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""HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
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dajaki 1454 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

04-18-03, 07:20 PM (EST)
Click to EMail dajaki Click to send private message to dajaki Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
""HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-03 AT 07:30 PM (EST)

I went back through all previous HawkEye 10s to make sure I didn't write any repeats. So without further ado, the questions . . .

1. Episode 1: Rob thinks he may have missed his calling in life, and he should be a lumberjack. What kind of trees should he focus on cutting down and where would he find those trees?

2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett planted two food items in this episode: the famous candy bar and the miniscule pineapple. If you could have planted two food items, they would be __________.

3. Episode 3: When Heidi and Jeanne were freaked out at night, what was the scary thing that "was breathing over there"?

4. Episode 4: In her post-boot confessional, Joanna said that she played the survival aspect of the game alone. What else does Joanna play alone?

5. Episode 5: What are some potential side effects of eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy manioc balls?

6. Episode 6: Christy should have taught the Tambaqui tribe the sign for ________________.

7. Episode 6: Jenna commented that if Alex and Shawna were going on a date to a drive-in movie, Jenna would have been begging to tag along. What movie would they see?

8. Episode 7: What is the most important day on the Rob and Heidi calendar of events?

9. Episode 8: Dave didn't save himself by teaching Christy how to swing dance, but he may have been saved if he had taught her how to ______________.

10. Episode 9: How is it possible that Heidi's "original alliance" had been with Jenna and Alex if the teams were originally split along gender lines?

Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head as Deena was about to get her torch snuffed because -
a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.
b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head night at the Missouri State Tennis Championships.
c. she likes the whooshing sound.
d. it matched the beat in her throbbing knee injury.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... I_AM_HE 04-19-03 1
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... Sunny_Bunny 04-19-03 2
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... AMAI 04-19-03 3
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... Swami 04-21-03 4
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... pythonfan 04-21-03 5
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... Ra_8secs 04-21-03 6
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... Bebo 04-22-03 7
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... SteffiGurl 04-22-03 8
   RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... Katiepops 04-22-03 9
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... KeithFan 04-23-03 10
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... Skiver 04-24-03 11
 RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recap... cqvenus 04-24-03 12

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I_AM_HE 6123 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-19-03, 00:06 AM (EST)
Click to EMail I_AM_HE Click to send private message to I_AM_HE Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
1. Episode 1: Rob thinks he may have missed his calling in life, and he should be a lumberjack. What kind of trees should he focus on cutting down and where would he find those trees?

I don't know, but I'm already wincing in anticipation of his bad Monty Python impersonation...

2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett planted two food items in this episode: the famous candy bar and the miniscule pineapple. If you could have planted two food items, they would be __________.

chocolate and peanut butter, to place on the palm fronds cunningly disguising the deep hole in which Heidi and Jenna will soon be trapped...

3. Episode 3: When Heidi and Jeanne were freaked out at night, what was the scary thing that "was breathing over there"?

Rob, too easy

4. Episode 4: In her post-boot confessional, Joanna said that she played the survival aspect of the game alone. What else does Joanna play alone?

Yaaaaaahtzeeeee! Oh Glooooooory!!!!

5. Episode 5: What are some potential side effects of eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy manioc balls?

abnormal hair growth. hey have you heard the joke about Venus and Serena?

6. Episode 6: Christy should have taught the Tambaqui tribe the sign for ________________.

please kill me now

7. Episode 6: Jenna commented that if Alex and Shawna were going on a date to a drive-in movie, Jenna would have been begging to tag along. What movie would they see?

Dumb and Dumber? oops, Heidi's not coming along to keep Jenna company

8. Episode 7: What is the most important day on the Rob and Heidi calendar of events?

for Rob it was probably the log challenge when the girls were falling in the mud

9. Episode 8: Dave didn't save himself by teaching Christy how to swing dance, but he may have been saved if he had taught her how to ______________.

make his rocket take off

10. Episode 9: How is it possible that Heidi's "original alliance" had been with Heidi and Alex if the teams were originally split along gender lines?

that's what MB told them to do

Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head as Deena was about to get her torch snuffed because -
a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.
b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head night at the Missouri State Tennis Championships.
c. she likes the whooshing sound.
d. it matched the beat in her throbbing knee injury.

as great as C is, A is too funny!


