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"02/26/2005 Episode"
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okaychatt 2810 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

02-27-05, 12:02 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: Update"
You missed a good one, Ms Montana.

All the contestants were brought back for this task. The two teams chose their new members.

The judges would consider the individual projects on the winning team. The best project would be chosen. If that project belonged to one of the ghosts, that person would be back in the game.

Each team had to design a park area, including a playground and a meditation section. They were given $5,000 to order supplies from Sears, plus traditional building supplies.

Crafty Beavers got off to a rough start, and Heather's disorganization and grandiose ideas led to total collapse. Her pagoda project for the meditation area proved too cumbersome. Darlene stepped in at the last minute and used lattice work to frame the area. She also built a picnic table from scratch. She'd never worked with wood before, but likened the process to working with fabric. She was pretty disgusted with Heather, but held her tongue. She has some class.

Heather was miffed when the judges praised Darlene for all she had done. Heather made a lame comment about how the remaining wood was warped, and that prevented them from building the pagoda. LIE!!!

Team Crafty Beaver's children's climbing wall was shoddy, and it came apart when Evangelista tried it. Darlene had worried about that, too. And again, no one listened.

Team Artisan's work was beautiful and included an arched bridge over a large pool of water. Their meditation area consisted of a pergola with a wood burning fireplace. Their playground was anchored in cement and was safer than Crafty Beaver's.

Of course Artisan won. Kimberly's boxwood topiary won. She had fashioned a derby hat, with red bow. The look on Mitch's face when she won was priceless. She and Dawn were all huggy-huggy. The viewers were with Mitch.

In the garden, Team Crafty Beavers voted Darlene out. Tom had the deciding vote. Instead of saying, "I'm so jealous of her it hurts," he made a lame comment of how he knows she'll eventually have her own network, but he had to go with Amy because he knew her better. Whatever.

I'll miss her, but her team will more likely lose next time because she is not there. That would give me some sense of justice. She was my favorite. Sigh.

Hope this helps fill in some of the gaps. Here's a link to the official summary:

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 02/26/2005 Episode   FarmBoy     02-21-05       
   RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   Loree     02-21-05     1  
     RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   FarmBoy     02-21-05     2  
         RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   volsfan     02-21-05     3  
             RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   Loree     02-21-05     4  
             RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   FarmBoy     02-21-05     5  
                 RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   ginger     02-25-05     15  
         RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   DontGetMeStarted     02-21-05     6  
             RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   ReasearchGirl     02-22-05     7  
                 RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   sassycowgirl     02-22-05     8  
   RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   okaychatt     02-23-05     9  
     RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   lovwigglesworth     02-23-05     10  
         RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   okaychatt     02-23-05     11  
         RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   MS MONTANA     02-24-05     12  
             RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   volsfan     02-24-05     13  
                 RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   FarmBoy     02-25-05     14  
                     RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   ginger     02-25-05     16  
                     RE: 02/26/2005 Episode   volsfan     02-25-05     17  
   HERE WE GO!   volsfan     02-26-05     18  
     RE: HERE WE GO!   cookiemom     02-26-05     19  
         RE: HERE WE GO!   toddE     02-27-05     20  
             Update   MS MONTANA     02-27-05     21  
                 RE: Update   okaychatt     02-27-05     25  
                     RE: Update   MS MONTANA     02-27-05     26  
             RE: HERE WE GO!   volsfan     02-27-05     23  
             RE: HERE WE GO!   okaychatt     02-27-05     24  
         RE: HERE WE GO!   flower     02-27-05     22  
             RE: HERE WE GO!   Loree     02-27-05     27  

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