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"Official Summary-Episode 12-Survivor Guatemala"
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sorgee 1455 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

12-06-05, 00:18 AM (EST)
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"Official Summary-Episode 12-Survivor Guatemala"
Slummary for Survivor: Guatemala – The Maya Empire
Episode 12 – “Price for Immunity”
A.K.A. – “The One Where Judd Gets Pissed Off, Pimped Up and Then Pissed On”

Each episode starts with a recrap of the prior weeks show and this episode was no different. We were treated to a review of Gary’s desperate (and borderline pathetic) attempts to save himself. We were given more shots of Lydia pouting. Scenes of Steph running her piehole. Views of Cindy and Rafe enjoying their reward. More shots of Lydia pouting. Gleeful observances of Rafe kicking Gary to the curb in the immunity challenge. Obligatory air time of Judd being a punk. Even more shots of Lydia pouting. (What a freakin’ bunch of whiners. Gosh. Almost makes me wish that Wanda would have been called back this season. At least she sang.) Finally we see the money shot of Gary getting his torch snuffed.

Danni is the first confessional and she states that she is next on the totem pole and about to have her head chopped off. (Those of us that have been watching for years instantly know that this means she won’t be heading anywhere at tribal council except back to camp for another luxurious, mosquito infested night at camp.) Lydia says she sensed the culinary smells of sausage and eggs when she woke up. Judd pipes in and says it is because Stephanie farted. (Um, ok. Whatever, Judd. Go make yourself useful and hold a door open or something.)
Judd then starts off the first annual Maya Olympics with a cartwheel that, actually, ain’t to shabby. They take their turns at doing various cartwheels and round-offs. During the marvelous display of athleticism we are treated to some Jamacian sounding rhythm and Danni narrating and telling us how things are and are not going to go down. She is not going down without a fight.

