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"Finale 18 - First Show."
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Cathy the Canadian 599 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

05-28-07, 08:05 PM (EST)
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"Finale 18 - First Show."
LAST EDITED ON 05-28-07 AT 08:14 PM (EST)

Well, Burnett is following his Rockstar formula - I love the worldwide voting. He again gets inspiration from American Idol, with the live audience in the big theatre, and the three judges.

What this show is missing right off the bat? A Simon Cowell. Carrie Fisher and Garry Marshall are both clearly going to be nice all the time, so it will be up to the guest judge each week to be the tough one.

Even Rockstar had Dave Navaro telling it like it was. This show needs that.

I can see the favorite videos hitting youtube each week.

It was a little strange that they left us hanging from the last episode - they never showed how the 6 got cut, or how the shooting of the scenes went. Strange.

But I think I'm goiing to like this!

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Finale 18 - First Show.   Cathy the Canadian     05-28-07       
   The actors...   Cathy the Canadian     05-28-07     1  
     RE: The actors...   tamarama     05-28-07     3  
         RE: The actors...   tamarama     05-28-07     9  
         RE: The actors...   Agman2     04-13-16     27  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   tamarama     05-28-07     2  
     RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   cahaya     05-28-07     8  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   Capn2patch     05-28-07     4  
     RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   tamarama     05-28-07     5  
     RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   Cathy the Canadian     05-28-07     20  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   jase     05-28-07     6  
     RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   Cathy the Canadian     05-28-07     19  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   tamarama     05-28-07     7  
     RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   cahaya     05-28-07     10  
         RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   tamarama     05-28-07     11  
             RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   cahaya     05-28-07     16  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   tamarama     05-28-07     12  
     RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   cahaya     05-28-07     14  
         RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   tamarama     05-28-07     22  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   adricharlie     05-28-07     13  
     RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   cahaya     05-28-07     15  
         RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   adricharlie     05-28-07     17  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   cahaya     05-28-07     18  
     RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   aquariaqueen     05-28-07     24  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   Bebo     05-28-07     21  
   My observations   aquariaqueen     05-28-07     23  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   Loree     05-29-07     25  
   RE: Finale 18 - First Show.   Agman2     04-08-16     26  

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