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"S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
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tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-24-05, 05:30 PM (EST)
Click to EMail tribephyl Click to send private message to tribephyl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-05 AT 04:11 PM (EST)

This is the lask week to join in the ABC.

All that action, tension and a suprise boot as well?
Break out my "Snuff-o-matic 3000"!!!
Sorry for the scare everyone. I got a little bit ahead of myself.
You must believe me when I tell you that I'm getting really excited over the possibility of being able to press that "on" button. The whoosh of the 25horsepower flame-swallowing engine. If ever anyone had suffered from Snuffer-Envy, it's probably over this beautiful piece of machinery.

However, what doesn't go my way generally means it does go yours.

For instance, this week was the final week of probation. I bet a lot of you are thankful for that.
Unfortunately, for most of you, it was your last week of safety.
The game is now in full blown bootation mode. Meaning a couple of things.
Firstly, there is no more cap to the maximum number of Safe-Listed Survivors. So you may list as many or as few as you want.
Secondly, and more importantly, you can no longer get stuck with a bootee on your safe-list or you yourself will be booted. At that point it's off to LoserLodge with you.

Unless, of course, you are one of these 18 players listed below.
Who, if you all remember, already won the HeroTwin ProbationExtention:

alwaysintruble ~ Yes
coolbluepig ~ Yes
Das Mole ~ Yes
DearAbby ~ Yes
Femme ~ Yes
Flowerpower ~ Yes
Higgs ~ Yes
Kermit the Vixen ~ Yes
kingfish ~ Yes
Kobrien_fan ~ Yes
LookeeLoo ~ Yes
lvoetulips ~ Yes
MJewel ~ Yes
RudyRules ~ Yes
Scarlett O Hara ~ Yes
smokedog ~ Yes
tvgeek ~ Yes
yensid ~ Yes

You folks still have 1 more opportunity to freely escape tribal council.
Some of you won't need it but, this can come in handy if you are still unsure about the possible bootees, which is the way it's shaping up, or are just in need of some time to re-orient yourself with strategies.
For RedInkers, this is possibly another week to get huge scores. Take advantage of that.
The only restriction you eighteen have is that the cap on the maximum number of safe-listed Survivors is still in effect and it drops to 10. If you go over, I will only take the first 10 listed.

Wk 2 Results

OH MAYA! Were we fooled or what?
Poor Morgan was not the only person who was blindsided by her boot.
In fact, if this game weren't in a probationary period, I'd have used my snuffer a total of ...err...umm... easier just to tell you there would only be 9 players left to play the game this week.
There were a select few though that managed to get comparitively good scores by miraculously managing to exclude Morgan and Lydia from their safe-lists.

Boot: Morgan, -24
Votes: Lydia, -3
Immunity: Nakum, +3; Yaxha, -2
SecretWord: "Giveaway", or a variation of...
When I posted the pre-season thread I hid the first secret word. Which most of you figured out it was "twist".
Also when I posted the Results of the first Secret Word I purposefully pluralized "SecretWords". Hoping it would set off some alarm bells.
However as to the Wk 2 secret word you would've had to concentrate on the actual name of the image.
Alas, only 3 of the players got even remotely close. If anyone had posted the word giveaway or a variation of, for instance; giving or give, they were rewarded with 5 points.
I feel I was awfully generous with the secret word for week 2. I can't promise to be so, in the future.
The 2 runes of importance this week were Transformation and Jaguar. Don't feel too badly if you didn't correctly pick any of the SilverRunes.
This was only the second week in a three week bonus, so you'll all get one more chance.
For those that have, a list of your runes follows. What they mean will be explained next week. So keep them in a safe place.

Running Rune Tally:

lvoetulips ~ star/seed/transformation/jaguar
kingfish ~ star/seed/transformation/jaguar
LookeeLoo ~ star/seed/transformation/jaguar
mimo ~ star/seed/transformation/jaguar
tvgeek ~ star/transformation/jaguar
smokedog ~ star/transformation/jaguar
Survivor Maniac ~ star/transformation/jaguar
GuessItRains ~ star/transformation/jaguar
Das Mole ~ star/jaguar
mckelviej ~ seed/transformation/jaguar
kircon ~ seed/transformation/jaguar
DearAbby ~ seed/transformation/jaguar
dreamerbeliever ~ seed/transformation/jaguar
sisyphus ~ star/seed
Mo0 ~ star/transformation
whoami ~ star/transformation
MJewel ~ star/jaguar
Molaholic ~ seed/transformation
Flowerpower ~ seed/transformation
byoffer ~ seed/transformation
Scarlett O Hara ~ transformation/jaguar
RudyRules ~ transformation/jaguar
Higgs ~ transformation/jaguar
Kobrien_fan ~ transformation/jaguar
LibraRising ~ transformation/jaguar
Lolly ~ transformation/jaguar
alwaysintruble ~ transformation/jaguar
MacabreMasquerade ~ star
Ontheroadagain ~ seed
adricharlie ~ seed
emydi ~ seed
yensid ~ transformation
oz4ever ~ transformation

Scoreboard Synopsis:

Movers and Shakers:
Scarlett O Hara and JohnMc both manage to get the weekly high score with 29 apiece. RudyRules follows very closely behind with 27. And just a few points behind that is kingfish with 24. This all means alot more to these four as there were a lot of negative scores this week. Not all of them RedInk either.
Because of the high number of MorganPickers including last weeks leader smokedog, Scarlett O Hara manages to snag her old throne. JohnMc also takes full advantage of this disparity in scores and shoots up 15 spots to claim 2nd place. Not to be out done are kingfish and RudyRules both of whom are 4th and 3rd respectively. RudyRules with a 16 spot jump and kingfish with an amazing 18 spot jump up the scoreboard. Rounding out the top 5 is another past winner GuessItRains who climbs 9 spots himself.

