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"E11 closed-caption summary"
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AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
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12-27-01, 11:02 PM (EST)
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"E11 closed-caption summary"
LAST EDITED ON 12-28-01 AT 06:51 PM (EST)

Here is the summary with the speakers identified. Special thanks to Serendipity, who did a wonderful job on the identification, and to TechNoir, who also submitted a very good identified listing. The two lists were consolidated, but where there were serious disputes, I went with Serendipity's version.

As always, the closed-caption feed comes to us courtesy of DiamondK, a great spoiler and a good friend from this board and the ABT.

TV Channel 3 Thu Dec 27 20:01:03 2001

Probst: The members of Moto Maji tribe were weak.

Kim J: Do we want the mush?

Probst: Lex was on shaky ground.

Ethan: Lex gave his word to Brandon but he gave his word to us also. He went on his own and covered his own ass.

Tom: From here on out, I have a question with Lex.

Probst: Lex guaranteed himself three more days, as Lex wins immunity.

Probst: Back at camp, Frank spoke his mind.

Frank: A liberal special interest group that the media give ... open market to ... instead of the average working class American that founded this country.

Teresa: Today is tribal council day. You don't really want to ruffle any feathers.

Probst: Frank paid for his opinions, even Teresa voted against him. Only six remain. Tonight the stakes grow higher as one more is voted out of the tribe.

Lex: Kill time making a bracelet.

Ethan: Cool.

Lex: I made that. That slip was through. It was cut and placed.

Ethan: I'm surrounded by people I enjoy yet I'm so alone. You are so alone because they are your friends, but you know I only met them a month ago.

Lex: Pull as tight as you can on it.

Ethan: I hold hack back a lot. I don't reveal everything about myself. Even though I'm surrounded by people all the time I still feel so alone.

>> You've got mail.

Lex: A diary. All right.

Lex: It reads: You think you know them and that they know you. It's time to find out if that really is true. For the winner, a prize that takes you away, but that is just the beginning of an unforgettable day.

KimP: Cool!

Lex: I think it's a fair guess that it, this challenge is early because we, whoever wins is going on a trip today.

KimP: God.

Probst: Seeing as how you guys have been away for over a month, I figure you've got to be missing the loved ones a little bit. So we called them up and asked them to put together a little greeting which may help you to get to know your tribe mates a little better. Ms. Johnson, you are up first.

Kim J's Daughter: We have two pieces of news, good news, still getting married. The invitations are going out. The bad news is that you are not here, we miss you dearly.

Kim J's Son: Hi. I miss you, mom.

Grandchildren: Hope you are doing okay.

Kim J's Husband: It's tough surviving around here without you. We hope you are having a ball. See you soon.

KimJ: This is so cool. Thank you.

Probst: Something like that give you the strength to go on or make you think I got to go on?

KimJ: I think they are rooting for me so much and we're so close to the end that it gives me the strength to go on.

Probst: Ms. Cooper.

Teresa's Husband: Hi, Teresa, you remember us? We are your family in Georgia. We miss you.

Teresa's Son: I been marking off my calendar and praying for you, I miss you.

Teresa's Daughter: I miss you. I've been marking off my calendars and sleeping with my daddy. I love you, that's all I want to say.

T's Father: Hi.

Teresa: Hey, daddy.

Teresa's Husband: Love you, honey, do good. We'll see you when you come back back.

Teresa: Bye mom.

KimJ: That's great. That's great.

Probst: Ethan.

Ethan: All right.

Probst: Your turn.

Ethan's Mother: Hi, Ethan, honey, we just finished eating dinner. And we are having a little trouble --

Ethan: Everyone's drunk.

Ethan: My mom is drunk.

Ethan's Brother: We like having a one-way conversation with you when you can't talk back and we love you and good luck.

Probst: Big Tom, you are up, fellow.

Tom's Father: Goats about to eat us up on the golf cart. We are taking care of them. I bet --

Tom's Son: Been playing a little golf, same ol' thing, herding goats and chasing a little beaver. Over and out, big guy.