Sunny_Bunny 5597 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-19-03, 10:36 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Sunny_Bunny Click to send private message to Sunny_Bunny Click to view user profile Click to send message via ICQ Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
1. Episode 1: Rob thinks he may have missed his calling in life, and he should be a lumberjack. What kind of trees should he focus on cutting down and where would he find those trees?

Deadwoods, obviously. In the petrified forest.

2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett planted two food items in this episode: the famous candy bar and the miniscule pineapple. If you could have planted two food items, they would be __________.

Arsenic, in a big juicy apple, and hemlock, in the manioc.

3. Episode 3: When Heidi and Jeanne were freaked out at night, what was the scary thing that "was breathing over there"?

Well, this is a duh. Rob!

4. Episode 4: In her post-boot confessional, Joanna said that she played the survival aspect of the game alone. What else does Joanna play alone?

Bible Monopoly

5. Episode 5: What are some potential side effects of eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy manioc balls?

It should have been brain food, but with this group, the effort was lost.

6. Episode 6: Christy should have taught the Tambaqui tribe the sign for ________________.

"I'm going to snap those two like a twig (and a stick)

7. Episode 6: Jenna commented that if Alex and Shawna were going on a date to a drive-in movie, Jenna would have been begging to tag along. What movie would they see?

12 (or is it 16?) Monkeys

8. Episode 7: What is the most important day on the Rob and Heidi calendar of events?

For Rob, the day he bags Heidi, but unfortunately, this calandar was for "real" time. For Heidi, the day she has her reconstuctive surgury reconstructed.

9. Episode 8: Dave didn't save himself by teaching Christy how to swing dance, but he may have been saved if he had taught her how to ______________.

think like a cute girl.

10. Episode 9: How is it possible that Heidi's "original alliance" had been with Heidi and Alex if the teams were originally split along gender lines?

She was on the casting couch when she heard it, shes not to bright anyway....oh, nuff said.

Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head as Deena was about to get her torch snuffed because -
a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.
b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head night at the Missouri State Tennis Championships.
c. she likes the whooshing sound.
d. it matched the beat in her throbbing knee injury.

C. That sound always soothes her, as it sounds just like putting a conch shell to your ear.


AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

04-19-03, 08:59 PM (EST)
Click to EMail AMAI Click to send private message to AMAI Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
LAST EDITED ON 04-19-03 AT 09:08 PM (EST)

>1. Episode 1: Rob thinks
>he may have missed his
>calling in life, and he
>should be a lumberjack.
>What kind of trees should
>he focus on cutting down
>and where would he find
>those trees?
Dwarf Christmas trees - he doesn't seem very athletically inclined, so the trees need to be smaller than him. He should go to someplace far away from cameras & the media, so we don't have to see him again on tv.

>2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett
>planted two food items in
>this episode: the famous candy
>bar and the miniscule pineapple.
> If you could have
>planted two food items, they
>would be __________.

A box of Fiddle-Faddle for those round the campfire late-night noshes and a bottle of Sunny Delight - cuz kids go for Sunny D!

>3. Episode 3: When Heidi
>and Jeanne were freaked out
>at night, what was the
>scary thing that "was breathing
>over there"?
It had to be Rob after one of those nights asking the Magic 8 ball about his chances with Heidi.

>4. Episode 4: In her
>post-boot confessional, Joanna said that
>she played the survival aspect
>of the game alone.
>What else does Joanna play
Voodoo Push-Pin Dollies - nobody must know

>5. Episode 5: What are
>some potential side effects of
>eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy
>manioc balls?
A desire to hook up with Rob - it worked on Deena, Jenna and Heidi

>6. Episode 6: Christy should
>have taught the Tambaqui tribe
>the sign for ________________.
lying bastard - so that people could send signals at TC about Rob

>7. Episode 6: Jenna commented
>that if Alex and Shawna
>were going on a date
>to a drive-in movie, Jenna
>would have been begging to
>tag along. What movie
>would they see?

Night of the Living Dead starring the walking skeletons Heidi & Jenna

>8. Episode 7: What is
>the most important day on
>the Rob and Heidi calendar
>of events?
For Rob it would be the day he kisses Heidi. For Heidi it would be the day she votes out Rob.

