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"Rate the Champs"
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FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-26-02, 05:28 PM (EST)
Click to EMail FesterFan1 Click to send private message to FesterFan1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"Rate the Champs"
Pooh's "Rate the Seasons" thread sparked a nice little Vee debate, and I thought it deserved it's own little discussion.

So rate the champs, using whatever criteria you want (game playing, likability, challenge proficiency, "deservedness", etc.) from best to worst. Here's my list...

1. Brian – He gets my vote as best champ ever. No one has completely pulled the wool over his tribe’s eyes like he did. It’s not going to win him any friends post-Survivor, but I don’t think that’s what he was after. I think it’s a testament to his great strategy and execution that Helen and Ted hate him now. Especially Helen. For someone that paranoid and untrusting to get snowed by him is remarkable.

To be able to betray EVERYONE in your tribe and still get their votes is amazing. Granted, he put himself in a place where the other option was to vote for the guy that none of them thought deserved to be there, but that was all part of the plan.

From start to finish, no one executed a plan better than he did. Dicque was a target for a while. Brian was never in danger, ever. He also gets a nod for being able to control his own destiny, by winning immunity, when he needed to.

2. Richard – He’s the reason MB had to shake things up by S3. He wrote the blueprints for how to win this game. The only reason I have Brian ahead of him is that once his alliance had the numbers, he could coast to the F4, and probably the F2 no matter how things had turned out at that point. Brian had a much more difficult F5 to negotiate, IMO.

Plus, Dicque had the benefit of being part of the first group to go through it. There were no Richard Hatches to be compared to or prepared for.

3. Tina – Played a very shrewd game to be sure, but how far would she have gotten without Colby? While she was as good a schemer as Brian, she knew she would only go as far as Colby took her. She gets props for hitching her star to the right wagon, but if Colby had picked Keith—as everyone in America not named Colby Donaldson thought he should have—she wouldn’t be on this list at all.

Also, how far would she have gotten if Kimmi hadn’t opened her yap or if Kucha hadn’t been stupid enough to vote for Colby at the merge? I’m not belittling her accomplishment, because clearly she had her head in the game at all times, and, after all, she did win the dang thing. Still, I can’t put her above Dicque or PornoBrian.

4. Vecepia – I will concede that she played the game well, especially given S4’s casting. But she was certainly the most fortunate and opportunistic of the Survivor champs (Tina’s a not-so-distant second, though). S4 reminded me of short track speed skating; y’know the kind with 4 skaters going around an ice rink. Often in those races the 2 or 3 strongest racers jockey for position only to knock each other down, while the skater in last passes their sprawled bodies to win.

First she had to make the merge. She was fortunate in tribal selection in that Maraamu had 3 very strong alpha male personalities. Hunter, probably the strongest of the 3, got pushed to the side by the weaker 2, and Vecepia was smart enough to stick with them. However, had the swap not occurred, she would’ve been Pagonged—no question. Good fortune event #2 happened at the swap. There are few scenarios that would’ve worked out better for her. Maybe none. She wound up on the dominant tribe with the 2 alpha males, who got all the boot attention pre-merge.

After the merge, fortunate event #3 takes place. The Rotu 4 act stupidly in the coconut chopping challenge. Had they not completely shown their hand, Vee’s a jury member for sure.

I don’t know if the endgame would’ve turned out differently. If Kathy gets voted out in the F4, Vee still has as good a shot as Neleh of winning the F3 IC (and would have to in order to make the F2). However, if Neleh draws the purple rock, Vee’s toast. No way she beats either Kathy or Paschal in the F2. So she definitely benefited from Pappy’s stoning (Fortunate event #4).

5. Ethan – While Ethan is the champ I liked the most, he never really had to do much. Lex ran that alliance (for better or worse), Tom was his #2, Ethan was really the reluctant 3rd man. Case in point: even though they had the numbers and could’ve waited 3 days to do it, Ethan let Lex talk him into voting for Kelly (a potentially disastrous move) out of sheer paranoia.

Had Mama Kim not won the F4 IC, it would’ve been interesting to see how it would’ve played out. MK surely would’ve been the next to go (as evidenced by the pained expressions after she won), which would’ve left a F3 of Lex, Tom, and Ethan. If Lex wins the IC (hey, he outlasted Ethan in the real deal, and I’m guessing Big Tom would last exactly 30 seconds on those stilts), he probably takes Tom with him (strategy and closer bond), so Ethan takes the Bronze. On second thought, maybe Ethan was the second most fortunate Champ.

FWIW, here's how I would rate them based on likability...

1. Ethan
2. Richard
3. Vee
4. Brian
5. Tina



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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Rate the Champs SteffiGurl 12-26-02 1
 RE: Rate the Champs evanakm 12-26-02 2
 RE: Rate the Champs bubbastan 12-27-02 3
 My rating BMH 12-27-02 4
 RE: Rate the Champs Jims02 12-27-02 5
 RE: Rate the Champs smrtNsassybnkr 12-27-02 6
   RE: Rate the Champs FesterFan1 12-27-02 18
 RE: Rate the Champs GuessItRains 12-27-02 7
   RE: Rate the Champs BMH 12-27-02 8
       RE: Rate the Champs FesterFan1 12-27-02 9
           RE: Rate the Champs BMH 12-27-02 12
               RE: Rate the Champs GuessItRains 12-27-02 14
                   RE: Rate the Champs BMH 12-27-02 17
               RE: Rate the Champs jsanb 12-27-02 16
                   RE: Rate the Champs SteffiGurl 12-28-02 21
                       RE: Rate the Champs BMH 12-28-02 23
                           RE: Rate the Champs SteffiGurl 12-29-02 28
                           RE: Rate the Champs evanakm 12-29-02 29
                               RE: Rate the Champs jsanb 01-06-03 40
 RE: Rate the Champs jsanb 12-27-02 10
 RE: Rate the Champs magic_star 12-27-02 11
 RE: Rate the Champs Speedy 12-27-02 13
 RE: Rate the Champs AresMars 12-27-02 15
 RE: Rate the Champs bobstew617 12-27-02 19
 RE: Rate the Champs Draco Malfoy 12-28-02 20
 RE: Rate the Champs BaquaR13 12-28-02 22
 RE: Rate the Champs survivorscott 12-28-02 24
 RE: Rate the Champs PepeLePew13 12-28-02 25
 RE: Rate the Champs Mapo 12-28-02 26
 RE: Rate the Champs Swami 12-28-02 27
 RE: Rate the Champs johnthemod 12-29-02 30
   RE: Rate the Champs rockluver 12-29-02 31
 RE: Rate the Champs smokedog 12-30-02 32
   RE: Rate the Champs BMH 12-30-02 33
 RE: Rate the Champs Kokoro 12-30-02 34
   RE: Rate the Champs ivoryElephant 12-30-02 35
 Vote Totals to Date GuessItRains 12-30-02 36
   RE: Vote Totals to Date BMH 12-30-02 37
 RE: Rate the Champs esquire 12-30-02 38
 RE: Rate the Champs JohnMc 12-30-02 39
 RE: Rate the Champs ejm92 01-07-03 41
   RE: Rate the Champs BMH 01-07-03 42

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SteffiGurl 358 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

12-26-02, 11:19 PM (EST)
Click to EMail SteffiGurl Click to send private message to SteffiGurl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1.Tina-She earned the respect of her fellow tribemates, and was the mastermind behind the voting. Colby was her beeyotch.

