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"2/19 Episode"
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frostypo 14 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

02-20-05, 10:42 AM (EST)
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29. "RE: 2/19 Episode"
Bobby Flay commented that Mitch always had an answer and could talk his way out of anything.

Mitch has such an ego he makes Martha Stewart seem shy. However, I realized last night that I really don't want him elimated as he is at least interesting. Amy, Heather and Dawn are really non-entities in my opinion. Darlene and Mitch are the stars and possess the most overall talent.

In most cases, I have not been disappointed with who was dumped. I know Mychael is terrific, at least with cooking (we never saw her do another darn thing. Darlene is terrific at cooking, sewing, many talents). Anyway, I could not stand Mychael from the first show, but I was STUNNED when she was voted out. I would never watch a show she hosted, though. My fave from the git-go is Darlene. Talent, personality, she's got it all in my opinion. Maybe she and Mitch could host a show together!

Also, one thing that kinda puzzles me. Denise went over to the other team as a result of "a draw." Darlene was chosen by the team that got her. Mitch had the best personal project for his own team. Why is it different each time? It was funny to see the elation of the Beavers, and the despair of the Artisans when he went, though!

Also, getting back to the subject of Mitch's talking and knowledge: didn't the judges notice he never gives anyone else a chance to talk?

I love this show! So happy to discover this forum. I never watch reality shows, haven't seen even one episode of Survivor, Great Race, Bachelor et al. But this show had me from the beginning!

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 2/19 Episode   volsfan     02-19-05       
   RE: 2/19 Episode   Loree     02-19-05     1  
   RE: 2/19 Episode   Loree     02-19-05     2  
     RE: 2/19 Episode   volsfan     02-19-05     4  
   RE: 2/19 Episode   Loree     02-19-05     3  
     RE: 2/19 Episode   volsfan     02-19-05     5  
     RE: 2/19 Episode   weltek     02-21-05     33  
   I am cornfused...   volsfan     02-19-05     6  
     RE: I am cornfused...   Loree     02-19-05     8  
         RE: I am cornfused...   volsfan     02-19-05     10  
             RE: I am cornfused...   Loree     02-19-05     12  
   The experts   Loree     02-19-05     7  
     RE: The experts   volsfan     02-19-05     9  
   The judges   volsfan     02-19-05     11  
   RE: 2/19 Episode   Loree     02-19-05     13  
   RE: 2/19 Episode   Loree     02-19-05     14  
   BWAHAHAHAHAHA!   volsfan     02-19-05     15  
   RE: 2/19 Episode   volsfan     02-19-05     16  
     RE: 2/19 Episode   Loree     02-19-05     17  
         RE: 2/19 Episode   Loree     02-19-05     18  
             RE: 2/19 Episode   volsfan     02-19-05     19  
                 RE: 2/19 Episode   ReasearchGirl     02-19-05     20  
                     RE: 2/19 Episode   Loree     02-19-05     21  
   RE: 2/19 Episode   mookiemeister     02-20-05     22  
     RE: 2/19 Episode   flower     02-20-05     23  
     RE: 2/19 Episode   okaychatt     02-20-05     24  
         RE: 2/19 Episode   volsfan     02-20-05     27  
             RE: 2/19 Episode   frostypo     02-20-05     29  
                 RE: 2/19 Episode   volsfan     02-20-05     30  
                     RE: 2/19 Episode   frostypo     02-22-05     35  
   Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!   okaychatt     02-20-05     25  
     RE: Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!   ReasearchGirl     02-20-05     26  
   RE: 2/19 Episode   samboohoo     02-20-05     28  
   RE: 2/19 Episode   greeneyes     02-20-05     31  
   RE: 2/19 Episode   Elaine0     02-21-05     32  
     RE: 2/19 Episode   okaychatt     02-21-05     34  
         RE: 2/19 Episode   ginger     02-22-05     36  
             RE: 2/19 Episode   volsfan     02-22-05     37  
                 RE: 2/19 Episode   samboohoo     02-22-05     38  
                     RE: 2/19 Episode   volsfan     02-22-05     39  
                     RE: 2/19 Episode   okaychatt     02-23-05     40  

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