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Rose Red 419 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-24-01, 12:52 PM (EST)
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On his Early Show, chat Clarence did say some striking things. He referred to Survivor being "like the Sopranos". With the father or head( I think), "that everybody wants to kill"(Lex? Tom?), "the old Mom nobody likes" (Mamakim) and "the younger ones who are wild cards"(Kim P., Brandon,Kelly).
He then went off on a rather intense mini-rant on Ethan and Lex, who he seemed to have a GREAT deal of hostility towards. The surpressed ferocity that spewed out of CB in that minute surprised me. It was not what he said, but how he said it. "FREAKS AND GEEKS?!? THEIR FAVORITE SHOW?!? CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?" Basically implying that they were both freaks AND geeks themselves. He may have even said that. But more importantly he thought of Lex and Ethan as this total evil team.

It was also very sad when he admitted to not having any alliances, "except Kelly". And even SHE didn't vote for him in the end! So much for alliances! In her Insider vote moment she even said, "I like this person(Clarence). So why am I voting for him?" and she did a shrug-like gesture with her arm and hand. She's totally spineless and sat next to Lex the ENTIRE TC, a sign Tina always said to watch out for. Kelly is a totally spineless snivelling little rodent. No convictions of her own that she acts on. She's a sheep. I really felt for Clarence's loneliness on Ep.7 and also, surprisingly, on the Early Show.

He'll never live those beans down.As long as he lives, he'll be known as "The Bean Guy".He should do commericals for Beans. What else does he have to look forward to?

Also,like Alicia in the endurance test last year, he should never have gotten down. He let Teresa win. Alicia let Keith win. And so went the game...It's now, once again,the Pa-Gong Show.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: FREAKS & GEEKS munson 11-24-01 1
 RE: FREAKS & GEEKS Miaperdido 11-24-01 2
   RE: FREAKS & GEEKS Loree 11-24-01 3
   RE: FREAKS & GEEKS Rose Red 11-24-01 4
       RE: FREAKS & GEEKS Miaperdido 11-25-01 5
       RE: FREAKS & GEEKS zzz 11-25-01 6
 RE: FREAKS & GEEKS Serendipity 11-25-01 7
   RE: FREAKS & GEEKS Rose Red 11-25-01 8
       "My Boys Are Back" Rose Red 11-25-01 9
       RE: FREAKS & GEEKS zzz 11-25-01 10
           RE: FREAKS & GEEKS Rose Red 11-25-01 11
       RE: FREAKS & GEEKS Loree 11-27-01 12
           RE: FREAKS & GEEKS Rose Red 11-29-01 13

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munson 1314 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-24-01, 02:18 PM (EST)
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When Clarence talked about the mother no one likes, I think he was referring to Diane, not Kim. Remember in E1 TC when he voted for Diane, Clarence said that he told Diane she was like his mother but the truth was she was nothing like his mother? This is a much better explanation than Kim who in no way is hated by the whole tribe.

As for Kelly, voting for Clarence was the smartest move she could have made. He was a goner anyway with 8 votes against. Why should she make an enemy of Lex, or anyone else for that matter, by voting outside of the group? She had absolutley nothing to gain and a whole lot to lose.

Remember that in a game like Survivor, you need to keep your friends close, but it is extremely wise to keep your enemies closer. She'll give Lex no reason not to trust her - she's too smart.

Clarence lost this game on Day 3 and was fortunate to hang around as long as he did.


Miaperdido 10 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-24-01, 03:32 PM (EST)
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Personaly I like Kelly. You don't see her crying or whining. She complains but only to the camera. she's smart even Lindsey said she was a walking thesauras. she's nice but not too nice like a colleen or elizabeth. I would like to see what her strategy is though hopefully it's something other than vote with everyone till her number comes up.

Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-24-01, 07:06 PM (EST)
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I keep hoping Kelly has a side alliance that we know nothing about. And that her eventual target will be Lex. But not until it is the right time.

