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"Survivor Insider, Week Five"
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sleeeve 3456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-12-01, 10:31 PM (EST)
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"Survivor Insider, Week Five"
Okay... here's the clips for week five... not much new, but some insight into some of the alliances... one interesting thing to note... Lex appears to have fallen for the Mall Rat's story about Frank being an unlikable person... but why does he seem to not like Silas, either???

Tom & Lex diss lazy Samburus
Lex and Tom digging new water source... mostly Tom talking
Drinking too far downstream to be clean
They should have done this before.
They've been drinking out of a mud hole like an elephant.
Our old water hole was crystal clear.
We've had to do this twice.
Most important thing is water, and we've had to do this for both camps.
Don't wanna drink where animals have pissed and shit in it.
Feel like I worked all my life to get the farm, and now I've moved down.
This was the hand we're dealt, and we're gonna do the best with it.
Over there, we did our homework, got rid of the people we needed to, and were in the merger.
Over here, we're 3-3 if there's a vote, and we're on their home turf.
We suffered with Clarence so that we could be a strong team... otherwise, we woulda ousted him long ago.
Now it's me and Lex with four girls, so if there's a strong challenge, we're weaker.
They got us beat two men to one.
Over there, you got Frank and Clarence, who are both unliked, according to this group.
We worked the whole time to make sure nothing bad happened to us, and now we're stuck with this.
They find a frog in the water hole... a good sign.
Tom: My wife ain't here to hear me #####, and so I figured I'd ##### to you.
This should have been done the first day, and we're doing their work again.
...and they're over there living in our house with a swimming pool, and I'm pissed about it.

Tom dishes about his new tribe
Tom in a private interview.
My first impression with Lindsey is more carefree than anyone in our group.
That's okay, but this isn't the picture show... it's business out here... so it's okay for a while, but the tough part is coming up.
Kim has proven herself an athlete, and her role is the cook... she's happy-go-lucky and nice to be around.
Brandon is a Sally, and I gotta adjust to that.
His way of life and mine are a lot different, and I'm gonna have to watch myself so that we'll work good.... should be alright, cause I'm carefree.
the rest is good... even over at the other camp.
It's cool in the morning and evening, so we gotta get out and work... someone's got to do it.
Over at the otehr camp, we had everyone working during those times...
Here, people rest and rest, and there's things that gotta be done.
It's like a watch... each piece has gotta move together, or things won't work.
I'm happy-go-lucky, but there's a time to smile, and a time to grit your teeth, and this group seems too happy-go-lucky, but the serious part is ahead.
They haven't faced the same realities we have, just surviving til the morning.
I think the new Boran will be in shock, cause they didn't expect us to leave.
They will have problems with Frank...
I don't know Frank, but it sounds like he's gonna cause friction.
We had a really close-knit group of friends, and they're gonna miss us, and we're gonna miss them, but this is the new deal, and I'm ready to play.

Location, location, location
Mama Kim: do you suppose that the Massai see something break, they just feel like "Well, we won't fix it, cause we're just gonna move anyway.
Kelly: From what I've read, they're not that nomadic, they just have a main boma, and they move and build a temporary one... but maybe I'm wrong... or the books are wrong, cause there's a lot of old bomas around.
Mama: Do you think they just use each other's bomas? Too bad there's not a system of selling them.
Lex: That would be ugly... it would lose the whole beauty of the system... you're gonna be the first real estate agent specializing in bomas.
Mama Kim: yeah.
Lex: and you know what they say: location, location, location.
Ethan: only a 20 minute walk from water.
Kelly: easily accomodates 8
Lex: and this one has running water.
Mama: large shade tree.
Lex: sit back and walk heards of zebra.
Mama: lovely view of mountains in the distance.
Lex: in the shadow of beau rocks.
Mama: should be going for more than it is.
Lex: we'll give it to you for one goat and 10 pounds of rice.
Mama: professional interiour design with colored netting.
Mama: stove needs a little repair.
Lex: high, vaulted ceilings.
Ethan: two fire places, fully furnished.
Clarence: clothes dryer.
Lex (laughing): ahhh... that's rediculous