Tom's Wife: Hey, Tom, I sure do miss you around here. Had a lot of time so I've been riding this old stud here since I don't have one at home. We miss you and everything is going fine. We look forward to having you back. I love you and we'll see you later. Bye-bye.

KimJ: We see they don't have any more control over the goat than you did. (Laughter)

Probst: Ms. Powers.

Kim P's Mother: I miss you more every day.

Kim P: Oh, my god. <click>

Kim P's Mother: Sometimes I want to crawl into your voice mail so I can hear your voice, I know that you are fine. And I know you are doing real well. Love you lots. Enjoy, remember how much I love you:

Lex: Nice.

Probst: You can tell as your mom ... the reason it stops and starts ... she couldn't stop crying either. She didn't want anyone to see her cry so she kept stopping the tape.

Kim P: Obviously I think I take after her.

Probst: Are you okay? You are shaking? It's a good shake.

Kim P: It's good.

Probst: Okay. Lex, want to hear the interest of your family?

Lex: I do.

Son #1: Hi, daddy. I love you so much, I love you more than ice cream.

Son #2: I miss you and I love you very much.

Lex's Wife: Hi, honey, the minute I saw you, I fell in love with you. I can't wait to see you again and give you a big hug and kiss you and, you know. See you soon.

Lex's Sons: You rock, dad!

Probst: I think that is one of the most romantic things I have ever heard -- the moment I met you, I knew I loved you.

Lex: This is the best reward. That was the best, seeing that was everything. Thank you.

>> Okay.

Probst: So we figured we had your families there with the camera going. Might as well involve them in our next reward challenge. So we asked your family members four questions about you. Whoever gets the most answers right wins the reward. The winner of today's reward challenge will leave here immediately and be flown to the Masau Mara where you will watch the migration of the wildebeest, one of the more spectacular things you will see in your life. You'll go to a safari resort tonight, have a real bed, have a real shower. You'll have real food. You'll get up in the morning, private balloon ride. You are going to pay for it with my own personal Visa. So, first question, we asked your family member what is your most embarrassing moment. So, Kim, you are up first.

Kim J: Throwing up on you on our second date.

Kim J's Husband: You might ask her what happened on our second date. Kim disappeared for about two hours and she did fall asleep on the toilet and blocked the bathroom for a while.

Kim J: Shoot.

Probst: He said it, then he went with something else. You missed the reseniority by one question.

Kim J: I'll throw up on him again.

Probst: Teresa.

Teresa: New York Marathon injury, it took me all day and night to finish.

Teresa's Husband: Spilling a full tray of drinks on first class passengers.

Probst: Ethan.

Ethan: It was, I was doing my hair for the prom and the curling iron got stuck, my mom had to cut my hair.

Ethan's Mom: That would be letting in an easy goal in a very important soccer game.

Probst: Tom, show us your most embarrassing moment.

Tom: I was walking around in dirty underwear in the house. People, I walked into the kitchen and met these people and I had a little stain in my underwear.

Tom's Wife: You -- can't embarrass him. He doesn't give a hoot, he jus' doesn't care. You can't embarrass him..

Probst: All right. Kim.

Kim P: Falling off my bike in a race, I was doing a triathlon and my bathing suit got caught in the bike and all the people had a very good view.

Kim P's Mom: She wiped out during a triathlon, couldn't get her bike turned around and her bathing suit got stuck.

Kim P: Yes, mom. Yes.

Several Survivors: Good job!

Probst: Lex, most embarrassing moment.

Lex: Back in college I used to go to a lot of happy hours. One time I threw up in the middle of my human sexuality class.

Lex's Wife: That would be in college when he threw up over another student.

Lex: Yes.

Probst: There it is.

Lex: That's my wife. Love her.

Probst: After the first round Lex and Kim Powers, up one and one. Next question, what physical trait do you least like about yourself.

Kim J: I think he will say my feet.

Kim J's Husband: It will be her feet.

Kim J: Oh, baby.

Teresa: I have straight stringy see-through hair.

Teresa's Husband: I would have to say that would be her nose.

Teresa: Baby!

Ethan: I hate to admit it but this is my family answering for me and they probaly think I would say I have none.

