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"Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12"
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-27-08, 01:34 PM (EST)
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11. "Episode #3"
In which Sharon starts to become just a wee bit fed up with this.

I wonder if we got the winning quote last night -- or at least the quote pointing to the winner. So Brandi C. becomes a sweetheart if you can just get her away from Lacey and Megan? Well, then get ready to watch Brandi C. become a sweetheart, because she's got a very good chance to outlast both of them.

Sharon hates Megan. This is a very sensible attitude. Sharon has watched Megan's ROL appearances, may have gotten to see the ILM footage, and has thus placed Megan into the same position Danielle occupied at the very end of BB3: smile all you like, but we've seen the confessionals. Megan can't play sugar-sweet and then slip the knife in any more: Sharon knows which hand to keep an eye on. This has Megan very shaken up. Not enough to change, of course -- just enough so that she might try a few new tricks. If she has any.

Sharon doesn't like Lacey. Sharon's seen Lacey's footage too, and she knows Lacey is addicted to drama. Start the avalanche and file the first lawsuit if a pebble bounces off your own head: there's Lacey's one and only strategy. Sharon knows Lacey for what she is: somewhat insane, completely detached from all personal responsibility, and incapable of learning.

And yet, Rodeo went home...

Hard to see Rodeo as occupying the Courtney position of 'most normal one in the group' -- but despite her financial wishes, she didn't have the desire, foundation, or real need for change that the show so desperately wants to locate. In that sense, her leaving makes sense: she wasn't going to become anyone else, so let her leave now. The problem is that she was up against Lacey and Megan -- and while both of them truly need to change, I don't think either one wants to, is capable of it, or cares enough to try. Megan will fake anything for cash -- but Sharon's on to her. And Lacey may not even want the money: her only goal might be to keep other people from getting it. But real, fundamental change from either one? Not going to happen.

So for now, I'm going to call Brandi C. as our winner -- but it is ever going to be a long road to take her there...

Random notes:

Which was more of a horror: the fashion show before the shopping trip, what happened to the new clothes afterwards, or everything that happened during the runway walk? (Unlike every other Ukrainian military vehicle, the Love Tank has not been adapted to run on alcohol.)

If you won your season of Project Runway and this guest appearance is all you've been able to turn it into, you have no right to look down your nose at anyone.

Where was Rodeo during that last confessional? Maybe she literally phoned it in...

We still have several near-invisible edits, with Kristy Jo at the head of the list. The drama has pretty much taken over the show.

How many times have you ever been backstage at a rock concert and spotted a Weed Whacker?

And if we get a third season, will they finally get around to the men?

How did Megan win her B&TG season? Hypnosis? Blackmail? Everyone else died?

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   Dianimal59     10-02-08       
   Episode 1: One Bad Apple   Dianimal59     10-13-08     1  
     WARNING   Bebo     10-13-08     2  
   RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   TxMom2011     10-14-08     3  
     RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   Snidget     10-14-08     5  
   RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   Estee     10-14-08     4  
     RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   Ahtumbreez     10-14-08     8  
         RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   Estee     10-15-08     9  
         RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   Agman2     04-08-16     52  
   RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   Dakota     10-14-08     6  
   Megan can type?   Estee     10-14-08     7  
   Episode #2   Estee     10-20-08     10  
   Episode #3   Estee     10-27-08     11  
     RE: Episode #3   Ahtumbreez     10-30-08     12  
         RE: Episode #3   Estee     10-30-08     13  
   RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   eire_heart74     11-03-08     14  
     Return to sender.   Estee     11-03-08     15  
         RE: Return to sender.   eire_heart74     11-03-08     16  
   Ukranian love tank: derailed.   Estee     11-10-08     17  
   RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   eire_heart74     11-10-08     18  
     RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   Estee     11-10-08     19  
   Without giving too much away for th...   Estee     11-16-08     20  
     RE: Without giving too much away fo...   eire_heart74     11-17-08     21  
     RE: Without giving too much away fo...   weltek     11-17-08     22  
         RE: Without giving too much away fo...   eire_heart74     11-17-08     23  
   RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   ARnutz     11-23-08     24  
     RE: Charm School 2 - VH1 10/12   Estee     11-23-08     25  
   It really was the right name.   Estee     11-25-08     26  
     RE: It really was the right name.   Snidget     11-25-08     27  
   The metaphor continues.   Estee     12-03-08     28  
     RE: The metaphor continues.   weltek     12-04-08     29  
   The editing goes kerflooey.   Estee     12-08-08     30  
     RE: The editing goes kerflooey.   eire_heart74     12-08-08     31  
         RE: The editing goes kerflooey.   toddE     12-08-08     32  
             RE: The editing goes kerflooey.   eire_heart74     12-08-08     33  
                 RE: The editing goes kerflooey.   arkiegrl     12-08-08     34  
                     RE: The editing goes kerflooey.   eire_heart74     12-09-08     35  
             RE: The editing goes kerflooey.   ginger     12-12-08     36  
                 RE: The editing goes kerflooey.   eire_heart74     12-13-08     37  
   Reunion spoiler   Snidget     12-15-08     38  
     RE: Reunion spoiler   toddE     12-15-08     39  
         RE: Reunion spoiler   eire_heart74     12-16-08     40  
             RE: Reunion spoiler   ginger     12-22-08     44  
   Great mysteries of our time.   Estee     12-22-08     41  
     RE: Great mysteries of our time.   Snidget     12-22-08     42  
         RE: Great mysteries of our time.   eire_heart74     12-22-08     43  
         RE: Great mysteries of our time.   ohmyheck     12-22-08     45  
   Reunion airs today.   Estee     01-04-09     46  
     RE: Reunion airs today.   arkiegrl     01-04-09     47  
         RE: Reunion airs today.   Estee     01-05-09     48  
             RE: Reunion airs today.   toddE     01-06-09     49  
   'And the staging made my hair look ...   Estee     03-03-09     50  
     RE: 'And the staging made my hair l...   Snidget     03-03-09     51  

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