On the RedEnd...
The suprise boot messed up the redinkers game as well. The battle between Emydi and alwaysintruble has subsided a bit this week. As both got relatively low scores. Even though alwaysintruble takes away the bottomspot from Emydi their scores are still very close. Neither of them did as well as molaholic did though. He managed to name a few more Survivors then most of the redinkers but happened to also include Morgan on his list, scoring a respectable -22. Unlike his moletwin, DasMole. Who managed to name quite a few Survivors but missed the big negative scores by not having Morgan. Unfortunately, DasMole goes the wrong direction this week. Newly labeled RedInker kircon does show some promise with a weekly score of -5. Just like alwaysintruble received.

Rank (previous rank) Player ~ weekly score (previous score) = Total Score
1. (5)Scarlett O Hara ~ 29 (33) =62

2. (17)JohnMc ~ 29 (30) =59

3. (19)RudyRules ~ 27 (28) =55

4. (22)kingfish ~ 24 (26) =50

5. (14)GuessItRains ~ 8 (31) =39

6. (1)smokedog ~ 0 (38) =38

7. (5)Kermit the Vixen ~ 3 (33) =36
(5)dreamerbeliever ~ 3 (33) =36
(5)LookeeLoo ~ 3 (33) =36

10. (2)Higgs ~ 1 (34) =35
(2)Survivor Maniac ~ 1 (34) =35

12. (14)MJewel ~ 3 (31) =34

13. (17)mckelviej ~ 3 (30) =33

14. (5)Kobrien_fan ~ -2 (33) =31

15. (5)byoffer ~ -3 (33) =30

16. (5)tvgeek ~ -4 (33) =29
(5)Flowerpower ~ -4 (33) =29
(5)yensid ~ -4 (33) =29
(19)lvoetulips ~ 1 (28) =29
(14)DearAbby ~ -2 (31) =29

21. (2)coolbluepig ~ NoEntry ~ -7 (34) =27
(22)Rebel Crown ~ 1 (26) =27

23. (19)whoami ~ -2 (28) =26

24. (27)LibraRising ~ 3 (21) =24

25. (26)oz4ever ~ -1 (24) =23

26. (22)sisyphus ~ -4 (26) =22
(22)Lolly ~ -4 (26) =22

28. (30)mimo ~ -6 (18) =12

29. (28)Ontheroadagain ~ -9 (20) =11

30. (31)kircon ~ -5 (15) =10

31. (28)Mo0 ~ -13 (20) =7

32. (32)adricharlie ~ NoEntry ~ -6 (6) =0
(34)Femme ~ NoEntry ~ 0 (0) =0

34. (33)MacabreMasquerade ~ -6 (5) =-1

35. (36)Das Mole ~ 12 (-24) =-12

36. (35)Molaholic ~ -22 (3) =-19

37. (38)emydi ~ -1 (-30) =-31

38. (37)alwaysintruble ~ -5 (-30) =-35

Wk 3 Entry

By the light of a bright star the young group of castaways trudges their way through jaguar infested forests.
The only clue they've been given...?Make that 8 clues. 4 remain.
"Make an offering of a single maize seed to the monkey god."
But where is the monkey god? Which direction is his house? Does he even have a house?
Just then, the god of transformation appears and with a single clap of his hands the earth raises up, pushing trees and brush aside and revealing a long path leading off into the horizon. When the dust finally settles the castaways set out in the night to do their duty.
From the heavens the HeroTwins smile.

Sound familiar? It should. Now pay attention.

For most of you the ABC has now switched into serious mode. Safe-listed Bootees will result in a snuffing of your torch. That's your warning.
As a result, I am no longer able to restrict your maximum number of Survivors so feel free to list as many as you want.
Unless of course you are one of the lucky 18 with the HeroTwin ProbationExtension. You folks can only list a maximum of 10 Survivors. (Again, if you go over, I will only take the first 10 listed.)
Yet, you won't feel the shame of a snuffing if you get the bootee on your lists.

Safe-List: mandatory
Your list of Survivors who will not get a vote at TribalCouncil.

TribalImmunity: non-mandatory
Which tribe wins the Immunity challenge.

SecretWord: non-mandatory
Put the secret word anywhere in your entry and win.

MayaBonus: non-mandatory
Last week to play this "challenge". Everyone is allowed to play.
"Collecting Runes"
Your only duty is to pick 4 runes out of the following 10 RandomRunes.

If for some reason the images don't show up...
1. deer
2. eagle
3. monkey
4. night
5. storm
6. snake
7. crocodile
8. earth
9. offering
10. reed

Out of each group of Runes only a few will be worth something. So pick carefully.
I'd say that there is no rhyme or reason to your choices but I'd be lying.
So for now ... Choose your four last runes to take with you on your journey. We'll see if they bring you fortune or famine.
Good Luck!!!

