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"LoserLodge is Open!"
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tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-06-05, 05:41 AM (EST)
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"LoserLodge is Open!"
LAST EDITED ON 03-06-05 AT 03:54 PM (EST)

One of life's big questions has always been the issue of "life after death".
Well, I'm not here to answer that debate.

But, I don't come empty handed.
I've done my own research and have come to some very conclusive results.
There is indeed, "life after boot"!

Never fear LoserLodge is here!

In the long tradition of Survivor-based games at Blows, most all of them have rules in which if you are incorrect, late or unlucky you are booted.
Well ... this is where the booted players (OR shall I say Losers) go. Where they may rest and play out the rest of their gaming-challenged days.

This season, LoserLodge is taking place on BasherIsland. A mysterious, fog-blanketed paradise.
It was once home to a thriving Sugar-Cane Plantation and Rum Distillery. Although long been deserted, it is rumored to still retain the spirits of the past.
Other then the beautiful scenery and mysterious history of the island, the fact that building costs were extremely low was the main catalyst to rebuild LoserLodge here.
Which, in a way, is the theme of this season. Cheap and mysterious.
As I have this strange feeling most of you will end up leaving LoserLodge thinking, "What the @*&! just happened?"

Perhaps you could follow me on a small tour.
The new facility is totally some-state-of-the-art.
Starting with the Clubhouse, which used to be the main Homestead.
This is where beats the real heart of LoserLodge.
We are standing in the island inspired sitting room. Over there is the plasmascreen on the wall and a shelf of movies to watch. Up the stairs are the offices.
Walking back through the sitting room and out the back-doors we can see the Poolhouse. Complete with 6 person jacuzzi, 30' wading pool, lounge chairs and lockerrooms.
There are 2 trails leading out of the backyard. Stay on the trails, we have a "VegetationRegrowth" in progress.
The communal Out-House is down the right-hand trail. If you continue walking down the right-hand trail you will reach "Hut Cam" and eventually the beach. Seeing as how there are no lifegaurds. Swim at your own risk.
Down the left-hand trail are the bunkrooms and the laundry facilities. This trail continues up to the "RumRunner Tapas Bar" (The bar is staffed but all potables will be the sole responsibility of the Losers. BYOB!) The trail then loops back to the front entrance of the Clubhouse.

I suggest that the first thing you do is familiarize yourself with the lay-out of the grounds. Or perhaps you could go straight to "Hut-Cam" ...
Hey! ... Oof ... Arrgh ... sheesh, let me get out of the way first ... Okay ... OR, the "RumRunner Tapas Bar". Nice to have seen you Katie and Johnny!

Well then, for those of you who are still here or those interested in how to play ... as stated, the name of the game is LoserLodge.
The premise is to pick each episodes biggest losers.
Be it sit-outs, reward losers, vote getters, whiners or whatever.
Because really, what would people in LoserLodge be talking about. Other than who's gonna vote for whom, who's gonna be next and who's the person least deserving to continue playing. Right?

In each weeks entry thread I will post 5 questions. I may also add in an additional bonus question.
The questions will probably be slightly different every week.
Considering the fact that this show itself has a way of changing, I will most likely be forced to change (adapt) as well.
They may seem to be hard questions but they will only result in positive points. The point values will change as well.
The main reason I'm only giving positive points is that I figure LoserLodge is pretty much the bottom of the barrel, the losers and the late-comers, so from here, the only way to go is up! Right? Right!

The Catch:
The only thing required from you, is that I will need you to go to the specially designed, "Hut Cam" and answer a few questions.
(EVERY WEEK. I mean it. I don't like kicking people out but there will be consequences for not making an entry every week.)

Each weeks "Hut Cam" entry will be due by showtime on Thursday (8pm eastern / 5pm pacific).
If you fail to make an appearance at "Hut Cam", it will result in my taking your score and halving it. Yes! a 50% portion. Gone. Bye-bye. So as the weeks go on the more important it becomes for you to make an entry. No 1/2 points either, I will round down. If a person fails to make 3 entries in a row, I will assume they have been eaten by "those we don't speak of, who live beyond our borders".
Soooo ... I recommend making an entry, every week, be it Monday morning or Thursday afternoon. Just make one.

