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"The Players, The Game, The Editing ..."
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VerucaSalt 1580 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

03-15-09, 10:12 AM (EST)
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65. "Episode 5 Editing"
Apparently I missed the party last week


Initially I noted the vast difference in that this season, Jeff’s comments are on equal footing as he mentions "two tough tribes" "it's anyone's game" The tribe comparison is obviously not rendering a bias the way we have seen before.

The Exile Island Alliance is featured. The amount of coverage on this four way alliance leads me to believe it does have a big impact in this game although not all four may survive it.

Taj:” Do you want to be a part of the biggest upset in Survivor history” (one may question whether this is indeed the case and we may get to see a big upset along the way?)

Discussion on Sierra not being told by Brendan and Taj and Brendan's quest for their idol.

Taj/Stephen are featured as yet again the foursome alliance is being built. I also found it interesting that Taj was shown stating why she voted Joe; was it necessary? Not so much and it may have been thrown about purely for the episode’s dynamic but it may also be some process involving Joe and Taj.

Taj advised they are "set" they need the idol and "it's on" "everything is complete" All we have to do is make it to the merge with everyone intact" (foreshadowing?) "I love when a perfect plan comes together, it's so much fun" The merger comment is made in confessional and to Stephen.

With a different person and even a different season, her words may be construed as completely over confident and somewhat condescending. I don’t think however the editors intend that with Taj. I do think the overextended focus on how “set” they are (stated by Taj, Brendan and Sierra) is meant as a warning but not intended to focus negativity on the people saying it; after watching this many seasons of Survivor, I think we all know the difference of hearing optimism and confidence and wait for “egg on the face” as opposed to optimism and confidence than showing unfortunately the plan didn’t work as we were meant to like the people in the plan. With apparently a merger arriving shortly (merger has creeped up in discussion; usually the sign) one or more of this foursome may find themselves not being able to go forth with the plan.

Stephen (conf) “She handed it off to me... as long as it is in my possession will try to keep it in my possession, theoretically ostensibly it is mine, wearing it around my neck” (One may wonder if this also was necessary - do we need to know this if Taj uses it, or if it isn't used at all? This would be something I would back burner as comments such as this usually are not left in unless some prophecy occurs from it. We may see a major plot point where Taj is voted out with the idol still in Stephen’s possession in some fashion).


More discussion with the foursome alliance that is being built upon regardless of the fact that they haven't reached that point where the foursome are even together – again it appears that merger is coming quickly as the hints are prevalent They discuss how Brendan didn't tell her.

Brendan (conf) “Every stage we have set has worked... we've gotten more and more powerful”

Sierra states:"We rule" with confessing “Hallelujah praise the Lord... after three days of being a loser ... I'm proud of myself, I formed an amazing alliance , it's really quite brilliant, we are going to take over the whole world, that's right" (laughs)

Again, I find these confessionals, while confident, lacking an arrogance we have seen from prior contestants which bodes well for their characters (that does not mean the foursome will be intact though – the editors do not appears to want us to laugh if the foursome fails but editing IS drilling into the audience this plan and this foursome and “smooth sailing” for something to not go wrong

Reward Challenge

Sandy is noted to be eliminated as Coach comments: “…only a matter of time”

Jalapao wins and an interesting scene is shown that again, one has to question why it was shown unless it is an upcoming plot point.

Stephen chooses Brendan for Exile and a close shot is on Tyson and Ben as Jeff notes Brendan is smiling as he says: “It's evil to be able to pick somebody who won a reward and take them out of it.”

Brendan chooses Stephen who appears shocked as Taj blows kisses to him as thanks. A shot on Tyson reflecting as Joe states this was a classy move.

Tyson conf: “I don’t know what is going on in Brendan's head, he's made a lot of contact with the other tribe, whether he's built up friendships or alliances I don't know but he definitely seems to have some of their respect and it could get dangerous.”