Tribes: Nakum and Yaxha
Amy / Blake / Brandon / Brian / Brianna / Brooke / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Gary / Jamie / Judd / Lydia / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

Sample Entry:
Amy / Danni / Gary / Lydia / Rafe / Cindy / Brandon / Blake / Jamie / Brian
Oh Maya God!
deer / monkey / snake / crocodile

the tribe has spoken
* I have a severely abnormal attraction to messages hidden with the use of "invisible ink". Please note that this feature will be used at any time. Adjust strategies accordingly.

* I have the ability to hide things in previous threads that are only relevant in the current thread. Again, adjust your strategies accordingly.

* I also have a little bit of pull with the spirit twins, believe me when I tell you, they are on my side.

* Femme!!! Where did you go? No really? Where did you go?

* Calling coolbluepig! Where did you go CBP? Aside from the ABC, there's a game in TARFanatics that needs you.

* I can't tell you how proud I am of everyone who stepped up their word counts. Even if you didn't actually get the secret word. (Honestly, do you think I'd just give it away like that?)
Regardless, it's great to see how many people are determined this season. Plus, all the made up words give me great chuckles.

* Your doing just fine Macabre, no need to worry about an early exit.

* Good for you, oz4ever. The ABC game stragtegies take a little bit of getting used to but you seem to be getting the hang of things.

* Kermit the Nefarious?! I like it!

* Ooh. Libra. You are getting paranoid. Take a deep breath. And try on some dresses. As it's looking like Femme may be AWOL. You may have to stand in.

* lvoetulips, you are sooo sweet. Thanks for the kind words.

* JohnMc, sorry for the Scat-Chat comment. You mentioned something about "prunes" and I just RAN with it. By the way, you should reserve a room in the Lodge, if you're so sure about your demise.

* dreamerbeliever, thanks for being so conscietious about edits. But just to let you know, your edit was done before the "GracePeriod" deadline and you came out unscathed.

* Das Mole, or can I call you Das Mann!!! (Thanks for taking over the LOD.) Sorry, bout your score this week.

* YeeHaw! RudyRules! I haven't seen these kind of scores out of you in a couple of seasons. Back in fighting form, no doubt!

* Awww...RebelCrown...So sorry to hear about your pooch. I have a new puppy myself and rue the eventual day that I lose my little Cooper-pooper. Until then, I smother him with smoochs.

* MJewel, I lvoe your new siggie!

Da Rules:
Every week you will post a "safe list" of survivors still in the game.
How many is up to you. Pick as few or as many as you want. Just know, your flirting with disaster the more survivors you include.
For each survivor who does not get votes you will get points.
If you happen to name a survivor who gets votes I will take away points for every vote cast.
Anytime after the 2nd week and you list a bootee. I will boot you from the game.
I will also pose, in each new entry thread, up to 3 non-mandatory questions. Each question will be worth a different value and will vary in difficulty. They are not mandatory though.
Non-Mandatory questions:
Each week, if you choose to do so, you can take a guess at who will win Immunity. For every episode with tribes I will ask that you name a tribe to win. When the survivors merge I will begin asking for individual immunity. Point values will change when this happens.
SecretWord Bonus:
Each week a secret word will be chosen. Your duty is to include the word in your entry.
Every week I will post an extra bonus question. When, where, why, how, what will be up to me. I like to suprise people so I suggest staying vigilant and alert. The nature of these questions will change all the time, so will the point values.

Basic Point Values:
Each survivor who does not receive votes will be worth 2 points.
Each survivor who receives votes will be be worth -3 points per vote. This includes the booted survivor. This does not include quitters or people who do not receive votes but leave the show anyway.
Tribal Immunity will be worth 3 points if correct. -2 if incorrect.
Individual Immunity will be worth 6 points if corrrect. -3 if incorrect.
SecretWordBonus will be worth 5 points. 0 if incorrect. (-5 for RedInk)
Maya Discretion

Game Deadline:
Anyone can enter the game but only during the first 3 weeks. Week 4 the game will be closed to new entrants.
ProbationaryPeriod lasts for only the first 2 weeks. After that I will boot you if you have a bootee on your safe-list.
Entry Deadline:
Pre-Snews/On-Time entries are accepted until Wednesday at 11:59pm et. and will get 2 free point if no edits are made after the wednesday deadline.
Grace Period entries are accepted between the Wednesday deadline and Thursdays showtime. 7:59pm et. Anyone entering during GracePeriod will automatically receive a penalty of -5 points.
Any Entries made (or edited) after the Thursday showtime will not be counted.
If a player misses making an entry. I will use their previous weeks "safe list" as their new entry. (No Immunity or Bonuses)

REDINK subtleties:
If you decide to answer the bonus questions, they should come with messages of intention for negative points. If you don't verify your intentions I will "assume" you wanted positive points.
If you want to enter early, don't want to edit and still want the -5 points for posting late, simply title your post as "AutomaticPenalty" or "GracePeriodEntry"


