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"Confessions and Boasts"
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AyatollahKhomeini 2008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

05-04-01, 11:00 AM (EST)
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"Confessions and Boasts"
Outfrontgirl came up with a wonderful idea that she posted in the "E14 West Coast Update" thread. I can't explain it better than she did herself:

Aya K, I was thinking it'd be great to have a thread started for everyone to cut and paste their evidence on bragging rights and egg-on-the-face from prior posts. I would start it but every time I start a thread it dies.
Anyway, can we have a retrospective of our proudest moments and biggest falls?

I edited the rest of Outfrongirl's post in the interest of letting her post her "proudest moments and biggest falls" herself (though I enjoyed her comments and shared a lot of the same emotions)!

This is the spot to brag about how you figured it our or blew it. So, for example, if shakes and Kokoro want to post that it was their votes at the end that caused this board to correctly pick Tina as the winner (BTW, a true statement), be our guest. Self-flames permitted, but I'm going to ask to have flames of others removed. The topic is "All About Me and Survivor 2." I'm feeling a little verklempt; discuss amongst yourselves.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Okay, I'll start this one off.... SurvivinDawg 05-04-01 1
 My turn AyatollahKhomeini 05-04-01 2
 RE: Confessions and Boasts SurvivorBlows 05-04-01 3
 RE: Confessions and Boasts SherpaDave 05-04-01 4
 RE: Confessions and Boasts Conspiracy Jim 05-04-01 5
 RE: Confessions and Boasts Dalton 05-04-01 6
   RE: Confessions and Boasts George Tirebiter 05-04-01 9
       Norman Analogy IceCat 05-04-01 16
           A man after my own heart George Tirebiter 05-04-01 22
 RE: Confessions and Boasts Bebo 05-04-01 7
   RE: Confessions and Boasts SurvivinDawg 05-06-01 30
 RE: Confessions and Boasts idiotcowboy 05-04-01 8
   RE: Confessions and Boasts skierdude10 05-04-01 10
 RE: Confessions and Boasts janisella 05-04-01 11
 RE: Confessions and Boasts StratPlayer 05-04-01 12
 RE: Confessions and Boasts anotherkim 05-04-01 13
   RE: Confessions and Boasts bondt007 05-04-01 15
 Now me... flying squirrel 05-04-01 14
 The Cat's Highs and Lows... IceCat 05-04-01 17
   RE: The Cat's Highs and Lows... SherpaDave 05-04-01 18
 RE: Confessions and Boasts sleeeve 05-04-01 19
 RE: Confessions and Boasts Krautboy 05-04-01 20
 RE: Confessions and Boasts dangerkitty 05-04-01 21
   RE: Confessions and Boasts Outfrontgirl 05-04-01 23
 RE: Confessions and Boasts Superman 05-05-01 24
 my turn at the wheel ! shakes the clown 05-05-01 25
 RE: Confessions and Boasts Mitrelleum 05-05-01 26
 RE: Confessions and Boasts wolf1bh 05-05-01 27
 RE: Confessions and Boasts GG 05-05-01 28
 Oh-so minor, and yet, here I am... TOL 05-05-01 29
   best and worst DivaByTheSea 05-07-01 31
 RE: Confessions and Boasts ItzLisa 05-07-01 32
 RE: Confessions and Boasts nailbone 05-08-01 33
 RE: Confessions and Boasts MDSkinner 05-08-01 34
   RE: Confessions and Boasts Minstrel 05-08-01 35
 RE: Confessions and Boasts Survivorerist 05-08-01 36
   RE: Confessions and Boasts basiclady 05-08-01 37

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SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-01, 11:09 AM (EST)
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1. "Okay, I'll start this one off...."
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-01 AT 11:38 AM (EST)

My best moment: choosing Jerri to be booted when she was. Fortunately, my logic agreed with the contestants' emotions.

WOULD be my best moment, if ever proved my way (and it's not proven either way as yet): My defending Michael Skupin's comment that all the contestants flew home together.

My worst moment: Amber's dismissal. I still struggle to believe that one is aboveboard.

Good candidate for worst moment, but I really don't feel bad: Believing the Source Code Theory. I'll be better prepared next time, MB!!! Fool me once, shame on you....

Edited to add: 2d worst moment: Like others, I should've realized that Jerri might vote FOR Tina against Colby. I foolishly did not take this under enough consideration. Had I given it the thought it deserved, I would've realized that Jerri would hold Colby much more directly responsible for her (Jerri's) demise, especially since Colby and Jerri were supposed to have an alliance. By way of contrast, Amber was the polar opposite: she knew Tina had more to do with her (Amber's) ousting, and voted accordingly to award Colby the $1 million. I also SHOULD have taken into consideration that Jerri knew that Colby was the swing vote that destroyed Jerri's buddy Mitchell, and would hold Colby accountable on that score, also.

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"I've never been bored a day in my life. Only boring people get bored." -- Jerri Manthey


AyatollahKhomeini 2008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

05-04-01, 11:21 AM (EST)
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2. "My turn"
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-01 AT 02:13 PM (EST)

Best moment: deducing the existence of a C/T alliance from Mitchell's speech at USD, and defending it all the way until the last episode, when MB finally chose to let us see it.

Worst moments: (1) after having done so much work, along with atlantafatmike and paratrooper (who were the real leaders; I was just along for the ride), on the photo of Michael with compression gloves, to have backed away from predicting that Michael would be burned in E6. (2) in the finale, to have argued against the only real spoiler we had -- Amber's comment that she avoided voting discussions with the other members of the jury -- on the grounds that Amber would not vote for Tina, without seeing the obvious flipside: it was Jerri (along with her new minion Alicia) who was voting for Tina! Guys and gals, if I'd figured that out, we all would have made the right pick at the end. But my compliments to the majority of you who did make the right pick.