An entirely unnecessary scene unless it will be developed. We are learning that Tyson is noticing the bonds being developed and it will be dangerous. Coach is involved with this as well. Later more development at the camp – yet Timberia never went to Tribal Council. Let’s also not forget that Erinn has her own issues with Coach (privately with Tyson as we have still yet to see Tyson outwardly speak the way he confessionally speaks

Reward at Charmin Café

Spencer gets a confessional about the letter.
Taj gives insight about getting to know her tribe and again we have a mention of the secret alliance. Taj received the meat of the confessionals this episode – big character, longevity or a climax coming?
Joe confesses Taj being gone hurts her – (perhaps more buildup for Joe and Taj?)
Various group speak and JT receives some focus as the “man” going to cry.


Tyson shown disappointed
Erinn states poor Brendan and Debbie said it was nice that he didn't take Taj and questions why he picked Stephen.

Tyson tells Debra and Ben that he believes Brendan is trying to build relations with other tribe and "he's got to go next"
Debra "Tyson you can't tell Sierra - she will not be with us"

Ben (conf) “Brendan right now, the way he's going to exile and the people he's choosing ... is making strong allies. If we merge he has control of the game and I'm a bystander and I certainly don't want that to happen“

Coach in passing to Debra: The plot thickens (in Survivor where I love a good story, I do believe it will!)

Again, this tribe did not even go to Tribal Council yet a very complex situation is occurring with them. We realize that Debra, Coach and Tyson are on the same page, we know they know that Sierra and Brendan are close. We also know that Erinn is a one woman island with major issues with Coach. We know that Brendan and Sierra have an alliance with Stephen and Taj. There is a lot of dynamic at this tribe and there will be quite a bit of dynamic at their next Tribal Council. Tyson’s observations and the scene above were not necessary unless we are building to something. What irony is Coach’s first words about wanting the strongest at the end and discussing this with Brendan. I don’t necessarily believe that their visit to Tribal Council will result in Brendan leaving though, it has a feel that the editors want us to see Brendan in potential danger and our asking will this foursome get it together as they attempt to surprise us with the actual person eliminated. So I would not necessarily discount Brendan yet as his build up in danger is very familiar to plots in the past where the person featured in danger is not actually the one to leave

A VERY amusing scene of Ben predicting the rain with a throwaway comment by Erinn that Coach is a #####

Erinn’s role is an interesting one. There is a long term range I can see with her edit although a lot of her story seems tied specifically to Coach and Tyson (as if we can forget Tyson’s confessional about her) It appears that she could just be a catalyst to a story with these two (or at least Coach) and integral in his (or their) demise. Considering the massive effort done surrounding Coach’s edit, it would be very amusing if Coach is taken down by Erinn in some fashion. She does indeed get unnecessary face time although I see her story somewhat streamlined as to waiting solely to see if she will have the pleasure to vote Coach out. I’m not entirely confident she is end game but there I would not hesitant in agreeing that she could be a long term player

Exile Island

More fleshing out of this foursome.

Brendan (conf) “He didn’t know me, he didn’t know Sierra so I am really excited to catch up with him to see how we can work together just to make him feel comfortable with that alliance”

Stephen and Brendan discuss that Stephen and Taj found the idol

Brendan (conf): “We started talking immediately…. This four person alliance has both immunity idols which is great because it’s going to put up in a powerful spot”

Stephen (conf) “My first impression of him is positive but wary; he’s obviously an extremely strong player, mentally strong and clearly strategically strong but it’s hard to trust someone who… I’ve known him for five minutes. I can’t place my entire faith in the game on him so I might keep this two tribe alliance in the back of my head as something that might be there but can’t place my entire faith in this four person alliance.”

Stephen has been progressing very nicely in his edit. He received a “first impression” from Sandy as to one to be led around and what is interesting is that while he was “led” by Taj to this alliance, Stephen has given the greatest insight in the pros and cons of this alliance; he is the only person out of this four that isn’t putting all his eggs in the foursome’s basket and his questioning and debating and examination seems quite good for his longevity. He also received a “fluff” story with JT which is back burnered but was important enough to show us on two occasions. Stephen seems very integral to a multitude of potential plot points and certainly fits with the notion that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.


