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"Celebrity Sober living"
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MollyTV 480 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

03-17-09, 12:31 PM (EST)
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61. "RE: Mary on"
it was a great finale as far as rodney was concerned. i feel he will make it. and you could see the relief on his face as he saw his house. i think he can do it.

amber looked sooo upset over her mom and her mom looked like she would have much to say if dr. drew wasn't sitting there. i think amber is right. her mom will play the pity card and amber will be back in her arms.

poor mary...she loves the drama more than she loves being sober. and she is such a strong girl i can see how strong she is. but she needs action at all times.

nikki i hope makes it but who knows..she is sooo young.

i get so annoyed at seth and his "little boy impish ways"... he needs will to follow him around just to make sure he doesn't do anything? all he needs to do is look at andy dicks kid and think of his own child...why waste his childs life. STOP NOW> aaarrrch

i feel andy's pain..i can tell he is sick of it...but he can't even trust himself...and what a darling son he least he did something right...or is it the kids mom?

steven is still having brain issues i think....i think its a medical reason for his loss of control ....too bad.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Celebrity Sober living   rehablover     08-07-08       
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   rehablover     09-02-08     1  
     RE: Celebrity Sober living   rehablover     09-09-08     2  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   eire_heart74     12-19-08     3  
     RE: Celebrity Sober living   Agman2     03-23-16     66  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   MollyTV     12-20-08     4  
     RE: Celebrity Sober living   rehablover     12-23-08     5  
         RE: Celebrity Sober living   Ahtumbreez     12-24-08     6  
         RE: Celebrity Sober living   Snidget     12-24-08     7  
             RE: Celebrity Sober living   MollyTV     12-24-08     8  
   Premiere.   Estee     01-16-09     9  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   bacon     01-16-09     10  
     RE: Celebrity Sober living   Estee     01-17-09     11  
         RE: Celebrity Sober living   MollyTV     01-21-09     12  
   Episode #2   Estee     01-22-09     13  
     RE: Episode #2   Snidget     01-22-09     14  
         RE: Episode #2   Estee     01-22-09     15  
     RE: Episode #2   thndrkttn     01-23-09     16  
         RE: Episode #2   Snidget     01-23-09     17  
             Best commentary on the episode.   Estee     01-23-09     18  
     RE: Episode #2   toddE     01-23-09     19  
     RE: Episode #2   bacon     01-25-09     21  
         RE: Episode #2   Estee     01-25-09     22  
             RE: Episode #2   JessicaRN     01-25-09     23  
                 RE: Episode #2   Estee     01-25-09     24  
                 RE: Episode #2   mocha madness     01-26-09     25  
         RE: Episode #2   rehablover     01-30-09     30  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   eire_heart74     01-24-09     20  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   eire_heart74     01-26-09     26  
   Episode #3   Estee     01-29-09     27  
     RE: Episode #3   nazpink     01-30-09     28  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   bacon     01-30-09     29  
   Episode #4   Snidget     02-05-09     31  
     RE: Episode #4   MollyTV     02-07-09     32  
         RE: Episode #4   Snidget     02-07-09     34  
     RE: Episode #4   Estee     02-07-09     33  
         RE: Episode #4   eire_heart74     02-09-09     35  
             RE: Episode #4   nazpink     02-11-09     36  
                 RE: Episode #4   JessicaRN     02-11-09     37  
                     RE: Episode #4   nazpink     02-12-09     38  
                         RE: Episode #4   MollyTV     02-13-09     39  
         RE: Episode #4   bacon     02-14-09     40  
             RE: Episode #4   MollyTV     02-18-09     42  
   Episode #5   Snidget     02-14-09     41  
     RE: Episode #5   eire_heart74     02-18-09     43  
   Episode #6.   Estee     02-20-09     44  
     RE: Episode #6.   bacon     02-22-09     45  
         RE: Episode #6.   Snidget     02-22-09     46  
             RE: Episode #6.   mtopaz     02-23-09     47  
                 RE: Episode #6.   eire_heart74     02-23-09     48  
                     RE: Episode #6.   mtopaz     02-24-09     49  
                         RE: Episode #6.   eire_heart74     02-25-09     50  
                             RE: Episode #6.   bacon     02-26-09     51  
                                 RE: Episode #6.   mtopaz     02-26-09     52  
   Episode #7   bacon     02-28-09     53  
     RE: Episode #7   eire_heart74     03-03-09     54  
         RE: Episode #7   JessicaRN     03-03-09     55  
             RE: Episode #7   bacon     03-05-09     56  
                 RE: Episode #7   MollyTV     03-06-09     57  
                     RE: Episode #7   eire_heart74     03-06-09     58  
   Final Episode   mrc     03-17-09     59  
     Mary on   Snidget     03-17-09     60  
         RE: Mary on   MollyTV     03-17-09     61  
             RE: Mary on   eire_heart74     03-19-09     62  
                 RE: Mary on   nazpink     03-26-09     63  
                     RE: Mary on   lorimar3     04-01-09     64  
                         RE: Mary on   Estee     04-02-09     65  

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