>9. Episode 8: Dave didn't
>save himself by teaching Christy
>how to swing dance, but
>he may have been saved
>if he had taught her
>how to ______________.
climb trees? swallow bugs whole? Seriously, I don't think there's anything Dave could have done to save himself.

>10. Episode 9: How is
>it possible that Heidi's "original
>alliance" had been with Heidi
>and Alex if the teams
>were originally split along gender
Heidi has had her eye on Alex since they were all in the boat together. She believes in "alliance at first sight" and he was "in" from that moment forward.

>Bonus: Heidi was shaking her
>head as Deena was about
>to get her torch snuffed
>because -
>a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.
>b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head night at the Missouri State
Tennis Championships.
>c. she likes the whooshing sound.
>d. it matched the beat in her throbbing knee injury.

Oh definitely (c.)

Thanks, Dajaki. Great questions. I'll take on the next week's episode!!


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-21-03, 04:40 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Swami Click to send private message to Swami Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
Thanks for doing these, dajaki!

1. Episode 1: Rob thinks he may have missed his calling in life, and he should be a lumberjack. What kind of trees should he focus on cutting down and where would he find those trees?
Rob is most familiar with that form of lumber known as the "woody." I see a lot of woody management in his future.

2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett planted two food items in this episode: the famous candy bar and the miniscule pineapple. If you could have planted two food items, they would be __________.
Chocolate exlax brownies (unlabeled of course) and one can of 'Clarence' brand beans.

3. Episode 3: When Heidi and Jeanne were freaked out at night, what was the scary thing that "was breathing over there"?
That was Mark Burnett, doing research for his next Reality TV series "To Pee or Not To Pee," which will focus on hot girls and urinary issues.

4. Episode 4: In her post-boot confessional, Joanna said that she played the survival aspect of the game alone. What else does Joanna play alone?
Iron Chef.

5. Episode 5: What are some potential side effects of eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy manioc balls?
Extreme diarrhea followed by delusions, anal prurience, hiccups, hair loss and sudden death.

6. Episode 6: Christy should have taught the Tambaqui tribe the sign for ________________.
Fvck off. I keep making that sign from home, but it doesn't work from here.

7. Episode 6: Jenna commented that if Alex and Shawna were going on a date to a drive-in movie, Jenna would have been begging to tag along. What movie would they see?
The Agony and the Ecstasy. Or maybe Heidi Does Dallas.

8. Episode 7: What is the most important day on the Rob and Heidi calendar of events?
All days where Rob gets close enough to Heidi to stick a single down her panties.

9. Episode 8: Dave didn't save himself by teaching Christy how to swing dance, but he may have been saved if he had taught her how to ______________.
Lie, cheat, back-stab, kiss-up, betray and fvck-over her teammates. Cause so far she hasn't.

10. Episode 9: How is it possible that Heidi's "original alliance" had been with Heidi and Alex if the teams were originally split along gender lines?
(You mean Jenna and Alex, I think?)
Alliances made with fat, ugly or deaf people do not count in the World of Heidi. You must be worthy of Heidi before you can truly claim an alliance with her.

Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head as Deena was about to get her torch snuffed because -
a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.
b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head night at the Missouri State Tennis Championships.
c. she likes the whooshing sound.
d. it matched the beat in her throbbing knee injury.
Well, c. is the obvious choice here. Just can't beat that whooshing sound for entertainment value. But also consider that Heidi can't actually think until two of her seven brain cells get close enough for a synapse to fire. So she just shakes and hopes--sometimes there's a thought, sometimes not--but the lovely whooshing sound happens irregardless.

I'll go read the other answers now.



pythonfan 3348 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-21-03, 09:39 PM (EST)
Click to EMail pythonfan Click to send private message to pythonfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
1. Episode 1: Rob thinks
>he may have missed his
>calling in life, and he
>should be a lumberjack.
>What kind of trees should
>he focus on cutting down
>and where would he find
>those trees?

1. I just can't think of an answer. But whatever kind of tree he's cutting down, he's certainly wearing women's clothing and hanging around in bars. Because (everybody) I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay....

>2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett
>planted two food items in
>this episode: the famous candy
>bar and the miniscule pineapple.
> If you could have
>planted two food items, they
>would be __________.

beef jerky and peanut butter

>3. Episode 3: When Heidi >and Jeanne were freaked out
>at night, what was the
>scary thing that "was breathing
>over there"?