Biggest ego boost: The moderators of the ezboards decided to name the theory that they developed concerning the events of each episode (in their MESS Hall) the GUT ("Grand Unified Theory") ... a term that, as far as I know, was coined by me during E7. I very much enjoyed seeing the term migrate across Survivor boards! Thanks, BeefJerky.

Most fun moments: Meeting all of the new people who joined us for S2, some of whom I thanked individually in another post, as well as renewing acquaintances with some of the old people! Let's all keep in touch, even if on the off-topic board, until S3, OK?


SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-01, 11:22 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
I'll start by noting that the board spoilers managed to finish the season with a better record (9-4) than SB's official predictions (8-3-3) -- and that's without the benefit of: 1) a week 4 selection, 2) the alternative selection pick that SB used, who knows how many of those "losses" might have turned into "ties" if you'd had the benefit of an alternate selection.

Congratulations folks, give yourself's a pat on the back (and if you're not sure how to do that, ask "Pinky and the Brain", he seems to have the practice perfected )


SherpaDave 8326 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-01, 11:53 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Best: Predicting a marriage proposal during the Internet Cafe episode (even though I thought it would be from Time to Lis).

Runner-up: Giving votes to Tina to be ousted the last few shows even though I knew she wouldn't be. It felt good to be the only person in America giving her votes.

Worst: Letting myself get so annoyed with skierdude that I refused to ever vote in his immunity challenge threads. I like to think I'm more mature than that, but... anyway, apologies to skierdude for letting some of his posts dictate the way I responded to all of his posts.


Conspiracy Jim 198 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

05-04-01, 01:04 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"

Two specific issues and the later definitely will include Shakesy.

First was way, way back when things weren't so easy. This was the third episode. Everyone was keying in on a Kucha loss and using the photographic evidence I persuaded the board (including Webby) to change the losing tribe to Ogakor. Unfortunetely we still picked the incorrect bootee, but at least we had the correct tribe. Here is that post...
Thanks to Dreaming of Colleen I got all set to explain to him how he was wrong when low and behold I started to agree with him. First off...


Could this be the finish line?

This seems to be post challenge. It is definitely from "Follow the Leader" as I have checked the clothes. Now here is where we come into problems. Everything up until now has pointed at Okagor winning and the Kucha losers sending another off. Even the above picture was used in that each member seems exhausted and there spirits low. This is the only thing that comcerns me. If you look closely at the item that Mike is carrying you will see that it looks as though it may just be the Idol. It may be his shoes but it does look like it's the idol. My question to everyone is...

What do you think. Idol or not? If it is then we are probably the only board that will pick correctly in that everyone else is keying in on a Kucha boot.

Conspiracy Jim

My second was just last week when after going toe to toe with Shakes I received the following reply...

you were right and I was wrong

you are handsome and i am not at all attractive

you shower on a regular basis whereas I have very poor personal hygene

you most likely have real friends whereas my parent's have to pay kids to hang out with me

.....fine, you weren't wrong at all...but, and this is a big but, oh the hell with it, I'm done digging a hole on this one.

Good, where's that damn car I gotta wash?'re welcome, and you earned it (the apology part, not the ridicule)



Trusting logic and getting the Jerri boot incorrect and thinking that Colby actually WANTED to win the million bucks.

Bryant Gumbel, what a buthead. "So, Colby, you gave away $900,000 so that Keith wouldn't win $100,000"? Ummm, Bryant you fool, there's only like $10,000 difference between 2nd and 3rd and there's no way Colby would have lost to Keith.

Thanks for all of your support, even you Shakes.

Conspiracy Jim
"I guess there was a lockbox... how stupid"?!!!


Dalton 1271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

05-04-01, 01:44 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
AyaK I thought the first time I read a post by OutFrontGirl
she was great and made alot of in common sense..
so much so that I replied to her on Spoilers (something I'm
loathe to do) that a confession or a boast?? LOL

Dalton Boasts (of course; plural..duh)

No. l A month ago I KEPT saying in every Spoiler post
"Colby is going to WIN the next 3 Immunity Challenges IN A ROW!!!"

Then I said..."One down; 2 to go for Colby IC's"...then
"Colby is 2 out of 3 on IC's"....when are you
folks going to pay attention to to ME???? Like never!!

Now I wish I had shown TRUE TEXAS bragging rights and
posted --- "Colby is going to WIN the next FIVE Immunity
Challenges IN A ROW!!!" That would have been much

No. 2 I fabricated the Texas/Tennessee Alliance and bless her heart Volmel....
volunteered to represent the Tennessee portion-----so at
least I can brag that "my Co-Founder, Volmel was the big
Winner here on". (It is possible to ride to glory
on your partners coat tails...ask Al Gore.)

No. 3 Last year during S1...the smart/nerdy Spoilers Guys
called some of "us" --- "Basher Girls" .....

BUT this year during S2 "we" somehow morphed
into "Basher Babes"........Explanation:
It took the "guys" THAT long to figure out we had BRAINS to
go along with our BODIES. LMAO. For those who haven't been
paying attention....a few of the Basher Babes who VOTED for
TINA here include but are not limited to:

Volmel -- IrishEyes -- ItzLisa -- DangerKitty -- Vampkira.

No. 4 It was Dalton's self-appointed task to browse the
Spoiler Board (tuff job) searching for a POSTER who showed
a prerequisite for "Invitation to The Dark/Funny Side of".

