end. Don't let Helen's "loyal subject" talk fool you, she'd have likely done the same to Brian. She's no dummy. She knows going against Clay in the Finals is the smart move. Helen may be pissed that she got outfoxed, and she'll likely make Brian squirm in the F2 jury question segment, but she'll give him her vote...reluctantly.

Clay's only hope is the Sookies. He won't get Jake's vote. Jake will recognize that Brian played the better game. Ken's comments post-Boot lean toward a Brian vote (not wanting to out his porn past and his grumpiness about Brian's mockery that he didn't see on the island). The more I think about it, the more I think Penny will vote Brian as well. She may like Clay more, but she'll also recognize that Brian is more deserving. I think Erin is Clay's lone hope of not getting shut out.

Maybe if they did their voting after E13 aired, there would be a different outcome, but it looks like Brian kept his shenanigans away from the rest of the players. Very shrewd.



Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-16-02, 06:57 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
And since Ted was surprised --*only now* -- by seeing the confessionals, it looks like Brian was able to maintain his Mr. Integrity charade right through the jury questioning. Helen may give him the third degree, as you say, but in the end she will still respect him more than Clay.

I think the hostility at the Final TC will be directed mostly at Clay -- and Clay is very likely to lose his cool under the circumstances, which could cost him any undecided votes. I tend to agree that he will get either one vote from Erin or none at all.


Spidey 6259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-16-02, 07:09 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
>I think the hostility at the
>Final TC will be directed
>mostly at Clay -- and
>Clay is very likely to
>lose his cool under the

Aha! You may have pinpointed the "rage" at final TC. Maybe it is CLAY who is full of rage at the questions and it dawns on him that he has NO chance of winning, as opposed to Helen being p.o's at Brian for just playing the game.

An IceCat Original, 2002


DeadInTheWater 51 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-17-02, 02:12 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
It's interesting to go back and watch the first four or so episodes and notice how Brian has changed. Or maybe changed in the way he has been edited. In those episodes, there are no confessionals with him making cocky and arrogant comments. Just from his tribal interactions, he seems like a very nice and reasonable guy. It's not difficult to see how easily he played everyone.

Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-17-02, 11:17 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: "Only one will remain...""
Brian is/was an actor. I even wonder how much of his to-the-camera talks are acting. He has watched the past seasons where players like Jeff Varner, Lex, Rob M. were enjoyed by the audience because of their little catty chats with the viewers. It could all be an act with Brian. Is he acting when he talks to his fellow tribemates or when he talks to the viewers, or both?


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