>4. Episode 4: In her
>post-boot confessional, Joanna said that
>she played the survival aspect
>of the game alone.
>What else does Joanna play

most anything I'd guess. Can you imagine playing a game with her...every time she did something right??? Oh my ears!

>5. Episode 5: What are
>some potential side effects of
>eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy
>manioc balls?

an unavoidable urge to hump someone's leg (maybe Shawna had a second helping)

>6. Episode 6: Christy should
>have taught the Tambaqui tribe
>the sign for ________________.


>7. Episode 6: Jenna commented
>that if Alex and Shawna
>were going on a date
>to a drive-in movie, Jenna
>would have been begging to
>tag along. What movie
>would they see?

9 1/2 weeks

8. Episode 7: What is
>the most important day on
>the Rob and Heidi calendar
>of events?

the day Heidi started deflating

>9. Episode 8: Dave didn't
>save himself by teaching Christy
>how to swing dance, but
>he may have been saved
>if he had taught her
>how to ______________.

ride a rocket (gosh that was awfuly dirty for my fairly Puritan-ish mind LOL)

>10. Episode 9: How is
>it possible that Heidi's "original
>alliance" had been with Heidi
>and Alex if the teams
>were originally split along gender
It was in the script

>Bonus: Heidi was shaking her
>head as Deena was about
>to get her torch snuffed
>because -
>a. everyone else spelled Denna's name
>b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head
>night at the Missouri State
>Tennis Championships.
>c. she likes the whooshing sound.
>d. it matched the beat in
>her throbbing knee injury.

I'll take C


Ra_8secs 1081 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

04-21-03, 11:50 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Ra_8secs Click to send private message to Ra_8secs Click to view user profile Click to send message via ICQ Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
>I went back through all previous
>HawkEye 10s to make sure
>I didn't write any repeats.
> So without further ado,
>the questions . . .
>1. Episode 1: Rob thinks
>he may have missed his
>calling in life, and he
>should be a lumberjack.
>What kind of trees should
>he focus on cutting down
>and where would he find
>those trees?
Saplings, close to the longer surviving trees.
>2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett
>planted two food items in
>this episode: the famous candy
>bar and the miniscule pineapple.
> If you could have
>planted two food items, they
>would be __________.
1. A cabbage patch, so they could wear the big leaves behind their heads and pretend to be aliens.
2. Tarzan, who'd be delicious since MB planted both of those for the girls.

>3. Episode 3: When Heidi
>and Jeanne were freaked out
>at night, what was the
>scary thing that "was breathing
>over there"?
The entire CBS audience on a respirator.
>4. Episode 4: In her
>post-boot confessional, Joanna said that
>she played the survival aspect
>of the game alone.
>What else does Joanna play
A very small fiddle.
>5. Episode 5: What are
>some potential side effects of
>eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy
>manioc balls?
Becoming a fuzzy, maggoty, wormy Survivor Maniac.
>6. Episode 6: Christy should
>have taught the Tambaqui tribe
>the sign for ________________.
... differentiating between an Phillips or Flathead backstabbing.
>7. Episode 6: Jenna commented
>that if Alex and Shawna
>were going on a date
>to a drive-in movie, Jenna
>would have been begging to
>tag along. What movie
>would they see?
I forget the title, but remember the old one set in Greece as a vacation with three teenagers?
>8. Episode 7: What is
>the most important day on
>the Rob and Heidi calendar
>of events?
When the created the calendar and became as one.
>9. Episode 8: Dave didn't
>save himself by teaching Christy
>how to swing dance, but
>he may have been saved
>if he had taught her
>how to ______________.
... apply her lip-reading skills to orbital hydraulics theory.
>10. Episode 9: How is
>it possible that Heidi's "original
>alliance" had been with Heidi
>and Alex if the teams
>were originally split along gender
Because Heid's memory is like a sieve.
>Bonus: Heidi was shaking her
>head as Deena was about
>to get her torch snuffed
>because -
>a. everyone else spelled Denna's name
>b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head
>night at the Missouri State
>Tennis Championships.
>c. she likes the whooshing sound.
>d. it matched the beat in
>her throbbing knee injury.

