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"S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
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tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-05, 05:21 AM (EST)
Click to EMail tribephyl Click to send private message to tribephyl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05 AT 03:41 PM (EST)

The ABC is now closed to new entrants.

Ahhh... here we go!

<walk over to Snuff-o-matic 3000> <Click> <WhirrrrrRRRRRRR>
<yelling over the sound>
Welcome Back! It seems that this season of Survivor has many suprises in store for our ABCplayers, not the least of which is the bootees.
Alas now is the time to pay for all indisgressions when it comes to your chosen safe-survivors.
Sorry to say, but it's time for our 1st ABC TribalCouncil!

<cue lighting> <light fire><relight fire><relight fire><leave fire unlit> Boy this thing really works!!!
Sorry, I have to yell. This thing is really loud!
Survivor Maniac, mckelviej, byoffer and oz4ever, you had Brianna on your safe-list, please bring me your torches.
<Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp> <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp> <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp> <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>
Thanks for playing. You can still catch the boat going to LoserLodge if you so desire. There's even a 5 point bonus coming to you, if you do.

This should serve as a warning to all players and especially to those who had a Hero Twin Extension. The game is really on.
HeroTwin ProbationExtention:

coolbluepig ~ Yes
kingfish ~ Yes
Das Mole ~ Yes
DearAbby ~ Yes

You 4 are still in the game because of the extension, but just barely. Try to not put a bootee on your safe-list from now on.

Wk 3 Results

Boot: Brianna, -21
Votes: Lydia, -3
Immunity: Nakum, +3; Yaxha, -2

SecretWord: "Terrible",
Jims, one of the HeroTwins, left a very cryptic message in last weeks thread.
If you could decipher his clues you would've found the secret word hidden in there.
Here's the clue I dropped ... I also have a little bit of pull with the spirit twins, believe me when I tell you, they are on my side. *Click on the he

After seeing some of the scores these past few weeks, I'm frankly suprised more of you didn't inadvertantly post the secret word.
However, only 7 of you could figure out the Clues that Jims, our HeroTwin, had left behind.
Congrats to JohnMC, LookeeLoo, Kermit the Vixen, tvgeek, kingfish, sisyphus and DearAbby for figuring out such a terribly difficult (and nefarious) bonus.

The 4 runes of importance this week were monkey, night, offering and earth. Add to that the previous 4 of transformation, jaguar, star and seed and those were the 8 special runes.
Which, suprisingly enough, could each be found in the story I started each previous entry thread with...
By the light of a bright star the young group of castaways trudges their way through jaguar infested forests.
The only clue they've been given...?
"Make an offering of a single maize seed to the monkey god."
But where is the monkey god? Which direction is his house? Does he even have a house?
Just then, the god of transformation appears and with a single clap of his hands the earth raises up, pushing trees and brush aside and revealing a long path leading off into the horizon. When the dust finally settles the castaways set out in the night to do their duty.
From the heavens the HeroTwins smile.

Remember it now?
Anyway, that was the last week to pick the secret Runes and now is the time to find out what they were worth.

Firstly, only four players correctly guessed all 8 runes and as a special bonus have collected a great prize because of it.
Congratulations LookeeLoo, kingfish, lvoetulips and mimo you four have finished the the task completely and as payment for your amazing choices you will receive a ...

It's a "bootee button".
This button can be attached to your sigline, if you so desire.
It entitles you to get off scott free for having a bootee on your safelists.
This is a one-time use button and I will take it back as soon as you commit the infraction. If you do.
Of course, your score will be negatively affected by the votes but you'll still be alive and in the game.
Now, as to what each and every rune was worth:
star = 20 chits
seed = 20 chits
transformation = 10 chits
jaguar = 10 chits
monkey = 5 chits
night = 5 chits
earth = 5 chits
offering = 5 chits

I bet now you're asking..."What the heck am I gonna do with a bunch of crappy chits?!"

Well, for that revelation you will have to wait for just a moment.


Scoreboard Synopsis:

Movers and Shakers:
Only 8 points away from the maximum possible weekly score of 38 points are 3 players. JohnMC, tvgeek and LookeeLoo all got 30 points. This pushes my "alliance partner", JohnMC into the top spot for week 3. Scarlett O Hara holds on during the maelstorm and slips a spot to 2nd place. RudyRules holds at 3rd with a score of 25 points. LookeeLoo, with her top scoring week, shoots up 3 spots to grasp onto 4th. Kermit the Nefarious rounds out the top 5. Some other big jumps up the scoreboard are MJewel moving up 5 spots, tvgeek up 9 and whoami up 10.

On the RedEnd...
Emydi once again shows her Redink Authority and recaptures the bottom spot. Her and alwaysintruble just keep going back and forth. It's making for a very tense RedInk battle this season. However, the big weekly RedInk winner is DasMole who managed to name the bootee on his ProbationExtension safe-list and makes up some sorely needed points. -24 to be exact. Excellent work Das! Meanwhile, molaholic, unfortunately goes the wrong direction this week. Hey moley, you might try easing back on the number of safe-listed survivors.

