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" ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
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Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-02-02, 02:59 PM (EST)
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" ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Survivor Thailand: Episode 7 - Now For Something Completely Different

Previously on Survivor:

- Chuay Gahn speculates about an upcoming merge.
- The Doodfather throws a hissy fit when Officer Kenny tells him that Henny Penny was thinking of voting him out.
- Despite Sook Jai's RC win, Chuay Gahn takes immunity.
- While the Doodfather supposedly makes up with his tribe, he's voted out anyways. Does it get any dumber than that?

The answer, of course, is yes. That and more, this week on Survivor.


Tangent: Now, I don't normally comment on commercials, but we have the world's cutest one here in Canada. Picture some monkeys (like Magilla, but 2 of them) dancing to Bust a Move in an ad for cell phones. Now that's quality entertainment. On a related note, I also have this huge crush on the Letterman girl who keeps asking all the guests about monkeys, but that's another story. Back to the show.

Sook Jai, Night 18

A dejected tribe heads back to camp from Tribal Council. We have Shii Ass, Officer Kenny, Pharoah Ramsey the Brainless, Grandpa Jake and Aaron/Erin.

Aaron: This vote was the hardest thing we've ever had to do. I mean, we've built bonds with each other, we're like a family. I mean, we're like that psychotic family down the road with the shades down because we're secretly trying to kill each other 24/7, but still a family nonetheless. I'm especially keeping my eye on Ken and Shii Ann, because they're like those cousins who are a little too close.

Cue an obligatory shot of Erin lying in bed next to Penny, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Now, I would normally be excited by something like this, that is if I could pinpoint Aaron's gender and Penny wasn't a psychobeotch. In our next confessional, Officer Kenny shares his thoughts on her Egyptian highness.

Ken: I'm watching Penny, because she's sneaky. See, I know her M.O., how she works. In fact, all throughout High School I've been rejected by girls just like her. Bad times, bad times.

Shii Ass then says something along the lines of the exact same thing that Ken said, the two of them hug, Ken cops a feel, and they go to bed.

Day 19 - Tree Mail!

It's been 19 days,
case you weren't keeping track.
But you won't believe this one,
shocking twist brak brak brak.

Each one choose a colour,
paint yourself toe to ear.
Then get your asses to Jiffy,
we don't got all year.

Cut to a montage of the of the contestants painting themselves, which just so happens to include the mandatory chest, leg and boob shots. The only notable comment comes from Lucky Charms Clay (since he reminds me of a leprachaun), who says "C'mon now. Let's show a bit of personality." What a coincedence, I've been thinking the exact same thing for the last 7 weeks.

After the painting, whose highlights include Ted the Brass Golem and Brain, who painted his beard like he just ate a whole bag of Cheeto's, is done, they meet Jeff at a small rock circle.

Jeff: Welcome to day 19, that's 20 days before this waste of a show is over and we can start Survivor 6. We thought we'd let you guys get to know each other a bit. You all chose a colour of paint which matches you up with a member on the other tribe. Once you find your partner, you will pick a basket, head to a secluded place, and hopefully have some sex so we finally beat Friends in the ratings. Two of the baskets contain further instructions and all of them contain a 3-pack of Trojans. Have a nice day, and remember to clean up after yourselves.

The pairs are Shii Ass and Lucky Charms Clay, Porno Brian and Penny the cheerleader (bow chicka bow bow), Aaron/Erin and Brass Golem Ted, Officer Kenny and heleN, and Grandpa Jake and Geritol Jan, who leave holding hands. Jiffy tells them "Holding hands. I like it." Evidently, CBS will take what they can get.

The festivities begin with Ramsey the Brainless and Porno Brian opening their basket and finding fruit. They then start talking about food.

Penny: We did a lot of oysters and snails back at camp.
Brian: Now by do you mean like you ate them or...
Penny: Why we ate them of course.
Brian: You know, oysters are a natural aphrodesiac...
<cue music: boom chicka boom chicka...boom boom boom chicka>

Tangent: Look for Penny does Thailand at fine adult shop bargain bins everywhere.

