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"The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL Summary: "(You Ain't Nothing But) Whine, Whine, Whine""
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AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-11-04, 07:59 PM (EST)
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"The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL Summary: "(You Ain't Nothing But) Whine, Whine, Whine""
LAST EDITED ON 03-12-04 AT 06:57 PM (EST)

The Apprentice: The Ultimate Job Interview
Episode 9 Official Summary
“(You Ain’t Nothing But) Whine, Whine, Whine”
by AyaK

Previously on The Apprentice: What, you mean you didn’t watch The Trump Organization push into the bottled water business with “Trump Ice”? In an episode that amounted to little more than an unpaid advertisement for Trump’s attempt to compete with the “big boys” in the bottled-water biz (Nestle (yes, THAT Nestle – it owns, among others, Perrier, San Pellegrino, Vittel, Panna, Arrowhead, Ice Mountain, Deer Park, Calistoga, Great Bear, Zephryhills, Ozarka, and Troy’s favorite, Poland Springs, which is NOT bottled in Poland!), Coke (Dasani) and Pepsi (Aquafina)), Protégé (led by project manager Heidi) decisively whipped VersaCorp (led by project manager Ereka) thanks to Troy’s sales to distributors. Ereka took Bill and Nick with her in front of a very contentious firing squad session, which ultimately led to Ereka’s departure instead of the expected departure of "zen sales master" Nick, who botched a sales challenge again. And so…

Chump Change III

Nick and Bill return from the fake Trump boardroom to the suite. Katrina, who has confessed how Bill and Nick turned on her when she defended Ereka’s performance, looks as if she’s lost her best friend – which, of course, she has. But no one else among the Chumps looks unhappy to see the two guys, and Omarosa is simply overjoyed that Ereka is gone. Well, let’s see if Ereka’s absence ebbs the hurricane of controversy that always seem to swirl around Omarosa. We can also wait to see if pigs fly. Actually, pigs DO fly in the Spy Kids movies, so maybe there’s hope that Omarosa will be edited to LOOK as if she’s behaving on this TV show, no matter how preposterous that prospect seems in real life.

Bill whines that Ereka wouldn’t shake the guys’ hands when she left. Nick says that he’s only annoyed that Ereka wouldn’t shake Bill’s hand. More proof for the men in the viewing audience that it isn’t just women who turn insignificant events into an entire drama. Looks like we might need a “Drama King” category in next year’s Blowies to go along with the “Drama Queen” category.

Morning. Phone rings. Kwame answers, and we learn that, like Omarosa’s old boss in her White House intern/receptionist days, he prefers boxers to briefs. The Chumps are instructed to meet The Trump in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in one hour. When they arrive, The Donald is accompanied by Carolyn the Killer and George of the Urban Jungle (yea! No Bernie Cubic Zirconium!). Trump immediately notes that, since VersaCorp is now down to 3 while Protégé has 5, it’s time for Chump Change III! VersaCorp gets to pick one player from Protégé … and project leader Nick unhesitatingly picks Amy.

Amy was the first one picked in Chump Change I (Episode 5), the crossover member in Chump Change II (Episode 7), and now the crossover member again (Episode 9) … and she has been on the winning side in all eight challenges, making her seem indispensable. Uh, how is she NOT at worst one of the last two players? So The Donald decides to make that point to the Chumps, telling them that he wouldn’t have picked her, because all it does is give her too much power and confirm how indispensable she is. “What you’re telling me is that I should just give her the job right now.” Well, duh, YES … but The Donald and Mark Burnett still have more episodes to film, so let’s get on with it.

Of course, this leaves Protégé with the dynamic duo of Osama-rosa and Heidi. Pigs aren’t going to be flying anytime soon, are they?

Art for Art’s Sake…

This week’s task involves art, which accounts for the setting. The Chumps are supposed to select an artist from a list of six artists provided to them, hold a showing of that artist’s work at a gallery, and sell as much of the work as possible. If both teams pick the same artist, the choice of team is up to the artist. Each team has $1,500 in seed money to set up the show, food, etc. Teams can set the price for the art, but the artist has to approve the final sales price. Most dollars sold wins.

