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"Premiere Winners at War|S40|East Coast Spoiler Thread|Ep 1"
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 08:34 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"Premiere Winners at War|S40|East Coast Spoiler Thread|Ep 1"
I am seriously pumped for the S40 premiere and getting to watch all of the winners compete. I agree, this season should be epic! You know the drill! Keep all discussion regarding the premier of the season in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the left coast. And, don't forget, in the immortal words of Tribephyl (please come back this season, Tribey), HAVE PHUN!
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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Let the game begin!!! Flowerpower1 02-12-20 1
 Blue tribe, Sele, Lose first IC Flowerpower1 02-12-20 2
 Robs name comes up to vote out, but... Flowerpower1 02-12-20 3
 DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Bebo 02-12-20 4
   RE: DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Flowerpower1 02-12-20 6
       RE: DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Bebo 02-12-20 8
 Adam, denise, Natalie, Jeremy... Flowerpower1 02-12-20 5
 Tribal council votes read.... Flowerpower1 02-12-20 7
   RE: Tribal council votes read.... Bebo 02-12-20 11
   RE: Tribal council votes read.... michel2 02-12-20 16
       RE: Tribal council votes read.... Sheldor 02-17-20 20
 Plotting, plotting, plotting Flowerpower1 02-12-20 9
 Natalie on EOE Flowerpower1 02-12-20 10
 Red tribe loses the IC.... Flowerpower1 02-12-20 12
 Amber, Kim, Tyson in trouble. Flowerpower1 02-12-20 13
   Vote tally michel2 02-12-20 17
       RE: Vote tally Sheldor 02-17-20 21
           RE: Vote tally michel2 02-17-20 22
 Next time on S.... Flowerpower1 02-12-20 14
 Sure hope there is an editing threa... Flowerpower1 02-12-20 15
   RE: Sure hope there is an editing t... michel2 02-12-20 18
       RE: Sure hope there is an editing t... Flowerpower1 02-13-20 19

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 09:19 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "Let the game begin!!!"
Here we go....see them in a challenge....then we see the beginning of S....20 years ago, then see clips from many seasons

in the end only one will remain....cut to present, speed boat in

Tony: I have a big reputation but seeing these competitors, oh man....
cut to girls
Part: I haven't had an opportunity to be my diabolical self in the past, been busy raising family, now ready to burn down your house
Ethan: near tears....had hodgkins lymphoma and I remember dreaming and praying that I could be here again
Amber: I was a kid when I started, it was crazy, met my husband...blah blah

Jiffy: biggest battle in history
Michele: biggest battle on the line
Sarah: it will ba bro bath
Jeremy: it's war
Adam: let the fire works begin

they arrive at an atoll....Adam, there he is...refering to Jeff, ben: wow
Jiffy: we have the men, here come the women....Adam: ww this is really happening
Your first look at who you are playing against...welcome ladies...Tyson: you guys get in the ocean yet?
Sandra: I spent 36 ays with Rob on the Island of the Idols and he never told me that he was playing again, I feel betrayed

Jiffy: this is awesome. Wendell applied many times, what is the feeling. Wendell: it's the greatest feeling, I see 19 legends here
Yul: You played 14 years ago, do you see this game through a diff's all changed so I will have to change
Amber, you played 20 years end up meeting Rob, engaged on the show, family of 4, what does this mean this time....Amaber, it's a nice be a part of season 40, how could you pass up this opportunity. they have a toast to celebrate...have champagne glasses and champagne. once in a tv series moment! and Jiffy pops the cork
Ben: My competition is the greatest of the great, every one will be guns a blazing...he's skinny, wow!
Jiffy: this is still S. you will be challenged, vulnerable, you belong, they all click glasses, and throw the glasses over there shoulder

S 40 winners at war

Not going to be girls vs boys, they divvy the buffs
Sarah: I have 9 of the most intimidating women right next to me

they open buffs...they all hug...nice to meet you...

red: Tony, wendell, amber sophie kim, nick, sarah tyson hul
blue: Natalie rob, ethen ben denny denise adam michele para

Tony: red means we are red hot let's go

new S currency, they have value, each start the game with one, if voted out must bequeath to another player, as you head out to EOE, where you will await chance to get back into game. if being crowned the winner and earning a million is not enough to inspire you, how about 2 million....YAY!!!!