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 AutomaticPenalty Das Mole 09-24-05 1
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... oz4ever 09-24-05 2
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... MacabreMasquerade 09-24-05 3
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... smokedog 09-25-05 4
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... Mo0 09-25-05 5
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... Lolly 09-25-05 6
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... Survivor Maniac 09-25-05 7
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... tvgeek401 09-26-05 8
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... Higgs 09-26-05 9
   Higgs tribephyl 10-05-05 37
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... JohnMc 09-26-05 10
 LL, here I come! lvoetulips 09-26-05 11
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... kingfish 09-26-05 12
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... mimo 09-26-05 13
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... byoffer 09-26-05 14
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... Rebel Crown 09-26-05 15
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... Scarlett O Hara 09-27-05 16
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... LibraRising 09-27-05 17
 Vix Pix Kermit the Vixen 09-27-05 18
 Early Bird Red Molaholic 09-27-05 19
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... DearAbby 09-27-05 20
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... whoami 09-27-05 21
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... mckelviej 09-28-05 22
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... yensid 09-28-05 23
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... RudyRules 09-28-05 24
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... dreamerbeliever 09-28-05 25
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... sisyphus 09-28-05 26
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... MJewel 09-28-05 27
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... GuessItRains 09-28-05 28
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... KObrien_fan 09-28-05 29
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... alwaysintruble1 09-28-05 30
   Oops, forgot the re... alwaysintruble1 09-28-05 33
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... LookeeLoo 09-28-05 31
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... Flowerpower 09-28-05 32
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... Ontheroadagain 09-29-05 34
 RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Ent... emydi 09-29-05 35
 RE: SRE: S11ABC: Wk... kircon 09-29-05 36

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Das Mole 2366 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

09-24-05, 07:02 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Das%20Mole Click to send private message to Das%20Mole Click to view user profile Click to send message via ICQ Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "AutomaticPenalty"
Oh, God am I an idiot. I thought Morgan was not safe at all (see the PTTE), but I think I got my games mixed up and took her off the list like I would've done in the PTB. Oh well

Safe-List: mandatory
Blake / Brianna / Rafe

TribalImmunity: non-mandatory

SecretWord: non-mandatory

MayaBonus: non-mandatory
Earth, Monkey, Night, Offering

Hopefully that week of extra probation will let me raise my score!! I mean, lower it. I definitely do not want to raise it again, lol.


oz4ever 1604 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-24-05, 08:41 PM (EST)
Click to EMail oz4ever Click to send private message to oz4ever Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
SafeList: Brian / Brianna / Brooke / Cindy / Margaret
Immunity: Yaxha
SecretWordBonus: Sometimes when you are in Survivor: Guatemala people like Gary, a former NFL quarterback, tell lies and deny the truth when a woman from the other, opposing tribe blurts it out during a mud-wrestling flirt session.
MayaBonus: eagle / storm / crocodile / offering

Handcrafted by RollDdice


MacabreMasquerade 927 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-24-05, 11:50 PM (EST)
Click to EMail MacabreMasquerade Click to send private message to MacabreMasquerade Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-05 AT 03:22 PM (EST)

Safe List: Steph, Gary, Danni, Brian, Jamie, Cindy, Brandon, Lydia, Brooke, Judd (all or nothing )

Words: I give up on this, my head hurts

Maya Bonus: Ummm...? night, earth, offering, monkey?

Morgan was not the bootee last week! Give me back my points! (I'm still in denial...) And because I haven't an original thought: Oh Maya God, what a nefarious thing to do to poor Morgan!


smokedog 1885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-25-05, 00:19 AM (EST)
Click to EMail smokedog Click to send private message to smokedog Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-25-05 AT 00:25 AM (EST)

Brandon / Brian / Brooke / Cindy / Danni / Jamie / Judd
/ Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

>3. monkey
>4. night
>8. earth
>9. offering

Oh Maya God is right! What a disastrous week - but I'll come back


Mo0 427 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

09-25-05, 01:33 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Mo0 Click to send private message to Mo0 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Rafe / Judd / Danni
Deer / Night / Snake / Offering

Morgan out of NOWHERE! Anyone else think her mugshot looks like Amy Poehler from SNL?
I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.


Lolly 721 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-25-05, 09:50 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Lolly Click to send private message to Lolly Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-05 AT 11:25 PM (EST)

Yikes, that was so close it singed my eyelashes. I'm thinking fire means death this season, as in sacrifice--and human sheep are gonna get burned faster than they can cry a feeble "baaa."

Safe List: Brandon / Brian / Brooke / Cindy / Danni / Judd / Rafe / Stephenie

Tribal Immunity: Nakum

SecretWord: serious snuffing probabtion sheep flame whoosh!

MayaBonus: monkey, night, earth, offering


Survivor Maniac 1295 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

09-25-05, 02:53 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Survivor%20Maniac Click to send private message to Survivor%20Maniac Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Safe-List: Stephenie, Gary, Danni, Brian, Jamie, Cindy, Brandon, Brianna, Brooke, Judd

TribalImmunity: Yaxha

SecretWord: The Tribe has Spoken.

Monkey, Night, Crocodile, Earth


tvgeek401 1615 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-26-05, 02:13 AM (EST)
Click to EMail tvgeek401 Click to send private message to tvgeek401 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Safe: Brandon / Brian / Brooke / Cindy / Danni / Jamie / Judd / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

IC: Nakum
SecretWord: I spent a good twenty minutes trying to figure this out. I failed miserably. And I had a headache.
MayaBonus: monkey, night, earth, offering.

