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"OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
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Superman 3157 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-20-02, 02:19 AM (EST)
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"OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Official SurvivorBlows Summary

Warning! The following summary WILL most likely offend you. Heck, it even offends me. All I ask is that you keep the argument off the board. Look up at the top of this post. See that little e-mail icon beside my name? Click that and send me a note that says, "Go to Hell, Superman." I can take it. Better yet, just read it and take it with a grain of salt. Thanks.

Without further ado, I give you the Finale Summary.

The Fifth Member of The Final Four or The Post that got Superman Banned.

Survivor on a Sunday? Coincidence? I think not.

Superman is sitting around thinking to himself that he probably should have watched some of the previous Survivor episodes since he agreed to write the finale, when..

*ring, ring*


"Hello. Could I speak to Superman?"


"Hi, I was wondering if you'd like to come up and watch the Survivor Finale with Me."

"Who is this?"

"The Fifth Member of The Final Four."



"This isn't...oh, Jesus."


Previously on Survivor..

Brother Sean wins a car and praises the Lord that it wasn't a God-awful Pontiac Aztec. Chatty Kathy wins immunity in deja vu Famie fashion. And Brother Sean gets La boot. See ya on the Jury, Bra.

"Well, sure. How do I get there?"

"I'd assume you'd fly. Take the second star to the right, then straight on 'til 7:45 p.m. EST"

"Funny, that. I thought that was how you get to Neverland."

"Copyright infringement. I thought about suing, but you know Dad. It would have Eisner in a frenzy. There's that whole "chosen people" thing."

"Ok, be there in a few."

Heaven's Gate

*Superman knocks*

Superman(singing to himself): Knock-knock-knocking on heaven's door..

Jesus: It's open!

The place is breathtaking. Gold laden streets, mansions on every corner, nice pink flamingos. Odd thing, though, you could hear a pin drop. The place is utterly empty.

Superman: You're a lot younger looking that I though you'd be, sir.

Jesus.: Thanks, I moisturize.

*Jesus squirts a bit of Oil of Olay into the palm of his hand. A small amount of it drips through the hole in his palm and falls on to his sandle. Superman suppresses a giggle*

Jesus:And call me J.C.

Superman: Thanks, that'll make typing this summary a bit easier. Say, why's the place so empty?

J.C.(sliding a Bible across the coffee table): You ever read this thing? It's impossible to get in here.

Superman: You mean...I'm not getting into Heaven?

*J.C. and Superman laugh heartily at the absurdity of the notion.*

Jesus(wiping tear): Stop! You're killing me!

Superman: It wouldn't be your first time!

*J.C. and Superman roll around the floor laughing*

Superman: So, seriously, why the interest in Survivor?

J.C.: Two words, my boy: Public Relations. I haven't gotten this much recognition since September 11th. Those two black kids on the show shout my name every other word! It's great!

Superman: Ah..and I'm here because...

J.C.: You're writing the finale summary, right?

Superman: you read the board, eh?

J.C.: Nah, Dad's still got a dial-up. Can you imagine? I just thought that you could, y'know..give me a shout out or something.

Superman: Consider it done. Say, the show's starting, got any snacks?

J.C. Let's see here...we've got loaves...fishes...manna & honey ...oh, wait,'s some water. Give me a minute and I'll whip you up a nice Chardonney. Shhhh...the show's starting...


Recrap?! But why?! Don't insult me by saying that I haven't been paying attention, MB. I mean...wait, there's Sarah...ummmm...what, was I saying..Oh, yeah. Recraps suck!


Rosie's on the stage with Susan Hawk. All we need now is Penny Marshall and we could have together the three most annoying women in the world.

Back in the now.

Pappy's feeling ugly and skanky. Newsflash Pappy: You are ugly and skanky. You're old too. And you probably smell like pee.

Kathy and Neleh sing and scream on the beach. Trouble is you can't really tell which is the screaming and which is the singing. Kathy puts a rock on her head and begins praying to false prophets.

J.C.: *Gasp!*

All of America wishes that the rock on her head was a boulder.

Vee claims that she is the only one who is going to have to work these last few days. Well, Vee, you should be pretty rested up, because you haven't done a damn thing up to this point.

Tree Mail!

Sixteen have come,
four are left.
(Side note: Math is power, kids.)
We hope you've paid attention
to their hopes, dreams, date of birth, social security numbers, home phone, bitches, moans, whines, complaints, shoe sizes, mother's maiden name, and the radius of their nipples,

*deep inhale*
it's immunity for retention.

The tribe compares notes, except for Vee, who is wisely stingy with her info. She's got a whole book of stuff on the other folks and she studies it as religously as she does everything else.