Over at Shii Ass and Lucky Charms' picnic, they find...wait for it, wait for it...further instructions! They're told to go check out Chuay Gahn camp, while heleN and Officer Kenny get a similar note to go to Sook Jai. We see a short sequence of Shii Ass and Lucky Charms walking into Chuay Gahn camp before we cut to...

Sook Jai!

heleN is awestruck by the Sook Jai camp.

heleN: Their camp was a wonder to behold! They have everything you could possibly want! It's like shelter and water and chickens, oh my (heck)!

So that means they're definitely moving to Sook Jai, right? Sure, and Mark Burnett is Jesus. Anyways, the scene continues as officer Kenny tries to get information about Chuay Gahn from heleN.

heleN: I'm the suspicious New Englander and he's the New York Cop. He's trying to get interrogate me, but I'm not dumb enough to tell my tribe's information.

Speaking of people who are dumb enough to tell their tribe's information, cut back to Chuay Gahn where Shii Ass' mouth is flapping like a sail in a hurricane. Whatever happened to "The wise man knows very much but says very little, and the fool knows very little and says much?" Nevermind, it was a rhetorical question (answer: You're an idiot). Basically, Shii Ass makes 2 points.

1. Officer Kenny is God.
2. Henny Penny is the devil.

Well, you got the second one right, anyways. All 10 contestants return to Jiffy.

Jeff: Did everyone have a nice time?
All: Yes.
Jeff: Did anyone have any sex?
All: No!
Erin: Well, Ted tried to grind me, but I bit him.
Jeff: Damn. Let's just get this thing over with. Helen and Shii Ann, what did you think about the camps?
Shii: Chuay Gahn was heaven.
heleN: Sook Jai was a piece of crap.
Jeff: Well, there you have it, both tribes will now be living at Chuay Gahn. All of Sook Jai's crap will be loaded into a giant slingshot and fired over to Chuay Gahn, and we're gonna give you a new boat too since it seems unfair to penalize the Sookies for your dumbass mistake. Now get out of my face and enjoy your merge...I mean 2 tribes living at the same camp.
Aaron: A merge? Yay!
Jeff: <puts head down in shame>

After the commercials, the contestants enter Chuay Gahn beach. Shii Ass notices food, and heleN gives us the customary OMG. Cut to a scene of the castaways pigging out set to some crappy remix of the Survivor theme then a few commentaries on the new tribe.

Brian: It's nice to welcome everyone into my Kingdom. Mi Casa et Su Casa. I've got home court advantage because this is my Kingdom!

Thank you, Simba.

Geritol Jan explains to us how the two tribes merged <cough cough dumbass cough cough> and then the castaways decide to wash off their paint. Cut to some more confessionals. Officer Kenny, as usual, starts complaining, this time about Henny Penny, then the Pharaoh herself tells us that she is still playing the game. Note to Penny: Go sell yourself some Ritalin and calm down. The last few minutes of this scene are taken up by Shii Ass spilling her guts again, this time to Ted, about how much she hates her tribe and how much they've ostracized her due to her cultural differences. Yeah, I'm sure it's that and not the fact that you reveal everything you know to anyone who's willing to listen.

Night 19

Amidst clips of the tribes having a party, Aaron explains how they thought that the other tribe would be boring, but they're really not. Call it a hunch, but it just might have to do with the large quantities of alcohol that you're drinking. Erin then asks, "Are you trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?" That depends, are you talking about the tribe or Mark Burnett? Anyways, what happens next is a drunk Jan stumbilng and bumbling and finally falling over into a stack of pots. Unfortunately, she avoided the fire. Damn.

Tangent: I just thought of a great idea for any parents who want to discourage their teenage daughters from drinking. Just show them this clip and tell them that, if they start drinking, this is what they'll be like in 40 years.

heleN and Shii Ass sing some songs, then Brian shows that he had a little too much to drink as well. It starts innocently enough, with him playing what sounds like it could be Britney Spears' next hit single on his guitar, but then Grinder Ted has to bring him down to the beach. Inevitably, this ordeal can only end one way, and to quote it from another contestant...

