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Cathy the Canadian 599 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-27-02, 12:54 PM (EST)
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Here it is day 5, and there are yet to be any clear alliances. Brian, Ted, Clay and Ghandia were seen talking in the water, but Ghandia didn't even vote with them, and they didn't appear to make any pact to vote the same.

Why have no clear alliances formed, and what does this mean???


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? managerr 09-27-02 1
   RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? Cathy the Canadian 09-27-02 2
       RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? snoocharoo 09-27-02 3
       RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? ulalame 09-27-02 4
           RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? managerr 09-27-02 7
   RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? Loree 09-27-02 5
 RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? Boilermaker 09-27-02 6
 RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? GuessItRains 09-27-02 8
 RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? Spidey 09-27-02 9
 Jed jkokoj 09-27-02 10
   RE: Jed MeToo 09-27-02 12
 RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? samboohoo 09-27-02 11
   Loose Alliances Rain Crow 09-27-02 13
 History Repeating Itself Jims02 09-28-02 14
 RE: WHERE ARE THE ALLIANCES? ShowMeTheWinner 09-28-02 15

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managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-27-02, 01:03 PM (EST)
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They are probably being hidden. Imho, there is a clear alliance between the Sook Jai Five. Why do you think that Steph, Jed, and Robb were being so stubborn by refusing to eat and sleep in the shelter? It wasn't because they were lazy--I think they know that the other 5 have allied against them.

There must be one in Chuay Guan as well, there has to be a reason Jan isn't a boot candidate.


Cathy the Canadian 599 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-27-02, 01:11 PM (EST)
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A clear alliance between Steph, Jed and Robb? I don't know about that. Robb was on board with the new york cop and the other shelter builders in dissing Steph and Jed for not helping enough. I think right now Robb is trying to cover his bases with everyone, like he said in his confessional, "I want to get along with everyone".

I was also curious why Jan didn't get booted. I think T was probably sicker than we saw on camera.


snoocharoo 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

09-27-02, 01:15 PM (EST)
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"I was also curious why Jan didn't get booted. I think T was probably sicker than we saw on camera."

She was a lot sicker. Check out her Early Show interview. She said that they didn't even show how much she was vomiting. She is reported to have lost 15lbs in 6 days!!!!!!!!!!!

Snoocharoo <= is going on the Survivor diet!


ulalame 778 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-27-02, 02:01 PM (EST)
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I think the point was that the obvious allaince in SJ was the other five -- Ken, Penny, Shii Ann, Jake and Erin. Jed, Steph and Robb are the outsiders. This seems the most likely to me, if you look at the body language (i.e. who works/sits/sleeps next to whom). It probably resulted from Jed and Steph's bad attitude and Robb's being a loose cannon, but we really won't know anything for sure, so long as EPM keeps concealing the alliance building.

I think it's also clear there's a voting block at CG between Clay, Ted, Brian and Jan. The water shot with Ghandia to me implies that she was originally part of the alliance (which was why she wasn't voted out in E1), but that her lack of ability in challenges, her volatility, and her dislike of Helen (unwillingness to toe the party line and vote for Tanya) is leading to her being on the outs with the rest of the tribe, and Helen becoming the de facto 5th.


managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-27-02, 03:22 PM (EST)
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Yes that's exactly what I meant, the other five have made it clear they are an alliance with Steph, Jed, and Robb as the Outsiders.

Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-02, 02:57 PM (EST)
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I think Jan is definitely the MamaKim of this tribe. She is older and weak and she knows she needs help. So she has allied herself with the guys rather than the women. She will vote with the guys to pick off whoever they want. She is vulnerable and will happily vote against anyone to save herself.