Official Rules:

Deadline: Thursday at 8pm eastern / 5pm pacific!
No Entry = -50%points.
3 No Entries in a row = funerary proceedings.
Questions and Point Values will change all the time. I will make sure to include both in each weeks thread.
New entrants will be accepted at any time.
New entrants will start with 0, whenever it is that you decide to enter.
A one-time boot bonus of 5 points will be given to each player who has actually been booted from ABC, PTB, LOD or OfficePool.
This bonus is not retroactive nor is it multiplied by losing in all 4 of the games named.

Now that I've gotten all of the familiarities out of the way, it's time to turn you folks loose.

Down the path, passed the out-house, on the right-hand side is "HutCam". Take a moment to introduce yourself and give your answers to the following questions.

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (1 each)
2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. (1)
3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. (3)
4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. (4)
5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. (1 point for each vote)

I also will be holding a Bonus question, this week.
This is non-mandatory, but is a smart way to get some extra points.

The JohnMC Pick-a-Partner Bonus.
Your decision will be to choose 1 player, still playing, in the ABC or PTB to be your "partner".
Their weekly score will automatically be added to yours. (Since there are no negatives in this game, if you pick a red ink player you will get their score in positive amounts). Make sure to note as to which game they are playing in, I'm not a mind reader. If you don't make note the game that your "partner" is playing in then your bonus will be considered incomplete and won't be counted at all.


* Yep, I opened a little earlier then expected.

* the official list of pre-approved losers (if they dare to enter)
Ryrie Rae
Das Mole

* Good Luck!

* OutPun! OutPrank! OutParty!



  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: LoserLodge Scarlett O Hara 03-06-05 1
   Aren't we hoity-toity? tribephyl 03-06-05 6
       RE: Aren't we hoity-toity? Scarlett O Hara 03-06-05 11
           RE: Aren't we hoity-toity? tribephyl 03-07-05 12
 RE: LoserLodge Das Mole 03-06-05 2
 *sob* ohmyheck 03-06-05 3
   There's no crying in LL! tribephyl 03-06-05 7
       RE: There's no crying in LL! ohmyheck 03-06-05 10
 RE: LoserLodge Surveysez 03-06-05 4
 RE: LoserLodge Molaholic 03-06-05 5
 RE: LoserLodge Scarlett O Hara 03-06-05 8
   Yes! the mole twins! tribephyl 03-07-05 14
       RE: Yes! the mole twins! Molaholic 03-07-05 20
           Celebrity LoserLodge2 tribephyl 03-08-05 25
               RE: Celebrity LoserLodge2 ohmyheck 03-09-05 39
 RE: LoserLodge seahorse 03-06-05 9
   Key quote? tribephyl 03-07-05 13
   Question aethelstan 03-07-05 16
       Anyone can join, but... tribephyl 03-07-05 17
       RE: Question JohnMc 03-07-05 18
           RE: Question Molaholic 03-07-05 21
               RE: Question Scarlett O Hara 03-07-05 22
                   DasMole too... tribephyl 03-08-05 24
                       RE: DasMole too... aethelstan 03-08-05 28
                           Stan dear..... TungFong 03-08-05 32
                               RE: Stan dear..... aethelstan 03-09-05 36
                                   Always the gentleman LookeeLoo 03-09-05 41
                                       Alliances JohnMc 03-10-05 43
                                           Kiss of death LookeeLoo 03-11-05 46
 JohnMc is... JohnMc 03-07-05 15
   RE: JohnMc ohmyheck 03-09-05 40
 RE: LoserLodge CutsyTootsy 03-07-05 19
   Hiya Cutsy! tribephyl 03-08-05 26
       RE: Hiya Cutsy! CutsyTootsy 03-08-05 27
           RE: Hiya Cutsy! JohnMc 03-08-05 29
               RE: Hiya Cutsy! KObrien_fan 03-08-05 30
                   RE: Hiya Cutsy! JohnMc 03-09-05 37
               RE: Hiya Cutsy! CutsyTootsy 03-08-05 31
               RE: Hiya Cutsy! LookeeLoo 03-08-05 33
                   RE: Hiya Cutsy! CutsyTootsy 03-09-05 35
 RE: LoserLodge LookeeLoo 03-07-05 23
 RE: LoserLodge whoami 03-08-05 34
 RE: LoserLodge tvgeek401 03-09-05 38
 RE: LoserLodge alwaysintruble1 03-10-05 42
 Ok is LL close to CHILE??? emydi 03-10-05 44
   Emydi ... ahem tribephyl 03-10-05 45

