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"TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entry!"
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Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-07-11, 10:35 PM (EST)
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"TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entry!"

Survivor: TAR

Knowing that Survivor has already done a season in Panama, it almost made me thing that the Amazing Racers were going to walk in on a tribal council in session after that canoe ride. It was kind of weird how they had them go all they way out there and then turn around immediately with almost nothing inbetween.

Andy and Tommy were the surprise elimination this week, being foiled by Panamanian dresses (and an alliance of taxis). It just goes to show you that even just one task can make or break a season for a team.

Week 11 Results
1st place - Jeremy/Sandy (2x)
2nd place - Ernie/Cindy (1.8x)
3rd place - Amani/Marcus (.2x)
4th place - Andy/Tommy (0x)

Death to Bonuses!

Well, we're officially snakebit when it comes to bonuses. The correct answer to the Clock Game bonus was a paltry 54 minutes, far below the 2-hour typical guess for the bonus. We did, however, have a couple players get it right, so big kudos to them!

Unfortunately, the surprise Andy/Tommy boot led to 4 more Casino Game eliminations, michel, Snidget, cahaya, and Scuba Steve. Those stupid Panamanian dresses did you all in. Since the finale is next week, I suggest grabbing as many complimentary cocktails in the lounge as quickly as you can!

Thanks for playing, guys.

This week's Greatest Gainer Award goes to Ontheroadagain who climbed 8 ranks this week, narrowly beating LeftPinky who climbed 7. With the max bet sliding downward last week, it made big jumps difficult, but you managed to do it! Way to go!

This week's Perfect Bet Award also goes to taffnic (2x), who doubled-up nicely with a Jeremy/Sandy bet. Can't do much better than that!

1. Max Headroom - 915
2. KwietOne - 913
3. ARNutz - 896
4. flipxcyd - 878
5. esquire - 873
6. 5cats - 852
7. beau_30 - 787
8. CTgirl - 685
9. louislam - 560
10. vennui - 473
11. alemattos - 363
12. FFantasyFX - 296
13. Jims02 - 218
14. Belle Book - 206
15. Yogi - 198
16. Ontheroadagain - 168
17. Starshine - 160
18. Weez - 153
19. IanQuentin - 150
20. Puffy - 149
21. qwertypie - 122
22. LeftPinky - 103
23. chiubakka - 81
24. Wallflower66 - 69
25. bbenzenberg - 45
26. sarah1234 - 44
27. jbug - 30
28. popeave - 22
29. Element King - 21
30. samboohoo - 17
31. jbenz - 15
32. taffnic - 12
33. michel - 0
34. Snidget - 0
35. cahaya - 0
36. Scuba Steve - 0

We're really coming down to the wire now! Max Headroom and KwietOne managed to leapfrog ARNutz for the top two spots going into this final week... But the score is just ridiculously close right now. We're likely to see some huge wagers in Final Jeopardy this week, so we could see some huge shifts this week!

Finale Payout Table
1st place - 2x
2nd place - Break Even
3rd place - 0x

Max Individual Bet - NO LIMIT

No limit on regular bets in this final week, so you can bet as much or as little as you want on any of the teams. Also, players may feel free to private message me your finale picks if you so desire.

And, of course, this payout table will be based on the final rankings when the Racers cross the finish line.

Million Million Million

We skipped this game last year, mostly due to that weird 4-team finale last year, but it's back again!

In this game, players may wager on which team will say the word "million" first. As always, variations of the word will count, such as "millions", "millionaires", or "eorgtajsmillionlfnf". All we're looking for is M-I-L-L-I-O-N to be spoken by them.

The recaps don't count as part of the episode, and if none of the teams ever say it (it has happened once before), then no answer is correct and all bonus wagers score 0x.

Million Payout Table
Correct Answer - 3x
Incorrect Answer - 0x

Max Bet - 125 points

TAR19 Teams Remaining

Good luck! Don't forget to PM me your picks if you so desire! We should be in for an exciting finale!

Here's the deal, Max Headroom, you can beat me at the Casino Game, and in exchange my fantasy team will win our playoff match. Deal?

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entry!   Jims02     12-07-11       
   Secret Keeper Teams from last week   Jims02     12-07-11     1  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Jims02     12-07-11     2  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   michel     12-07-11     3  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   esquire     12-08-11     4  
     RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   esquire     12-11-11     32  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   samboohoo     12-08-11     5  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   jbug     12-08-11     6  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Scuba Steve     12-08-11     7  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   taffnic     12-08-11     8  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Starshine     12-08-11     9  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Weez     12-09-11     10  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   popeave     12-10-11     11  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Belle Book     12-10-11     12  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   chiubakka     12-10-11     13  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Max Headroom     12-10-11     14  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   ARnutz     12-11-11     15  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   KwietOne     12-11-11     16  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   flipxcyd     12-11-11     17  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   louislam     12-11-11     18  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   FFantasyFX     12-11-11     19  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   beau_30     12-11-11     20  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Ontheroadagain     12-11-11     21  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   CTgirl     12-11-11     22  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   bbenzenberg     12-11-11     23  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   5cats     12-11-11     24  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   sarah1234     12-11-11     25  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Element King     12-11-11     26  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Yogi     12-11-11     27  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   Puffy     12-11-11     28  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   LeftPinky     12-11-11     29  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   vennui     12-11-11     30  
   RE: TAR19 Casino Game - Finale Entr...   alemattos     12-11-11     31  

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