A Cygnus Masterpiece ignore this space. ignore, ignore, ignore this spaceIcecat is da bomb!
Man, my performance last week was just terrible. Embarrassing, in fact.


Higgs 1401 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

09-26-05, 08:23 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Higgs Click to send private message to Higgs Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Safe List: Brandon, Brian, Bobby Jon, Cindy, Danni, Jamie, Judd, Margaret, Rafe, Stephenie
Immunity: Nakum
Maya Bonus: Monkey, Night, Earth, Offering

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-05-05, 08:46 PM (EST)
Click to EMail tribephyl Click to send private message to tribephyl Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
37. "Higgs"
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-05 AT 08:47 PM (EST)



JohnMc 2679 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"

09-26-05, 10:53 AM (EST)
Click to EMail JohnMc Click to send private message to JohnMc Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-05 AT 10:24 AM (EST)

Safe list:

Danni / Rafe / Cindy / Brandon / Bobby Jon / Judd / Margaret / Brooke/ Stephanie / Brian



Secret Word Bonus:

Let me begin by saying that I am surprised to be up with the beautiful and luscious Scarlett. I thought I was doing terrible and then I end up in second! Holy alliances, Batman! But did I actually just copy Scarlett's entry?!? I'm not really sure.

As far as the prunes go, I must admit that I wasn't going quite that far! I am SO not getting any runes so far! DOH!

Maya Bonus:

Night, Earth, Offering, Monkey

edit to change my mind on boots. I'm a follower on this, not a leader.


lvoetulips 1025 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

09-26-05, 08:40 PM (EST)
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11. "LL, here I come!"
I know, one more week of probation, but I foresee LL ahead of me. IMHO, this game is soooo fun, but quite tough for my measly little brain.

Oh Maya achin' brain!

I started one too!


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-05, 09:25 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-27-05 AT 09:31 AM (EST)

Safe list: Brian, Briana, Gary, Jamie, Stephenie, Brandon, Brooke, Danni, Judd, Margaret, Bobby Jon

TribalImmunity: Nakum

Secret word. Yaxha, nakum, kingfish, scarlett, Tribe, bling bling, bicep, torn, Croc, eats, Crazy, swimmers, this, week.

(See I can do hidden sentences too! Of course we would all feel so very terrible if a croc ate the poor survivors. Where is Boston Rob when you could actually use him? Fairplay would do).

BTW what kind of crazy riddles are these? Hidden word? Hidden where? I got your hidden word right here ....

Continued: Mayan bonus
monkey, earth, night, offering

(But of course, a Survivor/Maya theme. The Monkey God, Rupert; the Earth God, Scout; the Night God, Janu; and the Twin (chocolate)Offering Gods, Jenna M. and Heidi)

Come on over, sit down on this very convenient bench. Even better, take a lie down. Now just close your eyes for a minute....


mimo 563 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-26-05, 10:26 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Blake / Brandon / Danni / Margaret / Stephenie

monkey / night / earth / offering

OK.. have to admit I'm going through this pretty blindly -- didn't help that I was travelling last week and missed the episode. and of course my dream interpretation skills are sadly lacking. argh all these trials and tribulations (or should it be trails?) anyway, i'm keeping the safe list modest in order to try to avoid the snuff-o-matic. let's see.....


byoffer 15947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-05, 10:32 PM (EST)
Click to EMail byoffer Click to send private message to byoffer Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
14. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Safe-List: mandatory
Your list of Survivors who will not get a vote at TribalCouncil.
Brandon / Brian / Brianna / Brooke / Cindy / Danni / Gary / Jamie / Judd / Margaret / Stephenie

TribalImmunity: Nakum

MayaBonus: "Collecting Runes" monkey, crocodile, snake, offering
(now in a sentence: the monkey was offering his snake to the crocodile....)

Is there a limit to the number of rooms I can get in Loser Lodge??


Rebel Crown 1413 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

09-26-05, 10:48 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-26-05 AT 10:55 PM (EST)

Thanks, tribe! Give Cooper a big hug for me.

I'm going into this episode blind-didn't get to see last week due to a power outage for over 2 days. Missed the Apprentice opener, too. I wish I HAD missed Martha's version, but noooo...!

Brandon / Brian / Danni / Jamie / Judd / Lydia / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

Immunity - Yaxha

Bonus -


Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-27-05, 08:56 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Scarlett%20O%20Hara Click to send private message to Scarlett%20O%20Hara Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
16. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Danni / Rafe / Cindy / Brandon / Bobby Jon / Judd / Margaret / Brooke/ Stephanie / Brian
Immunity: Nakum
SecretWordBonus: Oh Maya God! I have no idea ... my brain and head ache with all of this searching ... Your nefarious twists do not give anything away ...
offering / monkey / Earth / night



LibraRising 2847 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-27-05, 04:33 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Let me first just say WTG to everyone who's doing better than me in the ABC game. Which is, almost everyone. But I can say at least that I understand better what's going on than I did in the initial stages. If nothing else, I'll be seeing some of you lovely folks at Loser Lodge quite soon, and we'll just have fun there.

Paranoid? You betcha. But no dresses for me, for now. I'm femme but not draggy, I'm afraid. Unless there's a sweet treat like money involved. Or BJ. I meant Bobby Jon, of course. All you people with dirty minds.