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit


Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-22-03, 11:30 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Bebo Click to send private message to Bebo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-03 AT 11:34 AM (EST)

Recrapping my disclaimer: I post, then read. If I have the same answer as you, that means you need serious professional help. Run, don't walk to the nearest mental health professional. Thanks and don't forget to tip your waitress!

1. Episode 1: Rob thinks he may have missed his calling in life, and he should be a lumberjack. What kind of trees should
he focus on cutting down and where would he find those trees?

Rob's a lumberjack and he's OK,
He sleeps all night and he works all day...

He puts on women's clothing and hangs around in bars.

2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett planted two food items in this episode: the famous candy bar and the miniscule pineapple. If you could have planted two food items, they would be __________.

Beefaroni and soup. No containers included.

3. Episode 3: When Heidi and Jeanne were freaked out at night, what was the scary thing that "was breathing over there"?

Uncle Cameraman. (I know I won't be first with this answer. Edited because I was and still can't believe it.)

4. Episode 4: In her post-boot confessional, Joanna said that she played the survival aspect of the game alone. What else does Joanna play alone?

Bible trivia, since she would win all the time anyway. Hide and seek, because even if others start the game, once it's her turn to hide, they all run away. Too many others to go into right now, because she's not worth the effort.

5. Episode 5: What are some potential side effects of eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy manioc balls?

Rob starts to look good.

6. Episode 6: Christy should have taught the Tambaqui tribe the sign for ________________.

They're voting you off, you idiots!

7. Episode 6: Jenna commented that if Alex and Shawna were going on a date to a drive-in movie, Jenna would have been begging to tag along. What movie would they see?

Since I can't think of any menage a trois movies right now, I'll just say 9 1/2 Weeks.

8. Episode 7: What is the most important day on the Rob and Heidi calendar of events?

Bath day (if you ask Rob). The day Rob's voted out and lets her get on with things with Alex (if you ask Heidi).

9. Episode 8: Dave didn't save himself by teaching Christy how to swing dance, but he may have been saved if he had taught her how to ______________.

Play Survivor. But then again, he couldn't teach what he didn't know, now, could he?

10. Episode 9: How is it possible that Heidi's "original alliance" had been with Heidi and Alex if the teams were originally split along gender lines?

He's cute, she's cute. (In her mind, people, in her mind.) Cute people are telepathic. They have intelligence, no matter what that mean Jeffy tries to imply.

Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head as Deena was about to get her torch snuffed because -
a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.
b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head night at the Missouri State Tennis Championships.
c. she likes the whooshing sound.
d. it matched the beat in her throbbing knee injury.

e. Alex had told her that Matteo's name was spelled "DENNA". But C is terrific!

Bebo says...919 beats 205 - I am your American Idol and the Baroness of Babedom.


SteffiGurl 358 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

04-22-03, 05:25 PM (EST)
Click to EMail SteffiGurl Click to send private message to SteffiGurl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
1. Episode 1: Rob thinks he may have missed his calling in life, and he should be a lumberjack. What kind of trees should he focus on cutting down and where would he find those trees?

Balsa wood trees. In the art supply store.

2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett planted two food items in this episode: the famous candy bar and the miniscule pineapple. If you could have planted two food items, they would be __________.

Beef jerky and a can of beans.

3. Episode 3: When Heidi and Jeanne were freaked out at night, what was the scary thing that "was breathing over there"?


4. Episode 4: In her post-boot confessional, Joanna said that she played the survival aspect of the game alone. What else does Joanna play alone?

The keep the idol away from me game.

5. Episode 5: What are some potential side effects of eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy manioc balls?

I'm cute.

6. Episode 6: Christy should have taught the Tambaqui tribe the sign for ________________.


7. Episode 6: Jenna commented that if Alex and Shawna were going on a date to a drive-in movie, Jenna would have been begging to tag along. What movie would they see?


8. Episode 7: What is the most important day on the Rob and Heidi calendar of events?

The day Rob gets to do it with Heidi.

9. Episode 8: Dave didn't save himself by teaching Christy how to swing dance, but he may have been saved if he had taught her how to ______________.

Oh don't even go there.

10. Episode 9: How is it possible that Heidi's "original alliance" had been with Heidi and Alex if the teams were originally split along gender lines?

Ya know, she means her new original alliance, not her original original alliance. Besides, now that Shawna is gone, her original alliance is shot.

Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head as Deena was about to get her torch snuffed because -
a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.


