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"First Impressions"
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Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

01-10-06, 11:42 AM (EST)
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"First Impressions"
As it says as the major headline right now...

CBS Site

Looks like an interesting/strange cast. What's w/nobody having normal names anymore? Ruth Marie? What the heck.

Anyway...the thing that I think I'm gonna like about this season is that the cast isn't going to be divided between super-geezers and 19-year olds. Thank God.

My personal first impressions of all the players, after looking at their pictures, and briefly skimming a few of the bios:

Aras - Uh...perhaps he'll be the normal person w/a kinda goofy name, ala Rafe.
Austin - Looks kinda...I dunno. Like someone that wants to kiss your #####.
Bobby - Looks like he may make it far...I dunno.
Bruce - Hehe, I think he's gonna be my fave.
Cirie - Apparently she's got a cute, smiling personality, according to her. Hopefully that shows through.
Courtney - Nice hair.
Dan - Perhaps he'll be OK, perhaps not. Generally I can't stand the old people, so I dunno.
Danielle - Who knows.
Melinda - She looks smiley. Like a cheerleader or something.
Misty - Looks a bit like Lamber. And their names are kinda alike...I guess. "Misty", "Amber". Eh.
Nick - I think he's gonna be irritating.
Ruth Marie - Her picture makes her look nice for 48.
Sally - I think she might turn out to be a fave of mine.
Shane - Kinda creepy-looking.
Terry - Looks like he'll try to control the tribe, and get voted out early.
Tina - Reminds me of Diane from Africa. The second the page opened and I saw her larger picture, I laughed, lol. But I think she might be a fave too if she makes it farther.

Anyone else?


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 My First Impression was... Spanky68 01-10-06 1
 Danielle Das Mole 01-10-06 2
 RE: First Impressions xwraith27 01-10-06 3

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Spanky68 8092 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

01-10-06, 12:50 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Spanky68 Click to send private message to Spanky68 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "My First Impression was..."
geez, couldn't they find ANYONE who is married for this? I know Terry, Cirie, Bruce and Dan are. I assume Ruth-Marie was, and Sally is divorced. Maybe some of the others just left that bit out of their bios.

I agree on Nick. He makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

01-10-06, 04:05 PM (EST)
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2. "Danielle"
Another thing I noticed, I was reading Danielle's bio and favorites, and it says she has been in a "steady relationship" for two years, and her favorite magazines include Maxim and GQ...

I think you know where I'm headed w/this.


xwraith27 1136 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

01-10-06, 10:06 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: First Impressions"

ARAS - I expect him to be one of the key players in the younger male tribe. I don't think he'll be the dominant leader, but he'll be a good player challenge-wise.

NICK - I dunno why, but within the younger male tribe, I think it would be Nick and Bobby that would conflict against each other. He looks like he can assume a

leadership position in the YM tribe (at least for the first three days).

BOBBY - If anyone would plot against a leader, I think it would be him. Also, I find it weird that the oldest person in the younger male tribe is older than the youngest person in the older female tribe. He might not fit in with 22-25 year-olds.

AUSTIN - I don't think any model/actors have been a successful alpha male leader in any Survivor tribe. I'd have to say the same for Austin. I see him going early.


DANIELLE - She looks like trouble to me. I see a more likeable version of Jerri/Alicia in her. She also looks like she could be the leader of the YF tribe.

COURTNEY - She's a fire dancer. Should be fun. I think she'll also be a good challenge player.

MISTY - The first thing popped into my mind when I saw her picture: Tanya II. She looks more fit than Tanya though, but I really don't see her lasting long, especially with each season getting more and more difficult

SALLY - Sally is the "survivor fan" of the season, following Rob C., Vanuatu Brook, and Rafe. For some reason, I don't see her getting as far into the game as Rafe and Rob C. She describes herself as compassionate, competitive, and funny, which probably means that she isn't.


BRUCE - He's a blackbelter, so that means he's quite fit for his age. Plus he's done a lot of adventurous things in the past. He seems like he'll fit in quite well. I see him as the possible comic relief of this season.

DANIEL - Well he just recently decided to quit being an astronaut, so I guess he's still pretty much in good physical shape. He won't be a liability in challenges, and since older men tend to mesh well together than younger men, I think he'll be able to last quite long in the game (unless it's the older male tribe that gets screwed by the episode 2 twist).

SHANE - I don't think I'll like him, only because he's not smiling in the only picture I've seen of him. This probably means that I'll like him later. However a person who has "unmatched communication skills" and sees himself as a physical threat sounds too arrogant for me to care much about.

TERRY - I get Tom-vibes about Terry. He looks like he'll be able to win his tribe a few challenges, and he might be viewed as a father figure for some younger castaways. This should mean that he would last pretty long in the game, but if he gets mixed into a mostly younger tribe that rejects leadership, I think he'll stick out like a sore thumb and be the person to target.


CIRIE - I see her as a strong personality in the older female tribe, but if it's true that she has what she claims to be a "cute, smiling personality" she might be able to stick around long into the game just like Lydia did.

MELINDA - I really don't see her lasting long in the game. She looks like she's going to be a physical liability, especially with most castaways seeming quite athletic.

RUTH - She looks pretty hot for a 48 year old. I doubt if she'll look as good on TV though as she does in her CBS picture.

TINA - I think she'll be the Deena/Twila/Susan of the show. I just don't see Tina lasting as long as those three women.



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