The reward for the winning project manager is … ten minutes alone with The Donald. No golf, no dinner, no baseball, just a chance to sell yourself one-on-one to the decision maker. I guess the losing project manager gets twenty minutes. Trump says that a lot of people would love to have ten minutes alone with him. Yeah, the Trump Casino stockholders whose stock is worth less than a Happy Meal at McDonald’s, the Trump Organization bondholders who got pennies on the dollar during Donald’s “cramdown” in the 1990s, the investors taken to the cleaners in some of his projects … all of them would give a lot for ten minutes alone with The Donald. But THEY can’t get it, since The Donald knows that he’d end up looking like one of the extras in a Bruce Lee movie by the end of the session. Instead, it will be either Nick or Kwame, project manager for Protégé.

Kwame, realizing that art is subjective, wants to take his entire team to look at the artists. Protégé’s first contender is Giles, a guy who mixes some of his DNA, in the form of fingernail clippings and hair, into each of his works. He says that his canvases are little pieces of himself. Maybe he should start using bigger pieces – fingers, toes, nose, palms, feet, legs, arms, etc. Hey, he could always paint by holding a brush in his mouth! Ms. Osama says she liked him. It takes all kinds, I guess.

VersaCorp, meanwhile, splits up again. Nick and Katrina visit Andrei, who paints very large abstract canvases. It’s hard to dislike them, even though they resemble the paintings done by preschoolers if given a big enough sheet of paper, and they are so nondescript that they fit into any decor. I think Andrei goes down to the local day-care center and gets these “works” mass-produced. Katrina says that she thought they found their artist when they met Andrei. Nick says that he likes how Andrei explained his works, and the pictures themselves are “phenomenal.” You know, I guess people like Nick are the ones who buy the “art” for hotel rooms.

Amy and Bill visit Leah, whose artworks resemble snapshots of her and her friends engaged in various activities, such as going to the beach. Bill likes her, Amy loves her “fun” work and thinks it would sell well. At least it’s a clever idea….

Protégé visits Meghan. Uh, if you remember the disturbing murder-and-scissors themed artwork of Grace (Emma Thompson’s character) that we see at the end of the movie Dead Again (and if you’ve never seen this movie, I highly recommend it, despite its themes of reincarnation and ESP), well, meet Grace’s even-more-wacko sister. Meghan tells Protégé that her work represents the story of two twin sisters, Psyche (immortalized as Cupid’s lover in Greek myth) and Smut (think of her as … well … smutty), who live in a land ruled by dope-smoking frogs. Kwame thinks she’s “weird as hell.” Like we needed Kwame to tell us that. At least she hasn’t sliced off any of her body parts for her canvases … yet.

The Donald’s “Spoiler of the Week”: You Gotta Believe. “You gotta believe in what you’re selling…. If you don’t…, you’re going to be miserable.” It’s certainly good advice if you’re starting your own business – but is it really true? Would you be unhappy working for the U.S. government if you were against big government? That doesn’t seem to be true in the U.S., since we see some of the loudest anti-big-government types occupying the White House, while a vehement anti-government activist is running for President for the other party. If either side was miserable, they wouldn’t work so hard or spend so much money to get these offices.

And what about Ray Kroc selling Mixmasters? Did he “believe” in his Mixmasters? No, he just wanted to sell more of them, which is why he went to visit these three restaurants in California owned by the McDonald brothers, which had THREE Mixmasters each when most restaurants made do with one. As far as I know, though, Kroc “believed’ that being a billionaire, which he became thanks to co-franchising the McDonald’s concept and then buying the McDonald brothers out, was great….

Anyway, since we have our nugget of zen business philosophy for the week, let’s see how it applies. Protégé is choosing between Meghan and Leah. Kwame says that he thinks they should pick Meghan, even though she’s weird, because the average price point of her works is about $4,000, compared to about $1,500 for the other artists (including Andrei and Leah). Kwame says that he isn’t an “art aficionado,” so he doesn’t care who they pick, as long as they win. However, Meghan only has 20 works available for the show, which is also a risk.

