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speedster22 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

12-07-01, 09:11 AM (EST)
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Heya everyone, I'm baaaack! Thanks to pepe and others who welcomed me after I "exploded" a couple of times with my "kelly is the key" posts... I have to admit that I was in a bit of shell shock after kelly got the boot today and like I'm sure everyone else, I was sooooo pissed at brandon for voting for kelly. BUT upon further inspection, in reading the posts about whether it was good or bad that brandon voted the way he did, and seeing the SURVIVOR:INSIDER video, I had an early morning REVELATION. I think I know why brandon did what he did. So bear with me and let me know if you guys think this is legit...there are 3 key motivators we need to keep in mind as to why brandon voted the way he did...

1) He DID NOT trust kelly (from when lindsey got ousted - kelly almost got brandon voted out)

2) He DISPISES frank. He can't stand the man and one of his main objectives is to get rid of him

3) His MAIN GOAL is to get to the final 4... he's not looking as far as winning... yet

Okay, here goes. So those are the three big reasons as to why brandon voted with lex this time around instead of with kelly. Think about it people - by voting kelly out, he has pretty much guaranteed himself a final 4 position... plus he has A LOT more leverage when it comes to trying to get frank voted out. Think about next episode. Now it's lex, tom and frank that have the most votes against them. So as long as he can assure kim and theresa that that was his plan all along, either lex or tom is leaving next.

Now here's WHY he voted along with lex... so brandon's main goal is going to be trying to get the rest of samburu to vote for TOM next episode!! Why?? Because THEN it will be sooooooo much easier for him to get everyone to vote out frank within the next two episodes. Everyone knows that tom loves frank and so it would be alot tougher for brandon to convince the rest of the boran tribe to vote for frank. BUT now that he has shown that he is loyal to lex, it will be that much easier for him to convince lex to vote for frank the next chance he gets. If brandon can get lex to get the rest of boran to vote for frank this coming episode as well, then frank will be loaded with votes against, as will lex so both of them would lose in a tiebreaker at 6 or 4 people, which again, improves his chances of cracking final four WITHOUT frank. Brandon will be able to use lex in a way that he wasn't sure he'd be able to use kelly.

Now, why couldn't he do this with kelly?? Because he knows how smart kelly is! He realized after lindsey got booted EXACTLY what kelly and the rest of boran did and how they got lindsey to crack under pressure and how they lied to him and everyone making them think they were voting for brandon but instead they voted for lindsey. Brandon realized how devious they were and I think he realized that it was kelly that was behind it all! The fact that lex told clarence to his face that he was being voted out and that he simply told kelly that boran was voting free for all and he wasn't devious with her (he didn't lie to her and tell her to vote for someone on samburu), I think makes brandon believe that having lex on his side was much less risky for him than having kelly on his side. I think that brandon figured kelly would realize how smart he was and then plot to boot him possibly before he got to final four and he wasn't about to let that happen!!!

So does this make sense for everyone?? The key is combining those three motivating factors together. If brandon didn't want to oust frank so much before himself and he trusted kelly more, then he probably would have gone with the rest of samburu. He is definitely risking a lot by doing what he did - hopefully lil kim and theresa will trust him and samburu will stay together for the next booting.

Unfortunately for brandon, the fact that I figured this out probably means that brandon won't be winning the million dollars. I don't think that burnett would actually let brandon's plan be so obvious without it somehow coming to pieces. But I think he'll at least make it to final four which was his main goal in ousting kelly anyway. In brandon's ideal world, I think this is how the booting would occur...