Largest car prize in history of reality shows.

Challenge RIGHT NOW

race out in pairs, retrieve ring, battle way back to one hand on ring and one hand on your pole wins

play for fire in form of flint, losers no fire and no rice until after the first TC...this challenge is also for immunity, out of the gait losers TC immediately at minute to strategize...and start

Tyson and Yul vs Jermey and ethan....Tyson has it, ethan is in on it, Yul and Jeremy tying each other up...Jermy and Yul are there, Yul inching closer and has it....Red wins

Next round sarah and Kim vs Part and Natalie....Natalie is getting ring first...Kim pulls her hair...Natalie is getting there.....Kim is pulling them away...another big surge from KimKim is going to get it and does....epic battle.

Red leads 2-0

Wendell and Tony vs ben and BR, have to score to stay in it....

Wendell gets there first, and Ben is all over Wendell.....Ben is pulling everyone....Rob pushers forwardRob gets there....2-1

Denise and Natalie vs Amber and Sarah...Deniese and Natalie are seriously buff

Amber is flying, and she jumps on Natalie....Sarah is getting it with AmberDenise is jumping on Amber....Sarah reaches, no, doesn't get but lunges and Red wins....see BR, sad....Tyson hugs them...

Decal, Red, pulls it out, nobody going home.

see Rob...sele: no fire, no rice, someone will be going home, see Natalie and Michele. TC, will be tomorrow night, this gives you plenty of time to make things happen....

Adam: to lose the IC on day one, my worst fear, no easy target, but somebody has to go

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 09:41 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "Blue tribe, Sele, Lose first IC"
...they will go to TC tomorrow night. Dakal day 1. Red tribe
Home sweet home, they all hug...Yul: I just can't believe this is happening, seeing all these people and seeing how long ago I played
Can use the tokens at any time at a challenge,
Nick: thesis the next step, this can't be stolen from you, if voted out, bequeath it. Nick says, it's going to be important, it's key to use them correctly, they could be key, and I was one of the last one to chance just went up to win the game
Wendell: they know I can build, but this season I wanted to be more chill, when you are stuck at building you are stuck at camp, this group is all winners, I want to chill and get a read on them

Sarah tells amber I didn't think I would see you, with 4 little ones...Tyson talks about how he made a daisy chain...Tyson, doesn't want to cry on day one here, but it's like I don't do the 9 to 5, I can' I get to get up with my daughters and get them ready and hang out with them all day, I've never left them....I'm grateful to S for enabled him to do that

Sandra: I'm the queen, I got Tony voted out and Sarah took me out, I know what it 's like to play with and tony had it I am here to prove why I am the queen...see her try to butter up Tony, they hug. They all want what I already have wich is my crown

to the blue tribe

Rob: I have a huge target on my back, just off S39, they build a big ido l of me but losing in the beginning, fortunately we have to build a shelter and vote someone off, the game is on already... Jeremy and Parv talk about their kids...they will cry, connecting over babies. I am not the flirty girl now, see james and Parv, I'm a mom now, married, my 10 month old baby, hits me when I think about helps me relate to people in a didfft way, I' totally playing the mom card says Part

Rob and Ethan...Ethan: going through cancer is hard, but life after Cancer is really hard, fear of death relapse, it's hard, but being here this is living, Want to resurrect that 24 year old, to come back and play this game the game I love and changed my life, happy to be here and excited to see how I play in this new era, back and ready

see adam and denise...bonding, Deniese would like to not go to every TC, it's the curse....denise: losing omg, here we go again, we lose every challenge, at least I had alliance with Malcolm, Adam wants to be her eMalcolm...they connect...the rest of the note that denise and adam walk off, rooking moves, easy targets, so early in the game you rock the boat and fall out says Jeremy
see the RED tribe...
Tony: I desperately want the HII...took ever thing I had not to run off, I saw what happened to me...I looked for the idol. Tony says he is on probation, he doesn't want to be the one to do the idol antics...( I love Tony)

Amber: people seemed comfortable here, am I supposed to be looking for the idol...see her looking, she's crying, it was hard to root against my husband because I am his biggest fan...this game never stops, as soon as you sit back and relax the game never stops....she cried speaking of rob

see Yul and Sophie...
Yul: when I played cook islands, this season my biggest challenge is disconnected, didn't get to know the post season group. notes that tyson and rob played poker together with Kim and Jeremy... Yul and Sophie plot...they note who played together and who didn't

Ki amber and tyson, the cool kids
gritty group Sandra Tony sarah
then those left out me and Yul. Iw ill never be the smartest one on the tribe with yum there. it's not who I want to work with , it's who I want out!