Ethan's Mom: Your legs

Ethan: What?

Tom: I'm going to say hair because I would love this, if I would grow it over and have it down to my feet.

Tom's Wife: He used to say he was a heck of a man when he had hair. That lack of hair.

Probst: Good job.

Kim P.: Could have gone two ways. I'm going to say small chest.

Kim P's Mom: It's her arms.

Kim P: Oh, god, mom, where did you get that?

Lex: My nose.

Lex's Wife: The hair on his back, sorry.

Lex: What? You can take a look, I think I got about six of them.

Probst: Here is where we are at. Kim has one, Tom has one, Young Kim has one, Lex has one, Teresa and Ethan have to get on the board.

Probst: Biggest fear.

Kim J: Growing old and not being able to do what I wanted to do.

Kim J's Husband: She is really pretty fearless but she is scared of bungee jumping.

Kim J: Wrong.

Teresa: My greatest fear and probably only fear is loss of a loved one.

Teresa's Husband: Only one I can think of is snakes.

Ethan: I think it's a fear of throwing up.

Ethan's Mom: Vomiting.

Ethan: Yeah! Whoo. (Applause)

Probst: Big Tom.

Tom: She will say none.

Tom's Wife: It's always in a parent's mind about their children so his biggest fear would be that something would happen to his son.

Kim P: She has to get this one, spiders.

Kim P's Mother: Her biggest fear is being unfulfilled.

Kim P: Are you kidding me?

Lex: That is deep.

Probst: Lex

Lex: Losing one of my boys.

Lex's Wife: Something happening to me or the kids.

Lex: Thanks, honey.

Probst: Okay. Lex in the lead with two, Kim Johnson, Kim Powers, Ethan and Tom each have one. Teresa, this is the last question; since there is no way you can win, we'll leave you out of this. What is your greatest achievement?

Kim J: I said my family. I've been married very happily for 37 years and I have three great kids. Not having any family of my own before, it doesn't get any better than that.

Kim J's Husband: I think her answer would be a really great family. Three great kids. Grandchildren.

Survivors: Yeah.

Probst: Okay. Ethan.

Ethan: Mine will probably have to be playing professional soccer.

Ethan's Mom: Taking the high school soccer team to the state tournament as a starting freshman.

Ethan: Nothing after high school. (Laughter)

Probst: Big Tom, the minute I asked this question you didn't hesitate. You wrote three letters down, I can tell from here.

Tom: My son, you don't have to play it. She knows that is my greatest accomplishment.

Tom's Wife: Tom's greatest achievement would be his son Beau.

Survivors: Yeah.

Probst: Kim.

Kim P: This is strange, but probably calling off my wedding at the last minute.

Kim P's Mom: Kim's greatest achievement was her solo trip to Europe.

Probst: All right. Lex, get this right, you are on your way to the resort. If you don't, you are in a three-way tie. What did you say?

Lex: I have no doubt, my two beautiful sons. Crowning achievement.

Lex's Wife: What is Lex's greatest achievement? His boys.

Lex: Way to go.

Probst: Lex, it seems every time I turn around I'm handing you something. Now I'm handing you my Visa card. Go easy on it, please. Try to be kind.

Lex: No way.

Probst: I can't get let you go alone. You got to pick one of the other five to take with you.

Lex: I'm going to take Big Tom.

Probst: You guys are going to the resort.

Tom: I'll be the best date you ever had.

Lex: Whoo. Let's go. Let's get them.

Tom: Whooo! Oh, yeah.

Lex: We are in an airplane on our way to the resort. It blows my mind.

Tom: Just another hour, everything changed.

Lex: I knew when I picked Tom that it was going to be a roller coaster ride. If anyone should see something completely different and really experience Africa, I thought Tom was really kind of deserving.

Lex: Plane landed and we were whisked away to a place called Governor's Camp. You can imagine the ultimate five-star luxury hotel just literally dropped in the middle of a lush African jungle. That is what it was. It was just, it was like the Garden of Eden.

Lex: Can you believe this?

Tom: Oh, cool.