1) Tom or lex (B will probably want TOM out to start lobbying for frank's booting)
2) Ethan or lex (again, ethan is an IC threat, and if he doesn't win immunity, the others have a big enough advantage to oust him even though he doesn't have any votes prior -this may be their only chance at ousting ethan)
3) FRANK (if lex is still around, then frank is for sure gone -lex and mama kim will have no choice but to follow and I'm sure lex would convince mama kim to vote for frank thinking brandon was going to go with him later on)
4) Lex or mamakim or theresa -he's where it's tricky... I think brandon would try to get mamakim voted off, but theresa and lil kim may want lex voted off. Brandon could possibly vote with lex and mk and vote off theresa so that lil kim would be for sure on his side -for her survival... so let's say theresa was voted off
5) lex... would finally go (in brandon's ideal world) here because of his prior votes (and barring his winning immunity) Brandon would stay true to his alliance with lilkim
6) mamakim (barring IC win)
7) It would be lilkim and brandon facing off for the win - I honestly think it if came down to this that brandon would win. Even though he was devious, the only way lil kim would have made it would have been because of brandon's deviousness. The jury members would respect that. Do I actually think this would happen? I seriously doubt it. There is too much that could happen for it not to turn out this way. But I have to say I was impressed with the episode and it makes the show much more interesting not to have a pagonging of one tribe. Okay, this is way too long again so I'll finish at that. Any thoughts would be appreciated -even if they are to discredit everything I wrote!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! Stairway2Dayton 12-07-01 1
   RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! katem 12-07-01 3
 RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! Skinman 12-07-01 2
   RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! SurvivorBlows 12-07-01 4
       RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! Skinman 12-07-01 5
 RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! SurvivorBlows 12-07-01 6
   RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! Skinman 12-07-01 7
   RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! speedster22 12-07-01 8
       One more thing... speedster22 12-07-01 9
           RE: One more thing... mookiemeister 12-12-01 27
 NOT 1, BUT 5 drich61 12-08-01 10
   RE: NOT 1, BUT 5 fyrenice 12-08-01 12
       RE: NOT 1, BUT 5 drich61 12-08-01 13
           RE: NOT 1, BUT 5 Kxerxes 12-08-01 16
           RE: NOT 1, BUT 5 fyrenice 12-08-01 18
   RE: NOT 1, BUT 5 zzz 12-08-01 14
 RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! Mumbo Jumbo 12-08-01 11
   RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! zzz 12-08-01 15
 RE: BRANDON'S STRATEGY REVEALED!!! vulcan 12-08-01 17
 Simplicity MattyMax 12-08-01 19
 I still Think KimP and Brandon will... Seyz 12-08-01 20
   RE: I still Think KimP and Brandon ... Seyz 12-08-01 21
       ... which is why PepeLePew13 12-08-01 22
           RE: ... which is why Naked 12-09-01 23
               RE: ... which is why fyrenice 12-09-01 24
   RE: I still Think KimP and Brandon ... logicthinker 12-10-01 25
   RE: I still Think KimP and Brandon ... speedster22 12-12-01 26

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Stairway2Dayton 104 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-07-01, 09:34 AM (EST)
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okay speedster, I haven't had coffee yet,so I may just be stooopid... but how is Brandon going to keep L/E/T/mK from voting off the rest of the Samburu before they go after Tom? Are you saying that Brandon will convince them to vote Frank, then Brandon and the rest of Samburu will vote Tom, causing Tom to lose the tiebreaker? That pretty much ensures Brandon will get no votes from the jury if he makes the final 2. I think he's thinking farther ahead than just the final 4.



katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-07-01, 09:59 AM (EST)
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I agree with you Stairway. Brandon is thinking farther than final four and even if he can't stand Frank, he is not dumb to not realize that Frank is attached to his meal ticket.

I believe Brandon will keep Samburu together and pagong Boran out of the game.

They better remember to oust Ethan soon though, that boy has what it takes to win every single challenge (immunity and reward.)


Skinman 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-07-01, 09:55 AM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 12-07-01 AT 10:06 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-07-01 AT 10:00 AM (EST)

I think it is much simpler than that.

1. Brandon said he wanted to "guarantee his final four position". Lex told him he would be number 5.
2 The way to get to number 4 would be to get rid of a Boran. Any Boran. Hence Kelly. Now its 4 on 4 again.
3 Why not Lex you ask? Well, I will tell you. If he got rid of Lex, then the only Boran with votes against for sure, would be Tom. If Tom would stumble into a IC win(EPMB would have to have a spitting contest, but it could happen) then the Borans could vote against Frank and win easily. I think Brandi knows the votes against. So with 2 Borans with votes against(Tom 3 and Lex 6) to choose from next time, its a lock for a Sambooboo win.
4 EPMB showed us Kim Pee in the previews being upset. MISDIRECTION AGAIN!! I sure Brandi and Miss Pee will kiss and make-up. Theresa is going to be the hard sell to trust Brandi(but, with her comes Frank).