But back to the dresses. I think a multi-colored coat would be more appropriate this week. But WTF? Even Joseph had his limits.

OMG. I almost forgot to include my entry. Here goes. And I'm playing conservatively this week, since I was not among the HeroTwins bonus folk.

Safe-List: Danni, Stephenie, Brandon, Rafe, Judd

TribalImmunity: Nakum

MayaBonus: Monkey, Offering, Earth, Night

A kyngsladye/IceCat masterpiece.


Kermit the Vixen 1639 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-27-05, 07:19 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Kermit%20the%20Vixen Click to send private message to Kermit%20the%20Vixen Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
18. "Vix Pix"
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-05 AT 11:00 PM (EST)

Ok, tribe, let me tell you something. I do not like this "secret word" nonsense. I mean, the first one was fairly easy, but WTF?? I am a terrible secret-word finder and now, despite years of hiding it, the WHOLE FREAKING WORLD KNOWS! Fine. You want to humiliate me? You want to bring me to my knees, tribe? Is that what it's come to between us? Fine. I'll say it again for any freaking one of you who didn't hear me. I AM A TERRIBLE SECRET-WORD FINDER! (sobbing with face in hands) I just can't live the lie anymore.

<quivering>I am now on the verge of a break down.

{gathering strength, admitting my failure, moving on, deep breath}

Ahem. May I have your attention please? I, Kermit the Nefarious Vixen would like to proudly announce that I am fine, I am over it, I am good enough, and dog-gone it, people like me. Nothing to see here... move along. That is all.

Safe: Blake, Brandon, Brian, Brooke, Cindy, Gary, Jamie, Judd, Lydia, Margaret, Rafe, Stephenie

Immunity: Nakum

Secret Word: <eyes=glaring> Don't go there, tribe. </glaring>

Runes: money, night, earth, offering

Edited only to correct typo

They're coming to take me away - ha ha. They're coming to take me away - hee hee.


Molaholic 9015 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-27-05, 08:17 PM (EST)
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19. "Early Bird Red"
LAST EDITED ON 09-27-05 AT 08:29 PM (EST)

Uhhh. that title should count as "AutoPenalty", right?

Wow -- top (bottom?) red points for the weak week. What can I say? I am truely humbled by my blind luck. This turn of events really makes me wonder just where in the greater scheme of things my destiny lies. Hell's bells, I may just give up a mildly agrivating teaching career to take up professional prognostication! How much money is there in bullsh!t? (I bet Penn and Teller could tell us...) Anyway -- thanks for the shoutout and please, please, whatever you do -- don't think for the moment that I'll manage to duplicate this unholy event ever again. Unless of course, somebody out there is working some kind of 'Intelligent Design' on my ass...

Danni, Gary, Amy, Margaret, Rafe, Judd
You're kidding, right? Who the heck has the insight (or is it just plain sadism?) to think along your lines? What do we look like, anywho? I say just let us wallow in howler monkey shit for a couple of hours and be done with it.

edited because I was stupid -- thrice

(*) (*) is kewl


DearAbby 3008 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-27-05, 08:34 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
SafeList: Brandon / Brian / Brianna / Brooke / Danni / Judd / Lydia / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie
It's probably a good thing I have an extra week of probation!
SecretWordBonus: Golly, gee whiz! My initial reaction tonight was that I hope this time it's not as hard as reading "Giveaway" in the name of an image. That was quite a trick you pulled on us—in the second week, no less. But it sure was sweet of you to give points to everyone who came close. If you’ll read my Week 2 entry again—I’ll be helpful and copy it below—you’ll see that I, too, deserve the bonus points treat. It wasn’t too obvious, so I know you just missed it. It would be great if I can figure out the meaning of the dream that Jims02 had last night. I love riddles, so I’m gonna look real hard and try every angle until I’m certain I’ve found the secret word. I sure can’t afford to be wrong! I’ve got a way to go to catch up to the lovely Miss Scarlett, and maybe by next week I won’t be so far behind.

MayaBonus: Monkey / Night / Earth / Offering

Every week I enter this game, I think I'm doing a good job.
Really! I couldn't believe I actually lost points last week.
Rarely do I feel bad about any of the choices that I make.
I think last week was terrible for almost all of us, though.
But maybe I can bounce back this week. *fingers crossed*
Let's hope that I can come up with better picks this time.
Eventually I may come out ahead, like I did on BBRAT.

Here’s proof that I had the SecretWordBonus last week:
Since choosing “wisdom” wasn’t a wise choice for my MayaBonus last week, I hope I did better this time. I'm having great fun with this game, Tribe! And, no, that's not just a suck-up. (Okay, maybe it is a suck-up.) Anyway ...


whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-27-05, 11:00 PM (EST)
Click to EMail whoami Click to send private message to whoami Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
21. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Safe-List: Blake / Brandon / Brooke / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Gary / Jamie / Judd / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

TribalImmunity: Nakum

SecretWord: Oh Maya God, What I want to know is how do I write in invisible ink??? So then I can tell you what I think about this Secret word monky dodo stuff, or something like that. Maybe if I just keep typing till my fingers fall off I may just hit it. That maybe hard as I do not know that many words, so I will have to get out my trusty whatever that book is with all thoes words in it. Now lets see the first word is A,.......all the way to zymurgy, hmmmmm. Ok Since I have listed the first and last word in my dictionary if the scret word falls inbetween them do I get points for it. OK? I did not mean that crack about your secret word. Honest you are the best game host I know.

