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Conferences Survivor Spoilers Forum (Protected)
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Rose Red 419 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

11-23-01, 01:44 AM (EST)
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What a wonderful surprise this episode was! However, I did predict Clarence would go, but didn't post it, drat! I knew that the Diane List would eventually run out of steam, and that Carl's "We-slept-in-the-same-bed-on-safari" spoiler was so much EPMB BS. They have MILLIONS of dollars to spend on accodmations for this show and pampering the losers to death after the boot. They HAD to sleep in the same bed! Oh Puh-leeze!

Mark Burnett must have been laughing his a** off in Tahiti over ALL of the spoiling community world-wide falling for this and predicting Teresa! And what happens to Teresa tonight? She emerges as a major player now to be reckoned with - at least until next week. Their happiness at the merge was just glorious! And the challenge tortuously suspenseful. I never thought Teresa was this strong! She amazed America tonight. And wasn't the whole revelation of her character tonight a wonderful surprise, too? I'm kind glad MB saved her up until now. That only leaves Kim Pee as an underdeveloped unknown.

Hasn't Teresa been characterized as weak in the past challenges? Was it just me or did they all look like they were being crucified?
And what a surprise for Teresa to win the first immunity challenge! Oh, it was so nice to see her smile when JP put the immunity necklace on her! He was beaming, too. I take that as a sign that MB likes her, too.

And that song! I'll never think of "Tomorrow" from "Annie" again without thinking of her, singer or not. What a Survivor moment that was!

And how sad and pathetic was Clarence's "deal" with her? It was sad because he seemed so all alone up there on his cross. The by-play between the two of the them was memorable!I did not like Clarence at all, really, but then when he was voted off, I felt very sad for him. I really did.
And that "Clairance" spoiler was ANOTHER EPMB red herring! They are all over the place this year!

And I find myself so rooting for Teresa now. I know she's a Tina clone, but Tina did win. However, I never liked Tina. Tina never had such a sympathetic moment in the whole show.
And Tom just thinks she's the cutest l'il gal he ever met.
I loved Teresa confessing that she had "sex on a plane." Hmmm...maybe she'll be out of her flight attendant's job after this admission. Could Teresa get Tom to turn against Lex?

Lex is suddenly VERY annoying, isn't he? So he thinks he's The
One already? Think again. If next week's "Look Closer" recrap shows us a new, darker Lex, we are being set up for something baaaad to happen to Lex, and sooner rather than later. And I could care less, after tonight's show of bossyness and assumptions on his part.

I'm such a sucker for the underdogs that I now feel for the remaining three Sambooboos, but not Frank. Frank and Ethan bonded. Clarence thought he had bonded with Frank, too, but I knew he didn't.

And Kelly! What a sneaky little so and so she's turning out to be? I thought she had an alliance with Clarence, and she seemed to do whatever Lex told her to do. Or was it Ethan, and we're just not being shown it?

Next week are we gonna see a vote along gender lines? With the two Sambooboo women(T-bird and Kim Pee) and the two Boring Women(Mama Kim) and Kelly plus Brandon, joining forces to pick off the men?

It could happen. I don't think Frank would ever side with them, however. But T-Bird might convince him.
Lex was soooo upset! It was hilarious!

And Ethan, we were shown NOTHING of Ethan tonight. A sure sign that he's the one who's running things. Ethan has the real quiet power that Colby did. You watch. Only he won't give it all up for a nice, older woman.

Teresa might end up going next week, because of Lex, but then, Mamakim and Kim Pee like her, and of course, so does Brandon and Frank. Is devious Kelly the swing vote?

I'm sooooo relieved that the merge was painless and familiar! And the look of relief and joy on the faces of all, especially Ethan's was palbable. Another thrilling moment!

T-Bird may have cooked her own goose, but Tom, and Frank and Lex want to get rid of Brandon. Frank and Tom like T-Bird and will probably not join him in voting for her.

Am I mistaken but didn't Brandon vote for Lex, too? I could be wrong about that.
Brandon might take the fall for T-Bird and make them think that it's him who voted for Lex, anyway.