Said requirement being a friggin sense of the whacko, evil,
gritty, lol@yourself attitude of a gang that lives nearby and calls themselves "The Wild Bunch". The GREAT NEWS is that we
DID manage to increase our ranks by quite a few "keepers".
I won't NAME names....because, when ya go to the Dark/Funny
Side....Rules, umm, Change, dontyaknow.

Dalton's Confessions:

No. l In March....I let some wingnut assholes here get under my skin because Shakes had his hands full and AyaK had already been
"saintlike" in his remedial education of Dalton
shot off her loud mouth...which, btw, she is well-known for
on the Bashers Board....and flamed the hell out of a couple
of people!!! Truth be told I don't remember who they were
and don't care.

No. 2 Even though Superman explained it to me in detail,
on the last voting day, how Tina was the Winner.....very big sigh... I was unconvinced. Trying to read Burn-its twisted thoughts that pass for logic; imo, "The Colbster" was a sure fire winner!!!

I hereby apologize to: IceCat -- IdiotCowboy -- Survivorerist -- Sleeeve -- Kismet -- Drive My Car (E-Beautiful) -- Cherberrie
and George Tirebiter for hounding them, pestering them, and
begging them to vote for Colby. My BAD!

Praise be to the WEBMASTER!!! And AyaK and Supe and even
that silly, no-account, big, foot-in-mouth, evil genius CLOWN.



George Tirebiter 2982 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

05-04-01, 03:17 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
I am so befuddled by a whole season of addictive SB frenzy that I have a hard time remembering what was real, what was speculation, blah, blah, blah (see? I'm still a veg!).

I AM sure I picked Scerri to go at the right time, so that was sweeeeeeet.

I seem to recall (could it only be a week ago?) saying Keith woud go, when obviously it was Lislis--and for this, I blame the Evil Clown and his damnedable slippery lawyer-type mumbo-jumbo. I fell hard for him, and only survived because Dalton cared enough to send a chopper for me (in my alcohol-induced haze, I was blissfully unaware of those events--she had to tell me about it later--and I still don't know who clawed their way to the #2 seat!)

This week, of course, part of my logic simply involved going AGAINST whoever Shakes was voting for--although AK, SB, and Dalton gave me much of the ammo for my "logic" (and--DAMN YOU, Les Moonves!!) Still, my only real wish was that Keith would not be anywhere near the Final 2, so I have some satisfaction in that. (And Dalton--I hold no ill will toward you, honest! We were 2/3 right, after all!)

I just wish MB would've put as much effort into the show as he did in his anti-spoiler efforts. . . and by his remarks (last night? this morning?), I'm afraid he's going to redouble his efforts for SIII. For you old Star Trek fans, this whole spoiling thing makes me feel like Norman, the android Captain Kirk gets to blow a fuse by telling him "Everything I say is a lie. . ." Is what I'm reading the truth (to throw us off) or a lie (to throw us off)? or are we supposed to THINK it's the truth (or a lie) designed to make us think the opposite? or. . . well, you get the idea--much smoke ensues, as my brain vaporizes. All I can say is that the diehard Spoilers freaks are a breed unto themselves, and without your hard work, many of us would remain totally in the dark--because, let's face it, we're too damned lazy to care that much!

Above all, these boards--and society's misfits who have taken up residence here--have become much more entertaining than the show itself. It's taken us two seasons to really cut loose and develop our bizarre relationships, and although I will look forward to making sh¡t of SIII--and especially that smarmy Chicago lawyer dude on LC--I find myself caring more about seeing what develops on a more personal level on the boards!

And Dalton is right--you brainiacs must now make an effort to check out The Dark Side; we're always eager for new blood on the OT ( some, more literally than others. . . OOoooh--now I feel like Renfield. . . you're welcome, Vamps!)



IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-01, 05:13 PM (EST)
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16. "Norman Analogy"
That is soooo exactly right on the mark!


George Tirebiter 2982 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

05-04-01, 09:13 PM (EST)
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22. "A man after my own heart"
Now I'm worried about you. . . not only were you geeky enough to know what I was talking about, but also followed my train of thought!


(The perfect blend of geek, freak, AND brainiac!)


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-01, 01:53 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Proudest moment - Speculating that Colby won the final IC based on the editing, and deciding he would take Tina with him even though it could (and did) cost him the big bucks.

Biggest falls - Oh, there were so, so many! Let's see...not buying the numerous spoilers surrounding Michael's accident, my belief that Amber would eventually do something, my belief the other Barramundi would actually band together and get rid of Tina since she was such a huge threat, my belief that eventually MB would explain to us why Colby voted for Rodger instead of Amber during that key vote (can anyone think of a reason other than ensuring he wouldn't lose a 2-2 tie if Lis won immunity?). And let's not even get started on my oh-so-pathetic choices on who would vote for whom during the final vote.

Thanks to all for making this season way more fun than it should have been, given the crap MB put on the air! Time for me to watch my Boot Camp tape from Wed. so I can still stay involved in the fun. Kisses and see you for S3!


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-06-01, 10:58 AM (EST)
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30. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
>a huge threat, my belief that eventually MB would explain to us
>why Colby voted for Rodger instead of Amber during that key
>vote (can anyone think of a reason other than ensuring he
>wouldn't lose a 2-2 tie if Lis won immunity

Try this: Colby was maneuvering to get Amber's vote because she would have seen that he didn't vote her out. It worked: On Final Jury, Amber voted for Colby, whereas Jerri voted for Tina.

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"I've never been bored a day in my life. Only boring people get bored." -- Jerri Manthey


idiotcowboy 1135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

05-04-01, 02:11 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Best Moment- Picking Amber... I had not really picked one right for my own reasons before that. This one I reasoned and backed with logic and spoilage... and a lot of people weren't going for it, until elipsiiis (and BH) picked her the next day. Made me feel real good.