Ms. Osama tells the group that she has serious concerns about Meghan’s work and thinks they should pick Leah, but she also says that Meghan is the only artist who is going to “drive the numbers” required to win. (Drive them in what? A Hummer? With her artwork, it might be the only vehicle with enough armor to feel safe!) In confessional, Omarosa says that Kwame was taking a “major risk” and that this wasn’t the challenge to do that. Perhaps, Osama-rosa, Kwame is taking that major risk because he knows he has a handicap on his team: you. Back with the group, Osama laughs that she’s going to sell a picture of an opium-smoking frog. Yep, just the sort of thing that everyone wants to hang in the living room.

VersaCorp is also debating Leah, as well as Andrei, but via phone. Amy loves Leah, and Bill also favors Leah. Nick and Katrina lean hard toward Andrei. But Nick and Katrina haven’t seen Leah’s work, and Amy and Bill haven’t seen Andrei’s. Nevertheless, Nick decides to make an executive decision and pick Andrei, because he isn’t impressed by Bill’s description of Leah’s work. Amy says that she has a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. So do viewers looking for interesting art.

Of course, Leah may be the lucky one here by NOT getting either show. But the logistics of this choice, which are not shown to us, are interesting. It looks like VersaCorp decided to find the best artist quickly in an effort to lock Protégé out. Thus, the two teams each visited three artists and then picked, which would explain the phone call and the lack of seeing the other artists. It worked, as Protégé was locked out of Andrei (OK, they weren't locked out, but if you were the artist, wouldn't you go with the team that picked you first?). Amy’s fear, therefore, was that Protégé would pick Leah and still win. But I’ll bet Amy would have been dancing on Cloud 9 once she found out that Protégé actually picked Meghan.

… Money for God's Sake?

Protégé is hanging Meghan’s art – or rather, Heidi and Osama are, while Troy and Kwame hand out invitations for the showing on the street. George of the Urban Jungle shows up and asks why they chose this artist. Osama answers that Meghan was very cooperative and had a following that should turn out. George says in confessional that “art is a business” and Meghan is a “business gamble.” I guess George wouldn’t agree with the old adage “Ars Gratia Artis,” or “Art For Art’s Sake,” which has driven artists since time immemorial. Then again, some of the most driven artists didn’t sell (such as Vincent van Gogh, who sold only one painting in his entire life), and if artists based their efforts solely upon their commercial success, we’d never have had either Impressionism (Monet left a ton of Money on the table – it took him years to regain the price points that he’d enjoyed as a “conventional” artist) or Post-Impressionism (anyone missing an ear?).

Then again, to quote one of my favorite groups of the 1970s:

Art for art's sake,
Money for God's sake

From "Art for Art's Sake" (Eric Stewart/Graham Gouldman)

I wonder if George is a 10cc fan? After all, his boss seems to follow one of their other songs:

Do the Wall Street shuffle
Let your money hustle
Bet you'd sell your mother
You can buy another

From "Wall Street Shuffle" (Stewart/Gouldman)

Heidi asks Meghan about the symbolism of the three severed heads in one of her pictures. Hmm … pictures with severed heads … guess which team doesn’t “believe” in its artist … well, looks like Amy’s going to go 9-0 in challenges, even without the artistic stylings of Leah.

Once the pictures are hung, Omarosa and Heidi head out … when Omarosa decides that she wants to eat a nice, sit-down, LOOOONG lunch. Heidi suggests getting sandwiches and eating on the go, so Osama whines. And whines. And whines. She whines that her head still hurts from her “concussion.” She whines that she can’t work while hungry. She whines some more. Heidi confesses that Osama always wants a break during work time, but never during reward time. Osama calls Kwame to whine to him. Kwame, who already knows that dealing with Osama is a no-win situation, tells her that she and Heidi need to work things out. Hearing the call, Troy starts imitating Omarosa and her 1,000 Excuses: “Dude, it’s my head. If I don’t get some catered service pretty quick, I’m calling the President.” Nice to know that the Chumps hate her as much as the TV audience does. I’ll bet they just loved Osama around the Oval Office.

In fact, Osama-rosa was assigned to Vice President Gore’s staff. Pundits looking for the reason that Gore doesn’t seem to like ex-President Clinton (Bill, not Hill) need look no further than the assignment of interns. Bill got “go-all-the-way” Moaning Monica Lewinsky. Al got Omarosa. Case closed.

