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"Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."
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IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-08-01, 08:01 PM (EST)
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"Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."
Well... there is absolutely nothing out there in terms of spoilers for what the IC and RC are going to be for EP11. In the absence of 'hard spoilage', I would like to engage in some educated speculation...

We know that a flood will occur in EP11. When a flood happens, the beach front tends gets kinda submerged in water. Where have the vast majority of challenges been held?

ON THE BEACH! (How's that for a literary reference, Shakes?)

This flood appears to come upon them fairly quickly and I expect that the production staff would be scrambling just as much as the tribe members. It is not too much of a stretch to visualize a competition filming area being swept down the river or at least being submerged.

Now... what does MB's crack production team do in order to have a set ready on time to perform a challenge?

1. They move it inland... and once they are inland they have to contend with... TREES;

2. If you have a short period of time, you don't reinvent the wheel... you RECYCLE a challenge from Survivor 1;

This all seems resonable, does it not? No outlandish speculation, here.

Now here's the best part:

On this site:

they have three aerial shots of challenge pics... two have them have already been proven true as they appeared in EP9:
(they are near the bottom of the page)

1. The Obstacle Course
2. The Tug-of-War / Shakey Log

The middle shot shows some ropes tied to a center tree in a clearing in the woods:

Look familiar... Remember the rope maze in Survivor 1?

Now... put it all together... it's at a location inland away from the flooded beach, it's appears to be similar to a previous challenge implying they had to rush it...

Here's my prediction...

One of the challenges for EP11 and I have a hunch it will be the IC... is


I think it's the best we have to go on thus far! (but that ain't sayin' much)



  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 or E12? AyatollahKhomeini 04-09-01 1
   RE: or E12? IceCat 04-09-01 2
   RE: or E12? LIZZLOVER 04-09-01 3
       Horses? AyatollahKhomeini 04-09-01 4
           RE: Horses? IceCat 04-09-01 7
               But if horses are shown... sleeeve 04-09-01 12
                   RE: But if horses are shown... LIZZLOVER 04-09-01 13
                       Saddle, not ride? AyatollahKhomeini 04-10-01 24
                           RC vs IC IceCat 04-10-01 27
                           RE: Saddle, not ride? Tyler_Durden 04-11-01 31
                   RE: But if horses are shown... dangerkitty 04-10-01 26
       Rope Count Detail Pic IceCat 04-09-01 5
           RE: Rope Count Detail Pic LIZZLOVER 04-09-01 6
               It's the Team Work that Gets Result... IceCat 04-09-01 8
               RE: Rope Count Detail Pic ravensfan 04-09-01 9
                   RE: Rope Count Detail Pic LIZZLOVER 04-09-01 10
                       RE: Rope Count Detail Pic XypyWolf 04-11-01 37
                   Re: Unused Challenge Apparatus IceCat 04-09-01 11
                       RE: Re: Unused Challenge Apparatus Loree 04-09-01 14
                           RE: Re: Unused Challenge Apparatus ravensfan 04-09-01 15
                           Re: Mike Challenge - Swimming IceCat 04-09-01 16
                               Rope Challenge = IC Loree 04-09-01 17
                                   Yes... Ideal for Smaller Agile Peop... IceCat 04-09-01 18
                                       RE: Yes... Ideal for Smaller Agile ... Loree 04-10-01 19
                                       or Amber... kanabo 04-10-01 23
                                           My thoughts exactly AyatollahKhomeini 04-10-01 25
                                               RE: My thoughts exactly thecrock 04-11-01 33
                                   Time for a female to win IC bebekid 04-11-01 39
                   RE: Rope Count Detail Pic SurvivinDawg 04-10-01 28
 RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges.... Goblin 04-10-01 20
   RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges.... Lightmage81 04-10-01 21
   Sentimental Phone Call Home... sleeeve 04-10-01 22
 RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges.... Brusky 04-10-01 29
   RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges.... LIZZLOVER 04-10-01 30
       RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges.... PepeLePew13 04-11-01 32
           RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges.... thecrock 04-11-01 34
           RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges.... Rudyrox 04-11-01 38
 RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges.... ana128 04-11-01 35
 random thoughts/possibilities Lisapooh 04-11-01 36
   RE: random thoughts/possibilities 40thandUp 04-11-01 40

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AyatollahKhomeini 2008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

04-09-01, 08:27 PM (EST)
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1. "or E12?"
IC, thanks for the link here -- I had not read this post. But doesn't the same logic that you used also hold true for E12? We know there is more rain coming -- then it dries out after E12.