Katiepops 99 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

04-22-03, 05:46 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Katiepops Click to send private message to Katiepops Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
>1. Episode 1: Rob thinks he
>may have missed his calling
>in life, and he should
>be a lumberjack. What kind
>of trees should he focus
>on cutting down and where
>would he find those trees?
>Bonsai Trees
>2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett planted
>two food items in this
>episode: the famous candy bar
>and the miniscule pineapple. If
>you could have planted two
>food items, they would be
>Marijuana Brownies and nothing else that way they would die of the munchies.
>3. Episode 3: When Heidi and
>Jeanne were freaked out at
>night, what was the scary
>thing that "was breathing over
>Jeff he is always lurking.
>4. Episode 4: In her post-boot
>confessional, Joanna said that she
>played the survival aspect of
>the game alone. What else
>does Joanna play alone?
>Everything she doesn't play well with others.
>5. Episode 5: What are some
>potential side effects of eating
>Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy manioc
>You vote her off immediately
>6. Episode 6: Christy should have
>taught the Tambaqui tribe the
>sign for ________________.
>Please help me learn to shave my pits!!
>7. Episode 6: Jenna commented that
>if Alex and Shawna were
>going on a date to
>a drive-in movie, Jenna would
>have been begging to tag
>along. What movie would they
>Night of the Living Dead (Shawna after guys joined camp)
>8. Episode 7: What is the
>most important day on the
>Rob and Heidi calendar of
>Rob gets a girlfriend and Heidi gets cuter
>9. Episode 8: Dave didn't save
>himself by teaching Christy how
>to swing dance, but he
>may have been saved if
>he had taught her how
>to ______________.
>Cannot answer on grounds that it may incriminate me
>10. Episode 9: How is it
>possible that Heidi's "original alliance"
>had been with Heidi and
>Alex if the teams were
>originally split along gender lines?
>Heidi's alliance is with only her and Alex?? Is this typed wrong?
>Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head
>as Deena was about to
>get her torch snuffed because
>a. everyone else spelled Denna's name

These were great I had fun!!


KeithFan 7422 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-23-03, 09:47 AM (EST)
Click to EMail KeithFan Click to send private message to KeithFan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
1. Episode 1: Rob thinks he may have missed his calling in life, and he should be a lumberjack. What kind of trees should he focus on cutting down and where would he find those trees?

Anywhere he can "cut down trees, he wears high heels, suspendies and a bra!"

2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett planted two food items in this episode: the famous candy bar and the miniscule pineapple. If you could have planted two food items, they would be __________.

rice cakes and tofu.

3. Episode 3: When Heidi and Jeanne were freaked out at night, what was the scary thing that "was breathing over there"?

Orcs, Dave and Rob concocted a D&D spell to scare the girls.

4. Episode 4: In her post-boot confessional, Joanna said that she played the survival aspect of the game alone. What else does Joanna play alone?

Hide the large vibrating idol.

5. Episode 5: What are some potential side effects of eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy manioc balls?

Hallucinations, Deena had seconds and thirds and thought she was in control of the tribe.

6. Episode 6: Christy should have taught the Tambaqui tribe the sign for ________________.

I'm a DAW

7. Episode 6: Jenna commented that if Alex and Shawna were going on a date to a drive-in movie, Jenna would have been begging to tag along. What movie would they see?

Arthur- sending Alex into total relapse.

8. Episode 7: What is the most important day on the Rob and Heidi calendar of events?

The first day of Heidi's "visitor". "Whew, dodged another bullet this month!"

9. Episode 8: Dave didn't save himself by teaching Christy how to swing dance, but he may have been saved if he had taught her how to ______________.

not gag on bad tasting things.

10. Episode 9: How is it possible that Heidi's "original alliance" had been with Jenna and Alex if the teams were originally split along gender lines?

She has the attention span of a worm, anything that would be stored information from more than 14 days ago has been replaced by silicone.

Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head as Deena was about to get her torch snuffed because -
a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.
b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head night at the Missouri State Tennis Championships.
c. she likes the whooshing sound.
d. it matched the beat in her throbbing knee injury.