Pappy says he feels great about his chances at the immunity challenge, which is a tell-tale sign that Pappy isn't going to win immunity.

*Snickers commercial*

J.C.: Oh! Oh! I love these commercials!

Superman: So, J.C., who are you pulling for here?

J.C.: Well, originally I was a big John fan...

Superman: Wait..John? You know he's...

J.C.: What? Gay? So?! Oh! I get it, that whole Soddom & Gommorah thing. Look, it never happened. Dad did the copy-edits on that story and he threw that in. He's such a 'phobe.

Superman: Wow..

J.C.: I mean, really, a pillar of salt? Gimme a break, I can be more creative than that! I woulda changed her into a duck-billed platypus or somethin'.

Immunity Challenge/T.C.

Two words, my friends, two words: Sean's Afro. Was anyone else looking for the pick sticking out of it? Ok, step away from that mental

Jeff explains that this is the same boring, overdone, IC challenge that they do every freakin' year. Ten points to win, blah, blah, ho hum..

I'm not going to tell you all the questions, just focus on the amusing ones.

Question: What is Sean's girlfriend's name?

Funny: Ingrid.
Even Funnier: Sean apparently, willingly tells people that.

Question: Who was Watermelon Queen?

Funny: Gina isn't ashamed to admit that.
Even Funnier: Big Tom runs in and answers "Sean."

Question: What's Tammy's fiance's name?

Funny: Someone is crazy enough to marry Tammy.
Even Funnier: It's shakes!

Ok, Vee wins. An argument ensues over how the vote will go. Kathy and Vee discuss aloud how they will vote after J.P. (not to be confused with J.C. who's half asleep on the couch right now) flat out denies Kathy private time with Vee. Kathy says they should vote for Pap 'cause he's old, weak, and smells like pee.

Pappy: Don't decide for me, Sean...I mean, Kathy.

Anyone else notice how bitchy and cranky Pappy has been at T.C. lately. I think it's time we start looking into nursing homes.

Anyway, there is an inevitable tie vote between Neleh and Kathy. Everyone gets to argue their points and attempt to reach a unanimous decision.

Neleh: Love, love, love.
Kathy: Work, work, work.
Pappy: Integrity, morals, character.
Vee: Screw it. I'm going with Christ...oh, and Kathy.

..and instead of going to normal previous vote procedures, MB once again flaunts his hatred for the FCC by using a new method to break the tie.

*Dramatic Fanfare!*

Rocks in a sack..

That's right in a sack. John drools over the sexual innuendo as Kathy, Neleh, and Pappy massage the sack and get the rocks off.

Pappy gets the purple rock. He falls down, again. His torch is snuffed. D'oh!

Pappy's final words: I'm a judge, now I'm on a jury. How ironic! (And then he breaks off a few verses of that Alannis Morrisette song)

Superman: Know who I miss? Sarah. Mmmmm...

J.C.: The body is a temple, my son, not a playground. She thinks she's dad's gift to mankind. Pure ho'.

Superman: Yeah....Mmmmm..

Jeff wakes the tribe. They all have coffee and danish and read the morning paper. Then Jeff tells them that they have to build a canoe, paddle to the beach, tattoo themselves, take a bath and then meet me for a big orgy over by an idol. He gives them a map, tells them to build a fire, tells them to leave in an hour, and kisses each of them on the forehead.

Kathy: I can't find the words to express how I feel about that place.

Funny, that. You had the words last episode. As I recall, you said it sucked, you hated it, you wish it would burn to the ground and sink into the ocean. I guess one loses words when they get up so early in the morning.

Vee leads the group in prayer.

J.C.: Oh! Here's a funny story: That prayer..I totally missed that one. I was out playing golf and she left it on my machine! I never check that thing..

Everybody except Vee gives themselves tattoos. No wait, Vee is giving herself some, you just can't see 'em. Somebody get that girl some white-out.

Vee: I'm here to enjoy this oddessy.

Thanks Vee. Personally, I'm here for the idiocy.

Kathy and Vee discuss how they're gonna trounce Marie Osmond over there and that they are so happy to be the final two.

Neleh: You haven't won yet you big meanies.

Neleh confessional: That was just bad sportsmanship. It's not at all bad sportmanship to go into in depth detail about how good you smell as opposed to everyone else, how full your belly is, or the whole mint thing.

On the walk to the idol, the tribe is greeted with everyone's torch. They pause in rememberance of each former tribemate. Vee kisses Sean's torch. Neleh kisses Pappy's torch. Kathy cries because nobody's torch wants to make out with her.

Superman: So, with all this good publicity Sean & Vee are giving you, are they gonna get into heaven?

J.C.: Nah. I doubt it anyway. Maybe, I'll name one of those gold streets after them, though. How does, "The Ghetto" sound?

