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"Song Selection (Week of 8/1)"
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Wacko Jacko 2438 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

08-03-05, 09:44 AM (EST)
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33. "RE: The editing"
Tim Farris admitted the band watchs the monday night shows so I would be a little smarter if I were JD and not be a sneaky SOB.

But what was funny is that they filmed Wednesday's show Sunday so the monday night show hadn't aired yet so INXS must get to see a preview copy of the monday night show before it airs. Tim was talking about Jessica talking about how the viewing audience doesn't like her.

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   KLicK     07-30-05       
   RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   dreamerbeliever     07-31-05     1  
   RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   Drive My Car     08-01-05     2  
     RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   geg6     08-01-05     3  
         RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   weltek     08-01-05     4  
             RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   photokitty     08-02-05     16  
   Why?   Breezy     08-01-05     5  
     huh?   Glow     08-01-05     6  
         *shrug*   Breezy     08-02-05     7  
             RE: *shrug*   Wacko Jacko     08-02-05     8  
                 RE: *shrug*   photokitty     08-02-05     19  
     RE: Why?   Agman2     01-28-16     34  
   RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   weltek     08-02-05     9  
     RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   geg6     08-02-05     10  
         RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   Wacko Jacko     08-02-05     11  
             RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   geg6     08-02-05     12  
                 RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   photokitty     08-02-05     20  
   The editing   calamityc     08-02-05     13  
     RE: The editing   Wacko Jacko     08-02-05     14  
         RE: The editing   calamityc     08-02-05     15  
             RE: The editing   Moother     08-02-05     17  
                 RE: The editing   Wacko Jacko     08-02-05     21  
                     RE: The editing   calamityc     08-02-05     25  
         RE: The editing   photokitty     08-02-05     18  
             RE: The editing   tamarama     08-02-05     22  
                 RE: The editing   Wacko Jacko     08-03-05     33  
   Song Choice Commentary   photokitty     08-02-05     23  
     RE: Song Choice Commentary   ginger     08-02-05     24  
         RE: Song Choice Commentary   photokitty     08-02-05     28  
             RE: Song Choice Commentary   ginger     08-02-05     29  
                 RE: Song Choice Commentary   photokitty     08-02-05     30  
     something odd...   SherpaDave     08-02-05     26  
         that said...   SherpaDave     08-02-05     27  
     RE: Song Choice Commentary   Cassandra     08-02-05     31  
         RE: Song Choice Commentary   photokitty     08-02-05     32  
   RE: Song Selection (Week of 8/1)   Agman2     02-18-16     35  

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