Brandi might not be the smartest. But since he does nothing but sit around all day. He eventually figures this stuff out.

As for the final 2 I think that it all comes down to the last 3 IC's(any or the 4 Sambooboo's for sure and maybe Ethan can go on a IC run)

Just my humble opinion


SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-07-01, 10:05 AM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 12-07-01 AT 10:07 AM (EST)

>3 Why not Lex you ask?
> Well, I will tell
>you. If he got
>rid of Lex, then the
>only Boran with votes against
>for sure, would be Tom.

This isn't true... Kelly would have survived but now have 4 previous votes.

>4 EPMB showed us Kim Pee
>in the previews being upset.
>sure Brandi and Miss Pee
>will kiss and make-up.
>Theresa is going to be
>the hard sell to trust
>Brandi(but, with her comes Frank).

You mean like last week's preview misdirection that Lex would go on a big witchhunt this week??? ....obviously sometimes Burnett shows it as it is.



Skinman 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-07-01, 10:14 AM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 12-07-01 AT 10:16 AM (EST)

Good point, but I get the feeling Brandi didn't trust and/or didn't like Kelly very much. Plus easier to convince the old Sambooboo to vote against the evil L/E/T alliance then the Sambooboo savior/traitor Kelly. Cant imagine he figured this all out before hand but, the telling comment was his"Final Four" comment. Like I said before, Lex told him he was number 5 so he has to have some plan. He has to know that the L/E/T alliance is solid by now. So he has to turn coat again. As for the misdirection comment you could be right or not, that is why EPMB is a making the millions and not us. Can we agree on this?


SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-07-01, 10:21 AM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 12-07-01 AT 10:24 AM (EST)

I didn't see you come right out and STATE IT, but in this week's Insider clips, the full tribal Council voting is shown.

In there Brandon CLEARLY states that his plan is to vote for Kelly this week and then join back up with the other three Sanburu next week, vote out Lex, and ride to the Final Four with the other Samburu. He also adds he's not sure if his tribe will "ever forgive him" so even if they were told of the plan, clearly it's not something of which they approved. Lastly he closes by telling Kelly "something like sorry I had to do this, but you played me when you were at our camp" (apparently a reference to th eLindsey vote thing.)

So to recap, all the above in right in Brandon vote commentary, only Burnett EDITED IT to remove the part about his future plans and his question about whether the Samburus would forgive him.



Skinman 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-07-01, 11:51 AM (EST)
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Thanks for the insider clip info. I had no idea. I didn't see it and hadn't read about it yet. Plus I just re-read Speedsters post. I read too fast over the " brandon's main goal is going to be trying to get the rest of samburu to vote for TOM next", my bad. My appologies to Speedster. But speaking from an non-insider position, I think that the winning of T-Birds trust will be a big part of the story next week. Plus I think that Brandi thinks that Lex must go before Tom.

speedster22 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

12-07-01, 11:20 PM (EST)
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Hopefully this will answer dayton's question about why brandon did what he did, but I think brandon KNEW that he was in a power position (he said so himself on the show) and he decided to use this to give himself even more leverage on who would stay and who would go for the next boots. Survivor blows - I did see the Survivor Insider clip of brandon at tribal council. I REALLY think the biggest reason as to why he wanted to vote out kelly before lex was because he DIDN'T trust kelly AND because he really wanted to vote out frank BEFORE it got down to the final four. He KNEW that he would have Lex in his back pocket to help the borans sway their votes to frank, whereas with kelly, he wasn't sure she wouldn't stab him in the back.