Tanya: Bleeeeeeeeeech...bleeeeeech...

Day 20

After yet another commercial break (alas, no dancing monkeys this time), Brian goes back into Simba mode and claims he's the leader (read: target) of the Chuay Gahns. He talks to Shii Ass in order to "test her out" and see if she can be used as "part of his Kingdom." And you know what, Brian? When your father Mufasa passes on, you'll be the new King of Pride Rock! Isn't that exciting? Luckily for Mr. Assanine Leader, Shii Ass doesn't know when to shut up and tells him that her instincts tell her to vote with them. Ahhhh...the Kelly Goldsmith strategy.

After some cool stock footage of a spider eating a worm, we see Shii Ass talking to Officer Kenny. In Bebo style...


What will Shii Ann do next? Will she...

A. Tell him that she is loyal to Sook Jai, then forget about betraying her tribe?
B. Tell him that she is loyal to Sook Jai, but turn against Penny and Aaron?
C. Spill her guts and tell Ken everything.

I think we all know the answer to this one. In a dazzling gufu, Shii Ass tells Officer Kenny that she is thinking of voting off Penny. Ken tells her that it's a stupid move and she shouldn't give the Chewies a 5-4 advantage. However, the odd thing in this scenario is that Ken is actually right.

Tangent: Weather forecast in hell; a cool -20 degrees.

Day 21 - Tree Mail!

We said all these challenges,
would be brand new.
Okay so we lied,
What're you gonna do?

You'll be reaching to get keys,
shackled up in a jail.
For America's sake,
let's hope those things fail.

One interesting thing to note. When the contestants leave for the challenge, Magilla comes and starts stealing their food. It's official, I'm now rooting for the monkey.

Immunity Challenge - There Is No Justice

The contestants line up in front of Jiffy, where he reveals the pre-challenge SHOCKING NEW TWIST!

Jeff: So Erin, was it tough having two tribes live together on the same beach?

Aaron: No, not hard at all. Our merge was smooth sailing.

Jeff: Wait, you said merge. I never said you merged.
<cue ominous music; pan across the shocked contestants' faces>

Jeff: I never said anything about a merge. All I said was that you were 2 tribes living on 1 beach. <grinning evilly> Oh, I tricked you so good! I mean, look how shocked you are! Shii Ann, you are soooooooo screwed, and Penny, everyone knows how much of a beotch you are! <starts pumping his arm> Oh yeah, Jiffy's the man! I am the King! Who's your daddy? I am!

All: <stares at Jiffy funnily>

Jeff: Sorry. On with the challenge...

The rules of the challenge are simple. The tribes are shackled and locked in a jail cell that looks like a fourth grade construction project. They have to use sticks on the ground to grab 15 keys, which they can use to unlock themselves, and then dig their way out of jail. The tribe who crosses the finish line with all 15 keys first wins.

As the challenge begins, both Brian and Officer Kenny try to snag keys. Brian is successful, while Ken is "inches short." If only Ken had a nickel for every time he's heard that. Grinder Ted, Shii Ass, Officer Kenny and Brian make slow progess, tying the score at 4 keys each. Then, suddenly the tribes develop a magical super stick and the score is Chewy 13 Sucky 12 in a matter of seconds! Oh wait, that's just time lapse tape. Anyways, to make a long story short, the Suckies' athleticism can't save them and they lose by one key.

Night 21

At Chuay Gahn camp, the members of Chuay Gahn explain that the Suckies have already left for tribal council. Therefore, this scene has no spoilers/misdirection in it whatsoever. So I'll just skip it.

At Tribal Council, Erin reveals that she can't get over the SHOCKING NEW TWIST because the concept of no merge has blown her tiny little brain, Jake almost loses his hat, Aaron and Ramsey the Brainless reveal that Shii Ass is f@*$ed while Shii Ass digs herself into a grave, Penny says soooooooooooooooooook jaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (twice!), and Shii Ass digs herself even deeper.