Could MB really have gotten all the ropes for a rope maze ready in a few hours (all the daylight time he'd have between the flash flood at the end of the RC and the start of IC)? I don't know; I'm asking for help here...


IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-01, 08:33 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: or E12?"
I'm thinking that his original set for EP11 were washed away in the flood... I think a rope maze is pretty easy to construct than some of the other devices used in previous challenges... the obstacle course, the maze, the fire/rain scales. You just start with ropes tied to a central tree and spread out with some over laps in between. Probably could be constructed in a couple of hours.

Also... the man is ex-military. One thing I learned in the military is that you always have a back-up plan. What better back up plan than a cheap and easy challenge that can be set up and taken down is a matter of hours.


LIZZLOVER 235 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-09-01, 08:38 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: or E12?"
Well, since IC and AK and myself seem to be the only people responding to posts at this time, allow me to give my input.

I believe that MB was VERY aware of the weather situation (as we have been) and could have this set up prior to the actual challenge. What I mean by that is, perhaps this was to be used in a future eipisode, but since the weather threw a wrench into things, moved it up a bit. Can anyone tell how many "leads" are comiing off the center of the web? Whether or not this has any play on the game is anyone's guess. I would assume it has something to do with the amount of contestants that are left, unless there are dead ends. A simple "X" with a line down the center would seem to represent 6 memebers remaining, which is what we have.

I think this is the IC this week, but that's just my opinion.

Lizz Just Is


AyatollahKhomeini 2008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

04-09-01, 09:13 PM (EST)
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4. "Horses?"
I agree with IC that MB would have a fallback plan. I've been wondering if the IC could really involve horses in some way (but not with Rodger falling off ) -- in other words, a classic MB half-truth...

Even though the survivors are in what looks like a wilderness, it's part of a large station with lots of animals. Coming up with six horses would not be a problem. The question is, what could be done on horses that would (a) look good on TV and (b) not be too dangerous? I don't have any ideas about that.


IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-01, 09:31 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: Horses?"
Here's an idea...

They have to shift locations for the immunity challenge.

The new location is a long distance from the new encampment area and possibly involves a climb.

The tribe members are pretty much exhausted from salvaging their gear and rebuilding camp.

MB has them ride horses up to the IC location so that they are not absolutely lethargic for the competition. Remember how dead everyone looked at the last IC? MB would not want a repeat of the 'Challenge of the Living Dead'

We heard in the past that the tribe members were sometimes taken to locations via vehicles. With a flash flood in progress the only reliable transportation may be via horseback.

Do you guys get the feeling that this all starting to come together and 'ring a little like the truth'?


P.S. Remember about what I said about when the board is at it's most enjoyable? - This is it!


sleeeve 3456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-09-01, 09:53 PM (EST)
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12. "But if horses are shown..."
I'm really in agreement with you here, IceCat!!! I think that the horses will be a means of transportation, especially with the dirt roads washed away!!!

(They might even be used as transportation to TC instead of one of the challenges)...

HOWEVER, we have always been lead to believe that they hike everywhere, because MB does not want us to see them having any contact with the outside world (except, of course, for JP)... the people who instructed them about how to throw boomerangs were edited out, the camera crew is never shown, the vehicles that take them to TC are edited out... etc, etc...

Therefore, I think that someone (Rodger) may actually get injured... this would be the ONLY reason that MB would include the footage of transportation horses... otherwise, we'd just see an edit where they are shown arriving at the challenge.

Thus, if horses are used for transportation, and not for a challenge, there is probably an injury.

Now, with that logic in mind, we have to decide whether or not the horses are likely to be used in a challenge. I think not... using them in a challenge would require special instruction, handlers to be present at all times (meaning on camera), and would give an advantage to those that have riding experience (ie: Colby)... Furthermore, the type of horse competition that they would be able to compete in would be rather lame for TV (ie: horses would not trot or lope, but merely walk, and people would get bored watching people continually try to get their horses to go in the right direction...)

I've ridden horses at a guest ranch before, and after an entire week of riding, the guests are given a chance to compete in a "rodeo"... believe me when I say that the skill level and games, even after a week of training, would NOT make for good TV. However, a simple trail ride (where each horse follows the one in front of it) as a means for the group to travel to an event would be very plausible...