From the comments coming from Kelly's early show appearance and her chat, it's evident that brandon really worked a number on lex from spending so much time with him on watch. And from the show it's again obvious that kelly was communicating more with kimp than with brandon. In that sense as well, because lex approached brandon BEFORE kelly approached kimp, brandon probably felt he wasn't really betraying kelly, he was holding up his promise to lex. And he probably felt okay about deceiving the rest of samburu because he didn't ACTUALLY vote a samburu off so in his mind, he wasn't betraying ANY of the old samburu. Does that make sense?? I hope so!! LOL

Of course, because he has made an aggressive strategic move here, it really could bite him in the ass and kimp may lose trust in him and be swayed to vote him off at a later date because he kept his vote a secret this time. But I think that would only happen if Lex realizes what brandon did to him and started spreading gossip to the rest about brandon. Which I don't think will happen.


speedster22 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

12-07-01, 11:27 PM (EST)
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9. "One more thing..."
One more thing - I do think that brandon is looking past the final four and for him, the longer lex stays the better. This way teresa will still be scared that lex will find out about her vote and so she would be less apt to try to make a move against brandon... plus he knows once old boran is a minority, lex will be forced to follow him or else risk being booted (lex is definitely NOT close to kimp, teresa or frank). And although brandon is looking past the final four, I think that in his mind his decision has practically guaranteed him a final four (as long as he can get back on kimp and teresa's good side). If he thought voting lex out would have guaranteed him a final four, he would have done it.

mookiemeister 284 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-12-01, 05:54 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: One more thing..."
>One more thing - I do
>think that brandon is looking
>past the final four and
>for him, the longer lex
>stays the better.

I agree with your first part of the statement that Brandon is looking pass the final 4. That's why he got rid of Kelly at this time so it wouldn't jeopardize him and KimP. He probably noticed Kelly getting close to KimP and didn't want KimP to pick Kelly over him.

I don't think the 2nd part of your statement is correct. Brandon has stated directly to the camera that he plan to rejoin with the Samburu next week to vote out Lex. His vote with Boran is just a temporary alliance. I don't think he has any reason to lie to camera when there is no one else around.


drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-08-01, 08:23 AM (EST)
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10. "NOT 1, BUT 5"
Thinking up until 8:45PM on Thursday evening was that it would take a miracle to get one Boran defection. Brandon single handedly got not 1 Boran defection, but got 5 Boran defections. All nine votes went to Boran, not one to Samburu. He has handed 1 of his 3 remaining tribe members one million dollars, because he has effectively taken himself out of that possibility. There will be at least 4 probably 5 Boran members on the jury that will blame him for being there, not their own stupidity. Old Samburu should be worshipping the ground this guy walks on, but they appear to react just as stupidly as the members of Boran are. He accomplished the impossible this week, and deserves to win this more than anyone ever has, and I would guess more than anyone ever will again.

For having played so remarkable stupid, not a single one of Boran deserves to even get close to the million. Their downfall did not start here in this last episode, but all the way back in the first. Why did Lex think the rat had to be someone on Boran and not Samburu? I think Boran can thank Tom for that one, his earlier votes for Clarence did not follow leader Lex's orders.

"A tribe member breaks down in tears over a critical decision that needs to be made." The only person which has a decision to make is Brandon. In his mind he has just given his team the win, at enormus cost to himself. What does he see from them in return? Anger and outrage, and mock guns pointed at him. So he has to decide which team wins, IMO neither deserves it. When he "breaks down" I think KimP and Teresa are the ones who go to him, and he finally gets to explain what he did. He explains he was the one that pushed Lex in the direction of thinking Kelly was the rat. He could not risk telling Old Samburu anything for fear of something being overheard, and having everything fall apart. It finally dawns in their little minds that with Brandon they are in control of this game, and without him they were and are out. If Old Samburu have any honor at all, they should promise Brandon to never vote him out for what he has done for them. We shall see just how honorable Frank and Teresa really are, and if their team loyalty run anywhere near as deep as Brandon's.


fyrenice 91 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-08-01, 10:11 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: NOT 1, BUT 5"
The only problem with this reasoning is that Samburu would have had no votes whether he voted for Kelly or not. He did not accomplish the impossible. He just went throught with the rest of the Samburu, the enormous hole Lex's stupidity opened up.
Yes, it may not have happened without Kim's persuasion, and Brandon's devious conversation with Lex. However, it boils down to Lex not Brandon.
Also, I highly doubt Brandon made this decision for the team. As I pointed out above the TEAM did not need it. Brandon did it to give him more options in the long run. Possibly use of Lex or Ethan and get rid of Frank. I think he out reasoned himself,and the group plan was the best plan.

drich61 558 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-08-01, 11:40 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: NOT 1, BUT 5"
OK, now lets assume he would have gone with Samburu and voted out Lex this time. We get to final 5, old Sam plus Kelly. Whom do you see Frank, Teresa, and KimP seeing as their savior, Brandon or Kelly? RIGHT!!! Brandon is gone at this point as the weakest link. His only shot at avoiding this was to get rid of her NOW. Lex can be gotten at any point.