In the end, Shii Ann votes for Henny Penny, while Penny votes for "Shi Ann" (hey, that's Shii with TWO i's, not one). Tally the votes, Ass, Brainless, Ass, Ass, Ass. Shii is sent packing.

And thankfully, that is all for this week.


Next Week, on Survivor:

- Tensions rise between the opposing tribes
- Gabe comes back to Chuay Gahn to wet the bed
- heleN threatens to kill my favourite character

(Another IceCat original )

The Top 5 FLL Castaways

1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
3. Amber Brkich (4 weeks at #1)
3. Lex Van Den Burghe (4 weeks at #1)
5. Elisabeth Filarski (3 weeks at #1)


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... George Tirebiter 11-02-02 1
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... fivestarwheezy 11-02-02 2
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... Outfrontgirl 11-02-02 3
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... I_AM_HE 11-02-02 4
   RE: Sex, Lies and bOObs Dakota 11-02-02 5
       RE: Sex, Lies and bOObs Outfrontgirl 11-03-02 6
 RAY! dabo 11-03-02 7
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... Drive My Car 11-03-02 8
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... katem 11-03-02 9
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... AMAI 11-03-02 10
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... moonbaby 11-03-02 11
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... dangerkitty 11-04-02 12
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... Bebo 11-04-02 13
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... MakeItStop 11-04-02 14
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... Bucky Katt 11-04-02 15
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... L82LIFE 11-04-02 16
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... true 11-04-02 17
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... bubbastan 11-05-02 18
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... Silvergirl1 11-05-02 19
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... Swami 11-05-02 20
 RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** S... OceanSkater 11-05-02 21
 Loved it! janisella 11-08-02 22
 S'wonderful AyaK 11-08-02 23

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Messages in this topic

George Tirebiter 2982 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-02-02, 03:15 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Surv! You don't get over here enough lately--your talents are wasted over in Phlegmatics. . .

I'll have to read this again, because I've been choking ever since the "Ted the Brass Golem and Brain, who painted his beard like he just ate a whole bag of Cheeto's" line. (I KNEW that beard reminded me of something, but I wasn't sure what it was until you said it!)

ShiiAnn flapping her gums like a mob informant, Jan as the "Isn't Drinking Glamorous?" poster girl. . . lots of excellent stuff here, Survy!

Gives me a warm, maternal glow to see you growing up into such fine form. And Stephanie? Even your crushes are moving into better territory.


Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!


fivestarwheezy 958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

11-02-02, 04:49 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Awesome recap--you put a lot of work into this!
My favorite lines: JP Who's your daddy? I am! (I always hate it when people answer this )
Also Brian's Mi Casa... Didn't he say Mi Casa ate Su Casa? LOL

Thanks for the entertainment!


Highly favored are you among men, women, children, big animals, small animals, and especially me.


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-02-02, 05:25 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Bravo Surv!

Like GT said, early on I hit the top of the choke-o-meter.
I was stupid enough to read this while eating lunch--just happened to be PB&J--

when I hit the Cheetoh Beard, I definitely had a "Got Milk?" moment!

Aaron's family

The giant crap-shooting slingshot

Jiffy's great moments

the way you made up the part where CBS wanted them to have sex and gave them condoms... oh right, that was true.

The way you picked out how Helen totally dissed SJ camp when she got back

Brian the Lion King!

Henny Penny and Officer Kenny, loved it...
(now we know Ken is bitter because Penny was clearly Homecoming Queen and he wanted so badly to be the King)

Jan missing the fire... (and the sad thing is that somewhere her students and their parents were probably watching that scene)

and oh so much more funny stuff!

As a spoiler, I started this summary with one burning question:
WHO in the heck is Sir Erist gonna find in this bunch to have a crush on? Perhaps his past showed a tendency to overvalue certain females, but was there the chance that he might fall for Penny or Aaron?

Whew, I am so glad you made it clear that Stephanie the Letterman girl is the hottest female associated with this show.
And while it shows good sense on your part, Sir, how sad is that?

