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"Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
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Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-01-06, 02:27 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Survivorerist Click to send private message to Survivorerist Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 - Merge Madness

That's right, after 3 weeks (with one recap), we're finally back! And the tribes have merged, right on time. While before it might have been a straight pick-off, it looks like we have a few characters this season that will serve to make things fairly interesting. Like 'em or hate 'em, I don't think you can count anyone out just yet. Speaking of which, which survivors do you like or hate? Tell us in this thread by listing the 9 remaining survivors in the order that you like them and then, if you wish, a short explanation why. I know you've been waiting for it, so it's time to get listin'!

Position. Name (Position Last Week)

1. Aras (1)
2. Terry (3)
3. Austin (2)
4. Cirie (8)
5. Danielle (4)
6. Shane (5)
7. Sally (6)
8. Courtney (9)
9. Bruce (10)

Nick was #7 last week.

Survivorerist's Chart Notes:

- For the fourth week, Aras finds himself at #1 on my list. You seem to be an all-around good player in that you don't get in anyone's face, you doesn't seem like a dumb fellow at all, and you have both the physical strength and the tribal numbers to protect himself. You've got it pretty good there.

- The Greatest Gainer Award goes to Cirie, who jumps four places from 8-4 this week. I'm not gonna lie, you are one shrewd woman. At this stage in the game when survivors' heads start getting affected by the elements, you manage to keep your head in the game. You know what's going on and you're not one to be easily fooled. You've got the smarts to take it far, so let's hope that you do!

- I have to say, Terry I'm impressed. Never have I seen one of the underdogs in as good a position as you. Sure you don't have the numbers, but I must say that you honestly do have as good a chance as any of those other six! You've got that immunity idol in your back pocket and you're no slouch at the challenges either. I could've sworn that challenge wasn't going to last more than like 20 minutes, but you proved me wrong. Way to go, Terry!

- Finally, Bruce. What can I say other than "Ouch!" You're still last on my list, but I gotta feel sorry for you after that machete whack. If that "medical emergency" is you too, I must say that you've definitely earned your battle scars in Panama!

That's all for me...what did you think of this week?



Top 5 FLL Castaways (Generation 2)
1. Aras Baskauskas (4 weeks at #1)
2. Misty Giles (2 weeks at #1)
3. Shane Powers (1 week at #1)


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 michel 04-01-06 1
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 Aruba 04-01-06 2
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 iltarion 04-01-06 3
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 Das Mole 04-01-06 4
   RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 iltarion 04-01-06 5
       RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 Survivorerist 04-01-06 6
       RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 Aruba 04-02-06 7
           Is it neccessary? michel 04-02-06 8
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 CattyChat 04-03-06 9
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 seahorse 04-03-06 10
 RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7 arturbars 04-06-06 11

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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-01-06, 04:00 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
LAST EDITED ON 04-01-06 AT 04:06 PM (EST)

1-Aras (4,4,3,1,2,1): He had the perfect way to ensure Bruce's loyalty. Telling him he was needed, the elder, the leader showed that he understands Bruce likes to be admired. Could it also help him get a jury vote that was compromised a little while ago? He's probably the only one that could beat Terry in a physical challenge. As long as it isn't wrestling!!

2-Shane (5,5,5,4,4,3): The madman is now showing his shrewdness. Just loved the way he brushed back the fools offer Terry made. You don't propose an alliance by imposing who you bring. Huddling all Casaya was smart to keep the focus. Only problem Shane: How do you expect to win the votes? Bringing Courtney to the end? That would be devilishly smart!!

3-Danielle (2,2,1,3,1,2): Not featured much this week. Unfortunately, it seems evident her power play was only for that one time. She follows for now but not seeing her speak with Sally tells me something could be on the horizon. (The insider proves they did talk. Could there be a hidden pact??)

4-Cirie (8,8,7,6,6,5): Calling our fighter pilot a dictionary salesman will cost her points on many lists. It gains her a spot in mine for the laughter she brought. Nick said it, Casaya sees her as Mamma Cirie and she is definitely inside the alliance. Going after her showed Terry didn't assess the dynamics of Casaya correctly.