Best Moment (almost)- Picking Colby to win from the first post I made, and never backing down from it... almost worked out too, but he's still a winner in my book. A whole lot of class there last night... made me proud to have backed him.

Worst Moment- Jerri... it still doesn't make good game sense. The spoilers were right there and I ignored them in favor of logic. Stupid idiot... cowboy that is.

Worst Moment (almost)- elipsiiis... really bugged me for a while (to the point I stopped posting on spoiler much)... with the info we were getting (i.e. next to nothing) to be as right as they were EVERY time, just wasn't right... but I got over it... not until they crashed and burned on the chat thing... but I got over it

Final thoughts of S2 (almost)- I find it interesting (and fitting) that Dawg and I have the opposite hi/low marks. Dawg and I hardly ever agreed but that’s what makes this whole thing fun... different perspectives, coupled with a civil discourse.

Final Thought of S2- It was fun... thanks everyone. Especially webby I really respect the way you run this place!


PS: Dalton... I was going for Colby anyway... no need to apologize to me.


skierdude10 114 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

05-04-01, 03:22 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Best: Black widow Jerri, I meant that Colby had to go to the f2 because Jerri had not black widowed anyone yet. Mb didn't say that for nothing

Worst: Thinking that Billybob had something going for him

Proudest Moment: Starting an IC thread

Standing up to flames

making Shakes shut up....hehe

Most foolishly felt: Whe I first joined the SB board, and I started a voting thread for the bootee, then Shakes flamed me, and that was the start to it all

This eason was awesome and I thank everyone !


janisella 698 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-04-01, 03:43 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
OK, first of all my boast - predicting Mitchell's ouster.

My lowest point - just about every post-merger prediction, basically because I thought after Kelly's immunity streak in S1 that MB would make sure that didn't happen again, as well as refusing to believe Mike would get burned (I really thought something that serious would have leaked to the press)


StratPlayer 27 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

05-04-01, 04:25 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
My selection record was 2-13. Not much to boast about. Still, it was fun playing along.

Thank's to everyone here for your great posts and proving once again the reality TV message boards are better than the reality TV shows!


anotherkim 14420 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-01, 04:36 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
First of all, just have to be one of the many to say that I have really enjoyed this board. I have had a hell of a time posting due to some bizarre technical difficulties that only I encounter online, but I hope to have that all fixed by S3.

Brag--Jerri voted for Tina and I knew she would. I said it more than once and was totally dissed by more than one person.

Worst--I really thought that Colby would lose an IC and get voted off--I was just sure of it. I never would have picked them to be in the final two because I didn't realize how close their alliance was to the end.


bondt007 3413 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-04-01, 05:03 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Worst: The Maddog boot caught me way off guard. Belived the " Liz kicks butt" lie completly. Originally thought Colby and Tina would go early...

Best: Stuck to my guns on the Jerri boot due to the Alisha shopping trip/vacation. After E3, thought Tina would win it all. I was sure Keith would get the boot leaving Tina and Colby due to Greg's coin-flip vote in S1, and knowing T/C would not want to leave it up to chance like that this time.


flying squirrel 290 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

05-04-01, 04:52 PM (EST)
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14. "Now me..."
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-01 AT 05:40 PM (EST)

Best: Although I wasn't the one who originated the idea (I think Superman and colbysincharge did), I became convinced that Mitchell was going to go in E4 and cast the vote that pushed the message board pick to Mitchell instead of Keith.

Worst: Creating the asinine idea that the omissions from Maralyn's list of friends (Jerri, Amber, Elisabeth, and Nick) were the final 4 -- 1 out of 4 is pretty bad. Runners-up: Missing the significance of the Debb's Friends list (but I wasn't alone there, was I? ); ignoring the other evidence and voting along with shakes that Nick, not Alicia, would go in E8. At least I got the next six boots right!

Most proud: Bringing color to these boards, after sleeeve and I discussed html off-topic to try to help out shakes.


IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-01, 05:19 PM (EST)
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17. "The Cat's Highs and Lows..."
The Lowest...

Being sooooooooo certain that Jerri couldn't possibly be going on the night that she, in fact, did depart. I had invested whole-heartedly in the 'logic' of playing the odds of the Oga numerical advantage to its fullest. I remember shamelessly begging Shakes not to vote Jerri as logic 'had to rule'. Thank gawd he didn't listen to your's truly and a clown vendetta was avoided!

The Highest...

My proudest moment was the rope maze challenge spoil. The video rarely lies!


SherpaDave 8326 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-01, 06:38 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: The Cat's Highs and Lows..."
>The Highest...
>My proudest moment was the rope
>maze challenge spoil. The
>video rarely lies!
Wasn't it also you who came up with the log rolling scenario? While not dead on the money, you were closer than anyone else I saw on any board. If you're not proud of that, I'm proud of it for you.

sleeeve 3456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-04-01, 07:15 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Proudest Moment: Spoiling Shakes the clown!... LC = Love Cruise!

Proudest Survivor Moment: Watching Tina and Colby make it to the final two... proving that Tina and Colby were allied and that Colby was in charge of his own fate (even if he did need to win a million challenges to get there)...

Worst Moment: Giving up on Colby, and picking him at the last second in the poll, when Amber was booted... HUGE mistake...

Best part of worst moment: Source Code, which I adamently refuted turned out to be a spoiler.

Most embarassing Moment: Crawling away from my flame war with shakes... I'm sure he doesn't remember it, but I was a newbie, and I was sure I had been crushed, and would be banished for life from SB... glad that didn't happen.