Lex is frustrated by the Samburu
private interview with Lex
So now, I come to realize that not only am I in a situation where I'm gonna have to do all the work.
I have a group of lazy people that I have to entrust my safety to.
I'm not gonna be able to sleep easily any more.
This area is clearly safer than Boran... much less animal activity.
I didn't feel like I could count on them for work or security.
They're nice, pleasant people to hang around with, but I can't count on them.
Tom and I took on roles of parents... two dads, four kids, kids on vacation, and dads have to worry about everything.
I feel like I got the better end of the switcheroo...
I'd hate to be with Ethan, Kim, or Clarence and have Teresa, Frank, or Silas thrust upon me.
Teresa would have been a pleasant surprise... but I got the better end of the deal.
If there's work to be done, I'll pick up the slack, but it's not something I want to do.
If I had to choose between having to do extra work and be with nice people, or have jerks come in that take charge and do work...
I'd take the nice people over the jerks any day.

New Boran members hike to camp
Silas: the reward was to switch tribes.
Unbelievable adventure... unbelievable game, great twist to the story.
Frank: I'm curious to see what the other camp looks like... want to get out of this heat.
(reads map aloud... large rocky ridge, lots of trees, I don't see this).
Frank and Teresa try to figure out where they are.
Silas: It's right there (pointing)... I see it... let's go home, c'mon T, Frank.
Frank: we should have brought a soccer ball... nice flat land.
Teresa: I like the view.
Silas: no doubt, a nice view.
Frank: great twist.
Silas: brilliant twist.
Teresa: We already know what's coming, but I bet they don't... wait til we walk in to their camp.... they'll think "visitors".
Frank: they'll be confused that we have yellow on... everything's behind us... it's like an oil change.
Teresa: It's nice to get out of that place.
Silas: yeah... its unreal.
Frank: I'm so glad I came here... can last another 12 days, now.
Silas: yeah... I'm glad I came, too.
Teresa: these guys got to me first... that's all it was... but you were loyal to them, Silas, and I was loyal...
Silas: yeah... we're all true to our word... what a great game... I'm dying to see this water supply.
(Silas has been hiking alone, ahead of the other two)
Frank: Hey... let's all hike together, and show them solidarity.
(they all hold hands... then decide to drop them)
Frank: this is a dry lake bed.
Silas (shouting): Clarence, Ethan, Kim... Boran!
Teresa: let's get closer... I want to see their expression on their face.
Silas: I think the gate is to the right.
Frank: No... they're coming out over there.... around back.
(cut to later... they explain the twist.)
Silas (telling story): and they threw us yellow ones, and them red ones and said go to your new tribe.
Ethan: this is the most fucked up twist I've ever seen.
Mama Kim: that is unbelievable.
Frank: you're gonna see all of our jaws drop (patting Ethan on the back).
Clarence: but what happened to our three? to the other camp??? what???
Silas: Well, they're on the other tribe, now... they're gone.
Kim: Why would they do that. I wonder what happened.
Silas: It's an unbelievable twist in the game.

Kelly reveals her routine
Kelly talking to camera while the rest of original Boran tribe eats breakfast behind her.
Um... my morning ritual is I get up depending when my shift was...
I usually get up early and wait til others get up and start working.
I either help Kim with food or help the guys gather wood.
I change out of my PJ's (otherwise known as my clothes) into like my sports bra top and shorts, put on sunscreen, and eat breakfast and do what needs to be done.
I feel like we have our routine down, now.
We have our wood-gathering time and our water time.
If we were gonna get water today, we'd go after breakfast, and then come back and take a nap.
we've got our routine laid out based on when it's the hottest... impossible to do work during the day.
The guys like to gather wood first thing in the morning.
We go down to water, and stay there while it's hot... come back, when it's cooler.
Take a nap when it gets too hot.
In the afternoon, we do what we need to do... we built the hut, the fence... but all the work is done now, and we have a lot of wood gathered, and we don't have to think about water any more. so we pretty much have everything we need to get to the merger.... we've spent the past couple of days pretty much relaxing.