2.Brian-Had complete control over his tribe, and they obeyed him like a bunch of fools. How he pulled the wool over their eyes for so long, I'll never know.

3.Richard-Even though he defined the game, he was quite vulnerable at times. He was pompous and arrogant, and could have easily lost if not for Kelly's wishy-washiness and Sean's stupid alphabetical voting strategy.

4.Vee-Knew when to keep her mouth shut and when to open it. However, I don't think God had anything to do with her winning. He may have kept her sensible and strong, but I'm sure if she really did what God wanted, she wouldn't have tried out for the show in the first place. Still, she had what it took to win, or else she wouldn't have won.

5.Ethan-Even though he is my favorite winner, he really did little to get there, and if Brandon had voted with Samburu for Tom instead of Frank, Ethan would have been toast. He was a nice guy, and despite being a good team player, that victory was practically handed to him.


evanakm 250 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-26-02, 11:29 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1) Shii Ann - What? Shii Ann didn't win? Fine, don't let me be delusional.


1) Brian - By far, the best player ever. I wish we could have seen more of him throughout the season, scheming behind everyone's backs, a la Shii Ann.

2) Dicque - I still don't even think he was the best player on S1, let alone of all time, as many think he is. He just got lucky. Still, luck is a part of Survivor, and I respect Rich for what he was.

3) Vecepia - Not the most exciting strategy, and I really don't like her personality, but she deserved the win. You don't win from down 7-3 at the merge without playing a next to flawless game. Still, I think that there was more that she could have done. And she did not win because of that purple rock, people. I am one of the few people who was happy to see Pappy get nailed by that purple rock. If only all the so-called "integrity" people could get their just desserts for being hypocrites.

4) Tina - I like the way Tina played, she's only this low on the list because I like the other 3 more. I love the way she had Colby by the balls, since nobody has a bigger ego than that guy.

5) Ethan - By far the least deserving of the winners. He should not have been in the Final 2 after giving Samburu so many chances, and even his own allies should have been more wary of him. Then let's not forget MamaKim pulling a Colby. Had he been in a cast of competent players, he would have been on the jury. And there was the matter of him completely blowing it with Brandon and KimP. Don't get me wrong, Ethan is a nice guy, but he didn't really win so much as most of the others lost. After the merge, Clarence and Kelly lost because they were outplayed, Brandon lost because he was surrounded by idiots, and everyone else lost because they shot themselves in the foot.


bubbastan 625 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-27-02, 00:06 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Rate the Champs"
Okay, I'm going to approach this a bit differently. I'm going to base my order on a combination of what each champ contributed towards the tribe overall (you usually can't win unless you have superior numbers towards the end, so contributions towards your tribe's strength, challenge capabilities, unity, etc. are a definite factor), how well the champ was able to size up the various personalities in his tribe and make it work for him/her, and lastly and purely personally, the feeling that I was left with after the winner was revealed.

1. Ethan - IMHO, he contributed greatly towards his team's morale and kept them unified, did more than his fair share around camp, including performing "lion watch" on a memorably scary night, and performed well in the challenges. I feel that he was not the most astute in gaging personalities, but not clueless either, so he's somewhere in the middle on this scale. In the final category, he was the only champ that I was actually pleased about, so he earns top rankings in my book in this category. He proved that a nice person could actually win at this game, and backstabbing was not the only option. No one had too many negative things to say about his win, other than that it was a fairly boring and predicatble outcome.
2. Tina - She worked hard around camp and saved the rice can after the flood, but did not do particularly well in many challenges, with the exception of the endurance challenge. She was a definite rallying point for her team, particularly when their numbers were down, so she still earns high marks in this category. In the second category, as the acknowledged "Mom" of the outback, she was confessor to all, and really had a great handle on the various personalities. I believe that she was a major factor in moving to get rid of Jeri and Amber pior to the remaining Kutcha members, and by doing so gained support from many of the Kutcha jury members while knowing that Colby would bear the wrath of Jeri. High marks in this category as well. In the final category, I was not thrilled that she won, but wasn't really dissatisfied either, since she was not overly arrogant and treated folks well without much trash talking as she voted them out, so she ends up in the middle on this scale.
3. Richard - Great provider around camp -- he definitely knew how to make himself virtually indisposable, performed as well as he needed to in the challenges, for the most part. Was leader in his tribe and contributed greatly towards their superiority in numbers, so high marks in the first category. Undeniably outstanding at figuring out how his tribe ticked, but got a bit arrogant to his own detriment as a result, so only fairly high scores here. Final category, I was completed pi$$ed off that he won, although he clearly laid down an outstanding plan to get to the win. Just too cocky and condescending for me to support as a champ, so fairly low scores here.
4. Brian - He really didn't contribute very much to the camp's day to day running, although he appeared to when it suited his purposes. I'm completely convinced that he only went on the water runs to make sure that Helen was in line with his plans and to trash talk the other folks while away from camp. He acted as arbitrator in disputes, but again, this was to his own purposes. He said absolutely nothing to stiffle comotions when the comotion was to his advantage. Performed well in the challenges, and contributed to his team's strength of numbers through, so middle scores in the first category. Another guy who, like Dicque, knew exactly how his collection of misfits ticked and who most definitely played every one of them to his advantage. Top scores in this category. Hated that he won like poison, even though he did play a brilliant game. More winners like this and we'll be bidding adios to the series, I think. Beyond his game playing ability, he had no good qualities and no friends by the end of the game (even Dicque kept Rudy as a supporter when all was said and done). Low scores in this category.
5. Vee - did almost nothing to support the tribe's day to day survival, until the very end when she had to. Was not a unifying factor, and did not do well in challenges until way late in the game, resulting in a Maaramu who had to be rescued by a swap. Low scores in this category. I guess she did have some command of how the various personalities of her tribemates worked since she unfailingly found the biggest targets to hide behind. Middle scores here. Final category -- I was left feeling, well, cheated by her victory. This could be the fault of editing, but I think that her victory was definitely due more to the way luck (or lack there of, in Pappy's case) played out rather than any great strategy on her part. Low scores in this category.


BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-27-02, 01:55 AM (EST)
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4. "My rating"
LAST EDITED ON 12-27-02 AT 01:56 AM (EST)

Vecepia Towery~This lady got a bad rap..I think the worst thing about Vee is nobody really got to know who she was on the show..but NOBODY can deny she had a strategy and a good one at that..Vee strived to become "the survivor" from before the show even started..Poor Vee was stuck on the loser team to begin with and adapted to her surroudings quite fast, joined a alliance to survive until the twist she laid low..and was everybody's friend...She was always in a good position no matter what team she was on..She went where the power was without anyone noticing until it was too late..As I said she was friends to everyone but she had NO emotional ties to anyone and would cut loose anyone at anytime realizing it was a game...Vecepia most importantly kept her options open!! If needed she would cut someone's throat like Kathy or Rob for example...She was trying to win a game! She was ruthless,cunning,deceptive,under-estimated,sly etc...Vecepia went to more tribal council's than any other survivor in the history of survivor..The key here is that She was never really vunerable and when she was late in the game..she stirved to win Immunity and did..She was not lucky because of the purple rock...She had already won Immunity! People just need to accept that Vecepia outwitted,outplayed,and outlasted Kathy and was ultimately a better player than she ever could be..hopefully ppl will come to terms with that..I am proud to say Vecepia is my favorite survivor and I will support her no matter what

2.Brian-same reasons stated above
3.Tina-I hate her but I realized I can't deny she played a good game
4.Rich-he is good..but he played with amateur's..I think he would be in trouble if he was playing with Vecepia,Brian,and Tina

5.Ethan-no strategy,except to smile and be nice..big deal...I don't care how likeable he is he DIDN'T play the game..