Krautboy 2750 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

05-04-01, 07:48 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Best Moment:

Casting my first vote as a newbie for Michael and having AK notice that I was one of only two to get it right...

Ego Boost:

Having that sweet Texas Lady, Dalton, say kind things about my spoiling in that sweet southern drawl. I'm a sucker for a southern women...

Lowest Moments:

Voting for Colby instead of Amber to spoil my six-in-a-row correct string. Amber could have gone to the final three with Roger and Elisabeth...oh well.

Realizing I couldn't audition for SurvivorIII because I'm not a US Citizen.

Best Board: SurvivorBlows

Thank-you all for making this a great season, look forward to talking to you all again soon...


dangerkitty 1913 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

05-04-01, 09:07 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"

Not too hard to find, since they stand out like a shining beacon against the gray murk of my mostly faulty logic and incorrect picks.

1. Getting the final three order correct, and for the right reason (Colby wins final IC, picks Tina because its "the right thing" to do, instead of taking sure win against Keith.)

2. Predicting the "food for shelter" deal. I'm sure others called this too, but when I posted it I hadn't seen any others say it yet. Proud of my logic on this one. (for once!)


1. Picking Colby to go for 2 or 3 weeks, up until the last week, because I was so sure that he would finally lose an IC, and that Tina was taking Keith to final 2. Took me until the final week to change my mind on this.

2.Believing that just because Nick and Amber had so little airtime, that meant they were going far into the game. Letting that guide my logic too much.

I'm sure there are many more of these, but this will suffice.

Congrats to all, and big giant thank you to Webby!!


"Nevermind" - Kurt Cobain and Emily Litella


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-04-01, 09:37 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
I just wanted to post and thank AK for posting this thread. I unfortunately had to tend to my falling-apart non-Survivor world today after spending too much time spoiling, plus for some reason I had this terrible headache this morning. I don't know if it was the wine or having to listen to that much Tina.

The posts look great fun and I look forward to reading them and writing up mine over the weekend. hope it's still going...
It's been a huge treat to find all you really smart and witty people to spoil with.


Superman 3157 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-05-01, 01:11 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Best Moment: Predicting the Mitchell ouster. I started the voting thread that week and went with Mitch early in the vote as did many others, Conspiracy Jim, for whom I have always had great respect spoiler-wise, then chimed in and proceed call us all spoot heads for even thinking Mitch. Well.....I stuck to my guns and Mitch did indeed recieve das boot. CJ humbly ridiculed himself with the sig line, "How can you even be thinking Mitch?!?!"

Worst Moments: These are so countless....I don't know where to begin. I guess the first was to refuse to believe that Colby made the final two even though all evidence pointed to it.

Oh yeah, and logging on to the board after a short hiatus only to find that I had been killed off by my sister and everyone was frantically trying to locate my corpse...that kinda sucked.

"Sniffing Glue Since 1974 and Still Going Strong"


shakes the clown 3366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-05-01, 02:54 AM (EST)
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25. "my turn at the wheel !"
This thread was a great idea, it gave me a great chance to procrastinate writing the summary (which had about 20 minutes worth of material) I went back through the entire archives and pulled out some memorable posts....I'll be posting some stuff I found on the board a little later on, but now to the subject at hand.

I don't even know if I should talk about the low points cause it seems like every one in this thread already brought them up, but let's rehash anyway.

I think my biggest problem this season was my ability to flip-flop at the last minute.....there were numerous times where I had the bootee nailed all week and switched to the wrong person an hour before the show.

I did that with Jeff and Alicia.

Also, I was really good at posting great analysis followed up by faulty analysis in the next paragraph.

Here are some examples....

posted on 1/30 regarding "Debb's friends"

First, she talked about how her and Jeff Vermin were friends and had discussed the events that led up to Debb's sounded like they were pals and had plenty of time to talk about things..........this would lead me to believe that Jeff gets voted off at some point prior to the final else would Debb and Jeff have the time to bond and become friends??

Also, on a similar note, Debb stated that she had a chance to resolve her differences with Kimmi on the plane ride home. This could mean that Kimmi makes it to the end, or else Debb would've been able to "resolve" things at the loser resort. The fact that they were able to finally talk on the plane home might be a spoiler that Kimmi goes deep into the game....quite the inverse from the above situation with Jeff

Another example was the Alicia boot....I think I was one of the first people to identify her as the likely bootee in E#8 and then I switched my pick to Nick at the last minute...even after I reported Jeff's slipup to Rich Hatch on ET....that's just plain retarded.

Also, blowing the "Colby definitely goes" prediction and dragging some innocent people down with me was not a high point on my resume.

Other than that, I thought I had a helluva season here on the spoiler are some of my personal highlights from the SII:

I started out with a good call on the Beef Jerkey incident:

posted 2/1

.....actually, this point by Conspiracy Jim may prove to be ironic by night's end. The preview for tonight's episode states that "someone is accused of stealing food". This HAS to be the reason Kel gets tossed. As you pointed out yourself, there is no obvious reason to toss Kel, so a reason must come to light on tonight's episode...and that reason must be the "food stealing" story that dominates tonight's show.
The previews showed Jerri yelling at someone (a male), and MB stated in an interview that a "mob mentality" takes over leading to the ouster. My guess is Jerri is the ringleader of the accusations.

One thing though. Notice how the preview states that someone is ACCUSED of stealing food, it never says that the food was ACTUALLY STOLEN. So keep your eyes open for a possible false accusation.

