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"S11 Gufu Award: Week 10!"
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dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-18-05, 01:45 AM (EST)
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"S11 Gufu Award: Week 10!"
Oh . My . Gawd!!!

Such a gufu-heavy episode I honestly don't know where to start!

Okay then, review the rules from last weeek here:

But Wait, Guess What, This Week You Have Four, No Make That Five, Actual Gufu Votes! That's right, five. No wait, on second thought make that four; gotta keep it manageable...

Ah, what the heck, make it five!



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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10! dajaki 11-18-05 1
 RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10! Fishercat 11-18-05 2
   RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10! emydi 11-19-05 4
 RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10! canadagrl 11-19-05 3
 RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10! dabo 11-23-05 5
 RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10! Dakota 11-23-05 6

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dajaki 1454 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-18-05, 01:33 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10!"
Only 5? I was kind of hoping to be able to award one to every single member of the F6 alliance. Oh well . . .

1. Let's start with Jamie. We've seen loads of obnoxious behavior in the past (Helen's incessant recipes, anything Jonny Fairplay did, etc.), but Jamie's paranoia and outright badgering of the people in his alliance took the cake. Shut up, dude! His constant harping translated to practically begging to be voted out.

2. Lydia. Has she ever had an original thought? If Stephenie suggests it, she does it. If Rafe suggests it, she does it. If Cindy suggests it, she does it. I'm just waiting for Steph to tell Lydia to write Probst's name on her ballot next time just for laughs. She'll do it.

3. Stephenie. She really should have clued in Judd at the last minute if she was thinking F2 strategy. She could have defended herself to him later. Jamie's a physical threat, Jamie's gone crazy, It was Rafe's strategy that he cooked up with LCG&D, I couldn't stop it, etc. Now if she is F2, she's lost Judd's vote.

4. Judd. He's clueless. Too bad. Was anyone else surprised by how pretty his wife is?

Cindy and Rafe are getting out of this one. Cindy for being a non-factor (though not as annoyingly so as Lydia) and Rafe for orchestrating the ouster of a physical threat.

Production: Reward Challenge where the mud is deeper than at least 1 survivor is tall.


Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-18-05, 03:10 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10!"
1. The Jamie ouster in general. OK, you gave a 6-2 advantage. On the two side, you have arguably the two best physical competitors remaining in this game. On the six side, you have a group that has stayed together, including a man so paranoid that you can surprise him any time for an easy boot in Jamie. So, what does the group of six do? They flip on a guaranteed vote. He's so out there that I can't see him doing anything majorly sneaky. Not only do they refrain on the ability to eliminate Gary or Danni, but they take out one of their own.

2. Stephanie's Role in the Flip: OK, she was not objecting to getting rid of Jamie as the leader of her group. Fine, that's her decision. But not telling Judd? That could be one of the worst Survivor moves ever. Judd, if he has one positive characteristic, is honest in terms of emotion. He can lie, just not well, and it has little value. There's no positive value that comes out of not telling Judd. Tell him, he moans about it, and you still eliminate Jamie. This is an obvious "you're in trouble" moment for Judd, and that could set off a jump to something like Gary/Danni/Judd/??? (Cindy?) and an easy F4 slot for each, (and before this week, one could argue that none of them may have made it). There's no advantage and was a hideous move

3. Lydia's lack of spine: Sure, Jamie saved my #####, and I'll vote him off like a sheep. Not that I have a problem with it, but she didn't come up with the plan and followed the group blindly.

4. Jamie's paranoia: Well, when you're in a group of 6-2 with the two obvious boots being Gary than Danni, you are pretty close to some members, and then you go crazy? Driving them to the edge of voting you off? I don't remember the last time that personal characteristics drove a vote like this in jury area.

Production: The Challenges. Those were some crappy challenges. Did Home Depot have a sale on ropes? My goodness, boring as hell. And not allowing them to clean up prior to reward?


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-19-05, 04:51 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10!"
Fcat...I agree with everything you said.

Steph's move was the worst for someone that had so much power...or did she? Rafe a lap dog, SURELY YOU JEST, jamie!!


canadagrl 209 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-19-05, 03:49 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10!"
Production Gufu?

Folger's coffee. Blatant product placement makes my lip curl. And while this kind of advertising is ubiquitous now, what made it worse for me is the specifics of this product (coffee) and this country (Guatemala). As I was watching the show, I thought, isn't Guatemala a coffee exporter? Sure enough, after I googled it, I learned that, in the last 3 years (2003 reference), over 200,000 Guatemalans in the coffee industry have lost their jobs because of the international coffee crisis (record low coffee prices). The site I looked at (PBS Frontline World, May 2003 show) said that the worldwide standard is $1.26/pound; a Guatemalan farmer they spoke to received 7 cents per pound.
If not for this ad, I would never have looked this up. The effect of this ad seemed to highlight Folger's as an evil corporation, mercilessly exploiting poor farmers. Nice work, guys.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-23-05, 02:51 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10!"
C#1: Lydia offs her best F2 buddy.

C#2: Gary, about that most deserving F4 garbage you were trying to sell, Jamie and Rafe had it all over you and Judd in that RC, that was just dumb.

C#3: Judd left out of the loop. Hey, strong-siders, way to weaken your alliance there.

C#4: Jamie Jamie Jamie, if only you'd have shut up your paranoid yap once in awhile maybe it wouldn't have been about you.

Production: Oh, hey, sending a midget into a mud pit, way to stack the odds there. I don't expect all the challenges to really be fair but every once in awhile that might be a nice change of pace.



Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-23-05, 08:49 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: S11 Gufu Award: Week 10!"
1. Jamie for hassling Gary like he did BoobyJon. Once his nemesis is gone, he proves to the world that his nemesis wasn't the problem, he is.
2. Jamie for driving Rafe crazy; Jamie for driving everyone crazy.
3. Judd for not being open to a change in plans with his alliance (based on his confessional comments). IMO that's why he wasn't told.
4. Steph not telling Judd, on the way to TC if not before, that they were voting Jamie. Period. Like it or not.
5. Cindy and Lydia for playing the Katie card. Just sit and wait to compete for the $100,000. Of course, neither of these Katies are obnoxious and hated, so they could actually win.

There hasn't yet been a real mental challenge. You know, remembering which items are in the bunch, remembering which items people have in a box, remembering which items were under a basket in a field, solving a puzzle, knowing stuff about Guatemala, etc. All the challenges have been physical except for the "tribe switch" one, which wasn't a challenge at all.

Mystic Artistry
Charter Member: Club Anti-DAW



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