Ben has an octopus at team blue...

see Rob and Parv. Rob asks part if she wants to work together...that will be the chance, we know the game better than anyone else.
Part: rob and I have a checkered past..

we have an uphill battle. we shouldn't let the new people dictate how the game will go...

Part is down, these kids won't know what hit them

see danny adam ethan danni plotting, they note the statue of rob, do we have a state, no

Danni: we won't get many opportunities to get rid of rob, well liked, connected, when get the opportunity to get him out, then do it (she was talking with Ethan, Ben, Adam)

Ben and Jeremy and Rob talking, they talk that there are a lot of names thrown out, ben tells him his name.
Ben: when you are on the opposite end of BR,see Ben tell him everything finally tells him...I was star struck and told him every thing

He confronts Danni...I have no connections.
Rob: I respect that danni told me the truth...he's willing to work with her...
Ethen Parv, danni myself, looks like we are coming tighter, if we can get through this vote, then we can work together, showing the new kids the ropes.

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 09:51 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "Robs name comes up to vote out, but..."
Rob goes right to the source, Danni, confronts her and she tells him. He's hopeful that he, Parv, Ethan, and Danni can work together moving forward....we'll see.

**I will be crushed if BR is first out. Just saying.

Sele, day 2

see a crab eat a snake

Adam: I did not sleep one wink, we are going to TC tonight.
we are going to have to vote out and live alone on the EOE

Michele and danni are paranoid

Danni: something about being the first one voted out.
Ethan: the pace of the game is warp speed. no time to get in the groove...Jeremy and Nat talk...
Nat: My relationship with Jeremy started in my season, he was my number one but he got voted out and I played for him...

when adam and denise went off, pick one and get them out. Rob has a bunch of people and Natalie tells them either adam or denise
Ben does't want Adam to go, he knows the game, so he tells adam

Adam in conf. I went with denise and of course we had a strategic talk with denise. they should be worried about jermey and Nat splitting them up, and later rob and amber.
Ethen tells them split votes to get either Jeremy and Natalie out.
Rob tells the that neither of them are trustworthy but Nat and Jeremy are thick, they played together, but I realize that's tough coming from me as my wife ids playing but she is on another island.

they agree.

dAnni tells them to vote for adam.
Parv: right now we are voting adam or denise, but there is another plan of Jeremy or natalie

Parv: we are about to go to TC...Rob and parv...Parv: is every one dumb or just paranoid...Rob: we are the biggest targets and I am not very worried...Parv: are we being punked?
Parv: we are obv the two biggest threats in this game, what is going on....we are about to go, if you don't tell us who its going to be, it seems like a half baked plan, saddle up kids it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-12-20, 09:58 PM (EST)
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4. "DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I had promised myself I would not be drawn back in. After sitting on the sidelines happily avoiding last season pile of excrement, and after Hating how the EOE twist played out, I swore I was gone.

Then I realized how these peeps have built families and careers outside the game, and it made sense to bring back EOE. I wouldn't want to make arrangements to be away from my kids for a month only to get voted out 3 days in and forced to ride it out in Ponderosa.

So here I sit, smiling as Jeff explains what fire represents and watch the scheming and I'm back.

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 10:02 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Welcome back, bebo! It's going to be a roller coaster season! WoooHooooo!

Agreed with EOE. At least they will get the hope of a last shot.

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Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-12-20, 10:19 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Bebo Click to send private message to Bebo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: DANG IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
LAST EDITED ON 02-12-20 AT 10:29 PM (EST)

At least this group won't be stoopid enough to give the two million to an EOE hermit.