Rose Red 419 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-24-01, 10:20 PM (EST)
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She complains but
>only to the camera.
>she's smart even Lindsey said
>she was a walking thesauras.
I would
>like to see what her
>strategy is though hopefully it's
>something other than vote with
>everyone till her number comes

Hel-low! That IS her strategy, unfortunately. And it was Kim Pee who said that she was "a walking thesuarus." The $64 question will be, how long will they keep her as opposed to Mamakim? It's the Pa-Gong show now, and as we watch the Sumbooboo fall, will it be Kelly or Mamakim that go first? I think it's smelly little Kelly. They are only going to buy that poker face for so long, and she has ZERO future as an actresss in Hollywood,IMHO.


Miaperdido 10 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-25-01, 00:45 AM (EST)
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Does it really matter who said she was a walking thesaurus? Point is she's smart. If it were really a "Pa-Gong show" as you put it "sumbooboo would be feasted upon by boran,one by one. I don't usually post anything as you can tell I am more of a lurker because I don't think you should post if you don't have anything to say. I thought this was supposed to be a nice board.

zzz 703 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-25-01, 05:11 PM (EST)
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Just one question. How can you be so sure that if they get down to the Boran final five (assuming for a second that they do) that Ethan won't side with KimJ and Kelly to take out Lex and Tom? The suballiances in Boran are still a mystery to me.


Serendipity 525 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-25-01, 05:34 PM (EST)
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Don't know much about Freaks & Geeks - have never seen it (can you believe that?). But I know how much I admire Clarence, the MANLY Man who took food out his teammates' mouths. What a guy, Clarence. All Man!!

zzz, I think the suballiance is Ethan, KimJ and Kelly.


Rose Red 419 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-25-01, 06:43 PM (EST)
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>Don't know much about Freaks &
>Geeks - have never seen
>it (can you believe that?).
zzz, I think the suballiance is
>Ethan, KimJ and Kelly.

Dear Serendipity and zzz,
This is a VERY interesting new sub-alliance theory you've both floated towards me! Hmmm, Yes, suddenly I see a very new possibility there that I didn't see before you brought it up. I think based on what we've been shown so far that the Boron Five will hang together, as Richard's Tagi Team did while they continued to PAGONG the Pagong.
I think these five people are all more loyal to each other than any body from the Somebooboos. Except maybe Teresa. There just seems so much spoiling evidence - like for instance Lex's getting a new Survivor Africa Tattoo. He would NEVER have done that if he is exiting the field any time soon. That sounds like a final four person to me. AT LEAST.
And then there's Alicia's put-up/pulled down/pushme/pullyou article in TV Guide where she said that she thought Lex and Ethan were the Final Two.
Also, SEVERAL bootees have mentioned their detestation, to say the least of the new Hitler, Lex.
Clarence called both he and Ethan "freaks and geeks."
And Serendipity, "Freaks and Geeks" was a critically well- received TV series that ran last year,I think, or the year before that, which audiences never warmed to. It featured a VERY young cast of odd-looking teens who were ostracized at their High School because they were either a freak or a geek, the terms seemd interchangeable to me.
I'm a critic by trade, so I can't STAND to watch more than I already have to of anything (except SURVIVOR, of course, which I just love!) So I just watched this show once all the way through and found it thouroughly disturbing and distasteful. However, my critcial colleagues went WILD over it, and it ran for a while.
I think Ethan and Lex both must've seen themselves in those high-school misfits. God knows, I was myself, but, as I said, the discrimination against these smart and lonely kids was just too painful a subject for a sitcom, IMHO.
So therefore Ethan and Lex saw themselves as outsiders, too. I don't know if the Massachusetts town that Ethan comes from is predominately Yankee or not. But he must've been an outsider being Jewish. And a jock. And seemingly a good one.
Lex's background was rock and roll. He was a drummer with a rock band in his younger days, and all those tattoos! Well, that is a whole 'nother subculture right there.
Ethan has also mentioned in the Insider, and several other places, too, on the Internet that he's a pot-head and San Francisco Lex, I'm sure found something to identify with there, too.
There is also the supposed spoiler that Lex gets sick, stomach trouble, and is still sick today, supposedly, which that plus the tattoo indicate a long stay in the veldt.
Also, Ethan has shown his propensity for voting off women. Maybe something to do with his hearthrob status. And being part of the male minority at the Ivy League,former all female college, Vassar, may have made him shy away from trusting women in this game.
As you may have noticed Colby didn't trust YOUNG women either. Though he sure did love Tina.
I don't see Ethan getting in to that "worthy" thing either that afflicted Colby so much at the end. I see Ethan as someone who just wants to win.
Lex, on the other hand, has referred to Ethan several times, in post switch episodes as missing "my friend" or "my best bud" or something like that. "We did EVERYthing together." The wistfulness in both their tones of voice when talking about each other sounded like they were dating.
It's funny that the Switch may have only served to intensify tribal loyalties and alliances, not shatter them. Ethan's Insider quote "My Both Are Back" says it all.
How Tom feels about Ethan is something else again.
And Kelly and Mamakim don't seem strong enough to strike out on their own.