In confessional, Heidi calls Omarosa an “absolute lunatic bitch.” Troy says that Heidi and Omarosa keep the team on an “emotional rollercoaster.” Maybe so, but I didn’t see either Troy or Kwame volunteering to take Osama off of Heidi’s hands. Perhaps it’s easier to be on a rollercoaster if you’re sitting in the car rather than tied across the track, as Heidi is.

The exhibitions open at 6. VersaCorp’s gallery is empty, and Nick confesses how important it is for a leader to show confidence, to keep up the morale of his troops. After a while, Bill finally sells a painting. Then Kristin. Then Nick (with, apparently, a 10% discount). Protégé is happy. The art is selling! Nick, in confessional, brags about how this competition “isn’t about marketing, real estate backgrounds or MBAs” and how he’s a leader who brings a spirit of victory to every challenge. Yeah, sure, Nick. That’s why you’ve been in the boardroom four times now (Ep. 2, Ep. 4, Ep. 7, Ep. 8).

Protégé could only wish that their sale was going as well as VersaCorp’s. Troy flounders trying to explain Meghan’s work, stating that a picture of Psyche and Smut represents the male idea of female duality: “a virgin in the living room and a whore in the bedroom.” Yep, I’ll bet lots of couples want pictures of whores in their houses. Troy admits that Meghan’s “thought processes are beyond my comprehension.” So are the thought processes of anyone who would pay $4,000 for one of her works.

Heidi tries to sell a woman on the idea that one of the “paintings” is on an old-fashioned toilet cover (see The Godfather for the kind of old-fashioned toilet that she meant). Turned out that, when she asked Meghan, it was actually a fireplace cover. (Does that go along with Smut?)

Osama mocks Troy and Heidi for their lack of appreciation of Meghan’s sophisticated art. She focuses on selling one of the little pieces in the collection: a cat in front of a rabbit. When asked about the work, Meghan answers that she’s not sure whether the cat is “undead.” Undead? Like in VAMPIRES? My goodness, even her cats come from beyond the grave? But the woman buys the picture anyway, for $869. One for Osama. Kwame starts to worry that they might not sell another piece before the show ends at 10:30. He’d just like one more sale. But it doesn’t look like Meghan’s “following” could make it this evening. Probably need to sell her pictures on nights with a full moon.

Bored In The Boardroom … and the Wisdom of Warren Buffett

Next day. Fake Trump Boardroom. Now, the two teams KNOW how they did at this point, even if they couldn’t talk about the challenge. VersaCorp has no doubt that they won. Protégé has no doubt that they lost. Nevertheless, The Donald stays true to his pop “message” and focuses on how much the teams liked the artists’ work and were happy with the performance. Since these are all Type-A people, the winners are bound to be happy, and the losers are bound to be unhappy, right? Well, hurrah, hurrah, that’s exactly what they said. Nick takes total credit for his team’s selection of Andrei (while Katrina’s support for that selection goes completely unmentioned – dare I say that Nick is a credit hog?). Kwame diffuses the blame by saying that they decided on Meghan as a team. Carolyn the Killer then announces that VersaCorp sold 8 paintings worth over $13,000 (note that this is slightly above Andrei’s $1,500 price point), while George of the Urban Jungle announces that Protégé sold one painting worth $869 (note that this is WAYYYY below Meghan’s $4,000 price point). Trump then makes his pop point that one team, Protégé, tried to sell something that they didn’t believe in. Zzzzzz.

But is this the real business lesson that we should take out of this episode? I think not. Instead, I’d rather focus on the whole idea of selling a product that you know. See, it didn’t matter which of the six artists Kwame, Troy or Heidi picked, because THEY DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ART. NEVER invest in or try to sell a product that you don’t understand. You may get lucky – as Nick did – but you may also bomb out, and it’s simply luck either way.