*hopes Surv knows it will be darned hard to compete with Lil Magilla for Stephanie's affections*


I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-02-02, 05:52 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Fantastic Sir!!!

loved your tangents, Aaron, Doodfather, and all the rest of the nicknames, Brian playing Brittney Spears' next hit single, Jiffy trying to get them to have sex, the Insta-poll...

>>Ken: I'm watching Penny, because she's sneaky. See, I know her
>>M.O., how she works. In fact, all throughout High School I've been
>>rejected by girls just like her. Bad times, bad times.


>> Brian is successful, while Ken is "inches short." If only Ken had
>>a nickel for every time he's heard that.

OMH! ROFL Sir! I think a lot of your best lines involved Ken!

>>Erin: Well, Ted tried to grind me, but I bit him.

poor Ted. that'll never get old...

>>Geritol Jan explains to us how the two tribes merged <cough
>>cough dumbass cough cough>

ya know, you would think they would have gotten the clue when the cameramen kept busting out laughing and had to stop the tape whenever they said "merge"

>>Shii Ass spilling her guts again, this time to Ted, about how
>>much she hates her tribe and how much they've ostracized her due
>>to her cultural differences. Yeah, I'm sure it's that and not
>>the fact that you reveal everything you know to anyone who's
>>willing to listen.

oh, Sir, don't you know that Shii Ann's read Sean Rector's book about how the appropriate thing to do whenever you're faced with a teensy bit of hardship is to pull out the race card?

>>Jeff: I never said anything about a merge. All I said was that
>>you were 2 tribes living on 1 beach. <grinning evilly> Oh, I
>>tricked you so good! I mean, look how shocked you are! Shii Ann,
>>you are soooooooo screwed, and Penny, everyone knows how much of
>>a beotch you are! <starts pumping his arm> Oh yeah, Jiffy's the
>>man! I am the King! Who's your daddy? I am!

you just know Jiffy's always wanted to do this

>>- Gabe comes back to Chuay Gahn to wet the bed

bwahaha! great note to end on! again, great job!


Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-02-02, 07:04 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Sex, Lies and bOObs "
Absolutely fantabulous, SurErist! But then we've come to expect the best from you. Don't feel pressured now to live up to the high praise.

Anyway, on the subject SEX! Jiffy produced hand holding, romantic dinners on sand bars, stealing pieces of coral, wood nymphs sleeping in the forest and dang-dummies sleeping in rafts, but MB is still relying of the bOOb shots, for lack of anything better in the sizzle category. Perhaps this belongs on Production GUFU, and I may reiterate it there and hope no one notices and deletes my profile and never lets me come back to SB. Anyway, at the beginning of this week's episode, there were two camera shots of each contestant. Every picture was a head shot except one -- you got it, Erin's chest. (They may show this every week, but that's when I'm ususally trying to find the remote so I can tape the damn thing.)

Really, MB. What would your mama say?


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-03-02, 01:45 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Sex, Lies and bOObs "
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-02 AT 01:45 AM (EST)

yep! In the opening credits sequence run every show, Erin is the only one where the first shot we see of her is a boob, and then the camera pans up to her face. It's Soooo Cheesy of MB!

"as for the truth, it seems we just pick a theory"--Indigo Girls, Deconstruction


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-03-02, 02:35 AM (EST)
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7. "RAY!"

You earned 'em, buddy, excellent summary!



Drive My Car 20045 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-03-02, 09:25 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Hey Svist!!! YOU ROCK!!! This was amazingly accurate and very very Funny!!

Loved the tangents. You tree mail is really clever. Lucky Charms Clay LOL!

Jeff: Wait, you said merge. I never said you merged.
<cue ominous music; pan across the shocked contestants' faces>

Jeff: I never said anything about a merge. All I said was that you were 2 tribes living on 1 beach. <grinning evilly> Oh, I tricked you so good! I mean, look how shocked you are! Shii Ann, you are soooooooo screwed, and Penny, everyone knows how much of a beotch you are! <starts pumping his arm> Oh yeah, Jiffy's the man! I am the King! Who's your daddy? I am!

