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"Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
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uglier than sarah w 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

01-19-07, 02:21 PM (EST)
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"Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
I'm so psyched that the Versus channel is going to start reairing the Guatemala: the Maya Empire season starting Jan. 31st, and I belivee that this is the first time this season's been aired again.

I loved this one - a couple of my favorite contestants were on this season - I seriously loved Gary the pro quarterback who was so awesome, even though he was lying about his past, and I thought Danni was awesome. And I thought it was a cool twist that they brought Bobby Jon and Stephenie back that year too. And they had some great tribal councils that year

Is everyone else gonna tune in again? What are y'alls fave Guatemala moments?


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... dreamerbeliever 01-20-07 1
   RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... Aruba 01-20-07 2
   RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... KObrien_fan 01-20-07 3
   RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... uglier than sarah w 01-22-07 4
       RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... JoeGazillionaire 01-24-07 5
           RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... uglier than sarah w 01-25-07 6
               RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... JoeGazillionaire 01-25-07 7
                   RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... uglier than sarah w 01-31-07 8
                       RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... Aruba 02-01-07 9
                           RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... michel 02-01-07 10
                               RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... JoeGazillionaire 02-01-07 11
                           RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... uglier than sarah w 02-07-07 12
                               RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... JoeGazillionaire 02-08-07 13
                                   RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... Aruba 02-08-07 14
                                       RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... JoeGazillionaire 02-08-07 15
                                           RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Sta... Aruba 02-08-07 16

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dreamerbeliever 3380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

01-20-07, 03:42 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
LAST EDITED ON 01-20-07 AT 03:52 AM (EST)

Ahh that is good news! Also should mean that Versus has purchased the rights to S11, S12, and maybe even S13. The old OLN contract was just for seasons S1 to S10. Haven't seen any media blips about Versus picking up the rest of the seasons, but if they're airing Guatemala, good chance they have the rest.

Already have Guatemala on tape and have re-watched the season a few times but may still watch a night or two on Versus. Guat is a very good recent season. Think I ranked it 4th or 5th overall on last rank the seasons/winners thread?

Liked the Steph show in Palau but not so much in Guat. She did prove strategically that she was a strong player and did deserve another chance. Wasn't her fault she started with So-Long tribe in Palau. Bobby Jon was okay but just not for me.

To me the real standout player from this season is Brandon. For those watching Guatemala only for the second time on Versus, take one more look at just how good of a player he was socially and physically. Also had some of the funniest confessionals (besides the man Judd man) of the entire season.

Think what made this season was that almost every player was well defined. Each had a nice story to tell, except those early pretty girl boots. The overall cast is strong this season, in some ways it reminds me of Australia. Both seasons were inland and had a strong cast from top to bottom.


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

01-20-07, 08:47 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
I saw the same promo too while watching NHL on Versus.

I believe I ranked Guatemala around the same position as you did. By far it had the best Premier of any season in my opinion and an above average cast.

On a personal note my favorite part was the TRUE Steph coming out. I was one of the select few who did not care for her in Palau. Aside from Ruppert (PI), Steph (Palau) received the most favorable edit of any Survivor. And I do partial blame her for So-Long's futility. Her orchestrating Jolanda's boot at first tribal council had everything to do with the tribe's demise. Sure she will cop out and say it was becasue Jolanda was "bossy"...perhaps she couldn't bear having a better female athlete on the same tribe??? Whatever the case Jolanda would have been a tremendous asset in future challenges that So-Long lost. Guatemala was able to confirm what I felt all along about her since I'm not one to play the "edit" card with regularity.

We are on the same page with Brandon. He was my favorite player that season. Victimized by the Anti-Darwin Syndrome mid-season he probably would not have fared too well post merge since Guatemala was the one season where Individual Challenges were MUCH less physical and athletic by nature. Sadly it would not have played into his hands.

Judd was clearly the most entertaining character that season. And finally it put to rest all the bellyachers who complained the only way a female was going to win was to ride coattails and/or fly UTR the entire season. Thank goodness for DANNI!


KObrien_fan 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-20-07, 11:43 AM (EST)
Click to EMail KObrien_fan Click to send private message to KObrien_fan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
I too loved the season of Guatemala. I love the beginning with the 11 mile hike. Character wise I loved Brian and wish that he wasn't down in numbers after the switch. I loved Amy and had totally misjudged her from her profile. She wasn't a bossy overbearing outcast, she was a friendly, funny, and one of the strongest of willpower that has been on the show. I also wish that she could have stayed on longer.

Other memorable characters were Rafe, I thought he played a near perfect game with the exception of course being the end. But I give it up to Danni for her masterful way that she bonded and then broke up his alliance with Steph-a-me. It tickled me to see Steph get another shot at the game only to finally be edited as the rat that she is, and to see Danni beat her so handily was extra vindication.