5-Terry (3,3,2,2,3,4): He wanted to do as well as Tom, he appeared as desperate as Gary. His proposals were not smart at all. Bruce and Shane had to talk about being approached and then the lies are too easily uncovered. By targeting Shane and Cirie, he only applied a strategy Dan told him about before Ruth's elimination. He had to adjust that to what he found once on Gitanos. Courtney and Danielle may have been easier to sway with Sally's help. But Terry sees Survivor as a "man's game" so why should he need a woman's help. Hope he wakes up now that Sally is one of the only friends he has.The HII may save him and he was smart in finding it but as a player will point out: Doesn't it change the game too much?

6-Sally (10,10,8,5,5,6): She had to say something to save herself. Having it hidden could be a good sign. Voting Shane is clever to keep Austin and Tery's votes if they are on her jury.

7-Courtney (7,7,6,8,8,9): I'll bump her up for all that we saw in the recap. She's an original who sleeps on the beach to talk with birds. Refreshing in these days where productivity is the #1 goal.

8-Austin (6,6,4,7,7,7): What did he do except hope Aras had something to offer and later reveal he acted weak during IC. Not smart unless he had been given HII by Terry and was trying to draw votes. There are no allusions to that in the insider so unless we see something to that effect next week, I say you signed your walking papers.

9-Bruce (9,9,9,9,10,8): Was played like a fiddle by Shane and Aras. He sees himself as the wise leader of his tribe, I had images of Dolly. You should've stayed in exile. There you were no one's tool.

Booted-Nick (13,11,10,10,9,10): Wasn't I right to see him as useless. His parting words were well thought out and his insider interviews are the most revealing we've had yet about Casaya. A big guy that tries to be under the radar isn't very smart strategy.


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-01-06, 04:43 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
1) TERRY (1,1,1,1,1,1) - Who else but Terry win the first individual IC? Love him or hate him, he's giving it 100%.

There's a tremendous gap between Terry and the others which makes the rest of my ranking challenging, but here goes...

2) BRUCE (4,7,4,2,3,3) - Hard worker, good embassador this season and I like him; but a subpar player. Obviously not a student of the game if he feels sitting the fence between both tribes is a "safe" position.

3) CIRIE (3,5,8,11,12,15) - Yea I know...pathetic UTR coattail rider. But after last episode it appears all the women this season are content with that role unless they are forced to initiate a move out of desparation. That being said, Cirie IMO is the most likable.

4) AUSTIN (2,2,2,5,8,12T) - He drops this week for obvious reason. I'm not totally buying that he tanked the IC. Perhaps he doesn't want to eat some humble pie and admit that a man almost twice his age kicked his butt in a challange. Even if I gave him the benefit of the doubt, how dumb to reveal that at TC?

5) DANIELLE (7,11,11,8,8,8T) - I was expecting more from her. I suppose it's easier to be proactive when she was in a desparate state at the possibility of going into a merge with a lopsided gender tally. I was hoping to see that same initative through inspiration as well. But did move her up since she did nothing to annoy me this past episode.

6) ARAS (6,8,7,12,12,12T) - I'll keep him where he was for now.

7) SHANE (9,9,12,13,13,11) - I moved him up since he was the only one from Casaya to take charge and be proactive. I still dislike him immensely, but at least he's not copping out and laying low.

8) COURTNEY (8,10,9,3,2,8T) - Boo-Hoo, I'm wet. Boo-Hoo, I'm cold. PLEEEEEASE!!!

9) SALLY (10,6,6,7,14,8T) - I don't know about anyone else but when the tribes merged I would have bypassed the hugging and pleasantries and been standing front-row-center asking for that speargun to catch loads of fish. Remarkable that not a peep was mentioned! I would have loved to seen Sally try to skwirm out of that one for being such a moron. Naturally it didn't happen solidifying her status as one of the luckiest Survivors ever.

BOOTED) NICK (5,4,5,6,7,12T) - A justifiable boot. Was too UTR for my liking. I'm also getting fed up with this "I just want to make the Jury" strategy of playing the game. Where do they find these lame competitors???


iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-01-06, 06:26 PM (EST)
Click to EMail iltarion Click to send private message to iltarion Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
LAST EDITED ON 04-01-06 AT 06:47 PM (EST)

Thank God normal episodes of Survivor are back!