REWARD – The Survivor Auction
Pretty much the same as every year. Survivors are given some loot (gen-u-wine, US denomination, $20 greenbacks) to spend on the goods Jiffy is pushing. They can pool money, but only the players that contributed will get the item. Not everyone is guaranteed to get something. The auction can end at anytime so they are cautioned that if they see something that they want they better hook it up ‘cause they might not get another chance.
1st item – Beef jerky. Danni gets it for $20. She was the first and only bidder.
LET’S MAKE A DEAL – Jiffy tells Danni that she can keep her jerky or she can trade it for a surprise item. Danni keeps the jerky. Good thing ‘cause the trade would have been for uncooked corn.
2nd item – 3 chocolate chip cookies and a tall glass of milk. Lydia goes $20. Cindy goes $40. Cindy gets it. Lydia starts to put on her pouty face, but manages to hold back which makes her look like a trout. Cindy takes a bite of a cookie and informs them all that it has big chunks of chocolate. Lydia does the trout pout again.
3rd item – Not a food item, but still worthy. A mosquito net. Danni’s face lights up a Christmas tree. Heck, the poor twig looks like she is about to choke on her beef jerky. Rafe bids $20. Danni - $40. Lydia - $60. Rafe tells Danni he will split it with her if they go $80. Lydia - $100. Rafe and Danni - $120. Lydia - $140. Lydia gets it. Ok everyone, pause here for a second. Lets ponder. Lydia (the trout pouting, whining, fish monger) CONTINUALLY talks about how she is starving and wants to eat. Um ok. She won’t bid on beef jerky. Will only go $20 for cookies and milk, but will blow her load on a friggin’ mosquito net? Someone, anyone PLEASE explain this to me. I don’t get it. I think that this chiquita has spent one day too many baking in the sun. Jeff gives her the net and comments that she has a lot of bites on her back. She has that he hasn’t “seen nothin’” and touches her butt. Jiffy asks her is she has them on her “booty” too. Ok. Jiffy better watch it or Julie will spring out from behind the bushes and bum rushing Jiffy to lay the smack down on him for checking out Lydia’s butt. (Hey, hey, hey. This season could be picking up after all!!!!) Sigh. No such luck. They move on to the next item.
4th item – Covered and will stay covered. Jiffy says that it could be the steal of the day. Lydia - $20. Danni - $40. Steph and Judd pool for $60. Rafe and Danni pool for $100. Steph and Judd - $120. Danni and Rafe - $140. Steph and Judd - $160. Rafe and Danni - $180. Danni and Rafe get a philly steak sandwich, fries and ketchup/catsup.
5th item – Non-food. It is an envelope with an “advantage” for the next immunity challenge hidden inside. Jiffy says that it won’t guarantee a win, but if you win it and us it right it can help. Lots of bidding on this one. Danni gets it for $200. Jiffy gives her the envelop and tells her that the wax seal on the envelop needs to stay on it until they get to the next challenge. (My 9 year-old daughter points out, in true child logic, that he didn’t say that the seal couldn’t be broken. He just said that it had to stay on there.)
6th item – Jiffy says it is coming up around the corner. GADZOOKS!!!!! People start filing in and from the faces of the survivors I guess that they are loved ones and that this is the peep visit. Turns out I am right.
Cindy has a twin named Mindy. (Note to self – Slap C/Mindy’s parents silly if you ever meet them.) Rafe apparently got a good portion of his looks from his mom, Loni. When you Danni’s brother, Drew, you realize that she is so scrawny ‘cause he must have gotten to all of the food first. Judd’s wife Kristin really needs him to win in order to keep her wearing tube tops, hair bleached and lip botoxed. Lydia’s brother, Joseph, is pretty easy on the eyes. Steph’s boyfriend, Michael, ain’t too shabby, either. Rafe loses it and says that this is so random. We find out that this is the first time in two years that Lydia has seen her brother. (Bet now she’s wishin’ she would have bid on the jerky or cookies and let someone else have the net…)
Jiffy tells them that only 2 people can pool $, but only 1 person can come back to camp for the night. Steph starts the bidding at $40. The frenzy is crazy. This is the most action we have seen from these people all season. Rafe brings out the big guns and jumps it to $300. Jiffy announces that now they will have to share money. Right away Steph asks Lydia if she will loan her money. (WTF?????? Earlier Steph was pooling with Judd.) Lydia lets Steph have the money. You can tell from Lydia’s eyes that she is going to hit up Steph HARD for a favor later. (You know what they say about paybacks…) Judd gets dough from Cindy. Steph has $750. Judd has $880. Steph looks like she is going to cry. Judd gets his wife for $880. (Bet this isn’t the first time someone has bought her ifyouknowwhatimean.)
Jiffy tells Judd conga-rats and lets him know that he can invite 2 other loved ones to camp as well as his wife. The three survivors that end up having their loved ones stay will go back to camp and hang for the night. The losers that don’t get a visit have to go back to the old Yaxha camp to spend night alone. (Injury, met insult.) And, oh, it gets worse. The 3 losers won’t even get so much as a hug from their loved ones. Cindy and Mindy get to hang. Steph gets to snuggle with her honey. Bad move Judd. Bet that Rafe, Danni and Lydia are going to think up a way o cook your goose while they are slumming it over at the old Yaxha. Rafe loses it and bawls like a sissy. Jiffy tells the losers to leave and head to Yaxha and the others then head to camp.
Judd palys tour guide and shows the loved ones “home, sweet home.” Kristin is shocked at Judd’s new camping skills. Judd says that she thought it was hot and that she thought he was a sexy camper. (Ewwww. I think I just threw up a little. Do you think she rolls over at night and shudders quietly to herself when she sees him next to her? Ewwww.) Ok, the more I see of the Mrs., the less slutty I think she is – especially after they give her a shirt to wear. Judd tells her about his final two plans. Ominous music plays.
We switch over to the others going to the old Yaxha. Rafe is so friggin’ upbeat and happy that it sometimes makes me ill. Instead of harping on what a punk Judd is, he is rradiating in the happiness of the “homecoming” he feels in returning to his old camp. Rafe and Danni are off picking weeds and talking about trust and such. They talk about Judd. Danni points out in confessional that Rafe is a threat. Back to Danni and Rafe and they talk about how Steph really trusts Judd. They decide that they need to have Steph catch Judd in a lie so that the trust will be broken.
Night rolls in and we are back with the winners. Kristin is still amazed at Judd’s skills. (Hey, maybe Napoleon Dynamite was onto something with his whole “chicks like guys with skills” theory…) Kristin tells Steph that it looks like they will really be the final four. We are then treated to Judd discussing who will be going next. The plan is Danni and then Lydia. More ominous music plays. You just get the feeling that Judd is screwed.
In the morning the winners and loved ones are out doing chores. Mrs. Peroxide freaks out over the bugs. Mindy is hanging tough. Michael talks about how it is real work. The losers show up just as the winners are making a yummy meal of – wait for it – are you ready – CORN!!!!!! SURPRISE!!!! Rafe is once again positive and reveals that he is happy that the others loved ones are still there so the he can meet them. Judd gets the sappy sentiment of the episode award. He tells us that he hasn’t been eating, but that having his wife there makes him full. He said it is like eating 25 White Castle cheeseburgers, man. Awwwww. The loved ones then say their good byes. The goodbyes are sweet and sappy. Steph calls it bittersweet and says that she can’t wait to go home.