I also thought that the All-Stars would base their votes on gameplay, not emotion. But if they had, Ambuh wouldn't be at WOW.

Throw all assumptions out the window.

I kinda feel like Parvati talking to Rob wondering why they weren't the target.

ETC: Because my buddy The Count made me count again...
The winner will receive ONE million dollars! (I'll keep going this time, sorry)
The winner will receive TWO million dollars!

Now I have to sit quietly and not have any cookies.

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 10:01 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "Adam, denise, Natalie, Jeremy..."
One will be the first out. Rob noted that Jeremy and Natalie were tight. Wants to break them up, ironic since he's married to Amber but she's on another island.

Tribal Council, night 2

Ethan: what's the culture shock, what's it bene like. the pace of this game is shocking to me....Rob: like ethan, it's been a while, are you feeling that, absolutely, gae has evolved, there were people that were gone
Jeremy who was missing...I don't remember

denise will throw her self under the bus, I pulled a mistake, we had the map wto find the water well, we got lost I am not starting on a grand note
Adam: we met yesterday and this is the relationship that you are worried about, there are people that are married out here...
Rob notes that there is a reason to vote out every single person here
Natalie: this is winners take all, and alone at EOE...
Adam: No, he is not feeling any better at this point.
Parv: no one should feel comfortable...
Jermey: when you come to tribal you find out where who has your back...
Ben: my heart is racing right now
Michele: I feel like I am one of the calmest person, but every word can be skewed and twisted
Ethen: I think there are plans in place
Jeremy whispers to ben: do you think Rob and Parvati set something up?

Adam is first voter

dEnise: please let this not be me tonight
ethan: votes and says it's good to be back
Parvati is last voter
See ben sigh.

Jiffy to go tally the votes and we cut to commercial

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 10:12 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "Tribal council votes read...."
see adam

no one has an HII

see rob, Natalie, Parvatie


See Michelle shake her head

She is bummed.

Jeremy looks at Ben....who was it? Ben tells him we will talk later.

Natalie goes to the table to bequeath her fire token...she gives it to Jeremy. and goes to boat...arrives....I don't think it's hit me that I just got voted off first, I never got voted out, after so much expectations for myself, I thought I would be crying but I'm just can earn fire tokens to get back in the game. the tokens are cool, I might be in limb right now but there is still a chance for me.

Dakal, day 3

Yul and Sandra and Sandra....I will be happy to work with anyone that will work with me.

Sandra: It's very rare for me to feel so hurt about it....she tells them that after spending 36 days out with BR, and he didn't tell me, every time I see Amber, I just think about it so Amber for me would be the first to go if I have anything to say about it. Uyl asks if Sandra would be game to break up the poker thing? she says she is down

Uyl is organizing me nick, welndell and sophie. we aren't connected and we are coming tighter and we are now more connected. He is locked and loaded with our four. with sandra, but with sarah we will have numbers and control the game.

Wow. Yul is getting a power alliance: Nick, Wendell, Sophie, Sarah....outlier Sandra

aiming to break up the poker players. Which I assume is Rob, Tyson, Kim, Jeremy, Amber

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Bebo 21083 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-12-20, 10:43 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Bebo Click to send private message to Bebo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
11. "RE: Tribal council votes read...."
20/20 hindsight - The editing showed us exactly what was going to happen. Early strategy were discussions about close pairs. Editing misdirected us to the newly formed pair of Adam and Denise. We saw Jeremy and Natalie and were led away from the tighter pair.

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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-12-20, 11:18 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
16. "RE: Tribal council votes read...."
I hate the fact that we didn't see the votes but I think it's obvious:

Natalie and Michelle voted for Denise.
Jeremy voted for Adam.
Everyone else went with Natalie.

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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-17-20, 09:51 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Sheldor Click to send private message to Sheldor Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
20. "RE: Tribal council votes read...."
> Natalie and Michelle voted for Denise.
> Jeremy voted for Adam.
> Everyone else went with Natalie.