All: <stares at Jiffy funnily>

Jeff: Sorry. On with the challenge...

LMAO!! You just KNOW that is what Jeffy really wanted to do!
Love the smirk.

while Ken is "inches short." If only Ken had a nickel for every time he's heard that.

Good one!

Great Summary!!



katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-03-02, 02:51 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Sir Erist, you are too much. I looooooved the summary, very funny, I laughed the whole way through. BUT, when I got to this, I had a giggle fit:

>Penny: We did a lot of
>oysters and snails back at
>Brian: Now by do you mean
>like you ate them or...
>Penny: Why we ate them of
>Brian: You know, oysters are a
>natural aphrodesiac...
><cue music: boom chicka boom chicka...boom boom boom chicka>

Thanks for the great read

(c) 2002 GeorgiaBelle Creations, Inc. All rights reserved


AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

11-03-02, 05:44 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-02 AT 05:46 PM (EST)

Survivorerist, that was a great LOL of a read! LOLing all the way, but I still want to point out a couple of my favourite bits.

"Once you find your partner, you will pick a basket, head to a secluded place, and hopefully have some sex ...
Grandpa Jake and Geritol Jan, who leave holding hands. Jiffy tells them "Holding hands. I like it." Evidently, CBS will take what they can get."


"Jeff: Did anyone have any sex?
All: No!
Erin: Well, Ted tried to grind me, but I bit him.
Jeff: Damn. Let's just get this thing over with. Helen and Shii Ann, what did you think about the camps?
Shii: Chuay Gahn was heaven.
heleN: Sook Jai was a piece of crap.
Jeff: Well, there you have it, both tribes will now be living at Chuay Gahn. All of Sook Jai's crap will be loaded into a giant slingshot and fired over to Chuay Gahn..."

"Erin reveals that she can't get over the SHOCKING NEW TWIST because the concept of no merge has blown her tiny little brain..."


As usual I'm still working on my own recap, but maybe I should toss in the towel - this is great stuff!

No, I must keep going for my 8 fans out there. I'm still gonna work on it. I will not be pilfering any of Survivorerist's material, although that line about SJ's crap being loaded into a giant slingshot deserves as much of an audience as it can get!!

Great stuff. Thanks for brightening my Sunday afternoon.


moonbaby 17120 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-03-02, 08:39 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
I know I heaped praise upon you last night but I need to just add officially THIS WAS INCREDIBLE! All orange milks are to be added to my tab from now on. We must keep Sir happy!


dangerkitty 1913 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

11-04-02, 01:08 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Surv! Awesome! I'm so glad you did this, it's absolutely terrific and hilarious. What a talented guy.

I started to scroll through to pick out some favorite lines, and there were too many. Definitely a whole lot of Ken lines that were humdingers - "inches short", "-20 in hell", etc. etc.

So, so funny!!!!! I've already read it twice, and I'll be back again.

Yea, Surv!!!!!!


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-02, 03:04 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
* gazes adoringly at Survivorerist *

Tangent: I just thought of a great idea for any parents who want to discourage their teenage daughters from drinking. Just show them this clip and tell them that, if they start drinking, this is what they'll be like in 40 years.


And you know what, Brian? When your father Mufasa passes on,
you'll be the new King of Pride Rock! Isn't that exciting?

This was my favorite line, but then...

In Bebo style...


Oh my heck! I am so honored to be included and imitated.

Jeff: I never said anything about a merge. All I said was that you were 2 tribes living on 1 beach. <grinning evilly> Oh, I tricked you so good! I mean, look how shocked you are! Shii Ann, you are soooooooo screwed, and Penny, everyone knows how much of a beotch you are! <starts pumping his arm> Oh yeah, Jiffy's the man! I am the King! Who's your daddy? I am!

Almost spit on the monitor at that one.

Loved it, loved it, loved it!!!!