Please respond if you have a question or comment about My praise of Vee..I will be glad to answer all questions on why she is one of the best survivor players ever!


Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-27-02, 06:38 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1. Richard- Amazing! Some say that he won while playing against amateurs... Well, it's not exactly like he had a Richard Hatch before him to show him how to do it. He had nothing to go on, and developed an important Survivor Strategy. And there was some luck/stupidity of everyone else...

Strategy Points (SP): 10
Likeable Points (LP): 7

2. Tina- The lady earned the respect of all around her while playing an intense game. Always one of my favorites.

SP: 8
LP: 9

(tie broken by SP)

3. Ethan- He might have gone up if the season hadn't of been so lousy. He was still a genuinely nice guy and a good strategist.

SP: 7
LP: 8

4. Vee- I'm one of the more passive Vee sympathizers, but I do think she got a bad rap. So much of Survivor is based on luck that if you're religious, I can see why you would say God had something to do with the win.

SP: 4
LP: 7

5. Brian- Last, just barely. Yeah, he played a good game, but the question is who is the "best." I just can't give him a good LP. Too arrogant.

SP: 9
LP: 1

(Hmmmm... You didn't ask for chronological order?)

1. Rich
2. Brian
3. Tina
4. Ethan
5. Vee

1. Tina
2. Rich
3. Ethan
4. Vee
5. Brian

Quotes of the week
1. "You will NOT see my ta-ta's" -Shii Ann

2. "Do they think I'm too controlling?" -Helen (um, yeah)
3. "My two year old (had a tantrum) one time and I whupped its @$$ and put it back to bed." -Clay
4. "I'm putting in an order for a bigger butt in my next life." -Jan (randomly)


smrtNsassybnkr 332 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

12-27-02, 11:13 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Rate the Champs"
I'll give it a shot:

1) Tina. Although many didn't see her playing the game, I think she pulled more strings than we saw. Although she took quite a risk in taking Colby to the final two when she could have a landslide win against Kieth, I think it showed her integrity. If she couldn't win, at least she gave the opportunity to someone who deserved it.

2) Ethan. I thought Ethan was very likable. He did his fair share around camp and was LUCKY that Mamma Kim took him to the final 2. I was surprised that Kim said everyone liked Lex, because I thought he was a jerk. I would have gladly given the money to Kim or Ethan over Lex.

3) Brian. He definitely has the "salesman" role down. Helen was right on the money when she said he sold her his friendship and it was a lemmon. Too bad Helen, Jan and Ted didn't try harder to oust Brian when they had the chance. He wasn't very likable, but he DID "outwit" the others.

4) Vee. I did not like Vee at all. She spent too much time "bible" thumping, and then acting like a snake in the grass. I know part of the game is to outwit, but I don't particularily like the way she kept switching her alliances. In that particular game, that's what it took, but I felt, due to MB's editing, that she was totally undeserving.

5) Richard. The only reason Richard is last, is becuase I didn't watch the first series until the final episode. (Final 4 to the winner) I liked Rudy, but even only watching 2 hours, Richard left a bad impression. (I really liked what Sue had to say though). The only good thing I can say, is that this episode is what got me watching survivor to begin with, and I am glad for that.

I hope the next group is more exciting than S5, and I hope they keep more of the "Robb's" and Shii Ann's around for entertainment value. Robb's crazy antics definitly made the show fun to watch and although he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, he was more fun to watch than Helen or Ted. Well, that's my take on things.


FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-27-02, 05:50 PM (EST)
Click to EMail FesterFan1 Click to send private message to FesterFan1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
18. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1) Tina. Although many didn't see her playing the game, I think she pulled more strings than we saw. Although she took quite a risk in taking Colby to the final two when she could have a landslide win against Kieth, I think it showed her integrity. If she couldn't win, at least she gave the opportunity to someone who deserved it.

I hate to pick nits, but it was, in fact, Colby who took Tina to the F2. You're right that Tina would have beaten either Colby or Keith, but she didn't have the option...Colby did. Tina should get credit for working Colby over so well, that he abandoned a sure win for who "deserved it more".



GuessItRains 700 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-27-02, 11:16 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Rate the Champs"
My $0.02....

1. Tina-Tina played a brilliant game folks. She joined a 5 member coalition almost as soon as she got to the outback, assuring that she would not be booted before the merge. Then she convinced Colby to make the brilliant switch to take out Mitchell. She picked a likeable guy who would win every challenge to take to the finals with her and then somehow managed to beat him through her work ethic around camp. I think she gave the best juror answers anyone in the hot seat ever has. She noses out Richard because she was competing against 15 other people who knew how to play the game and she managed to win in a totally different way than he did. The only knock I ever hear is that she won because Michael fell in the fire, but there is no guarantee Kucha would have won that immunity with him, or that Tina wouldn't have still hung around long enough to win. Brilliant.

2. Richard-Dicque was plotting from Day 1, which you have to do to win. He formed his Misfits alliance from unpopular people, all of whom he had a chance to beat in a final vote, manipulated Sean to the nth degree, and was also a big contributor around camp. His decision to sit out the final IC was the brilliant and correct strategic move. He figured out the game with no blueprint or roadmap and was a worthy champion.

3. Ethan-Ethan's "strategy" was to be low-key and likeable. In S3, that worked. He helped form a solid bond in the Boran tribe that gave them the numerical advantage after the switch. The best thing to be said for Ethan is that he had the game won with 3 days to spare: Kim, Lex, and Tom all would have taken him to the final rather than risk losing to each other, and all would have lost to Ethan.

4. Brian-Brian gets points for his single-mindedness in pursuing his goal. It was his work in the challenges that prevented Chuay Gahn from imploding entirely. And his charisma let him sucker in both Ted and Helen so that he not only booted them but got him to vote for them. Still, he basically did what Richard did, only not quite as well. Beyond that, Clay was liked and respected less than Jerri(!), and Brian barely won. He deserved it, but I'm not as impressed as I could have been.