Jamie was funny and Judd was lively, and together they provided some wonderful moments. Gary was among my favorites and I hope to meet him some day. Cindy was another that I misjudged by her profile, she too was fun to watch in the behind the scenes stuff. Brandon is terrific, and again another that I would have liked to see make it farther. I enjoyed watching Bobby John again, and seeing the change in his game from Palau.

I also enjoyed that most of the riff raff was voted out early. People like Brianna and Morgan who were pretty useless.

Overall the cast was a great mix. The environment was among the toughest of any, ranking maybe number 2, second only to Africa.


uglier than sarah w 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

01-22-07, 05:08 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
I hope Versus will show the other seasons as well - I love watching the Survivor rebroadcasts, and I'm so glad that they actually seem committed to showing them. It's so much fun to watch them a second time, and really be able to appreciate certain people's scheming or social game playing, or just how awesome certain players really were. I loved watching the reairing of Palau (Oh. Tom. *swoon*) and of the original Borneo season, which I'd actually missed half of the first time around.

I haven't seen Guatemala since it aired the first time, so there'll be an extra bonus of the fact that I'm sure I've completely blanked on major plot points - and because you are right, the cast was really well rounded and strong that year. Which you sort of lose in the week to week stuff, I think. Steph, I am so torn on. I loved her in Palau, but really disliked her by the end of Guatemala, so perhaps she's just more made for the underdog role, and not as attractive in the superior one?

I loved the challenges on this season - since they weren't near the water, and couldn't have the standard swimming challenges, they had to get so much more creative, and I thought that was cool.


JoeGazillionaire 349 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

01-24-07, 12:22 PM (EST)
Click to EMail JoeGazillionaire Click to send private message to JoeGazillionaire Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
What's the "Versus" channel? I never heard of it. What channel would it be on, on Direct TV satellite?

I agree that Guatemala was one of the best survivors ever (with the Australian Outback being the best).
I remember almost everyone, but I have no idea who this Brandon is that has been mentioned above.
What was surprising was how gorgeous Danni turned out to be...I didn't notice her at first because she kept wearing that dumb Kansas City Chiefs Cowboy hat. At first, I was bummed because I thought all the good looking girls had been booted, but then Danni started to look real good. I remember when she did the cartwheel showing her belly, with no makeup...and thinking "man, she's gorgeous." Another favorite was Gary Hogeboom..I was really hoping he would pull off the coup, because he was so smart with hiding his identity as a quarter of "America's team"! I was always amused at how quietly sneaky and clever he was...and you could really see the intelligence in this guy with the logical moves he made at every step of the way.
Rafe must be one of the most self-destructive players ever on Survivor....he had that in the bag, but he really just blew with inexplicable moves in the end...I'm still shaking my head at why he made those moves. By the way, I'm probably the only person that never liked Stephanie (in Palau or Guatemala). She was always cutthroat...but that cuththroat nature made her look like she had a fighting spirit because she was on the losing team in Palau. I can't believe I rmember so many trivial facts about a reality tv show!


uglier than sarah w 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

01-25-07, 01:20 PM (EST)
Click to EMail uglier%20than%20sarah%20w Click to send private message to uglier%20than%20sarah%20w Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
LAST EDITED ON 01-25-07 AT 01:22 PM (EST)

Versus used to be called OLN (the Outdoor Life Network). They've shown previous seasons of Survivor in the past - it's a pretty good channel. I get it, and I have digital basic cable, I think it's called. But, you can see if you get Versus at this site:

I so wished that Gary had pulled it off - I was rooting for him!- I can't believe that he made it as far as he did and the QB thing never even really became an issue outside of Danni mentioning it at that one challenge, which apparently nobody else heard, or believed her. But I don't remember exactly. I'm still really surprised by Rafe's manuevers at the F5 boot through is own outing at F3...I mean, I don't blame Danni at ALL for choosing to take Steph to the finals, it was the smarter play. I question Rafe's strategic decisions a lot though!


JoeGazillionaire 349 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

01-25-07, 08:58 PM (EST)
Click to EMail JoeGazillionaire Click to send private message to JoeGazillionaire Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
thanks. I already have that channel and had watched the reruns in previous times. I just didn't realize that changed the I'll just add it on my tivo just like previous seasons. There's also a "Surviovr Fiji" preview on the tv guide channel coming up this week.
I was rooting for Gary too. I just loved how sneaky he was, but he did it in a way that was charming, smart, and not mean-spirited like other contestants...he just played evrything like a shrewd poker player. It would have been tough for him because he was viewed as a physical and mental threat by the other tribe and they wanted to take him out before he was able to shake things up. Danni had the ability to appear non-threatening which is why she should be a survivor all-star--Gary too.
Danni knew Gary was a Dallas Cowboy QB because she used to broadcast near that area, but she just chose not to out Gary because they were friends...but she couldn't help but make a discreet jab at him to see him squirm a little bit.
Rafe's schizophrenic game playing (flawless game till the final five and destructive poor decision making) was probably a result of him being wishy washy about whehter to play the game fair and nice or in a manipulative way. That weird lapse at the final 3..was a momentary weakness where he wanted to be a nice guy when he was so manipulative before that.