And Mamakim's "I don't like being told what to do" was positively ominous.
Once again, the editing and the camera placement tells us what to think. I took the closer-than-close close-up on her face as she said that said to mean "Lex, you've picked the wrong woman to ***k with!"
Teresa won my heart tonight. You are now America's new sweetheart! At least until next week! You go, girl! Fly! T-Bird! Fly!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: FLY! T-BIRD! FLY! Round Robin 11-23-01 1
 Teresa showed up in episode 7 bergdogg 11-23-01 2
   RE: Teresa showed up in episode 7 katem 11-23-01 4
 RE: FLY! T-BIRD! FLY! Afreaqua 11-23-01 3
   RE: FLY! T-BIRD! FLY! managerr 11-23-01 5

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Round Robin 2914 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-23-01, 02:03 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: FLY! T-BIRD! FLY!"
As long as they get the hell rid of Lex, I'll be happy. He has gotten too big for his britches and is turning paranoid. He wants it too bad, and I think he'll stab any of them in the back to get it. I think Clarence was doomed the first time he lost an IC anyway, and I think he knew that, so his deal with Teresa just made official what was gonna happen anyway. I wonder who they'll make look bad in the recrap next week? I think Lex already looks bad, but will MB have somebody else in mind?

bergdogg 380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-23-01, 03:55 AM (EST)
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2. "Teresa showed up in episode 7"
I am sure that we haven't seen the last of her. Even if Lex finds out that she made the other Lex vote, she may help him understand that she made a promise to Clarence.

It is easy to see why she is on Diane's friends list. Even if she were to last deep into the game, she seems to have one of those personalities that people gel to.

My prediction is she makes a stir in the game, but the Borans stick to their voting out the strong Samburu's gameplan. I believe Frank is a goner. Brandon may be following him, and Kim P after that. Then I think that Teresa, not Kim P like suggested, has the ability to pull a Charlotte.

People may take her immunity victory as just a fluke. Then again, Lex and the other Borans may notice her leadership abilities and get rid of her as soon as possible.

It all depends on a good time of thinking of whether she will remain in the game or not. I say we look closely at this recap show first, because last season, it showed a nicer side of Jerri, a week before she said buh bye. Let's see if we see a different side of certain individuals.


katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-23-01, 10:16 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Teresa showed up in episode 7"
>I am sure that we haven't
>seen the last of her.
>Even if Lex finds out
>that she made the other
>Lex vote, she may help
>him understand that she made
>a promise to Clarence.

I so agree with this. If anyone can pull that off is T. She truly became the star of the show last night. Finally letting loose and letting her personality come out.

>My prediction is she makes a
>stir in the game, but
>the Borans stick to their
>voting out the strong Samburu's
>gameplan. I believe Frank is
>a goner. Brandon may be
>following him, and Kim P
>after that. Then I think
>that Teresa, not Kim P
>like suggested, has the ability
>to pull a Charlotte.

I think that once Frank and Brandon are gone, Kelly will take over the tribe and take out her competition, using T and possibly Little Kim.

I just love how Kelly has slowly come out as the most sneaky off them all.


Afreaqua 181 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-23-01, 08:25 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: FLY! T-BIRD! FLY!"
I've always liked Theresa but since she never got a lot of air time I couldn't really support her for sure. This episode just confirms what I've thought all along. She's a sweet person, even the Mallrats didn't have a big problem. The party and her confession that she did it on an airplane (note how impressed Tom looked) shows that she can have fun too. I like the way she stuck by Clarence. I wish more people had voted for Lex. I wasn't that surprised that Clarence is gone. He was too strong and never lived down that big mistake from the first episode.

managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

11-23-01, 12:10 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: FLY! T-BIRD! FLY!"
I liked Teresa's performance this ep, but I can't help but think that her poor long ranged planning skills put her into the must-win position in the first place. When she said "There's way more of you than there is of us", I was thinking "That wouldn't be the case if you had waited before you backstabbed Silas, you idiot!"

Her sticking up for Clarence and not voting for him was her redeeming moment though. There's a lot of strategic options Samburu now has as long as Lex doesn't know who voted for him.



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