Rank (previous rank) Player ~ weekly score (previous score) = Total Score
1. (2) JohnMc ~ 30 (59) = 89

2. (1)Scarlett O Hara ~ 25 (62) = 87

3. (3)RudyRules ~ 25 (55) = 80

4. (7)LookeeLoo ~ 30 (36) = 66

5. (7)Kermit the Vixen ~ 25 (36) = 61

6. (6)smokedog ~ 22 (38) = 60

7. (12)MJewel ~ 25 (34) = 59
7. (16)tvgeek ~ 30 (29) = 59

9. (5)GuessItRains ~ 19 (39) = 58
9. (10)Higgs ~ 23 (35) = 58

11. (4)kingfish ~ 7 (50) = 57
11. (7)dreamerbeliever ~ 21 (36) = 57

13. (23)whoami ~ 29 (26) = 55

14. (16)Flowerpower ~ 25 (29) = 54
14. (16)yensid ~ 25 (29) = 54

16. (14)Kobrien_fan ~ 22 (31) = 53

17. (16)lvoetulips ~ 16 (29) = 45

18. (26)Lolly ~ 21 (22) = 43

19. (21)Rebel Crown ~ 13 (27) = 40
19. (26)sisyphus ~ 18 (22) = 40

21. (24)LibraRising ~ 15 (24) = 39

22. (16)DearAbby ~ -1 (29) = 28

23. (29)Ontheroadagain ~ 14 (11) = 25

24. (28)mimo ~ 12 (12) = 24

25. (21)coolbluepig ~ -6 (27) = 21 ~ No Entry

26. (32)adricharlie ~ 18 (0) = 18 ~ No Entry

27. (34)MacabreMasquerade ~ 17 (-1) = 16

28. (31)Mo0 ~ 6 (7) = 13

29. (30)kircon ~ -1 (10) = 9

30. (32)Femme ~ 0 (0) = 0 ~ No Entry

31. (36)Molaholic ~ 10 (-19) = -9

32. (35)Das Mole ~ -24 (-12) = -36

33. (38)alwaysintruble ~ -3 (-35) = -38

34. (37)emydi ~ -10 (-31) = -41

Wk 4 Entry

Alrighty, that was it. The last week of probation for EVERYONE. From now on if you have the bootee on your safe-list you, yourself, will be booted from the ABC.
You will also be allowed to name as many Survivors on your safe lists as you want to. NO limits!
Keep in mind every vote counts.

Safe-List: mandatory
Your list of Survivors who will not get a vote at TribalCouncil.

TribalImmunity: non-mandatory
Which tribe wins the Immunity challenge.

SecretWord: non-mandatory
What is written in Mayaglyphs?

MayaBonus: non-mandatory
For those wondering what the heck the chits are for? ...
Well, they are for the Wk 4 MayaBonus, which is the return of the infamous ABCAuction.
Grab your chits and meet me at the ... ABCAuction!!!
The auction is a challenge which will be held in a different thread in Fanatics. Starting on Saturday afternoon I will open the Auction thread and begin to take bids for special items.
Use your chits to outbid the others to collect these prizes.
As an incentive I like to highlight a couple of Auction Items to peak interest.
How does "Double your Weekly Score" sound
or perhaps "20 points"
maybe even a "Free Bootee Pass"
All can be won during the auction and many more prizes as well.
Also if the Saturday session is unsuccessful in giving away the total amount of prizes I may open another ABCAuction session on Wednesday.

In addition to all of your rune choices I have added 50 chits to each and every players total to encourage even more folks to join in on the fun.
Rune Tally a.k.a. ChitCount:
lvoetulips ~ 130
mimo ~ 130
kingfish ~ 130
LookeeLoo ~ 130
smokedog ~ 110
GuessItRains ~ 110
dreamerbeliever ~ 110
tvgeek ~ 110
DearAbby ~ 110
kircon ~ 110
Das Mole ~ 100
MJewel ~ 100
sisyphus ~ 100
Flowerpower ~ 100
Molaholic ~ 95
RudyRules ~ 90
Scarlett O Hara ~ 90
Kermit the Vixen ~ 90
Higgs ~ 90
Kobrien_fan ~ 90
whoami ~ 90
Lolly ~ 90
LibraRising ~ 90
Mo0 ~ 90
Ontheroadagain ~ 90
emydi ~ 90
alwaysintruble ~ 85
yensid ~ 80
adricharlie ~ 70
MacabreMasquerade ~ 70
JohnMc ~ 70
Rebel Crown ~ 60
coolbluepig ~ 50
Femme ~ 50

So try to come and meet me on Saturday from 3pm to 7pm boardtime then again at 9pm to Midnight boardtime.
Or maybe on Wednesday from 3pm to around 10pm boardtime. (Have to watch Lost, you know.)
Now, if for some reason you can't make the auction, or take part in the auction but don't win any items, or still have chits left at the end of the auction, you will be allowed to exchange your chits for points but I'm only willing to trade in 10 chits for 1 point. In other words if you have 59, I will give you 5 points and the remaining 9 chits will be useless. Them's the breaks!


Tribes: Nakum and Yaxha
Amy / Blake / Brandon / Brian / Brooke / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Gary / Jamie / Judd / Lydia / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

Sample Entry:
Amy / Danni / Gary / Lydia / Rafe / Cindy / Brandon / Blake / Jamie / Brian
No auction for me, but I'd like to trade-in my 80 chits in for 8 points.

the tribe has spoken
* I have a severely abnormal attraction to messages hidden with the use of "invisible ink". Please note that this feature will be used at any time. Adjust strategies accordingly.

* I have the ability to hide things in current threads that are only relevant in next weeks thread. Again, adjust your strategies accordingly.

* Allrighty Femme, I think I'm finally getting the message. However, I can't kick you out just yet. So please consider making an entry this week.

* If you are planning on coming to the ABCAuction make sure to come siggieless. The thread gets fast and furious, very quickly, and it would help our dial-up friends if you show up "naked".

* The S11 ABC is brought to you by Extra-Strength Excedrin.

* lvoetulips, hey girl, you have got the hook-up. You were so worried over no more probation and you end up getting a bootee button. Safe for another week.

* mimo, similar note to you. You had no probation this week and felt the need to be reserved in your choices. Yet you end up getting a booteebutton this week. Things are shaping up for you. Next stop, the top 10.

* Cooper lvoes his auntie Rebel.

* The secret word will never be nefarious! I promise!

* One BJ for Libra, coming up.

* Vix, I lvoed your entry. Yet, I have to wonder where all the hostility is coming from. Or is that just ... "sexual tension".

* DearAbby, I can see how you were unsure of why you didn't get the secretword last week, but NO!

* Sorry, Emydi, I actually hate it when people go away quietly, so no bonus for you this week.