MakeItStop 1098 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

11-04-02, 04:45 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
LOL Great summary Surv! My favorite line(s):

The only notable comment comes from Lucky Charms Clay (since he reminds me of a leprachaun), who says "C'mon now. Let's show a bit of personality." What a coincedence, I've been thinking the exact same thing for the last 7 weeks.

Also loved The Doodfather, Henny Penny, Ken's "bad times" in high school, the tree mail (brak brak brak), Penny does Thailand, Shii Ann not following the old Chinese proverb, and so much more!

“She’s a beauty queen gone bad!” -- Marcellus about Amy.


Bucky Katt 3146 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-04-02, 05:04 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Now, I don't normally comment on commercials, but we have the world's cutest one here in Canada. Picture some monkeys (like Magilla, but 2 of them) dancing to Bust a Move in an ad for cell phones. Now that's quality entertainment.

I've been taping S5 for a friend as she doesn't have cable right now (long story) and every week she asks me if they had the monkey commercials this week when I get the tape to her. I swear she likes them more then the show itself. They are fantastic ads though.

Great summary Sir! Loved some of the nicknames too like Pharoah Ramsey. Too funny!

"So anyway, that Burmese down the hall is avoiding me. I think she's hot for Bucky." BA


L82LIFE 5333 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-02, 06:46 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
LMAO Surv! What a great summary. I loved "Penny Does Thailand", and all the tangents you put in. Totally awesome read. You ROCK, Sir.


true 9689 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-04-02, 10:52 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Way to go Sir! I'm just going to highlight a few of the many LOL moments you're summary gave me.


In fact, all throughout High School I've been rejected by girls just like her. Bad times, bad times.

"C'mon now. Let's show a bit of personality." What a coincedence, I've been thinking the exact same thing for the last 7 weeks.

Well, there you have it, both tribes will now be living at Chuay Gahn. All of Sook Jai's crap will be loaded into a giant slingshot and fired over to Chuay Gahn, and we're gonna give you a new boat too since it seems unfair to penalize the Sookies for your dumbass mistake. Now get out of my face and enjoy your merge...I mean 2 tribes living at the same camp.

Thank you, Simba.

Weather forecast in hell; a cool -20 degrees.

Brian is successful, while Ken is "inches short." If only Ken had a nickel for every time he's heard that.

Next Week, on Survivor:

- Tensions rise between the opposing tribes
- Gabe comes back to Chuay Gahn to wet the bed
- heleN threatens to kill my favourite character

And my very favorite line is this...

It's official, I'm now rooting for the monkey.

Me too, Sir, me too.


bubbastan 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-05-02, 00:34 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Great job, Sir!!! My favorites were the tree-mails, the cheetos beard, and "a few inches short...", but I loved the whole thing from start to finish. For one who is so kind on Fanatics, you sure can bash with the best of them!

Silvergirl1 9342 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-05-02, 05:32 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-02 AT 05:58 PM (EST)

Great Job, Sir! I read it a few days ago and forgot to comment on it.

- heleN threatens to kill my favourite character

So far, she has threatened to kill so many peeps, but really - Magilla?


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-05-02, 03:55 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
Oh, what a wonderful summary Sir Erist! Truly hilarious! My favorite zingers have mostly been quoted, but...

It's official, I'm now rooting for the monkey Me too!!!


OceanSkater 315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-05-02, 04:23 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: ****OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY**** Survivor: Thailand - Episode 7: Now For Something Completely Different..."
This was hilarious! There were so many good lines in here.

My favorite is the one about Ken being a few inches short....but we know it's been said before!

who spanked the monkey?


janisella 698 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-08-02, 03:10 PM (EST)
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22. "Loved it!"
Just got around to reading it this afternoon. Loved it (but you didn't work Amber into the story).



AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-08-02, 03:47 PM (EST)
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23. "S'wonderful"
Sorry, but I only read these when I can get to them ...

...and this was a true gem! Fantastic work, Sir E. Now everyone else can see what some of us have already known for a long time about your humor (or should that be humour?).



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