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"Celebrity Sober living"
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Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

03-17-09, 10:05 AM (EST)
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60. "Mary on"

Well there's one already drunk in public.

I do think Rodney and Andy are the ones that seem to be most serious about sobriety right now. I wouldn't have thought I'd think that about Andy, but he really seems to be at the "had enough and really ready to quit this time" stage.

I think Amber and Nikki are also at least doing this because they want to be sober. I think with them their Mom has been a clear indication of what will happen if they don't get cleaned up. I think they are both a bit more vulnerable to relapse, but also seem to be the ones that will reach out for help rather than see how high they can get before someone tries to stop them.

Mary, I think, needs some serious therapy before she'll really be ready for sobriety. She just isn't ready to be a real person, yet, IMO.

Seth and Steven don't seem to be ready to be sober. I dunno of either of them have a bottom to hit. Mary might, Amber and Nikki at least seem to have one. Rodney and Andy seem to have hit bottom hard enough to be done with the addicted life.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Celebrity Sober living   rehablover     08-07-08       
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   rehablover     09-02-08     1  
     RE: Celebrity Sober living   rehablover     09-09-08     2  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   eire_heart74     12-19-08     3  
     RE: Celebrity Sober living   Agman2     03-23-16     66  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   MollyTV     12-20-08     4  
     RE: Celebrity Sober living   rehablover     12-23-08     5  
         RE: Celebrity Sober living   Ahtumbreez     12-24-08     6  
         RE: Celebrity Sober living   Snidget     12-24-08     7  
             RE: Celebrity Sober living   MollyTV     12-24-08     8  
   Premiere.   Estee     01-16-09     9  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   bacon     01-16-09     10  
     RE: Celebrity Sober living   Estee     01-17-09     11  
         RE: Celebrity Sober living   MollyTV     01-21-09     12  
   Episode #2   Estee     01-22-09     13  
     RE: Episode #2   Snidget     01-22-09     14  
         RE: Episode #2   Estee     01-22-09     15  
     RE: Episode #2   thndrkttn     01-23-09     16  
         RE: Episode #2   Snidget     01-23-09     17  
             Best commentary on the episode.   Estee     01-23-09     18  
     RE: Episode #2   toddE     01-23-09     19  
     RE: Episode #2   bacon     01-25-09     21  
         RE: Episode #2   Estee     01-25-09     22  
             RE: Episode #2   JessicaRN     01-25-09     23  
                 RE: Episode #2   Estee     01-25-09     24  
                 RE: Episode #2   mocha madness     01-26-09     25  
         RE: Episode #2   rehablover     01-30-09     30  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   eire_heart74     01-24-09     20  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   eire_heart74     01-26-09     26  
   Episode #3   Estee     01-29-09     27  
     RE: Episode #3   nazpink     01-30-09     28  
   RE: Celebrity Sober living   bacon     01-30-09     29  
   Episode #4   Snidget     02-05-09     31  
     RE: Episode #4   MollyTV     02-07-09     32  
         RE: Episode #4   Snidget     02-07-09     34  
     RE: Episode #4   Estee     02-07-09     33  
         RE: Episode #4   eire_heart74     02-09-09     35  
             RE: Episode #4   nazpink     02-11-09     36  
                 RE: Episode #4   JessicaRN     02-11-09     37  
                     RE: Episode #4   nazpink     02-12-09     38  
                         RE: Episode #4   MollyTV     02-13-09     39  
         RE: Episode #4   bacon     02-14-09     40  
             RE: Episode #4   MollyTV     02-18-09     42  
   Episode #5   Snidget     02-14-09     41  
     RE: Episode #5   eire_heart74     02-18-09     43  
   Episode #6.   Estee     02-20-09     44  
     RE: Episode #6.   bacon     02-22-09     45  
         RE: Episode #6.   Snidget     02-22-09     46  
             RE: Episode #6.   mtopaz     02-23-09     47  
                 RE: Episode #6.   eire_heart74     02-23-09     48  
                     RE: Episode #6.   mtopaz     02-24-09     49  
                         RE: Episode #6.   eire_heart74     02-25-09     50  
                             RE: Episode #6.   bacon     02-26-09     51  
                                 RE: Episode #6.   mtopaz     02-26-09     52  
   Episode #7   bacon     02-28-09     53  
     RE: Episode #7   eire_heart74     03-03-09     54  
         RE: Episode #7   JessicaRN     03-03-09     55  
             RE: Episode #7   bacon     03-05-09     56  
                 RE: Episode #7   MollyTV     03-06-09     57  
                     RE: Episode #7   eire_heart74     03-06-09     58  
   Final Episode   mrc     03-17-09     59  
     Mary on   Snidget     03-17-09     60  
         RE: Mary on   MollyTV     03-17-09     61  
             RE: Mary on   eire_heart74     03-19-09     62  
                 RE: Mary on   nazpink     03-26-09     63  
                     RE: Mary on   lorimar3     04-01-09     64  
                         RE: Mary on   Estee     04-02-09     65  

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