MayaBonus: Snake, Monkey, crocodile, earth.


mckelviej 324 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

09-28-05, 04:12 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
SafeList: Brandon / Brian / Brianna / Bobby Jon / Cindy / Danni / Gary / Jamie / Judd / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie
Immunity: Nakum
SecretWordBonus: I dunno.
MayaBonus: Earth / Monkey / Night / Offering

yensid 786 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-28-05, 11:10 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-05 AT 11:31 AM (EST)

Brian, Brooke, Cindy, Margaret, Stephanie, Danni, Jamie, Brandon, Judd, Rafe


Oh Maya God! This is very difficult this week. I have been trying to study this and I can't figure it out. What with The Amazing Race and The Apprentice starting up, I can hardly keep track of these games. I need to get some help. I have enough trouble trying to get the correct runes, not to mention trying to figure out Mayan secret words. So lets make a guess, Survivor, Guatemala, monkey, crocodile, water, swimming, fish, basketball, war paint, immunity, snuffer, flame, snuff-o-matic.

Runes: monkey, night, earth, offering


RudyRules 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-05, 11:23 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-05 AT 11:23 AM (EST)

"I'm movin' on up..."

Safe: Danni, Rafe, Cindy, Brandon, Bobby Jon, Judd, Margaret, Brooke, Stephanie, Brian

Immunity: Nakum

SecretWordBonus: Oh my poor head hurts from your ramblings and nefarious twists. I suppose that it could be in this sentence but then again, I think it to be highly unlikely and in fact, it is more likely that I will be sacrificed to the Mayan Gods than to guess your word.

monkey, Earth, night, offering

Your defending two time college football pool champion


dreamerbeliever 3380 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-28-05, 01:41 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
SafeList: Brandon / Brian / BobbyJon / Danni / Judd / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

Immunity: Nakum

SecretWordBonus: As James said in Palau, my God is better then your oh Maya God. These nefarious twists really do make my brain hurt some.

offering / monkey / Earth / night


sisyphus 321 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

09-28-05, 04:51 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Danni,Cindy,Brandon, Brian
Oh Maya God!....what are you doing to me it is just a really terrible thing. I will guess anyway...could it be...alliance
monkey, earth, snake, storm

MJewel 1951 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-28-05, 05:30 PM (EST)
Click to EMail MJewel Click to send private message to MJewel Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
27. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Safe-List: Brooke, Brandon, Cindy, Danni, Judd, Margaret, Stephenie, Brian, Bobby Jon, Rafe

TribalImmunity: Nakum

SecretWord: What a head rush...a fantastic, cataclysmic, showstopping, whoosh of the wind, meltdown, let's not sugarcoat it, I don't know what to say type of puzzle know like things that make you go hmmmmmmm. Is it a riddle or a trick? A dream or a secret? Don't read too much into it sweetness not for a second. Garfield, odie, jims 02 and the teddy bear all deserve a treat but if you know...don't tell anyone! I have been looking everywhere for this secret word...north, south, east, west, up, down and all around...but alas I am not sure. I am sure the monky god and his house clan know.

MayaBonus: (Random or maybe not)

monkey, night ,earth, offering


Glad you lvoe my new siggie : ). I really like playing your's very challenging and creative!


GuessItRains 700 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-28-05, 06:32 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
I'm in fifth?? I'm not following spoilers this year, my head aches I'm so overwhelmed at work (though at least I'm not vomiting like Blake or being dragged through the mud by Judd like Gary and Jamie...maybe Scarlett will drag me through the mud though <yum>) and i'm fifth? What's with this game?

SafeList: Brandon / Brian / Brooke / Cindy / Danni / Judd / Stephenie
Immunity: Nakum
SecretWord Bonus: Oh MayaGod Tribephyl! Has it been nefarious yet?
MayaBonus: monkey / night / earth / offering


KObrien_fan 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-05, 07:39 PM (EST)
Click to EMail KObrien_fan Click to send private message to KObrien_fan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
29. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Brandon / Brian / Brooke / Cindy / Danni / Jamie / Judd
/ Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

3. monkey
4. night
8. earth
9. offering

Oh Maya God, you have got to be kidding me? It is almost October, wow! Well I don't have much time to chat as I am on a plane early tomorrow headed to Dallas for a visit. Hopefully I will get a free moment thursday night to watch the show


alwaysintruble1 2878 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-28-05, 08:18 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Safe-List:Amy Gary


SecretWord: Put the secret word anywhere in your entry and win....Oh maya goodness, this is getting out of hand. We all know that you are just too tricky for us to figure out what word you are trying to make us guess this week. From now on i'm going to just copy websters into my entry each week. Or better yet, here's my guess for the secret word:aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz. There that should cover just about any so call secret word you can come up with. Who am I kidding, I should just be heading over to the LL to assume my nemo personality now and get it over with.

MayaBonus: Monkey/Night/Offering/Eagle


alwaysintruble1 2878 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-28-05, 11:52 PM (EST)
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33. "Oops, forgot the red ink part"
Forgot to put in the Red Ink part.