Lex ready to chow down
Now we're low on fire wood, and we have to hike our water in, and the water tastes awful... but that is a small sacrifice, compared to all the food they have.
I haven't seen the food yet, but they seem comfortable with the amount of food and the time left til the merger.
Since I've been under rationed food for 13 days, and I haven't been eating enough, I'll put all my fears aside, and chow down.
Already, we've had popcorn with olive oil and salt and pepper... that's huge... the simple taste after 13 days was magnificent.
The first thing we did after ariving was breaking bread... very generous of them... the best way to get to know people.
They have an abundance of food and a variety of food... we're gonna have something other than corn mush and bland beans or carrots.
We're sharing info about our background... most of that is genuine... we wanna know who we're living with, and I want them to know me.
It's what passes the time and makes things interesting...
it might help with strategy later on.
I want to observe and not give up information.
I'll give up enough that they feel like I'm trying to form a relationship.
Tom, kelly, and I are guarded... we have people back at Boran camp that we still care about, and that we were sad to let go.
I can't speak for the others, but I think that... uh... Ummm... Kim... and uhhh... ummmm... Brandon, and um....... um.... Lindsey are going to miss T, Teresa, a lot... I think they had a good relationship with her, but they've been very vocal that they were glad to see Frank and Silas go... they think they got the good end of this deal... I think they're right.
We had to leave behind a couple of strong players that we got close to.
Ethan and I were a team of two together... we gathered wood together, we gathered the water together, we stayed up all night watching for lions together, we were the point men at challenges for each other, and I'll really miss him... it's gonna be hard.
We got a good deal... Ethan and Kim got royally screwed in this deal... worse than anyone else.

Frank still has intergrity
At our last tribal council, the votes went against Silas to hold our integrity, and complete our mission.
We set them a message that I'm an American, and I'm gonna continue to fight in the face of defeat...
We gave Lindsey 4 votes, and Silas 3, and we're reducing they're chances.
It got their emotions riled up, and started to divide them.
Kim started showing separation from the group, until I got the chance to regroup and grab some players.
I have no hard feelings toward Silas... they made their alliance from day one, we made ours, and I'm sticking to it.
Silas got yanked away from his core support, and now he feels like a fish out of water at this camp.
With him and Clarence both being the strong ones, they've had a few conversations, but I don't think his cards are in the right place... I think he's gonna slip through.

Silas eats it up
New Boran tribe standing around cooking
Silas: we take the skillet, and heat it over the fire... we made patties, and burn both sides, and it's still mushy in the middle.
Teresa: I like popcorn, more.
Kim: what would happen if we don't have oil... maybe we should take the oil from the tuna.
Silas: to be honest, I like the way you do it... so I'm happy either way.
Kim: yeah, but we lose a lot.
(They have made mush piles.
Silas: alright, pick your pile.
Silas: oh, those are good.
Kim: well, dinner will be better... tuna.
Silas: I love the way you all sit aroung and eat... civilized.

New Boran dynamic
(this clip has background music... it was probably intended to air, and had to be cut.)
Kim and Teresa working together:
Kim: wanna get the water, or pick out the can.
Teresa: I'll get the water... from over there?
Kim: yeah.
Frank and Ethan shown getting water together.
Clarence (private interview): We're all just trying to get to know each other... it's like day one all over again.
Silas (to Clarence on a hike): this merge saved Frank's ass... the reason the tribe split young and old was because of Frank... he's the most manipulative of all... he puts on the old "down home attitude" and then tried to stab us all in the back.
Ethan (to Frank on a hike): Kim's tough and honest, and she feels in debt to us men cause we do most of the work, and we won the carry the house challenge which saved her and kept her in the game.