SURVIVOR Winners at War - Tribal Council Voting: Natalie
Outwit Outplay Outlast

Feb 13, 2020

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 10:21 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "Plotting, plotting, plotting"
Sandra is telling everyone she feels betrayed by Rob as he didn't tell her he was coming back after playing 36 days with him in the last season. Sele day 3. Blue tribe

Michelle: tribal couldn't have gone worse, I was left out of the vote, I feel I have something to prove when people played flashier games than me.
Bne: that old school camp is good at what they do, we have to figure out how to stop this leash leading if we can take control of this part of the gae.
Jeremy: it sucked that Nat got taken out. I will get them for you, he's got two. I am the richest on this island, nobody knows how valuable they are...

EOE: see natalie...she finds a message in a bottle. use fire tokens to purchase any of the advantage is one token...2 tokens is an HII. she saw a bottle...this is first opportunity to get back in game, journey to the last spot you can see the sun set...rises in theist, sets in west...not good at riddles...if I get highter I would see the sun set, she's climbing to the top of the top of island, my quads are burning. not sure how much harder it can be to get tokens...last game Nadia was voted out first, so I have to do the same thing here, YES, she finds it...This is an immunity idl good for 3 tribal councils, can sell it to someone on the losing tribe for a token, I can pick someone on the losing tribe. I am already affecting the game, things I do here have a ripple effecting the game, still playing from the other side, amazing!

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 10:34 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "Natalie on EOE"
She finds a HII with a clue she received. She can sell it to someone on the losing tribe for a token. The HII is good for 3 TC's. Day 3, challenge...

Challenge: paddle out retrieve bag of number tiles, race back with them, get rings, and throw them on pegs. get 3 rings and win.

Sandra sits out.

blue in water first, blue ran into a gets to station first selle can't get to station, sarah has their bag, Rob gets bag rob has bag, and they go...paddle to the net deck to boxes...they have to clip on the boxes and dive is all in, blue is diving in, red is first to barrel roll, rob is in with his br hat...ethan over...tough to get over the barrel....rob launches the girls over..rob is single handedly launching the all over, then they have to do the net ben is getting over, tamales working their combination....Uyl is working Rob can't get Jeremy over, great team wrk , and they are all in

Uyl is struggling with combo, but has it, now tyson and wendell tossing rings...
adam is doing the combination

Wendell has first ring on Adam is struggling and has it. Ben and Jeremy toss the rings, Jeremy sticks the first, tied 1 to 1
and Jeremy has 2. One ring lefty nd Jeremy did it!

Red loses...Sandra cheers, good job guys

Rob looks at Amber as he leaves.

See Sandra

Rob: winning the challenge e is a great moment, but I am worried about my wife, she has a great target on her back and I can't do anything to help her...

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 10:45 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
12. "Red tribe loses the IC...."
Not looking good for Amber.

Great photography....

Dakal day 3

Tony asked if anyone volunteered to go to EOE...

Tony asks what are you guys at?

Amber and Kim say Nick or Sandra

Amber: the first Tribal says it is all about Tribal where things are revealed.
Wendell says smarter to get tyson, but amber because of her ties
Sophie: everyone is running around

everyone is so out for blood,
Amber: are we crazy not to vote out sandra first...
Sandra is pointing to Nick because she says that they will want you because you are the most recent winner...she likes to spread lies
Sandra got an HII from will cost you one fire token...

Sandra says now it's you. she says Tyson wants to vote me out....when I know its game on, we will tell everyone that we are voting out amber, but we will vote out Tyson instead...

Tony we have to vote out the poker league, amber tyson and kim.

Yul is talking to tyson. the singe biggest fear is that rob and amber

Tyson, the poker alliance is getting me in focus, Maybe amber and kim, break them up but I am with you guys because I don't have any where else to go. I feel sorry for Ki and amber but I have to swin this battle so I van win the war.

Kim says that she is getting a bad vibe from everyone...they want to do something and they don't want me to know about it.

see Ki with Yul. I have never been in this position at all..she never under stood what it felt like to be on the outs, crying. I think amber tyson and I are in trouble, the poker alliance.

Yul and tony talk. Tyson is acting.

Kim: to start this game the way I did, honestly, it's been the biggest mess.

So, it's every one against the poker alliance. Tyson is on to it.