Although not o fgreat importance, I correctly analyzed the vidcaps from teh stretcher RC:


Looking at the previews for next weeks episode, it looks like Ogakor loses the stretcher race....I think it is the Reward challenge, but I'm not sure.
Here is what I saw in the previews:
1. Lamber crying while wearing the same clothes she has on for the race.
2. Mike and Nick drop Jeff while carrying him, but even though they dropped him, they were still in the lead at the time and it looks like they had time to recover.
The "Jeff drop" is most likely a red herring similar to Rodger falling during the obstacle course.

And one of my proudest moments on the board came with this contribution:

posted 3/13

3/13/01 good

Regarding Tina, here is the last sentence in her segment:
"The first tub bath she took after coming home lasted 3 hours, says husband Dale. And at dinner, she was an eating machine."
Now, does this have spoiler value...I think so. There is no doubt that once you are voted out there is plenty of food to be eaten back at the ranch. The question is then, after starving yourself for thirtysomething days, how many days or meals of gorging would it take to return you back to your normal appetite and eating patters. There's no doubt that once you were booted, you would eat like a pig for at least a couple of days, but probably not much longer than nay still be very thin, but you would no longer be hungry.

Considering that the Survivors stick around for a couple of days of post-production, I would say that only a person who made it to the final 2-3 would still be THAT hungry upon returning home.

And although I'm happy with nailing Tina in the final 3 that early, I wish I remembered this post from two months ago when i was filling out my PTTE...

posted 3/15

Here is a scenario where BT and KKK can have their cake and eat it to.

e#9 = Goodbye Nick
E#10 = goodbye Jerri
E#11 = KKK and Bt allign with Lizliz and KJ to dump Lamber.
E#12 = KKK and BT swing back to the Colbster and dump Rodger
E#13 = KKK, BT and Colbster dump Lizliz
The Colbster is involved in two alliances, why can't KKK/BT also??

and we all know that the only reason Nick and Scerri ended up being in the reversed order was because Nick won the IC.

I'm also proud of being one of the first to argue against an all-Ogakor final 5....

posted 3/19

On ET tonight, Alicia said that she hung around after production to go shopping for 5 days with Scerri! So it wasn't LAmber after all.
Also, all you Mike/Jesus fans out there who for some retarded reason believe that Mike won't lie to us b/c he's a Christian.....looks like you just came down with a case of "Foot In Mouth Disease" cause Mike DID lie about all 16 surivivor flying home together...obviously he was told to say this by

So, what does this mean????

Obviously, Scerri and Alicia didn't have a chance to become good enough friends while the game was going on to warrant such a trip....therefore, they HAD to become friends at the ranch, while serving on the jury.
This fits in with Varner's comments that Jerri is a great person away from the game and a friend of his.
It also looks good for the "premiere party" spoiler.

The question is, how long would Jerri ahve to be out of the game to allow for such a friendship to blossom??? I think the answer has to be soon! It can't be the final 5 for Jerri b/c think about it.....if she went off after every Kucha was already gone, there would be so much sh!t talking at the ranch about Jerri and the Ogawhores that Alicia would definitely have hard feelings against her (look at how long she has held a grudge against Kimmi)

Sorry CJ and Ayak, but I'm not willing to jump on the all-Ogawhore final 5 yet....the exit interviews of the castaways point in a different direction, and those interviews are the best spoiler material wever had.

also posted on 3/19

I think it's dangerous to buy into the Ogawhore final 5 theory at this point...especially when there are still way too many spoilers that point in a different direction (don't forget "Lizliz final 4" as well).

We can't forget the biggest spoiler of all, that being the way Burn-it is telling a story here....I know a lot of people are comparing Scerri to Rich in that she hated by everyone in America and yet keeps on sticking around...but, we have to remember something.....Burn-it may have painted Rich as the bad guy for most of SI, but by teh end of the show he managed to rehabilitate his character to the point where many people who hated him started to admire the way he played the game and actually found themselves cheering for him in the end..thus, even though Rich was the bad guy throughout, his story ended i a way that left many of the viewers satisfied. Burn-it has spent a lot of time getting his custormers pissed off at one of his characters and her how can he finish out her story and still leave his customers with a smile on their faces....would 5th place cut it?? I don't think so...she needs to go in such a way that she will be caught by total suprise...America needs to look in her face and realize that she had NO IDEA that she was getting whacked that night...we NEED to see her go down hard in order to be satisfied with our MBP shopping experience...

...and the only way that happens is if Scerri goes sooner rather than later, and definitely before we ahve seen our last KuchaKid.

This reasoning led me to be one of the few people to not only correctly pick Scerri as the E#9 bootee, but also have the correct logic and reasoning behind the prediction (which included correctly calling the Nick IC victory)

But overall, I am most proud of the elaborate and challenging discussions I was able to participate in on a daily basis with the many talented posters in this spoiler community...thanks guys!

And, I'll leave you with one last post of mine, this one dated April 12....and it needs no explanation:

posted 4/12/01

But I do disagree with you about Tina.....she is the best player in this game, and its not even close.

I'm looking forward to seeing her win the million.


Mitrelleum 257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

05-05-01, 03:40 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"

I have been a lurker since the beginning of the season, but had very few posts. Most of the points I wanted to make were taken care of by most of the other posters, so I had little reason to post. However, I did vote and read the spoilers HEAVILY.
So despite being a newbie, I would like to show my greatest appreciation for the boards, and the intelligent and some times extreme speculation about the show. I wish I could have posted more. (Wow, pretty desperate huh?)

BEST MOMENTS. Debb and Kel were kind of a giveaway. But I correctly picked Jeff, Alicia, Nick and Rodger for booting.
I was totally surprised by everything else. Actually Lis getting booted didn't surprise me too much, but I still didn't get that one right.