Tom: Oh, our own pooper. How oh, hey, tattoo. Oh. That is the river.

Tom: Holy moley.

Lex: The hippos are right there.

Hotel Clerk: Give me your Visa card, please.

Lex: My pleasure. There it is.

Tom: Be sure to get your tip out of it. Yeah.

Tom: No problem. Sky is the limit.

Lex: Beautiful. Paradise. Jeepers.

Lex: To my friend.

Tom: Here is to you.

Both: Mmmm.

Tom: We've eaten more right now than we have in 30 days.

Lex: I don't think we would be well advised to describe this place in all its detail and glory to everyone else in the tribe because I think they might just kill us and bury us. This is a crime considering they are back there right now.

Tom: We can't tell them everything.

Lex: Cooking mush in boiling water.

Kim P: We are having so much more fun than the guys on their trip, don't you think?

Kim J: No.

Kim P: You don't even care to joke about it?

Kim J: No. No.

Kim P: I think the guys are probably on the trip of a lifetime. We are not. We are making cards.

Kim J: We are making a deck of cards. I love cards and I know lots of games so I told them I would teach them some games. We are making the best of it. We are jealous not just of the trip but of the food they are going to get.

Kim P: I'm jealous mostly of the food they're going to get.

Tom: Look at the tusk on that hog. Oink! I feel like Marlon Perkins.

Tom: We went on a safari, we got in a vehicle and got right up in amongst thousands of wildebeests. They didn't know what to do. We didn't either. Plus they are crazier than hell. They are ugly as the girl I used to date back home. They are calling each other, they are butting heads and knocking each other to the grounds. It is the damnest thing you've ever seen. They sound like me on a good Saturday night when I get home.

Lex: 2 million head of animal moving at the same time. Two million head of wild animal.

Lex: The safari was amazing. I'm seeing just about every type of wildlife that I wanted to see and I'm seeing it all in the space of an hour.

Tom: We are amongst them. They are looking at us, that's, ahhh.

Lex: Even with big cats, yawns are contagious.

Lex: The babies. Cute.

Tom: He thought he was doing something to us. He thinks he is something. When we came back from the safari, we were bubbling.

Lex: What is this right here, Tommy?

Tom: All of a sudden I looked up there -- the side of the river and I seen two chairs and a table and on the table, it had a few spirits on there so I told Lex, I said looks like we might have a toast.

Tom: Thanks for today.

Lex: Thank you for coming.

Lex: Tom and I like to tip a cocktail back now and again at home. So our first thought coming back was I would kill somebody to get a nice cold beer in me. This place is wonderful because if you want something, there is somebody right there. They can almost read your mind. To the game. I've never drank beer with a mustache before.

Tom: I never drunk beer with a hippo before.

Lex: The dinner bell rang. Tom wasn't done with his bottle of bourbon; he is not one to waste anything so he took his bottle. It was in his pocket.

Lex: Beautiful, thank you.

Cook: Thank you. This is -- this is --. (Laughter) grinning down there. Chicken, some lamb.

Tom: Oh, sheep. They brought me a piece of lamb this big around and I'm a meat eater. This is, it's not for women but I like meat. It was absolutely melt in your mouth.

Lex: Beautiful. Thank you.

Tom: You the man, fran! Fix me another sheep.

Kim P: Are you hungry?

Ethan: I'm hungry.

Kim P: Good, because I'm going to imagine it tastes like mashed potatoes.

Ethan: Maybe not.

Kim P: No. It's not working. Still tastes like corn mush.

Kim P: I don't ever want to eat corn again. Not a corn tortilla, not corn flakes, not corn chowder, not cream corn, not corn bread. No corn muffins. No burritoes, no tortillas, no popcorn at the movies, no more corn please!

Lex: Raining all right.

Tom: There is, there is not a drop on my ass in 40 days and 40 nights.

Lex: When we got back from dinner, Tom decided to help himself to as much of the bourbon as possible. I know he was liquored. It made the whole night that much funnier.

Tom: Lex, I'm glad you picked me. You probably -- you knew -- here you probably one of the best ones. Hey, bartender, fix me a toddy. Oh, Big Tom will love everybody. Don't worry about them crocs, Big Tom got some stinky socks...