Rose Red 419 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-25-01, 06:49 PM (EST)
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9. ""My Boys Are Back""
Ethan's Insider quote
>"My Both Are Back" says
>it all.
Oops! It's "My Boys Are Back!" Sorry!

zzz 703 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-25-01, 07:02 PM (EST)
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Just a few points. I hate to launch into a discussion of Freaks & Geeks, but I actually watched every episode. Freaks referred to the potheads who did not really try in class and just wanted to hang out and do drugs and listen to music. The geeks were the nerdy types that did well in school and did not fit in socially. The main character was a girl (named Lindsey) who had a younger brother than was a geek and who herself was formerly a geek but was trying to switch to be a freak and started hanging out with the freaks. The show focused on her struggles between these two worlds--an intelligent high-performing student trying to fit in with a bunch of potheads.

Sorry for the digression--but I thought that would clear up that discussion. I do have one point to make on your observation that Ethan keeps voting out women. I don't agree. I think he just votes strategically. He stated at one point that he would rather vote off Clarence than Jessi, but voted for Jessi anyway because it was best for his long term survival. He happily voted off Silas and Clarence. I think he will be loyal to whatever alliance he feels is his true alliance (still not sure who that is with but it is old Boran) and will get rid of whoever stands in his way.


Rose Red 419 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-25-01, 07:15 PM (EST)
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Thanks for the elucidation on "Freaks and Geeks". I can see even more why Ethan watched this show. He was a Geek, but ended up a Freak(pothead).
Also, yes, of course, you are totally right. Ethan voted off Diane and Jessie, but then went right after his "main threats" as he called them both on different occasions, Silas, then Clarence.
This being the case and following the rest of your logic, he would try to rally support against MB favorite, Frank next week. IF Frank doesn't win immunity.He Frank does then it might be Teresa, who is not even DISCUSSED as leaving on the CBS website poll.
And while we're posing questions - What are the registered websites or addresses and or something that I keep hearing that CBS registered somewhere? Surely a list of these adressed or sites will tell us very quickly who's staying and who's going and when.

Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-01, 12:41 PM (EST)
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<How Tom feels about Ethan is something else again>

I really wonder how close Ethan and Tom are. Lex seems to be the one who pulls them together. We don't see alot of Ethan and Tom chatting and planning. Tom chats with Lex and then Lex chats with Ethan. With Lex gone I could see Ethan and Tom going in 2 different directions in alliances.


Rose Red 419 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-29-01, 00:55 AM (EST)
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><How Tom feels about Ethan is something else again>
>I really wonder how close Ethan
>and Tom are. Lex
>seems to be the one
>who pulls them together.
>We don't see alot of
>Ethan and Tom chatting and
>planning. Tom chats with
>Lex and then Lex chats
>with Ethan. With Lex
>gone I could see Ethan
>and Tom going in 2
>different directions in alliances.

I think that's absolutely right. Did you see the Ethan "hatchet" reaction when Tom mentioned that to him? I thought he HATED him, and didn't want to spend two more seconds with him - in that one moment.



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