* Oh kircon, I lvoed your attempt at the secret word for week 3. Just add about 52 or more words and you might get it.

Da Rules:
Every week you will post a "safe list" of survivors still in the game.
How many is up to you. Pick as few or as many as you want. Just know, your flirting with disaster the more survivors you include.
For each survivor who does not get votes you will get points.
If you happen to name a survivor who gets votes I will take away points for every vote cast.
Anytime after the 2nd week and you list a bootee. I will boot you from the game.
I will also pose, in each new entry thread, up to 3 non-mandatory questions. Each question will be worth a different value and will vary in difficulty. They are not mandatory though.
Non-Mandatory questions:
Each week, if you choose to do so, you can take a guess at who will win Immunity. For every episode with tribes I will ask that you name a tribe to win. When the survivors merge I will begin asking for individual immunity. Point values will change when this happens.
SecretWord Bonus:
Each week a secret word will be chosen. Your duty is to include the word in your entry. Wk 5's secretword will be taken from the 8th post of the Wk 4 thread. I'll choose the word from that entry. Your duty will be to put it in your Wk 5 entry.
Every week I will post an extra bonus question. When, where, why, how, what will be up to me. I like to suprise people so I suggest staying vigilant and alert. The nature of these questions will change all the time, so will the point values.

Basic Point Values:
Each survivor who does not receive votes will be worth 2 points.
Each survivor who receives votes will be be worth -3 points per vote. This includes the booted survivor. This does not include quitters or people who do not receive votes but leave the show anyway.
Tribal Immunity will be worth 3 points if correct. -2 if incorrect.
Individual Immunity will be worth 6 points if corrrect. -3 if incorrect.
SecretWordBonus will be worth 5 points. 0 if incorrect. (-5 for RedInk)
Maya Discretion

Game Deadline:
Anyone can enter the game but only during the first 3 weeks. Week 4 the game will be closed to new entrants.
ProbationaryPeriod lasts for only the first 2 weeks. After that I will boot you if you have a bootee on your safe-list.
Entry Deadline:
Pre-Snews/On-Time entries are accepted until Wednesday at 11:59pm et. and will get 2 free point if no edits are made after the wednesday deadline.
Grace Period entries are accepted between the Wednesday deadline and Thursdays showtime. 7:59pm et. Anyone entering during GracePeriod will automatically receive a penalty of -5 points.
Any Entries made (or edited) after the Thursday showtime will not be counted.
If a player misses making an entry. I will use their previous weeks "safe list" as their new entry. (No Immunity or Bonuses)

REDINK subtleties:
If you decide to answer the bonus questions, they should come with messages of intention for negative points. If you don't verify your intentions I will "assume" you wanted positive points.
If you want to enter early, don't want to edit and still want the -5 points for posting late, simply title your post as "AutomaticPenalty" or "GracePeriodEntry"


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... smokedog 09-30-05 1
 Last Week's SecretWord Jims02 09-30-05 2
   RE: Last Week's SecretWord tribephyl 09-30-05 3
   RE: Last Week's SecretWord LibraRising 09-30-05 4
   RE: Last Week's SecretWord tvgeek401 10-01-05 9
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... lvoetulips 09-30-05 5
 grace period red ink entry emydi 09-30-05 6
 Red points Molaholic 09-30-05 7
   RE: Red points Molaholic 10-03-05 17
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... Scarlett O Hara 10-01-05 8
 AutomaticPenalty Das Mole 10-01-05 10 tribephyl 10-01-05 11
       RE: Das Mole 10-02-05 13
           RE: tribephyl 10-02-05 14
   Are you kidding me. Das Mole 10-07-05 44
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... Mo0 10-02-05 12
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... MacabreMasquerade 10-03-05 15
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... Rebel Crown 10-03-05 16
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... tvgeek401 10-03-05 18
 Vix Pix Kermit the Vixen 10-04-05 19
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... dreamerbeliever 10-04-05 20
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... JohnMc 10-04-05 21
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... RudyRules 10-04-05 22
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... LibraRising 10-04-05 23
   RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... LibraRising 10-05-05 38
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... Flowerpower 10-04-05 24
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... MJewel 10-04-05 25
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... kingfish 10-04-05 26
   RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... tribephyl 10-05-05 27
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... sisyphus 10-05-05 28
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... yensid 10-05-05 29
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... Higgs 10-05-05 30
   Higgs tribephyl 10-05-05 37
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... mimo 10-05-05 31
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... DearAbby 10-05-05 32
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... GuessItRains 10-05-05 33
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... Lolly 10-05-05 34
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... Scarlett O Hara 10-05-05 35
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... KObrien_fan 10-05-05 36
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... LookeeLoo 10-05-05 39
 Grace Period Red ink entry for alwa... Flowerpower 10-06-05 40
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... Ontheroadagain 10-06-05 41
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 ... kircon 10-06-05 42
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 En... whoami 10-06-05 43

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Messages in this topic

smokedog 1885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-30-05, 11:06 AM (EST)
Click to EMail smokedog Click to send private message to smokedog Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05 AT 11:13 AM (EST)

Brandon / Brian / Brooke / Cindy / Jamie / Judd / Rafe


Jims02 7407 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-05, 12:46 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Jims02 Click to send private message to Jims02 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "Last Week's SecretWord"
Thanks tribe for letting me mess with your players one last time!

Here's the clues that I left behind, in case anyone was curious. I underlined and bolded the important words.

There is a certain secret word...
everyone would love to know.
Riddles try to trick you,
reading wrong's the way to go.
It's not that helpful tonight,
but next week it's quite sweet.
Look not for a second.
Every initial is a treat.

reading wrong - Don't read left-to-right, read the wrong way.
second - Don't look for the second, look for the first (letter).
initial - The initials of this poem was T.E.R.R.I.B.L.E.

Thanks again, tribe!