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Messages in this topic

Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-06-05, 07:05 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
What??!! No penthouse suite?! O*U*T*houses?! Wading pool? **B - Y - O - B**?! What the @#$%^&*(@???!!! I didn't know Loser Lodge was suddenly low rent?! I have packed my finest silks for the fashion parade!! DOH!! Cancel my reservation immediately and change the name ... CAMP LOSER!

Actually, book me the room with the view! Scarlett


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-06-05, 05:07 PM (EST)
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6. "Aren't we hoity-toity?"
Let me get a few things straight.
The penthouse is mine.
Outhouses, because there is still no plumbing system.
Wading Pool for those afraid of sharks. And who like there water warm and shallow.
BYOB because if I supplied the spirits, I would surely be in debt.
Suddenly Low Rent? HA!

Yet, seeing as how you are the first one to sign-up. I suggest you run straight to the best bed and claim it as your own.

I'm sure there is still a bed available next to a window. But watch out. We have some pretty sneaky squirrels running around.



Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-06-05, 10:00 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Aren't we hoity-toity?"
No Tribe ... I'm just scouting the joint. My time to check in has not come yet ... just wanted to case out the place and reserve the best room in the house!

... I'll be back ...


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-07-05, 03:44 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: Aren't we hoity-toity?"
I love people who plan on losing.

My favorite kinda peeps. My kinda peeps.

LL, think of it as gaming insurance.


Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

03-06-05, 09:52 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
YES! I'm already a loser! Let me introduce myself. I am Das Mole. A loser. I was a loser during Vanuatu as well. I am such a loser, I actually made it to the first round of LoserLodge. Who would've thought. Join me in loserness, fellow losers. If we do this correctly, I think we can all lose together.

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (1 each)
I choose you, Pikachu! Stephanie and Jenn
2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. (1)
3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. (3)
4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. (4)
5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. (1 point for each vote)
Caryn, Kim

The JohnMC Pick-a-Partner Bonus.
I will choose myself (Das Mole) in the PTB.


ohmyheck 1919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-06-05, 10:58 AM (EST)
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3. "*sob*"
I just got voted off of *sob* Luck of the draw *sob* I... what? You have a 6 person jacuzzi? We're not on the Real World people! I feel so... what? I'm still in a game? Okay, never mind. I will become the Bigggest Loser! What? What do you mean that's the wrong network? I'm out.

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-06-05, 05:11 PM (EST)
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7. "There's no crying in LL!"
No worries about being in another game. I'll still give you 5 points for your LOD Boot.

Oh and about the 6 person Jacuzzi. You can fit 12 if you sit on each others laps.



ohmyheck 1919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-06-05, 07:54 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: There's no crying in LL!"
I can get 5 points? Suddenly, this is a very good thing.

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (1 each)

Jenn, Janu

2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. (1)


3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. (3)


4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. (4)


5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. (1 point for each vote)

Kim, Bobby Jon

The JohnMC Pick-a-Partner Bonus.
Your decision will be to choose 1 player, still playing, in the ABC or PTB to be your "partner".
Their weekly score will automatically be added to yours. (Since there are no negatives in this game, if you pick a red ink player you will get their score in positive amounts). Make sure to note as to which game they are playing in, I'm not a mind reader. If you don't make note the game that your "partner" is playing in then your bonus will be considered incomplete and won't be counted at all.