Sydney and Spencer’s discussion is shown with Spencer’s confessional on revealing his sexual orientation. Considering the outcome of the episode, this seemed rather contrived in order to just flesh Spencer out prior to his leaving however I don’t feel this confessional was quite necessary:

Spencer (conf) “Guys like JT, southerners you know, people who are generally not quite as accepting of homosexuality and I don’t know if he is one of those guys but they are maybe inclined to get rid of someone like me just based on the fact that I am gay; it’s one of the reasons why I keep it a secret” (Last shot on JT)

I was a bit confused as to why this even had to be shown because ultimately the reason for his leaving was shown to be his performance at the challenge (whether or not that was the case, it is was shown that was reason). Regardless that JT has never shown to be homophobic, this was noted when it didn’t have to be - it wasn’t necessary so I question why the editors wanted to cast a slightly gray shadow on JT when in reality

Immunity Challenge

Lovely greetings towards Brendan and Stephen by their tribemates – for what it is worth, I do think generally speaking there is a comradarie that quite often lacks in other seasons. Strangely we hear Stephen say: “Missed you guys” which was entirely random as Jeff was taking back the idol and the welcome back greetings were done – perhaps just to further Stephen a tad.

A great challenge although I am hard pressed to understand why JT and Sierra would be guarding each other – the feature naturally was JT and his losing part of his tooth (did anyone else notice after Joe missed his shot, Taj playfully hit Sierra on her rearend with the net? I would hope this foursome would be a little more careful)

JT asks Taj to step it up and she yells she is doing her best
(Why JT is not guarding someone like Brendan or Tyson is beyond my understand)

Jeff “Taj is wearing down that is giving Brendan a big opening!”

Memorable scene when JT loses the tooth and Jeff’s reaction and the sequence from there – hardly a moment that the editors would leave on the floor!

Tyson keeps Timberia alive (Tyson may end up being my one mistake in terms of longevity. Somehow I feel there is something more to Tyson and do not want to rule out long term for him)

JT tells Spencer they got to do this

JT “Come on Spencer” (after Tyson gets another one) Discussion ensues

An exchange with Debra and Tyson and Erinn that the balls should go shorter and with that Timberia ultimately wins

JT (conf) “I’m doing everything I can to win…but I just think some people weren’t giving it their all; I don’t want to get rid of anyone but it’s got to be Spencer.”

Taj (conf) “I was hot today….by hot I mean angry. Joe and JT worked hard today…. I fell short today. I think I’m a target but they are crazy to keep Spencer over me if they are trying to keep the tribe strong”

Taj “We are only down one, I believe whatever we do next has got to be the best chance to make it 5-5 for the merge that means everyone has got to leave their emotions out of it and think for the team, everybody. You (Joe) him (JT) everybody… I’m hot today… everybody can kiss my #####. (Taj continues) Do what is best for the team.”

JT “If it makes you feel better Taj, I trust you more than I trust other people”
Joe “I trust you for sure”
Taj “You trust me?”
Joe “I trust everybody here”
Taj “Then why haven’t you come to me for an ally…”
Joe “It’s a two way road right?”
Taj “I tried to talk to you, I’m not attacking you, I’m just sick of this bull”

Joe (conf) “Taj was hot at me, I really don’t know why, she can bat every eyelash, raise every feather she has but I think moves like that will get you voted off bottom line and if Taj has the idol, I think it’s the best decision”

Stephen “I just think she is just scared…. what do you think?”
JT (on screen) “She’s next”.

Stephen (conf) “I have a really tough choice ahead tonight because theoretically I am better served by Taj going home without the idol because that means it’s mine to keep but right now she is my real connection to the Timberia side of the EI, Brandon and Sierra so I’m not totally clear on what I am going to do”

Taj (conf) “It could very well possibly be it for me tonight but I still have the immunity idol and I still have Steve…”

Taj “They are still down whispering so if you want to get a piece go ahead”
Spencer “I’m sure JT is whispering about me”

Spencer (conf) “Today’s challenge was very frustrating…. I don’t like to lose and I don’t like to perform badly and I knew JT was probably going to be frustrated with me”

JT “I don’t have any problem writing his name down….”
(Spencer arrives)

Spencer (conf) “It’s rough around camp…. it’s scary for sure because things switch so quickly in this game”