-A 2005 MS Paint disaster ----------- TAR8 Casino Game Host-----------


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-05, 03:47 PM (EST)
Click to EMail tribephyl Click to send private message to tribephyl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: Last Week's SecretWord"
No, thank you Jims for helping out a lowly gamehost. You of the spiritually-guided voices.


LibraRising 2847 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-30-05, 04:27 PM (EST)
Click to EMail LibraRising Click to send private message to LibraRising Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: Last Week's SecretWord"
This is how thick I am. I was looking at the first letters of words, but not down. Damn it! That is why my last entry was peppered with initials. OMG, am I stupid.

A Nutzy/IceCat masterpiece.


tvgeek401 1615 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-01-05, 01:07 PM (EST)
Click to EMail tvgeek401 Click to send private message to tvgeek401 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: Last Week's SecretWord"
It took me twenty minutes to figure this one out. I was reading the first letter of every word forwards and backwards and I even went through various places in the entry thread. Then finally I read down...grr!

It just wouldn't be the same without the geek! --tribe, the amazing creator of my siggie


lvoetulips 1025 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

09-30-05, 10:38 PM (EST)
Click to EMail lvoetulips Click to send private message to lvoetulips Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-03-05 AT 08:33 PM (EST)

Wow! I won a prize!


I feel like I should thank the Academy or something....

Safelist:Stephanie/Booby Jon/Rafe/Cyndi/Blake/Brandon

Secret Word: Um, yeah. I just can't get it. The super secret survivor words are killin' me...

Tribephyl Rocks My Socks!


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-05, 11:28 PM (EST)
Click to EMail emydi Click to send private message to emydi Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "grace period red ink entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-06-05 AT 04:00 PM (EST)

Safe list: Rafe
IC Winner: Nakum
Secret word: damn you tribephyl, damn you!

Wow the auction was fun!! you outdid yourself this year Tribey...
new and old prizes and I got a great one with all my 90 chits-- STEAL A PRIZE...what a perfect prize for me alas poor Lolly was the unfortunate person to have received such a tempting prize for just a bit of chit...and now I'm a hero twin left to KT's hero twin right (L/R worked out perfectly bc if it would have been the other way it would have been backwards bc i'm such a liberal leftist pinko nefarious one and KT is much more conservative than me in some politics..but, other things...let's not go there )

You should all give KT a big big shout out today ....she tells you all that her twin has a bday today!! well in reality (after all, this is a reality tv site) her twin's is in a few weeks and her twin is really old and has backaches headaches muscle aches and every other king of ache. So therefore......

BTW, tribey, I'd like negative pts for correct bonus but alas I do not have a clue what the secret mayaglyph is---


Molaholic 9015 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-30-05, 11:52 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Molaholic Click to send private message to Molaholic Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "Red points AutoPenalty"
Safe-List: Danni, Judd, Rafe


SecretWord:I have no clue.

(*) (*) is kewl


Molaholic 9015 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-03-05, 09:30 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Molaholic Click to send private message to Molaholic Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
17. "RE: Red points AutoPenalty"
also claiming my chitty <points> since I couldn't attend the auction.

(*) (*) is kewl


Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-01-05, 07:03 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Scarlett%20O%20Hara Click to send private message to Scarlett%20O%20Hara Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Ahhhh, the Auction is what I have waited for!! Can't wait -- although I may not be able to catch much of the first one due to a quick out of town trip, you can bet I'll be in attendance at the evening auction! See you there!



Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

10-01-05, 09:52 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Das%20Mole Click to send private message to Das%20Mole Click to view user profile Click to send message via ICQ Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "AutomaticPenalty"
LAST EDITED ON 10-06-05 AT 11:04 AM (EST)



Um...something like...Gigizioth?


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-01-05, 11:32 PM (EST)
Click to EMail tribephyl Click to send private message to tribephyl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
11. ""
As far as I can tell ... Not under the current situation.

Your last week of probation was the past week, you don't have a bootee button and you haven't won a bootee card in the Auction...yet...
So, No. You are not safe this week.


Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

10-02-05, 02:38 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Das%20Mole Click to send private message to Das%20Mole Click to view user profile Click to send message via ICQ Click to check IP address of the poster
13. "RE:"
Then what's this?

"HeroTwin ProbationExtention:

coolbluepig ~ Yes
kingfish ~ Yes
Das Mole ~ Yes
DearAbby ~ Yes
You 4 are still in the game because of the extension, but just barely. Try to not put a bootee on your safe-list from now on"

Is that just the people who would've been eliminated had they not had the extra week?


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-02-05, 06:03 PM (EST)
Click to EMail tribephyl Click to send private message to tribephyl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
14. "RE:"
Yup, you would have been booted if it weren't for the extra week.
You were one of those 4 listed, those who were not booted, because you had Brianna on your list, but were safe due to the HeroTwin Bonus.

As a RedInker, that was good strategy. As it boosted your score immensely, but I still had to include you because of the fact that you named a bootee while on the ProbationExtension.

However, the Probation Extension is over now.
The game is on for everybody. (Except for those with a booteebutton or BooteePass. Who will remain safe until they name a bootee.)

Hope this clears things up.



Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

10-07-05, 10:41 AM (EST)
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44. "Are you kidding me."

The one person I said was safe got voted out. Go figure


Mo0 427 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

10-02-05, 00:51 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Mo0 Click to send private message to Mo0 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
12. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Safe-List: Cindy / Judd / Rafe / Gary / Margaret / Danni / Blake

TribalImmunity: non-mandatory

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.


MacabreMasquerade 927 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

10-03-05, 00:53 AM (EST)
Click to EMail MacabreMasquerade Click to send private message to MacabreMasquerade Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
15. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-03-05 AT 10:05 PM (EST)

Safelist: Dazzling Danni, Stunning Stephenie, Rambling Rafe, Jovial Judd, Lively Lydia, Backwards Brandon, Super Cindy, Gallant Gary, Brainy Brian, and Brainless Bobby Jon

Tribal Immunity: I'll wait and see what everyone else picks

Secret Word: NEFARIOUS!!!!