Thus, it is my opinion that we will see horses this week, but only because something significant happens during the ride (ie: an injury)... but since MB has leaked this spoiler, it will not play a significant role in how events play out within the episode.


LIZZLOVER 235 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-09-01, 10:01 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: But if horses are shown..."
Actually Sleeeve, I've already read, and I'm sure someone can back me up, that they "hike" for an hour or so, and then are transported via jeep for an hour or so (or otherwise) to TC at each meeting. So, I doubt that horses are used to get to TC.

Lizz Just Is


AyatollahKhomeini 2008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

04-10-01, 11:59 AM (EST)
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24. "Saddle, not ride?"
LAST EDITED ON 04-10-01 AT 12:00 PM (EST)

I also have a problem with the idea that the survivors would ride horses for IC, starved and weakened as they are after the flood. But one thing that I think has been consistent is that a repeated challenge remains as an RC or an IC, whichever it was the first time. In other words, I think this rope maze challenge will be an RC (as it was in S1), not an IC.

I'm still not willing to give up on some type of horse involvement in the IC, because I think this was one of MB's half-truths at work. I don't think he was referring to using the horses for transportation. What if the challenge was something other than riding? For example, the survivors might have to saddle and mount a horse for immunity, not ride one. First one mounted wins immunity.


IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-10-01, 07:28 PM (EST)
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27. "RC vs IC"
LAST EDITED ON 04-10-01 AT 07:32 PM (EST)

I agree... it would not MB's first choice to have this rope challenge as an IC.

Don't forget that a major part of my premise is that MB is responding to his first plan being disrupted by the flood. He may have to go with something he didn't want to in order to have IC to run on time.

Edited to add:

Perhaps the Rope Maze was scheduled to be the RC for EP12 and was already under construction during the time of EP11. When the flood takes out his scheduled IC for EP11 he could tell his crew to speed up work on the rope maze and use it as his IC for EP11. That's the kind of adaptation on the fly that a military guy would do when the situation 'becomes fluid' (pun definitely intended)



Tyler_Durden 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-11-01, 00:36 AM (EST)
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31. "RE: Saddle, not ride?"
I have a feeling the horse/horses are part of the Reward. Winner gets a picnic at the local Dude Ranch or something like that.
I know we're looking for RC or IC info but the horse thing's really buggin me and couldn't help myself

dangerkitty 1913 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-10-01, 12:11 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: But if horses are shown..."
>would be the ONLY reason
>that MB would include the
>footage of transportation horses... otherwise,
>we'd just see an edit
>where they are shown arriving
>at the challenge.
>Thus, if horses are used for
>transportation, and not for a
>challenge, there is probably an
Just a thought as I read this: what about the foreshadowing in ep10 of Keith chasing butterflies - and his comment "cowboy can ride horses and bulls, but he can't catch a grasshopper"? Injecting competitiveness and jealousy from Keith towards Colby. Colby's comments "must learn from master". Was that pure humour or also irritation? We know how competetive Colby is. There could be more airplay of that dynamic during the ride. And it matters because of how the upcoming boot decisions are to be made, and how this "alliance" gets along.

Ep 10, Keith looked like he was being set up as the new one to dislike. Pouting, arrogant, jealous. We may be seeing tension between K and C in ep11.




IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-01, 09:21 PM (EST)
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5. "Rope Count Detail Pic"
Great idea to count the ropes LL!

Here's the results... there is a group of six very well defined rope paths going off to the right.

There are also six less defined rope paths on the left. I initially thought that they would head out on the right and return in on the left. However, because of the rather haphazard placement of the ropes on the left side, I'm thinking that they may just be the tie off points for the ropes.

There definitely six paths going off to the right, though.

Six paths... six contestants!

Thanks for thinking of counting the ropes... Great idea!



LIZZLOVER 235 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-09-01, 09:28 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Rope Count Detail Pic"
Nice detail work, IC!!!! That's what we need to see, meaning the closeup pic!! You are awesome with detailing the pics (from previous posts). We are pretty sure that they are NOT going to start off in diffenent areas AROUND the "web", so it only makes sense that there would be 6 leads headed towards one direction, if indeed this is the IC (which it should obviously be at some point)! Nice job on the enhanced photo, IC!!!

Lizz Just Is


IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-01, 09:37 PM (EST)
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8. "It's the Team Work that Gets Results!"
I'm a firm believer in the process of putting your ideas in front of everyone and then refining them.