Skiver 1118 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

04-24-03, 11:29 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Skiver Click to send private message to Skiver Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
11. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
1. Episode 1: Rob thinks he may have missed his calling in life, and he should be a lumberjack. What kind of trees should he focus on cutting down and where would he find those trees?
He should be the type of lumberjack that goes nowhere near trees, and probably is not allowed access to tools with sharp edges. While he's about it, he should also try and stay away from people.

2. Episode 2: Mark Burnett planted two food items in this episode: the famous candy bar and the miniscule pineapple. If you could have planted two food items, they would be __________.
I would have planted a tiger and maybe a bear in the vicinity of their camps. Okay, these aren't strictly food items, but they could be if some of the Survivors were really brave, and perhaps sacrificed one of their own as bait. Either way, we would be guaranteed good TV!

3. Episode 3: When Heidi and Jeanne were freaked out at night, what was the scary thing that "was breathing over there"?
Joanna. And they had just been talking smack about Jesus, too.

4. Episode 4: In her post-boot confessional, Joanna said that she played the survival aspect of the game alone. What else does Joanna play alone?
Scaring other Survivors by hiding in the undergrowth and breathing at them.

5. Episode 5: What are some potential side effects of eating Jeanne's fuzzy, maggoty, wormy manioc balls?
Fuzzy, maggotty, and wormy 'droppings'.

6. Episode 6: Christy should have taught the Tambaqui tribe the sign for ________________.
"I'm with stupid".

7. Episode 6: Jenna commented that if Alex and Shawna were going on a date to a drive-in movie, Jenna would have been begging to tag along. What movie would they see?
Cruel Intentions? Money For Nothing? What Lies Beneath? (Emphasis on 'Lies')

8. Episode 7: What is the most important day on the Rob and Heidi calendar of events?
The day when Rob plans to debrief Heidi (see previous 10 questions), and Heidi plans to behead Rob if he tries anything.

9. Episode 8: Dave didn't save himself by teaching Christy how to swing dance, but he may have been saved if he had taught her how to ______________.
Say the words "Dave is certain to get booted tonight" to every camera crew she sees.

10. Episode 9: How is it possible that Heidi's "original alliance" had been with Jenna and Alex if the teams were originally split along gender lines?
As Holmes used to say, when you have eliminated the impossible, then whatever's left - however improbable - must be the truth. So in this case, that means, umm... Heidi is lying.

Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head as Deena was about to get her torch snuffed because -
a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.
b. she was imagining Heidi Bobble-head night at the Missouri State Tennis Championships.
c. she likes the whooshing sound.
d. it matched the beat in her throbbing knee injury.

a. But also e. She was refusing to act on MB's suggestion (via her earpiece) that she take off her top to break the tension - unless there was some peanut butter in her immediate future.

Excellent questions, dajaki!



cqvenus 9765 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-24-03, 01:59 PM (EST)
Click to EMail cqvenus Click to send private message to cqvenus Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
12. "RE: "HawkEye 10" Episode 10 - Recaptitude Test"
1. giant sequoias so we know it will take him the rest of his life and we won't have to see him ever, ever again.

2. flavored condoms and motion lotion.

3. probably a horny cameraman...

4. "be a normal person" holy freak. ALLELUIA! i even can't stand watching her in the recap b/c i know it's inevitable she will burst into ohmygodpraisejesus!

5. serious delusions. it made jenna and heidi think they were cute, intelligent, and original.

6. i don't know but i *think* she really DID teach them the sign for "i'm going to peel open your testicles and watch the sperm spill out"

7. 3some

8. the day heidi defied all known laws of nature and sprouted a 3rd breast

9. i don't know, HEAR? i think she might've felt compelled to save him for something like that.

10. heidi is a doof. original. her original alliance was "be up jenna's arse" but when jenna started to claim shawna's leftovers (alex) for her own, heidi was like UM, we are still allied, right? so i get to sink my teeth into that abandoned carcass, too? and she's so blonde she *forgot* alex wasn't there all along.

Bonus: Heidi was shaking her head as Deena was about to get her torch snuffed because -
a. everyone else spelled Denna's name wrong.

this is so good. i loved when all the "boys" voted "jeanne" and heidi voted "gene". was she trying to be fancy? was she trying to spell wrong so they would think a guy wrote it? or was she just that much of a moron that she can't spell *anyone's* name right? i hope when she goes it's unanimous and they have a contest for who can ruin her name the best. "HI-D" or "high-dee" etc.



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