I think I'll just cash in my chits for points...


Rebel Crown 1413 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

10-03-05, 01:46 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Rebel%20Crown Click to send private message to Rebel%20Crown Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
16. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Brandon / Brian / BobbyJon / Danni / Lydia / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

Immunity- Yaxha

Secret word Bonus-The editions of Survivor are getting devious; the diction alone provides many diversions. Many call it fiction; others believe it to be reality. I don't know if the show is jumping the shark or not, but I must now thank you, tribe. You're a peach (but not the Iraqi one You're much more lovable than him). I really have no idea what to do about this; I'm old and not that smart, so some of these clues are over my head .

Maya Bonus- I tried to use my 60 chits in the auction, but it was in vain; kept getting outbid . So I'm turning them in now.


tvgeek401 1615 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-03-05, 11:36 PM (EST)
Click to EMail tvgeek401 Click to send private message to tvgeek401 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
18. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Safe: Brandon / Brian / Brooke / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Gary / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

IC: Nakum (who I am just now figuring out is the yellow team, not the blue...right?)
SecretWordBonus: at this point, I have no idea, so, oh mighty glorious tribe (who is my favorite, by the way), I will use nefarious because I just love that word. Almost as much as I love playing this game.
Mayabonus: holy chits!

It just wouldn't be the same without the geek! --tribe, the amazing creator of my siggie
when in doubt, praise the point giver-outer person.


Kermit the Vixen 1639 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

10-04-05, 11:59 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Kermit%20the%20Vixen Click to send private message to Kermit%20the%20Vixen Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
19. "Vix Pix"
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-05 AT 09:35 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-04-05 AT 04:56 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-04-05 AT 04:55 PM (EST)

OK, I think I might have to give up on this secret word thingy. I gave it my all, I really did. I even ended up with a headache AND a backache! *don't ask* If I figure it out, I will be back to edit my post. But for now... on with my picks.

Safe: Rafe, Jamie, Steph, Brandon, Danni, Judd, Cindy, Lydia
Immunity: Nakum
Secret Word: ABContest (it's worth a shot)? How about suoirafen? (Nefarious written backwards)
Maya Bonus: edited to add: I can't BELIEVE I missed the auction!!!!! This is what happens when you have a delinquent 15-yr old son who completely loses your trust and you have to have him grounded to your shadow for a full 30-days. So... we spent the evening cleaning out his room/closet/etc, rearranging, deodorizing, sanitizing, yada yada and by the time all was said and done, I missed the freaking auction. WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! <pout>

And you KNOW I wouldv'e won that hero twin prize! Oh, well. I am grateful to still be in this game and grateful to have 55 chits to trade in for 5.5 points and a glass of red wine. Or however it works.

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.


dreamerbeliever 3380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-04-05, 12:24 PM (EST)
Click to EMail dreamerbeliever Click to send private message to dreamerbeliever Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
20. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-04-05 AT 12:27 PM (EST)

SafeList: Brandon / Judd / Rafe

Immunity: Nakum

SecretWordBonus: I have no clue, as nefarious as it may be.

MayaBonus: only 20 chits left means I will probably trade em in for the 2 points.


JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

10-04-05, 12:44 PM (EST)
Click to EMail JohnMc Click to send private message to JohnMc Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
21. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Safe: Brandon / Brian / Brooke / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Gary / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

IC: New Nakum

SWD: At first, I thought it might be Gary Hogeboom's name in there. But I really struggled so much with the letters and the faces and it just gave me huge headaches, backaches, neckaches, shoulderaches. UGH!! I think the winner of this game should get a backrub!

(Oh, and how did I end up in the lead?! I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts, because I usually end up at the bottom of the black ink!)


If I don't end up with anything at the auction, which I don't expect to, then I'll just cash in my 70 chits for 7 points. I see Scarlett on my heels, so I need to get 70 chits-worth of something at the auction, but I just don't see it.


RudyRules 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-04-05, 01:17 PM (EST)
Click to EMail RudyRules Click to send private message to RudyRules Click to view user profile Click to send message via ICQ Click to check IP address of the poster
22. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-05 AT 08:23 PM (EST)

Safe: Brandon / Brian / Brooke / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

IC: New Nakum

Secret word: I can't figure this one out you nefarious person you! I suppose that it really could be about anything. Maybe even: Signature.

Mayabonus: I will cash in my 40 leftover chits for points.

Your defending two time college football pool champion


LibraRising 2847 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

10-04-05, 01:31 PM (EST)
Click to EMail LibraRising Click to send private message to LibraRising Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
23. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-04-05 AT 02:13 PM (EST)

That is the best BJ I could have received! Well, second-best. And I'm still the femme-est one here, it seems.

OK. I gotta ask. Who do I look like? Rafe? Deciphering hieroglyphics is not something I'm well-versed in. I even called my dear father, who, unlike his backwards son, is a master at cryptograms, sudokos, acrostics and such. Even he was stumped. Oh, well. I haven't gotten a secret word yet, so why start now?!

My score, sadly, is still not great. But at least I wasn't booted. Perhaps I'll be the Katie of this game -- not doing much but sticking around until the end anyway. If nothing else, I'll be eating well.

Without further ado, my (still conservative) entry:
Danni, Brandon, Rafe
Immunity: Yaxha
SecretWordBonus: Meanie!
MayaBonus: Unless I win something Wednesday, I'll take 9 points for my 90 chits.

A Nutzy/IceCat masterpiece.


LibraRising 2847 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

10-05-05, 09:39 PM (EST)
Click to EMail LibraRising Click to send private message to LibraRising Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
38. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Just adding a note (to make it easier for our dear host) that I am now chitless. Not that I am complaining, as I have two lovely prizes to keep me happy.

A Nutzy/IceCat masterpiece.