WORST MOMENTS. Incorrectly picking Colby twice and underestimating his Immunity Challenge potential.
Absolutely refusing to believe the "El Rancho" spoiler.
Absolutely refusing to believe Jerri would be booted in E9.

REGRETS. Not contributing enough to the boards this season, but my computer loads everything r....e....a.....l.......s....l.....o......w...

Thanks to Shakes and his incredible summaries.
Thanks to AyaK and the plethora of vidcaps.
Thanks to all the other intelligent posters who made this game so much more fun, and for those not so intelligent, keep trying, you'll figure it out. longest post ever.

-My name is Roosevelt Franklin, yeah yeah yeah...


wolf1bh 38 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

05-05-01, 04:00 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
haha what a great thread- ummm
i have too many worst posts to name - wishing that jerri would make the final 4 (believing all the way up until her boot that her and lamber would be smart enough to defect from k/t/c)
picking amber to win 8 weeks ago not to bright ...ummm ...

"10 reasons keith could win" post i guess is my top lame brainer-
if only i had seen the "got milk" ad the day before! (i think i picked keith because i have this annoying habit of rooting for the outsiders and it clouds my judgement)

i'm proud of being in the wee minority who picked thin lizzies ouster correctly

this fall - i will definately do more homework before making my picks! p.s. anyone get word yet on any callbacks for s3?



GG 142 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

05-05-01, 05:53 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
The Best:

- starting a new thread for my first post and not getting flamed for it (42 messages, OMG <click>). Thanks Icecat, even though we got it soooooo wrong about Jerri staying longer into the game.

- not being flamed a single time by Shakes Have I succeeded in 'flying under the radar?'

- actually being able to come up with alternative theories and back them up. Even if some of them were stretching...

The Worst:

- getting every bootee wrong. Apart from Rodger that is, which was hardly the most difficult prediction in the world to make.

- coming up with theories that didn't materialize. It seems to have gone drastically down hill from that first thread......

Report Card To Self: MUST TRY HARDER for S3!!


TOL 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

05-05-01, 02:39 PM (EST)
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29. "Oh-so minor, and yet, here I am..."
Boast: I finally got the time and inclination a couple of weeks ago to not just read the superb spoilerage here, but to actually post. Nope, I didn't provide a damn thing, but playing around for a day or two got me an invite by a SB regular to the snark board. 'kay, so that made me puff up with pride (or pregnancy... could be either).

Confession: sucks to be me, because today is the first time since then that I have had time to return to post. But if you'll have me, I'll hang out here until next time. If the timing's right, I'll be on a leave of absence for the Africa season. Free time!


DivaByTheSea 175 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

05-07-01, 11:27 AM (EST)
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31. "best and worst"
The Best Moments for the Diva --

Sticking to my guns that Jerri gets booted. Of course, I shamelessly voted for her everytime (see worst moments). But I honestly believed that it lined up just right for her to go.

Also, correctly predicting the Amber boot and being one of the few to last a while in the PTTE b/c of it. Also recognizing the BT/C alliance as being the strongest--and they were trying to maintain a 2 up Oga-whore advantage.

Worst moments --

Shamelessly voting for Jerri, even when I really knew she wouldn't go. I just couldn't stand her. Believing that BT would let Rodger and Lis stay in the game longer, booting Keith 5th to end. (or maybe even Colby). I really wanted, and was rooting for, a good guys alliance.

Neither ---

Shamelessly having a serious case of the hots for Colby. Damn, that's one fine Texan.

**** Remember, the mighty oak was once just a crazy little nut that held its ground. ****


ItzLisa 3350 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-07-01, 12:09 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
LAST EDITED ON 05-07-01 AT 12:14 PM (EST)

Well, I've never contributed a whole lot to the spoilers, because, frankly, I'm not that good at figuring them out. But, I did post something without realizing it had valuable spoiler potential - although, other folks on the board figured it out, whereas I didn't have a clue, LOL!!! I bring you...

My Proudest Moment -
1. I was the one who posted the NY Daily News article about Alicia signing the kid's autograph "GO KUCHA!". After that, the "Brains That Be" on this board figured out that she was still identifying with her old tribe rather than the new merged one, indicating she gets the boot VERY quickly after the merger, and sure enough, she was the second to go.

2. Correctly picking, in order, K/C/T as the final three - thanks for the kudos, Dalton! I'm so rarely right, hee hee!

My Worst Moment -
Thank God I didn't post this here! It was so embarrassing! I'd discussed, after Tina asking Rodger who needed the money more, him or Lis, if Tina might have been thinking of letting LisLis go into the final two with her out of sympathy - either having Lis win $100,000 or flat out winning the million (though I did stick with Tina as my final pick to the very end - this was just a theory on Bashers). What the heck was I thinking??? Call it a moment of weakness! Quadruple thanks to Shakes for not flaming my over THAT one!

Kudos to: Shakes - my main reason that I picked Tina till the very end was when Shakes posted the People Magazine article about Dale's comments. From that moment on, I hung onto Tina as my winning pick like a rat on a meat truck!

P.S. to AyaK - regarding your "GUT" name "borrowed" by the the Sleazy-Boards at might, and I repeat, MIGHT have a similar bragging right, though I'm not totally certain (and besides, mine is SO lame!). About two days before posted their summary of the final episode, George Tirebiter and I were joking around about (among many things) Tina's boobs. I know many people have joke names for them - hell, Supe did an entire top ten list about them! But in my reply to GT, I referred to Tina's boobs as "Funbags" - a term I've NOT seen them referred to on these boards, and not THAT popular of a "joke-boob" term, know whut I'm sayin'? About two days later, maybe not even two days, posts their final episode summary, and in it, refers to Tina's boobs as "Funbags"!!!! Stupid and childish, I know - but I do believe (in the words of Dave Letterman) I been "Play-Jo-RIZED", LOL!!!!!