5. Vecepia-Vee proves its better to be lucky than good. Seriously folks, I liked S4 and I like that "upsets" occur on Survivor, but still.... Vee did what many other losing Survivors did and just happened to get by. She admits to being responsible for booting the strongest Survivor, Hunter, which would have been disastrous if not for the switch. She wasn't that big a camp contributor. Sean and Kathy were the ones who pushed Neleh and Paschal to defect; if Vee was in charge the coconut challenge might have gone over their heads. She did nothing to try to persuade Kathy to boot Neleh or Paschal instead of Sean. Then at the Final 4, she makes the most bone-headed decision ever, joining with Kathy to try to boot Neleh. Seriously folks, had Neleh been booted Vee never could have beaten Kathy or Pappy in the final vote (she only beat Neleh 4-3). The right strategic move at that point was to boot Kathy, win the IC, and then boot Pappy. If she'd won the game that way, I would give her a lot more credit. As it is only a purple rock saved Vee.

My likeability ratings
1. Ethan
2. Tina
3. Richard
4. Vecepia
5. Brian


BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-27-02, 11:47 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Rate the Champs"
LAST EDITED ON 12-27-02 AT 12:04 PM (EST)

I never said luck had nothing to do with Vee's win..I think all the survivor winners in the long run got lucky no matter what strategy they have but...the thing about Vee is we don't know what she did and did not do..She may have had a important part in getttin N/S/K/P together..and she may have attempted to push Kathy to go against Neleh instead of Sean(I am sure she did,just to a lesser degree than Sean did)She wanted to boot Hunter because he was a threat simple as Maraamu's third tribal council she KNEW they were in trouble..and she wasn't about to stand up to Rob and try and get Sarah out..Hunter was the target of her alliance to begin with..and how can you say she did not contribute to camp she was always a hard-worker and tried to fit in as much as possible..

Vecepia once said in her interviews she made a huge tactical error endgame, originally she planned on going to the final 2 with Kahty because she figured because of Kathy's early problems with her tribe that would help Vee..but by the time Pappy was booted..It hit her that for her to win she NEEDED Neleh with her in the final 2..This is the reason she made deals,broke deals,and made sure she went to the finals with Neleh knowing she had more of a chance against Neleh than Kathy...She learned from her previous mistake and thats the important part..Vee ended up realizing she would have been an idiot if she went to the final 2 with Kathy..she knew what she was doing in the long run...And once again she didn't get lucky because of the purple rock..she had already won Immunity and could not be booted...





FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-27-02, 12:08 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: Rate the Champs"
LAST EDITED ON 12-27-02 AT 03:56 PM (EST)

And once again she didn't get lucky because of the purple rock..she had already won Immunity and could not be booted...

To be fair, I think GIR's point about Vee getting lucky with the purple rock is very similar to my point above. It's not that she was lucky not to draw the rock, since, having immunity, she didn't have to draw one. The point is that if Neleh drew the rock (which was the intended result of her voting with Kathy in the first place--theoretically), Vee's chances to win would've ended right there. At that point she would've been in an F3 of Pappy, Kathy, and herself. Even if she makes the F2, there's no real chance of her beating either of them, since she only beat Neleh (the least liked of the F4) 4-3.



BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-27-02, 03:27 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Rate the Champs"
I agree she was lucky in that instance..however she had no control over the matter..There was nothing she could have done at the point to alter who picked what was out of her control..AT that point whatever happened happened..I would give Vee ALOT less credit if she never realized she needed to go the final 2 with Neleh eventually..By the time Pappy was booted it hit her...She would be no gameplayer if she just happened to go to the final 2 with Neleh...she knew this needed to happen in order for her to have a chance to win
And your statement about Vee attempting to boot Kathy in the final 4 and then Pappy in final 3 would have been smart move but at that point I feel that Vee wanted and needed some sort of ally to make it the rest of the way..and I don't think she felt safe enough going into the final 3 with Pappy and Neleh..I think that is the biggest factor with her eventually allying with Kathy to try and take out Neleh at the final four..which in the longrun would have been a dumb decision but thankfully she learned that later..
And seriously folks Vecepia obviously did some things right..She just isn't plain lucky like some aren't just plain lucky when you survive the most TC's ever and go into the merge 7 vs. 3..

No matter what I think the Vecepia debate will be everlasting everybody is going to have their own opinions on her victory..But I am sure ppl would give her more credit if MB decided to actually show more of her and she didn't start with the whole hypocrisy god thing..which I DON'T agree with but that doesn't take away from her game-playing and why I still her


GuessItRains 700 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-27-02, 05:12 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Rate the Champs"
Fester, thanks for explaining the point I was trying to make more clearly than I did.

BMH, I understand your points but I think we need to agree to disagree. I give Vee tremendous credit for realizing on Day 38 that she couldn't beat Kathy and had to go to the Final 2 with Neleh. But she should have realized it on Day 37. Her vote against Neleh, had it worked, would have prevented her from wining the game. It was very bad strategy. There was no point in having Kathy as an ally at that point if she was going to lose to Kathy in the F2. I don't know why she wouldn't want to go into a F3 against Neleh and Pappy. Neleh had not won a challenge all game, and Pappy was near total collapse mentally and physically. But even if I accept that Vee wanted an ally, she and Kathy should have voted against Pappy because he was clearly more popular with the jurors.

I'm not trying to take anything away from Vecepia. Vee "deserves" her money because she played the best game of anybody in S4 (certainly better than Neleh). And I'd rather go to dinner with Vee than either Richard or Brian. But I can't think of any clearly boneheaded or wrong strategic decisions that Dicque, Tina, Ethan, or Brian ever made, and so I rate them as "better" champs.


BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-27-02, 05:27 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Rate the Champs"
Tina and Ethan did make strategic mistakes!!!

We will probably never know what would have happened in the Outback if Liz and Rodger approached Amber or vice-versa...Tina,Keith,and Colby took a HUGE gamble by booting Jerri mid way through the merge..Jerri was loyal to Ogakor and to some extent even Tina and Keith..Amber could have easily made an alliance with Liz and Rodger voted against Colby in the final 6 and he would have been booted bc of his previous votes..In my opnion Tina took risks she didn't need to just because Jerri annoyed her...

Meanwhile Ethan really couldn't make strategic decisions cuz he wasn't strategic to begin with!! Tell me one strategic thing he did besides make an alliance with Tom and Lex and "play" Silas..He just didn't do anything..But I will mention his awful speech and response to Brandon's question on the jury..he really screwed up and obviously didn't know what he was doing..If he was up against Lex and not Kim J that could have cost him the game

Vecepia,Rich,and Tina on the other hand had flawless speeches and responses to questions..they did a excellent job of explaining themselves to the jury and made points..Ethan screwed up in this department..Neleh did too and thats part of the reason she lost to begin with..

But thank you for the nice comments about Vecepia I appreciate them..and we will have to agree to disagree I guess

But I still say Vecepia was a better strategizer than Ethan!


jsanb 178 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-27-02, 05:23 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Rate the Champs"
> And seriously folks Vecepia obviously did some things right..She just isn't plain lucky like some aren't just plain lucky when you survive the most TC's ever and go into the merge 7 vs. 3..

Yes, she did do some things right, but of all the winners, I still think she was the luckiest as a purple RANDOM rock saved her. My point was that HER OWN STRATEGY to take Neleh was seriously flawed, and I accept why she did not want to take out Kathy, thus she should have gone after Pascal as Kathy stated at the Tribal Council. The random rock has no place in Survivor other then it has a chilling effect on future players.... CG this season made a deal to avoid letting a purple rock decide their fates.