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-04-05, 05:39 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower Click to send private message to Flowerpower Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
24. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-06-05 AT 02:36 PM (EST)

Safe-List: mandatoryI know I'll probably get my list all a$$-backwards this week as I really have no clue who is going, who is being swapped, or who is staying, let alone who the freaking boot is!!!!???)...but here goes nuttin: Cindy, Steph, Rafe, BJ, Judd, Brandon, Brooke, Margaret
Your list of Survivors who will not get a vote at TribalCouncil: Steph, Rafe, Margaret, Cindy, Brooke, Judd, Brandon, BJ

TribalImmunity: non-mandatory: Nakum
Which tribe wins the Immunity challenge.

SecretWord: non-mandatory
What is written in Mayaglyphs?NO idea what those symbols or Mayaglyphics say or mean and I've got to admit, these secret words are getting a little too hard for some of us pea, or shall I say corn-brains. I would like to know though because they look like they might mean something snarky or even shady, perhaps. Getting back to topic though.....I mean where are all the invisible words that are supposed to be in the posts or threads, new ones or ancient ones. GEEEEZZZZ, some of us sacred monkey brains still are idling around clueless and I must say, maybe I should go back to the spoiler boards where I belong....where I can make haphazard guesses and no one cares or judges me, forwhatit's worth and all of that....sorry I seem to be rambling on and on but I am beginning to wonder if I'll ever get one of the secret words correct??? I did have fun at the auction though! Got the double prize bonus, woo and hoo! Let the games begin, and let's go forward, onward and upward!

BTW, Sir Tribe, I will be posting for the traveling alwaysintruble1 later....when I can figure out how to do it correctly for the redinkers....maybe I'll do it the easy way and just copy emydi's post, he he he.....she likes to see me cross over to the darkside! He he he


MJewel 1951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

10-04-05, 07:14 PM (EST)
Click to EMail MJewel Click to send private message to MJewel Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
25. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-05 AT 10:39 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-05-05 AT 10:21 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-05-05 AT 10:14 PM (EST)

Safe-List: Judd, Margaret, Rafe, Stephenie, Danni, Cindy, Bobby Jon
TribalImmunity: Nakum

SecretWord: It is like invisible ink and nefarious to me the mayaglyphs are just so puzzling. If we lose the translation of it then it will be loser lodge and bring along some extra-strength excedrin. Triblphyl is a great host with his snuff-o-matic 3000 that makes a whoosh. By the way your poochie that gets smoochs cooper-pooper sounds so sweet. I don't know what all this devious, paranoid scat chat is about. The ABC Auction was fun. I didn't get a bootee button this week but I have the fortune of invisible ink. It's feast or famine for the hero twins and kermit the nefarious. No generous probation extensions for the crocodiles. MJewel is not conservative but I am generous. Are all the survivor contestants listed here Blake Towsley, Brandon Bellinger, Brooke Struck, Cindy Hall, Margaret Bobonich,
Danni Boatwright, Bobby Jon Drinkard, Judd Sergeant, Gary Hogebloom, Jamie Newton,
Amy O'Hara, Brian Corridan, Lydia Morales, Rafe Judkins, Stephenie LaGrossa,Brianna Varela,Morgan McDevitt, Jim Lynchthis year as generous as the past survivors. I would like to note for clarification I just posted all of this season's survivor contestant names under the secret word bonus as possible guesses for the secret word bonus only. My safe list is noted above in my post. Thanks! Please no snuffing of the translation strategies or there will be trouble in Maya paradise. What the heck did I just say? Is it a seed or a reed? Who knows but I think I have a headache from looking at maya glyphs...ahhhhhhh this house of the monkey. Transformation is quite a trick and it may not be in the wind or of this earth or in the runes. I don't have snuffer-envy, I am not in Guatemala and I am not being inadvertantly difficult. Maybe the deer or the eagle or the snake can ride out the storm and make an offering to the jaguar. The night star is a cryptic guide to decipher but is is not that puzzling when you figure it out.

MayaBonus: I would like to cash in my leftover 20 chits for the 2 points please...Thanks!


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-04-05, 07:33 PM (EST)
Click to EMail kingfish Click to send private message to kingfish Click to view user profile Click to send message via ICQ Click to check IP address of the poster
26. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-05 AT 02:46 PM (EST)

I think I'll just Copy FlowerPower's entry. It's got Mis-Mis-Mis-Mis dirction, written all over it.

OH all right, holds right hand up, repeats after Tribus Augustus "All picks are to be original products of the contestant, no cribbing " (nit-pickey rules nazi!!).

Safe-List: mandatory
Brandon / Brooke / BobbyJon / Cindy / Judd / Rafe

TribalImmunity: non-mandatory
Which tribe wins the Immunity challenge.Yahxa

abcontest SecretWord: non-mandatory
What is written in Mayaglyph for mayabonus? Nefarious vicarious vivacious triceratop firehouse of infertile diagnosis iguanadon crocodile survivors in guatamala.

Oh Oh wait, wait!! I figured it out - the only invisible ink is, ahem, "Invisible Ink".

Or, what else? Lets just get inside the Tribephyl head for a minute.... whoa, OK, OK, enough of that... (whew), try something else.....

Think iike he thinks...... hmmm.... let's see.... Eureka!! He would consider it to be humorous (although, really, so high school, so juvenile) to force everyone to kiss his a$$, so its kissmyass!!


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-05-05, 04:07 AM (EST)
Click to EMail tribephyl Click to send private message to tribephyl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
27. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
(nit-pickey rules nazi!!)