Kxerxes 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-08-01, 01:00 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: NOT 1, BUT 5"
Precisely. I think what happened is the Samburu's plan worked better than any of them imagined it would. Their intention was to get Kelly to vote with them, and to do that, they wanted to convince her that she would be a future target of Lex's. But they didn't expect that Boran would actually (stupidly) try to vote Kelly out the next TC! Brandon was the only one that knew Lex & co. were voting for her, so he made his decision.

When you think about it, Brandon's "betrayal" was pretty minor. He didn't vote against any of his fellow tribemates, he just got rid of a future fifth wheel (who Teresa herself said she didn't trust).


fyrenice 91 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-08-01, 03:03 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: NOT 1, BUT 5"
My point was that Brandon did not do the impossible, and that he was not doing the best for the team. Not that I would expect him to, there is only one true winner.
Regarding who Frank, Teresa, Kim, and Brandon would see as their savior, if Frank and Teresa already have Kim on their side they would not need a savior.

zzz 703 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-08-01, 12:43 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: NOT 1, BUT 5"

I won't belabor the point, but I think you are correct in your analysis of what Bradon did. If your are interested in my thoughts on the issue (which I think expand on much of what you say) read my posts in "The Death of Logic".



Mumbo Jumbo 270 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-08-01, 09:39 AM (EST)
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>Now here's WHY he voted along
>with lex... so brandon's main
>goal is going to be
>trying to get the rest
>of samburu to vote for
>TOM next episode!! Why?? Because
>THEN it will be sooooooo
>much easier for him to
>get everyone to vote out
>frank within the next two

The main problem I see is this: next week Brandon targets Tom at TC with Samburu. He either tells Lex that he is not voting with Boran (unlikely) because Boran would then target him with their votes. Therefore, he must lie to Boran and convince them to vote for Frank as he states he will. At TC, Tom is voted out at the tiebreaker.

So with the Boran down three men to four, Brandon wants them to vote for Frank so he will be ousted promising that he also will vote for Frank and hence Frank would be gone. Brandon just lied to them the week before, so why would they believe him? Granted, desperation makes people behave in unlikely ways but it's more likely that Boran will believe that Brandon is lying to keep votes away from himself then target Brandon just out of spite. MamaKim might also go to Teresa/Frank and tell them of Brandon's plan. If Brandon switches back to Samburu, he is stuck with Frank at least for a while.

The fatal flaw in all of this is KimP's loyalty. I suspect Brandon didn't tell KimP about his voting with Boran because she would be more convincing with Kelly telling the truth rather than lying. True and smart except for one thing. KimP liked Kelly and pulled her to Samburu with an honest proposal. Then her friend Brandon screwed over Kelly. Even after telling KimP why he did it, I suspect KimP will resent being used this way and never completely trust Brandon again. Will Samburu take him back? Absolutely they have no choice. But when Brandon wants to take out Frank early, I could definitely see KimP having problems with it and possibly going to Teresa due to trust issues with Brandon.

One final thought: I have been assuming that the betrayal in the next episode was Brandon's of Boran. However, it's possible that Brandon promises Samburu to vote with them next TC then decides to stick with Boran. It doesn't seem logical except Brandon reads people pretty well. If he picks up signals that old Samburu does not trust him at all and have seething anger beneath the surface (and I think the other 3 would be pretty easy to read), he may decide that sticking with Lex and co. and trying to weasel his way to final four is a better idea. I don't think that this will happen but throwing another log on the fire.


zzz 703 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-08-01, 12:49 PM (EST)
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I think from Brandon's TC statement that we got on SI, we can be pretty sure that his plan is to stick with Frank until the final four. As much as Brandon and Frank may hate each other, they are stuck in a marriage of convenience. Any attempt to oust Frank prematurely is too dangerous (except maybe at final 5 time if Brandon can convince the lone remaining Boran to side with him--which I doubt Brandon thinks he will be able to do), and I think Brandon realizes this.