Tribal Council: Sealing Silas' fate
Silas: (Frank) He wants to be the leader, and so do I... there can be only one.
Frank: (Silas) In the name of honor for Carl, Linda, Teresa.
Teresa: (SILAS) I don't really like you still... you've merged with your new tribe, but your alliances are still with your old tribe. This is for honor... for Carl and for Linda.
Ethan: (SILAS) Silas, I realized at this tribal council that you are a terrible liar, and have been manipulating everyone this whole time. You're a natural competitor and my biggest threat, so I'm not gonna pass up this chance to get you off... don't take it personally.
Clarence: (Silas) I love you man, but I can't trust you.
Kim: (Silas) He's a really fun guy, and I'd love to hang out with him any place other than the merger, but by his own admission, he has too many friends in the other tribe, so he's too big of a threat to keep around.

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Whatever else we think of them...Ma... WaterRat 11-12-01 1
   Kelly and Kim: The Wildcards Seyz 11-13-01 2
       RE: Kelly and Kim: The Wildcards King William 11-13-01 3
           RE: Kelly and Kim: The Wildcards Loree 11-14-01 7
 RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five true 11-13-01 4
   RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five gofrank151 11-13-01 5
   RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five Serendipity 11-15-01 11
 RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five Dalton 11-14-01 6
   RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five Loree 11-14-01 8
   RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five PepeLePew13 11-14-01 9
   RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five Wawa 11-15-01 10
   RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five sleeeve 11-15-01 12

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Messages in this topic

WaterRat 11 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

11-12-01, 11:32 PM (EST)
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1. "Whatever else we think of them...Mallrats disinform well."
Hey Sleeve! Let me be one of the first to thank in this thread for your work capturing the Insider so well. I agree with your
assessment that there isn't really anything too new here, but it does help round out the sense we have of everyone. Thank you.

I am also not surprised that Lex and Tom don't think Frank is too
nice... they are being fed by a couple of "carefree happy go
lucky's" and a "Sally" after all...

But, with regard to their poor opinion of Silas... I saw some video or read somewhere that Lindsey was upset that Silas cut her off in the goat roundup... maybe some ill will was expressed at that time to lead to a bad Silas opinion...

Okay read a little further. Now I am getting a different sense
here... it looks to me like Brandon and company are spreading
disinformation about their loyalties in an attempt to throw
the nu-Samburus off... They liked T... but not Silas... so to break their coalition get rid of T...not Silas. They (maybe Brandon) aren't so dumb after all?

I am a little confused about the Silas-Teresa-Frank exchange
though... what did Silas mean about everyone being loyal and true to their word...did I miss something or did Silas give his word to the Mallrats first and so T doesn't begrudge him anything. Or, was T being sarcastic? She seemed to agree... I thought Silas turned on them. What happened to loyalty, honor etc...?

I have meandered enough...

Thanks again Sleeve!!!


Seyz 198 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

11-13-01, 04:08 AM (EST)
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2. "Kelly and Kim: The Wildcards"
What I found interesting (again) was that Lex and Tom excluded Kelly from their activities. More importantly.. they said that they had to "take care of 4 girls". I don't think that there's any doubt now that Kelly is a major outsider of the Lex/Tom/Ethan alliance and the ex-boran tribe. I think Kelly really will switch to the Mallrats... it's really now her only chance of survival. Say she does make it into the merge, she knows she'll be the first one to be kicked off by Lex/Tom/Ethan and Mamakim, once they're the only ones left. In order to beat their 4-persons alliance, she's going to need 5 people at the very least..She HAS to stick w/ the Mallrats to make it into the final four. If she can convince Clarence to join her and the Mallrats.. they make the final 5. Then..she has to snag someone from the Mallrats to get into the final 3.

Frank said that Kim P was starting to sway from the GenX alliance?!?!??!?! That he wanted to recruit her?!?! Hmm... Is KimP really going to defect?? If she does.. she probably will with Brandon.. since they're close....

Also.. it is totally confirmed that Ethan/Tom/Lex have a really strong alliance. I think mamakim will join w/Theresa and Frank to vote off Ethan (if she's smart) before the merge arrives and it's too late. She wants to win.. not be the fourth wheel!!