Superman: Dandy.

Rosie's on stage with Richard Hatch now. Looks as if he ran up and ate Susan whole. He's definitely gained some weight, because if you can stand next to Rosie and look heavy, then dude, you're fat.

The tribe enters a cleansing ritual. MB treats us with three chicks, wait, sorry Kathy, three ladies rubbing each other down with oil. Thanks, MB.

Vee: Prayer, Baptism, Last Rites.

*Jesus nudges Superman with his elbow*

"Seee...that's my girl."

The girls put flowers in their hair, proving once and for all that Vee is not wearing extensions. They walk over and see Jeff.

Jeff: ladies smell goooood. Now, come grab my pole.

Immunity Challenge

Vee hesitates to grab the pole in fear that this could be considered worshipping false idols, but she does anyway and will surely pray for forgiveness later. Everybody else hangs on too.

Four hours later, Neleh plays the old favorite, "Kathy your boobs are hanging out" card. And it works! Why? Kathy has had zero concern up to this point whether or not we could see her saggy tangerines in tube socks! Why does she care now?

Kathy does her best Pappy impression by limping and falling over to the side. Neleh and Vee cut a holy alliance and Neleh claims the necklace.

Tribal Council

J.P. tells the girls that Pappy's not here because he passed out. Plus, it's taking longer than expected to scrub the old man smell off of him.

John tells the tribe that Pappy is fine, just dehydrated and that they said a prayer *Jesus winks at Superman* and he'd be fine.

J.P. asks the girls how they handled the idol deal.

Kathy: I was praying *Jesus winks at Superman* and...and...I got to talk to my dead dad...I haven't done that in so long...

*Jesus giggles*

Superman: What's so funny?

J.C. I totally faked her out by pretending to be her dad. Ha! I told her that she drove me crazy while I was alive and to shut up because I've finally found peace!

*Superman and Jesus share a hearty laugh*

Neleh votes for Kathy. Kathy's gone.

Kathy's final words: (Ok, to be honest, I didn't pay attention. Just go ahead and assume that they were filled with more boring, irritating pop-psychobabble)

Neleh and Vee sit around the fire sharing happiness and Oh My Hecks. Vee says she'll have to ask the Lord for forgiveness. J.C.: Psstt...I turned her down. And the girls say a prayer for Pappy.

The next morning Vee and Neleh are joined by the entire cast of Charlotte's Web, yet they make no attempt to catch and/or eat any of them. Mike Skupin groans aloud from the safety of his fireproof couch.

Neleh discovers her love of pyromania by burning everything in the camp. She starts a fire in Pappy's pants in a brand new way.

Vee: As Christ said on the cross, "It is finished."

J.C.: That's the only thing about those two...they always misquote me.

Superman: Really? What did you say?

J.C.: Something to the effect of, "Damn, this hurts!

Neleh and Vee make their way to TC and we're treated to interviews with each of the jury.

Pappy: I think it's great that two Christian women are in the final two.

J.C.: Meee tooo..

Kathy: Man, I don't know what you're saying right now...jeez, I can't...somebody left, like, a whole bag of shrooms in my room last night...pretty, pretty colors.

Zoe: Girls kick ass! Yeah! I can't wait to get my hands on that Rosie! Woo!

Robert: Don't talk to me. I'm still pissed.

Sean: Race, Race, Race. Rant, Rant, Rant. Lie, Lie, Lie.

Tammy: I've actually fooled myself into believing that I have all the power again! Woo!

John: I can't stand that I have to pick between these two Bible thumpers! My abs look great.

Superman: You were there, right?

J.C.: Yes, but I am everywhere, my son.

Superman: Oh! Kind of like The Streak in that Ray Stevens song.

J.C.: He's everywhere! He's everywhere!

Superman: Hee!

Rosie's back with Ethan and Tina. She asks 'em who is gonna win. They scream a rehearsed, "Neleh!" Thusly, ridding any doubt in anyones mind that Vee has it wrapped up.

Tribal Council

J.P.: How was your day?

Neleh: Good, I burned everything.

J.P.: Neat. How 'bout some opening statements?

Neleh: OMH! Blah, blah....Love....blah, Blah...honestly.

J.P.: Vee?

Vee: I live by the scripture, I play by the scripture. I eat the scripture. I shit the scripture. I came up in this piece with a strategy. My strategy was to make realtionships with everyone, not ride coattails, and speak with more made up words than Jesse Jackson and Don King could shake a stick at. I think I've played a righteously game. God bless you all (whisper: except the mormon girl.)

J.P.: Ok, Tammy.

Tammy: I was upfront about being a backstabbing, lying, bitch. You guys hid it, which makes me better than you. You made me feel bad in my special place. I hate you. Please die.