JT “What do you think is best for the team?”
Spencer “I figured you’d come back pissed at me so…”
JT “I was pissed at you, especially at the challenge”
Spencer “Do you think I was not giving my effort?”
More talking
JT “I can’t speak for all the team..”
Spencer “I know but you obviously have pull in the tribe…. who do you think should go?”
JT “I don’t know”
Spencer “You can tell me.”
JT “You or Taj”

I love the editors and how they throw us every bit of great scenery to make the upcoming Tribal Council a questionable one. The idol is brought up yet again and it sits with me that Taj may have a problem – the editing is handling Taj a bit different in this foursome and I question her safety; there does not seem to be any delicate balance with her edit the way there is with Sierra, Brandon and Stephen. Once again Stephen is shown questioning his relationship with Taj and a big question for the audience would be will Stephen break a tie with Taj?

Tribal Council

Jeff asks Spencer about his performance
Spencer: “My performance today was pretty pathetic… (JT shown) I was very upset with myself the whole time”

Jeff asks Taj if she feels the tribe is still staying together well and can they feel the effect after losing?
Taj “…of course everybody is frustrated, we’re just trying to believe at the next challenge we’ll be able to tie it up and go into the merge even at least” “Initially we all kind of blew up, won’t say all, I kinda blew up because I felt like we could have done a better job and I got upset” (Joe and JT shown)

Jeff asks Joe what it feels like when someone attacks you
Joe “You don’t ever like to walk into a room and have fingers pointed at you especially when it’s not even necessarily warranted”

Jeff asks Taj if she is worried that she could have an outburst that could cost her
Taj “Anything you do can cost you in this game…. at that point I felt like I was out the door” (Stephen and Spencer shown)

Jeff asks Taj what made her feel that
Taj “I don’t know, it’s just a feeling you get that your head is next (Joe) and I was pissed because at every challenge I do give 110%... and to even have that idea that you are going to go out, I’m trying to figure out why, I was hot so someone was going to get it and I didn’t care who”

Jeff asks Spencer if he understands what Taj is talking about
Spencer “Absolutely, it definitely changes when you get back to camp and you know that your head could be on the chopping block, today I had the same feeling because of my performance (Joe) and the frustration with JT during the challenge (JT) I came back knowing I could very well be going home tonight.

Jeff asks Taj about spending so much time on Exile Island
Taj “What can I do about it? (Joe) I don’t ask to go to Exile (Spencer then crash) so it’s not like I had a choice; there’s nothing I can do about it except fit in when I come back”

Jeff asks Taj if she feels the target on her back spending so much time away
Taj “I didn’t… until this week (JT) because we are down to no more expendable people so I’m like that person I guess if they thought I had the idol…”

Jeff asks Joe how he deals with Taj being there so many times and the opportunity for the idol.
Joe “You can’t ever be certain, she could definitely have it. I have not heard her say the words, I do not have the immunity idol” (JT nods)
Taj “Would you like me to say it now?”
Joe “No you don’t have to” “See stuff like that makes you think she is really being aggressive about hiding (Stephen) this thing or lying about”
Taj questions this and Joe states she hasn’t slipped once and he believes her (Stephen)

Jeff then states that Taj still has not said she doesn’t have it
Joe “Do you want to say it for me?”
Taj “I do not have the idol” (Stephen)
Joe “I believe her”

Spencer is voted out with Jeff’s last words

Jeff “You’ve lost two immunity challenges and two tribe members and worse than that, you lost momentum”