1. Austin- He is probably the next boot, but I like the guy and he saved himself by making Nick appear the stronger in the IC. Personally, I would never "throw" an IC, but let's be honest, Austin, you weren't beating Terry anyway. So, if you are going to lose anyway, might as well make Nick look stronger by taking 2nd. He didn't appear to attempt much coercing after the merge, but we don't know what editing left out.
2. Sally- Is she getting hotter as she starts to look more worn down? Her interview while on Exile Island was the best I've seen her look yet. She appears to have stayed loyal to the ill-fated La Mina. Though that may only be because Casaya doesn't need her. She still has the chance to pull a Danni after the men of La Mina are victimized.
3. Terry- He finally falls a couple spots on my list due to his illogical attempts to break Casaya. He was obviously not the guy to be making the attempt because he appears to be unwilling to make promises he might not be able to fulfill. He should have offered Bruce F2, show real solidarity with the guy instead of offering virtually nothing. It probably still wouldn't have worked, but it would have made more sense. And his offers to Cirie and Shane made no sense at all. The IC was perfect for him and I credit him for outlasting younger men, but there is little chance these mostly physical challenges will continue. His chances are dwindling by the episode, even with the II.
4. Aras- He is the best all-around player on Casaya, combining smarts and athleticism. He was friendly with La Mina, which is smart considering 3 of them are likely jury members. His performance at the IC was pathetic. Is there something he needs to conserve energy for? You should compete whether your head is on the chopping block or not. I'll let it pass for now though.
5. Danielle- Her edit does not look good at this point. She appears to be falling by the wayside. I still like her 2nd best on her tribe though thanks to her competitiveness and her sexiness. A natural competitor, like Terry, she fought hard in the IC even though her head wasn't on the chopping block either.
6. Shane- He somehow is the leader again after what he said the week before? It is all a sham. Having to huddle the tribe together is not a show of strength. A truly unified tribe would have already known what to do and wouldn't need to constantly reconfirm itself. His gut was right, once again, in thinking Austin should have been their target. I don't know if I would call it shrewdness. Shane has common sense similar to Cirie's, without having the restraint necessary to truly get along with a group of people. I still like him better than Cirie though because he isn't trying to go UTR.
7. Cirie- She has established herself as a solid member of Casaya and appears to be in no danger until at least the F6, if that soon. She has the common sense and common decency to excell at this game. I don't respect UTR players, but it is a strategy that is especially effective for someone who is liked, which Cirie is. The IC was obviously not her thing.
8. Bruce- He is now virtually dead weight with the tribes combined. Good job by Shane and Aras to make him feel like he was an important part of Casaya, which he is not. He has no chance unless it becomes a weak vs. the strong at the end. He still probably made the right choice by not betraying Casaya. He would have no chance of winning a vote if he had.
9. Courtney- She has been better, less annoying as of late, and she does compete hard in the challenges. She could even move up my list if she keeps it up. She appears to not have irritated La Mina as of yet, which puts her one up on Shane. I don't see her beating anyone else in a vote.

Bootsville- I hate to see La Mina go down, but that is what happens when your tribe gets it's butt kicked in the tribe vs. tribe portion of the game. Nick was a likable and quiet guy. His sudden show of personality after the boot was as surprising as a war declaration by France.


Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

04-01-06, 07:48 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
Rank. Name (Last week)(Previous weeks)