King William 38 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-13-01, 06:51 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Kelly and Kim: The Wildcards"
So the real question is: Are Mama and Kelly on the same page?
You're right I'd say, I've gotten the feel that Lex and Tom don't care one way or another for Kelly. And Kim would rather be in a twosome

If so then they could reunite post merge with serious power.
Kelly can be friendly with Brandi and Lil Kim. No need to betray Lex/Tom, since I think that it'll be a slaughter against Lindsay once the lack of Silas is known. Just play nice, and pull B and Kim together day of the merge, "You want to stay alive, then vote Lex. We have to get rid of a member of LET.

Another question is could Frank stomach it? I've accepted Diane's list as gospel after not believing it til the switch.



CB-so far allied lonely with the idol


B, lilK


Lots of combinations- everyone has played very cold

Who do you want next to you at the end?

a) Tom
b) CB
c) Frank
d) Brandon
e) the person who wins the million instead of you

and I'd say CB doesn't have a prayer of making it so far unless purposely carried to take the fall in the final.

well here's my strategy if I were MamaKim or Kelly

Get Frank and Brandon and Lil Kim to vote for Lex

CB gone 8 to 1(CB out of the loop again.)

Next Mamakim and Kelly make their move. MK gets Frank and Kelly gets Brandon and Lil Kim : Lex 5 to 3

Ethan would be definitely be willing to switch to Kelly and kim at that point though. He'd know he's got a target on his back and his slight distrust of Lex and Tom was voiced earlier. Frank is loyal bc no choice left.

second vote: 6 to 2 Tom (maybe Ethan, can't wait too long)

third vote: Ethan (too much or a threat, too paranoid to give away money like colby) alternate lil Kim

fourth vote: Lil Kim

last vote: frank

Can Mk or Kelly win then bring Brandi to the trial?

Lex- B
Lil kim -B
Tom -MK/K? (queer factor)
Frank- MK/K

Lets face it, it's really tough to get them there b/c it involves them taking power from those who have it and making enemies. Kelly isn't going to find a horse to win challenges for her unless she decides to stomach Clarence and protect him in

GX2: the revenge of the GXers (TM)

And MK may have to go with Frank and Ethan after all.

Well I'm tired.

King William


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-14-01, 02:23 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Kelly and Kim: The Wildcards"
I know Kelly has stated on the Survivor clips before that she is not overly crazy about Lex or Tom. She calls Lex bossy and says he treats them like children. And she has said Tom is a sexist and she finds him crude at times. So I think Kelly knows that she is not important in the Lex/Tom alliance. But Kelly does seem close with Clarence and she likes Ethan and Kim. I think she is stating that she is still a Boran because she feels close to the ones she left behind more so than she feels that close with Lex and Tom. But for the time being she is more secure to stay allied with Tom and Lex. They need her against the Samburu brats. But I am guessing Kelly is just waiting for the merge so she can get back with the Boran bunch she started with. Now if she could bring Brandon or KimP with her it would help her. I believe Kelly would vote off both Lex and Tom if she could do it without turning the other Boran members against her. Clarence would like to get rid of Lex too. But Ethan seems to like Lex.

true 9689 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-13-01, 11:12 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five"
Once again, I'd like to say Thank you sleeeve! These recaps provide a wealth of information.

I really found this interesting-

>>Kim: (Silas) He's a really fun guy, and I'd love to hang out with him any place other than the merger, but by his own admission, he has too many friends in the other tribe, so he's too big of a threat to keep around.