Peanut Butter Jeff
"If you thought S3 was bad just wait until S5."


SteffiGurl 358 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

12-28-02, 06:42 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Rate the Champs"
I agree that Vecepia should have taken her chances and voted out Kathy. Vee could have beat both Pappy and Neleh in the final IC, and then boot Pappy.

Also, in reference to the Amber-Elisabeth-Rodger alliance that didn't happen. Amber would probably not have conspired to boot Colby because it's obvious Colby gained her trust when he voted for Rodger, while Tina and Keith both voted for Amber. Besides, Colby would have won immunity anyway.


BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

12-28-02, 01:07 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Rate the Champs"
Well I will switch it around a little..

I am sure Amber would agree to boot Keith..Amber would have known about Keith's previous votes and relied this info to Rodger and the final five would then be Amber,Elisabeth,Rodger,Colby,and Tina...and because Colby would win Immunity...Tina would have been booted in the final five


SteffiGurl 358 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

12-29-02, 05:51 AM (EST)
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28. "RE: Rate the Champs"
No doubt about that, and I'll bet someone had the exact same conversation 3 seasons ago...LOL

evanakm 250 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-29-02, 01:22 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: Rate the Champs"
I completely agree. I'll even concede that Vee was a little lucky, but no more so than any of the others. Like let's not forget Tina. Even if she had Colby blindly following her around, she got pretty lucky that he did something as boneheaded as he did in voting out Keith. There is no way you can tell me that that is any less lucky than the purple rock.

jsanb 178 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

01-06-03, 03:47 PM (EST)
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40. "RE: Rate the Champs"
> There is no way you can tell me that that is any less lucky than the purple rock.

That is THE difference. Tina played the game so well she did NOT need to win immunity- that is the signature a true champion.

Peanut Butter Jeff
"If you thought S3 was bad just wait until S5."


jsanb 178 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-27-02, 01:24 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: Rate the Champs"
I will be using how they played the game strategically. Winning Immunities does not make you a better player, in fact it only shows that you are vulnerable. If winning Immunities is what this game is about then Kelly W. from S1 and Colby from S2 are the best two players of all time- NOT!

1. Richard. He was light years ahead of everyone else in playing the game. Won the only won Immunity Challenge, and did that because he appeared(we are vulnerable to the editing, so it could have been overblown folks) to be next. Set up the alliances and was actually true to his word, but was portrayed as "evil" because he led an alliance, and was always two steps ahead of everyone. Even his answers at tribal council were perfect.

2. Tina. EXTREMELY under- rated player since she won 0 immunities. She understood that the game is a game of relationships. Like Richard, she did not need to win the final immunity, but unlike Richard she could beat either player and both were going to take her to the finals, that my friend is Survivor at its best. In fact, there was not a player that made it to the merge that she could not have beaten in a vote.

3. Brian. I would argue that he is OVERRATED as a player right now. He did a poor job of getting to know the SJ's and a very poor job of dealing with the stabs to Ted & Helen. Both almost cost him the title. Winning the final 3 immunities does not impress me. Also his statements about how the relationships are not real to him exposes himself in the future. Great game play in taking Clay to the finals and convincing players to not take him out when clearly they wanted to. Unlike Tina in S2, Brian had played so poorly that he could ONLY beat one player (Clay), who had made it to the merge. That is not strong game play.

4. Ethan. Very likeable player that did not steer the ship, in fact he is the anti-thesis of Brian. Poor steering, very likable and could beat any other player that made it to the merge in a head to head vote. So I am not as down on him as a player as others are.

5. Vee. I strongly disagree with BMH and evanakm. The purple rock SAVED Vee. Yes, she had immunity. They were at tribal council and she just won. Kathy makes a public speech to make a deal and wants to go after Pascal with their 2 votes, but Vee vetos the final part of the proposal and forces Kathy to vote against Neleh. This is the part of her strategy that was seriously flawed. If her OWN strategy succeeds she is a sitting duck unable to win the final vote since she is in a final 3 of Kathy- Pascal- and Vee. She had 3 options. Her first option was to join P&N against Kathy. This turns out to probably be her best option in HINDSIGHT. She assumed that the final IC is the typical endurance that was part of the first 3 Survivors and was afraid of Neleh(I believe), and why she probably did not take this option. Also, there was the possibility that that the final challenge was something completely different, and if so she knew that both Pascal and Neleh would take the other to the final vote. Going after Pascal was probably the best option when not using hindsight as everyone knew that Pascal would win any final vote, and the damn random purple rock saved Vee and made this option the road taken. The last option and the worst, and the one she selected, going after Neleh. I think she choose this because she was shortsighted and did not want to go up against Neleh in a final endurance type challenge. Lastly, she did not lead the "counter alliance". Watching the review episode, it was clear that Sean was the leader of the idea, while Vee strongly agreed with it. Also, it was Neleh that convince Pascal to make the move. Vee was nothing but a supporting cast member in the molding of the key allaince.

Now, with all that said here is how I would rank the players as they enter an All- Star Survivor, which I assume will be S9 and will include the 8 previous winners and 8 other players one from each of the different series.

1. Tina. She gets it. This is a game of realtionships and understands that they are REAL, but also understands that a game is being played. She is low key and will not paint a target on herself. The final vote was against the most popular player never to win Survivor, which it was why it was close. Against Keith, it would have been 7-0.

2. Ethan. Something tells me that he would go far in an alliance, but his lack of straegic think and forsight will make him either the perfect player to have standing next to you in the final vote(as the jury will be made of previous Survivor players who will not vote on just likeability).

3. Richard. Excellent alliance player, and would be rated higher but clearly he will be a target early on. If he can get to the midgame, he is a serious threat to win it.

4. Vee. Give the lady her due. She is able to flip flop and not have players feel betrayed. Won't be seen as a threat and will suddenly could be in the endgame. It will be interesting to see her play in this situation. I think her outcome will be like Richard's either early fodder or goes all the way to the endgame.

5. Brian. No chance. He was exposed as a lying manipulator who sells lemons. Players who know how to play Survivor will see his phony style and bury him fast. I loved watching him play, and he was a more deserving winner then say Ethan or Vee, but the other players will see that he is not an alliance player and will be quickly axed in the All- Star Survivor.

Peanut Butter Jeff
"If you thought S3 was bad just wait until S5."


magic_star 2400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

12-27-02, 01:55 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1.Richard- First to set up an alliance. Set standard of how to win survivor. I think he did a really great job on everything considering he was in the first survivor. He was a target early on but did what he needed to stay in the game. He got the tribe food and set up a great strategy.

2.Brian- Pretty much did the same thing as Richard. He had the best strategy there. He knew what other people were doing behind his back at all times. Not only did he have a great strategy but he made sure everyone liked him. Something Richard couldn't do.

3.Vecepia- She had it a little tough considering her tribe was down at the merge. She had to be very manipulative with people. The only downer for her was that she was getting helped by Rob and Sean with their blowups. She didn't have to do everything by herself.

4.Tina- Pretty much just went with Colby. Colby did most of their startegy and just took her with him.

5.Ethan- Proved that he could get to the finals by being a nice guy. He didn't really have to strategize much though.