uglier than sarah w 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

01-31-07, 01:44 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
I've already set my DVR to record everything tonight! 3 hours of episodes, yay! I heart that Versus shows these reruns, especially because the release the DVDs in such random orders. I'll have to check out the Fiji preview - excited for that too.

I loved that Gary was just...awesome. I can't even hate him for trying to keep his past secret, because they would have held it against him, just like that guy who was a doctor, and he'd never have won. I thought Rafe was such a good strategic player, too, you're right - he was so good at getting Stephenie to vote off everyone she would have taken to final two with her, but making it look like her decision so they wouldnt' vote for her on the jury. It was so smart, which makes his meltdown later really sad, because he probably played the best game out of all of them except for the "release you from your promise" nonsense.


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-01-07, 07:43 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
It was great turning back the clock last night to relive the first three episodes. Although I don't "hate" Gary for lying about his name and identity, lying about something your parents gave you never settled right with me. Ethan was a professional athlete and it was never held against him.
That doctor in Africa got voted out because he was the casualty of a tribal battle young vs. old moreso than his profession. Lawyers are extremely well off financially and it didn't prevent Yul from winning.

My favorite character as far as entertainment value is concerned was Jud. But the one I was cheering for to win right from the start was Danni. For nine seasons we were subjected to bellyaching that a female can't win unless she coattails or flies UTR. Thank Goodness for Danni! It's mindboggling that some didn't consider her awesome in challenges?? Getting three out of the necessary five goals!...That's dominance in my book.

Rafe did play a great game. But get aload of his expression in Episode 1 when Steph walked down the steps and he found out she would be on his tribe. The look on his face was kinda like a five year old walking down the stairs on Christmas morning and seeing the presents under the tree for the first time. LOL That boy was starstruck...and Gary called it right in a future episode referring to Rafe as Steph's "lapdog".

As for the "release you from your promise", that was a total non-factor. Danni would have chosen Steph in the Finals no matter what and Rafe would have given Steph his sour grapes vote as a result. So the way I saw it, it had zero effect on the outcome.

I'll be tuning in on Wednesdays to recapture the rest of this above average season.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-01-07, 09:37 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
If you want an extra treat, here is a link to Veruca's episode # 1 post in the Guatamala's editing thread. That thread covers the first 5 episodes, just scroll down to read her posts after each episode. They are well worth the time!


JoeGazillionaire 349 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

02-01-07, 11:43 PM (EST)
Click to EMail JoeGazillionaire Click to send private message to JoeGazillionaire Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
11. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
I thought I was the only one that re-watched "reality shows"...I gues there are more out there secretly doing that. I barely watch scripted television since Seinfeld went off the air. I'd probably keep quiet when they discuss the Bachelor or whatever at the office even though I can name almost every tsit and turn. I wish the reality fever was still hot so they can crank out more trashy "for love or money" or joe millionaire type love with a wicked twist reality shows.

I would have to agree with whoever said Danni was a good player...I think she was one of the best players ever. Just because she was female, doesn't mean she can't dominate in challenges. Brute strength isn't the only thing you need at those challenges. She had incredible balance, agility, endurance, speed, and smarts. Kind of like a female "Ozzy." You could tell just when she did that free standing cart-wheel at the food challenge, which I was forever in love with her after seeing that. She was also a great strategic game player because there's only been one other person that was able to be the outcast member and then come in and split them apart and win the contest--Chris. Except she did with less lying, and in a Yul kind of way of not getting people too mad at her.
Gary was smart, but there was no way he would slip under the radar. He's tall and has a real smart look to his face...people had him pegged as a threat from the smart. He's smart to keep the QB thing a secret...I mean Ethan was a soccer player....but no one watches soccer in the U.S. but most guys recognize the QB who played for "America's team"--Gary Hogeboem. I was probably like 3 when he played and even I recognized his name right away.


uglier than sarah w 303 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

02-07-07, 05:45 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
I am actually finding that I like this season more than I remembered liking it, by rewatching. I'd forgotten a lot of the cast members who were booted earlier in the season - for example, I loved Margaret, and thought it was such a shame when they turned on her - especially after she basically used her nursing skills to make them all feel better after the vote.

I think the block that airs tonight contains the episodes where they have the tribe switch up, and Stephenie ends up on the tribe that starts losing challenges again. I can't wait to see that!


