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"Shi Anns Horns are they lingering??"
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mindella27 27 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-11-02, 05:47 PM (EST)
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"Shi Anns Horns are they lingering??"
Just a thought you can flame me if you need too!!

Shi Ann at tribal council laid it all on the table. She basically let Penny know she thought she was manipulative. She told Ken they were very interested in him. Jake I dont remember. This let them know that someone at CG was courting her. This will also make the Suckies realize that someone over at CG is going to stab the back of the two outsiders. Do they court the outsiders or the fianl three alliance? That is the question!!!

Clay and Shi were together where she blurts about everything. Next we see her talk to Brian alone. It seems to me as if Ted, Clay/Helen, and Brian have a tight alliance. They wanted her to bring along two people. So Jan and Helen/Clay were expendable??
Who are the real final three? So when final five comes they would have a 3-2 advantage.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Shi Anns Horns are they lingeri... tanyafrommd 11-11-02 1
 RE: Shi Anns Horns are they lingeri... Spidey 11-11-02 2
 Chewy 3 samboohoo 11-12-02 3
   RE: Chewy 3 jkokoj 11-12-02 4
   RE: Chewy 3 frisky 11-12-02 5
       RE: Chewy 3 Loree 11-13-02 6

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tanyafrommd 25 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-11-02, 08:03 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Shi Anns Horns are they lingering??"
I don't think Helen likes Clay. Clay was the one that said to Shi-Ann that they (the older folks) wanted to try to get Jake and one other and go the distance. So I think there are some hidden alliances or Clay was dreaming.

Spidey 6259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-11-02, 10:13 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Shi Anns Horns are they lingering??"
Since Clay was the one telling SA they wanted Jake and one (or two?) more, he obviously has an alliance of 3 - He wasn't talking about the CG's as a whole or they would have only needed Jake to break a 5-5 tie at an anticipated merge TC. Less than 3 in Clay's alliance (say Clay and Ted) plus Jake and one more would not have been enough to force more than a tie if the others got wise to it before the TC that never happened.

So, Clay must have been speaking of an alliance of 3, either Clay/Ted/Brian or less likely Clay/Jan/Helen. And since SA subsequently cozied up with Brian and Ted, my guess is Clay at least THINKS he is in an alliance w/ Ted and Brian. And he may well be, but not how he thinks. IMO, he is their Keith.

It is easy for me to believe the boys of CG think their ladies are expendable. Their attitude towards them plus how simply annoying Weepy Jan and OCD Recipe Instructor Helen really are.

Anyway, if C/T/B are smart, they will play all Team-CG at this week's merge TC and vote out Penny (or Ken if Penny wins IC). Then, with 7 they quietly recruit Jake and the other remaining SJ to take out Helen and Jan. What choice does SJ have? Otherwise, they are next. Too risky to go to Helen and Jan with the CG men's plan, b/c what if they don't beleive them? Then they're screwed too. After that dirty work is done, C/B/T have a 3-2 advantage and barring an IC win at F4 by the sole SJ, they are a lock on the final 3. This is how it will play out if they are smart. They never lose the numbers advantage and successfully keep the two sets of underdogs (Jan/Helen and Jake and Ken/or/Penny) viewing each other as the enemy/obstacle. Plus since they ALL screwed over Jan and Helen, that can't be a reason not to vote for one of them in F2, unless the wacky gals write in Magilla, Oliver or Lucky. My vote is all Magilla.


samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-02, 10:13 AM (EST)
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3. "Chewy 3"
Hard to figure out the Chewy 3. We obviously have been given Ted and Brian (we know Ted thinks they are exclusive, and we know Brian is going along with this for now). We've always seen Brian, Ted and Clay together and Clay probably does assume he's the third. But I'm not sure how much Clay really likes Ted. Sure, he's seen palling around with him, but remember when the boat was lost. Clay made some comment about how the team wasn't too mad at Ted, but if he had lost the boat, it would be a different story.

Also, there's Brian and Helen. They went to eachother with all of the he-said, she-said drama with Ted and Ghandia. Ccould Brian just be going along with his alliance with Ted because he already has a pact with Helen.

Helen is playing a pretty smart game. We know she voted for Clay in Ep. 1. Does he know that? Also, she wanted to vote for Clay when Ghandia was booted, but voted with the guys to oust Ghandia and avoid a tie. Also, her comment about receiving the kiss from Clay. Boy, was she buttering him up. She obviously doesn't like the guy, but she's not letting him know that.


jkokoj 4389 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-12-02, 10:28 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Chewy 3"
Maybe the hidden alliance is Clay, Helen and Jan. Clay may have been looking to court Shii and Jake so they would have 5.

Clay has to know that Brian/Ted are an IC threat. Sure we have seen him bashing about batty Jan and the Kooky Cook but that does not mean he doesn't like them or have an alliance.


frisky 11695 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-12-02, 10:36 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Chewy 3"
>Also, there's Brian and Helen. They went to eachother with all of the he-said, she-said drama with Ted and Ghandia.

IIRC, Helen went to Brian like he was a tribal elder or something, and he said something authoritative like "OK, let me think about this for awhile." Helen may think she's riding Brian/Ted's coattails for a while, but I don't think she's the third.

As for Shi Anne, her legacy will be more lasting than any pre-merge bootee in any of the five Survivors series. Not only did she "out" the manipulative Penny at her final TC, but she also ratted out all the SJ's to the Chewies. The Chewies have garnered more information from Shi Anne than they could have ever hoped to learn just by osmosis in the days after a merge. Her snitching has changed the dynamics of the game, especially for the Chewies.

For example, imagine what would have happened if Helen had switched to SJ when they were offered the option to change tribes at the food challenge. Of course, she would've been the first boot, but in her eagerness to assimilate she would've spilled her guts and given the Sookies the low-down on the Ted/Ghandia fiasco. The Sookies would have a whole new outlook on Ted, very different from the Ted they know now. It's the same with Penny. If it weren't for Shi Anne, maybe the Chewies would be falling for Penny's suckuppery.


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-02, 10:43 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Chewy 3"
But Brian does seem to like Penny. At least he sounds like he does not think she is like Shii Ann told him. Although Brian could see the manipulator in Penny that he sees in himself and realize it is smarter to keep Penny close.


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