One extremely noticeable item is that Sydney once again was irrelevant to her tribe. Except for her one brief scene which was to forge Spencer’s edit and her scene where Taj was lamenting, she was not even remotely involved. This is interesting considering how she played such a big role in last week then just disappeared. There seems to be some line that is being drawn between Joe and Taj that I am waiting for the outcome, regardless Joe seems irrelevant to the long term. Stephen is questioning his own alliance with Taj which is yet another story unfolding. JT and Stephen’s friendship was back burnered but I feel that for it to be mentioned twice, it may have some legs. There is a lot brewing over at Timberia with Brendan’s “vulnerability” Erinn and Coach’s issues, the obvious division that shows Debra, Tyson and Coach with Sierra and Brendan which leaves Erinn as potentially extremely valuable (and no doubt wanting to eliminate the "jacka--") Merger is mentioned quite often, I would imagine it will be around the corner – who appears to need to advance? We have those with their impressions put forth and impressions made about them (Sierra, Stephen, Tyson, Erinn) We have plot points surrounding the foursome (though we all know that this doesn’t mean all four advance in the story) We have a battle outlined with Erinn and Coach. We also see that at the very least, Sydney, Debra and Joe received hardly any fleshing out in their persona or even a story. Long term players notwithstanding, I would hardly think they would be victorious. Erinn is interesting – there are some legs with her but I hope to see more than just her story running parallel with Coach. Stephen’s edit and Sierra’s edit are very intriguing that I question if the originators of this foursome will be outlasted by those they brought in. Tyson still nags at me; whether he is just a favored character – they are doing well by him by not making him a complete caricature. Coach – a story himself – heading for a great fall? I still take his words and tuck them away; he may not be the ultimate winner but I won’t discount what he says – it may be very important in how this season progresses.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 The Players, The Game, The Editing ...   VerucaSalt     02-09-09       
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   PepeLePew13     02-09-09     1  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Belle Book     02-09-09     2  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Flowerpower     02-09-09     3  
     RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Rahaim     03-16-09     69  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   LFJ     02-09-09     4  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   mattben     02-09-09     5  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   suzzee     02-09-09     6  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   michel     02-09-09     7  
     RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Flowerpower     02-10-09     8  
         RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   CTgirl     02-10-09     9  
         RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Belle Book     02-10-09     10  
   Episode #1: Editing Thoughts   michel     02-14-09     11  
     RE: Episode #1: Editing Thoughts   Belle Book     02-14-09     12  
     RE: Episode #1: Editing Thoughts   Flowerpower     02-15-09     13  
         RE: Episode #1: Comments   michel     02-16-09     14  
             Episode One Editing   VerucaSalt     02-17-09     15  
                 RE: Episode One Editing   mysticjay     02-17-09     17  
                 RE: Episode One Editing   sol     02-18-09     20  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   mattben     02-17-09     16  
     RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   jobgirl     02-18-09     18  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   sol     02-18-09     19  
     RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   flystorms     02-18-09     21  
         RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   VerucaSalt     02-19-09     22  
   Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:   michel     02-21-09     23  
     RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:   Belle Book     02-22-09     24  
         RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:   michel     02-22-09     25  
             RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:   Belle Book     02-22-09     26  
                 RE: Episode #2 - Editing Thoughts:   electropoprebel     02-22-09     27  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   PepeLePew13     02-23-09     28  
   Tyson vs. Coach   PepeLePew13     02-28-09     29  
     Episode 3 Editing   VerucaSalt     02-28-09     30  
         RE: Episode 3 Editing   suzzee     02-28-09     33  
         RE: Episode 3 Editing   Flowerpower     02-28-09     34  
             RE: Episode 3 Editing   michel     03-01-09     35  
                 RE: Episode 3 Editing   Belle Book     03-01-09     36  
                     RE: Episode 3 Editing   PepeLePew13     03-02-09     37  
                         RE: Episode 3 Editing   Belle Book     03-02-09     39  
     RE: Tyson vs. Coach   suzzee     02-28-09     31  
   Entrance to TC, and seating arrange...   sol     02-28-09     32  
   Episode 4 Promo Vidcaps   Flowerpower     03-02-09     38  
     RE: Episode 4 Promo Vidcaps   VerucaSalt     03-04-09     40  
         RE: Episode 4 Promo Vidcaps   Brownroach     03-04-09     41  