Classic example: During the height of the Internet boom in the late 1990s, Warren Buffett very publicly announced that he was not going to have his corporation, Berkshire Hathaway, invest in any of the super-hot “tech stocks,” because he didn’t understand their valuation. Thus, he couldn’t tell a bargain or a “keeper” from a dud. People ridiculed him for sitting out the hottest trend in the market in decades. Then the bubble burst. Many stocks lost hundreds of dollars of value per share (anybody see JDS Uniphase lately – I think it’s currently trading at $4/share, but in 2000 it was over $150/share). Even really successful companies took a beating, losing over 50% of market value (Cisco). A few stocks did OK (Microsoft). But most of the tech funds were ruined. Berkshire Hathaway wasn’t even impacted. Why? Because Warren Buffett was smart enough to stay away from a market he didn’t understand, no matter how much he was ridiculed for doing so.

Hopefully, none of the Protégé Chumps will ever have to make a living as an art dealer, because they’ll soon learn that the quickest way to make a small fortune is to start with a big fortune in a market you don’t understand.

Anyway, Nick gets his 10 minutes with The Donald, while Protégé has to face the firing squad. Since Nick missed the first tour of The Donald’s apartment, he gets the mini-tour, while he asks Trump what he’s looking for in an “apprentice.” The Donald says he wants “brains and energy,” and it’s clear to him that Nick has energy. You know, I’m starting to like The Donald in spite of myself, because once again, he’s pointed out Nick’s obvious flaw – lack of gray matter. If you gave Nick someone to think for him, he’d be a killer, like Carolyn.

Osama figures she won’t be going to the firing squad because she opposed the artist and sold the only painting. She confesses that she hopes Heidi gets booted, because Heidi keeps saying that she’d rather sell Tampax than art. But see, Osama, Heidi KNOWS the Tampax market --- which is my point above. Nevertheless, Osama says that Heidi is the “least classiest” Chump left, while the rest of us are grateful that Osama isn’t pursuing her Ph.D. in English. And Osama whines. She tries to whine Kwame into nominating Troy. She whines that she’s “ready to go into that boardroom fighting.” Or at least crying. WAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAH!! WAAAAAAH!!!

Ding, Dong, The Bitch Is Dead!

Fake Boardroom. Trump tells Protégé that this art sale was the worst disaster yet. Nah, I think losing money in the flea market challenge in Episode 5 was a worse disaster. And what about the purchasing fiasco in Episode 3, which Kwame and Troy were part of? Trump asks Kwame what happened. Kwame takes full responsibility for making a risky business decision that didn’t pan out. He generously notes that Omarosa dissented from the decision.

At that, Trump says Omarosa is to be commended (getting an eye-roll from Heidi) and asks her about the choice of artist. Omoanarosa promptly gets herself in trouble by criticizing her team while failing to note that she was part of the consensus in the end, and George of the Urban Jungle pipes up that Protégé might not have been able to win with EITHER artist. This startles Osama, and, as George plows on to address the Osama-Heidi fights, Osama defaults to “excuse mode,” whining about how she’s been walking around with a concussion for two weeks, and how she needed “a moment” for lunch but Heidi completely ignored her. Heidi argues, convincingly, that, in the middle of a task with a tight time limit, 20 minutes for sandwiches is much more reasonable than a full sit-down lunch. Osama whines that she had permission from her team leader and anyway, she has a concussion but she’s been working so hard …

…which prompts The Donald to ask her how a concussion ties in to a long lunch. To the delight of listeners, Omarosa decides to play passive-aggressive with The Donald, whining about how he’s being mean to her. Trump isn’t biting (yep, I do like this guy better), and says that he’s been hit on the head by little pieces of plaster all his life (write your own punchline – I’ve already insulted The Donald more times than I should). He concludes, in words that resonated with audiences across America, “Omarosa … give me a break.” That actually slows down the Osama motor-mouth, while pushing her to the brink of tears. Typical passive-aggressive; if anger doesn’t work, then try crying. Omarosa must have earned her masters in attempted manipulation.

The Donald says he doesn’t like excuses and asks Kwame if Omarosa often makes them. Kwame says that at times she does (a diplomatic answer – make sure that you remember that she has positives, too, as hidden as they may be), but “both teams” feel that she’s overly dramatic (note that Kwame didn’t use the entirely apropos term “drama queen,” since you avoid popular slang in a boardroom setting). Kwame then says that his “all-star,” Troy, should be safe, and so he picks Osama-rosa and Heidi to join him in the board room (the third visit for all three).