Popularity List

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!


Speedy 75 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-27-02, 03:45 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1.Vee--She was a great gameplayer even if we didn't get to see most of it She laid low,she kept her mouth shut,She studied others carefully,flip-flopped alliances when needed be,had no qualms about cutting others throats,ultimately made excellent end game decisions in her realization that she needed to go to the finals with Neleh Not to mention her amazing feat of winning the game and come from the "loser tribe" from the beginning I think just about everyone thought the winner would come from Rotu well everybody guessed wrong!

2.Rich--He is the big guy no-one can say he didn't play a good game the man invented the alliance and took advantage of the naive Pagong Tribe to win it all

3.Brian--he is a used car salesman and knew when to dump un-needed ppl made strategic decisions with ppl and when they were no longer useful to him he threw them away. Smart guy! A bit quitet but always thinking about the game

4.Tina--She's okay she is still a good gameplayer but I never felt she stood on her own two feet with anything that had to do with the game. Colby was AWLWAYS there for her when she needed him and she didn't have to strategize as much because Colby was always carrying her along-yes she eventually took over and did manipulate ppl but she never really played for herself it was always for her AND Colby

5.Ethan--People please He didn't have a strategy being nice is hardly a strategy! I consider being under the radar more of a strategy then just being nice. He got lucky and made an alliance with 2 strong members Tom and Lex carried him the whole way they looked bad while Ethan looked like the little angel If Kim J didn't win so many IC's endgame I am sure Tom and Lex would have been the final 2 nobody wanted to go up against Ethan. Boran got soooooooooooo many lucky breaks during the merge they made alot of dumb decisions that could have given the game to Teresa or Kim P-Ethan's biggest mistakes were at the final TC He had dumb answers and responses to questions asked and was not intelligent at all He dogged Brandon on his own question..gezzz if Ethan was up against Lex for example bc of Ethan's dumb mistakes Lex could have won
WORST WINNER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AresMars 283 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-27-02, 05:18 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1) Richard - That loud scream that rocked the world a few years back was me screaming "NO" when he won. I couldn't believe it but he did deserve it. For him to create a winning strategy for a game that none of them had ever seen before and to stick with it was incredible.

2) Brian (Richard Jr.) - I don't see much difference between how either of them played with the exception that Richard was never caught in an outright lie, granted he fudged a lot. Brian's mastery at manipulating Helen (who bought everything Brian told her), Jan (In serious need of a mental check up.), and Ted was great but compared to Richard's manipulation of Sue, Rudy, and Kelly there is no contest that Richard could sell a used car with no wheels to Brian.

3) Ethan – I know a lot of people think he had no strategy but if you go to the tapes he manipulated quite a few people and did a few under-handed things to keep himself in the game. Him and Tina are pretty close in my book but I’m giving this spot to Ethan because of his level of play during the challenges and due to the harsh environment he had to deal with.

4) Tina – As noted above I consider her and Ethan pretty much the same but she did a lot more coattail riding then Ethan and there is no question that if Colby had taken Keith instead of her Colby would have won.

5) Lucky…er I mean Vecepia – She had no strategy. Period. She says she did by why did we not hear about it during the confessionals instead of after the fact? We know the producers ask leading questions and try to draw out info from the contestants but obviously that well was dry. A lot of people like her because she had some of the best one liners of all the episodes but that does not a winner make. She admits/claims to being behind the Hunter ousting, yeah lets brag about kicking off our strongest teammate while we are getting spanked in the challenges. Brilliant! For want of a purple rock the Kingdom failed.

God Bless America

There are two types of people, predators and prey, and the sound you hear is the sharpening of my claws.


bobstew617 723 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

12-27-02, 10:22 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Rate the Champs"
LAST EDITED ON 12-27-02 AT 10:25 PM (EST)

This is TOUGH...

I'll try to blend a little of each category in making my list, but the one thing I'd like to add here is EACH of the winners had to have the right combination of luck, strategy, alliance(s), and relationships (and these at the right time) to get where they did. I also don't want to blame poor editing to sway what the people actually did while they were in the game.

Here goes...

1) TINA--to me, she epitomized how the game was played. She knew she could ride Colby to win those immunity challenges, and she had enough of his trust/respect for him to take her to the F2.

2) BRIAN--Although I think he is a low down jerk, he played the game well (except for angering Helen and Ted almost enough to blow it against Clay). He controlled the game as much as I think you can. I agree, though, that if he plays in S9, he is an EARLY target.

3) VECEPIA--She played against unbelievable odds, and I think why MB didn't edit her as obvious as he could have is that it would have spoiled some surprises down the road. Vee was willing to shift alliances to suit her (she had pledged to vote with the Rotu 4 originally, but when she saw it wasn't to her best interest, she switched. She took advantage of the Paschal rock situation, and knew Neleh was most vulnerable against her.

4) RICHARD--he was lucky it was him against Kelly and not Rudy. He was the head of the alliance, but he benefitted most by Pagong not uniting together and Sean being the unofficial fifth wheel.

5) ETHAN--I really like him, but I think Lex would have beaten him in the finals, and let others do most of the strategizing for him. Used his likeability and friendship with Kim J to get him to F2.


Draco Malfoy 10525 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-28-02, 01:24 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1. Brian- "This is a business trip." With those 5 words, he outlined his whole strategy. F relationships, F "honesty" (which is damn near impossible to use in Survivor anyways). He was there to win a million dollars, pure and simple. Is it slimy? Yes. Did he show the whole world what a Dicque he is? Yes. Could he have beaten any of the other people in S5? I bet he could. Would I spit on him if I saw him dying of thirst on the street? No. But is he a millionaire? Yes. And that's what matters.

2. Richard- He could write his own book about Non-Cooperative Gaming Theory. He wrote the blueprint that Brian later perfected.

3. Tina- I'm gonna have to kick my own ass on this one. But like the others above her on the list, she played the game. But rather than playing the whole tribe, she only played one person, Colby, and played him well.

4. Ethan- Boring, boring, boring. Never really did much in my opinion. Won simply by being likeable.

5. Vee- Maybe editing killed her, I'll concede that, but no other winner has left such a bad taste in my mouth.

The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies of the Heir... Beware!


BaquaR13 1336 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

12-28-02, 01:05 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Rate the Champs"
This is so hard to do because they were all great players, and they all did what it took for them to win. I guess this is how they would rank.

1. Richard
2. Brian
3. Tina
4. Vecepia
5. Ethan

The Reality Show Queens!!



survivorscott 2191 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

12-28-02, 04:38 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Rate the Champs"
LAST EDITED ON 12-28-02 AT 04:39 PM (EST)

Richard Played everyone, they knew it, and still voted the million to the guy

Brian Played everyone but they didn't know it

Tina Had her plan and it worked out even if it was risky at the end taking Colby

Ethan close to Vee but two things stuck out to me. I was more satisfied with his win than I was Vee's and the conditions he had to go through were tougher

Vee BMH will hate me on this one, but I don't think she deserved it, she sort of lucked into it

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger


PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-28-02, 06:47 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: Rate the Champs"
I can't argue with your analysis at all -- although I might switch Vecepia and Ethan. I feel Vee is the least deserving winner of them all and while she might have done a wee bit more manoeuvring than Ethan did, she just wasn't worthy at least in the way she was edited.