             RE: Episode 4 Promo Vidcaps   sol     03-04-09     42  
                 RE: Episode 4 Promo Vidcaps   Brownroach     03-04-09     43  
                     RE: Episode 3 Editing   jobgirl     03-05-09     44  
             RE: Episode 4 Promo Vidcaps   PepeLePew13     03-05-09     45  
             RE: Episode 4 Promo Vidcaps   justconnect     03-09-09     53  
   Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   michel     03-08-09     46  
     RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   Belle Book     03-08-09     47  
     RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   PepeLePew13     03-08-09     48  
         RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   redbeard103152     03-09-09     50  
     RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   television     03-09-09     49  
         RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   michel     03-09-09     51  
     RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   CTgirl     03-09-09     52  
         RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   michel     03-09-09     54  
             RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   Georjanna     03-09-09     55  
                 RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   CTgirl     03-10-09     58  
                     RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   michel     03-11-09     61  
                         RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   Brownroach     03-11-09     62  
                             RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   jobgirl     03-11-09     63  
         RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   LFJ     03-10-09     56  
             RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   sylvester     03-10-09     57  
                 RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   CTgirl     03-10-09     59  
                     RE: Episode #4: Editing Thoughts   LFJ     03-10-09     60  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   television     03-14-09     64  
     Episode 5 Editing   VerucaSalt     03-15-09     65  
         RE: Episode 5 Editing   michel     03-15-09     67  
         RE: Episode 5 Editing   suzzee     03-15-09     68  
         RE: Episode 5 Editing   Flowerpower     03-17-09     71  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   sol     03-15-09     66  
     RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   electropoprebel     03-17-09     70  
         RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   sol     03-17-09     72  
   Post Recrap Thoughts...   Flowerpower     03-26-09     73  
     Recap Editing   VerucaSalt     03-29-09     74  
         RE: Recap Editing   michel     03-29-09     75  
             RE: Recap Editing   suzzee     03-30-09     76  
                 RE: Recap Editing   Slider     03-30-09     77  
                     RE: Recap Editing   Loree     03-30-09     78  
             RE: Recap Editing   CTgirl     04-02-09     82  
         First Episode vs. Recap   PepeLePew13     03-31-09     79  
             RE: First Episode vs. Recap   Georjanna     03-31-09     80  
         RE: Recap Editing   CTgirl     04-02-09     81  
             Episode 6 Editing   VerucaSalt     04-04-09     83  
                 RE: Episode 6 Editing   jobgirl     04-04-09     84  
                 RE: Episode 6 Editing   michel     04-05-09     85  
                     RE: Episode 6 Editing   Belle Book     04-06-09     86  
                 RE: Episode 6 Editing   suzzee     04-07-09     87  
                     RE: Episode 7 Editing   VerucaSalt     04-11-09     88  
                         RE: Episode 7 Editing   Belle Book     04-11-09     89  
                             RE: Episode 7 Editing   VerucaSalt     04-18-09     111  
                                 Veruca!!!   Flowerpower     04-19-09     112  
                                     RE: Veruca!!!   Outfrontgirl     04-19-09     113  
                                 RE: Episode 7 Editing   VolcanicGlass     04-19-09     116  
                                 RE: Episode 7 Editing   suzzee     04-26-09     129  
                         RE: Episode 7 Editing   michel     04-11-09     91  
                             RE: Episode 7 Editing   VerucaSalt     04-16-09     100  
                         RE: Episode 7 Editing   Flowerpower     04-13-09     97  
   Episode #7 Editing   michel     04-11-09     90  
     RE: Episode #7 Editing   Flowerpower     04-13-09     92  
         RE: Episode #7 Editing   michel     04-13-09     93  
             RE: Episode #7 Editing   Belle Book     04-13-09     94  
             RE: Episode #7 Editing   LFJ     04-13-09     95  
                 RE: Episode #7 Editing   Flowerpower     04-13-09     96  
                 RE: Episode #7 Editing   citywitch     04-16-09     99  
         RE: Episode #7 Editing   television     04-13-09     98  
     RE: Episode #7 Editing   Outfrontgirl     04-16-09     101  
         RE: Episode #7 Editing   Georjanna     04-16-09     102  
             RE: Episode #7 Editing   Outfrontgirl     04-17-09     103  
                 RE: Episode #7 Editing   emydi     04-17-09     106  
         RE: Episode #7 Editing   Flowerpower     04-17-09     104  
         RE: Episode #7 Editing   citywitch     04-17-09     105  
             RE: Episode #7 Editing   Outfrontgirl     04-17-09     107  
                 RE: Episode #7 Editing   Georjanna     04-17-09     108  
                     Episode #8: Editing   michel     04-19-09     114  