The firing squad begins to meet, while Osama cries into Kwame’s shoulder and Heidi looks so disgusted that she could kill Osama on the spot. WAAAAAH! WAAAAAAH!! But just as The Donald is turning to George to discuss things, Osama comes storming back into the boardroom and threatens to fly an airplane into the Trump Tower … oh, sorry, she weeps that her concussion has been affecting her, even as The Donald imperiously rails, “Omarosa, I didn’t call for you yet!” As she continues on, oblivious to the fact that she’s sealing her doom, Trump tells her that “life is full of problems.” Looks like one of them will be leaving shortly, though.

When the firing squad lets Kwame and Heidi back in, Osama has to go out to collect her emotions and dry her tears. Then Trump asks each of them to explain why they should remain. Kwame says that he took a calculated risk as the leader, and he’ll stand by it even though it didn’t pay off. The Donald notes that he’s taken a few such risks himself. Omarosa then pipes up again, talking about what a great job she did “pressing non-stop” for the last 48 hours. So what was lunch, Osama? Heidi says that a sit-down lunch in New York just takes more time than they had. Osama tries to blame the fight on Heidi, saying that Heidi provoked her by using the “F-bomb.” The Donald doesn’t get it: “The what bomb?” Carolyn the Killer breaks up laughing at his cluelessness. Finally Heidi explains that Osama thinks she curses too much. Heidi thinks Osama did an “OK job,” and George of the Urban Jungle presses to find out whether “OK” meant “good” or “not good.” After a pause, Heidi says “not good.” Osama doesn’t think much more of Heidi’s performance than Heidi thinks of hers.

And so it’s time. Trump tells Heidi that she has an edge that rubs people the wrong way (translation: don’t expect to make the final four, missing eyebrow lady). Addressing Omarosa, he notes that “this competition isn’t about how much you know”; it’s about “leadership and getting along with your team.” The Donald doesn’t like the constant fighting about trivial matters like lunch (good thing he didn’t hear Bill and Nick whining about Ereka’s lack of a handshake), especially during a competition with limited time. And so: “Omarosa, go out and sell paintings or whatever the hell you’re doing. I don’t like excuses.” And it’s adios to Omarosa, as bells chime across America and a posse of little people appear to sing, “Ding, Dong, the Bitch is dead, which old Bitch, the wicked Bitch.”

As Osama-rosa heads to the street, while Heidi and Kwame return to the suite, The Donald astutely observes: “Omarosa has a huge chip on her shoulder. She felt that she was superior to the other people.” Unfortunately for Omarosa, her feelings of superiority weren’t backed up by any REAL superiority, except in whining and playing the victim.

In the taxi, Osama arrogantly provides more fodder for this comment, claiming that she is a “good person.” Right, I’ll bet Judas said the same things about himself. Osama also hopes that the others “open their minds” to “differences and diversity.” Omarosa, unfortunately, you have become a classic example of the drawbacks of “diversity” – because you have clearly been used to receiving special treatment in its name by whining your way through life. No one would develop so many equally repugnant manipulative skills if those skills hadn’t paid off along the way. I pity the poor students that will have you for a professor if you actually do get your Ph.D., because they will learn from one of the few people on this earth who is even weirder than Meghan. In the (almost) words of the old Rockpile song:

You ain’t nothin’ but whine, whine, whine.
And I’m glad you ain’t mine, mine, mine.

Next time: Osama’s departure sparks a wild, champagne-filled celebration. The challenge involves individual peddle-carts (think of them as bicycle-driven rickshaws), and apparently one of the teams ticks off Carolyn, who strongly says in the boardroom that she has yet to see the target of her anger do anything. Note that, since Carolyn generally follows VersaCorp, it seems likely that VersaCorp lost the challenge, ending Amy’s streak of victories at 9 … but I hate to bet against the “Amy Factor.”