Sean: (Too much ghetto slang to interpret) Is there a moral message?

Neleh: Follow your heart.
Vee: Yeah, what she said.

Pappy: I'm not prepared really to ask questions, 'cause I was flat on my ass yesterday. You both deserve it and I wish you could both win. You'll be in my life forever, all of you will. Ok, maybe not all of you...heck, just Neleh.

General: I'm still pissed. Tell me a specific decision that you think will hurt you, no details.

Vee: Well, I think that when I did this...

General: I SAID NO DETAILS. I'm not what they call a "smart man". I can't comprehend your "big words"!

Vee: Ok, ok...what I did to Kathy yesterday.

Neleh: I'd take you and Zoe instead of Vee and Sean...ummm, sir.

(BTW, kudos to Neleh on that move. It didn't work, but hey, good thinking for once.)

Zoe: I like to work hard, and play hard! I do everything hard! That's what happens when you're born a hermaphrodite! Yeah! Somebody bring me Rosie!

Kathy asks some boring question I won't go into. The good part was at the end.

Vee: Did I answer your question?

Kathy: No, but after 39 days listening to your gibberish, I really don't care.

John: Straight up sistahs. I'm gonna play my honesty card here. Why should I vote for you?

Neleh says that the question sucks, shocking Mormon leadership worldwide. Then, both Neleh and Vee answer the question with the following bullshit, in no particualr order: "Love, honesty, truly, strategy, scripture, Jesus, Oh my heck."

The girls both make their final statements. For transcripts of those, please see their previous quote answering John's question.

The Vote

John vote's first. He attempts to extend his 15 minutes by refusing to leave the vote booth. He votes for Vee, just before being drug out of the booth by Probst. John yells out, "You go girl!" cementing his homosexuality in the mind of the world.

Pappy in what could possibly be the biggest shock of the show, votes for Neleh! Let's have a show of hands as to how many of us saw that coming.

Robert is voting. The camera pans to a big flame symbolizing the General's vote for John.

Sean proceeds to "represent" by begging for handouts from Vee if she does happen to win. He further "represents" by mentioning fried chicken and waffles. Then he mentions Dr. Evil and Christ, but not together. He votes Vee, which will henceforth be known as "Big shock #2".

Kathy's vote is not shown.

Tammy's vote is not shown.

Zoe votes for Neleh, writing, "Neleh is the Survivor." and she says, "Vee is not for victory, it's for vagina. Woo!"

J.P.: Screw you guys, I'm going home.

J.P. hops in a helicopter and flies toward N.Y. The helicopter is greeted by Zoe standing in the harbor holding a big's the statue of liberty. Then they fly past the empire state building. And land on WTC rubble.

Jeff catches a cab. The driver is Dave Attell from Comedy Central's Insomnia. He asks for a receipt when he gets out. I guess Pappy DID max out his Visa.

J.P. makes his way to the stage. The part of Neleh will now be played by Brittany Spears. The crowd gives J.P. a standing ovation. Webby and Ayak jump up and down like elated schoolgirls.

The votes are read:


....and the winner is...

Christ! No! It's Vee!

Vee does another stirring Pappy impersonation or perhaps she's just "filled with the spirit."

Neleh's torch is snuffed.

J.C.: Woohoo!

Rosie rides in on a motorcycle giving all new meaning to the term "fatboy."

*Jesus turns off the TV.*

Superman: You don't want to watch the reunion show?

J.C.: Nah. Rosie makes me wanna puke.

Superman: Me too. Hey thanks for the invite, I guess I'll be going now. And sorry about your couch. I spilled some wine on it.

J.C.: What? Now how am I supposed to clean that up?

Superman: You can't clean that out? You're Jesus for God's sake!

Jesus: Oh..go to hell, Superman.