Lydia and Judd are sitting on the ruins and they have a conversation that goes: (FYI – During the conversation we see several shots of Rafe and Cindy pounding corn.)
Lydia – Almost there, Judd. What do you think? You got a good shot at the million?
Judd – Who knows, man?
Lydia – Gotta get a game plan going here, Mr. Judd.
Judd – Why? What do you got? What are you thinkin’?
Lydia – How far do you want to get to the final two?
Judd – Just as far as you do. Why? You have any plans?
Lydia – (Danni walks over and hands Lydia a pitcher and takes a seat next to her) Well… We know who the key players are, Judd.
Judd – I ain’t that stupid, man. Are you kidding me?
Lydia – We’ve come this close. We got seven freakin’ more days left. Ok? Now…we either get rid of the threats…or we’re gonna be stuck to where we’re gonna be sittin’ on the jury.
Judd – I know that. I mean, look what happened to me with Jamie, man. You think I was happy about that?
Lydia - Well, I’ll tell you what, I was the last one to find out. And I was shocked that they didn’t tell you.
Judd – I know who the mastermind behind that was. (They show a picture of Steph eating.) And, you know what? If I was to say something, I’m screwed.
We then go to a Danni confessional and talks about how they might be able to pit Steph against Judd. Lydia gets Judd to say that he would be willing to be opento an alternate plan

Jiffy grabs immunity from Rafe. The challenge is “a bit of a human chess game.” It is the ol’ flip a tile and move horizontally or vertically. There is also a clever, alternate way to move yourself to another tile Via a spinning platform.
The survivors have already drawn for starting positions. Danni is directed to open her envelope and she is given the chance to switch spots with any player. Jiffy tells her that at anytime she can change spots with any player. However, she can only use it once.
Danni goes first. The Cindy, Judd, Rafe, Steph, and Lydia. Cindy is the first one out. Jiffy says that Steph has carved out a nice little spot of real estate. Danni jumps all over it and uses her pass to switch with Step. Steph looks pissed. Lydia is the next out. Rafe is out next. Judd is out. Steph smiles. They play a little more and Steph is out. Danni wins immunity.

Everyone gives Danni her props on the walk back to camp. We see Danni and Steph pounding corn. Steph looks around for Judd and wonders outloud where he is. Danni lets her know where he is and Steph asks Danni what Judd said to her. (Danni picks up a fork and sticks it into Judd.) Danni says that Judd talked about the Jamie situation and said that he still feels betrayed. Stephs eyes bugged. (Danni sticks the fork into Judd a little farther). She tells Steph that Judd said, “Don’t think I don’t know who’s in control.” She also tells Steph that Judd said that the key is to eliminate the strongest people. (Danni jiggles the fork a little. Yep, Judd is done.) Steph asks if it was just him and Lydia talking. Danni says yes.
Steph confessional reveals that she has caught Judd in quite a few lies, but that she hasn’t caught Danni in any. Steph approaches Rafe and they talk. She asks Rafe if he wants to get Judd first. Rafe says that they need to talk about it. Rafe, Danni and Steph wander off and plot Judd’s demise.
Meanwhile back at camp, Lydia and Judd talk. Judd tells Lydia that no one is safe and that if you think you are safe, you are crazy. Lydia grins like the Cheshire cat. When the Rafe returns to camp, Lydia approaches him and lets him know that her vote is there if he needs it. He chuckles and Lydia works on him some more. Judd sneaks up like Waldo (only without a striped shirt) and calls out Lydia and lets Rafe know that she approached him first. Rafe chuckles.
Judd shows his bravado as he struts around camp confident that Lydia is going home. At this point, based on the editing of prior episodes, I am fairly convinced that Judd is going home.