                         RE: Episode #8: Editing   Belle Book     04-19-09     115  
                         RE: Episode #8: Editing   Outfrontgirl     04-19-09     117  
                             RE: Episode #8: Editing   michel     04-19-09     118  
                                 RE: Episode #8: Editing   Outfrontgirl     04-20-09     120  
                                     RE: Episode #8: Editing   michel     04-20-09     122  
                         RE: Episode #8: Editing   Flowerpower     04-20-09     119  
                             RE: Episode #8: Editing   Outfrontgirl     04-20-09     121  
                             RE: Episode #8: Editing   michel     04-20-09     123  
                                 RE: Episode #8: Editing   LFJ     04-21-09     124  
                                     RE: Episode #8: Editing   michel     04-21-09     125  
                                         RE: Episode #8: Editing   Belle Book     04-21-09     126  
   Stephen   PepeLePew13     04-18-09     109  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   television     04-18-09     110  
   RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   michel     04-25-09     127  
     RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Outfrontgirl     04-25-09     128  
         RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   citywitch     04-26-09     130  
             RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Outfrontgirl     04-26-09     133  
         RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   michel     04-26-09     134  
             RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Outfrontgirl     04-26-09     137  
     RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Belle Book     04-26-09     131  
         RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   LFJ     04-26-09     132  
         RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   michel     04-26-09     135  
             RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Belle Book     04-26-09     136  
     RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   Flowerpower     04-27-09     138  
         RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   suzzee     04-27-09     139  
             RE: The Players, The Game, The Edit...   kingfish     04-29-09     140  
   Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   michel     05-03-09     141  
     RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   Outfrontgirl     05-03-09     142  
     RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   Outfrontgirl     05-03-09     143  
         RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   Georjanna     05-03-09     144  
         RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   michel     05-03-09     145  
             RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   Georjanna     05-03-09     146  
                 RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   Outfrontgirl     05-03-09     148  
                     RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   Georjanna     05-04-09     149  
             RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   Outfrontgirl     05-03-09     147  
                 RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   michel     05-04-09     150  
                 RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   Flowerpower     05-04-09     151  
                     RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   michel     05-04-09     152  
                         RE: Episode #10: Editing Thoughts   Flowerpower     05-04-09     153  
   Episode 11   CTgirl     05-09-09     154  
     RE: Episode 11   michel     05-09-09     155  
         RE: Episode 11   Flowerpower     05-10-09     156  
         RE: Episode 11   Flowerpower     05-11-09     157  
             RE: Episode 11   michel     05-11-09     158  
                 RE: Episode 11   Flowerpower     05-11-09     159  
                 The F2 suspense   Outfrontgirl     05-13-09     160  
                 RE: Episode 11   Outfrontgirl     05-13-09     161  
                     RE: Episode 11   michel     05-14-09     162  
                         RE: Episode 11   Outfrontgirl     05-14-09     163  
                             RE: Episode 11   EmeraldBrooch     05-15-09     164  
                                 RE: Episode 11   Loree     05-15-09     165  
                                 RE: Episode 11   Outfrontgirl     05-15-09     166  
   Episode #12: Editing Thoughts:   michel     05-16-09     167  
     RE: Episode #12: Editing Thoughts:   Outfrontgirl     05-16-09     168  
         RE: Episode #12: Editing Thoughts:   michel     05-17-09     171  
     RE: Episode #12: Editing Thoughts:   Outfrontgirl     05-16-09     169  
         RE: Episode #12: Editing Thoughts:   DRONES     05-17-09     170  
             RE: Episode #12: Editing Thoughts:   michel     05-17-09     172  
   Post-Mortem   michel     05-18-09     173  
     RE: Post-Mortem   Outfrontgirl     05-19-09     174  
         RE: Post-Mortem   michel     05-19-09     176  
             RE: Post-Mortem   Outfrontgirl     05-19-09     178  
                 RE: Post-Mortem   michel     05-19-09     179  
                 RE: Post-Mortem   Brownroach     05-20-09     180  
     RE: Post-Mortem   Belle Book     05-19-09     175  
         RE: Post-Mortem   michel     05-19-09     177  
             RE: Post-Mortem   Belle Book     05-20-09     181  

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