So if Brandon's plan succeeds, the pagonging will begin but it will be Boran that is an African word of Pagong.


vulcan 56 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-08-01, 01:32 PM (EST)
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Brandon is the main great move getting rid of the fifth wheel from that alliance and a great way of getting revenge if that dude isnt worthy of winning then ahhh boran proved their stupidity by voting off another one of their own and contrary to popular belief ethan will not win due tio his proximity towards the villan

now i will insert my own spoiler that makes absolutely no sense here the only two on the cbs survivor board that are not smiling r frank and brandon coincidence i think not lol


MattyMax 515 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-08-01, 03:20 PM (EST)
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19. "Simplicity"
I think brandon's voting strategy was simple.

1. If he voted for Lex, then there would be 3 boran left and 5 samburu, because Kelly's vote for lex would bring Kelly into the Sambaru fold.

2. By voting for kelly, Brandon assured that he would only have to compete with 3 other Sambaru for the million, instead of 4 other Sambaru.

Brandon voted for Kelly to keep his team small, and now sambaru has the advantage of previous votes, too. I think it was very well played by Brandon.



Seyz 198 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-08-01, 03:42 PM (EST)
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20. "I still Think KimP and Brandon will Stick Together."
All this talk about KimP not trusting Brandon...
I really think KimP still trusts Brandon the MOST.
He was with her all the way from DAY 1. While she probably trusts Theresa more than the Borans.. I think she TOTALLY trusts Brandon more than anyone else in this game. Esp. if Brandon explains to her next episode why he did what he did.
They've been so much... and they've had their dangerous moments, but I think they'll stick together.
I think Brandon will try and bring KimP all the way to the finals. Next episode seems like KimP is just acting to throw MamaKim off. She really didn't seem upset.. I re-watched the preview a few times. And that gun thing was really too dramatized. Why would she be confessing to MamaKim.. when she knows for sure that MamaKim is in the 4th person in the LETM alliance and has no reason to switch to the samburus if she thinks that Brandon is on the Borans side. I think KimP is trying to throw MamaKim off from thinking that Brandon will return to the samburus.

1) Brandon returns to KimP and tells her why he voted for Kelly
KimP totally understands. Brandon reassures KimP that they'll be the final 2 if everything goes according to plan. They make a plan of action.
2) Brandon and KimP scheme to get votes on to Frank for a future tiebreaker between the 4 samburus.
3) Brandon and KimP tells Theresa and Frank that the Samburu alliance is still on, but tells Theresa and Frank to make it seem like Brandon has betrayed them as to not arouse suspicion from the Borans.
3) KimP pretends to say she is betrayed.. purposely telling MamaKim that Brandon is no longer on the Samburus Side.
This makes MamaKim think that Brandon is stuck with the Borans.
4) Brandon tells the Borans he will stick with their Boran alliance, and convinces the Borans to vote off Frank (shouldn't be hard since Frank is the biggest immunity threat).
5) Tribal Council: Samburus +Brandon vote for Tom/Lex Borans vote for Frank thinking that Brandon will vote for Frank.
Tom/Lex gets booted.
6) Brandon and KimP go back to camp and secretly celebrate.
They are now guaranteed final 2. The Borans are pagong-ed leaving Brandon,KimP,Frank,Theresa. Brandon and KimP vote for Frank knowing that he has 4 previous votes. Frank gets eliminated.
7) KimP and Brandon try to win immunity (and crosses their fingers hoping that Theresa won't win immunity).
8)KimP and Brandon final 2.


Seyz 198 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-08-01, 03:54 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: I still Think KimP and Brandon will Stick Together."
Also has anyone realized that S3 has been all about Samburu from beginning to end. They're the ones who have all the strategy, storylines, smarts. The Borans just haven't been as interesting.

PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-08-01, 04:38 PM (EST)
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22. "... which is why"
...I think Ethan may end up as the winner. MB's using smoke and mirrors to turn our focus elsewhere this whole game to this point. Last episode was truly the first time the camera has focused on Ethan and depending on how the pagonging goes (as I outlined elsewhere), Ethan can take advantage of the Samburu split between Frank-Teresa and KimP-Brandon to capture the million dollars.