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

Bubbles: "Er, um, excuse me? Mr. Monster? I was wondering if you would, er, be so kind as to stop destroying Townsville? We like our town very, very much and I would appreciate it if you would just leave. Pretty please with sugerlumps on top?"


nailbone 27263 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-08-01, 12:47 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Proudest: Maintaining from Day One that Colby made it to the end, even if it was purely "Texan" rooting at first.

Worst: Falling for the Amber/Lizzie website deal, and trying to convince myself that Lizzie made it to the end, despite all the evidence and logic that it would be Tina

Funnest: Seeing that all the Keith/Tina alliance supporters were wrong, and that it was *Colby* and Tina all along!! And seeing Colby do the right thing by taking Tina, even if it did cost him the $900K.

Looking forward to spending S3 with y'all....

The road goes on forever and the party never ends - Robert Earl Keen


MDSkinner 716 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-08-01, 01:19 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
The Good -

I had a few fun disagreements with CJ. I would not say that I was ever right or ever wrong, but they were very enjoyable conversations for me.

The Bad -

Picking Keith to go to the final two based on my impression that Colby and Tina both wanted to win. I guess I did not give the Texan enough credit on this one, it appears he did not just care about the cash. I was dead ass wrong on that pick.

It has been great, and I hope some of you all stick around during the off season. If not, I look forward to SIII.


Minstrel 422 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

05-08-01, 05:56 PM (EST)
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35. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
Note: this really isn't a reply to MDskinner's post, just that I am keeping the order of the posts.

Once again, another show ends and we look toward the third installment. We have all had some great discussions and interactions regarding spoilers and analysis and I have enjoyed each and every poster here. There are plenty of great people on this board.

There are plenty of "Best" and "Not So Best" moments I guess I coud personally list, but like many here, it has been a "growing" experience. I watched Survivor from day 1, episode 1 of S1. Addicted as I became, I "predicted" very well, or at least could hold my own getting about ten of the boots correct that go around.

With S2, I got better. Expanding to challenges (which this board does not predict or vote on), my personal record improved as did my spoiling ability. Reason? Increased addiction and increased interaction with the Internet Survivor Spoiling community, including this board and a number of its members for which I thank those here unilaterally.

Special note goes to Aya, as I remember our discussion for E6 and Mike's burned hands. Aya, I know is an excellent poster for both analysis and spoiling. It was not that I did not know fake spoilers existed, but in fact were there two fake spoilers on the hands pic? I think to, in part, that I really wanted Mike to win and that helped to cloud my judgment at the time. So, just to be sure, I apologize to Aya if I convinced him to change his mind on that issue. It was not my intention, I assure you as I have no malicious intentions to any posters on this board.

I also want to thank some of the "more prominent" members for certain contributions:

Aya: For the boot vote thread and totals. BTW, for S3, will this thread include challenges too? Have we gotten good enough to try predicting those? Will S3's vote thread start with E1?

Shakes: Great summaries and posts in general! Love the round and round she goes confusion that certainly affects us all when trying to analyze and spoil this show. It shows a lot about dedication to "finding the truth" and predicting the outcome!

Conspiracy Jim: Good "counter/devil's advocate" and looking for the obscure! At least that's how I saw many of your posts. Going against the grain! To me, a sign of growth in spoiling and analysis.

OutFrontGirl: I only saw your posts in the last part of the show, but obviously very keen thinking on your part.

I apologize for leaving out anyone ("I accept this award and thank you all again!"), but I could go on for a while here.

As I said, I did not go without my "Best or Not So Best" moments, but one thing that is "my best" is the day I joined this board. Thanks again to all, and I look forward to discussing, analyzing, and spoiling S3!


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

05-08-01, 06:20 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
LAST EDITED ON 05-08-01 AT 06:21 PM (EST)

First of all, I would like to claim the title of "'s worst predictor."

That said, I have no real boasting at all, since my greatest accomplishment was predicting two bootees in a row (Jerri/Nick). Ack!

Now here I present some highlights from the Survivorerist reel of shame. Most of these things were made in places other than the boards, so there aren't really any corresponding posts. If you thought you were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet...

Episode 1

Boot Prediction: Tina (Not only did I get it wrong...)

Episode 2

Boot: Jerri (I can't believe I missed Kel)

Episode 7 Predictions

Boot: Keith (I had a knack for picking IC winners to get booted, I think I may have done it a few times post-merger...)

Episode 11 Predictions

RC Winner: Amber
IC Winner: Amber
Boot: Elisabeth

(What was I on here, crack?)

Episode 14 Predictions

IC Winner: Colby
First Boot: Keith
Winner: Colby

(I couldn't even go out with a bang...)

I ended the season with a dismal score of 38.2% (13/34 predictions). When you guys are spoiling next season, one hint. Guessing the opposite of what I guess is usually a good bet.

Edited to change my title from worst spoiler to worst predictor, as I didn't really do much "spoiling."



"It's day seven and we just caught our first fish. It did take us a week but, hey, it's better than two weeks."
-The Early Days of the Late Amber Brkich


basiclady 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

05-08-01, 08:31 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: Confessions and Boasts"
ah, the SHAME

i had myself totally convinced after the outback cafe episode

that Tina had ordered all the contestants gifts with her $500
Target Visa shopping spree

and that the mystery guest next week was the FEDEX guy delivering

the goodies! I figured that would be something she would do to

manipulate votes-I would have!

then i had the gall to post my prediction, SHAME,SHAME



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