I'll take emydi in the ABC.


Surveysez 2793 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

03-06-05, 11:55 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
LAST EDITED ON 03-06-05 AT 11:57 AM (EST)

I am Surveysez. I stuck my nose in this thread and before I lost my train of though, I began to think I might try to respond to the questions. Of course, when it comes to reading things more that 50 words long, my mind begins to wander, so if I have done everything wrong, put it down to not paying attention and pm me with the details of my errors.

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (1 each)
Kim and Angie
2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. (1)
3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. (3)
Bobby Jon
4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. (4)
abre-ibrem-abrehem-Ibreheim-oh darn, something like that-why couldn't his parents have just called him Jack
5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. (1 point for each vote)
Kim and James

The JohnMC Pick-a-Partner Bonus.
Due to his supreme self-confidence, I will pick Das MoleETA - in the PTB

The fog on the island makes the one I ususally wonder around in seem quite homey.


Molaholic 9015 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-06-05, 04:44 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
LAST EDITED ON 03-06-05 AT 05:18 PM (EST)

Down the path, passed the out-house, on the right-hand side is "HutCam". Take a moment to introduce yourself and give your answers to the following questions.

Hello, My name is Molaholic. I'm a Loser (only because I forgot to post... but then, I'm sure to be booted from the other games soon ) I'll be here every week to push my DAW to the 1K mark and beyond. I like G&Ts, nice oobies, and editing and reediting stoopid mistakes (which will make life in TAR LOD tough).

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Angie, James.
2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. Ulong.
3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. Gregg.
4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. Willard.
5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. Stephenie, Janu.

John MC Bonus: I'll have to steal from brother Das Mole's plan and bet on my own self in Survivor PTB.

nobody saw that, right?

Yet another Syren gem © MMV
1K is within sight. Somebody order the balloons.


Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-06-05, 07:00 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
Look who is back at Loser Lodge!!!!! It's those cute little Mole Twins! Das Mole and Moleholic! Welcome back!!


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-07-05, 03:55 AM (EST)
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14. "Yes! the mole twins!"
Back for season 2.

I agree! Those 2 are so cute!

Although I'm starting to get a major StephenBaldwin/CorbinBernsen feel from them.


Molaholic 9015 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-07-05, 08:09 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Yes! the mole twins!"
As long as I get to be

Yet another Syren gem © MMV
1K is within sight. Somebody order the balloons.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-08-05, 04:31 AM (EST)
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25. "Celebrity LoserLodge2"
You = Corbin
Das = Stephen.
Taken note of.

ohmyheck 1919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-09-05, 10:35 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: Celebrity LoserLodge2"
LAST EDITED ON 03-09-05 AT 10:36 PM (EST)

I'm closer to 500. By the way, I'm 'Donny Osmond'!

If you really do this, I will hurt you. Donny Osmond makes me want to wretch.


seahorse 14337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-06-05, 07:02 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
Hopefully I won't be eligible to enter anytime soon.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-07-05, 03:51 AM (EST)
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13. "Key quote?"
This sentence has been noted.
"Hopefully I won't be eligible to enter anytime soon."

As hopefully, I will be able to use this as an ironic twist in editing.



aethelstan 4435 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-07-05, 04:37 PM (EST)
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16. "Question"
I didn't think that eligibility was an issue. It isn't that you must have lost elsewhere to gain admittance only that if you have been booted from one of the other games and enter this game the following week, then you are entitled to a bonus 5 points? Or am I not reading this correctly, tribe?

So, count me in because I am not long for the LOD game, I can never pick on the weekend and that usually kills me off sooner rather than later.

Good to see that John has taken his regular seat at the bar. I think I will try to flirt with the Mole twins instead. Of course, I'll likely get rejected which would make a, well, I guess I have to say it, a loser!