LookeeLoo 1169 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

09-28-05, 08:20 PM (EST)
Click to EMail LookeeLoo Click to send private message to LookeeLoo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
31. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
SafeList: Brian / Gary / Stephanie / BJ / Brandon / Brooke / Cindy / Danni / Judd / Margaret

Immunity: Nakum

MayaBonus: Offering, Monkey, Earth, Night

Tribe Notes:

Has anyone found Femme yet? This is a bit worrisome…

Wow, two past winners in top 5! I guess I’m the mediocre one once again. My showing is terrible so far. Oh, Maya God!

Tribe, I don’t know quite how you did it, but you seem to have given a lot of players headaches! What’s up with that?


Another Dicey Original 2004


Flowerpower 7262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-28-05, 09:19 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower Click to send private message to Flowerpower Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
32. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Safe-List: mandatory
Your list of Survivors who will not get a vote at TribalCouncil.
BJ, Cindy, Brandon, Judd, Margaret, Brooke, Danni, Blake, Brian, Rafe, Stephenie
TribalImmunity: non-mandatory: Nakum

SecretWord: non-mandatory
Put the secret word anywhere in your entry and win. Okay Tribe, I don't know what kind of secret shenanigans you are up to with this secret word, I've looked high and low and in between the lines to no avail. Maybe you'll find it in your heart to giveaway a few points for me this week....if more peeps don't start getting the elusive secret word, perhaps we'll have to sacrifice our all mighty hero twins along with our all knowing and beloved, and did I say handsome and charming host with the most to the Mayan gods....maybe then you'll stop monkeying around and give us some POINTS!....pretty please??? In other words I have no idea what the word is, but I get the impression that you love it when we ramble. Oh, and tribal council, vote, lie, cheat, outwit, outplay, outlast, boot, booty, bootiful, snake, rat, spider, crocodile, jaguar, kangaroo, Jiffy, host, BJ, Stephenie, liar, nefarious, survivor

MayaBonus: non-mandatory
Last week to play this "challenge". Everyone is allowed to play.
"Collecting Runes"
Your only duty is to pick 4 runes out of the following 10 RandomRunes.
hmmmmm....I'll pick Offering, Monkey, Earth, and Night


Ontheroadagain 936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-29-05, 02:19 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Ontheroadagain Click to send private message to Ontheroadagain Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
34. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Danni / Brandon / Judd / Bobby Jon / Margaret / Blake / Brian / Stephenie

Immunity: Nakum

SecretWordBonus: Horizon

Monkey/ Night/ Earth/ Offering


emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-29-05, 02:46 PM (EST)
Click to EMail emydi Click to send private message to emydi Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
35. "RE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
LAST EDITED ON 09-29-05 AT 03:04 PM (EST)

Red ink entry and it's late as usual for me this season!! I want negative pts for any bonus questions I stumble over and answer right.

Safe-List: Lydia

TribalImmunity: Yaxha

SecretWord: I have no idea..I was going to copy and paste every other player's answer here but that's not being a good sport give me a few points for going away quietly tribey

MayaBonus: monkey offering earth night

ok i am officially a dundahead


kircon 3323 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-29-05, 05:02 PM (EST)
Click to EMail kircon Click to send private message to kircon Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
36. "RE: SRE: S11ABC: Wk 2 Results / Wk 3 Entry"
Here goes my offering to the Great Spirit Twins. I hope I have figured this game out.

SafeList: Gary / Rafe / Blake /

Immunity: Yaxha

MayaBonus: MONKEY / NIGHT / EARTH / OFFERING I am keeping my runes in a very safe place.

Secret Word Bonus: Oh Maya God! Oh Maya Spirit Twins! Oh Maya, Maya, Maya! Tribe your secret word bonus is like the newly photographed Architeuthis. One of the strangest & most elusive creatures in the world. Our minds hurt from all the searching for this certain secret word. As I lay awake last night trying to think of the secret word, I couldn’t dream. I decided to list a word for every letter.

A- ABC Anti Boot Contest, B- BJ, C- Clues & Castaways. I will miss the first survivor, Bob Denver, Rest is Peace Little Buddy! D- DAW, E-eight clues left, F- Forest, Famine, & Fanatic, G- GPE or Grace Period Entry, H- Hero Twins, I- IC, IRL angle, J-Jim, our first Bootie, K-kircon, what else could I put, L- LL, where most of us will end up, M-Maya, N-Nakum, O- Outwit, Outplay, & Outlast. An Offering. Hope this pleases you tribe., P- PM, Don’t you love this feature. I do, it lets me ask beginner questions and not fell too stupid. Thanks Tribe, Q- Questions, Thanks every one for answering mine., R- Rune & RI, Red Ink , S- “Snuff-O-Matic 3000”, please don’t use this on me., T- tribephyl, you have the twist we’re all looking for.,
U- UTR, may I also follow this path., V- Virgin, Must we sacrifice them?, W- Walk, 11 miles that is, Don’t go the wrong way., X- X marks the spot. Have I hit it yet., Y- Yaxha and Yee Haw, Z- Zoo.

Please give me negitive points on all my bonus'.Thank you. The game is now in full blown bootation mode. I hope I can be an ABC Survivor.



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