Criminals From the Neck Up


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Lancerdude74 05-20-02 1
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Napalm in the Morning 05-20-02 2
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Survivorerist 05-20-02 3
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Silvergirl1 05-20-02 4
   RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Teddy_Bear 05-20-02 9
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... DarkLotus 05-20-02 5
   RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... desert_rhino 05-20-02 30
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... SurvivinDawg 05-20-02 6
 Go to Hell Superman LadyT 05-20-02 7
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... ConningOfficer 05-20-02 8
 WOW! IT'S A BIRD, IT'S A PLANE, NO!... PsychoDoc 05-20-02 10
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... SkyRaider 05-20-02 11
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Sheila 05-20-02 12
 Go to Hell, Superman Bebo 05-20-02 13
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Skiver 05-20-02 14
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Strider 05-20-02 15
   RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Dakota 05-20-02 16
 Way to go, Superman! AyaK 05-20-02 17
   RE: Way to go, Superman! George Tirebiter 05-21-02 32
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... true 05-20-02 18
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... LionChow 05-20-02 19
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... snoocharoo 05-20-02 20
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Outfrontgirl 05-20-02 21
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Jizzy 05-20-02 24
 Superman is in hell !!!!! katem 05-20-02 25
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... landruajm 05-20-02 26
 Gone to Hell. Oh well. Swami 05-20-02 27
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... TechNoir 05-20-02 28
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... MandyM 05-20-02 29
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... desert_rhino 05-20-02 31
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... PepeLePew13 05-21-02 33
 Better Late Than Never................ VampKira 05-21-02 34
   RE: Better Late Than Never............ VampKira 05-21-02 35
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... dangerkitty 05-21-02 36
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... aymelek 05-21-02 37
   FIRE!!!!!!!!!!! VampKira 05-21-02 39
 RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINAL... Dalton 05-21-02 38
   SIDEBAR>>>>>> VampKira 05-21-02 40
       RE: SIDEBAR>>>>>> MandyM 05-22-02 41
 He Shoots.. Nuthin But Net!!! dabo 05-22-02 42
 My inbox is empty! Superman 05-22-02 43
   RE: My inbox is empty! janisella 05-24-02 44

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Lancerdude74 165 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

05-20-02, 02:54 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Oh my heck, Superman, that was hilarious. Best summary of the year, well, the ones I read anyway.

Napalm in the Morning 50 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

05-20-02, 03:15 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Excellent job Superman.

I will assume it was intentional, and will point out your mockery of J.C. ties in perfectly with Vee and Neleh thinking God took them to F2. (HERE is what I really feel about the whole thing.)

"The God I believe in isn't short of cash."
--BONO, U2

See you on the S5 boards!!


Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

05-20-02, 03:30 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Superman, go to heck

j/k Supe, great summary So you didn't get to attend the reunion, but hey, you got to hang out with the Big Guy, and that ain't half bad


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"I mean to see that we had just turned around like that at the last second and beat 'em at their own game...I think it's just hilarious! Like, I just laughed my head off! Ah ha ha ha..."
-Neleh Dennis


Silvergirl1 9342 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 04:17 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
No wonder they say you are faster than a speeding bullet, not to mention super funny.

Vee claims that she is the only one who is going to have to work these last few days. Well, Vee, you should be pretty rested up, because you haven't done a damn thing up to this point.

My thoughts exactly.

On the walk to the idol, the tribe is greeted with everyone's torch. They pause in rememberance of each former tribemate. Vee kisses Sean's torch. Neleh kisses Pappy's torch. Kathy cries because nobody's torch wants to make out with her.


Four hours later, Neleh plays the old favorite, "Kathy your boobs are hanging out" card. And it works! Why? Kathy has had zero concern up to this point whether or not we could see her saggy tangerines in tube socks! Why does she care now?

As if anyone was really looking.

Tammy: I was upfront about being a backstabbing, lying, #####. You guys hid it, which makes me better than you. You made me feel bad in my special place. I hate you. Please die.

Enjoyed it more than her real speech!

Loved your invitation to Heaven and your J.C. conversations.

R.I.P. (Recreating In Paradise):
Peter Harkey: Alien from Uranus getting into the best shape of his life.
Patricia Jackson: Nacho Mama chillin' at the Loser Buffet.
Hunter Ellis: The Knuckleheads have spoken sending the Eagle to go scuba diving.
Sarah Jones: Miss No-nos begins her tropical vacation at last.
Gabriel Cade: The teddy bear hugger looks for a new commune where they don't play games.
Gina Crews: Happy trails to our nature guide as she and Hunter meet at the Lover's Lodge. Favorite buffet item: Watermelon
Rob Mariano: The Robfodder never caught a chicken and he ain't no friend of mine.
John Carroll: This isn't the crying game, dude. Take it like a man.
One hour of my life after watching the Recrap show!
Zoe Zanidakis: I hate to break it to you, Lobster Woman, but even Gabe had a better game plan.
Tammy Leitner: You should be proud of yourself, girlfriend. You have made it to the jury.
Robert DeCanio: Put down that voodoo doll, General, and give us all a limo ride.
Sean Rector: You can drive away happy in your new Saturn, Bro.
Paschal English: I'm glad you got some medical care, your Honor.
Kathy O'Brien: I really can't blame you for waiting another day or two before looking in the mirror.
Neleh Dennis: OMH, runner up isn't bad for one so young.

Vecepia Towery: The ultimate Survivor Marquesas!