RC Losers: Gregg, Jen.
IC Losers: Ulong
Last voter: Angie
Last walker: Ib
Gets votes: Kim, Steph

JohnMc Pick-a-Partner: TungFong in the ABC game. She's good!


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-07-05, 04:57 PM (EST)
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17. "Anyone can join, but..."
Only current losers get the 5 points.
You are correct in your assumption stanie.

Good to see you.



JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

03-07-05, 06:09 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Question"

Are you implying that I *hick* have a drinking with my problem? I'll have you know that I am almost pretty good at walking sort of a straight line... as long as I have my rum punch.

PS: How do you know the mole twins are girls? Are they wearing Angie's lingerie? Or Coby's girly panties?


Molaholic 9015 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-07-05, 08:19 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Question"
>PS: How do you know the mole twins are girls? Are they wearing Angie's lingerie? Or Coby's girly panties?>

Uhhm... I will be happy to put straight (yes, straight is the operative word) any doubts about this particular Mole's status as


-- bananna -- meat and two veg -- standstopee.

this was clarified at the last Loser Lodge Awards Night, but since I need to go to the can right now, I'm not able to dig up the archive.

Yet another Syren gem © MMV
1K is within sight. Somebody order the balloons.


Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

03-07-05, 10:30 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Question"
To clarify the situation, let's just say Moleaholic here has a nice set of frank & beans!

But I'm not sure about Das Mole????


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-08-05, 04:27 AM (EST)
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24. "DasMole too..."
Yup! All male.

Straight and male.

Both of 'em molies!


aethelstan 4435 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-08-05, 09:59 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: DasMole too..."
LAST EDITED ON 03-08-05 AT 10:04 AM (EST)


I knew that there had been some gender confusion and I thought it was in the other direction.

Well, don't I feel like a LOSER now. Guess I'll fit right in.

Of course, who's to say that I'm a straight guy? Maybe I'm a gal? OK. I think KOfan's seen a picture of me and my kids so I don't think I could pull that impersonnation off.

I think I'll just wait for my pick-a-partner, TungFong, to show up, then.

Oh, and John, I'm not saying you drink a lot, you merely socialize a lot. You are kind of like Norm on cheers: everyone knows your name and you have a regular spot at the bar; however, although you always have a full glass in front of you on camera, you are almost never seen drinking it.

Wait a minute!!! Is that Loo that just walked in?? Um.....
Excuse me.

*rushes over to hold the door open*

©Kittyloaf Creations, 2004

World Travel Tips


TungFong 253 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

03-08-05, 09:25 PM (EST)
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32. "Stan dear....."
*checks the new state of the art resort-like lodge*

Oh Stan honeyyyy, you might wanna consider switching our partnership in the ABC to the PTB instead. You see honey, I'm immune at the PTB but not at the ABC.

Wait a minute!!

*noticed Stan looking towards Loo, a good ol' partner*

You two were... *sobs* I was striving soooo harddd!! in the ABC *sobs* and you guys were.... *speachless*

*storms out of the lodge, still sobbing*

S9 ABC Red Ink Winner


aethelstan 4435 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

03-09-05, 09:38 AM (EST)
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36. "RE: Stan dear....."
I won't switch our partnership because Katie is a lot stingier with the points this year so I figure you have a better chance for scoring in ABC. Besides, why do you need to worry about immunity. You're totally going to defend your Survy crown.

Please come back! I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful alliance! Besides, Loo's gone and sat next to John and she was only a friend and former alliance partner anyway. I just went to say hi because I was worried that I'd have to spend weeks waiting for you to enter this game (because I couldn't see you losing in the other ones) and I wanted someone to talk to.

*sighs heavily*
*mutters angrily to self for being a knob*

©Kittyloaf Creations, 2004

World Travel Tips


LookeeLoo 1169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-09-05, 10:59 PM (EST)
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41. "Always the gentleman"
LAST EDITED ON 03-09-05 AT 11:00 PM (EST)

I feel like I'm the cause of this emmotional misunderstanding between you, Stan and TungFong.