JoeGazillionaire 349 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

02-08-07, 04:13 AM (EST)
Click to EMail JoeGazillionaire Click to send private message to JoeGazillionaire Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
13. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
Yeah, it seems to be a lot more enjoyable than I remember.
I actually found out that there was one episode that I missed! so it was like watching a new episode for the first the early ones I didn't remember that much.

The best part was the whole Gary denying he's Gary Hogeboem. I didn't realize that Danni had told her tribe that he was an ex football player.... it was funny when she said "he's a quarterback, you're built like a quarterback..." and see Gary stiffen. Or when Gary try to keep a poker face when his new tribe members asked him if was an ex football player... The cop lady said "I'll kill him, if it turns out he was a multimillionaire football player." It was hilarious. Danni concealed a grin...but she didn't press any further... But, she knew it was him. She even knew which college he played ball. That whole Gary sitcom made him one of my favorite Survivor characters ever.


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-08-07, 07:41 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
14. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"

>The cop
>lady said "I'll kill him,
>if it turns out he
>was a multimillionaire football player."

What Amy was probably more upset about was the "multimillionaire" part as opposed to the "football player."
Which made this "I'm going to lie about the name my parents gave me" so ridiculous. Anyone with half a brain knows that a third-strong QB who carried a clipboard throughout most of his career some 25 YEARS ago HARDLY retires a multimillionaire.

Danni not only called him out as a QB, but by name and the college he attended...yet the other Survivors still looked around as if to say... "huh??? what???" Therefore, I truly believe in the overall scope of things it wouldn't have mattered much. It's not like he was anything close to dominating in the challenges. Brandon, Judd and Danni all equally shared that honor.

He's not the only pro athlete to participate in Survivor. Ted in Thailand played pro football (ironically for the same team as Gary-Dallas Cowboys) and he advanced far in the game. And when he ulitmately got voted out it had nothing to do with being a former pro athlete.

JP last season was a pro athlete. Sure he didn't last long; but that was because he was a lazy, self-righteous, cocky moron. Even if he did stick around, Ozzy would have cleaned his clock just like everyone else last season.

Ethan was a pro athlete. Sure he won, but it had nothing to do with his athleticism. Lex, all 120 lbs of him soaking wet, pretty much owned him in the challenges.

As entertaining as Gary was in Guatemala, it was a case of another ex-jock being a bigger legend in their own mind. In the end, when you die, the only thing you have left is your it will NEVER sit well with me to lie about THAT.

OK...enough about the past season...I'm gearing up for tonight's Survivor 14 - Fiji Islands.



JoeGazillionaire 349 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

02-08-07, 12:45 PM (EST)
Click to EMail JoeGazillionaire Click to send private message to JoeGazillionaire Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
15. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
What was Ted's last name...and what position did he play?.... I didn't realize there was another pro athlete....that's interesting. Ethan was an athlete, but socceer players don't make that much money at all...unless they are Beckham.
I think Gary was smart to deny that he was a pro quarterback....
Contestants just don't want someone with a lot of money to win...
unless Gary was bad with money, he should be a millionaire. Quarterbacks get paid a lot of money...and Gary was at least 2nd string or starter for many, his salary should have been pretty decent. He didn't strike me as arrogant or full of himself. He seemed more like a guy that was logical and for self-preservation.... he would have never had to deny his name if Danni hadn't recognized him!

Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-08-07, 06:56 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
16. "RE: Survivor: Guatemala Re-airs Starting Jan. 31!"
I honestly don't know position Ted played.

Whereas I'm not privy to Gary Hogeboom's W-2s from over a quarter of a century ago, I will tell you that back then sports and $$ did not exactly go hand-in-hand.
To put it in perspective, when Gary broke into the League the premier player of that time was Walter Payton. He topped every offensive category for several seasons and is arguably one of the greatest players ever in pro football--some experts even dub him THE greatest ever in the history of the NFL. This future Hall-of-Famer earned $475,000 annually during this time. Certainly nothing to sneeze at, but that fact being stated, it would be an educated assumption that Mr. Hogeboom who pretty much was backup except for two seasons during the most dismal Cowboy years before Aikman, Emmit and Irving came onto the scene, probably only earned a fraction of that amount. Then when you take out the agents cut, taxes, etc...well you could to the math. Bottomline I don't suspect Gary socked away a small fortune from his football days.

Be it as it may...Gary denied his identity while on the 11 mile hike several days BEFORE Danni called him out. Remember he said he was Gary Hawkins the "landscaper" during the premier episode while hiking through the jungle? What was that all about??? It's bad enough to lie about your name; but why say you're a landscaper when your real job is in real estate?

Nope, Danni had nothing to do with Gary lying about the name his parents gave him and what he does for a living.

"Let's go to the videotape"



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