Quality posting since April 19, 2001


Teddy_Bear 1675 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

05-20-02, 08:11 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Astounding summary, Superman;

I love your satirical use of J.C. in evaluating the show. There is no season where his name and the entire concept of Christianity has been abused more than this one.

I'm just wondering one thing, the bible InVEEsible keeps referring to; is that the King James' version or the Satanic one by Anton Levay?

Vee (to Neleh during final IC): We can continue this charade . . .

Facts may weaken under extreme heat and pressure.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

DarkLotus 344 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

05-20-02, 06:40 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
I was laughing my ass off Superman.

And don't worry about going to hell. God has a sense of humor. He has to. How else would you explain Baptists?

(I can joke, I are one!)

- Dark Lotus
"My balls... my balls... my balls..." - Sean Rector


desert_rhino 10087 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 11:43 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
>God has a sense of humor. He has to. How else would you explain Baptists?
>(I can joke, I are one!)

You poor bastige.

-- JV


SurvivinDawg 6816 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 06:47 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-02 AT 06:48 AM (EST)

Superman, come on in to Summary Lodge. We've all left to go to the Basher Babes' party on the BABY IV, so please destroy the curling rink and turn out the lights before joining us there.


"Pappy, you smuggled! I'm so proud of you!" -- Neleh Dennis

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


LadyT 5567 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 07:15 AM (EST)
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7. "Go to Hell Superman"
This was your best summary ever
You kick ass


ConningOfficer 585 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-20-02, 08:11 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
"Jesus(wiping tear): Stop! You're killing me!

Superman: It wouldn't be your first time!

*J.C. and Superman roll around the floor laughing*"

You're killing me, too! We needed some over the top irreverence. I had to turn off the stinking Rosie post-mortem, because I was annoyed (no - fully disgusted) with all of the See-BS-endorsed evangelical Christianity going on.

"J.C.: I mean, really, a pillar of salt? Gimme a break, I can be more creative than that! I woulda changed her into a duck-billed platypus or somethin'."

Supe, please tell me that you have a "Darwin" fish-with-legs magnet on the back of your car. You have to take this show on the road!

"Thanks Vee. Personally, I'm here for the idiocy."

At this point, there's more coffee on my computer screen than in my stomach. Uncle Sam is not going to be happy with me!

Great work - one to finish this season with, that's for sure!


PsychoDoc 95 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

05-20-02, 08:36 AM (EST)
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You aren't called Superman for nothing.
pd bowing and prostrating at the foot of Superman

SkyRaider 1301 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

05-20-02, 08:38 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-02 AT 08:40 AM (EST)

This was a Simply Super Summary! Absolutely the best. Somewhere out there is a Clown weeping.

Zoe: I like to work hard, and play hard! I do everything hard! That's what happens when you're born a hermaphrodite! Yeah! Somebody bring me Rosie!


Sheila 2069 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

05-20-02, 09:00 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Thank you Superman for a wonderful summary! And so quick!! I only wish I could have been able to not watch that wretched show and read the summary only.

Here's your handbasket! Enjoy the ride!



Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 09:31 AM (EST)
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13. "Go to Hell, Superman"
'cuz any man who'd spill on J.C.'s couch doesn't deserve heaven.

But you do deserve kudos for an awesome summary!

Rude snot fluent in Sarcastic...and those are my good points.

'Canes Rock! Beat Canada!


Skiver 1118 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

05-20-02, 10:05 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Loved the Summary. How can you do something that good that quick? Like Vee's victory, this must have been God's Will.

Were there any yellow stick-ems on your PC saying 'I WILL write the best summary ever' by the way?



Strider 580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-20-02, 10:36 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Wow. Great job. Thanks for the laughs. I needed some good humor to take the edge off my utter disgust with the outcome and some of the contestants.

Dakota 5819 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 11:20 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
ROFLMAO. You rock, Supe! I just finished a RANT on another thread about how V stands for hypocrite. This summary, however, does NOT offend me, a Christian who was formerly, years ago, a wayward Christian. Thank you, Supe.

AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 11:31 AM (EST)
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17. "Way to go, Superman!"
Superman, this was very appropriate for the moralizing, religious Final 2 on a Sunday! Nice work.

An aside ... Tina was actually yelling "Vecepia," Ethan was yelling "Neleh" on the live Rosie spot. But even funnier ...

Prior to the live spot, the guy who was doing audience warm-up (and we needed it -- it was in the mid-40s in Central Park!) went up to some of the former Survivors and asked them who they thought was going to win. We all knew that Richard had picked Vee. He went to Susan -- "VEEEE!" Then he went up to Rudy...

Warm-up Guy: "Rudy, who do you think will win, Vecepia or Neleh?"
(long, long silent pause)
Warm-up Guy: "Rudy?"
Rudy: (whispers something; it sounds suspiciously like "I dunno.")
Warm-up Guy: "OK, Rudy can't choose between these two ... let's move on!"