*Brings Stan and TungFong over with me and John*

Yes, we're all friends here, and yes alliances have been made in the past and will be made in the future. Please don't feel bad. It's just a game. And we can all still be friends. Have a drink!


Another Dicey Original 2004
*spills drink on John* sorry John, don't know why I'm so clumsy around you! Let me help you with that shirt.


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

03-10-05, 11:40 AM (EST)
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43. "Alliances"
D@mnit, I keep getting rum punch all over me. Oh, well, at least we have time to enjoy it.

So, hey, Lookee, Stan, and TF. Let's make an alliance in front of the cameras and tribe. After this week, let's all vote the same in our posts. We all choose the same people or same answers so we end up with the same score.

We can be the F4 of LL. I'm telling you, we can do this and make it work. Besides, what is the worst that can happen to us? We are already losers! What do you think?


LookeeLoo 1169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-11-05, 00:09 AM (EST)
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46. "Kiss of death"
Bwahahahahaha John! That whole thing about "alliances revealed do not succeed" thing... heheheh Oh yeah, that's right, we ARE losers! So which of us four decide who we ALL vote for? *shhhhhhhh*


Another Dicey Original 2004
Are you sure your shirt is dry? Here, let me have it and I'll dry it by the fire while I look at your pecs.


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

03-07-05, 11:29 AM (EST)
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15. "JohnMc is in Da House"
Word up, Losahs. The Big JMC is here to Rock y'alls world. Kickin' it Rum Punch style. MMmm Hmm....

I know you missed me. Unfortunately, my girl KOfan is still playing her games. But since the Office Pool kicked me out due to negative points, I decided to hang w/my homies. Good to see y'all again.

Tribe, this always feels like home. Why is that?

Mole twins - greetings, my friends. Long time, no see. How has life been treating you since I swept last season's award show?

OMH - how ironic that you would boot me from your game, only to find me here again?!! Do you feel like Andrew Savage and I'm am your Lil returning to haunt you? Bwah hah ha hah ha!!!

Survey - welcome! Just wait till KOfan gets here. She makes the best rum punch! You'll love it, and her... if she doesn't rock the house and take all her games to the end like to total ROCKIN BABE she is.

Oh, I forgot to answer my questions. Silly me.

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (1 each) Ian, Tom
2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. (1) Ulong
3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. (3) Angie
4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. (4) Bobby Jon
5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. (1 point for each vote) Kim, James

The JohnMC Pick-a-Partner Bonus

KOfan in the ABC game. She would never let me down.



ohmyheck 1919 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-09-05, 10:44 PM (EST)
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40. "RE: JohnMc is in Da House"
If you wear granny panties, you will be resurected in my game, only to be given a -500 point penalty!!!

CutsyTootsy 1795 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-07-05, 07:16 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
Take a moment to introduce yourself and give your answers to the following questions.
Hi Everyone- I am Cutsy and I am a loser because (being a newbie and all) I was too nervous to join one of the other games... I saw this one and thought this might be a good place for me to get my feet wet (there is a jacuzzi, right?. I guess I'm going to go look around, I heard there was a bar around here somewhere...

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (1 each)
Willard & Gregg

2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. (1)

3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. (3)

4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. (4)

5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. (1 point for each vote)
Kim & Steph

The JohnMC Pick-a-Partner Bonus.
Your decision will be to choose 1 player, still playing, in the ABC or PTB to be your "partner".
Do you have to know the person you're picking? If not, I choose Seahorse in the ABC game.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-08-05, 04:45 AM (EST)
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26. "Hiya Cutsy!"
Welcome to the festivities.

LL definitely is the one place to get your feet wet.
That's the real reason I built a wadingpool, AND a Bar!

I'll make JMC mix-up a nice batch of Punch! Just to get you feeling comfywomfy.

No worries. Seahorse is a mystery to most of us.


CutsyTootsy 1795 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-08-05, 08:36 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Hiya Cutsy!"
Thanks for the welcome- I like the feel of this place. I'm going to get my waterwings on and head to the wading pool...

JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

03-08-05, 12:03 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: Hiya Cutsy!"
Welcome, Cutsy!

I like having new girls to flirt with, particularly now that Stan has uncovered that the hot Mole Twins are actually the Hunky Mole Twins.

Here, have some rum punch.

*has drink splashed all over myself as Stan bumps into me on his way to paw all over Loo*

D@mnit, Stan! Now I'm gonna be wearing this punch-smelling shirt for the next 39 days. What am I gonna do now?

*thinks for a second, then I take my shirt off revealing my monster pecs*

So, Cutsy, how's about I pour you another drink? ;)


KObrien_fan 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-08-05, 12:08 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: Hiya Cutsy!"


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

03-09-05, 10:41 AM (EST)
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37. "RE: Hiya Cutsy!"
*withholding comment to KOfan in LL till she loses a game, which we all know she won't*

I mean, really - a man has needs... 39 days away from home and family... I'll pour you a drink when I get home. ;)


CutsyTootsy 1795 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-08-05, 07:42 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: Hiya Cutsy!"
Thanks JohnMc- you're so sweet! I love rum punch- can I have a cute little umbrella in my drink?

LookeeLoo 1169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-08-05, 10:51 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: Hiya Cutsy!"
Well Stan IS my man! He's very helpful when one turns ones ankle on a coconut going to the Hut Cam... I just love the attention too.

But if it takes a little flirtatious accident in the form of spilling a drink on you to see those most beautimous pecs, well then, heh, I'm in with that John!

And since this is a dedicated welcome thread to Cutsy, then I'll say welcome again Cutsy in case you missed that in my entry thresd. I know you will be comfy here.


Another Dicey Original 2004
*spills drink on John* Mmmmmmm


CutsyTootsy 1795 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

03-09-05, 08:00 AM (EST)
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35. "RE: Hiya Cutsy!"
Thanks LookeeLoo! I feel at home already.
I only hope I don't make any big faux pas during my game. I'm definitely watching for those sneaky coconuts crossing the paths.


LookeeLoo 1169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-07-05, 11:33 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
LAST EDITED ON 03-09-05 AT 11:04 PM (EST)

Down the path, passed the out-house, on the right-hand side is "HutCam". Take a moment to introduce yourself and give your answers to the following questions.

Hello, my name is LookeeLoo, you killed my father, prepare to die. I’m an honorary loser since I have not been booted from a game. But let me esplain, no sum up. (Anyone getting a Princess Bride picture here?)

OK, I’ll start over. Hello, my name is LookeeLoo. I’m a loser because I have a commitment problem. That’s right, I could not commit to playing all the wonderful games out there so I opted to defend my ABC Season 9 Champion title. But in my heart, I know I’d be here, all pre-approved, if I could have just entered into all the games. And I would have gotten an extra 5 points!

I’m a loser also because on my way to the Hut Cam I turned my ankle on a coconut and fell off the trail and into the restricted Vegetation Regrowth area, whereby I proceeded to do my business, au naturale, (because we all know what the conditions are in the communal Out-house are like). Now I could blame this turned ankle on the Cheap and mysterious conditions of Loser Lodge (no lights on the trails! Sheesh!), but hey, I’m a loser and this is what I would expect from myself.

…Um, this Hut Cam confessional isn’t going to air until the entire Loser Lodge season is aired, is it?

It’s good to see the Moles here. I hung with them last season. Go Moles!

A special welcome to Cutsy, who didn't make it into any of the other games this season, but made it here.

On to the picks:

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Coby, Janu

2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. Ulong.

3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. BJ

4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker.

5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes.
Kim, BJ

John MC Bonus:
I without a second thought must go with TungFong, my ABC Season 9 Red Ink champion counterpart, in the ABC game! You are sooo consistently good! (I still hope you have a run for your money though, to make things interesting. Wish Tribe could have played…) ETA: Just making clear that would be TungFong in the ABC game.