No Rules for you!!!


sisyphus 321 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

10-05-05, 11:40 AM (EST)
Click to EMail sisyphus Click to send private message to sisyphus Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
28. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"

Safe-List: Judd, danni, Rafe, BJ

TribalImmunity: Nakum
SecretWord:What is all this about headaches and backaches? Is there something nefarious going on that I have no clue to? I think thre are alliances here that I know nothing about. You guys are like the crocodiles in the lake there in guatemala just lurking below the surface waiting to pounce, but I will be waiting......
What is written in Mayaglyphs? are you kidding I supposed to know this

MayaBonus: non-mandatory
I would like to cash in my chits since I was not able to take part in the auction, my bad!!!


yensid 786 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

10-05-05, 03:50 PM (EST)
Click to EMail yensid Click to send private message to yensid Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
29. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Wk 4 Entry

Bobby Jon, Brandon, Cindy, Danni, Judd, Rafe, Stephanie


SecretWord: This secret word thing is for the crocodiles. Try and try as I might, I just can't seem to get a one of them this year. Way to go Tribe! You certainly have me stumped with these.


Higgs 1401 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

10-05-05, 05:06 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Higgs Click to send private message to Higgs Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
30. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Safe-List: Bobby Jon, Brandon, Brooke, Cindy, Danni, Jamie, Judd, Rafe, Stephenie
Tribal Immunity: Nakum
Secret Word: I think crocodile is as good an answer as any other.
Maya Bonus: I cash the 30 chits that I have left for 3 points.

I think I should have 25 points (instead of 23) from last week: I had 10 survivors in my safe list, I had the correct immunity winner and I posted before the grace period.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-05-05, 08:47 PM (EST)
Click to EMail tribephyl Click to send private message to tribephyl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
37. "Higgs"
Thanks for pointing that out.

Sorry for the mistake.
I will make sure to adjust your score accordingly.


mimo 563 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-05-05, 05:24 PM (EST)
Click to EMail mimo Click to send private message to mimo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
31. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
ohhh. i feel special. i got a bootie button!! thanks tribe!!! hopefully i'll be able to use it wisely (or at least correctly--i'm always worried i get these things backwards....)

anyway here goes:

Brandon / Brian / Brooke / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Judd / Rafe / Stephenie

i've missed the auctions so far (stuck in the backwater) so i'd like to trade in my 130 chits for 13 points. (probably the only way i'm going to advance in this game!!!)


DearAbby 3008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-05-05, 05:52 PM (EST)
Click to EMail DearAbby Click to send private message to DearAbby Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
32. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Wow! That Snuff-o-matic 3000 sure is powerful. Please keep that thing away from me. Thank goodness I had the Hero Twin Probation Extension, or I wouldn't even be here this week.

SafeList: Brandon / Brian / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Judd / Rafe / Stephenie

SecretWordBonus: kissmyass

MayaBonus: I got 7 out of the 8 runes correct. (And we still haven't found out if the monkey god has a house.) I sure could've used a Bootee Button. (Wonder if anyone would notice if I attached one to my sig line?) Anyway, at the infamous ABCAuction Saturday I got 15 points. If this week's score is good enough, I might also cash in the Double Weekly Points prize that I got on Wednesday. I spent all of my not-so-crappy chits, so I don't have any left over to trade in for points.

Dear Tribe,
You know I'm in the business of giving advice, but this time I'd like to ask for some. Can you please tell me—and all of us lowly game players—how to improve on finding the SecretWord. We are winding up with headaches and backaches, searching for the elusive Mayaglyphs translation. It's a good thing the S11 ABC is sponsored by Extra-Strength Excedrin. You promised that the secret word will never be nefarious, but that doesn't mean that our duty of finding it won't be nefarious. I was able to get Week 1 and Week 3 fairly easily, so I hope Week 5 won't be so wicked.


GuessItRains 700 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-05-05, 06:04 PM (EST)
Click to EMail GuessItRains Click to send private message to GuessItRains Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
33. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
SafeList: Brandon / Brooke / Cindy / Danni / Rafe
Immunity: Yaxha
SecretWord: I have a strong suspicion that I should be devoting more time to the ABCAuction and survivor spoilers because I have NO CLUE what the word is. Herotwins, maybe? Guatemala?
MayaBonus: I have 25 chits left, so I would like 2 extra points please.

And I really did have fun at the auction!


Lolly 721 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-05-05, 07:22 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Lolly Click to send private message to Lolly Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
34. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-05 AT 08:07 PM (EST)

I am totally clueless about this week's boot, so I need to play conservative, right? but jeez, Louise, what's conservative when nuthin's all you know?

Safe: Rafe / Bobby Jon / Danni / Judd

Immunity: Nakum

SecretWord: trouble

Mayabonus: Please convert my 24 remaining chits to points.

Edited cuz I'm witless


Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-05-05, 07:56 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Scarlett%20O%20Hara Click to send private message to Scarlett%20O%20Hara Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
35. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-05 AT 08:16 PM (EST)

No more auction items for me!!

Danni / Gary / Rafe / Brandon / Brian / Margaret / Cindy / Bobby Jon / Judd / Stephanie

Immunity: Yaxha

Holy chits, this stinks!! Foul!! I refuse to play these nefarious little reindeer games any longer! They give me backaches, headaches and I need backrubs and lots off them! Oh, woe is me, my brain hurts from all of this and my feet do too!Mayaglyphics, Mayabonus, KissMayaA$$ Mayawhatever!! Gheesh! But, I do still love you....

I'd like to trade-in my remaining 39 chits for whatever points you can give me out of the kindness of your heart.

backwards or backyards?


KObrien_fan 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-05-05, 08:07 PM (EST)
Click to EMail KObrien_fan Click to send private message to KObrien_fan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
36. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 10-06-05 AT 07:11 PM (EST)

OK, OK, I said I was going to fade off into the distance but Tribephyl, surely you know me better than that. You will have to chase me off this island and you will have to snuff my torch with me kicking and screaming all the way. I WILL NOT QUIT!!!!! I believe that it might have been a nefarious conspiracy, a plot even to get rid of me, Oh Maya God, but honestly I will not succumb just because I am going to the big D (and I don't mean defense, nor is it any small coincidence that Gary Hogeboom played his football in Dallas either) and that my friend is final. So here I am S11 ABC in Guatemala and jeesh, all the sucking up in the world and I still haven't got a shoutout, not even a backwards glance or so much as a nod or wink, what do I need to do? Has my luster worn off? Have you moved on already? Where is the lvoe? I thought I was your favorite Oh wait, that is right, you don't have a favorite (Who are we kidding, I see the way you look at Guppie) I could tell you to kissmyass but that would be just plain rude and besides you know I wouldn't mean it.