Lex: Tom was spent; I took him to bed.

Lex: Here we go. Follow me. Here we go. All right. Feet in there. Because if you got to puke, you go outside.

Tom: Yeah, that's --

Lex: All right?

Tom: That's right away. Hey, Lex, thank you.

Lex: My friend, you are welcome.

Tom: I'd do it for you.

Lex: I know you would. I know you would.

Tom: Damn right I would.

>> Morning.

Lex: Good morning.

Tom: This morning when I woke up -- my head, it wouldn't have fit in a washtub. I said, where am I? I had to look around. I was in a bed.

Lex: We are waking up early because we got an early morning wake-up call for a balloon-ride time.

Tom: I drunk a glass of water and eat four or five cookies, well it was all OK again. I got tanked back up. Whooo.

Balloon Pilot: Good morning.

Tom: Good morning, how you doing, captain.

Pilot: Little heat.

Tom: My God, he pull that and squirt the fire up and it would shoot a flame like a dragon. When he did it, here we go. Goodness gracious. Holy moley. I was almost as high last night.

Lex: I think you were higher.

Tom: This guy, Rob, he is from England. Every time we get talking to him, the tank would keep going down, down. I could see a tree in front of us. Oh, my gosh he would say oh, then -- pretty good.

Balloon Pilot: After 30 years, if I can't get it right by now I never will.

Tom: Yeah.

Tom: 30 years, you ever had a crash?

Pilot: Balloons are wonderfully safe. The most dangerous thing is spilling the champagne when you actually land.

Lex: Look at the hyena. He lives there.

Lex: See him. Look at him run. Look at that. This is the way to see it. Looking straight down into the jungle, looking straight on overhead of wildlife. We are whisking through the stuff while the sun is coming up. It was amazing. It was, leaves you breathless. Hippo over there.

Pilot: They spend all night eating grass then they spend all day in the river getting rid of it.

Tom: Considering where we've been, just to see the green it makes you appreciate it so much more. I don't want to blink; I'm afraid I'll miss something.

Tom: I see two wildebeests bombing along. I said Lex, ain't that funny, all the wildebeests we've seen these two are down by the river by themselves. I said if I was a lion I would pick the little one out. That would be a good meal. I had no sooner said that than all of a sudden -- the lion popped up.

Lex: Look at that. Look at that. Oh, my god.

Tom: All of a sudden the lion gives up and I said well the wildebeest has won. About that time here popped another one up. That lion had run the wildebeest into the other one. Oh, my god.

Lex: Can you believe that?

Tom: Unbelieveable.

Lex: Nice.

Lex: Got it! Just like you said. Death by asphixiation, he is holding his mouth on top of the beast there. Where there were two wildebeests, there's now one. That was a treat.

Pilot: Fantastic. That is rare, that is rare.

Lex: That was cool.

Tom: My mind has been a pretty little old tight thing. It has not been expanded very much. But this whole thing gave me new life. At 45, I thought I had done some things and I found out I ain't done diddly. This shows me that there is more to life than jus' what is around the corner at the house.

Lex: Going back to camp at this point is going to be miserable. I mean I'm feeling sick about it.

Airplane Pilot: Reserved for you.

Lex: Thank you, thank you very much.

Lex: Going back to camp means going back to the game. I'm going to be the last person standing, so the next couple of hours I'll have to be on my game again, as much as it pains me to admit it.

Kim J: If you don't have any of those cards, you can change it with an eight to any suit you want, any card. Clubs or whatever.

Kim P: I hear an airplane.

Ethan: They are back. We're pretending to be really excited they're coming back, yet we are hoping they wouldn't come back bundles of energy because we are on a definitely different wavelength than they were. They were struggling, depressed, hoping we can go to sleep.

Tom: Hey.

All: Hello.

Kim J: They came back and very subtlely and slowly described their adventure which sounded wonderful to us.

Lex: I know how rich people vacation in Africa now.

Tom: The wildebeest was flying, zigzagging.