George Tirebiter 2982 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

05-21-02, 00:50 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: Way to go, Superman!"
Yep, would've felt cheated if JC hadn't weighed in on this F2. . .

In fact, I DO feel cheated that we were deprived of Rudy--he would've kicked Loozin' Soozin's arse! Did you hear the latest? She packed up the trailer and moved to Vegas. . . in order to take classes from Second City! Yep--Soozin thinks she has a comedy career in her future.

Sorry, Sooz--we've already got Roseanne, and she was passé 10 years ago. . .


I have had a perfectly enjoyable evening. This just wasn't it. - Groucho Marx


true 9689 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 11:52 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Excellent Supes! I knew I should have skipped the actual show, your summary was sooo much better.

~ true

True friends stab you in the front -Oscar Wilde


LionChow 2033 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

05-20-02, 01:53 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Oh Supe, that wsa the greatest!

Too many killer quotes to go into, but I must say that I loved the Jesus angle you took. Perfect way to end the season.


snoocharoo 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

05-20-02, 02:12 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
"Two words, my friends, two words: Sean's Afro. Was anyone else looking for the pick sticking out of it? Ok, step away from that mental

Superman I laughed so hard iced coffee came out my nose...great summary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Outfrontgirl 6830 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 02:14 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
VERY FUNNY, Superman. How you write your material so fast beats me. Almost like a higher power was feeding you lines. Don't forget to thank him now...

You are definitely going to heck for this, but not to worry. Everyone there has a sense of humor, unlike in the other place.

Evolution can be mean; there's no 'dumb-ass' vaccine--Jimmy Buffett


Cin 843 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

05-20-02, 02:39 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
OMH!!!!! that was simply wonderful, I couldn't stop laughing the entire time I was reading it! Great job



L82LIFE 5333 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 04:30 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
I am sooo impressed. This summary absolutely rocked. I was laughing so hard through the whole thing. You are the king. Thanks for making a pretty crappy Monday morning much better.


Jizzy 2053 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

05-20-02, 04:40 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Whoa!!!! LMAO, SuperDude!!! This was by far, a hilarious angle to use on the summary! You are the best SuperDude...thanks for the good laugh!


katem 3315 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-20-02, 05:53 PM (EST)
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25. "Superman is in hell !!!!!"
Sup, you are just too twisted for color TV

This was really, really funny and inventive. Congratulations, a worthy final summary.


landruajm 6040 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 07:18 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
U D Man, Supes. But more importantly, there's too much crap here today and this thread needs bumping.

Sentient computer or French cereal killer? Yes.


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 10:59 PM (EST)
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27. "Gone to Hell. Oh well."
Oh Superman, that was fantastic! Loved the dialogues with J.C. You are super fast and super talented. Good luck in hell. I hope your flame retardent suit holds up.



TechNoir 9741 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 11:24 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Excellent work Supes. But before you are banished from the boards, what kind of brew does Jesus drink?

60 Pixel Series, No. 2

"Sweetie, if you're not living on the edge, then you're taking up space..." Flo Kennedy


MandyM 2112 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

05-20-02, 11:33 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Thank you for the best laugh I've had in a long time! You are pure (evil) genious! I loved every word!

Have to single out my favorite bit though:

<<<<Question: What's Tammy's fiance's name?

Funny: Someone is crazy enough to marry Tammy.
Even Funnier: It's shakes!>>>>>


Thanks for a fantastic summary Supes! See ya in heck!

MM "Bed is like the womb, only drier and with better TV reception." - Linda Richman.


desert_rhino 10087 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-20-02, 11:47 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
I jsut want to know how you managed to stain J.C.'s couch with a nice Chardonnay.

-- JV

(and yeah, I spewed all over my monitor at least twice.)


PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-21-02, 08:45 AM (EST)
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33. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
>Click that and send me a note that says,
>"Go to Hell, Superman."

Hell, I'll just say it out loud here -- and hope you take it as a compliment for the fabulous job you've done here -- GO TO HELL, SUPERMAN!

This was the first thing I came to read after getting back from the cottage knowing you'd be writing this, Supe...

Tons of great stuff in here, the J.C. angle, the Zoe-Rosie stuff, etc. etc. etc.

>Survivor on a Sunday? Coincidence? I
>think not.

Good point!

Some more of my faves from this great summary...

>Chatty Kathy wins immunity in deja vu Famie fashion.

>Superman: You're a lot younger looking
>that I though you'd be, sir.
>Jesus.: Thanks, I moisturize.

>J.C.(sliding a Bible across the coffee table): You ever
>read this thing? It's impossible to get in here.