Sort of like the 'peer review' process that serves scientific endeavours so well.

Thanks for the positive feedback, LL.


ravensfan 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-09-01, 09:37 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Rope Count Detail Pic"
Couldn't this also be the unused IC from the week Mike caught on fire?? I seem to remember seeing this picture on SFever early in the show. Has anybody checked the challenge sheets??
(Please be kind -- I'm a LONG time lurker everywhere and first time poster anywhere!)

LIZZLOVER 235 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-09-01, 09:45 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Rope Count Detail Pic"
No flame from me!! I too have seen that pic there, but it hasn't been used yet, so I can ASSUME it will be a future one. Well, there aren't too many episodes to go, and if you spent the money to have it it. It may very well have been a previous challenge that got scrapped because of Mike, but why waste it if you have it?? Especially with the flood wreaking havoc on your "challenge beach". The 6 defined ropes lead me to believe this is going to happen this week.

Lizz Just is


XypyWolf 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-11-01, 02:16 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: Rope Count Detail Pic"
I'm new, but I had to add that I read that MB gave Kucha choice of having immunity challenge anyway after mike left, and risk going into merge one less player or don't have IC, and he also told them it was physical and involved swimming, so they decided not to due to Rodger not being able to swim.

IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-01, 09:47 PM (EST)
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11. "Re: Unused Challenge Apparatus"
Welcome aboard Ravensfan... thanks for your post and for posting on an existing thread.

You are right, a challenge site was rumored to be left unused after Mike's accident. A lot of speculation pointed to the challenge being the obstacle course that eventually appeared in EP9... but it is possible that the rope maze could have been the unused challenge as well.

If it were the unused challenge, it would be a ideal back-up that MB could resort to if his primary plans were altered by the flash flood.

Nice contribution for your first post, Ravensfan!



Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-01, 10:25 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Re: Unused Challenge Apparatus"
Did you mean that this rope challenge might have been the IC the week Mike got hurt? Because I don't think it was. Jeff V said in an interview that when Mike got hurt they were given the choice if they wanted to still do the IC. But Jeff V said that because the IC involved swimming (and they had Rodger) they decided to just merge the way they were.

I don't see how swimming would be involved in this rope challenge. I do wonder if it will be the RC or the IC. In the first series they used this type challenge as the reward one and Colleen won the barbecue meal she shared with Jenna.


ravensfan 2 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-09-01, 10:34 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Re: Unused Challenge Apparatus"
After reading your reply I do recall seeing the "swimming" comment. Oh well...I just thought it seemed strange that we would have seen this picture so long ago and it hasn't been used yet.
What other challenges do we know of that haven't been used yet?? The "Concentration" game, what else?
(Just an observation -- if I had posted my first message over at EZ board I'm sure I would have been reamed for not knowing exactly what was supposed to be done when, and for it being my first post. You guys are ALOT nicer over here! Thanks...)

IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-01, 10:36 PM (EST)
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16. "Re: Mike Challenge - Swimming"
You are right Loree...

I definitely remember that posting where Jeff V. described Kuchas reasoning for not having a challenge.

Regarding whether the Rope Maze would be RC or IC, I would say that it is more likely to be IC. My reasoning for this is that MB would more likely use a challenge recycled from S1 if it were in an emergency back up plan.

AyaK's TV listing posting puts the flash flood as occuring during or after the RC, so the RC probably went as planned. My assertion is that the flood caught MB by surprise just as much as it caught the tribe members and that it was the IC challenge site on 'Challenge Beach' that was disrupted by the flood.

MB resurrects the Rope Maze (or a variant) as a back-up plan so that an IC can occur.



Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-01, 11:00 PM (EST)
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17. "Rope Challenge = IC"
IceCat that makes sense. So if this is the IC we can expect one of the females would likely be best at it. Colleen narrowly beat Kelly at this type in the first round. Any guesses on who will win immunity this week? Liz or Amber maybe? They both may have reasons to need it.

IceCat 17415 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-09-01, 11:28 PM (EST)
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18. "Yes... Ideal for Smaller Agile People"
I agree!

I was just saying in another thread that this would an ideal challenge for Liz to win immunity on. If one believes that the Ogas have returned to a standard voting-off-the-Kuchas strategy, either Rodger or Liz is on the block this Thursday. For a number of reasons that I have discussed on previous threads, I believe that Liz outlasts Rodger. Since Liz represents a greater potential immunity threat she would be the logical choice for the boot in EP11. She basically has to win immunity to outlast Rodger.