Teresa: It was neat hearing about everything they did but my mind is going in different directions on what to do and now at this point instead of bogging myself down with strategy, I'm really just holding out to see what happens with the immunity challenge.

Probst: Hey, guys.

All: Hey, Jeff.

Probst: Today's immunity challenge works a little differently. Today you win by eliminating the others. There are 18 hanging pots, you each have your name on three of the pots. They represent your immunity. As long as you have a pot hanging you are still in the game. When the pots are gone so are you. These sticks are traditional African weapons; a skilled warrior will crack a skull with one of those. All you have to do is break the pots, make them fall to the ground. All throw one stick per round. After each round you'll switch positions, your goal -- break your opponents' pots before they break yours. Last one left standing wins immunity. Let me have it back. Now here we go. Immunity at stake once again. Survivors ready? Go! First one.

Teresa: Tommy, it hurts.

Probst: Good shot.

Probst: Everybody rotate two steps down. Teresa still has two pots left. Everyone else has three. Ready? Go! Tom with another bust taking out one of Teresa's, one of Kim Powers.

Kim P: Not talking to you.

Probst: Survivors ready? Go!

Lex: You hit me, Tom.

Probst: Big Tom so far has taken out one of Teresa's, one of Lex's, and one of Kim Powers. Toss.

Kim J: Oh.

Probst: Kim Johnson, you hit your own pot.

Kim J: I don't think it fell.

Probst: The pot is dead.

Probst: Teresa, Lex, Kim Powers and Kim Johnson have each lost one pot. Survivors ready? Throw. Was that you, Ethan, took out Kim Powers?

Ethan: Yeah, sorry Kim.

Probst: Yes, down to one pot left, he did offer up an apology.

Kim P: Yeah, whatever.

Probst: It was sort of a -- quiet...

Kim P: I heard it. I heard it.

Probst: Survivors ready. Throw. Ethan took out Teresa, Tom took out Teresa. Teresa, have a seat on the bench. Kim Powers, you are down to one. Lex, you are down to two. Everybody else is good. Survivors ready. Toss. Kim Powers, out of the game, Kim.

Lex: Sorry, but Tom, you are going down.

Tom: Watch how you talk.

Probst: Toss. Ethan takes his first hit. Survivors ready. Throw. Tom takes a hit from Kim Johnson. Survivors ready. Throw. Ethan takes another hit from Big Tom. Ethan down to one left. Everybody else has two. Survivors ready? Throw. One left, Kim, Ethan, you got one left. Lex and Tom have two. Survivors ready. Throw. Ethan takes out Lex. Lex, Kim Johnson, Ethan down to one, throw.

Ethan: Oh, you -- (kicks at Tom)

Probst: Ethan out of the game. Down to three. Big Tom, you have two pots left. K.J. and Lex one pot. Throw. Kim Johnson, you are hanging on by a thread but you are still in.

Kim J: You rat. (to Tom)

Probst: Survivors ready. Throw.

Probst: Lex, you are done. Down to two. Big Tom and KJ. KJ, one pot left. Big Tom, you have two. Survivors ready? Toss. Whoo, Kim, you took out one of Tom's; Tom took out your last one.

Ethan: Good work. About time, Tom.

Kim J: Hey, baby. (hugs Tom)

Tom: Good job.

Probst: Big Tom, get over here.

Tom: Every dog has his day.

Probst: See if this will fit around your neck.

Lex: Watch "Buster the boil" there.

Probst: Congratulations.

Lex: Nice work.

Kim P: Yes.

Kim J: Good shot.

All: Seven days.

>> Day 33.

Ethan: Every now and then I tell myself, oh, my god I'm almost there. I don't want to screw anything up and it's exciting, it's really exciting.

Tom: Nobody can vote for me when we go to tribal council so I'm guaranteed to be here tomorrow. Somebody is going to leave tonight but it ain't going to be me.

Lex: T. has a lot of fire in her belly. There is nothing more dangerous than a desperate animal. A animal or person that wants something bad enough they are willing to try anything.

Teresa: I don't want to see the guys come down to the end.