Boilermaker 260 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-27-02, 03:05 PM (EST)
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Chewing Gum's alliance I think is fairly clear from the facts, but the editing makes it seem like nothing is there. Brian, Clay, Ted, and Jan have an alliance that can be seen from their voting strategy. The next one to go from their tribe has to be Ghandia or Helen depending on a combination of the weakest link and who causes the most turmoil. From the previews I am guessing that if Chewing Gum loses, Ghandia is gone because of the strife she will cause. That is why GDiva has a grudge against Ted. He got everyone to agree with him instead of herself. Now if we can only have a better clue which tribe will lose next week, we might have a chance...

GuessItRains 700 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-27-02, 03:23 PM (EST)
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Chewing Gum has an alliance that is being concealed from us, probably because it goes far into the game. Ted and Clay are clearly allies. Based on their golf game and common voting, Brian is also an ally. Ghandia appears to have at one point been allied with at least Ted and Clay, but she's since broken ranks. Whether Jan is allied with the men remains to be seen, but I think that she is at least being dragged along like Mama Kim because she's a reliable vote and healthier than Tanya was. Helen probably would have been the next to go, but I suspect with Ghandia going nuts next episode, the men will recruit Helen into an alliance and wax Ghandia instead.

It's hard to know what the Stupid Guys are doing. I know in S4 we debated to the ends of the earth the alliance structure in the Love Tribe only to learn that nobody really had formed any alliances in the earlygoing of the game: I think there was a tacit agreement in the early days to vote off Kathy first, but nothing had really developed beyond that. In some respects, alliances are reactive, it's tough enough living in those conditions without worrying about what's going to happen if you lose. That said, it appears that Stephanie and Jed are high on the radar screen of at least Ken and Shii Ann, and probably Jake, while Robb appears not to be making alliances. It's hard to know what Penny and Erin are thinking since we never see them; if there is an alliance, I'm guessing that Stephanie would be its first target, and Jed might get waxed if Stupid Guys get a big enough advantage.

Of course, the castaways have to be anticipating an upcoming switch, which makes any alliance building that much harder....


Spidey 6259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-02, 03:27 PM (EST)
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There are a few clear alliances IMO. As many stated, Clay/Ted/Brian/Jan (Ghandia is out as of Ep. 3 if she was ever in). Helen is not a good 5th, but she'll have to do for now. Given a swap, the core 4 may be able to recruit one of the loners with no alliance (Shii Ann, Robb, most likely Ken) and Ghandia is surely the next to go in CG if they go to TC this week.

and in Sook Jai

Jake/Penny/Erin - Seen together alot and Jake and Penny seem to be getting very tight. (Texas alliance)

Jed/Steph are in a loser alliance, otherwise known as the "Vote us out please, we are lazy loner bums" alliance

Robb/Ken? - More likely when it comes down to it, Ken will try to squeeze in with the Texans. So Robb and Shii Ann are also out in the cold.


jkokoj 4389 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-27-02, 03:45 PM (EST)
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10. "Jed"
Maybe Jed has decided he dislikes his tribe and IS waiting for a switch.


MeToo 158 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-27-02, 04:00 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Jed"
The whole bit about Jed disturbs me. They haven't shown him involved in any conflict whatsoever, yet he is clearly isolated from the others. If it weren't for Stephanie being even stoopider (staying out in the rain), we would all be questioning HIS strategy. Whether or not he's ever seen any of the previous Survivors, it doesn't make any logical sense for him to just simply drift away from the others.

I believe there is something that we have yet to be shown with regards to Jed. Maybe, there really haven't been any alliances formed, except between him, Robb and Stephanie. E1 showed a completely fragmented tribe. This week, Robb did defend Jed in that he was contributing food while the others were complaining. Also, the whole group went together to get the oysters, as if they still didn't trust one another. Is it possible that Jed isn't actually an outsider, but in fact the leader of the Sook Jai alliance?