This would be an ideal challenge for Liz to get immunity on.


Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-10-01, 00:20 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Yes... Ideal for Smaller Agile People"
I think alot of things point to Liz outlasting Rodger in the game. One of them being Rodger as MadDog's friend. Plus the Boston Herald article about final 4 for Liz. I'm not sure if Rodger goes this week. But I do think he goes before Liz.

kanabo 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-10-01, 11:31 AM (EST)
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23. "or Amber..."
could this be the RC...I know that the location makes it more suitable for the IC, but they tend make ICs a bit more fair (and this, as was said before, favors females or smaller more agile people..then again, it is time for a female to win an IC...). We also know that either Colby or Amber wins the RC (spoiler/spec based on vidcaps of flood). So, could this be the RC and does Amber win it?

just a thought from a 1st time be nice (why do I feel the need to clarify, after all this isn't the ez board)

who would really like to see Liz win the IC and does not want Amber to win the RC (it'll make her a target...)


AyatollahKhomeini 2008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

04-10-01, 12:04 PM (EST)
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25. "My thoughts exactly"
Welcome, kanabo, nice to have you with us! I completely agree, although I don't know how this fits together with the picture of Rodger in swim trunks that we've seen from the time of the flood.

I picked Amber as one of the final two in the PTTE thread. But all of this evidence about the RC is making me MORE than a little bit nervous about her being a member of the final five, let alone the final two.


thecrock 14 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-11-01, 09:05 AM (EST)
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33. "RE: My thoughts exactly"
Are you saying Amber may have won the RC because of the braided hair pic that was discussed on another thread? One thought I had on that was Amber had previously had her hair braided by Tina, and it looked kinda like that pic.

I tend to believe that this is the IC, for the reasons already stated. Although it would fit into the statement that the camp was flooded while they were away at a challenge.

My gut reaction is that Liz wins the IC. But, I am eagerly awaiting vidcaps from the Early Show to give us something of more detail.


bebekid 1621 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

04-11-01, 03:04 PM (EST)
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39. "Time for a female to win IC"
I completely believe that MB would have an IC that favors females at this point. Four individual ICs, and 4 male winners in a row. This episode correlates with the Colleen boot in S1. That IC of standing on the beams over the water was clearly done for a female to win. Not that Sean or Rich couldn't have won (if Rich had shut up and concentrated), but MB certainly wanted a female to win. After 4 male wins in a row, I fully expect a female to win tomorrow night!

SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-10-01, 07:35 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: Rope Count Detail Pic"
I think that the reward challenge that Colby and Jerri won (that two lane obstacle course) was originally intended to be the Ep. 6 IC. That obstacle course made more sense to be run in teams rather than groups of two competing in heats.

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

"I've never been bored a day in my life. Only boring people get bored." -- Jerri Manthey


Goblin 24 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-10-01, 00:44 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."
I know we have to get through Ep. 11 but over on SurvivorFever there is a link to ClickTV that talks about Ep. 12 RC saying something along the line of "after being devistated by the flood the survivors spirits are lifted by a sentimental rc". Could this be the phone call home and Tina supposably wins?

Lightmage81 225 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-10-01, 01:56 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."
you got a point there!

sleeeve 3456 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-10-01, 02:00 AM (EST)
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22. "Sentimental Phone Call Home..."
This preview was mentioned in an earlier post, but I think we all sorta ignored it, so thanks for the reminder!

This indicates that Tina will not go anywhere this episode, because she must make her phone call home first...

Not a lot of people picking Tina to go this week, but htanks for the reminder of why we shouldn't.


Brusky 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

04-10-01, 08:53 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."

I have been lurking since EP1.. I wanted to share this theory I have about EP 11. I believe MB controls the outcome of S2 and with this in mind, he had a crew to do some "digging" around the dry creek bed and the raging river. One speculation is why was there a camera convienently placed in front of the dry creek bed watching the water trickle down? Just a thought wanna throw here. Btw, Colby is a threat and next to go.



LIZZLOVER 235 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

04-10-01, 11:34 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."
Brewskie (the way we spell it in the Midwest),

MB was full aware of the weather situation (as most of us have been) since day one. There have been people that have tracked it, and since, predicted that the "area" they were in was going to get a lot of rainfall. Whether they were digging trenches to make sure a flash flood occured during the filming is anybody's guess. I, for one, believe that you don't build a camp in the MIDDLE OF A DRY CREEK BED to begin with. Sabotage by MB, or not, it's not a very bright thing to do in the first place. After tracking the weather (like they did), and knowing a flash flood was probable, would make for some awfully nice footage for the show. That's why he makes the BIG bucks!!