1. Cirie (4)(2,2,3,3,1) - Cirie definitely has her head in the game, and I loved her dictionary salesman analogy.
2. Aras (2)(1,1,1,7,3) - Still a strong competitor, he's definitely going to make it far.
3. Courtney (5)(8,5,2,1,4) - Didn't seem so disagreeable this week.
4. Danielle (1)(3,3,5,5,5) - Flew UTR, so...yeah, not much to say.
5. Shane (10)(11,12,13,14,8) - Wow. I never would've thought he could actually jump up more than one spot, but he did. He was actually mildly tolerable, which I found to be amazing.
6. Austin (3)(5,7,6,6,9) - I thought it was kinda stupid of him to admit his "act like I was weak" strategy at TC, but then again, he's next in line anyway.
7. Sally (7)(4,9,9,10,10) - She's just kinda "eh" for me, she still hasn't done anything at all.
8. Bruce (6)(7,4,4,2,2) - I don't know if it was editing or not, but he sure seemed to be swaying a whole lot when the obvious choice was sitting right there in front of him.
9. Terry (9)(10,11,12,12,11) - Who the hell do you think you are? Did you seriously think anybody would have actually joined you?

Bootee - Nick (8)(6,8,10,13,15) - Wasn't really an exciting person, and in fact was as dull as a rock (and probably as dumb as one too).


iltarion 1791 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

04-01-06, 09:01 PM (EST)
Click to EMail iltarion Click to send private message to iltarion Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
Ah...actually, a few people now have complimented Cirie on her "selling me a dictionary when I already have encyclopedias" analogy, but actually, it makes no sense whatsoever. A constant writer, myself, I own a set of encyclopedias, and yet, I own 3 different dictionaries. They are not used for the same thing. If you need to look up the spelling or meaning of a common word, you sure as hell don't use an encyclopedia. If you want to find out who fought the 100 Years War or the life story of Francis Bacon, you use an encyclopedia. So, sorry, her analogy was nonsensical, though I got her point despite it.

Survivorerist 4103 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-01-06, 10:38 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
Actually, the whole Cirie dictionary thing reminded me of that episode of Friends where Joey buys an encyclopedia but he can only afford the "V" one. No particular reason why other than it involves an encyclopedia.



Top 5 FLL Castaways (Generation 2)
1. Aras Baskauskas (4 weeks at #1)
2. Misty Giles (2 weeks at #1)
3. Shane Powers (1 week at #1)


Aruba 3400 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-02-06, 07:41 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
YOU DA SMART ONE, ILTARION! I sat at my ketboard TWICE and was going to post the same exact thing you said about the stupid analogy between dictionaries and encyclopedias but I figured I have already said enough this week so I didn't. I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught Cirie's futile attempt at comic relief to be utter nonsense.

I not sure that posters are "complimenting" Cirie on her analogy as much as relishing the criticism against Terry who some people seem to dislike or are just jealous of his ability to dominate challenges.


michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-02-06, 12:31 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel Click to send private message to michel Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "Is it neccessary?"
The funny aspect was simply to see Cirie who was afraid of what hid under leaves, who was about to be sent home in episode #2 or 3, now in a position of power such that she can tell Terry to get off her porch and stop ringing her front doorbell.
What...there are no doorbells on the island? Sorry, I guess my analogy isn't good either, I simply didn't want to over-analyze for once!
More seriously, if Terry wins, I'll be happy to see it. If he works his way out of this predicament, uses strategy well and outplays everyone, I will rate him high on my list of winners. The only reservation would be if he owes his win ONLY to the HII, I may take him down a spot or two. But even then, he was smart to find it.

No jealousy, no hate but no love either. He's one of 9 players remaining. Period. Not the most entertaining but not boring either. His tribe has been Outplayed, but not him yet. Can he Outlast and Outwit? His performance last week makes me doubt he can Outwit many players.

He seems to think Outplaying will be enough to win the game, removing all social aspects of Survivor. That's a very rough road he has ahead. And that doesn't even account for the fact there would be 5 Casayas on the jury and 1 sitting next to him. Winning every immunity until the end, while an admirable feat, wouldn't give him the win. You need strategy and friends no matter how heroic your performance is.


CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-03-06, 11:01 AM (EST)
Click to EMail CattyChat Click to send private message to CattyChat Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
Rank --- Player -- Previous Rankings, Week 1 through 6

1. Terry ( 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 ) - One of my favorite survivors EVER. I feel bad luck was against LaMina in the beginning when Sally lost the spear, because the game would be very different & I would have loved to see the final 4 guys play out.