"Damn you, Carl, for leaving me here with a bunch of misfits."
Frank Garrison, Nov. 1/01


Naked 887 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-09-01, 01:20 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: ... which is why"
I agree with you Pepe. I don't know if the Boran who will breach the Samburu gap will be Ethan or not, but I think that when they get down to 4 samburas and a Boran, then the Boran will stay, and have a good shot at the money. The more that I think about it though, Ethan would be a horrible choice for either side to bring on, because he is so much more liked than any Samburus, and can win an IC against anyone. A better choice for the last Boran would be Lex. He is despised by all, and even if he wins IC has NO CHANCE at all of winning. MamaKim would also be a better choice than Ethan.

fyrenice 91 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-09-01, 12:40 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: ... which is why"
LAST EDITED ON 12-09-01 AT 12:43 PM (EST)

>when they get down to
>4 samburas and a Boran,
>then the Boran will stay,
>and have a good shot
>at the money. The more
>that I think about it
>though, Ethan would be a
>horrible choice for either side
>to bring on, because he
>is so much more liked
>than any Samburus, and can
>win an IC against anyone.
>A better choice for the
>last Boran would be Lex.
>He is despised by all,
>and even if he wins
>IC has NO CHANCE at
>all of winning. MamaKim would
>also be a better choice
>than Ethan.
> Naked
I agree wholeheartedly. This is what I have said in previous topics. It will come down to a Boran.
If Tom or MammaKim, Brandon is toast.
If Ethan, it is possible he will defect. However, if they were already planning to oust Kim if Kelly had not gone then I think he will stick with Frank and T.
Lex will not have a chance if Frank and T think he will side with Brandon. They will get rid of him at the sixth positition if possible.
That leaves Brandons best choice of a fifth as Lex or Ethan. Neither a good choice. Kelly would have been much better.
Sorry could not resist.


logicthinker 0 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "New Member"

12-10-01, 02:08 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: I still Think KimP and Brandon will Stick Together."
Exactly, exactly, exactly.
It does fit with the "We are family" title.
And if Brandon plays it right, which he did in this episode, then he guarantees him the final four and beyond. He has to know that he won't get past fifth place if he stays with Boran. So play Dr. Sean and go along with Lex for a time. Surprise, its now four on four now sucker. You can just hear the conversation now. "Oh, Lex, Let's vote for Frank, he's the biggest threat!" "Good idea, Brandon." Then Brandon reverts back to the "family". He doubly wins. Four votes for Frank for the final four vote and they oust Lex/Tom and then pagong the rest of the Borans. If he can hold the samburus together as a voting block for a short time ten its should be all cool. It should be a good TC just to watch one smug person take the fall.

speedster22 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

12-12-01, 04:57 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: I still Think KimP and Brandon will Stick Together."
I have to say that I agree with SEYZ's logic here, until point 5 where it says that the borans are going to be pagonged. Because of the rift between frank and the original mallrats (brandon/kimp) I really think that atleast one boran will make it to the final four. The whole unloading the votes on frank idea I thi sounds logical and because brandon has such power with the borans now, they will probably go with any suggestion by brandon as to who to vote off. Obviously because brandon is supposedly a part of the Boran alliance, the borans are definitely NOT going to vote for brandon or kimp, which leaves t and frank and frank is definitely a more obvious immunity threat and obviously lex and the borans won't realize about t's vote against lex for awhile yet.

this makes sense about the betrayal in the next episode. I think brandon will betray lex and his "new" boran alliance. Which might piss off lex... BUT lex doesn't realize that brandon has lied to him about kelly, so he STILL thinks that kelly voted for him... meaning lex might be more apt to forgive brandon for voting off a boran... meaning lex would definitely become an asset to the samburus and definitely more a tool to eventually VOTE OFF FRANK before the final four!

I think the samburu will stick together until the final six and THEN that is where it'll be interesting. Will brandon and kimp try to get lex to vote for frank with a final six? And would frank and t realize this and try to get mamakim to vote for lex with them??? Who would have more votes against by this time - lex or frank??? THIS game is finally getting interesting!!!

I have to admit Kelly's ousting had really gotten me more into the whole spoiling mood.



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