The jury walks in and Jiffy starts with the questions. Cindy points out that whoever goes home will impact the final outcome. Rafe points out the importance of trust at this point in the game. Steph says that at this point in the game you have to vote out in a way that you can explain later if you make it to the final two. Judd says that everyone sitting there wants someone to go home. He says it is the bottom line. To quote Judd, “The only way you move on is if somebody goes home. No hard feelings, but deal with it. That’s basically the way I look at it.” SUCKER!!!!!!! Danni opts to keep immunity.


Judd’s classy parting words, “Thanks guys. I hope you all get bit by a freakin’ crocodile. Scumbags.”

Cindy is consoled after tribal. Strategy deepens. The tribe is shocked with an awful dilemma.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Thanks for the summary, Sorgee Spanky68 12-06-05 1
 RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Sur... zipperhead 12-06-05 2
 RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Sur... mysticwolf 12-06-05 3
   RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Sur... Vandino1 12-06-05 4
       RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Sur... vince3 12-06-05 5
   RE: the envelope, please... EmoEmoEmo 12-07-05 6
 RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Sur... Skiver 12-08-05 7
 RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Sur... PepeLePew13 12-09-05 8

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Spanky68 8092 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-06-05, 00:48 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Spanky68 Click to send private message to Spanky68 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "Thanks for the summary, Sorgee"
I think you hit every major point, and your quotes were perfect as I remember them. Judd married over his head.


zipperhead 3442 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

12-06-05, 05:42 PM (EST)
Click to EMail zipperhead Click to send private message to zipperhead Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Survivor Guatemala"
Good job.

During the conversation we see several shots of Rafe and Cindy pounding corn.

Is this code for something?

Zipperhead is just sick. Dangerously sick. - molaholic


mysticwolf 10692 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-06-05, 06:06 PM (EST)
Click to EMail mysticwolf Click to send private message to mysticwolf Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Survivor Guatemala"
Nicely done, Soree. (And, I love your daughter's logic. She was absolutely correct, and I predict her teenage years will be quite interesting for you. )

Bad Wolf! by PM


Vandino1 6 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-06-05, 09:26 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Survivor Guatemala"
Fine summary. And what exactly WAS the point of not opening that sealed envelope? The information inside was meaningless until the immunity challenge was explained, so its only effect was adding a little "gift-opening suspense" beat preceding the challenge. Blah. And, on another mystery note, are we really sure that Mindy left and didn't trade places with Cindy? What a Survivor Finale shock reveal that would be! And did anyone notice the OTHER TWIN on camera: Judd's brother (with the same beard!) spotted during the family shout-out at the end? Too much twin weirdness!

vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-06-05, 10:08 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Survivor Guatemala"
Mindy wasn't that skinny, soooo they probably could tell which was which.


EmoEmoEmo 7 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-07-05, 00:29 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: the envelope, please..."
Myself, I was thinking you could just slit the envelope open and leave the seal intact. No need to break it at all.

Skiver 1118 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

12-08-05, 08:37 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Skiver Click to send private message to Skiver Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Survivor Guatemala"
Fun summary.

When you Danni’s brother, Drew, you realize that she is so scrawny ‘cause he must have gotten to all of the food first was my favorite, though I also liked "injury, meet insult"

Good job.

Sig by Cygnus X1

"I know it's hard to put food on your family." - GW Bush


PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-09-05, 06:40 AM (EST)
Click to EMail PepeLePew13 Click to send private message to PepeLePew13 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: Official Summary-Episode 12-Survivor Guatemala"
Great summary, thanks for doing this sorgee!

Some faves:

>Ok. Jiffy better watch it or Julie
>will spring out from behind
>the bushes and bum rushing
>Jiffy to lay the smack
>down on him for checking
>out Lydia’s butt.

>Judd’s wife Kristin really needs him to
>win in order to keep
>her wearing tube tops, hair
>bleached and lip botoxed.

>Judd gets his wife for $880.
>(Bet this isn’t the
>first time someone has bought
>her ifyouknowwhatimean.)

>Danni jiggles the
>fork a little. Yep,
>Judd is done.)



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