2. Austin ( 11 / 11 / 5 / 4 / 2 / 2 ) - He crept up my list. Again with better luck, he would have a fighting chance.

3. Sally ( 8 / 12 / 11 / 7 / 4 / 4 ) - Sally also grew on me. She’s a tough cookie and I respect her for sticking with her alliance. I hope she will take action and try to pull one of the girls over that she was with in the first few days. At least make an effort, Sally.

4. Cirie ( 5 / 5 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 5 ) - Lucky for her she is hilarious, because I CAN’T STAND UTR players. Also, Cirie, your “dictionary salesman” analogy was idiotic -- if you can’t spell or don’t know the meaning of a word, what good is an encyclopedia?? But I’ll overlook one lame joke.

5. Shane ( 12 / 14 / 13 / 9 / 9 / 8 ) - Can’t believe he’s crept this far up my list. Reasons he’s ranked higher than the rest is: (1) He doesn’t hide the fact that he’s a psychotic, arrogant butt-crevice from anybody; (2) He’s actually the leader of this tribe in his schizophrenic madness. His entertainment value is high, but he’s the guy I love to hate.

6. Danielle ( 4 / 8 / 7 / 10 / 7 / 7 ) - Best of the rest. I thought there was a glimmer of intelligence when she was ready to boot Shane, but it’s buried again. I think she’s more of a follower than a leader, so unless she takes charge of the women and tries to turn the game, she is pathetic in my book.

7. Aras ( 14 / 13 / 12 / 8 / 10 / 9 ) - Little by little I’ve lost respect for him. He has 2 sides, the spiritual, strong leader with integrity and the obnoxious, cocky, snake. Seeing him and the other nuts of Casaya shoveling that rice into their pie-holes like a bunch of greedy swine says it all. All of the members of Casaya belong together, because this is the selfish, wacko, stab-you-in-the-back-in-an-instant tribe. Aras is lower than Shane, because Aras is the real two-faced one and I can’t believe Bruce fell for his song & dance so easily.

8. Courtney ( 15 / 10 / 10 / 12 / 11 / 10 ) - She’s starting to look more sane compared to the rest of the old Casayans. Like Danielle, she’ll jump up in the ranks if she actually takes charge and tries to make a move to get herself farther in the game.

9. Bruce ( 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 8 / 6 ) - Bruce, you disappoint me so much. You are not as learned in your Karate as I thought you were. You need to be more aware of your surroundings (sneaky Casaya), you need to listen to your inner voice that tells you to choose the path of righteousness over the path of evil. Bruce, you are going to be the sole cause of your demise as Karma is beginning to come after you (i.e. machete in face) and what will take you out of the game.

Booted - NICK ( 10 / 4 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 ) - Sad to see Nick go before jury. Also wish more of his personality was shown. Seemed like a standup guy.

Kind Creation of ARNutz


seahorse 14337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

04-03-06, 02:37 PM (EST)
Click to EMail seahorse Click to send private message to seahorse Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
1) Terry
2) Austin
3) Sally
4) Danielle
5) Cirie
6) Bruce
8) Courtney

Slice & Dice Sigpic Chop Shop 2005


arturbars 605 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

04-06-06, 09:22 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.7"
My tribe:
1. Terry (1,1,1,1,1,1) - Terry, you are a dumb ##### for not saving Nick, but it's hard to blame you for not thinking about your own bacon first...
2. Austin (5,5,6,3,5,11) - Terry's little sidekick...
3. Sally (4,4,4,5,8,5) - I like that she stuck with La Mina boys
4. Dannielle (3,3,3,4,3,4) - She has a chance to go all the way if she plays it smart.

5. Cirie (6,6,5,6,9,14) - I am starting to loose her again
6. Bruce (9,10,10,10,7,2) - I wish you would have turned on the crazy's

Tribe of Crazy's:
7. Shane (7,8,12,13,13,6) - He is nuts, he is psycho, and insane, but he is smarter than the rest of the Casaya sometimes... that's scary...
8. Aras (8,9,11,12,14,12) - meh...
9. Courtney (10,11,8,8,12,8) - what a nut case...

Nick (2,2,2,2,4,13)- too bad - he was a nice guy - damn you, Terry for not playing it smart...



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