Smart, very smart, reasoning for voting off Silas. I wonder if she sees Ethan in the same light. What would be best for MamaKim?? Will she see that getting rid of Ethan, which shouldn't be too hard right now, would break up the L/E/T? She knows that Frank and Teresa aren't tied to anyone in their former tribe, and Clarence is basically alone. Her biggest threat is now Ethan. If she could talk Frank and Teresa into voting Ethan out, and pull Clarence along, she would be set after the merge with C/Kelly/F/T/MK. many possibilities.


gofrank151 32 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-13-01, 01:06 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five"
that would work, but i think mamakim feels more comfortable as being part of the old boran tribe. the bonds there are still fairly strong - even they she knows they would have voted her off for being weak.

one thing i think we have definitely seen through s1 and s2 is that the oldest ties seem to remain the strongest and contestants usually fail to make a new alliance when they should.

its obvious to all of us she should do just that, but i cant see her doing it.



Serendipity 525 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-15-01, 09:25 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five"
My gut feeling is that MamaKim is Ethan's Tina to his Colby.

I don't see MK joining in with Frank and Theresa because she knows they are a team, and since she probably won't win any immunity challenges if they got down to the final three, she would be the one to go.

I also don't see Ethan as paranoid. I know what he said to Silas but I think that was just his way of letting Siliar know that Ethan knew he was a manipulator and a liar.

I wouldn't put it past Ethan to even have something going with Kelly and Clarence as a side bet. Thus, I think that if Boran loses IC, it will be Theresa to go. They have to break up the duo of Frank & T.


Dalton 1271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-14-01, 01:44 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five"
Sleeeve...the usual "big thanks" for providing us with the "insider" look at the contestants.

The ONE line that jumped off the page for me was:


Line 19 ----

"FRANK: I'm so glad I came here...can last another 12 days, now."

WHY would Frank say TWELVE (12) days; specifically??

They are in E-5. E-6 puts them in 6 days. E-7 puts them in 9 days. This would be the USUAL Merger time. But E-8 puts them in 12 days!!

So why is Frank thinking about lasting for 12 days; unless he and Samburu already know that the merge isn't going to happen until E-8 which is 12 days away.

Maybe I'm in left field; but this intentional naming of a 12-day period is the best spoiler I've seen that the contestants themselves know the Merge happens in E-8 instead of E-7!!



Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-14-01, 02:28 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five"
When I heard Frank say another 12 days on the clip - I just thought he meant that he had already made it 12 days and now he could maybe make it another 12 days. I thought he was just mentioning that he could do it again in a new environment. It would have been 12 days that they had been there, wouldn't it?

PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-14-01, 02:37 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five"
Good catch, Dalton... I remember reading earlier about Frank saying 12 days but it didn't click in my head the connection there.

This makes me wonder if they were TOLD about the merge date being moved back an episode by JiffyProbe at the time of the 3-for-3 switch but MB chose to hide it from us. Then at TC Jiffy would just comment on how contestants made assumptions about things happening as in S1 and S2, using the assumption of old merge date as an example and a reminder to everyone that they can't take anything for granted any more.

To me, if that is true, this changes the game and reinforces my belief earlier that Boran will try to win this IC (Lindsey boot) and then perhaps try not so hard in episode 7 so they can dump a major individual IC threat in Clarence... after they are able to use Clarence's strength for the ep.7 RC.

"Damn you, Carl, for leaving me here with a bunch of misfits."
Frank Garrison, Nov. 1/01


Wawa 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

11-15-01, 00:57 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five"

>"FRANK: I'm so glad I came
>here...can last another 12 days,
>WHY would Frank say TWELVE (12)
>days; specifically??
I assumed that Frank thought the merge would occur when they expected it (6 more days). That would mean
Day 3 - vote off Silas because the F & T defection has already occurred
Day 6 - merge --- and start the slaughter of the mallbrats. That would take us into day 6, day 9, and day 12 to get rid of all of them.

There is no way Frank or Teresa will build an alliance with them (except possibly Teresa with Kim P)due to their honor code and the way they've been treated.

Just my thoughts.


sleeeve 3456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-15-01, 02:24 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Survivor Insider, Week Five"
>WHY would Frank say TWELVE (12)
>days; specifically??

Aaack... sorry, just saw this... no spoiler... Frank's comment had the tone of "I've made it twelve days so far, and this change gives me the energy I need to go 12 more."... nothing to do with the merge.

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...



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