Lizz Just Is


PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-11-01, 00:57 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."
Let's get real... it IS rather convenient that a camera was perfectly placed to view the dam breaking ... er, make that, flash flood. There's almost zero question in my mind that the flash flood was manipulated to build up some extra drama to the show. Kentucky Joe is a farm boy in the midwest and they get floods all the time - surely he knows enough to predict how something like an unmanipulated flood would go through, so IMHO Satan... er, MB, told the crew boys to back up the tractors and oops...

Hello Stacey and Nick... lawsuit anyone?

"I tell ya... something stinks here"


thecrock 14 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-11-01, 09:07 AM (EST)
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34. "RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."
Yup and it happens while they are conveniently on a challenge.

Rudyrox 152 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

04-11-01, 03:03 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."
*LOL* Yes, MB is a God and had power over how much rain fell on the camp. He was the mastermind behind the entire storm!
You're telling us to get real?;)

Seriously though... I think we give Mr. B a little too much credit sometimes.


ana128 17 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

04-11-01, 12:15 PM (EST)
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35. "RE: Speculation on EP11 Challenges..."
I saw this on ss. Maybe this is the reward challenge?



Lisapooh 12664 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-11-01, 12:54 PM (EST)
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36. "random thoughts/possibilities"
LAST EDITED ON 04-11-01 AT 12:58 PM (EST)

just a few ideas for some of our more pressing questions this week. As always - y'all have done such awesome work this week with little or nothing to go on.

* could the horses be used to help salvage or move the camp (like a pack animal) just can't see how they could be used in a challenge because of the skill level required and, on a personal note, I have a raging allergy to horses - it's debilitating and it's not uncommon.Seems like a logistical nightmare.

* Amber's new stylish 'do. I think the salon suggestion is a possibility, but I think there's a simpler explanation. As we have all seen. Little Miss Amber spends a lot of time braiding and unbraiding her hair. Hair left in braids for an extended period or hair braided when wet has a distinct wave when undone. It's the best temporary perm in the world. Plus - I don't think a "spa" visit would entice them at this point as a reward. Colby, Roger and Keith don't strike me as the pampering sort. And really, when you're that hungry, who cares about your appearance? I don't think it would be a reward that they would want to expend a lot of effort on. And a lethargic effort does not make for good TV! Dangle a Whopper in front of them and they would probably do anything.

* Rope maze - I agree that it is a hastily assembled back-up challenge or one that was in progress and rushed into use. I remember reading somewhere that Amber loved to climb trees or she is an excellent climber. I think she and Liz would naturally excel here. I also remember that in the People magazine special edition, Tina was climbing or swinging from a tree in her audition tape (of course she fell, but why quibble?) Any of these three could easily win.

edited to include my thoughts on the whopper! It is lunch time and I am quite hungry.


40thandUp 43 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

04-11-01, 03:43 PM (EST)
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40. "RE: random thoughts/possibilities"
After reading and spending way too much time on this weeks possible scenarios this is what feel has merit in playing out. Those responsible for bringing individual points to the board in the first place - kudos. Maybe something good will come out of the moring clip for a change.

RC then Flooded camp
The way I see it farmer Rodger gets a ride on horse to the Reward he won - no clue as to the actual challenge (maybe in the morning clips). He misses the group return to flooded camp - whether it is natural or staged. His query as to the rice whereabouts is upon his return.

The hero(es) are those that manage to reclaim swept away goods from the river while Tina cautions them about the river. Horse used to help when Rodger gets back? Maybe if someone thinks about it.

The 6 lines in the tree maze looks like a good bet for the IC. Liz starts her butt kicking now winning the necklace.

Now the decision of who to boot is one of 2. Rodger or Colby.

Colby to go
- is the biggest threat strengthwise.
- Friends with Nick
- Others need to keep feeble Rodger around to maximize their chances of winning future ICs
- Amber has sided with E/R and Colby loses the tie to Rodger?

Rodger to go
- The Kucha who didn't get Immunity next on list
- Friends with Marylyn? - which seems odd as they are at different locales
- Receipt pic ? Probably nothing

More against good reasons for Colby than Rodger - Colby should be gone.



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