Correcting an error in the summary above, here are the ACTUAL boardroom records of the remaining Seven Chumps:

Nick: 3 (E2, E4, E8)
Kwame: 3 (E3, E4, E9)
Heidi: 3 (E5, E6, E9)
Bill: 2 (E7, E8)
Troy: 2 (E1, E3)
Katrina: 1 (E7)
Amy: 0

Nick, Kwame and Heidi have the record, because no one else has survived the third trip to the boardroom (right, Sam and Osama-rosa?), and the other 7 boots have gone on their first trip (David, Jason, Bowie, Kristi, Jessie, Tammy and Ereka).

Because of the predominance of first-time boots, it looks like the people who have been through the wringer a few times may be the most likely to win ... but I'm not putting any wagers down on Nick, Kwame or Troy yet!

And since leaving the show, Osama has claimed that someone used the "N-bomb" toward her. WAAAAAAAH! WAAAAAAAAH!! WAAAAAAAAAH!!! NBC has been forced to bring Ereka on to the talk-show circuit to deny her charges. Well, I'm going to detonate the "N-bomb" right now: Osama-rosa, you're Nuts. Now go get Nuked.

Soylent Green: recycling America, one person at a time.


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 RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL S... Solitaire 03-11-04 1
   Thanks AyaK 03-12-04 3
 RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL S... qwertypie 03-11-04 2
 RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL S... Pepito 03-12-04 4
 RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL S... minitroll 03-13-04 5
 RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL S... AMAI 03-13-04 6

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Solitaire 103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

03-11-04, 09:41 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Solitaire Click to send private message to Solitaire Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL Summary: "(You Ain't Nothing But) Whine, Whine, Whine""

Great summary but one correction:
>Oh, just for whomever is interested,
>here are the boardroom records
>of the remaining 7 Chumps:
>Nick: 4 (E2, E4, E7, E8)
>Kwame: 3 (E3, E4, E9)
>Heidi: 3 (E5, E6, E9)
>Bill: 2 (E7, E8)
>Troy: 2 (E1, E3)
>Katrina: 0
>Amy: 0
>Nick has the record, and only
>Kwame and Heidi are close,
>because no one else has
>survived the third trip to
>the boardroom (right, Sam and
>Osama-rosa?), and the other 7
>boots have gone on their
>first trip (David, Jason, Bowie,
>Kristi, Jessie, Tammy and Ereka).

Nick only has 3 Boardroom visits and Katrina has one. Nick didn't go to the boardroom in Ep 7; Katrina was PM and took Tammy and Bill.

AyaK 10426 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-12-04, 01:13 AM (EST)
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3. "Thanks"
You're right; I must have suffered momentary brain lock when I wrote the addendum. Just call me Omarosa II.

qwertypie 9776 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-11-04, 09:55 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL Summary: "(You Ain't Nothing But) Whine, Whine, Whine""
Well worth the wait, it was funny and insightful. I think Heidi is going to be stuck with "Missing Eyebrow Lady" for quite a while

Pepito 587 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

03-12-04, 03:01 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL Summary: "(You Ain't Nothing But) Whine, Whine, Whine""
"In fact, Osama-rosa was assigned to Vice President Gore’s staff. Pundits looking for the reason that Gore doesn’t seem to like ex-President Clinton (Bill, not Hill) need look no further than the assignment of interns. Bill got “go-all-the-way” Moaning Monica Lewinsky. Al got Omarosa. Case closed."

--- Hilarious recap. I laughed all the way through. Thank you.


minitroll 3901 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

03-13-04, 00:22 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL Summary: "(You Ain't Nothing But) Whine, Whine, Whine""
"In confessional, Heidi calls Omarosa an “absolute lunatic #####.” Troy says that Heidi and Omarosa keep the team on an “emotional rollercoaster.” Maybe so, but I didn’t see either Troy or Kwame volunteering to take Osama off of Heidi’s hands. Perhaps it’s easier to be on a rollercoaster if you’re sitting in the car rather than tied across the track, as Heidi is."

Bwaaaahahahahaha! I have to admit, I did feel sorry for Heidi in this episode. Great summary Ayak!


AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

03-13-04, 11:26 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: The Apprentice Ep. 9 OFFICIAL Summary: "(You Ain't Nothing But) Whine, Whine, Whine""
Thoroughly enjoyed this recap, AyaK. Thank you!



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