Fine, I will just post my entry and be done with this week.

Safe: Brandon / BobbyJon / Danni / Judd / Rafe / Cindy / Stephenie / Margaret / Amy

IC: Yaxha

What no more runes to pick? What, glyphs to decipher? Oh puhlease. Can I just give a big hug and shout-out to my hero twin Emydi? That means that tomorrow is her birthday

Mayabonus: Yes, it is maya bonus, all mayan

Secret Word? You know what it is.

ETA: I removed Brian just in case, I don't want to go backwards after all this...


LookeeLoo 1169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

10-05-05, 11:31 PM (EST)
Click to EMail LookeeLoo Click to send private message to LookeeLoo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
39. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
SafeList: Brian / Rafe / Stephanie / BJ / Brandon / Cindy / Danni / Judd

Immunity: Nakum

MayaBonus: I would like to cash in my 90 chits for 9 points please.

Tribe Notes:

I enjoyed my first ABCauction! I could have done without the slow connection. It gave me a headaches and a backaches. I posted backwards and forwards but at least I remembered to leave my signature off and come in naked. I needed to take a break grab some excedrin. So I also grabbed an amaretto shot and headed to the backyards for a rest.

I’m a little tired of all the crocodile shots. They just creap me out and I hope they will keep them to a minimum in the future.

I’ve had enough of the mayaglyphs! They can just kissmya$$. I could probably even attempt a translation of the PopolVuh using QuicheMaya for all my attempts at solving the secret word! These are hard! Why can’t they just be hidden in invisible ink? I need some help from the spirit guides, stat! But right now I’m just getting a lot of nefarious, cryptic whispers. I have no clue…

And though I am sorry to have some fellow survivors booted last week, the Snuff-o-matic 3000 sounded awesome!


Another Dicey Original 2004


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-06-05, 07:30 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower Click to send private message to Flowerpower Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
40. "Grace Period Red ink entry for alwaysintruble1"
LAST EDITED ON 10-06-05 AT 02:15 PM (EST)

Okay, this is fp here pitch hitting once again for the out-of-town Alwaysintruble1. I'm back in this thread trying to fill in for all of my charges and wards! Sure hope I don't screw this one up as I've consulted with the almighty master, Ms. emydom, the reigning red-ink champ! Too bad my answers won't look like hers! At any rate I'll be playing for negative points for any bonuses I may try to enter!

Safe List: Gary
IC winner: Yaxha
Secret work bonus: Nefarious, monkey twins, who knows?

I'll cash in always in trubles 85 chits for 8 negative points please!

....sure hope I did this right!


Ontheroadagain 936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

10-06-05, 10:49 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Ontheroadagain Click to send private message to Ontheroadagain Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
41. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"

Safe-List: Danni, Judd, Brandon, Brooke.

TribalImmunity: Nakum

SecretWord: Based on your clue last week that is would be sweet, I'm going with, in my nefarious way, with chocolate

MayaBonus: Since I missed the auction give me the points for my 90 chits.


kircon 3323 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-06-05, 05:58 PM (EST)
Click to EMail kircon Click to send private message to kircon Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
42. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
Wk 4 Entry

Alrighty, the last week of probation for EVERYONE. I will now try to not have the bootee on my safe-list. But with all the “I didn’t see it coming” boots, who knows. I definitely don’t want to get near that Snuff-o-matic 3000. It seems to work very well though.

Safe-List: Danni & Stephenie

Tribal Immunity: Yaxha

Secret Word: Oh Maya dear tribe. You want more words from me? My head also hurts. Come to think of it, so does the rest of my body. With a temperature degree change from 80’s to the 30’s something has to hurt. What is the temperature at LL? I won’t have to deal with snow, will I? But back to the game.

What is written in Mayaglyphs? Does this get easier? I now sacrifice between 5- 10 hours thinking about this game. There could be worse things. I look at the glyphs up-side down, backwards, and even inside out. I even tried to mow them into my backyard. Now the neighbors really think I’m strange. I’m not strange, just a DAW who loves Survivor. I have lots of friends here with the same problem. *Chuckles to herself* *I AM NOT ALONE!*

Maya Bonus: The return of the infamous ABCAuction. What fun. I wish I had more chits. I caught all three sessions of ... ABCAuction!!! Thank you for the extra 50 chits. No one else in my life gives me bonus chits. That makes you special. What a wonderful prize I won. I won 5 points. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Them’s the breaks! Isn’t that right Amy? I also have 20 chits left which makes 2 points. I would like that in negative points please.



whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

10-06-05, 06:44 PM (EST)
Click to EMail whoami Click to send private message to whoami Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
43. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 3 Results / Wk. 4 Entry"
I hope that I am not too late with this entry. Been having a lot of internet trouble and have not been able to get on line for almost a week. I was having withdraw pains because I was not able to get on the boards here and read all that is going on. or where I was in any of these games, or if I was still in them. Now I got my fix and I am alright now in fact it's a gas. Well on to my list.

Safe-List: Margoret, Rafe, Judd, Danni, Blake.Gary, Brandon, Brain, Brooke, Bobby Jon.

TribalImmunity: Nakum

I think the Mayan gods are angry with me or something along that line of thinking, or that thought path. If you play with big dogs you may git bit. If you play with the little dogs you may step on one of them and that would be a shame. it would also make a mess that would bring the alagaters out of the water. We do not want that to happen, at night or in the daylight, or by the light of a tourch at TC. That would make for a good TC to see Jeff running for his life. LOL

MayaBonus: Where is the auction and is it still open??



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