My list:

1. PornoBrian
2. Dicque
3. Tina
4. Ethan
5. Vecepia


Mapo 59 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

12-28-02, 07:58 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1`Vecepia-I think Vee was a great winner She played a flawless end game no matter if it was lucky or not every winner was lucky and you can't say she is undeserving because of her editing you people act like Vee edited the show it's Mark's fault she got edited so badly. I feel Vee had so much more to offer it is unfortunate we never got to see it she still played a amazing game in my opinion I would play the EXACT way she did lay low, be UTR, go where the power is,and just be drama free!

2`Richard-This one is self-explanatory

3`Brian-From what I have seen of him I don't like him as a person but he played a perfect game, He played Helen,Jan,Clay,and Ted for fools and was pretty UTR also good game even though if you have read Lex's article about the finale Lex doesn't like this guy to much lol

4`Tina-Idk what everybody sees in her she took alot of unecessary risks and she rode Colby's coattails and then took advantage of him which was smart but she didn't play the game on her own the whole time! If not for Colby she would have NEVER made the final 2 and If MIke never fell in the fire she would have been outta there. A very lucky winner

5`Ethan-He seems like a great guy! I would love to spend some time with him nicest winner probably But he didn't really play the game I don't think he had one strategic move the entire time he was there He just sat back and observed very quiet and also very lucky


Swami 5885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-28-02, 08:12 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1. Richard. He instinctively developed many of the strategy moves essential to win Survivor. That he was playing with some pretty clueless people (and some very smart ones) does not diminish his strategic vision.

2. Brian. Like Richard, he proceeded well by instinct altho he had also watched & studied previous Survivor shows. He was far more deceptive than Richard, IMO.

3. Vee. She is hard to rate because so little was shown of her. I wish we had a few confessionals revealing her strategizing ability! She had some incredible lucky breaks, and was able to take maximum advantage from each of them. I give her the nod over Tina because Tina had the double advantages of being on the dominant tribe and having a solid alliance. Vee had neither.

4. Tina. She played others brilliantly, but that was her only strength. Unlike Rich & Brian (but like Vee) she was not a particular asset during challenges.

5. Ethan. His strategy of staying UTR while being well liked was okay but not great. He kind of floated along, trying his best to think strategically. Rich or Brian could have used him for a kleenex.


1. I like Richard! He has his flaws, but I would pick him over #2 any time.

2. Ethan. Yeah, likeable, but not fascinating.

3. Tina. Ditto of Ethan.

4. Vee. Waaaay too self-righteous for me. And all the religious talk/justifications really turned me off.

5. Brian. Hey my brother was a used car salesman and could charm you into buying a car or anything else, but he was open, likeable and truly liked other people. Brian is a cold, calculating misanthrope.


johnthemod 423 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-29-02, 02:42 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1. Tina
2. Richard
3. Ethan
4. Brian
5. Vecepia - just because her winning ruined the end of Surv 4 for me.

rockluver 198 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-29-02, 08:16 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: Rate the Champs"
I devided my choices into 3 catagories .


1. Vee
2. Rich
3. Ethan
4. Brian ( Liked him in the beggining but not at the end )
5. Tina ( She just got so lucky it just pissed me off !)

2. ) Best stratedgie

1. Brian . ( O.k. Rich fooled the others more but that was S1 and when you're there with others that know the game it' just harder to play )
2. Rich . Read Brians.
3. Vee . Good at the end but not as good as the other 2 )
4. Ethan . ( Good pre-merge but at the end he got lucky )
5. Tina . Was just to lucky with the whole season.

3) Most deserving

1. Vee
2. Brian
3. Richard
4. Tina
5. Ethan


smokedog 1885 desperate attention whore postings
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12-30-02, 00:33 AM (EST)
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32. "RE: Rate the Champs"
1. Brian Heidik - played a perfect game against competitors who had 4 seasons worth of experience to learn from. No one ever voted against him, he had them all wrapped under his finger.
2. Richard Hatch - the original mastermind. The man who made survivor what it is today. Way above his competition. The originator of the alliance.
3. Vecepia Towery - played people, changed alliances, and discarded them like tissue, the way you are supposed to if you want to win.
4. Tina Wesson - Picked a good alliance partner and that's about it. No immunity wins, she basically banked on Colby to keep his word of honor to even get into the final two. Way overrated.
5. Ethan Zohn - A good guy who was lucky to get a weak final two opponent and basically won because Mamakim was undeserving and he was a nice guy. There was no respect for him playing a good strategic game because he just rode on Lex and Tom's coattails.

BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
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12-30-02, 01:27 AM (EST)
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33. "RE: Rate the Champs"
I agree completely Tina is the most over-rated winner in's annoying

Vecepia is definitely the most under-rated winner...people have a hard time looking past her hypocrisy towards God, and the fact that Kathy didn't win..if some just opened their eyes more would realize Vee played an excellent game no matter what happened post-survivor


Kokoro 3899 desperate attention whore postings
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12-30-02, 01:33 AM (EST)
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34. "RE: Rate the Champs"
I did originally rank them in subjective categories, but then I went and ignored the results (which were Tina, Brian, Richard, Vee, Ethan) so I've taken the liberty of deleting them and writing this useless note. ^-^;;

1.) Tina

Still my favourite winner. She never won any challenges but she was still the "Godfather" of Survivor 2. She pulled everyone's strings and did so without making enemies or arousing suspicion, something that most other winners have failed to do. She made the right connections all the way through the game and was brilliant at manipulating the jury during the question period. If winners play in the All Star version, this girl will probably go the furthest of the five.

2.) Richard

Richard was the original player and you can't argue with that. He did everything that Brian did after him, but he did it while still retaining at least a shred of integrity and friendliness. So he wasn't the most likable person - he still wasn't Brian, and that's why he's ahead of that schmuck. So anyhow, him and Brian had similar gameplay styles, but his was original and overall better (isn't time and example supposed to IMPROVE on things?). And really, it's not like he had a pushover like Clay to beat in the final vote. S1 was close right to the end.

3.) Brian

It just seems that everyone else on his tribe rides the special bus. But there is something to be said about gaining and keeping the trust of four other people throughout the whole 39 days. He's not likable by any means and played the game in a very obnoxious, paranoid, sleazy style but he still won. Congratulations to Survivor Thailand contestants for being the most clueless batch since Borneo. Oh and I suppose having that jerk Clay in the second slot may have helped Brian slightly, eh?

4.) Vee

Vee and Ethan actually originally tied in my overall chart, but she's light years ahead of him in the game. At least she actually bothered to play it a couple of times. Okay let's see. She made a lot of grevious errors in the early game....she lucked into a switch....she then proceeded to ride Sean's coattails to the final 4....but then she had the whole journal thing which was pretty brilliant and then she stabbed Kathy right in her trusting, unsuspecting back with her well polished knife and twisted and I'm going to stop talking about Vecepia now.