>J.C.: Nah, Dad's still got a dial-up. Can you imagine? I
>just thought that you could, y'know..give me a shout out
>or something.

>Anyone else notice how bitchy and cranky Pappy has been at
>T.C. lately. I think it's time we start looking into
>nursing homes.

>Vee: I'm here to enjoy this oddessy.
>Thanks Vee. Personally, I'm here for the idiocy.

>On the walk to the idol, the tribe is greeted with everyone's
>torch. They pause in rememberance of each former tribemate.
>Vee kisses Sean's torch. Neleh kisses Pappy's torch. Kathy cries
>because nobody's torch wants to make out with her.

>Rosie's on stage with Richard Hatch now. Looks as if he
>ran up and ate Susan whole. He's definitely gained some
>weight, because if you can stand next to Rosie and
>look heavy, then dude, you're fat.

>Tammy: I was upfront about being a backstabbing, lying, bitch.
>You guys hid it, which makes me better than you. You
>made me feel bad in my special place. I hate
>you. Please die.

Thx for a great year.


VampKira 4433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

05-21-02, 01:25 PM (EST)
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34. "Better Late Than Never............. ;-)"


*Bows before the KING*

I knew you would blow this one outta the park!!! Wheeee!
I would quote all the lines that made me wanna pee my pants......but that would be the whole summary!!! LMAO!!!!




I love you, man...........

*bows again*
....salutes her hero.....


VampKira 4433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

05-21-02, 03:25 PM (EST)
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35. "RE: Better Late Than Never............. ;-)"

Dunno if I forgot to mention.......







(happy Vamp)


dangerkitty 1913 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

05-21-02, 05:17 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "

Oh, man, oh Superman, this is GREAT! We really, really needed this great skewering of the "JC" thing after this season and this ending. Really, reading this makes me feel a whole lot better about the finale, I mean it! This is brilliant, and incredibly fast! I have no idea how you do it! "super powers", indeed!

I gave up on trying to glean quotes, there are so many! The whole JC thing of course was terrific - the juror comments, Sean's afro, the voting booth, on and on and on!

Thanks for the great read, and a great way to end the season!!

Woo hooo!!!!!


aymelek 1220 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

05-21-02, 07:18 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Awesome job, Supes! VERY original and funny as HECK!

Is this the one you meant belo?


VampKira 4433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

05-21-02, 08:46 PM (EST)
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39. "FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!"

Your ass is on fire again!!!


Singin' in the bathtub...


Dalton 1271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

05-21-02, 08:41 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: OFFICIAL SB SUMMARY - THE FINALE- "The Fifth Member of The Final Four" "
Oh Man of Steel,

A truly funny Finale Summary!!

With a terrific slant.
I always knew JC had a sense of humor but who would have thunk he watched Survivor?

Heck, I honestly, sincerely loved the whole thing!! (Anybody else hate how these contestants make using what were once perfectly good words seem yucky?)

Seriously, this Summary, imho, has to be in the TTL of the best of Superman on these Boards. Well done!!


VampKira 4433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

05-21-02, 09:04 PM (EST)
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40. "SIDEBAR>>>>>>"

Every time I see that sig pic...I go....."uhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

She's...(you) a beauty... Makes me take a step back and breathe!!!

*thinks D rocks....*

Singin' in the bathtub...


MandyM 2112 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

05-22-02, 01:28 AM (EST)
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41. "RE: SIDEBAR>>>>>>"
Hmm......funny.......every time I see that pic, I think it's of the chick from Melrose Place.....Josie? The one who got to sleep with Jake. Very Pretty.

P.S. - Again Supes, you rock!

MM "Bed is like the womb, only drier and with better TV reception." - Linda Richman.


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-22-02, 02:22 AM (EST)
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42. "He Shoots.. Nuthin But Net!!!"
GT neglected to award them... catch 'em on the fly, ManOSteel! WOOHOOOOO, great summ to cap off the season!



Superman 3157 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-22-02, 03:01 AM (EST)
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43. "My inbox is empty!"
I can't believe that I have gotten at least one piece of hate mail! It says alot about our little group when you can joke around about such a tender subject and not incite a riot. Thanks so much.

Also, I got WAY behind on replying to the summaries post-Dangerkitty's so I wanted to apologize to and thank the following writer's: Hawkeye, Pepe, anotherkim, janisella, ConningOfficer, and diamond. I read and enjoyed ALL of your summaries, but I woulda looked like a big nerd bumping them so long after you wrote 'em.

Thanks again.

Criminals From the Neck Up


janisella 698 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-24-02, 09:46 AM (EST)
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44. "RE: My inbox is empty!"
Your inbox is empty because your summary was great!




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