Kim J: No, I don't either.

Teresa: If you go up against any of the guys --.

Kim J: The guys are going to win, probably.

Kim J: I talked to Teresa, her plan was to try to get the girls to get together and maybe round up Tommy and vote against Lex.

Kim J: There is three of us, three of them.

Teresa: But they want Lex first.

Kim J: I don't know if Tom is going to vote for him.

Teresa: I say he will.

Kim J: You do?

Teresa: We get one more to side with us, we could get Lex off. This is the time you got to start thinking who do you want to go to the end with and who do you want off? I think I'll vote for Lex next.

Kim J: I'm not stupid. Anything that includes me sounds good, you know.

Tom: If I live to be 100, I can't thank Lex enough for giving me the opportunity to go on the safari, but after going I'm still irritated. I don't think he did me right. Lex recruited Brandon to save him. I felt like Lex betrayed me. He knows my feelings on that.

Probst: Now bring in the jury. Kelly, Frank, Brandon. 33 days. Big week for you, Big Tom. Win immunity. Go to the Masai Mara.

Tom: It's, we haven't got time to tell you how big a trip it was. Unbelieveable. Probably the best two days of my life. There is no way I can repay Lex for taking me along. I mean if I live to be 100, thank you don't go far enough.

Probst: Lex, from your point of view, how was Tom as a traveling parter?

Lex: Never a dull moment. I had a great time. It was a blast.

Probst: Without thinking, I'm going to ask you a question -- give me the first thing that comes to your mind -- when you think about home, what do you miss most?

Ethan: Coaching.

Teresa: Children.

Kim J: The ability to be totally relaxed.

Lex: Wife and kids, no doubt.

Kim P: My mom.

Big Tom: Cheeseburger.

Probst: So with the exception of Big Tom, a lot of it is family, loved ones -- are they going to be proud of how you played the game so far? How about for you, Kim Powers?

Kim P: I've never camped before so they will be proud knowing I made it 33 days sleeping outside.

Probst: Big Tom, are you proud with how you played the game?

Tom: Maybe. Maybe me and Lex had a moment or two that I might cringe, but I don't remember that much about it. Other than that, I have, I'll hold my head up after this. I have no regrets.

Probst: How about you?

Teresa: Probably wouldn't have started out building such an alliance when I started, I think. That switch with your tribe, so I wouldn't have started out that way.

Probst: Kim, how about for you?

Kim J: I feel that I've played the game the way I run my life. I'm proud to have been here.

Probst: How about you.

Ethan: I like the way I've been playing the game. I'm having a lot of fun. So far it has gone pretty well but it could change tomorrow.

Probst: Lex, three out of the last four challenges you've won. Been a while since you've been to tribal council without the necklace; how different is it tonight?

Lex: Well, I mean it feels a lot different not having the protection and the defense of that immunity necklace. I might be a target. Sure. And I've seen my name on more than one or two cards at one or two tribal councils, so I know that is what it's like to take the walk of shame. I'm here to make it through it.

Probst: It's time to vote. Big Tom, you are first.

Lex: This is the part of the game I hate. Having to vote someone out of the tribe that you really care about. I'm stoked to have made it this far. I'm really stoked.

Teresa (voting Lex): Strong competitor. That's why I'm kicking him out. Still crazy about you, though.

Probst: I'll go tally the votes. Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person will be asked to leave the area immediately. I'll read the votes. First vote, Lex. Lex. Two votes Lex. Kim Powers. Kim Powers. Two votes Kim, two votes Lex. Kim, that's three votes Kim, two votes, Lex. Last vote, Kim Powers. Bring me your torch. Kim, the tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go. Back to camp. Good night.

Probst: Next time on Survivor, Moto Maji endures new hardships.

Lex: We got an elephant disrespecting our spring.

Probst: One survivor becomes the ambassador of a delivery, and a long standing alliance is thrown into question.

Lex: If I think he is in a situation where he is about to screw me over and stab me in the back, I'll cut his throat.

Kim P (final words): I gained inner strength and I'm very thankful for that. It is a, it has been something that, it probably has changed me for the good, I hope.



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