5.) Ethan....

sucked. Not much else to say - the boy fluked right into the win after it was pretty much rejected by half of the African cast. He seems very clueless; not too much of a mimbo, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer either. And how exactly do we know he's the nicest guy in the world, anyhow? As far as I remember, the scenery showed more personality than him. I can think of more "memorable" Kim Johnson moments than I can think of anything he ever said.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.


ivoryElephant 2257 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

12-30-02, 02:42 AM (EST)
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35. "RE: Rate the Champs"


Brian was the best overall. He built trust and was able to be the leader of a tribe of misfits. They were all outcasts and went to him to feel bonded. He was the glue that held them together. He gained their trust, played both sides and won some challenges. Yes he is coldhearted but you have to be to win. Plus he NEVER received a vote against him

Richard. The original master of survivor. He was onto the game long before anyone else. He was great at letting people erupt at eachother and played both sides against the middle with little effort. He did receive a few votes however and that is his weakness.

Tina. Never received one vote and conned Colby into keeping her in the finals even though he knew he couldn't win. She must have done some kind of schmoozing. She played an excellent game and suffered for it. But she was also extremely lucky when Mike fell into the fire and lucky that Kimmi spilled the beans.

Vecepia: She played UTR. Although it is a good strategy it is also very boring and doesn't always work. She knew when to switch sides but somehow was LUCKY enough to let Rob and Sean do the dirty work for her.she was a follower of planning. In the real life that just doesn't cut it.

Vee's ONLY strategic move the entire game was stabbing Kathy in the back

Ethan: Ethan just rode his alliance the whole way. Lex pulled the strings. People don't give him enough credit however. He did win one individual IC and RC and he also singlehandedly won the bow and arrow IC that was crucial going into the merge. He won only because Kim J thought Lex was too arrogant and won too much.

"To the other three still out there, break a leg......and I mean it" - Helen Glover


GuessItRains 700 desperate attention whore postings
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12-30-02, 03:15 PM (EST)
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36. "Vote Totals to Date"
First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Fourth Place

Fifth Place

Average Vote


BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
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12-30-02, 03:47 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: Vote Totals to Date"
Hey I am thankfull most at least consider Vecepia a better player than Ethan lol

esquire 1095 desperate attention whore postings
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12-30-02, 04:39 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: Rate the Champs"
LAST EDITED ON 12-30-02 AT 04:39 PM (EST)

1) Richard - He was, is and will always be the master of the game. He figured everything out, before anyone had even seen the game.

2) Tina - She saw the Richard Hatch way and showed that there were other ways to win. She remained likable to her competitors

3) Brian - He saw the competition and knew what it took to win each of them over. He must be a great used car salesman.

4) Vee - In sports, athletes are often graded on well they perform in the clutch. With just about everything going against her, she survived to trhe end. And when the game was on the line, she truly performed at her best (winning the final 4 immunity and making the deal with Nelah as soon as Kathy lost before Kathy had an opportunity to react).

5) Ethan - He stayed in the background and did enoiugh to win. He was lucky his tribe took control and let things play themselves out.


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

12-30-02, 06:27 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: Rate the Champs"
Ok, I'll give this one a try. It's tough, because all of the champs I think really did deserve the win. (side note: Kathy should have won S4!)

1 - Rich

Rich really did lay down the blueprint on how to play the game. Were it not for Rich and his alliance building, the game would be totally different. Well, eventually, someone would have figured it out, but NO ONE ELSE ON S1 had even thought of it, let alone the silly Pagong tribe. As a result, most if not all votes are thought through before arriving at tribal council, and the vote tally is nothing more than a formality. This is because of what Rich established in the first game.

2 - Tina

If you can convince someone who is physically stronger than you to give you a million dollars, then you deserve 10 million! Tina was a contributor, but above that she knew how to stay on people's good sides, even though she was also voting those same people off. Tina didn't have the knowledge of the game that Rich did, but she has an EXCELLENT knowledge of people. I rank her second among the champs, but her skills will take her farther in life.

3 - Brian

Brian had everyone on his tribe eating out of his fingers. Everyone knew that the Clay/Brian thing had to be defeated, but no one would get rid of Clay because they knew it would piss Brian off and, as a result, get them kicked off next. So everyone voted out the second worst instead of the worst in each TC until the final jury. Now I think that Brian exemplifies used car salesmen, even though most are probably better people than him. When all is said and done, though, Brian had the castaways of Thailand at his beckon call, and that's why he won.

4 - Vee

I like Vee, and she had a great ability to dodge the bullet. She manuevered in and out of alliances, and she did what she needed to do in order to survive. She was never on the bottom of anyone's "most threatening" list, and then all of the sudden she's in the final 2. She had a successful UTR strategy, so kudos for winning S4, the season I consider the best so far.

5 - Ethan

Someone had to win Africa, and it may as well have been Ethan. Ethan is a good guy and deserves a million. I just think that the previous 4 (as well as other non-winners) have contributed more to how the overall game is played. I would definitely rate him higher in terms of likability than Brian.

In summary, here is my overall champ list:

1 - Rich
2 - Tina
3 - Brian
4 - Vee
5 - Ethan

Here is my likability list:

1 - Tina
2 - Ethan
3 - Vee
4 - Rich
5 - Brian


ejm92 2221 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

01-07-03, 06:03 PM (EST)
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41. "RE: Rate the Champs"
Pretty hard to rate the winners on a scale of 1 to 5....but I'll try...hehehe...

1. Ethan - He obviously did a better job than any other winner, having won the final vote by the largest majority....Ethan did more work behind the scenes than we actually saw, he probably had trouble throwing some challenges to work his strategy, but he worked it all out in the end.
2. Rich - Rich seemed to always be cool and collected, and although many things could have fell through and messed his game up, he had things wrapped up from the beginning it seemed...had Richard been playing with a cast who actually knew anything about the game, he may not have won, though.
3. Tina - Tina had a lot of things fall into place due to luck, but everyone liked and respected her, and I believe she was the only winner (and Survivor 2 was the only series) to not really have a bitchy jury member bug her and hurt her chances.
4. Vecepia - In popularity, I rate her much lower....but she really had to do some work, because she came into the final few episodes being one of the only original Maraamu's left, she overcame racial status, gender, and being outnumbered; as well as beating a Rotu member in a Rotu-dominated jury.
5. Brian - I put him this low because of the way we hear things post-game....Brian didn't have things as smooth as we saw, some interviews have confirmed that he wasn't quite as powerful as he thought he was....and he easily could've lost had Clay not cut so many bridges on the jury.

2002 NFC North Champs

BMH 845 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

01-07-03, 06:44 PM (EST)
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42. "RE: Rate the Champs"
lol I am not trying to pick apart you rankings but I think you are dead wrong about Ethan...

#1.Ethan won by a 5-2 majority because he was so god damn nice..he didn't have a mean bone in his body..those 5 votes had more to do with everybody finding him likeable than actual strategy..cuz he didn't have a strategy...

#2.He had so many votes to win..cuz he was up against friggin Kim J lol...I really feel if Ethan was up against Lex..the margin would be much closer..I still think Ethan would win cuz all he did was smile and be everybody's friend for 39 days without really doing much of anything in the game department..but I think the margin would be 4-3 because so many ppl admired Lex..I still think he should have won S3...



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