Another Dicey Original 2004


whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

03-08-05, 11:26 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
Hi everyone!
Hello, Hello, Is this thing on. (hit) (hit) Opps Wrong house. Hut cam is Down the path, passed the out-house, on the right-hand side is "HutCam". Take a moment to introduce yourself and give your answers to the following questions. Sorry.
Lets start again. Hello my name is whoami and I am a looser ( I was framed at LOD game). It took me a while to find this place. It is hard to see where you are going with tears in your eyes.

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Angie, James

2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. ulong

3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. Ibrehem

4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. Kim

5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. Kim, Angie

The JohnMC Pick-a-Partner Bonus.Rebel Crown PTB game

I hope this cam is on, the red light is not on.

The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise are often poor, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being at the right place at the right time. ECCL. 9:11


tvgeek401 1615 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

03-09-05, 01:01 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
Hello. I am not an official loser yet, but it'll inevitably come soon, so I might as well start off now.

1. Stephenie and Ibrehem
2. Ulong
3. Stephenie
4. Ibrehem
5. Kim and Caryn

Bonus: Rebel Crown in PTB.

Handcrafted by RollDdice ignore this space. ignore, ignore, ignore this spaceIcecat is da bomb!


alwaysintruble1 2878 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

03-10-05, 00:24 AM (EST)
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42. "RE: LoserLodge is Open!"
*cutting way through the brush, mubbling to himself in disgust*
Where is this Loser Lodge? I know it was supposed to be around here somewhere. Oh wait, here's a sign:
Stay on the trails, we have a "VegetationRegrowth" in progress.

quickly tosses machete into forest, and whistles innocently while walking over to the Hut Cam...

Hi again everyone. My name's Alwaysintruble1, and I joined all four games this year for the sole purpose of being a qualified loser this year. I'm not officially out of any of them yet (yes, I'm as surprised as the rest of you), but I'm sure to be soon. Nice to see that so many have already arrived, place wouldn't be the same without ya. Ok, enough of all that, on to the questions...

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. Steph and Kim
2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. Ulong
3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. James
4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. BJ
5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. Kim and Angie

The JohnMC Pick-a-Partner Bonus.
I'll choose KO in the ABC game. Also, while I don't wish her any back luck in any of the games, I hope she shows up here before too long to keep John under control so he leaves some of the ladies for the rest of us

OK, I'm off to claim my spot in the jacuzzi, before it fills up.

Why did the chicken cross the road? It was poultry in motion.


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-10-05, 12:52 PM (EST)
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44. "Ok is LL close to CHILE???"
LAST EDITED ON 03-10-05 AT 03:52 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-10-05 AT 12:58 PM (EST)

<HUTCAM ON>Hello, my name is emydi and I am a loser (in the TAR7 LOTD). I know it's not a Survivor game, BUT I AM STILL A LOSER and I am playing this game!! And darnit Tribe, bc you were my partner in LOTD TAR7 when we were phyliminated and kept me occupied, you have to give the 5 points for being a loser!!!

This place is really I get to visit you in your penthouse, bongo?!? <HUTCAM OFF>

1. Name (up to) 2 survivors who Lose out on the Reward. a.k.a. RC Losers. (1 each)

Steph and BJ

2. Name 1 tribe who Loses in the Immunity Challenge. a.k.a. IC Losers. (1)


3. Name the last survivor to VOTE at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Voter. (3)


4. Name the last survivor to WALK into Tribal Council. a.k.a. Last Walker. (4)


5. Name (up to) 2 survivors who get Votes at Tribal Council. a.k.a. Votes. (1 point for each vote)

Kim and Ibe

The JohnMC Pick-a-Partner Bonus.

ETA: I pick TRIBE in PTB

Do I get my 5 pts. and do I get any extra loser points for picking the biggest loser of them all (um that would be You )in the BONUS


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-10-05, 03:25 PM (EST)
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45. "Emydi ... ahem"
Sorry darling but I'm only considering the PTB and ABC for the bonus this week. You can keep JohnMC BUT...
You'll have to change your answer. Hopefully before the deadline.

LOD has too many points to give away.



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