Just some thoughts.



samboohoo 17173 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-02, 03:53 PM (EST)
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I think based on what this group saw in S3 and S4 (even those who "have never watched it") with the switch, they're not really forming any airtight alliances. I clearly see certain people gravitating toward others (i.e. Ted, Clay and Brian) and actually being a little smart with the voting by taking out the weaker and less useful links. If it comes down to it, I do see Brian, Clay, Ted and Jan sticking together.

Don't know what the heck they're doing over at Sook Jai, but at least they seem to come together for the challenges.

Guess we'll have to wait for the switch or the merge to really see who's with whom, if anyone.


Rain Crow 374 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

09-27-02, 05:37 PM (EST)
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13. "Loose Alliances"
I think you and the others are correct about not forming airtight alliances, however, the four members of the obvious Chewing Gum alliance may be pretty close. Helen is on the edge, and Ghandia is out in left field.

We have not been shown any real solid alliances in Soup Jive. I believe the Soup Jive members are still fragmented and feeling their way around each other. They have yet to face the reality of TC, so alliance scheming is probably getting put off due to the daily hassles of getting by with food, shelter, water.

Still, it appears to me that there are several loose alliances being explored in Soup Jive. Here are some that come to mind:

Ken/Erin (commonly seen together or side by side in group pics)
Penny/Erin (they are even sharing a red sweatshirt)
Jed/Steph (rain sleepers; edited and described by others as lazy bones)
Jake/Penny/Erin (a grouping noted by many posters)
Robb/Jed/Steph (lazy and loud?)
Jake/Penny/Erin/Jed (Texas Alliance)
Jake/Penny/Erin/Ken/Shii Ann (hard worker alliance)

We will need to watch these in the next episode or two in order to see how they develop or are revealed. I think this tribe is aware of the potential switch and are hedging their bets. Or, they could just be irrational little kids playing Tarzan and Jane in the jungle.

"Onward Thru the Fog"


Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-02, 09:33 AM (EST)
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14. "History Repeating Itself"
OK, this is my first real analysis for Survivor after following Mole 2, so give me a break here.

The S5 Survivors have watched the previous 5 shows and have watched how each has played out. Could history repeat itself again this year? Perhaps. It just depends on which way they play the game.

1. S1: Formation of a close alliance within a tribe, and manipulation to keep it intact.

-This could very well play out after the Tribal Switch. The SJ tribe is the more likely tribe to have a hidden alliance, since MB's known to show the winning strategy as late as he can. I see the "true" alliance appearing after the swap though. For instance, if it is a male/female swap, Penny/Erin/Stepanie/Shii-Ann could hang together and play their SJ pals.

2. S2: Voting down tribal lines and keeping your numbers up

-This obviously would apply to CG's strategy at the Merge. This group seems a lot tighter than SJ and are out to get SJ. Not much to say here though.

3. S3: Voting down tribal lines and other tribe splits down the middle

-This was a great strategy for Boran, since Samboohoo couldn't keep it together until it was too late. This would also be a great strategy for CG, AS LONG AS THEY CAN WIN SOME ICs. The Sook Jai tribe, in classic Survivor style, are a bunch of young kinds that would rather feud than come together and win the game. Note: the tribal swap was very important for Boran in S3, so this scenario would really come down to S5's swap.

4. S4: Three alliances at the merge: An S1, a Merge Alliance, and a Tribal (Mara) alliance

-This one could definitely happen too. However, it is too early to speculate how/who will go after this. There are too many missing puzzle pieces right now.

5. S5: A new strategy?

-OMH, heaven forbid they might actually think of a differnet strategy on their own???

Well, that's just my thoughts about it. It's one of those stupid VERY speculative posts about comparing the last Survivors to this one. But, I do think that S5 could easily play out like one of the past ones (probably S3, IMHO)

Anyways, thanks for reading


ShowMeTheWinner 962 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-28-02, 11:04 AM (EST)
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I suppose Jed, Stephanie, and Robb are confirmed to have an alliance (or rather "a bond" as Stephanie puts it).
"Stephanie on the tribe's division":

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)



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