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 10:57 PM (EST)
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13. "Amber, Kim, Tyson in trouble. "
Let's face it, it's going to be Amber. They can 't have one of a married couple move on. Tony will be out for Tyson...I love Sandra. She totally planted that seed. She's a master at creating havoc within the tribe. LOL!

TC night 3

See im, then Nick...Sandra wendell

Amber: How are you feeling with the game...that feeling of being on edge is here but it happened much quicker.
Tyson: the older era, like Yul, he observes before he acts, some of the newer players just act.
Tony was not slow, he was running around person to I needed to talk...
Amber: I am ore cool calm and collected.
Sandra: you have to keep up with the pace or move out of the way.
Sophie: did I have the right last conversation
Sandra said the names were narrowed down to a small group
Kim says that she was one of them
poker player alliance: tyson, kim, amber
Kim: poker player alliance is not a thing and I am not in it.
Wendell says we don't know how tight they are...but you have to take that in to consideration...
Amber says when 2 million dollars is at stake we are not friends
if friends have to be lost along the way then it is a price everyone out here will be willing to pay.

Nick is first voter.

Vote tally

see Amber

Sandra does not play her idol.

Amber is out

Yul rubs Kims shoulder

bequeath fire token to rob

see her go to the boat....

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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-12-20, 11:22 PM (EST)
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17. "Vote tally"
Here again it's only a guess but I'll say:

Amber is the one who voted for Nick.
Kim voted for Amber,
The 8 others split their votes 3xKim and 5xAmber.

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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-17-20, 09:59 PM (EST)
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21. "RE: Vote tally"
> Amber is the one who voted for Nick.
> Kim voted for Amber,


> The 8 others split their votes 3xKim and 5xAmber.

Correct! Details...

3 Votes for Kim: Sarah, Sophie, Tony
5 Votes for Amber: Nick, Sandra, Tyson, Wendell, Yul

SURVIVOR Winners at War - Tribal Council: Amber
Outwit Outplay Outlast

Feb 13, 2020

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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-17-20, 10:38 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Vote tally"
Thank you Sheldor. I wish they had shown this during the show but at least we got the info straight.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 11:08 PM (EST)
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14. "Next time on S...."
Jiffy: when the enemy strikes...
Rob talking to Parvati: It could a been Sandra....
Rob in conf: If she voted my wife out, this is war...
See Denise looking to someone
See Ben in the water blows up your game
Denise telling Adam: Ben knows. Adam replies with a curse word that is blurted out
Adam in conf: Are you serious?
Jiffy:'ll need to climb out of the rubble
Wendell: it's like 20 feet tall
Yul yells to Tony: Tony you don't have to be the first medieval!
see Tony climb up a ladder and Sophie and tyson look really worried...
Tyson in confessional: How is this guy still alive?

Amber: I knew coming into this game that I had a target on my back....Natalie was hoping that her tribe lost...

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-12-20, 11:14 PM (EST)
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15. "Sure hope there is an editing thread this season!"
Sure look forward to discussing the players from an editing stand point. Boy, the new players are really playing hard and it seems that the vets are going to be in trouble. I think Yul seems to be in a good spot, and he's with Sophie and Nick. 3 under the radar for this group.

I hope Kim can rally, and I really hope that Tyson can. I want Tyson to win it all, he's so funny. He seems perceptive this go round. Jeremy was blindsided with the Natalie vote. Who will he team up with, vets or newbies?

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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

02-12-20, 11:24 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Sure hope there is an editing thread this season!"
I disagree that only the new players are playing hard. Rob, Ethan and Parvati certainly made some big plans and got their way. the only reason the newer players may take over is that casting gave them numbers...
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

02-13-20, 09:26 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: Sure hope there is an editing thread this season!"
newer players may take over is that casting gave them numbers.

Agreed. Seriously tipped toward more recent seasons. Where is Rich Hatch, Tina, Brian Hiadik, Jenna, and Vecepia when we need them?

Another thing that is horrible is that they left the giant heads where everyone could see them. What were they thinking? SO SO unfair. talk about an uneven playing field.

Did not want to say that the older players were not playing hard, they are, but the newbies are so all over the place.

Regarding the promo. Could Adam and Denise be the misdirection?

Can't wait to see Boston Rob cook up some just desserts. Might shoot himself in the foot in the process.

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